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THE BUSINESS A Guide to International M Economics and Public Policy O EXPERT PRESS H Collection Economics T DIGITAL LIBRARIES A D Philip J. Romero and Jeffrey A. Edwards, Editors I Shahruz Mohtadi EBOOKS FOR BUSINESS STUDENTS The study of international economics has never been more Curriculum-oriented, born- vital than it is today. The past global fi nancial crisis, the digital books for advanced economic uncertainty in many advanced countries, increas- business students, written ing barriers to international trade, and currency crises have A Guide to by academic thought created challenges for both policy makers and corporate leaders who translate real- decision makers involved in international trade and fi nance. world business experience This book provides a concise and rigorous approach to International into course readings and the understanding of international trade and fi nance with- reference materials for out relying on mathematical models or graphs. It explains students expecting to tackle the basis and pattern of trade, the effects of trade and trade Economics management and leadership policies on companies, national welfare, and the global challenges during their A professional careers. economy. It explains the determination and changes in G exchange rates. Finally, it describes the operation of the U POLICIES BUILT I economy and examines the impact of national economic D BY LIBRARIANS E policies on the domestic economy and the rest of the world. T • Unlimited simultaneous Corporate managers and MBA students must learn O usage the complex interrelationships between trade policies; I N • Unrestricted downloading the actions of central banks; and changes in government T and printing E • Perpetual access for a spending and taxes on interest rates, prices, exchange R rates, and economic activity. This book adopts a nontech- N one-time fee A • No platform or nical approach to explaining the basis for trade between T maintenance fees countries and the role of fi rms in global trade and describes IO • Free MARC records the effect of tariffs and fl uctuations in exchange rates on a N A • No license to execute company’s sales, costs, and profi ts. L E The Digital Libraries are a Shahruz Mohtadi is a faculty member at Hult Interna- C comprehensive, cost-eff ective tional Business School and at Suffolk University, Boston, O N way to deliver practical Massachusetts. He has over 35 years of experience teaching O treatments of important international economics to undergraduate and graduate M Shahruz Mohtadi business issues to every students and has authored articles in academic journals IC student and faculty member. and books. He has a bachelor of science in international S trade and fi nance and a master of science in economics fol- lowed by a doctorate from Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. For further information, a free trial, or to order, contact:  Economics and Public Policy [email protected] Collection www.businessexpertpress.com/librarians Philip J. Romero and Jeffrey A. Edwards, Editors A Guide to International Economics A Guide to International Economics Shahruz Mohtadi A Guide to International Economics Copyright © Business Expert Press, LLC, 2019. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means— electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other except for brief quotations, not to exceed 250 words, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published in 2019 by Business Expert Press, LLC 222 East 46th Street, New York, NY 10017 www.businessexpertpress.com ISBN-13: 978-1-63157-439-9 (paperback) ISBN-13: 978-1-63157-440-5 (e-book) Business Expert Press Economics and Public Policy Collection Collection ISSN: 2163-761X (print) Collection ISSN: 2163-7628 (electronic) Cover and interior design by S4Carlisle Publishing Services Private Ltd., Chennai, India First edition: 2019 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Printed in the United States of America. Dedication To Farjam, Sana, and Mona Abstract The study of international economics has never been more vital than it is today. The global financial crisis, the economic turmoil in many advanced countries, increasing barriers to international trade, and currency crises have created challenges for both policy makers and corporate decision makers involved in international trade and finance. Corporate managers and MBA students must learn the complex interrelationships between trade policies, the actions of central banks, and changes in government spending and taxes, on interest rates, prices, exchange rates, and eco- nomic activity. This book aims to present a concise introduction to international eco- nomics. Unlike standard textbooks on international economics that focus on developing complex theories and models, this book provides a rigor- ous and lucid approach to the understanding of international trade and finance. It explains the basis and pattern of trade, the effects of trade and trade policies on companies, national welfare, and the global economy. It explains the determination of exchange rates and changes in exchange rates. Finally, it examines the role and impact of national economic poli- cies on the domestic economy and the rest of the world. This book is suitable for students taking an introductory course in international economics in MBA and other graduate international busi- ness programs, and for business practitioners and decision makers with limited knowledge of basic economic principles. Keywords comparative advantage; global supply chain; offshoring; tariffs; quotas; subsidies; dumping; World Trade Organization; balance of payments; for- eign exchange market; exchange rates; purchasing power parity; arbitrage; aggregate demand; unemployment; inflation; fiscal policy; monetary pol- icy; currency union; currency wars Contents Preface ..................................................................................................xi Acknowledgments .................................................................................xiii Introduction .........................................................................................xv Part I International Trade Theory ............................................1 Chapter 1 The Basics of a Market: Supply and Demand and Equilibrium ......................................................................3 Chapter 2 The Basis for Trade: Absolute Advantage and Comparative Advantage ....................................................9 Chapter 3 New Trade Theories: Economies of Scale, Product Differentiation, and Intra-industry Trade ........................23 Part II International Trade Policy ............................................31 Chapter 4 Trade Policy Instruments: Tariffs, Quotas, Subsidies ........33 Chapter 5 Arguments for Protection and the Political Economy of Trade Policy ................................................................45 Chapter 6 The World Trade Organization, International Trade Relations and Issues ........................................................53 Part III International Finance ...................................................63 Chapter 7 An Introduction to Open Economy Macroeconomics and the Balance of Payments ...........................................65 Chapter 8 The Foreign Exchange Market .........................................71 Chapter 9 The Determination of the Exchange Rate ........................77 Part IV Macroeconomic Policies in an Open Economy .............95 Chapter 10 Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, Output, and Exchange Rates ...............................................................97 Chapter 11 A Brief History of International Monetary Systems .......107 Chapter 12 International Banking and International Capital Markets ...111 Chapter 13 Epilogue ........................................................................115 References ...........................................................................................119 About the Author ................................................................................121 Index .................................................................................................123

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