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A general maximum entropy principle for self-gravitating perfect fluid 2 1 Sijie Gao∗ 0 Department of Physics, Beijing Normal University, 2 Beijing 100875, China n a J January 20, 2012 9 1 ] Abstract c q We consider a self-gravitating system consisting of perfect fluid - with spherical symmetry. Using the general expression of entropy r g density, we extremize the total entropy S under the constraint that [ the total number of particles is fixed. We show that extrema of S coincidespreciselywiththerelativisticTolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff 3 equationofhydrostaticequilibrium. Furthermore,weapplythemax- v imumentropyprincipletoachargedperfectfluidandderivethegen- 4 eralized Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation. Our work provides 0 8 a strong evidence for the fundamental relationship between general 2 relativity and ordinary thermodynamics. . 9 PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Fy, 04.40.Nr 0 1 1 1 Introduction : v i X In the past few decades,researchin generalrelativityhas suggesteda very deep connection between gravitation and thermodynamics. The four laws r a of black hole mechanics were originallyderivedfrom the Einstein equation at the purely classical level[2]. The discovery of the Hawking radiation [3] allows a consistent interpretation of the laws of black hole mechanics as the ordinary laws of thermodynamics. By turning the logic around, Jacobson [4] showed that the Einstein equation may be derived from the first law of local Rindler horizons. Inspired by Jacobson’s work, a lot of efforts have been made to derive the dynamical equations from black hole thermodynamics [5]-[9]. In fact, this idea can be traced back even before the establishment of black hole mechanics. In 1965, Cocke [10] proposed a maximum entropy principle for self-gravitating fluid spheres. Let S be the total entropy of spherically symmetric perfect fluid. Cocke showed ∗Email: [email protected] 1 that the requirementthat S be anextremumyields the equationofhydro- staticequilibriumwhichwasoriginallyderivedfromtheEinsteinequation. However, a critical assumption in Cocke’s derivation is that the fluid is in adiabatic motion so that the total entropy is invariant. By imposing the adiabatic condition, the entropy density s is expressed as the function of theenergydensityρ,whileforageneralfluid,sisafunctionofatleasttwo thermodynamic variables. In my opinion, the variation of S is performed on a spacelike hypersurface and the dynamic revolution of the fluid is ir- relevant. Furthermore, variation of S is not consistent with the adiabatic condition. If the entropy is required to be invariant, as indicated by the adiabatic condition, the variation of entropy would be meaningless. Thus, it is not appropriate and consistent to impose the adiabatic condition. In relation to Cocke’s work, Sorkin, Wald and Zhang (SWZ)[11] develop a different entropy principle for radiation. The major difference is that the adiabatic condition was not needed in SWZ’s derivation. Moreover only the Einstein constraint equation was used in the proof while Cocke used boththe constraintequationandthe radial-radialcomponentofEinstein’s equation. However,SWZ’s discussionwasrestrictedto radiationfor which the thermodynamic relations can be expressed explicitly and the entropy density only depends on one thermodynamic variable. It is important to know whether SWZ’s treatment can be generalizedto an arbitraryperfect fluid. In this paper, we prove a maximum entropy principle for a general self-gravitating perfect fluid. The new arguments used in our proof are as follows. First, we use the Gibbs-Duhem relation as the expression of entropy density for a general fluid. Second, our maximum entropy princi- ple is under the constraint that the total number of particles is invariant. Consequently, the method of Lagrangemultipliers plays an important role in our derivation. Third, in addition to the Einstein constraint equation, we only make use of the ordinary thermodynamic relations to derive the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equation. No other assumptions are needed. Finally, we extend our treatment to a generalchargedfluid. With modifiedarguments,wederivethegeneralizedTOVequationforacharged fluid. 2 Review of SWZ’s derivation on self-gravitating radiation SinceourworkiscloselyrelatedtoSWZ’sprescription,weshallgiveabrief reviewonthe derivationin[11]. Considerasphericalboxofradiationhav- ing totalenergyM andconfinedwithin a radiusR. Forthermalradiation, the pressure p and energy density ρ satisfy the equation of state 1 p= ρ, (1) 3 2 and then the stress energy tensor is given by 1 T =ρu u + ρ(g +u u ), (2) ab a b ab a b 3 where ua is the 4-velocityofthe localrestframe of the radiation. In terms of the locally measured temperature T, the energy density ρ and entropy density s are given by ρ = bT4, (3) 4 s = bT3, (4) 3 where b is a constant. So s can also be expressed as s=αρ3/4 (5) with α = 4b1/4. As shown by SWZ, the extrema of the total entropy S 3 corresponds to a static spacetime metric 2m(r) −1 ds2 =g (r)dt2+ 1 dr2+r2dΩ2. (6) tt − r (cid:20) (cid:21) The constraint equation, which is obtained from the time-time component of the Einstein equation, yields ′ m(r) ρ= . (7) 4πr2 Thus, m(r) is a mass function. Let the gas be confined in the region r R. Then the total entropy is ≤ given by R 2m(r) −1/2 S = 4π s(r) 1 r2dr − r Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) R 2m(r) −1/2 = 4πα ρ3/4 1 r2dr − r Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) R 1 3/4 2m(r) −1/2 = (4π)1/4α m′(r) 1 r2dr. (8) r2 − r Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) Ourtaskistofindafunctionm(r)suchthatthetotalentropyS isextrem- ized. Note that the total mass M within R is R M =4π ρ(r)r2dr =m(R), (9) Z0 and obviously m(0)=0. (10) 3 Hence, all the variations must satisfy δm(0)=δm(R)=0. (11) By using this condition, the extrema of S is equivalent to the Euler- Lagrange equation d ∂L ∂L =0 (12) dr ∂m′ − ∂m (cid:18) (cid:19) for the Lagrangian 2m(r) −1/2 L=(m′)3/4 1 r1/2. (13) − r (cid:20) (cid:21) By straightforwardcalculation, Eq. (12) yields 3 3 3 1 3 m′′r2+ m′′mr+ m′r m′2r m′m=0. (14) − 16 8 8 − 4 − 2 By substituting Eq. (7), one can show that Eq. (14) is equivalent to d (ρ+ρ/3)[m(r)+4πr3(ρ/3)] (ρ/3)= . (15) dr − r[r 2m(r)] − Since p = ρ/3 for radiation, we see immediately that Eq. (15) is just the relativistic Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoffequation. 3 Maximum entropy principle for perfect fluid TogeneralizeSWZ’sprescriptiontoanarbitraryperfectfluid,wefirstneed to find a formula for entropy density s. Because radiation has a vanishing chemicalpotential,itsentropydensitydependsononlyonethermodynamic variable, e.g. T or ρ. For fluids consisting of particles, there are at least two independent variables. We start with the familiar first law 1 p µ dS = dE+ dV dN, (16) T T − T where S,E,N represent the total entropy, energy and particle number within the volume V. Write Eq. (16) in terms of densities 1 p µ d(sV)= d(ρV)+ dV d(nV). (17) T T − T By expansion, we have 1 p µ µ sdV +Vds= ρdV +Vdρ+ dV ndV Vdn. (18) T T − T − T 4 Applying Eq. (16) to a unit volume, we find 1 µ ds= dρ dn. (19) T − T Combining Eqs. (18) and (19), we arrive at the integrated form of the Gibbs-Duhem relation [12] 1 s= (ρ+p µn). (20) T − To derive this formula, we only used the first law of the ordinary thermo- dynamics. So it is a generalexpressionfor perfect fluid. We treat (ρ,n) as two independent variables, e.g., s=s(ρ,n), µ=µ(ρ,n), p=p(ρ,n). (21) For example, the thermodynamic quantities for a monatomic ideal gas are given by [13] 3 ρ = nkT , (22) 2 p = nkT, (23) 3 3 5 2πmk s = nklnT nklnn+ nk +ln . (24) 2 − 2 3 h2 (cid:20) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:21) Our task is to extremize the total entropy R 2m(r) −1/2 S =4π s(r) 1 r2dr. (25) − r Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) In addition to the constraint Eq. (11), it is natural to require the total number of particles R 2m(r) −1/2 N =4π n(r) 1 r2dr (26) − r Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) to be invariant, i.e., δN =0. (27) Following the standard method of Lagrange multipliers, the equation of variation becomes δS+λδN =0. (28) Define the “total Lagrangian”by −1/2 −1/2 2m(r) 2m(r) L(m,m′,n)=s(ρ(m′),n) 1 r2+λn(r) 1 r2.(29) − r − r (cid:20) (cid:21) (cid:20) (cid:21) 5 Now the constrained Euler-Lagrangeequation is given by ∂L = 0, (30) ∂n d ∂L ∂L + = 0. (31) dr∂m′ ∂m Thus, Eq. (30) yields ∂s +λ=0. (32) ∂n Using Eq. (19), we have µ +λ=0, (33) − T which shows that µ must be a constant for self-gravitating fluid. T From Eq. (29), we have ∂L 2m −3/2 =r 1 (nλ+s), (34) ∂m − r (cid:18) (cid:19) and −1/2 ∂L ∂s 2m = r2 1 . (35) ∂m′ ∂m′ − r (cid:18) (cid:19) Here ∂s ∂s ∂ρ 1 1 = = , (36) ∂m′ ∂ρ∂m′ T 4πr2 where Eqs. (7) and (19) have been used. Hence −1/2 ∂L 1 2m = 1 , (37) ∂m′ 4πT − r (cid:18) (cid:19) and ′ ′ d ∂L T(mr m) r(r 2m)T = − − − . (38) dr∂m′ 4πT2(r 2m)3/2r2 − Using Eqs. (33) and (20), Eq. (34) becomes −3/2 ∂L 2m ρ+p =r 1 . (39) ∂m − r T (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) So the Eular-LagrangeEq. (31) yields (4πpr3+m)T +(r 2m)rT′ =0. (40) − 6 The constraint Eq. (33) yields ′ ′ µ =λT . (41) Rewrite Eq. (20) as p=Ts+µn ρ. (42) − The differential of p is dp=Tds+sdT +µdn+ndµ dρ. (43) − By substituting Eq. (19), we have dp=sdT +ndµ. (44) It follows immediately that ′ ′ ′ p(r)=sT (r)+nµ(r). (45) Substituting Eqs. (33), (20) and (41) into Eq. (45), we have T ′ ′ T = p(r). (46) p+ρ Substituting Eq. (46) into Eq. (40), we obtain the desired TOV equation (p+ρ)(4πr3p+m) ′ p = . (47) − r(r 2m) − 4 Maximum entropy principle for charged fluid For a chargedfluid, the local thermodynamic relations remain unchanged. For example, we can still use Eq. (20) as the expression of entropy den- sity. But the presence of chargewill change the distribution of the fluid in spacetime. In coordinates (t,r,θ,φ), assume that a spherically symmetric charged fluid has the line element 2m(r) Q2(r) −1 ds2 =g (r)dt2+ 1 + dr2+r2dθ2+r2sin2θdφ2.(48) tt − r r2 (cid:20) (cid:21) Here Q(r) is defined as the total charge up to the radius r and m(r) will be determined later. The matter field consists of a charged fluid. Let 1 ∂ a ua = (49) √ g ∂t − tt (cid:18) (cid:19) be the four-velocity of the fluid. Then the total stress-energy tensor can be written as T =T˜ +TEM, (50) ab ab ab 7 where T˜ =ρuaub+p(g +u u ), (51) ab ab a b 1 1 TEM = F cF g FcdF . (52) ab 4π a bc− 4 ab cd (cid:18) (cid:19) The electromagnetic field F satisfies the Maxwell’s equations ab Fab =4πja =4πρ ua, (53) b e ∇ and F =0, (54) [a bc] ∇ where ρ is the charge density measured by the comoving observers. By e using the identity Γa = ∂ ln√ g (see [14]) Eq. (53) becomes aµ ∂xµ − ∂ √ gFµν =4πjµ√ g. (55) ∂xν − − (cid:2) (cid:3) Because of spherical symmetry, the only nonvanishing components of Fab are Ftr(r)= Frt(r). Thus, Eq. (55) yields − ∂ (r2√ g g Ftr)=4πjtr2√ g g =4πρ r2√g , (56) r tt rr tt rr e rr − − whereEqs. (49)and(53) havebeenusedinthe laststep. So bydefinition, the function Q(r) in Eq. (48) can be written as r Q(r)= 4πr′2√g ρ dr′. (57) rr e Z0 By comparing Eqs. (57) and (56), one finds immediately that 1 Ftr = Q(r) (58) r2√ g g tt rr − is a solution of Eq. (56). Then the time-time component of Einstein’s equation gives ′ QQ m′(r)=4πr2ρ+ . (59) r This formula is consistent with the result in [15]. Now we derive the hy- droelectrostatic equation from the maximum entropy principle. The total entropy of matter takes the form R 2m Q2 −1/2 S = s(r) 1 + r2dr. (60) − r r2 Z0 (cid:20) (cid:21) 8 For simplicity, we assume all the particles have the same charge q. Thus, the charge density is proportional to the particle number density n ρ =qn. (61) e Together with Eq. (57), we have Q′ 2m Q2 1/2 n= 1 + . (62) 4πr2q − r r2 (cid:20) (cid:21) ′ Now we treat Q(r),Q(r) as independent variables in the Lagrangian for- malism. So the Lagrangianis written as 2m Q2 −1/2 L(m,m′,Q,Q′)=s 1 + r2. (63) − r r2 (cid:20) (cid:21) The conservationofparticlenumber N is equivalentto the conservationof charge with the radius R. Now the constraints are m(0)=Q(0)=0, m(R)=constant, Q(R)=constant. (64) With these constraints, the extrema of S leads to the following Euler- Lagrange equations d ∂L ∂L + = 0 (65) dr∂Q′ ∂Q d ∂L ∂L + = 0 (66) dr∂m′ ∂m To calculate the Euler-Lagrangeequations, we first note that ′ ′ ′ s=s(ρ,n)=s(ρ(m,Q,Q),n(Q,m,Q)). (67) With the help of Eqs. (59) and (62), we have ∂s ∂s ∂ρ ∂s ∂n = + (68) ∂Q′ ∂ρ∂Q′ ∂n∂Q′ 1 Q µ 1 1 2m Q2 1/2 = 1 + . (69) −T 4πr3 − T q4πr2 − r r2 (cid:20) (cid:21) Thus, ∂L 1 Q 2m Q2 −1/2 µ 1 1 = 1 + . (70) ∂Q′ −T 4πr − r r2 − T q4π (cid:20) (cid:21) To calculate ∂L, first note that ∂Q ∂s ∂s ∂ρ ∂s ∂n = + ∂Q ∂ρ∂Q ∂n∂Q 1 Q′ µ QQ′ 2m Q2 −1/2 = 1 + . (71) −T 4πr3 − T 4πqr4 − r r2 (cid:20) (cid:21) 9 Then ∂L 4πr2qQsT +(fqr+√fQµ)Q′ = , (72) ∂Q − 4πr2qTf3/2 where 2m Q2 f =1 + . (73) − r r2 By substituting Eqs. (70) and (72), Eq. (65) becomes 0 = qQ3T′+Q[ mqT +qrT qrTm′+4πqr3sT2+ frTµQ′ 2mqrT′ − − − + qr2T′]+ fr2(r 2m)(µT′ Tµ′)+Q2[qTQ′+pfr(µT′ Tµ′)]. − − − (74) p p ′ Using Eq. (45) to eliminate µ in Eq. (74), we have √fr2(r 2m)(sTT′+nµT′ Tp′) Q2√fr(sTT′+nµT′ Tp′) 0 = qQ3T′+ − − + − n n + qTQ2Q′+Q[ mqT +qrT qrTm′+4πqr3sT2+ frTµQ′ 2mqrT′+qr2T′]. − − − p (75) Eliminating s, µ and n via Eqs. (20) and (62), we rewrite Eq. (75) as 0 = 4πr3(r2 2mr+Q2)(p+ρ)T′ 4πr3(r2 2mr+Q2)Tp′+TQ2Q′2 − − − + QQ′(rT +4πr3(p+ρ)T +Q2T′+r2T′ mT 2rmT′ rm′T).(76) − − − Now we begin to calculate Eq. (66). Note that ∂s ∂s ∂ρ 1 = = . (77) ∂m′ ∂ρ∂m′ 4πr2T Then ∂L 1 2m Q2 −1/2 = 1 + r2. (78) ∂m′ 4πr2T − r r2 (cid:20) (cid:21) Eq. (67) yields ′ ∂s ∂s ∂n µ Q = = . (79) ∂m ∂n∂m T 4πr3q 1 2m + Q2 − r r2 q 10

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