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A goal-oriented RBM-Accelerated generalized polynomial chaos algorithm˚ Jiahua Jiang: Yanlai Chen: Akil Narayan; September 19, 2016 6 1 0 2 Abstract p e The non-intrusive generalized Polynomial Chaos (gPC) method is a popular computational S approachforsolvingpartialdifferentialequations(PDEs)withrandominputs. Themainhurdle 6 preventing its efficient direct application for high-dimensional input parameters is that the 1 size of many parametric sampling meshes grows exponentially in the number of inputs (the “curse of dimensionality”). In this paper, we design a weighted version of the reduced basis ] method (RBM) for use in the non-intrusive gPC framework. We construct an RBM surrogate A that can rigorously achieve a user-prescribed error tolerance, and ultimately is used to more N efficientlycomputeagPCapproximationnon-intrusively. Thealgorithmiscapableofspeeding . up traditional non-intrusive gPC methods by orders of magnitude without degrading accuracy, h assumingthatthesolutionmanifoldhaslowKolmogorovwidth. Numericalexperimentsonour t a test problems show that the relative efficiency improves as the parametric dimension increases, m demonstrating the potential of the method in delaying the curse of dimensionality. Theoretical results as well as numerical evidence justify these findings. [ 2 v 1 Introduction 7 3 Computationalmethodsforstochasticproblemsinuncertaintyquantification(UQ)areanincreasingly- 1 important area of research and much recent effort in this direction has been rewarded with many 0 0 promising developments. In particular, algorithms that quantify the effect of (potentially) random . input parameters on solutions to differential equations have seen rapid advancement. One of the 1 most widely used methods in this context is the generalized Polynomial Chaos (gPC) method [37], 0 6 whichconstructsaparametricresponsesurface(withparametersmodelingtherandomness)usinga 1 polynomialrepresentation. Thismethodexploitsparametricregularityofthesystemtoachievefast : convergence rates [35]. With gPC, stochastic solutions are represented as expansions in orthogonal v i polynomialsoftheinputrandomparameters,andsomanyalgorithmsforparametricapproximation X concentrateoncomputationoftheexpansioncoefficientsinagPCrepresentation. Collocation-based r orpseudospectral-basedmethodsarepopularnon-intrusiveapproachestocomputethesecoefficients, a usingacollectionofinterpolationorquadraturenodesinparameterspace[36]. Thisrequiresoneto query an expensive yet deterministic computational solver once for each parameter node. However, whenthedimensionoftherandomparameterislarge, thesizeofmanysamplingmeshes(andhence the number of computational solves) grows exponentially. This is a manifestation of the “curse of dimensionality”. ˚Submittedtotheeditorson9/12/2016. Funding: This work was funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under awards DMS-1216928 and DMS-1552238,theAirForceOfficeofScientificResearch(AFOSR)underawardFA9550-15-1-0467,andtheDefense AdvancedResearchProjectsAgency(DAPRA)underawardN660011524053. :MathematicsDepartment,UniversityofMassachusettsDartmouth,NorthDartmouth,MA([email protected], [email protected]). ;DepartmentofMathematics,andScientificComputingandImagingInstitute,UniversityofUtah,SaltLakeCity, UT([email protected]). 1 2 Onepopularstrategythatcombatsthecomputationalburdenarisingfrommultiplequeriesofan expensive model is model order reduction, which includes proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) methods,Krylovsubspacemethods,andreducedbasismethods(RBM).Thereferences[6,33]detail someofthesemethods. Modelreductionstrategiesallowonetoreplaceanexpensivecomputational model with an inexpensive yet accurate emulator for which performing a large number of queries may be more computationally feasible. Such an approach appeals to the same motivation as POD methods: although the discretized solution space is very high in dimension, the output of interest (such as the full solution field or integrated quantities of interest) frequently lie in a low-dimensional manifold. More precisely, the manifold can be approximated very well within a subspace of much lower dimension [7,10,27]. The search for, identification, and exploitation of this low-dimensional manifold are the central goals of many model order reduction strategies. Assuming such a low-dimensional manifold exists, then it may be possible to build a reduced-complexity emulator and consequently form the sought accurate gPC approximation in an efficient manner. In this paper we employ the RBM model reduction strategyforwhich[7,18,31]aregoodreferenceswith[2,3,5,19]theappropriatehistoricalreferences. The Reduced Basis Method performs a projection onto a subspace spanned by “snapshots”, i.e., a small and carefully chosen selection of the most representative high-fidelity solutions. The fundamental reason this is an accurate approach is that, for many PDE’s of interest, the solution manifold induced by the parametric variation has small Kolmogorov width; see [25,32] for a general discussion. Thesesnapshotsareselectedviaaweakgreedyalgorithmthatappealstoana posteriori errorestimate[18,31]. Thecomputationalmethodsthatoneusestocomputehigh-fidelitysnapshots include typical solvers, like spectral collocation or finite element discretizations. The ingredient in RBM that allows for computational savings is the “offline-online” decomposition. The offline stage is the more expensive part of the algorithm where a small number (denoted N throughout this paper) of parameter values are chosen and the snapshots are generated by executing the expensive high-fidelity computational model at these parameter locations. The preparation completed during the offline stage allows very efficient evaluation of an emulator of the high-fidelity model at any other parameter value, i.e., “online”. During the online stage, each evaluation of the emulator can typically be computed orders of magnitude faster than evaluation of the original expensive model. The actual speedup depends largely on how fast the Kolmogorov width decays and how optimally the weak greedy algorithm [7] is able to select parameter values. Theoretical results on the quality of the N-dimensional surrogate space in approximating the full solution manifold are established in [10] and later improved in [7]. Roughly speaking, polynomial and exponential decay rates of the theoretical Kolmogorov width of the solution manifold (with respect to N) can be achieved by the algorthmic RBM procedure. In practice, one achieves 2 to 3 orders of magnitude speedup [13,18]. Oneofthemajorbenefits ofRBMthatweexploitinthispaperisthattheRBMmodelreductionis rigorous: Certifiable error bounds accompany construction of the emulator in the offline stage [31]. The idea of utilizing RBM for problems in a general uncertainty quantification framework is not new [8,9,11,16,21,30]. In this paper our ultimate aim is to form a gPC expansion. The use of the RBM in this context, the design and analysis of an algorithm targeting statistical quantities of interest, and the exploration of its effectiveness in high-dimensional random space are underde- veloped to the best of our knowledge. A na¨ıve stochastic collocation or pseudospectral method is computationally challenging in high-dimensional parameter spaces, even when employing a sparse grid of economical cardinality. The hybrid gPC-RBM algorithm we propose is able to reduce the computational complexity required for construction of a gPC surrogate, and assists construction of the gPC approximation in high-dimensional parameter spaces with rigorous error bounds on the gPC coefficients, and on any Lipschitz continuous quantity of interest of the resulting expansion. Thispaperthusrefinesandextendstheideaofcombiningagoal-orientedReducedBasisMethod with a generalized Polynomial Chaos expansion. Our framework is goal-oriented: the construction oftheapproximationisoptimizedwithauser-specifiablequantityofinterestinmind. Thealgorithm is rigorous: we can guarantee an error tolerance for general quantities of interest. Our numerical results indicate that the method improves in performance (efficiency) as the parametric dimension increasesfortheexamplesstudiedinthispaper. Thissuggeststhatourmethodisparticularlyuseful for delaying the curse of dimensionality. 3 The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. In section 2, we introduce the general framework of a PDE with parametric input data. The two major ingredients in our approach, gPC andRBM,arelikewisediscussed. Insection3weintroducethenovelcontributionofthispaper, the hybrid algorithm, which is analyzed in section 4. Our numerical results are collected in section 5, and verify the efficiency and convergence of the hybrid algorithm. 2 Background In this section, we introduce the necessary background material of the hybrid algorithm, namely, generalized Polynomial Chaos and the Reduced Basis Method. 2.1 Problem setting Let µ “ pµ ,...µ q be a K-variate random vector with mutually independent components on a 1 K complete probability space. For Γ “ µ pΩq the image of µ , we denote the probability density i i i function of the random variable µ as ρ : Γ Ñ R`. Since the components of µ are mutually i i i independent, then ρpµqÀ“ ΠKi“1ρipµiq is the joint probability density function of random vector µ. The image of µ is Γ“ K Γ ĂRK. i“1 i Let D Ă Rdpd “ 1,2,3q be an open set in the physical domain with boundary BD, and x “ px ,...x qPD a point in this set. We consider the problem of finding the solution u:DˆΓÑR of 1 d the following PDE with random parameters: # Lpx,u,µq“fpx,µq, @px,µqPDˆΓ, (2.1) Bpx,u,µq“gpx,µq, @px,µqPBDˆΓ. Here L is a differential operator defined on domain D and B is a boundary operator defined on the boundary BD. The functions f and g represent the forcing term and the boundary conditions, respectively. We require the problem (2.1) to be well-posed and have a solution in a Hilbert space X. We thus assume up¨;µq P X for all µ. The Hilbert space X is equipped with inner product p¨,¨q X and induced norm }¨} . A canonical example is when (2.1) corresponds to a linear elliptic partial X differential equation [17]: X satisfies H1pDq Ă X Ă H1pDq, with H1 the space of functions whose 0 first derivatives are square-integrable over D, and H1 the space of functions in H1 whose support is 0 compact in D. In most applications, one has access to a deterministic computational solver that, for each fixed value of µ, produces an approximate, discrete solution to (2.1). We assume that for this fixed µ, such a computational solver produces the discrete solution uN, which has N degrees of freedom. This discrete solution is obtained by solving a discretized version of (2.1). For a fixed µPΓ, this is given by # LNpuN,µq“fNpµq, (2.2) BNpuN,µq“gNpµq. Standarddiscretizations,suchasfiniteelementorspectralcollocationsolvers,canbewritteninthis way. The continuous Hilbert space X is replaced with its discrete Hilbert space counterpart X , N with norm }¨} . XN As before, we assume that uNpµqPX . We will need an additional assumption that the norm N of the solution is uniformly bounded as a function of the parameter. I.e., that › › ›uNp¨,µq› ďU, @µPΓ (2.3) XN Thisassumptionissatisfiedformanypracticalproblemsofinterest. Forexample,foralinearelliptic operator LNpuNq, boundedness of the solution is a simple consequence of the bilinear weak form 4 being coercive and the linear form being continuous [24]. In our setting, uniform coercivity of the bilinear form and uniform continuity of the linear form with respect to µ would be sufficient to guarantee the uniform boundedness (2.3). When introducing the discretized PDE (2.2) we assume that, for any µ P Γ, uNpµq « upx,µq, wheretheapproximationhasanacceptablelevelofaccuracyasdeterminedbythemodelingscenario. Inpracticalmodelingsituations,onefrequentlyrequiresalargenumberofdegreesoffreedom,N "1, to achieve this. Inwhatfollowswewillusuallytreatµasaparameterassociatedwithaρ-weightednorm,rather than as an explicitly random quantity. This is a standard approach, and is without loss since all of our statements can be framed in the language of probability by appropriate change of notation. For example, the space of functions of µ with finite second moment is equivalent to the space L2pΓq, ρ " ż * L2pΓq“ u:ΓÑR| u2pyqρpyqdy ă8 ρ (cid:32) Γ ( “ u:ΓÑR|Eu2pµqă8 . 2.2 Generalized Polynomial Chaos The Generalized Polynomial Chaos method is a popular technique for solving stochastic PDE and representingstochasticprocesses[35]. ThemainideaofthegPCmethodistoseekanapproximation oftheexactsolutionofthePDE(2.1)byassumingthatthedependenceonµisaccuratelyrepresented by a finite-degree µ-polynomial. If u depends smoothly on µ, then exponential convergence with respect to the polynomial degree can be achieved. Computational implementations of gPC use an expansion in an orthogonal polynomial basis; as a consequence, quantities of interest such as expected value and variance can be efficiently evaluated directly from expansion coefficients. 2.2.1 gPC basis Consider one-dimensional parameter space Γi corresponding to the random variable!µi. If µ)i has 8 finitemomentsofallorders, thenthereexistsacollectionoforthonormalpolynomials φpiqp¨q , m m“0 with φ a polynomial of degree m, such that m ” ı ż E φpiqpµ qφpiqpµ q “ ρ pµ qφpiqpµ qφpiqpµ qdµ “δ m i n i i i m i n i i m,n Γi whereδ istheKroneckerdeltafunction. Thetypeoforthogonalpolynomialbasistφpiqudepends m,n m onthedistributionofµ . Forinstance,ifµ isuniformlydistributedinr´1,1s,itsprobabilitydensity i i functionρ isaconstantandtφpiqu8 isthesetoforthonormalLegendrepolynomials. Severalwell- i m m“0 studied orthogonal polynomial families correspond to standard probability distributions [37]. For the K-dimensional case (K ą 1), an orthonormal polynomial family associated to the full joint density ρpµq can be formed from products of univariate orthonormal polynomials: Φ pµq“φp1qpµ q...φpKqpµ q, α α1 1 αK K ÿK where α “ pα ,...,α q P NK is a multi-index. The degree of Φ is |α| “ α . A standard 1 K 0 α k k“1 polynomial space to consider in the multivariate setting is the total degree space, formed from the span of all Φ whose degree is less than a given P PN: α (cid:32) ˇ ( UP ”span Φ ˇ |α|ďP (2.4) K α The dimension of UP, denoted by M, is K ˆ ˙ K`P M ”dimpUPq“ , (2.5) K K 5 whichgrowscomparablytoPK forlargeK. Inwhatfollows,wewillindexmultivariateorthonormal polynomials as either Φ with α P NK satisfying |α| ď P, or Φ with m P N satisfying 1 ď m ď α 0 m dimUP. Toachievethis,weassumeanyorderingofmulti-indicesαthatpreservesapartialordering K of the total degree (for example, graded lexicographic ordering). 2.2.2 gPC approximation and quadrature TheL2pΓq-optimalgPCapproximationofthesolutionupx,µqto(2.1)inthespaceUP istheL2pΓq- ρ K ρ orthogonal projection onto UP, given by K ÿM uPpx,µq“ ur pxqΦ pµq. (2.6) K m m m“1 The Fourier coefficient functions ur are defined as m ż ur pxq“ upx,µqΦ pµqρpµqdµ. (2.7) m m For any xPD, the mean-square error in this finite-order projection is › › E pxq“›upx,µq´uPpx,µq› gPC K L2pΓq ˆż ρ ˙ 1{2 “ pupx,µq´uPpx,µqq2ρpµqdµ . (2.8) K Γ Note that this error is usually not achievable in practice: The Fourier coefficients ur cannot be m computed without essentially full knowledge of the solution u. Therefore, one frequently resorts to approximating these coefficients. One popular non-intrusive method is quadrature-based pseu- dospectral approximation, where the integral in (2.7) is approximated by a quadrature rule. Towardthatend,lettµq,w uQ denotequadraturenodesandweights,respectively,foraquadra- q q“1 ture rule that implicitly defines a new empirical probability measure: ż ÿQ fpµqρpµqdµ« w fpµqq. (2.9) q Γ q“1 For example, two common choices for quadrature rules are tensor-product Gauss quadrature rules, andGauss-Patterson-basedsparsegridquadraturerules(e.g.,[15]). Eachoftheserulescanintegrate polynomialsofhighdegree,buttherequisitesizeofthequadratureruleQislargeinhighdimensions. Both quadrature grids have cardinality that grows exponentially with dimension (for a fixed degree of integration accuracy), although sparse grids have a smaller size among the two. In this paper, we usetensor-productGaussquadraturerulesforlowdimensionsandsparsegridconstructionsforhigh dimensions; with these choices, we hereafter assume that (2.9) holds for functions f of the form of the integrand in (2.7). With this quadrature rule, the Fourier coefficients can be approximated by ÿQ ur «up “ upx,µqqΦ pµqqw . (2.10) m m m q q“1 The advantage of this formulation is that we need only compute the quantities up¨,µqq, which are a collectionofsolutionstoadeterministicPDE.Sincethisisalldoneinthecontextofacomputational solvergivenby(2.2),onewillreplacethecontinuoussolutionup¨,µqwiththediscretesolutionuNpµq. Then a straightforward stochastic quadrature approach first collects the solution ensemble from the computational solver, and subsequently uses it to compute approximate Fourier coefficients: (cid:32) ( (cid:32) ( ÿQ uN pxq Q :“ uN px,µqq Q ÝÑ upN “ uN pxqΦ pµqqw , (2.11) q q“1 q“1 m q m q q“1 6 The full approximation is formed by replacing the exact Fourier coefficents ur in (2.6) with the upN m m coefficients computed above. Note that, in order for the quadrature approximation (2.11) to be reasonably accurate, the numberofquadraturepointsQshouldbecomparablewithM. Wealreadyknowfrom(2.5)thatM scaleslikePK fortotal-degreespaces. Typically,thecostofobtainingeachuN requiresatleastOpNq q computational effort. (In some cases OpN3q effort is required.) Q solves of the PDE are required, with each solve costing at le`ast Op˘Nq work. Since Q „ M „ PK, then in the best-case scenario the total work scales like O NPK . Thus, the requisite computational effort for a straightforward stochastic quadrature method is onerous when K, the dimension of the random parameter µ, is large. However, if these coefficients could be computed, then the resulting expansion (2.6) can be very accurate. The focus of this paper is to inexpensively compute an approximation to upN. The m essentialingredientisreplacementofuN byasurrogatethatismuchcheapertocompute,andwhose q approximation fidelity can be rigorously quantified. 2.2.3 Quantities of Interest InmanyUQscenarios,oneisnotnecessarilyinterestedintheentiresolutionfieldupx,µq,butrather some other quantity of interest derived from it. We introduce a functional F that serves to map the solution u to the quantity of interest (the “goal”). Our construction exploits the well-known property of gPC that common quantities of interest such as the mean field and variance field can be recovered by simple manipulation of the gPC coefficients [35], up to the accuracy of the gPC expansion. Our theoretical results require two assumptions on the quantity of interest map F. The first assumption we make is that F has affine dependence on an M-term gPC expansion, u , specifically M « ff ÿM ÿM Fru s“F up pxqφ pµq “ θ pup pxqqFrφ pµqs, (2.12) M m m F m m m“1 m“1 for some function θ . It is not hard to show that typical quantities of interest satisfy this condition F on F with simple coefficient functions θ : F • F is the expected value operator E and θ is the identity function, F ÿM Fru s“Eru px,µqs“ up pxqErφ pµqs“up pxq (2.13a) M M m m 1 m“1 • F is the variance or norm-squared operator and θ is the quadratic function θ pvq“v2, F F ÿM ÿM Fru s“varpu px,µqq“ pup pxqq2varrφ pµqs“ pup pxqq2 (2.13b) M M m m m m“1 m“2 ÿM ÿM Fru s“||u px,µq||2 “ pup pxqq2||φ pµq|| “ pup pxqq2. (2.13c) M M L2ρ m m L2ρ m m“1 m“1 Our theoretical results also require a second assumption: that the functional θ is Lipschitz F continuous with Lipschitz constant C , i.e., that Lip }θ pvq´θ pwq}ďC }v´w}, (2.14) F F Lip for all appropriate inputs v and w. For F “ E, this constant is C “ 1. For the latter cases Lip of F “ var and Fr¨s “ }¨} where θ pvq “ v2, then C “ 2U with U is the uniform bound in L2 F › Lip› ρ › › (2.3). This is a consequence of }θ pvq´θ pwq} “ v2´w2 ď }v`w}¨}v´w} and the uniform- F F boundedness of the solution (2.3). 7 2.3 Reduced Basis Method (RBM) The reduced basis method [7,18,31] is a popular model order reduction strategy to solve a pa- rameterized PDE for a large number of different parameter configurations. RBM seeks to form an approximation uN satisfying uNpµq«uNpµq, µPΓ, suchthattheapproximationuN canbecomputedwithanalgorithmwhosecomplexitydependsonly on N, in contrast to the full solution uN whose complexity depends on N " N. To achieve this speedup, RBM algorithms traditionally make 3 assumptions: • The Kolmogorov N-width of the (discretized) solution manifold is small, i.e., › › d :“ inf sup inf ›uN p¨,µq´v› (2.15) N dimY“NµPΓvPY XN issmallwhenN !N,wheretheouterinfinimumistakenoverallN-dimensionalsubspacesof XN. In practice one hopes that d decays algebraically or even exponentially with increasing N N. ThesmallN-widthrequirementisafundamentalmathematicalassumptionwithoutwhich RBM cannot achieve acceptable error with small N. RBM forms a dimension-N space XN that seeks to achieve a distance to the solution manifold that is close to d . N • Thereisanefficiently-computablerigorousaposteriori errorestimate. GiventheN-dimensional RBM subspace XN of XN, an estimate ∆ pµq can be computed with OpNq complexity, sat- N isfying › › ∆ pµqě›uN p¨,µq´uNpµq› , µPΓ (2.16) N XN The computable error estimate is required for an iterated, greedy construction of RBM ap- proximation spaces XN. • The operators L and f in (2.1) have affine dependence on µ. I.e., there exist µ-independent operators L and f , and x-independent functions θLpµq and θfpµq such that q q q q QÿL ÿQf Lpµq“ θLpµqL , fpx,µq“ θfpµqf pxq (2.17) q q q q q“1 q“1 The affine assumptions are required so that RBM can compute the reduced-order solution uN with N !N complexity. In this paper, we will also assume that L is a linear operator: this simplifies presentation of some RBM mechanics and allows easy motivation of formulas connecting PDE residuals with solution errors. While these assumptions are traditional, there are constructive remedies for non-affine and certain non-linear operators [4,20,29]. The RBM algorithm is a central part of the novel hybrid approach that we present in Section 3. 2.3.1 Reduced basis approximation WerecallfromthediscussioninSection2.1thatacomputationalsolverin(2.2)uses N "1degrees of freedom to produce uNpxq, which is deemed an acceptably accurate approximation to upx,µqq. q In the RBM context, this approximation is called the truth solution or truth approximation and we will use this terminology when appropriate. The starting point for developing computational reduced basis methods is to replace the expensive truth solution with an inexpensive reduced-order solution. We briefly describe the standard method for accomplishing this below. Assume that a training set of parameter samples Ξ P Γ is given such that the µ-variation of the solution u is accurately captured by the resulting truth solution ensemble {uNpx,µq : µ P Ξ}. 8 1 This is a rather stringent requirement on Ξ, and does not furnish a constructive definition in general. In this paper we take Ξ to be the quadrature rule nodal set introduced in (2.9), that is, Ξ“tµquQ . Since our ultimate goal is formation of a gPC surrogate, we argue that such a choice q“1 of Ξ is a reasonable choice for the RBM training set. For any given reduced-order dimension N ! N, we build the N-dimensional reduced basis space XN by a greedy algorithm. This space is constructed as a span of “snapshots” (i.e., truth solutions) [26] XN “spantuNpx,ν1q,...,uNpx,νNqu, (2.18) (cid:32) ( where ν1,...,νN ĂΞarechoseninagreedyfashion. Assumingthegreedyalgorithmisperformed in a sufficiently accurate fashion, then the dimension-N space approximates the manifold up¨,Γq withanerrorcomparabletotheN-width[7]. ThesmallN-widthassumption(2.15)thusguarantees that a greedily-constructed XN achieves a small approximation error. Existence of an efficiently- computableerrorestimatesatisfying(2.16)allowsafeasiblegreedysearchfortheνk tobeperformed. (See sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 below.) For a fixed µ˚ P Γ, RBM approximates the truth solution uNpx,µ˚q by an element from XN. Thus, the RBM surrogate uNpx,µ˚q can be represented as ÿN uNpx,µ˚q“ c pµ˚quNpx,µkq (2.19) k k“1 RBM algorithms proceed by computing the c pµ˚q so that the PDE residual with the ansatz (2.19) k isassmallaspossible. Themeaningof“small”ismadeprecisebytheprescriptionofanappropriate projection operator P such that, using linearity of operator, the following holds: « ff ÿN “ ‰ P c pµ˚qLNpx,uNpx,µkq,µ˚q “P fNpx,µ˚q . (2.20) k k“1 Concrete examples of this abstract projection operator are the continuous L2 projection onto XN, a discrete (cid:96)2 projection (least-squares) on the spatial mesh, or an empirical interpolation procedure [13,14]. The affine assumption (2.17) allows computation of the c pµ˚q with an N-dependent k complexity (as opposed to N "N complexity): Using (2.17) in (2.20), we have « ff « ff ÿN QÿL ÿQf P c pµ˚q θLpµ˚qL puNpx,µkqq “P θfpµ˚qf pxq (2.21) k q q q q k“1 q“1 q“1 Wenotethatonlythetermsthataredouble-underlinedrequireN-dependentcomplexitytoevaluate. However, these terms do not depend on µ˚, and so they may be computed and stored during the offline stage. We refer to [13,34] for more details. In the following sections we detail portions of the RBM algorithm that our novel algorithm amends: the error estimate and the greedy algorithm (sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3, respectively). 2.3.2 A posteriori error estimate The goal of this section is to compute a bound on the norm of epx,µq :“ uNpx,µq´uNpx,µq without computing the truth solution uN. Let R :DˆΓ denote the (Riesz representation of the) N truth discretization residual from (2.2) using the reduced-order solution from X : N R px,µq:“fNp¨;µq´LNpuNpx,µq;µq“LNpepx,µq,µq (2.22) N 1Moreprecisely,werequirethatmanifoldofthefiniteensembleofsolutionsuNp¨,Ξqisanaccuratesurrogatefor thefullmanifolduNp¨,Γq. 9 Let β pµq be a lower bound for the smallest eigenvalue of LNpµqTLNpµq: LB ` ˘ vT LNpµq T LNpµqv 0ăβ pµqďmin (2.23) LB v (cid:107)v(cid:107)XN Above, LNpµq should be understood as the matrix representation of the operator LNp¨;µq. The relations (2.22) and (2.23) can be used to conclude [13] (cid:107)R px,µq(cid:107) ∆ pµq:“ aN XN ě(cid:107)epx,µq(cid:107) @µPΞ (2.24) N β pµq XN LB Thus the a posteriori error estimate ∆ is rigorous, satisfying (2.16). For the computation of this N bound to be efficient, we must compute the residual R and β in an N-independent fashion. N LB The residual can be computed with OpNq complexity by exploiting the same manipulations used in (2.21). The efficient evaluation of β pµq can be accomplished via the successive constraint LB linear optimization method (SCM) [12,18,22,23] with the marginal computational cost for each µ independent of the truth solution complexity N. (There is a one-time N-dependent overhead computation.) With the ability to efficiently compute ∆ , we can describe the greedy algorithm for choosing N the RBM parameter snapshot locations tνku. 2.3.3 Greedy Algorithm (cid:32) ( Given a current set of parametric samples ν1,...,νk and the training parameter set Ξ, a new parametervalueνk`1 PΞisideallyselectedastheµPΞthatmaximizestheerrorbetweenuN p¨,µq and its projection onto Xk. Computationally, this error may be estimated by ∆ : k νk`1 “argmax∆ pµq (2.25) k µPΞ This process is repeated either until the maximum value of ∆ is smaller than a user-prescribed N tolerance (cid:15) , or until N reaches a user-defined maximum value. tol In total, only N queries of the truth solution are required. (One query for each parameter selected via (2.25).) However, each optimization (2.25) requires sweeping over Ξ, evaluating the errorestimate∆ everywhereinthetrainingset. Althoughwehavedescribedabovethatevaluation k of∆ hasacomplexitythatisonlyN-dependent, thecardinalityofΞcanbeverylarge, andsothis k greedy optimization can still be expensive for large parametric dimensions. We close this section by remarking that there are several algorithmic optimizations to speed up the computation in (2.25). For example, the evaluation of ∆ pµq for each µ P Ξ is embarrassingly k parallel. In addition, ∆ is monotonically decreasing with k if the projection operator P in (2.21) k is an orthogonal projection. In this case, any µ P Ξ satisfying ∆ pµq ă (cid:15) may be permanently k tol removed from future greedy sweeps. 3 Hybrid Algorithm Recall that straightforward stochastic quadrature requiring Q solves of (2.2), each having N- dependent complexity, can be computationally burdensome when the random parameter dimension K is large. Our approach simply replaces uN in (2.11) with an RBM surrogate uN that is tailored toward gPC approximations. It thus ameliorates the cost-per-solve (reducing it to an N-dependent operation count) by using a gPC-goal-oriented variant of the RBM algorithm. OuralgorithmusesamodifiedaposteriorierrorestimateinthetraditionalRBgreedyalgorithm. This results in a RBM-gPC hybrid algorithm that can accurately construct a gPC surrogate more efficiently than standard pseudospectral methods. OurconvergencemetricistheL2 norm,andsowemodifythestandardRBMalgorithmdescribed ρ in section 2.3 so that rigorous L2 error estimates may be derived. We exploit the observation ρ 10 that each upx,µqq associated with parameter value µq should have some quantitative measure of importance as indicated by the probability density ρpµqq. This idea was explored in [30], but our version differs notably from earlier methods since we do not explicitly use ρ as a weight for the a posteriori error estimate. 3.1 Weighted a posteriori error estimate Design of the RBM error estimate can significantly affect the performance of the resulting reduced basis method, particularly so for our goal-oriented approach. The approximate gPC coefficient formula (2.10) is the w -weighted inner product between the polynomial Φ and uN. Thus, the q m error estimate should likewise be weighted using the quadrature weight w . We emphasize again q that our strategy is different from using the probability density function ρ as done in [30]; even in simple one-dimensional cases, it is easy to see that w ­ 9ρpµqq (e.g., Gaussian quadrature or q Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature). We introduce the following weighted a posteriori error estimate ∆wpµq: N b }R p¨,µqq} ∆w pµqq“ aN XN Q|w |, q “1,...,Q, (3.1) N β pµqq q LB where β pµqq is a lower bound for the smallest eigenvalue of NN as given in (2.23), and R LB N is the PDE raesidual of the order-N surrogate as defined in (2.22). Note that the novel quantity is the factor Q|w |; since w corresponds to a Q-point normalized quadrature rule, the quantity q q Q|wq|frequentlybhasOp1qmagnitude. Forexample,aunivariateGaussquadraturerulesoncompact domains Qw „ 1´pµqq2ρpµqq „ Op1q for fairly general ρ [28]. The absolute value bars in (3.1) q are necessary in general because sparse grid quadrature rules can have negative weights. For a tensor-product Gaussian quadrature rule, the weights are all positive. The m-th Fourier coefficient produced by the hybrid algorithm is upN in (2.11) and its surrogate m upN m ÿQ upN “ uNpµqqΦ pµqqw .. (3.2) m m q q“1 The form of the weighted a posteriori error estimate ensures that we can bound the error between this coefficient and the corresponding truth Fourier coefficient. The precise estimate appears in section 4. 3.2 Goal-oriented greedy algorithm The greedy algorithm strategy here is essentially the same as in Section 2.3.3. One major difference is that we replace the original error estimate with our weighted one: νk`1 “argmax∆wpµq (3.3) k µPΞ We show later in Theorem 3 and Corollary 4 that the weighting provided by ∆w allows one to k guarantee that the gPC approximation that is formed from the RBM surrogates is within a user- defined tolerance of the gPC-truth approximation. Another major difference in the goal-oriented algorithm is that the tolerance criterion is tuned to the quantity of interest of the gPC surrogate. At each stage with k RB snapshots, we compute the error estimate g g f f fe1 ÿQ ÿM feÿQ ε“C p∆wq2pµqq, with C “ |w |Φ2 pµqq|FrΦ pµqs|, (3.4) Q,M Q k Q,M q m m q“1 m“1 q“1

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