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A handbook for the teachers of Graham School, Los Angeles, California PDF

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A HANDBOOK FOR THE TEACHERS OF GRAHAM SCHOOL LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA A P roject Presented to the Faculty of the School of Education The U niversity of Southern C alifornia In P a rtia l F ulfillm ent of the Requirements fo r the Degree M aster of Science in Education by M artin James Karow August 1950 UMI Number: EP46394 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Pubi hang UMI EP46394 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 pA <si !<>r This project report, written under the direction of the candidate’s adviser and approved by him, has been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of the School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education. ■Adviser <C L ~ tR .'2 U / Dean TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I. INTRODUCTION................................................................... 1 I I . THE TEACHING PROFESSION........................................... 3 A professional point of view ...................................... 3 P rofessional membership. . . . . . . . . . . 3 The educational point of view. . * .... 3 P rofessional e th ic s..................................... 3 Codes of eth ics fo r educators. ............................. 4 N ational Education A ssociation Code of E thics fo r Teachers. . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Code of P olicy of Parent-Teacher A ssociation................................ . 5 Code of E thics fo r Members of the C alifornia Teachers A ssociation. . . . . . 8 Code of E thics fo r Graham School * . . • . . 9 I I I . GENERAL INFORMATION...................................... 13 General inform ation of the Los Angeles C ity Elementary School D istric t ...................................... 13 Los Angeles C ity Elementary School D is tr ic t....................... 13 The community. ................................................ 14 The purposes of elem entary education . . . . 14 World c itiz e n s h ip ........................................... 16 Subject m atter requirem ents. . . . . . . . . 16 iii SECTION PAGE Time allotm ent fo r subject m atter.. . . . . 17 Basic publications fo r elem entary te a c h e rs .................................................................... 17 Supplementary guides ..................................................... 18 D ivisions providing in stru c tio n a l help fo r te a c h e rs ................................................................. 21 C entral D istric t in stru c tio n a l services to teachers. .............................................. 22 Counseling and guidance................................... 23 Curriculum .................................. . . . . . . . . 23 Teacher consultant .................................................... 23 Physical education .................................................... 23 Special a rts ....................... 23 General inform ation of personal in te re st fo r teachers of Graham School. . . . . . . . 23 Renewal of c e rtific a te s and cred en tials. . • 23 Legal aspects of teaching................................... 24 Salary schedule........................................................... 25 In -serv ice tra in in g .................................................. 26 Point cred it . . . . . . . ...................................... 26 T en u re.............................................................................. 27 Absence of c e rtific a te d personnel. .............. 27 Return a fte r absence .................................................... 27 H ealth examination . ................................................ 27 iv SECTION PAGE Formal illn e ss le a v e ................................................ . 28 IV. GRAHAM SCHOOL POLICIES............................................... . . 29 General p o lic ie s ................................................ 29 Daily tim e schedule fo r teachers . . . . . . 29 Rainy day schedule * ....................... 29 Teachers* post boxes . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 School keys. .................................................... 29 Telephone. ......................................................... 30 V is ito r s ............................ 30 L o ite r e r s .................................................................. 30 B u lletin s. . . . . . . . . ...................................... 30 S u p p lie s...................................................................... 30 In stru ctio n al equipment.......................................... . 31 In stru ctio n al a i d s ......................................................... 32 Lost and found a rtic le s ................................................ 33 Assemblies ....................................................................... 34 Auditorium schedule. .................................. 35 F ire d r ills ............................ 35 Earthquake d r ills ................................ 36 F irst a id ............................ 37 P o licies p ertain in g to the teachers. . . . . . 37 Faculty m e e tin g s................................................... 37 Yard duty............................ 37 C afeteria and lunch pavilion duty........................ 38 V SECTION PAGE S ubstitute teach ers............................ 39 R eg isters....................... 39 Cumulative cards ................................................ 40 Committees and ch airm en ............................................ 40 P rofessional organizations ................... . . . . 40 The h o sp ita lity committee.......................................... 41 P o licies fo r classroom arrangement .................... 42 Classroom environment. ............................ 42 B u lletin boards and in te re st centers . . . . 42 L ibrary aids . . . . . ................................................ 43 Work c e n te r s ........................................................ 43 Charts ..................................... 43 Storage. . . . . . . . . . 44 Desks.......................................................................................... 44 B linds and shades.............................................................. 44 Yen t ila t io n ............................................................................ 44 P o licies p ertaining to stu d ents.................................. 44 T ransfer of pupils 44 Pupil illn e s s . ....................... 45 Student perm its................................ 45 Accidents and accident rep o rts . . . . . . * 45 Bus trip s and to u rs. ....................... 46 Special h ealth cases .......................................... 46 U nidentified persons callin g fo r students. . 46 vi SECTION PAGE Pupil detention a fte r dism issal time . . . . 46 Pupil d is c ip lin e ............................ 47 Report cards and fa ilu re notices ........................ 47 R eligious education. .................................................... 47 Pupil standards. ........................................... 48 C afeteria and lunch pavilion .................................. 48 P o licies p ertain in g to student a c tiv itie s . . . 50 Student clubs............................................... 50 Club organization. ................................. . . . . . 50 Student council and court. ........................ 52 Safety organization. ............................ 55 Standards of the safety club ............................ 53 Game organization.............................................................. 58 School service m onitors. . . . . ........................ 59 Class p a rtie s ....................................................................... 60 P o licies fo r special a c tiv itie s and programs ............................ 60 C hristm as, Public School Week, May Day, and G rad u atio n ........................................................................60 P o licies pertaining to Graham School employees. ............................................................. 60 School nurse ....................................................................... 60 School custodians.............................................................. 61 School clerk 61 vii SECTION PAGE P o licies pertaining to public re la tio n s. . . . 61 The school and the com m unity.................... 61 The parent . . . . .................................................... 62 Channels fo r improving public re la tio n s. . * 63 SECTION I INTRODUCTION This handbook has been organized to provide the personnel of Graham Sehool w ith such general and sp ecific inform ation as may be help fu l and necessary in the carry­ ing out of the Graham School educational program. I t ...is hoped th a t the m aterial in th is handbook w ill be equally help fu l to the new teachers and the teachers who have been at Graham School fo r some tim e. Although the Los Angeles C ity School D istric ts have an excellent handbook fo r elem entary school teachers, the personnel of Graham School have found a d efin ite need fo r some organized body of inform ation concerning the sp ecific p o licies of Graham School as worked out w ithin the general p o licies of the Los Angeles C ity Elementary Sehool D istric t. An organized source of inform ation w ill not only provide the personnel of Graham School w ith a ready reference and guide, but i t w ill also provide b e tte r d irectio n fo r the improvement of Graham Sehool p o lic ie s. The inform ation contained in th is handbook is of a general and sp ecific n ature. Some of the general in fo r­ mation of the Los Angeles C ity Elementary School D istric t was taken from the Handbook of Inform ation fo r Elementary School Teachers. Such inform ation was included in th is

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