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SWA HILI LA NG UA GE , ' ZA NZ IB A R. ’ EDITED FOR THE UNIVERSITIES MISSION TO CENTRAL A FRICA THE LATE EDWARD STEERE LL.D. , , MISSIONARY BISHOP FOR CENTRAL AFRICA. FOURTH EDITION , REVISED AND ENLARGED B Y A. c. MADAN M.A. , , SENIOR STUDENT AND FORMERLY TUTOR O F CH. CH. OX FO RD. L O ND O N SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIAN KNOWLEDGE NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, w e ; 43, QUEEN VICTOR! 1 8 9 macm m m m BY ADVERTISEMENT TO SECOND EDITION. THE First Edition ha vi n been a t the la st sold out g with unexpected ra idi t I ha ve not been a ble to a dd p y, so m uch a s I should ha ve wi shed to this. The chief novelt is the om ission of wha t I ca lled the second y cla ss of Substa ntives whi ch proved to be onl the m ost , y com m on insta nce of the enera l rul e tha t Substa ntives g , of a n a nd ev er form denotin a nim a te bein s a re y y g g constructed with Adjectives a nd Pronouns in the form s proper to the first cla ss . Som e words ha ve been a dded to the Voca bula ries a nd a few m ista kes corrected. Durin the la st four ea rs the work of tra nsla tion g y a nd collection ha s been oin stea dil forwa rd Swa hili g g y , prea chin ha s been oin on a nd som e Elem enta r g g g , y - School books printed in Za nziba r for our verna cula r schools. The rea t work of ev a n elizin Africa seem s g g g to row in m a nitude the m ore one understa nds wha t g g is required for it but our hopes still row with the ; g rowth of our knowled e. g g EDWARD STEERF. London, Ja nua r y 1875. X VII ADVERTISEMENT TO THIRD EDITION. THISEdition m a be ta ken to represent substa ntia ll y the fina l form which the Ha ndbook a ssum ed in the ha nds of its com piler the la te Bishop Steere. No , estim a te ca n be a ttem pted here of his services to phi lolo in enera l a nd the student of Africa n gy g , l a n ua es in pa rticula r still less of their bea rin on , g g g ~ the sprea d of Christia nit in Centra l Africa . Wha t y ever the rela tive purit of the di a lects of Mom ba sa a nd y Za nziba r a nd however rea t the debt Bishop Steere , g undoubtedl owed to his distin uished predecessor in y g their stud , Dr. Kra pf, the broa d fa ct rem a ins tha t y Bishop Steere took the la n ua e a s he found it spoken g g in the ca pita l cit of the Ea st Coa st, reduced its rules y to so lucid a nd popula r 3.form a s not onl to m a ke it y a ccessible , but ea sy to a ll students, a nd fina ll y m a de a rea t a dva nce towa rds stereot pin its form s a nd ex g y g tendin its use b em bod in it in copious writin s g y y g g a nd tra nsla tions. Som e of the l a st hours of his li fe were a ppa rentl y spent in prepa rin this Ha ndbook for a new edition. g Those who were fa m ili a r with the m a n ca res a nd y a nxieties then pressin g on hi m , will not be surprised tha t there were si ns of ha ste a nd pressure in his g b xviii PREFACE. re vis ion. With Pa rt I. , however, he seem s to ha ve been sa t isfied. The correc tions of the text were few a nd unim porta n t , a nd thou h the Lists of Words m i ht g g ha ve been la r el a dded to he seem s to ha ve preferred , g y lea v in g them a s they were, in v iew of the strictly pra ctica l purpose of the whole book. - With Pa rt II. the Swa hili En lish Voca bula r &c. ( g y, ) the ca se is ra ther different. With the a id of va rious m em bers of the Mission , the Bishop ha d m a de som e wha t la r e collec tions in order to expa nd a nd com plet e g it. Proba bl from the pressure of work before a lluded y to , he ha d onl pre a red a selection of them for this y p Edition. It ha s been thou ht better however to in g , , co r ora te a ll the words found in his notes a nd a dded p with hi s a prov a l . But it m ust be rem em ber ed tha t p the Bishop never re a rded Pa rt II. a s ra nkin a s a . g g Dictiona r y, even in em bryo, but ra ther a s a tolera bly full list of words to serve a s a useful com pa nion to Pa rt I. Even with this reserva tion there rem a in , m a n tra ces of im perfection in a rra n em ent spell in y g , g, a nd interpreta tion of words which would doubtless , ha v e been rem oved if he ha d been a llowed tim e to pa ss the whole list under revision fina ll . y This fina l revision no one is in a position a dequa tel y to suppl . Minor corrections a nd a dditions ha ve been y utious l a nd spa rin l m a de. One Appendix No. y g y ( li kel to subserve the pra ctica l a im of the whole ha s y , ’ been a dded , with the Ven. Archdea con Hod son s a g p ’ prov a l. There still rem a in a m on the Bishop s notes g som e m iscell a neous specim ens of Swa hili verses ro , p ve rbs . riddles , &c., which m i ht ha ve form ed a nother. g PREFACE. xix I t is thought best, however, to reserve them , a nd lea v e the whole book, a s fa r a s possible , a s the Bishop left it. Subsequent editors m a find som ethin to a dd. The y g y proba bl will not find m uch to a lter. y A. C. M. ' ’ — P.S. Dr. Kra f s rea t Dictiona r of the Swa hili p g y ’ La n ua e , in its printed form , wa s the Bishop s g g ha nds too short a tMe to a llow of his m a kin a n use g y of it for this Edition of the Ha ndbook. Za nziba r Christm a s 1882. , , TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. Introduction The Al ha bet p Substa ntives Gra m m a tica l rules List of Subst a ntives G ra m m a tica l rules Irre ula r Adjectives g Com a rison of Adject ives p L ist of Adjec tives Pronouns Persona l Pronouns Possessive Pronouns Reflective Pronouns Dem onstra tive Pronouns Rela tive Pronouns Interro a t ives &c. g , Verbs Conju a tion g Irre ula r Verbs g Auxili a r Verbs y Deriva tive Verbs “ Li? of Verbs

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