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A HERMIT IN THE HIMALAYAS The workosf D r Brunton In chronologicaolr der A SEARCH IX SECRET INDIA THE SECRET PATH A SEARCH IN SECRET EGYPT A MESSAGE FROM ARUNACHALA A HER:o.fIT IN THE HIMALAYAS THE Q.UEST OF THE OVERSELF THE INNER REALITY INDIAN PHILOSOPHY AND MODERN CULTURE THE HIDDEN TEACHING BEYOND YOGA THE 'NISDOM OF THE OVERSELF THE SPIRITUAL CRISIS OF MAN PAUL BRUNTON A HERMIT IN THE HIMALAYAS TheJ ournoafa l L onely Exile CBD B. I. PUBLICATIONS Bombay CalcuttaD elhiMadras - - - B. I. PUBLICATIONS HeaOdjft ce : 54, JanpatDhE,L H�1IE ·W1 0001. RegioOnffiacle s: 18, Lansdowne Road,3 9B OMBA Y-4000 13, GO\1. CPAlLaCcUeT TEa00As00·t17, 13D,� I¥gDaEnLjH,I· lIOOO6 35m,M oad M A f'lI;> �•tv=J C First Pub1lis9hed3 7 1st Indian Edition 1971 �..!I!rin!1ed924 . !his editihoans bepeunb lisihnIed n dibay arrangement wIth MessersC oR.3i,,d eFrr i&t zroy Squ",a"r.eI, London, PRINTED IN INOlA Publisbhye dK . P. ChuraPumbalniica tfi5oo4rnJ, san B,p. a tNLhe .w Delhi-\ and printed by K. L. PSarcihndt1ee!vr3asS.I.5 d ,-S GkyRalohaa rdkN, e w Delhi·55 CONTENTS u,\U Foreword 7 PrefatcoFe irs tB ritEidsiht ion 10 r. The Philosop,hyF roifen dship-OPno ny-bina cthke Rima - " la.�MyB ungalow ona Mountain-top 13 n.Pr�jecEtxpeeddi tion toM ounKta ilasT iibent -Magnifi.- ", ·ceru:e ottShn�owy MquntSaceinne ry-DIisc ove"rTh e . " Sanctuary" 22 m. A Medittaiono nB ritRiulseh inI ndiaa ndo nP olitical Strife-NeceossfSi ptiyr ituaPlizoilintgi cs-TChoen trol ofTh oughts-AS ecroefCot n centration 3::1 IV. My Quesotf InneSrtil lntss-ThReem �mbranocfeF ormer Births-A Bud dhist Method of TappingP re-natal Memory-:Nature's,:purpose with'� d-On Unity with Nature 40 v. UnexpectedV isit by TYwogoi s--Pilgrl)nsan d Shrines in dieHimal ayas-Powero ut Sotilfln es" s , 49 VI. A Cross-sectionThr ough My Mail-AW.o uld-beS uicide andM y Answer-Telepathitco S Aitudde nts 59 vn. ReflectionsU ponth e Futureo fT ibet-SirF rancisY oung­ husbandExperi'esn ces-Destiny ofOri eT',� and Occident 67 vm. A Correspondent Decries My Retreoma thte W f.o.r ld-The Virtueso fIdesise naSnodl itude-MReliygi on-The New Testament-Jesausn d His Critics 76 rL Storm-Precursorso fth eM onsoon-My Animal Visitors- TheQ uestiono fC lothes 88 x. AnotherV isit ab Yyo gi-HiAsd venturJoousu rnefroym Kashmir to� lounKatilas- His Wanderinigsn W estern Tibet-Hohis' ",M asterL iveNdak ed Amid theS now- Exp lanations ofth e Feat 97 XI. On Philosophayn dF un-Reflectionso n Mr. Charles Chaplin-His Silent Art anGedni us-The Necessiotyf Modernizing Yoga-The InadvisaboifliAsce ttiycism - Some Truths aboutS ex andY oga I I 1 D. A Sacred Influx in Stthileesls- nMountain-climbing ExpeditianodnsTh eirS ignificance 123 XIII. An Encountwierth aP anther-ProThbel em of Nature's Cruelty 131 5 CONTEl'OTS P4Ga XlV. A Visiotf a NepalPeser ince-QAu eerExperi ence wiath Fakir and Spai rit-WEexp lorea BeautifulRi ver Valley-An Adventurwei th a Mad Elephant- Buddhism Nienp al-Krishnaan dB uddhCao mpared 137 xv. My Nightilnthy e OVpiengi-lsR eflectoino nsth e Stars- TheT ruth aAsbtrooulto gy-TheM ysteryo fS irius-Are the aPnlets Peopled?-ThSeym bolismo ft heS un-The Deodar TreSepeaks- Farewell toM y Bungalow 152 XVI. I Set AgaiOnu to nH orseback-GorgeousP anoramai n TehriS't ate-MJyo urneyAl ong the Ridge-Topasn d MountaiTnr aiIs-ThroutghheF orests iDna rtheskesn .- I Arriatv Per atapnagar 162 XVII. TheS no,,",1'G iants Hoifm alaya-AAnt tackb ya Bear 171 xvm. TheD eligohftsT ea-drinking-Howt heM onsooSnt orms BreakO ut 179 Epilegue 186 FOREWORD By PRINCEM USSOOREES HU.H SHERE JUNeB AHADUR RANA of !<"EPAL Ita ffomer mdsu cph leastou rwriett hee isnet roduwocrtdso tryot hist,he latestlm yfof ri end PauBlru ntonb'oso ks.s ceneT heis saetm itdhel ong and famous rangemo uojnta ins whicshe paraItndeiasf roCme ntAsriaal. The ridges andp eakwsh icthh aeu thodre scrias bheess ,a w,thienTm e hri Statea,r ebu ta continuarift miyoo nwn belovNeedp aHliemaslaey aBso.rn as Iwas int hese mount1a ihru'nsea, strong faofftrheeH citmiaolnq yaasnd , themo mmts spernetad inagb outth eimn B runtoonr'isg ianandl a ttractive proshaDee behaenp pyo nes. Onlyt hosweho haveb eerena raet!mo ngt he forestr-acnglaeondst hed snow-clhade iogfhHi tsma laywai klnlo tw hathe has noto ver-prtahiseemd budto ntehem simpjlue sticmeus.tr emaiTnh e;tmo'hes t stuspieginnh dto us all Asia, naayl tlihe nll: orld. Priorto leavithengm ountatihnsae u thovri simet efdo r fewa dayasnd duringh iss tasyh oweme dt hmae nuscriopf"tA H ermitt hHiein ma layas". Itw as then0 11.t0'ha tI discovertehdere ianf ewp agedse vottoe mdy o wn sudden visitot h isr etrewahetn, I crosseridd gesto hen h orsebtachkr ough friendship foorne whom rIe gaasr das piriptruoaplho efot ur time. Had I known thath isr etenmetmoi,:v'1ew1 as ma kign sileanntds ecrnoetets aofltha lt 1s aiIdm ,i ghhatv eb eena litmotrleec arefiunlm yu tteraFncoeIsr ! d id not know thathe was keepijngo uari nnaw lh ihcerh e corsdoemedo f t hteh oughts, events and conversatioodnsd ati nFtervoratlusnatI.ec a bn trusth ids iscretion not puto blismatht ersw hicahrnoe t t hepu blicc'osnc ern. This new bookb,ei ngb uta j ournalis, tome morien teretshtiaan ng studiocusobmp osweodr k,ijotner c essryab rieaarns a irof intimacy andfrank­ ness whichtIJTI usually bejo undi nd iariaensdj ournaallson Ieta. d mitone s into the mosste erettho ughts ofg iftthewriedt er.H e oltdme thatw henhe looktehdr outgheph a gebsefo re showinthemg to me he foundt ILPmt obe I nu.was writteinn1 936. 7 FOREWORD "horergiobtilys taincJdae ll"t, inctliocne odns igtnh etomb u ritianld etrh e mountawihnse re u:tehreywe r ittBeunt.I assurheidm tehgaott iiss amn essenptairaotjl e vemryem oiarn,d t hatth esmee moiorsjh isl ife int he Himala)c'aasn enostc afrpoe ma qualwhiirycg hi vaeddse idn teraensdt attrtaoc tliitoeenvT eatntho uuTgihet , mabyer epz;lisnis voec iery. Duringt hes joournu 'hisi tchsheu bojjte hcibtso oPka,u Blr untwoasn, 1 belithee voe,n wryh imatne li.'ing in ltihtet le-Sktnoawoftne TeCherrita.i nry few Europcearateonsg o nUJadoi suolltdaht emse elamvidew sil adnd rugged mountfaiaJnsrr o tmh hea unotjcs i visloic.t.aieseh deryh a,sd oneN.e vertheless Ife eslur et halietg aInheidrt!s U 'arJao,re v end urings hotprheter iwohedn I was hics ompaIn muisostna yt hatth dea ry seemamrveeall ousO:TU WIlS u:afieadUi qy.fr omal lt hea u/urlea litesi ofh umdlulifem toa wordl of dleapms,! oacndse p irituali!}'. Ont hilsas tt heimt es umsm e ttoh ahtis i deiasn g enerale,x pars essed here aontdh beoiron k arse,s p ecifiatlte�dvfo rt hgeu idaojnc eW esteprne ople ando ft hoisnpc reasinnumgeryr ouOs rienwthaolh sa vtea ketnto h emiord e of lit'intgh iankndiJ np ger. sonalerya sfiitneourd n deirlsmat al!Jln di ntricate subtletoiuerosw n Aoj sipahtiilocs oapnhdsi peisr itteucahln iiqnucelsu,d ing Togaw,h enex plaibnyeB dru ntoinn h issc iernattifiiocmon,da elm, and unsec/amarnineatrnh au:nll ene xpounidnet dh atnc ienwta ysw,h icahre so remoftroem t wentcieetrynh ut nuderstanding. Onec omesac rosmas1! Vp assaignte hssec ripotjum roesrste ligwihoensr e mentioinsm adeo jt hSep isrpiftak iindn igffi rewnatsy ,t hrough different tonguaensd dmiif17ze. rIa emn cton vinctehadtB runtoinso Tleof thec hosen inslrutmor len-tisnt thheea rlf-lporwriets td oomft heE astto t hocsaegu ht up inI he mecnlaifeon iftche a l,-j:es ta,nd thuss erHviesc a USt. A boloiktk heiis si ntendetdhfoorwsh eo h avee itsyhmpeartho ryy earning fort kien nlerife thoje S pirIi tca.n g augteh pe rofoiugnnodr aonjct ehe Tiviewwehro ,i na certaEiunr opean-mannaegwesdp apoefrC alcutta, denounctehdae u thoera'rsl wioerrk " A SearicnSn e cret Iasn fdailsa,e" denilehdee x istoejnca en ys pirituianIl ndii#Ja and, finalryr idicutlehde authocro'ms pettotnc)l condurtcste arcthAhelle tsshee. b esIntd ianj ouTTUlls and leaiofm o pihnaivoneenv, e r.thelm,h igigvheens tttoth heapb tor oaki, se thereby boruitin n,c s;oinntgrt ashtle a cofk understaanndd eixngp erience bttrbyqy tfhWede stern-rboernv ioje twhceeO rl mlir.),nw hosmeids th e lived. Hiso piniwoas n as muchUJ ortahcc epasti ntgha otf a n uneducated pugiloinas p tr iceClhesisnev asse oeft hMei ngd ynas€y. 1 canp ersonally tthesatterify e at rheno t onlyt her ogisi nI ndiaas descriibneB dru ntonb'oso kt,h aits men, of supnormaer l attainments, marvelloupso wearnsdl osfptyi ritubaulti €JIo,et qhuearlsly unwushuoamhel has notm entiorneedt. atvhee raEgue r{)apnde Wane stern-eduIcnadteida n look iwnitdhif fsecrorne ncandc oen,t uemppohtni s sta tementsp-rtohvuisn g that htahtney'o ebt e mi nitiianttoe dwt ohrel dmo'sstv aluaknobwlle edangde Asiam'oss t trrasured Stcret tradition. S FOREWORD Asa Nepalheesleot,noa g pienopgwl lwe haveri gimadilYn taimtdhei r l4nd ian bsoilnutletpee anndmcdpe r o1eJxdc lusivImes cs.a n altshaot testify theasnce itenrtad itaim oysnst wiiofcs dom bhaeveprene seirvnte hdmoeu ntain fastnessesb eottfteha rneN vene pianl IinftdasiBrdau J. t tolwsnewlY ho seeask eaT7Usast tlYh auet hocra nh optoe penetriantteo stoJrn.eae n!d'1 secreojts t hetru e SagoefAs s iHais .C alccurtittiac would nobtei cbeenea th were it not etqhaut aulnflYap irre jucdoinsctaenmastn lYif etshemste lves. Thus I havhee aErudr opdeeascrinsb e Eg;h'Pis tiraeseanrc heasn Gdr eat Pyramsipdi rit-expaseri e"ncaemere jourTUllsitsutntiO"cnc! e a gazn they betray Eiigthnothereyr ah nacnetve'er.e m etP auBlru ntonO,T if tizey haIJ/!, theyw ere nopte rmitttose hadr heis inlmifTase I h asvhaer eidt . Twhohos e reaklnolYhw i m-ad ijJiclllmta ttIem ru,s adtm it-knotu! hahti ssi nceirs ilY unquestiaonntdah bahltie ms atersiaaclr ifictehse fojsoak red iscovering the elusi!tru'teh blehifei ndh bauvgner eFaetw. rknoewa lhlYim ,m iasndu nder­ standsieenmsg to be ohrisd aianendda ccepted lot. Ia mg latdo ha:uo ptphoer toufTn einlYd emryif ngr itehndle i tsetrvliece oj writthiisn gi ntroductthmieuoc nh.- mMemqyde esds awgheo se linneri ght flictkherrosthu fego hl lowibneagtrhe h plaesgsesi nhgi ddoSefan g ojte thshee Holy HimallJ)'lJS! 9

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