Bernoulli 15(4), 2009, 955–976 DOI: 10.3150/09-BEJ208 A goodness-of-fit test for parametric and 0 1 semi-parametric models in multiresponse 0 2 regression n a J SONG XI CHEN1,2 and INGRID VAN KEILEGOM3 1 1 1DepartmentofBusinessStatisticsandEconometrics,GuanghuaSchoolofManagement,Peking University, Beijing 100871, China ] 2Department of Statistics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa 50011-1210, USA. T E-mail: [email protected] S 3Institute of Statistics, Universit´e catholique de Louvain, Voie du Roman Pays 20, B-1348 . h Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. E-mail: [email protected] t a m Weproposeanempiricallikelihoodtestthatisabletotestthegoodnessoffitofaclassofpara- metricandsemi-parametricmultiresponseregression models.Theclassincludesasspecialcases [ fully parametric models; semi-parametric models, like the multiindex and the partially linear 1 models;andmodelswithshapeconstraints.Anotherfeatureofthetestisthatitallowsboththe v responsevariableandthecovariatebemultivariate,whichmeansthatmultipleregressioncurves 7 can betested simultaneously. The test also allows thepresenceof infinite-dimensional nuisance 6 functions in the model to be tested. It is shown that the empirical likelihood test statistic is 6 asymptoticallynormallydistributedundercertainmildconditionsandpermitsawildbootstrap 1 calibration. Despite the large size of the class of models to be considered, the empirical likeli- . 1 hood test enjoys good power properties against departures from a hypothesized model within 0 theclass. 0 1 Keywords: additive regression; bootstrap; empirical likelihood; goodness of fit; : infinite-dimensional parameter; kernel estimation; monotone regression; partially linear v regression i X r 1. Introduction a Suppose (X ,Y ) n isanindependentandidenticallydistributedrandomvector,where { i i }i=1 Y is a k-variate response and X a d-variate covariate. Let m(x)=E(Y X =x)= i i i i | (m (x),...,m (x)) be the conditional mean consisting of k regressioncurves on Rd and 1 k Σ(x)=Var(Y X =x) be a k k matrix whose values change along with the covariate. i i | × Let m()=m(,θ,g)=(m (,θ,g),...,m (,θ,g)) be a working regression model of 1 k · · · · which one would like to check its validity. The form of m is known up to a finite- This is an electronic reprint of theoriginal article published by theISI/BS in Bernoulli, 2009, Vol. 15, No. 4, 955–976. This reprint differsfrom theoriginal in pagination and typographic detail. 1350-7265 (cid:13)c 2009ISI/BS 956 S.X. Chen and I. Van Keilegom dimensional parameter θ and an infinite-dimensional nuisance parameter g. The model m(,θ,g) includes a wide range of parametric and semi-parametric regression models as · special cases. In the absence of g, the model degenerates to a fully parametric model m()=m(,θ), whereas the presence of g covers a range of semi-parametric models in- · · cluding the single or multiindex models and partially linear single-index models. The class also includes models with qualitative constraints, like additive models and mod- els with shape constraints. The variable selection problem, the comparison of regression curves and models for the variance function can be covered by the class of m(,θ,g) as · well. Multiresponse regression is frequently encountered in applications. In compartment analysis arising in biological and medical studies as well as chemical kinetics (Atkinson andBogacka(2002)),amultivariatevariableisdescribedbyasystemofdifferentialequa- tions whose solutions satisfy multiresponse regression (Jacquez (1996)). Surface designs and multivariate random vectors are collected as responses of some controlled variables (covariates) of certain statistical experiments. Khuri (2001) proposed using the general- ized linear models for modeling such data and Ucin¨ski and Bogacka (2005) studied the issue of optimal designs with an objective for discrimination between two multiresponse systemmodels.The monographsby BatesandWatts((1988),Chapter4)andSeberand Wild ((1989), Chapter 11) contain more examples of multiresponse regressionas well as their parametric inference. Theneedfortestingmultiple curvesoccurseveninthe contextofunivariateresponses Y . Consider the following heteroscedastic regression model: i Y =r(X )+σ(X )e , i i i i where the e ’s are unit residuals such that E(e X )=0 and E(e2 X )=1, and r() and i i| i i| i · σ2() are, respectively, the conditional mean and variance functions. Suppose r(x,θ,g) · andσ2(x,θ,g)arecertainworkingparametricorsemi-parametricmodels.Inthiscase,the bivariate response vector is (Y ,Y2)T and the bivariate model specification m(x,θ,g)= i i (r(x,θ,g),σ2(x,θ,g)+r2(x,θ,g))T. The aim of the paper is to develop a nonparametric goodness-of-fit test for the hy- pothesis H :m()=m(,θ,g), (1.1) 0 · · for some known k-variate function m(,θ,g), some finite-dimensional parameter θ Θ · ∈ ⊂ Rp (p 1)andsomefunctiong thatisacompletemetricspaceconsistingoffunctions ≥ ∈G from Rd to Rq (q 1). We will use two pieces of nonparametric statistical hardware, ≥ the kernel regression estimation technique and the empirical likelihood technique, to formulate a test for H . 0 In the case of a single regression curve (i.e., k =1), the nonparametric kernel ap- proach has been widely used to construct goodness-of-fit tests for the conditional mean or variance function. Eubank and Spiegelman (1990), Eubank and Hart (1992), Ha¨rdle and Mammen (1993), Hjellvik and Tjøstheim (1995), Fan and Li (1996), Hart (1997) andHjellvik, YaoandTjøstheim(1998) havedevelopedconsistenttests for aparametric Empirical likelihood goodness-of-fit test in multiresponse regression 957 specification by employing the kernel smoothing method based on a fixed bandwidth. Horowitz and Spokoiny (2001) propose a test based on a set of smoothing bandwidths in the construction of the kernel estimator. Its extensions are considered in Chen and Gao (2007) for time series regression models and in Rodr´ıguez-P´oo, Sperlich and Vieu (2009) for semi-parametric regression models. Other related references can be found in the books by Hart (1997) and Fan and Yao (2003). The empirical likelihood (EL) (Owen (1988, 1990)) is a technique that allows the constructionofanonparametriclikelihoodforaparameterofinterestinanonparametric orsemi-parametricsetting.Despitethatitisintrinsicallynonparametric,itpossessestwo important properties of a parametric likelihood: the Wilks’ theorem and the Bartlett correction. Qin and Lawless (1994) establish EL for parameters defined by estimating equations, which is the widest framework for EL formulation. Zhang and Gijbels (2003) considered an EL procedure based on a sieve approach, whereas Chen and Cui (2006) show that the EL admits a Bartlett correction under this general framework. Hjort, McKeague and Van Keilegom (2009) consider the properties of the EL in the presence of both finite and infinite-dimensional nuisance parameters as well as when the data dimensionis high.See Owen(2001) fora comprehensiveoverviewofthe ELmethod and references therein. Goodness-of-fit tests based on the EL have been proposed in the literature, which include Li(2003) andLi and VanKeilegom(2002) for survivaldata; EinmahlandMcK- eague(2003)fortestingsomecharacteristicsofadistributionfunction;andChen,Ha¨rdle andLi(2003)forconditionalmeanfunctionswithdependentdata.FanandZhang(2004) propose a sieve EL test for testing a varying-coefficient regression model that extends the generalizedlikelihood ratio test of Fan, Zhang and Zhang (2001). They demonstrate that the ‘Wilks phenomenon’ continues to hold under general error distributions. Tri- pathi and Kitamura(2003) propose an EL test for conditional moment restrictions.The above two tests and the test we are to propose display an interesting diversity in test statistic formulations via the EL. The basic idea of the EL is to maximize an objective function that is a product of probability weights allocated to observations under certain constraints that characterize the functional object to be tested. Fan and Zhang (2004) apply kernel smoothing in both the objective function and the constraints,whereas Tri- pathi and Kitamura (2003) smooth only the objective function and we will smooth only the constraints. Fan and Zhang’s and our test statistics are based on first constructing local statistics over a range of fixed points and then summing them up to form the final teststatistic.The formulationinTripathiandKitamura(2003)consistsofonestepwith aglobalobjectivefunctionovertherangeoftheentiresample.Acommonfeatureamong the three formulations is that the test statistics are all asymptotically pivotal (Wilks phenomenon). This is due to the EL’s ability to internally studentize a statistic via its optimization procedure. We consider in the present paper tests for a set of multiple semi-parametric regres- sion functions simultaneously. Multiple regression curves exist when the response Y is i genuinely multivariate, or when Y is in fact univariate but we are interested in testing i the validity of a set of feature curves; for example, the conditional mean and condi- tional variance at the same time. Empirical likelihood is a natural device to formulate 958 S.X. Chen and I. Van Keilegom goodness-of-fit statistics to test multiple regression curves. This is due to EL’s built-in feature to standardize a goodness-of-fitdistance measure between a fully nonparametric estimate of the target functional curves and its hypothesized counterparts. This feature is well connected to the Wilks phenomenon in the sieve empirical likelihood of Fan and Zhang (2004) and the generalized likelihood ratio for additive models in Fan and Jiang (2005). The standardization carried out by the EL implicitly uses the true covariance matrix function, say V(x) of the kernel estimator m(), to studentize the distance be- · tween mˆ() and the hypothesized model m(,θ,g), so that the goodness-of-fit statistic is · · anintegratedMahalanobisdistancebetweenthetwosetsofmultivariatecurvesmˆ()and · m(,θ,g). This is attractive as we avoid estimating V(x), which can be a daunting task · when k is largerthan 1.When testing multiple regressioncurves,there is an intrinsic is- sueregardinghowmucheachcomponent-wisegoodness-of-fitmeasurecontributestothe final test statistic. The EL distributes the weights naturally according to V−1(x). And most attractively, this is done without requiring extra steps of estimation since it comes asa by-productofthe internalalgorithm.This attractionofthe empiricallikelihoodhas been discovered in Tripathi and Kitamura (2003), who propose an empirical likelihood test that can be used to test parametric multiple response regressionmodels. The main contribution of the proposed test is its ability to test a large class of regres- sionmodelsinthepresenceofbothfinite-andinfinite-dimensionalparameters.Theclass includesasspecialcasesfullyparametricmodels;semi-parametricmodels,likethemulti- index and the partiallylinear models;and models with shape constraints,like monotone regression models. It is shown that the EL test statistic is asymptotically normally dis- tributedundercertainmildconditionsandpermits awildbootstrapcalibration.Despite thelargesizeoftheclassofmodelstobeconsideredbytheproposedtest,thetestenjoys good power properties against departures from a hypothesized model within the class. The paper is organizedas follows.Inthe next sectionwe introduce some notationand formulate the EL test statistic. Section 3 is concernedwith the main asymptotic results, namely the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic both under the null hypothesis and under a local alternative, and the consistency of the bootstrap approximation. In Section 4 we focus on a number of particular models and apply the general results of Section 3 to these models. Simulation results are reported in Section 5. We conclude the paper by giving in Section 6 the assumptions and the proofs of the main results. 2. The test statistic Let Y =(Y ,...,Y )T and m(x)=(m (x),...,m (x))T, where m (x)=E(Y X =x) i i1 ik 1 k l il i | is the lth regressioncurvefor l=1,...,k. Let ǫ =Y m(X ) be the ithresidualvector. i i i − Define σ (x)=Cov(ǫ ,ǫ X =x), which is the conditional covariance between the lth lj il ij i | andjthcomponentoftheresidualvector.Then,theconditionalcovariancematrixΣ(x)= Var(Y X =x)=(σ (x)) . i i lj k×k | Let K be a d-dimensional kernel with a compact support on [ 1,1]d. Without loss of − generality, K is assumed to be a product kernel based on a univariate kernel k, that is, Empirical likelihood goodness-of-fit test in multiresponse regression 959 K(t ,...,t )= d k(t ), where k is a rth-order kernel supported on [ 1,1] and 1 d i=1 i − Q k(u)du=1, ulk(u)du=0 for l=1,...,r 1 and urk(u)du=k =0 r − 6 Z Z Z for an integer r 2. Define K (u)=h−dK(u/h). The Nadaraya–Watson (NW) kernel h ≥ estimator of m (x), l=1,...,k, is l n K (x X )Y mˆ (x)= i=1 hl − i il, l n K (x X ) P t=1 hl − t where h is the smoothing bandwidthPfor curve l. Different bandwidths are allowed to l smooth different curves, which is sensible for multivariate responses. Then mˆ(x)=(mˆ (x),...,mˆ (x))T 1 k isthekernelestimatorofthemultipleregressioncurves.Weassumethroughoutthepaper thath /h β asn ,wherehrepresentsabaselinelevelofthesmoothingbandwidth l l → →∞ and c min β max β c for finite and positive constants c and c free of n. 0 l l l l 1 0 1 ≤ { }≤ { }≤ Under the null hypothesis (1.1), Y =m(X ,θ ,g )+ǫ , i=1,...,n, (2.1) i i 0 0 i where θ is the true value of θ in Θ, g is the true function in , the errorsǫ ,...,ǫ are 0 0 1 n G independent and identically distributed, E(ǫ X =x)=0 and Var(ǫ X =x)=Σ(x). i i i i | | Let θˆbe a √n-consistent estimator of θ and gˆ be a consistent estimator of g under 0 0 a norm defined on the complete metric space . Any √n-consistent estimator of G k·k G θ would be fine; for instance, the pseudo-likelihood estimator that assumes that the 0 residual distribution is normal. We suppose gˆ is a kernel estimator based on a kernel L of order s 2 and a bandwidth sequence b, most likely different from the bandwidth h ≥ used to estimate m. We will require that gˆ converges to g faster than (nhd)−1/2, the 0 optimal rate in a completely d-dimensional nonparametric model. As demonstrated in Section 4, this can be easily satisfied since g is of lower-dimensional than the saturated nonparametric model for m. Each m (x,θˆ,gˆ) is smoothed by the same kernel K and bandwidth h as in the kernel l l estimator mˆ (x), inorderto preventthe bias ofthe kernelregressionestimatorsentering l the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic (see also Ha¨rdle and Mammen (1993)): n K (x X )m (X ,θˆ,gˆ) m˜ (x,θˆ,gˆ)= i=1 hl − i l i l n K (x X ) P t=1 hl − t for l=1,...,k. Let m˜(x,θˆ,gˆ)=(m˜ (x,θˆ,gˆP),...,m˜ (x,θˆ,gˆ))T. 1 k We note in passing that the dimension of the response Y does not contribute to the i curse of dimensionality. Rather, it is the dimension of the covariate X that contributes, i since X is the directtargetof smoothing.Hence, as far as the curse of dimensionality is i concerned, testing multiple curves is the same as testing a single regressioncurve. 960 S.X. Chen and I. Van Keilegom To formulate the empirical likelihood ratio test statistics, we first consider a fixed x Rd and then globalize by integrating the local likelihood ratio over a compact set ∈ S Rd in the support of X. For each fixed x S, let ⊂ ∈ Qˆ (x,θˆ)=(K (x X )(Y m˜ (x,θˆ,gˆ)),...,K (x X )(Y m˜ (x,θˆ,gˆ)))T, (2.2) i h1 − i i1− 1 hk − i ik− k which is a vector of local residuals at x and its mean is approximately zero. Let p (x) n be non-negativerealnumbersrepresentingempiricallikelihoodweights { i }i=1 allocated to (X ,Y ) n . The minus 2 log empirical likelihood ratio for the multiple { i i }i=1 conditional mean evaluated at m˜(x,θˆ,gˆ) is n ℓ m˜(x,θˆ,gˆ) = 2 log np (x) i { } − { } i=1 X subjectto p (x) 0, n p (x)=1 and n p (x)Qˆ (x,θˆ)=0.Byintroducingavector i ≥ i=1 i i=1 i i of Lagrange multipliers λ(x) Rk, a standard empirical likelihood derivation (Owen P ∈ P (1990)) shows that the optimal weights are given by 1 p (x)= 1+λT(x)Qˆ (x,θˆ) −1, (2.3) i i n{ } where λ(x) solves n Qˆ (x,θˆ) i =0. (2.4) 1+λT(x)Qˆ (x,θˆ) i=1 i X Integrating ℓ m˜(x,θˆ,gˆ) against a weight function π supported on S, gives { } Λ (~h)= ℓ m˜(x,θˆ,gˆ) π(x)dx, n { } Z which is our EL test statistic based on the bandwidth vector~h=(h ,...,h )T. 1 k DefineQˆ¯(x,θˆ)=n−1 n Qˆ (x,θˆ),letf(x)bethedensityofX,R(t)= K(u)K(tu)du i=1 i and V(x) =f(x)(β−dR(β /β )σ (x)) . Note that R(1)=R(K)=: K2(u)du and j P l j lj k×k R that β−dR(β /β )=β−dR(β /β) indicating that V(x) is a symmetric matrix. j l j l j l R Derivations given in Section 6 show that Λ (~h)=nhd Qˆ¯T(x,θ )V−1(x)Qˆ¯(x,θ )π(x)dx+o (hd/2), n 0 0 p Z wherehd/2 isthestochasticorderofthefirsttermontheright-handsideifd<4r.Herer istheorderofthekernelK.SinceQˆ¯(x,θ )=f(x) mˆ(x) m˜(x,θ ,gˆ) 1+o (1) ,Qˆ¯(x,θ ) 0 0 p 0 { − }{ } servesasarawdiscrepancymeasurebetweenmˆ(x)=(mˆ (x),...,mˆ (x))andthehypoth- 1 k esized model m(x,θ ,gˆ). There is a key issue on how much each mˆ (x) m˜ (x,θ ,gˆ) 0 l l 0 − contributes to the final statistic. The EL distributes the contributions according to Empirical likelihood goodness-of-fit test in multiresponse regression 961 nhdV−1(x), the inverse of the covariance matrix of Qˆ¯(x,θ ), which is the most natu- 0 ral choice. The nice thing about the EL formulationis that this is done without explicit estimation of V(x) due to its internal standardization. Estimating V(x) when k is large can be challenging if not just tedious. 3. Main results Let (γ (x)) =((β−dR(β /β )σ (x)) )−1, lj k×k j l j lj k×k ω (β,K)= β−dK(u)K(v)K (β z+β u)/β K(z+β v/β )dudvdz, l1,l2,j1,j2 l2 { j2 l1 l2} j1 j2 Z Z Z k σ2(K,Σ)=2 β−dω (β,K) γ (x)γ (x)σ (x)σ (x)π2(x)dx, l2 l1,l2,j1,j2 l1j1 l2j2 l1l2 j1j2 l1,lX2,j1,j2 Z which is a bounded quantity under assumptions (A.1) and (A.4) given in Section 6. Theorem 3.1. Under the assumptions (A.1)–(A.6) and (B.1)–(B.5) given in Section 6, and under H , 0 h−d/2 Λ (~h) k d N(0,σ2(K,Σ)) n { − }→ as n . →∞ Remark 3.1 (Equal bandwidths). If h = =h =h, that is, β = =β =1, 1 k 1 k ··· ··· then ω (β,K)=K(4)(0), where K(4) is the convolution of K(2) and K(2) is the l1,l2,j1,j2 convolution of K, that is, K(2)(u)= K(v)K(u+v)dv. Since V(x)=f(x)R(K)Σ(x) in the case of equal bandwidths, k γ σ (x)=I(j =j )R−1(K), where I is the l=R1 lj1 lj2 1 2 indicator function. Therefore, σ2(K,Σ)=2kK(4)(0)R−2(K) π2(x)dx, which is entirely P knownupon giving the kernelfunction K andthe weightfunction π. Hence, the EL test R statistic is asymptotically pivotal. Remark 3.2 (Unequal bandwidths). If the bandwidths are not all the same, the asymptoticvarianceofΛ (~h)maydependonΣ(x),whichmeansthattheELteststatistic n is no longer asymptotically pivotal. However, the distribution of Λ (~h) is always free of n the design distribution of X . i Let q be the upper α-quantile of the distribution of h−d/2 Λ (~h) k for a sig- nα n { − } nificance level α (0,1). Theorem 3.1 assures that q z , the upper α quantile of nα α ∈ → N(0,σ2(K,Σ)).However,the convergencecanbe slow.There is also anissue of estimat- ing σ2(K,Σ) when different bandwidths are used. For these reasons we prefer to use a bootstrap approximationto calibrate the quantile q . nα 962 S.X. Chen and I. Van Keilegom Remark 3.3 (Bootstrap). Let ǫˆ =Y mˆ(X ) be the estimated residual vectors for i i i − i=1,...,n and G be a multivariate k-dimensional random vector such that E(G)=0, Var(G)=I andGhasboundedfourth-ordermoments.Tofacilitatesimpleconstruction k ofthe test statistic,andfaster convergence,we proposethe followingbootstrapestimate of q . nα Step 1: For i=1,...,n, generate ǫ∗ =ǫˆG where G ,...,G are independent and i i i 1 n identical copies of G, and let Y∗ =m(X ,θˆ,gˆ)+ǫ∗. Re-estimate θ and g based on i i i (X ,Y∗) n and denote them as θˆ∗ and gˆ∗. { i i }i=1 Step 2: Compute the EL ratio at m˜(x,θˆ∗,gˆ∗) based on (X ,Y∗) n , denote it as { i i }i=1 ℓ∗ m˜(x,θˆ∗,gˆ∗) and then obtain the bootstrap version of the test statistic Λ∗(~h)= { } n ℓ∗ m˜(x,θˆ∗,gˆ∗) π(x)dx and let ξ∗=h−d/2 Λ∗(~h) k . { } { n − } Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 N times, and obtain ξ∗ ξ∗ without loss of gen- R 1 ≤···≤ N erality. The bootstrap estimate of q is then qˆ =:ξ∗ . nα nα [Nα]+1 The proposed EL test withα-levelofsignificancerejectsH ifh−d/2 Λ (~h) k >qˆ . 0 n nα { − } Remark 3.4(Bandwidth selection). Eachbandwidthh usedinthekernelregression l estimatormˆ (x)canbechosenbyastandardbandwidthselectionprocedure;forinstance, l the cross-validation (CV) method. The range in terms of order of magnitude for all the k bandwidths h k covers the order of n−1/(d+2r), which is the optimal order that { l}l=1 minimizes the mean integrated squared error in the estimation of m and is also the l asymptotic order of the bandwidth selected by the CV method. We also note that once h k arechosen,thesamesetofbandwidthswillbeusedinformulatingthe bootstrap { l}l=1 version of the test statistic Λ∗(~h). n Theorem 3.2. Under assumptions (A.1)–(A.6)and (B.1)–(B.5)given in Section 6,and under H , 0 P(h−d/2 Λ (~h) k qˆ ) α, n nα { − }≥ → as min(n,N) . →∞ Theorem 3.2 maintains that the proposed test has asymptotically correct size. We next consider the power of the test under a sequence of local alternatives. First, consider the following local alternative hypothesis: H :m()=m(,θ ,g )+c Γ (), (3.1) 1n 0 0 n n · · · where c =n−1/2h−d/4 and Γ (x)=(Γ (x),...,Γ (x))T for some bounded functions n n n1 nk Γ () (l=1,...,k). nl · We need the following theorem on the asymptotic distribution of the EL test statistic under H in order to evaluate the property of the EL test. 1n Empirical likelihood goodness-of-fit test in multiresponse regression 963 Theorem 3.3. Under the assumptions (A.1)–(A.7) and (B.1)–(B.5) given in Section 6, and under H , 1n h−d/2 Λ (~h) k d N(β(f,K,Σ,Γ),σ2(K,Σ)) n { − }→ as n , where →∞ k β(f,K,Σ,Γ)= Γ (x)Γ (x)γ (x)f(x)π(x)dx l j lj l,j=1Z X = ΓT(x)V−1(x)Γ(x)f2(x)π(x)dx Z and Γ(x)=lim Γ (x), assuming such a limit does exists. n→∞ n Remark 3.5 (Power). The asymptotic mean of the EL test statistic is given by ΓT(x)V−1(x)Γ(x)f2(x)π(x)dx, which is bounded away from zero since V(x) is pos- itive definite with the smallest eigenfunction uniformly bounded away from zero. As a R result, the EL test has a non-trivial asymptotic power, Φ[ β(f,K,Σ,Γ) z /σ(K,Σ)], α { − } where Φ is the distribution function of the standard normal distribution. We note here that the above power is attained for any Γ(x) without requiring specific directions in whichH deviatesfromH .This indicatesthe proposedtestisableto testconsistently 1n 0 any departure from H . In summary we have the following theorem. 0 Remark 3.6 (Choice of π). The choice of the weight function π will affect the per- formanceof the test. This is reflectedinthe powerfunction givenin Remark3.5 asboth the β and the σ function depend on π. One possible way to select π is to maximize the following expression with respect to π: β(f,K,Σ,Γ) z /σ(K,Σ), α { − } which is the argument of the asymptotic power function of the test. Here both β(f,K,Σ,Γ) and σ(K,Σ) depend on the choice of π. The power also depends on the local alternative function Γ as well as on f and the covariance Σ. While f and Σ can n be estimated empirically, the optimization of the selection of π will have to be done by assuming some special form of Γ . n Theorem 3.4. Under assumptions (A.1)–(A.6)and (B.1)–(B.5)given in Section 6,and under H , 1n P(h−d/2 Λ (~h) k qˆ ) Φ[ β(f,K,Σ,Γ) z /σ(K,Σ)], n nα α { − }≥ → { − } as min(n,N) . →∞ 964 S.X. Chen and I. Van Keilegom 4. Examples In this section we will apply the general results obtained in Section 3 on a number of particular models: partially linear models, single index models, additive models, mono- tone regression models, the selection of variables and the simultaneous testing of the conditional mean and variance. These six examples form a representative subset of the morecompletelistofexampleslistedinthe introductionsection.Forthe otherexamples not treated here, the development is quite similar. 4.1. Partially linear models Consider the model Y =m(X ,θ ,g )+ǫ i i 0 0 i (4.1) =θ +θ X + +θ X +g (X )+ǫ , 00 01 i1 0,d−1 i,d−1 0 id i ··· where Y is a one-dimensional response variable (k = 1), d > 1, E(ǫ X = x) = 0 i i i | and Var(ǫ X = x) = Σ(x) (1 i n). For identifiability reasons we assume that i i | ≤ ≤ E(g (X ))=0. This testing problem has been studied in Yatchew (1992), Whang and 0 id Andrews (1993) and Rodr´ıguez-P´oo, Sperlich and Vieu (2009), among others. For any θ Rd and x R, let ∈ ∈ n hˆ(x,θ)= W (x,b)[Y θ θ X θ X ], (4.2) in i 0 1 i1 d−1 i,d−1 − − −···− i=1 X n 1 gˆ(x,θ)=hˆ(x,θ) hˆ(X ,θ), (4.3) id − n i=1 X where L((x X )/b) id W (x,b)= − , in n L((x X )/b) j=1 − jd b is a univariate bandwidth sequence anPd L is a kernel function. Next, define n θˆ=argmin [Y θ θ X θ X gˆ(X ,θ)]2. i 0 1 i1 d−1 i,d−1 id − − −···− − θ∈Rd i=1 X Then, θˆ θ =O (n−1/2), see Ha¨rdle, Liang and Gao ((2000), Chapter 2), and 0 p − m(X ,θ ,gˆ) m(X ,θ ,g ) = gˆ(X ,θ ) g (X ) i 0 i 0 0 i 0 0 i | − | | − | =O (nb)−1/2log(n) =o (nhd)−1/2log(n) , p p { } { }