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A GENERALIZED DADE’S LEMMA FOR LOCAL RINGS PETTERANDREASBERGH&DAVIDA.JORGENSEN 6 1 0 Abstract. WeproveageneralizedDade’sLemmaforquotientsoflocalrings 2 by ideals generated by regular sequences. That is, given a pair of finitely n generated modulesover sucharingwithalgebraicallyclosedresiduefield,we a proveasufficient(andnecessary)conditionforthevanishingofallhigherExt J orTorofthemodules. ThisconditioninvolvesthevanishingofallhigherExt or Tor of the modules over all quotients by a minimal generator of the ideal 6 generated bytheregularsequence. ] C A 1. Introduction . h t When is a module over a truncated polynomialring projective? For group alge- a bras of elementary abelian p-groups, a criterion was provided by Dade in [Dad]: if m the ground field is algebraically closed, then a finitely generated module over such [ an algebra is projective if and only if its restriction to all the cyclic shifted sub- 1 groupsareprojective. This is now knownasDade’s Lemma. Interms of truncated v polynomial rings, it can be restated as follows. Let k be an algebraically closed 8 field of positive characteristic p, consider the truncated polynomial ring 3 2 k[X ,...,X ]/(Xp,...,Xp) 1 c 1 c 1 and denote the image of the generatorsX by x . Then Dade’s Lemma saysthat a 0 i i . finitely generated module over this ring is projective if and only if it is projective 1 over the subalgebra k[α x +···+α x ] for each c-tuple (α ,...,α ) in kc. 0 1 1 c c 1 c Truncated polynomial rings are local complete intersections, that is, they are 6 1 quotients of regular local rings by ideals generated by regular sequences. For such : rings,acohomologicalgeneralizationofDade’sLemmaisprovedimplicitly in[Avr] v i and [AvB]: instead of providing a criterion for finite projective dimension, a crite- X rion for vanishing of cohomology for pairs of modules is given. r In this paper, we generalize Dade’s Lemma to quotients of arbitrarylocal rings, a and provide both a homological and a cohomological version. More precisely, let (S,n,k) be a local ring with k algebraically closed, I ⊆ S an ideal generated by a regularsequence,anddenotebyRthe quotientS/I. Inourmainresults(Theorem 3.3 and Theorem 3.4), we provide criteria for the vanishing of TorR(M,N) and n Extn(M,N) for n ≫ 0, where M and N are two finitely generated R-modules, in R terms of the vanishing of TorS/(f)(M,N) and Extn (M,N) for n ≫ 0 and all n S/(f) f ∈I\nI. ThespecialcasewhenN isthe residuefieldk ofR,sothatvanishingof the (co)homology is equivalent to M having finite projective dimension, is proved in [HJK, Corollary 2.2]. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 13D02,13D07. Key words and phrases. Regularsequences, localrings,Dade’sLemma. PartofthisworkwasdonewhilewewerevisitingtheMittag-LefflerInstituteinFebruaryand March2015. WewouldliketothanktheorganizersoftheRepresentation Theoryprogram. 1 2 PETTERANDREASBERGH&DAVIDA.JORGENSEN 2. Chain maps Throughout this paper, a local ring is a commutative ring which is both local and Noetherian, and all modules are assumed to be finitely generated. Let (S,n,k) be a local ring, f a non-zerodivisor in n2, and denote by R the quotient S/(f). Consider a (chain) complex F: ···→Fn+1 −∂−n−+→1 Fn −∂→n Fn−1 →··· of finitely generated free R-modules. By choosing bases for the free modules, we may view the maps ∂ in F as matrices with coefficients in R. Now lift the whole i complex to S, and obtain a sequence F: ···→Fn+1 −∂−n−+→1 Fn −∂→n Fn−1 →··· e e offinitely generatedfreeS-modulesandmaps,withF⊗ RisomorphictoF. Thus e e e e S for each integer n, the free S-module F is of the same rank as the free R-module n F , and the map ∂ can be obtained from ∂ by choeosing preimages in S of all its n n n matrix entries. e In general, theesequence F is not a complex, but the image of the composition ∂ ◦∂ is contained in fF for all n. Therefore, for every element x ∈ F n+1 n+2 n n+2 there exists an element w ∈e F with ∂ ◦∂ (x) = fw . Since f is a non- x n n+1 n+2 x zeerodiveisor in S, this element we is unique, hence the assignment e x e e e t : F →F , x7→w n+2 n+2 n x is a well-defined S-homomorphismfor each n. By definition, the equality e e e ∂ ◦∂ =f ·t n+1 n+2 n+2 holds for all n. e e e Lemma 2.1. For every n, the diagram F ∂n+3 //F n+3 n+2 e e (cid:15)(cid:15)tn+3 e (cid:15)(cid:15)tn+2 F e ∂n+1 //Fe n+1 n e commutes. e e Proof. This follows from the proof of [Eis, Proposition 1.1]. For an element x ∈ F , the definition of the maps t gives n+3 i e f · ∂n+1◦tn+3(ex) = ∂n+1 f ·tn+3(x) (cid:16) (cid:17) = ∂ (cid:0)◦∂ ◦∂ (cid:1) (x) e e en+1 ne+2 n+3 = f ·t ◦∂ (x) n+2 n+3 e e e = (cid:0)f · t (cid:1)◦∂ (x) en+2 en+3 (cid:16) (cid:17) Since f is a non-zerodivisor on Fn, the result folelows. e (cid:3) e A GENERALIZED DADE’S LEMMA FOR LOCAL RINGS 3 Now for each integer n, define an R-homomorphismt : F →F by n+2 n+2 n t =t ⊗ R n+2 n+2 S Thenby applying −⊗ R to the diagramsinthe lemma, we obtaina commutative S e diagram ··· //F ∂n+3 //F ∂n+2 // F //··· n+3 n+2 n+1 tn+3 tn+2 tn+1 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) ··· // Fn+1 ∂n+1 //Fn ∂n // Fn−1 //··· of free R-modules and maps. Consequently, the double sequence def t = (...,tn+1,tn,tn−1,...) constitutes a degree −2 chain map t: F →F of complexes of free R-modules; this is [Eis, Proposition 1.1]. Notation. We denote by t(S,f,F) the chain map F → F of degree −2 just con- structed. e This is Eisenbud’s original notation. It emphasizes the fact that the chain map depends on the overlying local ring S, the non-zerodivisor f ∈ S, and the chosen lifting F = (F ,∂ ) of the complex F to S. Note that, by [Eis, Corollary 1.4], n n if F = (F ,∂ ) is another choice of lifting of F to S, then the two chain maps n n t(S,f,Fe) andet(Se,f,F) are homotopic. In the rest of this section, we shall consider the situation that occurs when the ringReisobtainedfromS byfactoringoutanidealgeneratedbyaregularsequence of length two. The above process then produces several degree −2 chain maps F →F, and we shall link some of these to each other. Setup. Let (S,n,k) be a local ring, f ,f a regular sequence in n2, and denote 1 2 by R the quotient S/(f ,f ). Furthermore, let α be a unit in S, and define the 1 2 following local rings: T =S/(f ), T =S/(f ), T =S/(αf +f ) 1 2 2 1 α 1 2 TheseeminglyasymmetricindexinginthepresentationsoftheringsT andT is 1 2 made up for by the fact that T /(f )=R=T /(f ). Note also that R=T /(f ). 1 1 2 2 α 1 We havechosennottodistinguishnotationallybetweenthe elementf inS andits i image in the various quotient rings. Now consider a complex F: ···→Fn+1 −∂−n−+→1 Fn −∂→n Fn−1 →··· of free R-modules again. As before, lift it to S to obtain a sequence F: ···→Fn+1 −∂−n−+→1 Fn −∂→n Fn−1 →··· b b of finitely generated free S-modules and maps, with F ⊗ R isomorphic to F. S b b b b The image of ∂ ◦∂ is contained in f F +f F, hence there exist two graded S- 1 2 homomorphisms b b b t : F →F,b t :bF →F 1 2 b b b b b b 4 PETTERANDREASBERGH&DAVIDA.JORGENSEN both of degree −2, with ∂◦∂ =f ·t +f ·t 1 1 2 2 For each i∈{1,2}, apply −⊗ T to the sequence F to get a sequence S i b b b b F ⊗S Ti: ···→Fn+1⊗S Ti −∂−n−+1−⊗−S−T→i Fn⊗S Tib−∂−n−⊗−S−T→i Fn−1⊗S Ti →··· b b offreeT -modulesandmaps. Thisisalifting ofthe originalcomplexF toT ,since i i b b b b (F ⊗ T )⊗ R is isomorphic to F. Moreover,the map S i Ti t ⊗ T : F ⊗ T →F ⊗ T i S i S i S i b is a graded T -homomorphism of degree −2, with i b b b (∂⊗ T )◦(∂⊗ T ) = (∂◦∂)⊗ T S i S i S i = f ·t +f ·t ⊗ T 1 1 2 2 S i b b b b = (cid:0)fi·ti⊗S Ti (cid:1) b b = f · t ⊗ T i i S i b We then know from the first part of this section(cid:0) that th(cid:1)e map b t(T ,f ,F ⊗ T )=(t ⊗ T )⊗ R i i S i i S i Ti becomes a chain map F →F of degree −2. Next, we repeat all this, butbnow for thebring T =S/(αf +f ). The sequence α 1 2 F ⊗S Tα: ···→Fn+1⊗S Tα −∂−n−+−1⊗−−S−T→α Fn⊗S Tα −∂−n−⊗−S−T→α Fn−1⊗S Tα →··· b b offreeT -modulesandmapsisaliftingofF toT . Here,thegradedT -homomorphism α α α b b b b F ⊗ T →F ⊗ T of degree −2 of interest is (t −αt )⊗ T , since S α S α 1 2 S α (∂⊗ T )◦(∂⊗ T ) = (∂◦∂)⊗ T S α S α S α b b b b = f ·t +f ·t ⊗ T 1 1 2 2 S α b b b b = (cid:0)f1·t1−f1·αt(cid:1)2+(αf1+f2)·t2 ⊗S Ti b b = (cid:0)f1·t1−f1·αt2 ⊗S Ti (cid:1) b b b = f(cid:0)1· (t1−αt2)⊗(cid:1)S Ti b b The map (cid:0) (cid:1) b b t(T ,f ,F ⊗ T )= (t −αt )⊗ T ⊗ R α 1 S α 1 2 S α Tα then becomes another degree −2 chain map F → F. The following result shows (cid:0) (cid:1) that this chain map equalsbthe obvious lbinear cbombination of the two chain maps constructed above. Proposition 2.2. Let (S,n,k) be a local ring, f ,f a regular sequence in n2, and 1 2 denote by R the quotient S/(f ,f ). Furthermore, let α be a unit in S, and define 1 2 the following local rings: T =S/(f ), T =S/(f ), T =S/(αf +f ) 1 2 2 1 α 1 2 Finally, take a complex (F,∂) of finitely generated free R-modules, and lift it to a sequence (F,∂) of free S-modules and maps. Then for every unit α ∈ S, there is an equality b b t(T ,f ,F ⊗ T )=t(T ,f ,F ⊗ T )−αt(T ,f ,F ⊗ T ) α 1 S α 1 1 S 1 2 2 S 2 of chain maps F →F of degree −2. b b b A GENERALIZED DADE’S LEMMA FOR LOCAL RINGS 5 Proof. This follows from the construction of the three chain maps. Let t and t 1 2 be the degree −2 homomorphisms on F with the property that b b ∂◦∂ =f ·t +f ·t b1 1 2 2 Then b b b b t(T ,f ,F ⊗ T ) = (t −αt )⊗ T ⊗ R α 1 S α 1 2 S α Tα = (cid:0)t1⊗S R −α t2(cid:1)⊗S R b b b = (cid:0)b(t1⊗S T(cid:1)1)⊗T(cid:0)1bR −α(cid:1)(t2⊗S T2)⊗T2 R = (cid:0)t(T1,f1,F ⊗S T1)(cid:1)−αt(T(cid:0)2,f2,F ⊗S T2) (cid:1) b b (cid:3) b b 3. Dade’s Lemma Having gone through the necessary machinery on chain maps, we now start establishing the main result. As before, let (S,n,k) be a local ring, f a non- zerodivisor in n2, and denote by R the quotient S/(f). In order to prove our first result, we need the following fact. It implies that if a complex of free S-modules becomes exact after it is reduced modulo f, then the complex itself is exact. Lemma 3.1. Suppose that p q X −→Y −→Z is a complex of S-modules, with Y finitely generated and f a non-zerodivisor on Z. If the reduced complex p q X/fX −→Y/fY −→Z/fZ is exact, then so is the original complex. Proof. Ify ∈Kerq,theny+fY ∈kerq,andsobyexactnessofthereducedcomplex, thereexistsanelementx+fX ∈X/fX suchthaty+fY =p(x+fX)=p(x)+fY. Then p(x)−y ∈ fY, so there exists an element y′ ∈ Y such that p(x)−y = fy′. Now notice that fq(y′)=q(fy′)=q(p(x)−y)=q(p(x))−q(y)=0 Since f is anon-zerodivisoronZ,it followsthatq(y′)=0,i.e. y′ ∈Kerq. We have shown that Kerq =Imp+fKerq ThemoduleKerq isfinitelygenerated,beingasubmoduleofY,henceKerq =Imp by Nakayama’s Lemma. (cid:3) Now let M be an R-module, and choose a free resolution F: ···→F −∂→3 F −∂→2 F −∂→1 F 3 2 1 0 of this module, not necessarily minimal. Thus F is a complex of finitely generated free R-modules, with nonzero homology only in degree zero, where H (F) ∼= M. 0 As in the previous section, lift the complex to a sequence F: ···→F −∂→3 F −∂→2 F −∂→1 F 3 2 1 0 e e e e e e e e 6 PETTERANDREASBERGH&DAVIDA.JORGENSEN of finitely generated free S-modules and maps, with F ⊗ R isomorphic to F. Let S t: F → F be the graded S-homomorphism of degree −2 satisfying ∂ ◦∂ = f ·t. Thus for every n≥0 there is an S-homomorphism t e : F →F with n+2 n+2 n e e e e e e ∂ ◦∂ =f ·t n+1 n+2 n+2e e e The corresponding degree −2 chain map t⊗ R: F →F, denoted by t(S,f,F), is e e S e pictured in the commutative diagram e e ··· // F ∂4 //F ∂3 //F ∂2 // F ∂1 //F 4 3 2 1 0 t4 t3 t2 (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) ··· //F ∂2 //F ∂1 //F 2 1 0 with t =t(S,f,F) . The mapping cone C of this chain map is the complex i i t(S,f,F) e e −∂3 0 −∂2 0 ··· //F ⊕F h t3 ∂2i // F ⊕F h t2 ∂1i //F ⊕F [−∂1 0] // F 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 with (Ct(S,f,F))n =Fn−1⊕Fn−2. Thereisacanonicalwayofliftingthismappingconecomplextoasequenceover e S, in terms of the lifting F: replace everything by the appropriate map or module over S, and insert the element f in the upper right corner of all the matrices. The following result showes that this canonical lifting is an S-free resolution of the module M. This result will appear in [Ste]; we include a proof for completeness. Theorem 3.2. Let (S,n,k) be a local ring, f a non-zerodivisor in n2, and denote by R the quotient S/(f). Furthermore, let F = (F ,∂ ) be an R-free resolution n n of an R-module M, and lift it to a sequence F = (F ,∂ ) of free S-modules and n n maps. Finally, for each n ≥0, let t : F →F be the S-homomorphism with n+2 n+2 n ∂ ◦∂ =f ·t . Then the sequence e e e n+1 n+2 n+2 e e e e e e −∂3 −f −∂2 −f ··· //F ⊕F (cid:20) t3e ∂2 (cid:21) // F ⊕F (cid:20) t2e ∂1 (cid:21) //F ⊕F [−∂1 −f] // F 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 e e e e e is an S-free resolution of M. e e e e e e e Proof. Denote the sequence by C(F,t), and note that it follows directly from the definition of the maps t that it is a complex. We must show that the homology of i this complex is given by e e e M for n=0 H C(F,t) ∼= n 0 for n6=0 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:26) In what follows, denote by ˚ΣCe(Fe,t) the complex C(F,t) shifted one degree to the left, that is, ˚ΣC(F,t) = C(F,t)n−1, and without changing the sign of the n e e e e differential. (cid:16) (cid:17) Foreachn≥0,lette e=t ⊗eRe,andconsiderthe correspondingdegree−2 n+2 n+2 S chain map e t(S,f,F): F →F e A GENERALIZED DADE’S LEMMA FOR LOCAL RINGS 7 with t(S,f,F) =t . We see directly that its mapping cone C is isomorphic i i t(S,f,F) tothe complex ˚ΣC(F,t) ⊗SR. Nowconsiderthecanonicalshorteexactsequence e (cid:16) (cid:17) (1) 0→F →C →F →0 e e t(S,f,F) of complexes of free R-modules, where eache(Ct(S,f,F))n =Fn−1⊕Fn−2 sits in the middle of the canonical split short exact sequence of free R-modules e 0→Fn−2 →Fn−1⊕Fn−2 →Fn−1 →0 This short exact sequence of complexes gives rise to a long exact sequence of ho- mology groups, and since H (F) = 0 for n ≥ 1, it follows that H (C ) = 0 n n t(S,f,F) for n ≥ 3. This implies, by Lemma 3.1, that Hn(˚ΣC(F,t)) = 0 for n ≥ 3,egiving H (C(F,t))=0 for n≥2. The isomorphisms n e e M ∼=F /Im∂ ≃ F /fF / (Im∂ +fF )/fF ∼=F /(Im∂ +fF ) e e 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 show that H0(C(F,t))∼=(cid:16)eM, aend(cid:17)so(cid:16)it remeains oenly toes(cid:17)howethat H1e(C(F,et))=0. Let [ab]T be an element in Ker[−∂1 −f]. Then ∂1(a)=−fb, and so a+fF1 ∈ Ker∂1 = Im∂2. Ceheoose an element ue∈ F2 such that a+fF1 = ∂2(−ue+efF2) = −∂ (u)+fF . Then−∂ (u)−a belongsto fF , andetherefore−∂ (u)−fv=aefor 2 1 2 1 2 some v ∈F . Finally, the equalities e e e 1 e e e e e f · t (u)+∂ (v) =∂ ◦∂ (u)+∂ (fv)=∂ ∂ (u)+fv =∂ (−a)=fb 2e 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) combineed with tehe fact theat feis a noen-zerodiveisoreon F0 gives t2(eu)+∂1(v) = b. We have shown that −∂2 −f u = a e e e " t2 ∂1 #(cid:20) v (cid:21) (cid:20) b (cid:21) e that is, that H (C(F,t))=0. (cid:3) 1 e e Wecannowprovethemainresult,thegeneralizedDade’sLemmaforlocalrings. Recall first that if (eS,en,k) is a local ring and I an ideal of S minimally generated by c elements, then I/nI is a c-dimensional k-vector space. The image in I/nI of any element f ∈ I \nI can be completed to a basis, and lifting these elements back to S gives a minimal generating set (containing f) for the ideal I. By [BrH, page 52], if I is generated by a regular sequence f ,...,f contained in n2, then 1 c any other minimal generating set for I is also a regular sequence. Recall also that a residual algebraic closure of S (the terminology is taken from [AvB]) is a faithfully flat extension S ⊆ S♯ of local rings with the following prop- erties: the maximal ideal of S♯ equals nS♯, and its residue field S♯/nS♯ is alge- braicallyclosed. By [Bou, App., Th´eor`eme1, Corollarie],suchanextensionalways exists. Now suppose that f ,...,f is a regular sequence in S, generating an ideal 1 c I, and let R = S/I and R♯ = S♯/IS♯. By [AvB, Lemma 2.2], the sequence is also regular in S♯, and R♯ is a residual algebraic closure of R. We denote by n♯ the maximal ideal nS♯ of S♯, and by I♯ the ideal IS♯. Theorem 3.3. Let (S,n,k) be a local ring, I ⊆ S an ideal generated by a regular sequencef ,...,f containedinn2,anddenotebyRthequotientS/I. Furthermore, 1 c letM andN betwofinitelygeneratedR-modules. Then thefollowing areequivalent (1) TorR(M,N)=0 for all n≫0, n 8 PETTERANDREASBERGH&DAVIDA.JORGENSEN (2) there exists a residual algebraic closure S♯ of S, for which TorS♯/(f)(S♯⊗ M,S♯⊗ N)=0 n S S for all n≫0 and all f ∈I♯\n♯I♯, (3) for every residual algebraic closure S♯ of S, the vanishing condition in (2) holds. In particular, if k itself is algebraically closed, then TorR(M,N)=0 for all n≫0 n if and only if TorS/(f)(M,N)=0 for all n≫0 and all f ∈I\nI. n Proof. LetS♯ bearesidualalgebraicclosureofS,andR♯ thecorrespondingclosure of R. Then R♯ is faithfully flat over R, and TorR♯(R♯⊗ M,R♯⊗ N)∼=R♯⊗ TorR(M,N) n R R R n for all n. Therefore TorR(M,N)=0 if and only if TorR♯(R♯⊗ M,R♯⊗ N)=0. n n R R Consequently,wemayassumethatk isalgebraicallyclosed,andproveonlythelast statement. If c = 1, then I = (f ), and if f is an element in I \nI then f = αf for some 1 1 unit α∈S. Thus S/(f )∼=S/(f), and the result follows. 1 Next, suppose that c ≥ 2. We argue by induction on c, starting with the case c=2, i.e. I =(f ,f ). Take an element f ∈I\nI, complete to a regularsequence 1 2 f,g generating the ideal I, and note that R∼=T/(g), where T =S/(f). Let (F,∂) be anR-freeresolutionofM, andlift itto a sequence (F,∂)offree S-modules and maps, with F ∼=F ⊗ R. The machinery in Section 2 produces a degree −2 chain S map b b b t(T,g,F ⊗ T): F →F S which,forsimplicity,wedenotebyjustt. Thischainmapgivesrisetoashortexact sequence b 0→F →C →F →0 t ofcomplexesoffreeR-modules,asin(1),whereC isthemappingconeoft. Ineach t degree the short exact sequence of modules splits, and so when we apply −⊗ N R we obtain another short exact sequence 0→F ⊗ N →C ⊗ N →F ⊗ N →0 R t R R of complexes of R-modules. The corresponding long exact sequence of homology groups is ···→H (C ⊗ N)→TorR(M,N)−→s TorR (M,N)→H (C ⊗ N)→··· n+1 t R n n−2 n t R where the connecting homomorphism s is induced by the chain map t, that is, s= TorR(t,N). Moreover,byTheorem3.2anditsproof,thereexistsaT-freeresolution F of M with the property that the mapping cone complex C is isomorphic to T t ˚ΣF ⊗ R. Here ˚ΣF denotes the complex F shifted one degree to the left, but T T T T with no sign change on the differential. The homology of the complex C ⊗ N is t R therefore given by H (C ⊗ N) ∼= H (˚ΣF ⊗ R)⊗ N n t R n T T R (cid:16) (cid:17) ∼= H ˚ΣF ⊗ N n T R ∼= Tor(cid:16)T (M,N) (cid:17) n−1 A GENERALIZED DADE’S LEMMA FOR LOCAL RINGS 9 for all n, and so the long exact homology sequence takes the form ···→TorT (M,N)→TorR (M,N)−→s TorR (M,N)→TorT(M,N)→··· n+1 n+1 n−1 n where we have denoted by s the map TorR(t,N). Suppose that TorR(M,N) = 0 for n ≫ 0. Then we see directly from the long n exact sequence that TorT(M,N) also vanishes for n ≫ 0. Since T = S/(f), and n f is an arbitrary element in I \nI, this proves one direction of the statement. Conversely,suppose that TorS/(f)(M,N)=0 for all n≫0 and all f ∈I \nI. Let n α be a unit in S, and consider the three local rings T =S/(f ), T =S/(f ), T =S/(αf +f ) 1 2 2 1 α 1 2 Fori∈{1,2},denotebyt thedegree−2chainmapt(T ,f ,F⊗ T ): F →F,and i i i S i denote the degree −2 chain map t(T ,f ,F ⊗ T ): F →F by t . The vanishing α 1 S α α assumption implies in particular that TorT(M,N) = 0 forbn ≫ 0, if we replace n T by each of the rings T , T and T . Cobnsequently, in the long exact homology 1 2 α sequence, the map TorR (M,N)−→s TorR (M,N) n+1 n−1 is an isomorphism for high n, if we replace the map s by each of the maps s = 1 TorR(t ,N), s = TorR(t ,N) and s = TorR(t ,N). However, it follows from 1 2 2 α α Proposition 2.2 that s = s −αs . This implies that for every unit α ∈ S, the α 1 2 maps s s−1 and 2 1 s s−1 =1−αs s−1 α 1 2 1 are isomorphisms TorR(M,N) → TorR(M,N) of R-modules for all n ≫ 0. If n n TorR(M,N) is nonzero, then this is impossible: reduce the R-module TorR(M,N) n n andthe isomorphismsmodulo the maximalidealin R. Thens s−1 and1−αs s−1 2 1 2 1 are k-vector space automorphisms for all α ∈ k. However, since k is algebraically closed, the automorphism s s−1 has a nonzero eigenvalue λ ∈ k, and then 1 − 2 1 λ−1s s−1cannotbeanisomorphism. ThereforeTorR(M,N)mustvanishforn≫0. 2 1 n We havenow establishedthe casec=2,andproceedbyinduction withthe case c ≥ 3. First, suppose that TorR(M,N) = 0 for all n ≫ 0, and take an element n f ∈ I \ nI. Complete to a regular sequence f,f ,...,f generating I, and let 2 c T = S(f,f2,...,fc−2). Then R ∼= T/(fc−1,fc), and the established case c = 2 gives TornT/(fc−1)(M,N) = 0 for n ≫ 0. Since T/(fc−1) ∼= S/(f,f2,...,fc−1), it follows by induction that TorS/(f)(M,N)=0 for n≫0. n Conversely, suppose that TorS/(f)(M,N) = 0 for n ≫ 0 and for all f ∈ I \nI, n andconsidertheringT =S/(fc). Then(theimageinT of)f1,...,fc−1isaregular sequenceinT,generatinganidealJ ⊆T withT/J ∼=R. Denotethemaximalideal of T by m, and let g be an arbitrary element in J \mJ. Lift this element back to S and obtain an element g′ ∈(f1,...,fc−1)\n(f1,...,fc−1), and note that the sequence f ,g′ is regular. Now take any element f in (f ,g′)\n(f ,g′). Then f c c c also belongs to I \ nI, hence TorS/(f)(M,N) = 0 for n ≫ 0. The case c = 2 n then gives TorS/(fc,g′)(M,N)=0 for n≫0. Since S/(f ,g′)∼=T/(g), this implies n c that TorT/(g)(M,N) = 0 for n ≫ 0. As g was an arbitrary element in J \mJ, it n now follows from the induction hypothesis that TorR(M,N) = 0 for n ≫ 0. This n completes the proof. (cid:3) 10 PETTERANDREASBERGH&DAVIDA.JORGENSEN WhatistheconnectionbetweenthisresultandDade’sLemma,i.e.[Dad,Lemma 11.8]? Let E be a finite elementary abelian p-group and k an algebraically closed field of characteristic p. Then Dade’s Lemma says that a finitely generated kE- module is projective if and only if its restriction to each of the cyclic shifted sub- groups of E is projective. Now recall that the group algebra kE is isomorphic to the truncated polynomial ring k[X ,...,X ]/(Xp,...,Xp) 1 c 1 c where c is the rank of E. For simplicity, we identify kE with this ring. Let x i denote the coset X +(Xp,...,Xp) in kE. Given a c-tuple α=(α ,...,α ) in kc, i 1 c 1 c denotetheelementα x +···+α x inkE byx . Thenxp =0,andsotheelement 1 1 c c α α x corresponds to an element in E generating a cyclic shifted subgroup of E. The α subalgebrak[x ] ofkE generatedby x is isomorphic to the truncated polynomial α α ring k[y]/(yp). WhenweidentifykEandthetruncatedpolynomialringasabove,Dade’sLemma takes the following form: a finitely generated kE-module is projective if and only if it is projective over the subalgebra k[x ] for every α∈kc. However, a module is α projectiveoverk[x ]ifandonlyifitisprojectiveoverk[X ,...,X ]/(αpXp+···+ α 1 c 1 1 αpXp); this is implicit in the proof of [Avr, Theorem 7.5], and proved explicitly c c in [BeJ, Lemma 4.3]. Thus with S = k[X ,...,X ], the regular sequence being 1 c Xp,...,Xp, and N =k, Theorem 3.3 above is equivalent to Dade’s Lemma. 1 c Remark. The change of rings long exact homology sequence ···→TorT (M,N)→TorR (M,N)−→s TorR (M,N)→TorT(M,N)→··· n+1 n+1 n−1 n in the proof of Theorem 3.3 is standard and appears many places in the literature (hereR=T/(g)andg isanon-zerodivisorinT). Itisnothingbutthedegenerated change of rings spectral sequence TorR M,TorT(N,R) =⇒TorT (M,N) p q p+q p (cid:0) (cid:1) butcanalsobederivedinacompletelyelementaryway,asin[Mur,proofofLemma 1.5]. However, in order to obtain an explicit description of the connecting homo- morphism TorR (M,N)−→s TorR (M,N) n+1 n−1 we have to involve techniques as those in Section 2. The cohomology version is extensively treated in [Avr, Sections 1 and 2]. We endthis paperwiththe cohomologyversionofTheorem3.3. Itsproofisjust aslightvariationofthatofthehomologyversion. Inthe specialcasewhenthering R is a complete intersection, this result can be deduced from the results in [AvB]. Theorem 3.4. Let (S,n,k) be a local ring, I ⊆ S an ideal generated by a regular sequencef ,...,f containedinn2,anddenotebyRthequotientS/I. Furthermore, 1 c letM andN betwofinitelygeneratedR-modules. Then thefollowing areequivalent (1) Extn(M,N)=0 for all n≫0, R (2) there exists a residual algebraic closure S♯ of S, for which Extn (S♯⊗ M,S♯⊗ N)=0 S♯/(f) S S for all n≫0 and all f ∈I♯\n♯I♯,

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