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RecordsoftheWesternAustralianMuseum22:163-164(2004). Shortcommunication A further record of the spiderMicroctenonyx suhitaneus (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigoninae) in Australia KarlE.C. Brennan DepartmentofEnvironmentalBiology,CurtinUniversityofTechnology,GPOBoxU1987, Perth,WesternAustralia,6845,Australia Linyphiidsaretinytomediumspiders(1 to8mm The latter are found usually in urban areas, inbodylength)thatconstructsheetwebs.Members particularly shipping ports or areas where goods of the subfamily Erigoninae are smallest (1 to 4 imported from abroad have been stored (e.g., mm). Theyconstruct tiny sheetwebs under stones, Harvey 1996). This specimen was collected from a inmossordepressionsinthesoil(Main1976;Raven rehabilitated mine pit, surrounded by unmined etal. 2002a). Despite comprising a large proportion jarrah {Eucalyptus marginata) forest, 45 km south- the European fauna, linyphiids represent only a eastofPerth.Thatsaid,thespeciesappearsdifficult small proportion of described Australian taxa. The to collect at this locality. Of more than 25,000 Australian fauna comprises 20 genera and 35 spiders identified from Jarrahdale Mine, Western described species (Raven et al. 2002b). Five Australia,itistheonlyknownspecimen. introduced species have been recorded; It is likely that other described linyphiids willbe Diplocephalus cristatus (Blackwall), Eperigone found in Australia. Raven et al. (2002c) suggest fradeorum (Berland), Erigone prominens Bosenberg Tenuiphantes cristatus (Menge), may be present and Strand, Microctenonyx suhitaneus (O.P. althoughnotyetrecorded. Cambridge), and Ostearius melanopygius (O.P. Cambridge) (Austinetal. 1991; ITirst and Nicolson MATERIALEXAMINED 1995;Ravenetal. 2002c). Here Microctenonyx suhitaneus, from the Australia: Western Australia; 1 male, Jarrahdale Erigoninae, is recorded as an additional genus and Mine 32°16'S 116°06'E, vacuum sampled from species present in Western Australia. This finding foliage, 8 year-old rehabilitated mine pit supports the previous South Australian record by surrounded by jarrah forest, October 1997, K.E.C. Hirst and Nicolson (1995). Although M. suhitaneus Brennan (Western Australian Museum specimen is endemic to the holartic (Platnick 2003), it is numberT54593). known from other regions including Africa and New Zealand (Millidge 1988; Scharff 1990). This ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS widespread occurrence has led to many synonyms being created; seven junior synonyms are known Thanks to Mark Harvey and Julianne Waldock (seePlatnick2003). forconfirmingtheidentificationplusMarkHarvey, Specimenidentificationwasbyamatchofthemale Jonathan Majer and Melinda Moir for constructive palps to Figures 308 and 310 in MiUidge (1988). A criticismofthemanuscript. dorsal view of the carapace, with prominent sulci (pits)behindtheposteriorlateraleyes,alsomatched REFERENCES his Figure 309. Lateral view of the carapace, however, revealed a difference to his Figure 301. Austin, A.D., De Barro, P. and Harv'ey, M.S. (1991). The Rather than all eyes being located on the anterior first record of Eperigone fradeorum (Berland) surface of the carapace, the posterior median eyes (Linyphiidae)fromAustralia.AustralasianArachnology were on the dorsal surface. It is unkirown whether 43:5. this represents an abnormal specimen, some Han'ey, M.S. (1996). The first record of the Fiddle-back Spider Loxosceles rufescens (Araneae; Sicariidae) from plasticity in eye location, or mechanical damage to Western Australia. Records of the Western Australian thespecimenduringcollection. Museum18:223-224. Further collecting and/or searches of museum Hirst,D.B.,and Nicolson,L.N.(1995).Onnewrecordsof collectionsmightrevealotherAustralianspecimens Linyphiidae from Australia. Australasian Arachnology of M. suhitaneus. It is likely the specimen detailed 49:T here was from an established population rather Main,B.Y.(1976).Spiders.Collins,Sydney. than an immigrant intercepted at its pointofentry. Millidge, A.F. (1988). The spiders of New Zealand: Part 164 K.E.C.Brennan VI. FamilyLinyphiidae. OtagoMuseum Bulletin6: 35- Australia: InteractiveIdentification to Subfamily. CSIRO 67. Publishing,Melbourne. Platnick,N.I. (2003). TheWorldSpiderCatalog, Version4.0. Raven, R.J., Harvey, M.S. and Hirst, D.B. (2002c). http://research.amnh.org/entomology/spiders/ IntroducedspidersofAustralia.In:Raven,R.J.,Baehr, catalog81-87/index.html B.C. and Harv^ey, M.S. Spiders ofAustralia: Interactive Raven,R.J.,Baehr, B.C.andHarvey,M.S. (2002a).Spiders Identification to Subfamily. CSIRO Publishing, of Australia: Interactive Identification to Subfamily. Melbourne. CSIROPublishing,Melbourne. Scharff, N. (1990). A catalogue of African Linyphiidae Raven, R.J., Lawless, P., Hoath, K., Harvey, M.S. and (Araneae).Steenstrupia16:117-152. Hirst, D.B. (2002b). Checklist of Australian spiders. In:Raven,R.].,Baehr,B.C.andHarv'ey,M.S.Spidersof Manuscriptreceived19September2003;accepted11 December 2003

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