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Preview A generic revision of the Oncomerinae (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea: Tessaratomidae)

AGENERIC REVISION OF THE ONCOMERINAE (HETEROPTERA: PENTATOMOIDEA: TESSARATOMIDAE) DAVID PATRICK SINCLAIR Sinclair, D.R 2000 12 31: A generic revision of the Oncomerinae (Heteroptera: Pentatomoidea: Tessaratomidae). Memoirs ofthe QueenslandMuseum 46(1): 307-329. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-8835. The fifteen accepted genera ofthe tessaratomid shield bug, subfamily Oncomerinae, are reviewed and adifferential key provided. Anew diagnosis ofthesubfamily is established. Generic redescriptions and illustrations ofrepresentative species are given for all genera except the newly described Tibiospina Sinclair. Distribution records and foodplants are summarisedforeachgenus.All known speciesare listed. Heteroptera, Tessaratomidae, Oncomerinae, generickey, hostplants, genitalia, distribution, Australia. DavidPatrickSinclair, DepartmentofPlantPathologyandAgriculturalEntomology(now DepartmentofCropSciences). The UniversityofSydney, Sydney2006, Australia. Present address: 158RobertStreet, Atherton4883, Australia; 15February2000. ThetessaratomidsubfamilyOncomerinae Stal (Monteith, 1998) and Garceus fidelis Distant currently includes 15 genera and 57 species (thispaper). (Rolston et al., 1993; Sinclair, 2000) occurring MATERIALS AND METHODS predominantly in the Australian zoogeographic region(sensuCranston&Nauman, 1991).Major SpecimensExamined.Whereverpossible,atleast publicationsonthesubfamilysubsequenttoStal, five adult females and five adult males ofeach someofwhichincludekeystothegeneraknown specieslistedunderthegenericdescriptionswere at that time, include Horvath (&1900b), Kirkaldy examined.Abbreviations:*=Type/s;P=photo. a(1n9d09K)u,mLaerst(o1n9(691)9.55a),Leston Scudder(1957) GenitaliaPreparationandDescriptions. Genital segments were cleared by immersion in boiling All ofthe 12 oncomerine genera that occur in 10-15% potassium hydroxide for 5-30 minutes. Australia are confined to the eastern halfofthe After several washes in tap water the segments continent, where most are restricted to the were dissected using finejewellers forceps and narrow, moist, northeastern, coastal belt which micropins mounted on the apex ofmatchsticks. enjoys a tropical or subtropical climate. Within The aedeagus was teased into its fully everted thatzonetherearethreeareasofdiversity,eachof state using fine jewellers forceps to grasp the whichhas aboutsevengeneraoccurringmoreor basal plates of the aedeagal phallosoma, and less sympatrically. These areas are: i) the north- anotherpairtograspthebaseofthevesicainside em half of Cape York Peninsula; ii) the Wet thephallotheca.Afterexaminationintapwateror Tropics zone between Cooktown and Towns- 70% alcohol the genitalia were stored in ville;andiii)theregioncomprisingtheSEcorner glycerine-filled microvials beneath the ofQueensland andtheNE comer ofNew South specimen. Descriptionsofthe fullyeverted male Wales. aedeagus were made viewing the aedeagus in profile while it lay on its side in the natural This paper redescribes 14 of the 15 genera position. The terms 'distal' and 'proximal' currentlyincludedinthesubfamilyOncomerinae; conjunctival processes are applied in a relative the remaining genus, Tibiospina, was recently sense following Kumar & Ghauri (1970). described (Sinclair, 2000). Redescriptions are Descriptionsofthespermathecacommencefrom necessary as the majority ofthese genera were the bulb-end ofthe duct. describedin thenineteenth century. The generic LineDrawings.Linedrawingsweremadeusinga redescriptions have required a redescription of camera lucida attached to a binocular the subfamily. microscope. An interesting aspect of their little known Systematic Descriptions. A diagnosis and des- biology isnymphalphoresy, which occurs inthe cription is given forthe subfamily Oncomerinae females ofat leastthree genera: Climatepallida and for each included genus within it (for Blote, Peltocopta crassiventris (Bergroth) Tibiospina, see Sinclair, 2000). Diagnostic 308 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM characters are unique at the subfamily level lackingaAl ( =Pcu) stridulitrum; metathoracic (when compared to the two other tessaratomid scent gland ostiole with prominent spout on subfamilies)orthegeneric level(whencompared anterior margin (Fig. 5B,C); presternum to otheroncomerine genera). medially flatto weakly sulcate, ifsulcate, never Generic synonymies and homonymies were bounded laterally by posteriorly convergent, given by Rolston et al. (1993), and are not acutely to laminately produced carinae. Legs. repeated here unless there are significant Hind femora of male unarmed on subbasal references omitted hy those authors. inferiorsurface; tarsi 3-segmented. Foreachgenericdescription: 1)body length is Female genitalia. Paratergite 8 not or weakly the maximum length from thejugal apex to the expanded laterally compared to paratergite 9; abdominal apex; 2) head width versus length is spermathecal duct tubular between bulb and themaximum widthacrossthelateral marginsof distal flange. thecompoundeyewhencomparedtothedistance from thejugal apex to an imaginary line drawn Malegenitalia. Sternum 8 concealed by sternum betweentheocelli;3)whensternum2isstatedas 7u;nmboadsiaflieddo;rspaalrsaumrefraecsewohfeenjapcruelsaetnotruynirersaemrovuosi,r being medially 'simple' the area is convex or elongate. ridge-like rather than being modified into a tubercle or spine; 4) when the intersegmental REMARKS. Leston (1955a) divided the sub- sutureofabdominal sterna2-3 terminatesdorso- familyOncomerinaeintosubtribesPiezostemaria laterally on the lateral margin of the abdomen (for the genus Piezosternum) and Oncomeraria (sleae.tegen.roiFtniegra.gidt5oerCs)2alt(hveei.ge.fwirFsotifg(.tbhae5sDaa)lb.mdooWsmthi)enanllatttehreeortgeiurngmtietrie-s o(lfononrtgh,aellffolotelhxleiobrwlioen,ngcoccohmiaelrreaicdt;neermsge.etnPeairseatz)oe.srtTnehumimasrwipaar:sovdbeuascsieecdda segmental suture of abdominal sterna 2-3 forwards into a long, wide-based spine; terminates dorsoanteriorly on the lateral margin EthiopianandNeotropical. Oncomeraria: Vesica of the abdomen (e.g. Fig. 5B) 'laterotergite 2' rigid or semi-rigid, not elongate and coiled; becomes sublateral in position, withthe anterior metasternum flat or swollen but neverproduced margin of laterotergite 3 forming an angulate forwards; Oriental and Australasian. This wedgelateraltoit.Laterotergite3 isthusthefirst division is not recognised here as the flexible (basalmost) abdominal laterotergite. vesicastatefoundinPiezosternumalsooccursin Food Plants. In the Biology section for each Agapophyta and Neosalica. A more appropriate genusthehigherbotanical classification usedfor division would be Piezosternum and Neosalica recorded foodplants follows Mabberley (1989). versus all remaining oncomerine genera, as the SScohmaeefoefrt&heAfohomdpaldan(t19i8n7f)o.rmationispresentedin seixttueartneadldoorpsealnliynginoPfiezthoestmeranluempayndgoNpehoosraleicias SYSTEMATICS (e.g. Fig. 6D) and posteriorly in all other Oncomerinae (e.g. Fig. 6B,C). Subfamily ONCOMERINAE Stal KEYTO GENERAOF ONCOMERINAE TYPEGENUS. Oncomeris Laporte, 1832. 1. Pronotum produced posteriorly overscutellarbase(e.g. DIAGNOSIS. Base of hemelytral membrane Fig.4A) 2 with two or less basal cells (basal cells usually Pronotumterminatingalscutellarbase 4 absent)(Figs 1,2,3,4A,B);veinsR+MandCuof 2. Metasternumwithbroadcarinaproducedanteriorly and hindwingparallelandnarrowlyseparatedorcon- adpressedtomesosternum(Fig.6Q) Piezosternum tiguousonproximal 2/3 (Fig. 4D); paratergites9 . , of female separated medially by proctiger (Fig. Metasternum lacking broad carina or if broad carina present,notproducedanteriorly 3 5E). 3. l'ronotallateralanglesproducedasacutespines(Fig.4B) DESCRIPTION. Body length 12-43mm. Neosaliea Head. Preocular tubercle absent; antennal seg- l'ronotallateralanglesroundlyproduced Tlhio.ipina(seeSinclair,20001 ment2rounded-prismaticincrosssection;rostral apex reachingmesosternum ornietasternum. 4. Medialareaofabdominalsternum3producedanteriorly asadistinctspine(e.g.Fig.6E,H) 5 Thorax. Coriomembranal suture of fore wing Medialareaofabdominalsternum3simpleortuberculate concave-sinuate (Figs 1, 2, 3, 4A,B); hind wing (e.g.Fig.6F,G) II . . ; GENERA OF ONCOMERINAE 309 5. Apex of abdominal sternum 3 spine reaching mela- spermatheeal duct below the proximal flange sternum;mesosternalxyphusproducedposteriori) asa initially slenderthen variably dilated and coiled bifurcation(Fig.61:) Agapophyta Apex of abdominal sternum 3 spine reaching to its base (see Kumar, 1969: Fig. 91). mesosternumor(occasionally)presternum;mesosternal xyphussimple,tumidorcarinate 6 DESCRIPTION. Body length 13-20mm; dorsal 6. Forefemorawithaprominentspineonventralsubapical view (Fig. 1A). anteriormargin 7 Head. Wider than long; antennae 4-segmented, Fore femora unarmed on ventral subapical anterior margin 8 apex reaching scutellum; jugae medially con- 7. Pronotal anterolateral margins produced as curved (in tiguous anterior to tylus; rostral apex reaching dorsal view), variably explanate processes (Fig. 3B); mesosternum. hindtibiaeflattened(Fig.4E) Oncomeris Pronotal anterolateral margins not produced, sublinear Thorax. Posteriorpronotalmarginterminatingat (indorsalview)(Fig.3C);hindtibiaedilatedsubbasally scutellar base; scutellum longerthan wide, apex oninnermargins(Fig.4F) Plisthenes reaching from abdominal terga 5-7; hamus of 8. Ostiolar spout long when compared to distance from hind wing absent; mesosternum with anterior ostiole to dorsal extremity ofostiolar plate (Fig. 5B) medial tubercle, xyphus broadly swollen, Careens remainder as in diagnosis; metasternum tumid, Ostiolar spout short when compared to distance from posterior margin not produced over second ostioletodorsalextremityofostiolarplate(Fig.5C) . .9 abdominal sternum, remainderas in diagnosis. 9. Abdomen in dorsal view with lateral margins highly Abdomen. Intersegmental suture of abdominal vcoinevwexatbase(Fig. IB);headlongerthanwideindEorrsgaal sterna 2-3 terminating dorsoanleriorly (e.g. Fig. Abdomen in dorsal view with lateral margins weakly 5B); sternum 2 medially simple; sternum 3 convexatbase;headwiderthanlongindorsalview . . medially with apex of spine reaching meta- 10 sternum. 10. Abdomen in dorsal view with lateral margins strongly taperedposteriorly(Fig.3D) Lyramorpha Legs. Fore femora on subapical, anteriormargin Abdomen in dorsal view with lateral margins weakl) ofinferiorsurfaceunarmed;hind femoraofmale taperedposteriorly(Fig.2D) Tamolia slenderwhen comparedto mid andhind femora, 11 1lindtibiaebearingtwodistinct'teeth' on innermargins subapical inferiorsurface unarmed. (Fig.5A) Rhuecus Female Genitalia. Selerotised rami present; Hindtibiaeunarmedoninnermargins 12 12. Antennae 4-segmented; mesosternal xyphus bicarinate, spermatheeal bulb spherical in profile, sperm- sulcatemedially Stilida atheeal duct as in diagnosis. Antennae 5-segmented; mesosternal xyphus simple or Male Genitalia. Pygophore, external opening longitudinallycarinate 13 posteriorin position; aedeagus, vesicaforming a 13. BpordoynodtiasltinmcatlrygiBnastteannedd ianbcdroomsisnsaelctiloant;eraanltermoalragteirnasl mostly membranous tube; conjunctiva with at foliaceous(Fig. IC) Peltocopta least one pair of mostly selerotised latero- Bodyflattenedorbiconvexincrosssection;anterolateral proximal processes (see Kumar, 1969: fig. 66). pronotalmarginsandabdominallateralmarginsacutely produced 14 INCLUDED SPECIES. A. astridae Schouteden, 14. Rostral segment 1 enclosed by bucculae; scutellarapex 1933, *2; A. aurantiaca Blote. 1945, *S\ A. reachingtoabdominallergite5 Cumare bipunctata Guerin, 1831, <59; A. boschmai Rostral segment I surpassing bucculae posteriorly; Blote, 1945, 6 9 A. distincta Blote, 1952, 6 A. scutellar apex reaching to abdominal tergite 4 ; ; Musgraveia occidentalis Blote, 1945, *8,6;A. similisBlote, 1945, P; A. undescribed species, Mt Kaindi, GENERIC DESCRIPTIONS PapuaNewGuinea 6 9;A. ustulataBlote, 1945, Agapophyta Guerin, 1831 *6 9, 6 9:A. vankampeniBlote, 1945,*$, 6 9 A. viridula Blote, 1945. TYPESPECIES.AgcpophytabipunctataGuerin, 1831 DISTRIBUTION. Australia(Qld, as farsouth as DIAGNOSIS. Apex ofscutellum bifurcate (Fig. Cardwell); New Guinea; Woodlark Island; 1A);mesosternalxyphusproducedposteriorlyas Bismarck Archipelago (Duke of York Island, abifurcation,adpressedtometasternum laterally New Britain, New Ireland); Solomon Islands (Fig.6E);posteriorhalfofmetasternummedially (Kei and Kilinailau Islands); Moluccas (Aru, broadlysulcatetoreceiveentiredorsal surfaceof Bum, Misool and Salawati Islands); Sulawesi; third abdominal sternal spine (Fig. 6E); Sumatra;Java;MalayPeninsula(WestMalaysia). MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 510 I PKei.ltoIc.opAtdualctrsu,ssdiowrisiailrisvi(eBwe:rgrAo.thA);gaDp.opGhayrtcaeubstpfuindecltiastDaisGtuaenrti.rtS;caBl.e bEarrgs;u Alo=ngi3t,u9di8nmaml,fsH(=Wb3s.t4w4omodm),;C(=. 6.66mm, D= 4,K7mni. Amyot & Serville (1843) listed Agapophyta hiictfera L. (Arecales: Palmae) (S/ent-lvany & lium Tasmania (Australia). This record requires Catley. 1960): on leaves of Hibiscus sp. confirmation. (Malvales: Malvaceae) (Mr W. Foung, pcrs. eomm.); A. boschniai on pods qj LeUGQSna BIOLOGY. Foodplants.L bipunaatu: on shoots leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit (syn. L. glauca o\ Cassia fistula L. (Fabales: Leguminosae) Benth.) (Fabales: Leguniinosae) (label data); an (Kumar, 1969); on voting leaves of Cocos Agapophyta sp. on shoots, flower buds of . GENERA 01 0NCOMER1NAE Cajanm en/an (L.J Millsp. fEahaks; Legumin- with one pair oflightly sclemiised dorsolateral osac) (Young, 1984), proximal processes; one pair of elongate, REMARKS. Apart from an nude-scribed species mpaeimrborfamnoeumsb,radnoorsuoslaltaetrearloddiissltaallpprroocceesssseess;(eoanceh from Mi Kaindi, Papua New Guinea, and process forming bifurcate lobes, one lobe occasional specimens of A. vaftkampeni, all directed towards phallosoma, other lobe away remaining species ofAgqpqphytQ have a black from phallosoma): one pair ofelongate, lightly s•alsp.eoet(1Faii9g9.t3h]IeAagp)i.veAexstoytfphoteghreyaefpaohrirceoawlfinedgrersmocerrdiiipnatRlioolfnsratocoftnuAreet (ssceleeraoltsioseKduvmeantrr.ol1at9e6r9a:ltdiigssta6l0,pr6o1ce).sses(1 ig, 61] boschmai as 1845, The correct date is 1945. INC LUDED SPP.CI1 S. Cumare pallida Blote. Kumar (1969) labelled the male aedeagul 1945, * i. o V; Cumare undescribed spi conjunctivalprocessesas being ventrelateraland Kiunga, Papua New Guinea, ? proximal in position in A. bipunctata. These processesareactually lateroprosimalinposition BrisbaInsel)B;IJPTaIpOuNa.ANuestwralGiuain(eQakL(aKsiifmargas:OUtDharitu* Cumare Blotc. 1945 l-:iand|. rYPESPfe iiIS ' >iu!lV[ki!ltJ«Wm:. I sBtIiOglmaDGspY.,(FFuopohdoprlbainatlse.s:C,huip>huolrlbuliaaeoenaeiP.iGU. DIAGNOSIS. Body flattened in cross section: Monteith. pers. comm., label data). rostral segment t-nclosed by bncculac. I R MARKS, The undescribed spec;. DESCRIPTION, Body length 12-19mm: dorsal Kiunga is noticeably largerthan C. pallida. view (Fig. 1 A). Erga Walkei, IXoN Head. Wider than long; antennae 5-segmented, apex reaching sculellum; jugae contiguous TV I'l SP| ' lliS.Ergalongiliidmalu{\\!^t\\i*\<S, l;Si?.i) medially anterior to tylus; rostral apex reaching niesostemum. DIAGNOSIS. Dorsally, abdomen with lateral Thorax, Posteriorpioiiotal marginterminatingat margins highly convexbasally (Fig. IB); sperm- scutellarbase: sculellum longerthan wide, apex athccal duet below proximal flange initially reaching abdominal tergurn 5; liamus of hind slender then distally dilated, latter subsequently Wing absent: niesostemum with anterior broad narrowedasproximaldilationtobaseofduct(see medial tubercleortubercleabsent; Xyphuscarin- Kumar, 1969- fig. So): aedeagal conjunctiva ol ate to broadly carinate; metasternum swollen, male with one pair of mostly sclerotised withnarrow medial longitudinal carinaorcarina ventrolateral proximal processes (Fig. 701 absent; posterior margin not produced over DESCRIPTION, Body length 12-15 -mm; second abdominal sternum, when produced dorsal view (Fig. IB) teaching second abdominal sternum Head. Longerthan wide; antennae 5-segmcnted. Ibdom&j, Intersegmental suture of abdominal apex reaching scutcllum; jugae contiguous. sterna2-3terminatingdorsoantcriorly.sternum2 medially anterior to tylus; rostral apex read medially forming noticeably convex ridge; mcsosicrniim. sternum3 medially withantcnoi conical tubercle Thorax Posterior pioiiotal margin terminatingat pressing anteriorly under abdominal sternum 2. scutellar base; .sculellum longer (ban wide, apex Legs, fore femora on subapical. anterior margin reaching abdominal tergurn 5; hamus of hind ofinferiorsurfaceunarmed; hind femora ofmale wing abseni; mesosicimim lacking anterior slender when compared to mid and hind femora, medial carina or tubercle, xyphus swollen with subapical inferior surface unarmed medial groove; metaslemuiri swollen, concave Female Genitalia. Sclerotised rami abseni; posteriorly to receive dorsal suhhasal sitrfd spermathceal bulb spherical in profile, sperm- adpressed third abdominal sternal - alhecal duel below the proximal flange usually posterior margin not produced over second slender, with lateral duel leading to sac-like abdominal sternum. usioii (see Kumar, 1969: fig. 90). 4hili>meii Intersegmental suluic of abdominal Mule Genitalia. Pygophoie, external opening sterna2-3 terminatingdorsoantcriorly;sternum 2 posterior m posilmn acdcigu'., Vfsien lormmg a mediallysimple;.sternum3 mediallyV\itha|u sclerotised tube ofvariable profile; OonjlUl Spinereaching mesostentum. 312 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM FIG.2.Adults,dorsalview;A,CumarepallidaBlote;B,SrilidaindecoraStallC,Musgraveiasulcivenrris(Slal); D, Tamoliasp. Scalebars: A=4.37mm, B =6.46mm,C= 5.88mm, D= 6.08mm/ Legs, Fore femora on subapical, anteriormargin Female Genitalia. Sclerotised rami present; ofinferiorsurfaceunarmed;hindfemoraofmale spermathecal bulb non-spherical in profile, slender whencompared tomid and hind femora, s,pe,rm,at„hec,al,d.uc„t as in diagnosis. subapical inferior surface unarmed. 1 Male Genitalia. Pygoph,ore, ext,ernal, opening posterior inposition; aedeagus: vesicaforminga GENERA OF ONCOMER1NAE I Id. 3, \dults, dorsal view; \,Rhoecvsamtralatiae(WestwQOd); B. Oncamer-is$p.\ C,Piistkenestne\ >;Fabii«Us);D,LyrtimorpharoseaWesrwood.Stalebars:A 7.39mm,B-6.90mm.f' - 7 I'1mm.D=5.34mm, Sfclerotised tube of variable profile; aedeagal INt'l UDED SPECIES. Ergo longitudinal™ conjunctivawith:onepairofmembranousdorso- Westwood, I837; medial distal process: one pair ot membranous DISTRIBUTION. Australia (Old, NSW). ventrolateral distal processes (Fig. 7(5). remain- Records from Tasmania and 'New Guinea' indiagnosis(seealsoKumar, lc;"' : fig.43). require confirmation (sec also Gross. 1975: 79), 314 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM BIOLOGY. The biology ofE. longitudinalis is INCLUDED SPECIES. Garceus fidelis Distant, briefly discussed by Kumar (1969). Foodplants: 1893, 6 9. Eb.laclkoinig(iFt.uMduineallli.s)Ro.nGesehsoiontks(soyfn.AuLsotnrcohsoteceanripsuisa DISTRIBUTION.Australia(WetTropicsarea,N blackii F. Muell.) (Fabales: Leguminosae) Qld). ArecordfromPeakDownsinthesemi-arid (Kumar. 1969). inlandnearClermontrequires confirmation. REMARKS. This genus may be confused with BIOLOGY. The biology and foodplants ofthe genus are unknown. Four large dead nymphs the genusAgapophyta(Fig. 1A). were found adhered to the basal, ventral surface Garceus Distant, 1893 NofMthNeHabdcoolmleenctiendaidneatdhepienanreldyfe1m9a0l0esfrboymJt.hFe. TYPESPECIES.GarceusfidelisDistant, 1893. IfloluirnngywomrpthhsatweBraebisnedpaarainteNdfQruoementshelafnedm.alTeheasned DIAGNOSIS. Body weakly flattened in cross stored in anassociatedplastic vial. section; ostiolar spout long when compared to Lyramorpha Westwood, 1837a distance from ostiole to dorsal extremity of ostiolarplate (Fig. 5B). TYPESPECIES.LyramorpharoseaWestwood, 1837a. DESCRIPTION. Body length: 17-22mm; dorsal DIAGNOSIS. Dorsally, abdomen in dorsalview view (Fig. ID). with lateral margins stronglytaperedposteriorly Head. Wider than long; antennae 5-segmented, (Fig. 3D). aanpteexriroeratcohtiynlguss;cruotsetlrlaluma;pjeuxgraeeacchoinntgigmueosuosstmeedrinaulml.y vDiEeSwC(RFIigP.T3IDO)N..Bodylength16.5-30mm;dorsal Thorax. Posteriorpronotalmarginterminatingat Head. Wider than long; antennae usually scutellarbase; scutellum longerthanwide, apex 5-segmented (4-segmented in L. rosea), apex reaching abdominal tergum 5; hamus of hind reaching scutellum; jugae usually contiguous wing absent; mesosternum with anterior medial medially anterior to tylus; rostral apex usually carina; xyphus broad, swollen; metasternum reaching mesosternum. weakly convex, concave posteriorly to receive dorsal subbasal surface of adpressed third Thorax. Posteriorpronotalmarginterminatingat scutellarbase; scutellum longerthan wide, apex abdominal sternal spine, posterior margin not reaching from abdominal terga 5-6; hamus of produced oversecondabdominal sternum. hind wing absent; mesosternum with anterior Abdomen. Intersegmental suture of abdominal medial tubercle, xyphus swollen; metasternum sterna2-3terminatingdorsoanteriorly;sternum2 convex, concave posteriorly to receive dorsal simplemedially;sternum3 mediallywithapexof subbasal surface of adpressed third abdominal spinereaching mesosternum. sternalspine,posteriormarginnotproducedover Legs. Fore femora on subapical, anteriormargin second abdominal sternum. ofinferiorsurfaceunarmed;hind femoraofmale Abdomen. Intersegmental suture of abdominal slenderwhencomparedtomid and hind femora, sterna2-3terminatingdorsoanteriorly;sternum2 subapical inferiorsurfaceunarmed. mediallysimple;sternum3mediallywithapexof Female Genitalia. Sclerotised rami absent; spine reachingmesosternum. spermathecal bulb spherical in profile, sperm- Legs. Fore femoraon subapical, anteriormargin athecal duct below proximal flange usually ofinferiorsurfaceunarmed;hindfemoraofmale slender, with lateral duct leading to a sac-like slenderwhen comparedtomidandhind femora, expansion (Fig. 6A). subapical inferiorsurfaceunarmed. Male Genitalia. Pygophore, external opening Female Genitalia. Sclerotised rami usually posteriorinposition; aedeagus, vesica forminga absent (present in L.rosea); spermathecal bulb sclerotised tube ofvariable profile; conjunctiva usually spherical in profile (non-spherical in L. with:onepairofsmalldorsolateraldistalprocesses; macu/ifera); spermathecal duct below proximal one pair of lightly sclerotised lateroproximal flange slender, with lateral duct leadingto a sac- processes; onepairoflarge, membranous latero- likeexpansion(seeKumar, 1969: figs 82, 83, 84). distal processes; one pair of lightly sclerotised Male genitalia. Pygophore, external opening ventrolateral proximal processes (Fig. 7H). posteriorin position; aedeagus, vesicaforminga GFNFRA OF ONCOMERINAE 115 l-Iti. 4. A,B, Adults, dorsal view; A,Pieeastemtimsuhnlamm ( Iluinberg); B. Xensulicupcclisiris{Brcddin).C, I'lLzoslcnutm subulutuni, head, dorsal view. D, Tanwlia sp., right hindwing. dorsal view. r..F. left hindleg, ventral view; E, Oncomeris sp.; F. PltSlhettesclilaiatits(Montrou/ier). Abbreviations; Be, basal cell, Cti, vein Cu;Hi.hindtibia;.1.juguni;R+M,veinsRandM;T,tooth.Scalebars:A=5.33mm,B=5.00mm,C=0.78mm.D = 2.40mm. E = 3,42mm. r = 3.70mm. ; 316 MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM sclerotisedtube ofvariableprofile. Conjunctiva: DIAGNOSIS. Abdominal sternamedially longi- usually lacking one pair of basally medially tudinallybicarinate(particuMlarlytowardsabdominal fused,apicallybifurcate,sclerotiseddorsomedial apex) (flatin females of sulciventris). distal process (present in L. brongersmai (Fig. 7D,E)andL. maculifera); usuallywithtwo pairs DESCRIPTION. Body length 17.5-24.5mm; of variably sclerotised dorsolateral distal dorsal view (Fig. 2C). processes(e.g. Fig. 7C,D,E) (one pairpresent in Head. Wider than long; antennae 5-segmented, L. impai;L. sororandL. edulis(Fig. 7A,B));one apex reaching hemelytral membrane; jugae pair ofusually basally bifurcate, at least lightly contiguous medially anterior to tylus; rostral sclerotised, lateroproximal processes present apex reaching mesosternum. (e.g. Fig. 7C) (one arm ofeach process situated Thorax. Posteriorpronotalmarginterminatingat ventrolaterally, distally in L edulis [Fig. 7A.B]) scutellarbase;scutellumaswideaslongtolonger (processes uniramous in L. brongersmai (Fig. than wide, apex reaching abdominal tergum 4; 7D) andL. maculifera). hamus ofhind wing absent (M sulciventris) or present (M. antennatus); mesosternum lacking INCLUDED SPECIES. Subgenus Diploxiphus; anterior medial carina or tubercle, xyphus fiat, L. brongersmai Blote, 1952, *6 9, 6 9; L. broad; metasternum swollen, posterior margin horvathi Blote, 1952, *6 ?;L. maculiferTryon, not producedoversecondabdominal sternum. 1892, 6 9; Subgenus Lyramorpha; L. rosea Abdomen. Intersegmental suture of abdominal Westwood, 1837a, *6 6 9; SubgenusLyrodes; , sterna2-3terminatingdorsoanteriorly;sternum2 L. ambigua Horvath, 1900a, 5; L. basalis medially simple; sternum 3 medially with Horvath, 1900b,*9;L. hreddiniHorvath, 1900a. anteriortubercle. 6 9; L. diluta Stal, 1863, 69; L. edulis Blote, p11a99r50e20n,as,*B66r9e9d,;d6iLn9.,;p1Li9.c0t0ai,mD6pias9rta;HnLot.r,pvea1rt8shi9m,3i;l1i9Ls.00Hpaol,ravg6aitf;heL.,r osLlefgeisnn,dfeefrroiwroerhesfunermfcoaorcmeapuoannraersdumbetaodp;micihadiln,adnafdnethmerioinrodarfomefammroagrliaen, Blote, 1952, *6 9;L. sororBreddin, 1900, 6 9 subapical inferiorsurface bearing atubercle. L. vollenhoveniStal, 1867, cT 9;Incertaesedis;L. Female Genitalia. Sclerotised rami present (M. perelegans Vollenhoven, 1868, *6 9, 6 9. sulciventris) or absent (M. antennatus); spermathecal bulb non-spherical in profile, DISTRIBUTION. Australia (Qld, NSW); New spermathecal duct below the proximal flange Guinea (including Fakfak and Yule Islands); usuallyslender,withlateralductleadingtoasac-1ike Moluccas (Am, Bachan, Halmahera, Morotai, expansion (see Kumar, 1969: figs 80, 81). Waigeo and Salawati Islands); Sulawesi; Malay Male Genitalia. Pygophore: external opening Peninsula (West Malaysia). Australian records posteriorinposition; aedeagus: vesicaforminga from Victoria and South Australia require sclerotisedtube ofvariable profile; conjunctiva: confirmation. M. sulciventris: one pair of very large mem- BIOLOGY. The biology of L. rosea is briefly bmerdainaolulsydfoorrsomparjooxriimtaylofprolecnegstshe,se(alcathteprrofcuessesd discussedbyKumar(1969).Foodplants:L. rosea with ventrally-directed lobe); one pairofmostly on: Cupaniopsisanacardioides(A.Rich.)Radlk. sclerotised, apically-bifurcate, membranous, ((lKaubmealr,dat1a9)6;9)s;hoAoltesctroyfonGueixocaelssuemmlGgalearutcna. dorsomedial distal processes (see Kumar, 196M9: figs 25, 26, 27, here refigured [Fig. 7I,Jj); (F.Muell.) Radlk. (this paper); Litchi sp. (label antennatus: one pair of long, sclerotised data). All plants belong to the Sapindales: dorsolateral distal processes; one pair oflightly Sapindaceae. sclerotised lateroproximal processes (Fig. 8A) REMARKS. The abdominal disc is often (see also Kumar, 1969: fig. 29). suffused with metallic blue, green and purple INCLUDED SPECIES. M. antennatus Distant, colours. 1880, 6 9;M. sulciventris Stal, 1863, 69. Musgraveia Leston& Scudder, 1957 DISTRIBUTION. Papua New Guinea (Mabu Duan); Australia (Qld, NSW, as far south as MusgraveaMcDonald, 1966: 59(incorrectsubsequentspell- Wollongong). ing). BIOLOGY. The biology ofM. sulciventris has TYPESPECIES.Musgraveiasulciventris(Stal, 1863). been well studied as it is aminor economic pest

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