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A grammar of Pévé PDF

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AGrammarofPévé Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia Grammars and Sketches of the World’s Languages Africa Editor GerritJ.Dimmendaal (UniversityofCologne) Thetitlespublishedinthisseriesarelistedatbrill.com/gswl Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia A Grammar of Pévé By ErinShay Incollaborationwith LazareWambadang LEIDEN | BOSTON Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia TheLibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationDataisavailableonlineathttp://catalog.loc.gov LCrecordavailableathttp://lccn.loc.gov/2019036322 TypefacefortheLatin,Greek,andCyrillicscripts:“Brill”.Seeanddownload:brill.com/brill‑typeface. ISSN2352-9342 ISBN978-90-04-40915-6(hardback) ISBN978-90-04-41005-3(e-book) Copyright2020byKoninklijkeBrillNV,Leiden,TheNetherlands. KoninklijkeBrillNVincorporatestheimprintsBrill,BrillHes&DeGraaf,BrillNijhoff,BrillRodopi, BrillSense,HoteiPublishing,mentisVerlag,VerlagFerdinandSchöninghandWilhelmFinkVerlag. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,translated,storedinaretrievalsystem, ortransmittedinanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise, withoutpriorwrittenpermissionfromthepublisher. AuthorizationtophotocopyitemsforinternalorpersonaluseisgrantedbyKoninklijkeBrillNVprovided thattheappropriatefeesarepaiddirectlytoTheCopyrightClearanceCenter,222RosewoodDrive, Suite910,Danvers,MA01923,USA.Feesaresubjecttochange. Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaperandproducedinasustainablemanner. Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia Contents Acknowledgments xi ListofTables xii Abbreviations xiii 1 ThePévéLanguage 1 1 Introduction 1 2 ClassificationandNomenclature 1 3 ExistingWorksonthePévéLanguage 7 4 NatureandSourcesoftheData 9 5 NotesontheTranscription 9 6 OutlineoftheGrammar 12 3 Conclusion 22 2 Phonology 29 1 Introduction 29 2 Consonants 29 3 Vowels 38 4 Phonotactics 44 5 Tone 49 6 Conclusion 52 3 ParsingMorphology 54 1 Introduction 54 2 ExistingApproaches 54 3 DistributionofPhrase-FinalForms 56 4 FunctionofFinalVowelAddition 61 5 Conclusion 65 4 Verbs 66 1 Introduction 66 2 PhonologicalStructureoftheVerb 66 3 Morphology 67 4 Derivation 70 5 Singularvs.PluralVerbs 74 6 Conclusion 76 Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia vi contents 5 NounsandtheNounPhrase 77 1 Introduction 77 2 PhonologicalStructureoftheNoun 78 3 Number 78 4 NounPhrase 80 5 PrenominalModifiers 80 6 Post-nominalModifiers 83 7 ConjoinedNounPhrase 97 8 ProperNames 98 9 DerivedNouns 99 10 Conclusion 102 6 CodingGrammaticalRelations 103 1 Introduction 103 2 Subject 104 3 DirectObjectFunction 111 4 IndirectObject 117 5 SummaryoftheCodingofGrammaticalRoles 122 6 Conclusion 125 7 CodingSemanticRelations 126 1 Introduction 126 2 SemanticRoleoftheSubject 126 3 SemanticRoleoftheDirectObject 130 4 SemanticRoleoftheIndirectObject 130 5 Source 134 6 Reciprocal 135 7 CoreferentialityofSubjectandObject 136 8 Conclusion 137 8 TenseandAspect 138 1 Introduction 138 2 FutureTense 139 3 Aspect 141 4 Conclusion 156 9 MoodandModality 157 1 Introduction 157 2 SubjunctiveMood 158 3 EpistemicMood 168 4 Conclusion 175 Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia contents vii 10 LocativeExpressionsandLocativePredications 176 1 Introduction 176 2 LocativePredicationinPévé 177 3 SemanticFunctionsofInherentlyLocativePredicates 179 4 LocativeSerialVerbConstructions 185 5 SpatialPrepositionsandSpecifiers 189 6 Conclusion 193 11 VerblessandCopularPredications 195 1 Introduction 195 2 IdentificationalPredication 195 3 EquationalPredication 197 4 AttributivePredication 201 5 PossessivePredication 204 6 Conclusion 205 12 SystemofReference 206 1 Introduction 206 2 FirstMention:BareNounPhrase 206 3 DeducibleReferenceMarkers:nə,rəandkunə 208 4 ReferencetoanUnspecifiedEntity 212 5 AnaphoricReference 214 6 DeicticReference 221 7 Conclusion 225 13 Interrogatives 226 1 Introduction 226 2 PolarQuestions 226 3 ContentQuestions 228 4 Conclusion 235 14 Negation 236 1 Introduction 236 2 IndicativeClauses 236 3 ScopeofNegation 240 4 Conclusion 240 15 TopicalizationandFocus 241 1 Introduction 241 2 Topicalization 241 Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia viii contents 3 Focus 243 4 Conclusion 246 16 ConjoinedClauses 247 1 Introduction 247 2 Conjunctionɓay 247 3 Counterexpectation 249 4 Conclusion 250 17 RelativeClauses 251 1 Introduction 251 2 SubjectHead 251 3 ObjectHead 254 4 AdjunctHead 256 5 DeicticRelativeClauses 257 6 Conclusion 258 18 ConditionalandTemporalConstructions 259 1 Introduction 259 2 ConditionalConstructions 259 3 TemporalConstructions 263 4 Conclusion 266 19 Complementation 268 1 Introduction 268 2 VerbsofSaying 268 3 VerbsofPerception 282 4 VerbsofCognition 284 5 VolitionalVerbwàʔ 286 6 AbilityVerbgàk‘Can,BeAble’ 288 7 CounterfactualMatrixClause 290 8 ComplementsofOtherVerbs 292 9 Conclusion 295 20 ComparativeConstructions 296 1 Introduction 296 2 EqualComparison 296 3 UnequalComparison 297 4 Conclusion 299 Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia contents ix 21 AdjunctPhrasesandClauses 300 1 Introduction 300 2 TemporalAdjuncts 300 3 AssociativeandInstrumentalAdjuncts 305 4 MannerAdjuncts 307 5 Intensity,Repetition,andRecurrence 309 6 PurposeClauses 315 7 ReasonClauses 316 8 PositiveAdjunct 316 9 Conclusion 318 22 SampleTexts 319 1 MonitorLizardandGuineaFowl 319 2 BusTrip:LazareWambadang 324 Appendix1:ACompilationofTables 327 Appendix2:ASummaryofMorphologicalFormsandFunctions 330 Pévé-EnglishLexicon 332 English-PévéLexicon 344 References 354 Index 358 Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia Erin Shay - 978-90-04-41005-3 Downloaded from Brill.com08/25/2022 09:11:52PM via Wikimedia

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