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A full-potential approach to the relativistic single-site Green’s function ∗ 6 1 Xianglin Liu 0 2 Department of physics, Carnegie Mellon University r Yang Wang a M Pittsburgh supercomputing center, Carnegie Mellon University Markus Eisenbach 5 ] Center for Computational Sciences, Oak Ridge National Laboratory i c G. Malcolm Stocks s - l Materials science and technology division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory r t m March 8, 2016 . t a m - d Abstract n Onemajorpurposeofstudyingthesingle-sitescatteringproblemis o c toobtainthescatteringmatricesanddifferentialequationsolutionsin- [ dispensable to multiple scattering theory (MST) calculations. On the 2 other hand, the single-site scattering itself is also appealing because v it reveals the physical environment experienced by electrons around 6 the scattering center. In this paper we demonstrate a new formalism 7 3 to calculate the relativistic full-potential single-site Green’s function. 4 Weimplementthismethodtocalculatethesingle-sitedensityofstates 0 and electron charge densities. The code is rigorously tested and with . 1 the help of Krein’s theorem, the relativistic effects and full potential 0 6 effects in group V elements and noble metals are thoroughly investi- 1 gated. : v i ∗This manuscript has been authored by UT-Battelle, LLC under Contract No. DE- X AC05-00OR22725 with the U.S. Department of Energy. The United States Government r retains and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges that the a UnitedStatesGovernmentretainsanon-exclusive,paid-up,irrevocable,world-widelicense to publish or reproduce the published form of this manuscript, or allow others to do so, for United States Government purposes. The Department of Energy will provide public access to these results of federally sponsored research in accordance with the DOE Public Access Plan(http://energy.gov/downloads/doe-public-access-plan). 1 1 Introduction The multiple-scattering theory (MST) is a DFT based ab-initio method that iswidelyappliedtothecalculationoftheelectronicstructureofmetals, alloys and impurities. One crucial step in MST calculation is to solve the single-site scattering problem. Combined with the position information of the atoms, solutions of the single-site scattering problem can be used to construct the Green’s function of the whole system, from which most physical quantities can be extracted. Because of the essential role played by the single-site scattering in MST, there have been a constant effort to improve it in the last few decades [1]. The earliest MST solves the Schr¨odinger’s equation and employs the muffin-tin potential approximation, i.e. the potential is spherically symmetric within a bounding sphere and is constant outside. Then the generalization to full potential (FP)[2] and relativistic cases [3, 4, 5, 6], and eventually combination of the two, i.e. relativistic full potential (RFP), were proposed and implemented using various schemes [7, 8, 9, 10]. AmongthemonewidelyusedRFPMSTcodeisdevelopedbyHuhneetal[11] to either solve the coupled integral equations iteratively using Born’s series expansion or to directly solve the coupled differential equations. In a recent paper[12], the coupled differential equations are also solved by matching the regular solutions at the boundary of the Wigner–Seitz cell. In this paper we present a alternative formalism to tackle the RFP single- site scattering problem by directly solving the Dirac differential equation. This method is a relativistic generalization of the non-relativistic FP MST method[13]. Compared to other RFP methods, this new formalism has the feature that the differential equation, the t matrix and the single-site Green’s function are all expressed in terms of the r dependent sine and cosine matri- ces. We would like to point out that the sine and cosine matrices technique to obtain the solutions for relativistic scattering theory was first proposed by X. D. Wang et al. [8], based on the phase integral technique[14], and later implemented by S. B. Kellen and A. J. Freeman [10]. The major dif- ference between our method and the Kellen & Freeman’s approach is in the calculation of observables. They find the observables by searching for energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the KKR secular equation, while in our case all physical quantities are expressed in terms of the Green’s functions, without the compute-intensive eigenvalue searching and the wavefunction orthonormalization procedures. As a test of our code, the single-site DOS are calculated using both the Green’s function method and the Krein’s theorem method and two results are compared. To investigate the relativistic effects and the full potential effects, we study the density of states of noble metals and group V elements. 2 Finally, the charge density of tantalum is calculated and some interesting relativistic features are discussed. 2 Theory In the following discussion, we use the atomic Rydberg units; i.e., (cid:126) = 1,m = 1/2, c ≈ 274, etc. To construct the Green’s function, we first need to solve the single-particle Dirac equation: {−cαi∇+βmc2 +V(r)}ψ(E,r) = Wψ(E,r), (1) where α, β are the Dirac matrices, W and E are the relativistic energy and relativistic kinetic energy, respectively. W and E are related to momentum p by (cid:112) W = (mc2)2 +(pc)2, (2) E = W −mc2. (3) The solution ψ(E,r) is a Dirac spinor. Within the framework of spin po- larized relativistic density functional theory [15], the effective potential is written as (cid:18) (cid:19) v(r)+σ ·B(r) 0 V(r) = , (4) 0 v(r)−σ ·B(r) where σ are the Pauli matrices and B are effective magnetic fields. In the following discussion we will focus on nonmagnetic systems and discard the B terms. For r > R , where R is the radius of the circumscribed sphere of the c c Wigner-Seitz cell, the effective potential V(r) vanishes, and the solutions of the corresponding free-space Dirac equation are well known. The right-hand solutions are (cid:18)W +mc2(cid:19)1/2(cid:18) j (pr)χ (ˆr) (cid:19) J (E,r) = l Λ , (5) Λ c2 Wip+cmSκc2j¯l(pr)χΛ¯(ˆr) (cid:18)W +mc2(cid:19)1/2(cid:18) n (pr)χ (ˆr) (cid:19) N (E,r) = l Λ , (6) Λ c2 Wip+cmSκc2n¯l(pr)χΛ¯(ˆr) where j (pr) and n (pr) are the usual spherical Bessel functions of the first l l kind and the second kind, with angular momentum index l. Λ stands for the pair of relativistic angular-momentum indices (κ,µ) and S is the sign of κ κ ¯ index. Λ = (−κ,µ) and (cid:40) l+1 if κ < 0 ¯ l = . (7) l−1 if κ > 0 3 χ and χ are the spin-angular functions Λ Λ¯ (cid:88) 1 χ (ˆr) = C(l,j, |µ−m ,m )Y (ˆr)φ , (8) Λ 2 s s l,µ−ms ms ms=±1 (cid:88) 1 χ (ˆr) = C(¯l,j, |µ−m ,m )Y (ˆr)φ , (9) Λ¯ 2 s s ¯l,µ−ms ms ms=±1 where C(l,j, 1|µ − m ,m ) are the Clebsch-Gordan coefficients, Y are 2 s s l,µ−ms spherical harmonics and φ are Pauli spinors ms (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:18) (cid:19) 1 0 φ = , φ = . (10) 1/2 0 −1/2 1 In addition to the right-side solutions, we also need the left-hand solutions to construct the Green’s function (see Appendix A and B). In free-space, the left-hand solutions are given by (cid:18)W +mc2(cid:19)1/2(cid:18) −ipcS (cid:19) J+(E,r) = j (pr)χ†(ˆr), κ j (pr)χ†(ˆr) , (11) Λ c2 l Λ W +mc2 ¯l Λ¯ (cid:18)W +mc2(cid:19)1/2(cid:18) −ipcS (cid:19) N+(E,r) = n (pr)χ†(ˆr), κ n (pr)χ†(ˆr) . (12) Λ c2 l Λ W +mc2 ¯l Λ¯ For r < R , the Dirac equation solutions can only be obtained numeri- c cally. By using the phase integral technique[14] , the solutions are written in terms of the free-space solutions as (see Appendix A) (cid:88) ψ (E,r) = {S (E,r)N (E,r)−C (E,r)J (E,r)}, (13) Λ Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) where the r dependent cosine matrix C (E,r) and sine matrix S (E,r) Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48)Λ are defined as (cid:90) C (E,r) = p d3r(cid:48)N+(E,r(cid:48))V(r(cid:48))ψ (E,r(cid:48))−δ , (14) Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48) Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) 0<r(cid:48)<r (cid:90) S (E,r) = p d3r(cid:48)J+(E,r(cid:48))V(r(cid:48))ψ (E,r(cid:48)). (15) Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48) Λ 0<r(cid:48)<r Note that this expression is also valid for r > R , because S (E,r) and c Λ(cid:48)Λ C (E,r) will become constants outside the circumscribed sphere. To dis- Λ(cid:48)Λ tinguish these constants from S (E,r) and C (E,r) we denote them as Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48)Λ S (E) and C (E). Equations (13), (14) and (15) form a set of coupled Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48)Λ 4 integral equations. C (E,r) and S (E,r) can be obtained by solving the ΛΛ(cid:48) ΛΛ(cid:48) corresponding differential equations (cid:90) d S (E,r) = r2 dˆr pJ+(E,r)V(r)ψ (E,r), (16) dr Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48) Λ (cid:90) d C (E,r) = r2 dˆr pN+(E,r)V(r)ψ (E,r). (17) dr Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48) Λ Note that the integral is only upon the angular part. For regular solutions, the boundary conditions are ψ (E,r) = J (E,r). (18) Λ r→0 Λ or equivalently S (E,0) = 0, (19) Λ(cid:48)Λ C (E,0) = −δ . (20) Λ(cid:48)Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) To see the boundary conditions are well defined, we note the effective electric potential has a spherically symmetric 1/r behavior at the origin. As a result the integrals on the right side of equation (14) and (15) vanish at the origin because spherical bessel functions with different l indices can not be coupled by spherical potential. Next, we proceed to discuss technical details on solving the coupled dif- ferential equations. The explicit expressions of the differential equations (16) and (17) are given by d (cid:88) (cid:88) S (E,r) = a (E,r)S (E,r)− b (E,r)C (E,r), (21) Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ dr Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) where (cid:90) a (E,r) = r2 dˆr pJ+(E,r)V(r)N (E,r), (22) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) (cid:90) b (E,r) = r2 dˆr pJ+(E,r)V(r)J (E,r), (23) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) and d (cid:88) (cid:88) C (E,r) = c (E,r)S (E,r)− d (E,r)C (E,r), Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ dr Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) (24) 5 where (cid:90) c (E,r) = r2 dˆr pN+(E,r)V(r)N (E,r), (25) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) (cid:90) d (E,r) = r2 dˆr pN+(E,r)V(r)J (E,r). (26) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) For full potential calculation, the effective potential V(r) is expanded in terms of the spherical harmonics (cid:88) V(r) = V (r)Y (ˆr). (27) Lv Lv Lv The angular integral in equation (22),(23),(25) and (26) can be done analyt- ically and written in terms of the Gaunt coefficients (cid:90) CL(cid:48)(cid:48) = dˆr Y (ˆr)Y∗(ˆr)Y (ˆr). (28) L,L(cid:48) L L(cid:48) L(cid:48)(cid:48) In practice, the differential equations are solved on exponential radial grid r = r exp(x), using the fourth-order Bashforth-Adams-Moulton predictor- 0 corrector method. After we obtain the solutions of the Dirac equation, we can use them to construct the single-site Green’s function, which has the following expression (see Appendix B) (cid:88) (cid:88) G(E,r,r(cid:48)) = Z (E,r)t (E)Z+(E,r(cid:48))− Z (E,r)J+(E,r(cid:48)). (29) Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Λ Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ whereJ+(E,r)arethesolutionsofequation(1)withtheboundarycondition Λ(cid:48) that J+(E,r) = J+(E,r) outside the Wigner-Seitz cell. Z (E,r) is another Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Λ set of regular solutions defined as (cid:88) Z (E,r) = p ψ (E,r)S−1 (E). (30) Λ Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)Λ Λ(cid:48) The t matrix is given by equation (70) in Appendix B and the explicit ex- pression is 1 (cid:88) t (E) = − S (E)(C (E)−i S (E))−1. (31) ΛΛ(cid:48) ΛΛ(cid:48)(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48)(cid:48)Λ(cid:48) p Λ(cid:48)(cid:48) FromtheGreen’sfunction,it’sstraightforwardtocalculatephysicalquan- tities of the system. Here we focus on the charge density and the density of 6 states. The first one is necessary to calculate the new potential in a SCF cy- cle and the latter one is needed to determine the Fermi energy of the system. The charge density is given by 1 (cid:90) EF ρ(r) = − Im Tr G(E,r,r)dE, (32) π 0 where the Fermi energy E is chosen to give the correct number of total F electrons. The density of states is given by (cid:90) 1 n(E) = − Im Tr G(E,r,r)dr, (33) π Ω where Ω denotes the wigner seitz cell. For real energy, the imaginary part of the ZJ+ term in equation (29) vanishes, so we can instead write the density of states n(E) and the charge density ρ(r) as (cid:90) 1 (cid:88) n(E) = − Im Tr Z (E,r)t (E)Z+(E,r)dr, (34) π Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Ω ΛΛ(cid:48) 1 (cid:90) EF (cid:88) ρ(r) = − Im Tr Z (E,r)t (E)Z+(E,r)dE. (35) π Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) 0 ΛΛ(cid:48) Thebenefitofthisexpressionisthatitdoesnotcontaintheirregularsolutions J (r), which are difficult to evaluate precisely near the origin. Even though Λ the focus of this paper is on single-site Green’s function , at the end of this section we would like to make a few comments about the MST Green’s function, which has the expression [16] (cid:88) (cid:88) G(E,r,r(cid:48)) = Z (E,r)τ (E)Z+(E,r(cid:48))− Z (E,r)J+(E,r(cid:48)). (36) Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) Λ Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ Compare it with equation (29) we see the only difference is the replacement of the t matrix by the scattering-path matrix τ [17], which describes the ΛΛ(cid:48) scattering of the electron along all paths in the solid. The scattering-path matrix can be constructed from the t matrix and the structure constants G , which describe the propagation of free electrons between two atoms. ΛΛ(cid:48) Therefore, it’s straightforward to implement our formalism to the MST cal- culations. 3 Krein’s Theorem For single-site scattering, the density of states can be calculated from either theGreen’sfunctionortheKrein’stheorem[18][19]. Acomparisonofthetwo 7 results will be a good test of our code. First we focus on the Krein’s theorem method. Details of the relation between the Krein’s theorem and the Green’s function in the non-relativistic case has been derived in a previous paper [20] and most of them can also be applied to the relativistic case. Therefore, in this section we will just establish notation and quote known results. By applying the Krein’s theorem to the scattering theory, it has been proved that the integrated density of states (IDOS) is given by N (E) = −2ξ(E) = N(E)−N (E)+n , (37) K 0 c where N(E) is the single-site density of states, N (E) is the free electron 0 integrated density of states, n is the total number of core electrons, which is c irrelevant here since we are only interested in valence electrons. ξ(E) is the Krein’s spectral shift function [18] related to the standard unitary S-matrix S(E) by [21] e−i2πξ(E) = detS(E). (38) The S-matrix is obtained from the t matrix using the relation S (E) = δ (E)−2ipt (E). (39) ΛΛ(cid:48) ΛΛ(cid:48) ΛΛ(cid:48) The Krein DOS n (E) is obtained by taking the derivative of N , K K dN (E) K n (E) = . (40) K dE Note that n (E) is the DOS for the entire space. To compare the DOS K obtained from the Green’s function with n (E), we express the DOS inside K and outside the region bounded by a sphere of radius R in terms of Green’s c function as (cid:90) 1 n (E) = − Im Tr(G(E,r,r)−G (E,r,r))dr, (41) in 0 π 0<r<Rc (cid:90) 1 n (E) = − Im Tr(G(E,r,r)−G (E,r,r))dr, (42) out 0 π r>Rc and we should have n (E) = n (E) + n (E). The G(E,r,r) term in n K in out in is evaluated numerically and the G (E,r,r) term is evaluated analytically 0 using the following expression of the free space Green’s function 1 eip(r−r(cid:48)) Tr G (E,r,r) = lim Tr− (α·p+βmc2 +W) (43) 0 r(cid:48)→r c2 4π(r−r(cid:48)) ipW =− . (44) πc2 8 Therefore, the contribution to the DOS from the inside integral is 1 (cid:90) Rc (cid:88) 4pW n (E) = − Im Tr Z (E,r)t (E)Z+(E,r)dr− R 3. (45) in π Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) 3c2π c 0 ΛΛ(cid:48) For r > R , using another expression of the Green’s function c (cid:88) G(E,r,r) = G (E,r,r)−p2 H (E,r)t (E)H+(E,r), (46) 0 Λ ΛΛ(cid:48) Λ(cid:48) ΛΛ(cid:48) where H (E,r) = J (E,r)+iN (E,r), the outside contribution to the DOS Λ Λ Λ is 2p2W (cid:90) ∞(cid:88) n (E) = Im h (pr)t h (pr)r2dr. (47) out πc2 l ll l Rc l This double Hankel function integral also occurs in the non-relativistic case [20] and can be done analytically using [22] (cid:90) ∞ R3 (cid:0) (cid:1) h (pr)2r2dr = h (pr)h (pr)−h (pr)2 . (48) l l−1 l+1 l 2 R To compare the Krein’s theorem method and the Green’s function method, the DOS of copper and vanadium are calculated and shown in figure 1. The input potentials are obtained from non-relativistic self-consistent full- potential KKR calculations. In both calculations 256 energy points are used. In general the relative error is within the order of 10−4, which indicates an excellent agreement between the two methods. Most of the errors are from the small number of energy points and the relative primitive way to calculate n from the numerical derivative of N . K K 4 Singel-site DOS The full potential effects and the relativistic effects can be directly observed in the single-site DOS. As the first example, the DOS of noble metals, i.e., copper, silver and gold are calculated using both relativistic and nonrela- tivistic Green’s function methods. The results are shown in figure 2. In all calculations the angular momentum expansion cut-offs l are set to be 4 max and the expansion cut-offs for potentials are set to be 2×l to satisfy the max angular momentum triangular relation. Both the relativistic effects and the fullpotentialeffectsarewelldemonstratedbythethreepeaksintherelativis- tic DOS plots of silver. The large energy differences between the leftmost 9 30 150 25 Cu V S S O O 20 SiteD 100 nin!nout SiteD 15 nin!nout " " Single 50 nK Single 10 nK 5 0 0 0.36 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 E Ry E Ry Figure 1: (Color onl!in"e) Comparison of the DOS from! " Green’s function method and the Krein’s theorem method. The blue solid lines show the Krein DOS n . The dashed lines show n +n calculated using the Green’s K in out function. Because of the good agreement the two lines actually overlap. peak and the right two peaks are due to relativistic effects, mostly spin-orbit coupling. The smaller difference between the right two peaks is due to full potential effect. The full potential effects of copper and gold, however, do not cause any visible splitting of DOS because their peaks on the right are relatively broad and merge into one single peak. A better demonstration of the full potential effects and the relativistic effects is the splitting of the IDOS components of the d electrons. According to Krein’s theorem, the IDOS components are given by the generalized phase shifts divided by 2π, where the generalized phase shifts are obtained by diagonalizing the S-matrix [23]. As an example we calculated the Krein IDOS components of copper in different cases and the results are shown in figure 3. For non-relativistic muffin-tin calculation, all the d electrons degenerate. For relativistic muffin- tin calculation, even though the input potential is spherically symmetric, the IDOS still splits into two parts due to spin-orbit coupling. The introduc- tion of asymmetric potential leads to further splitting in the relativistic full potential calculation. Because of the cubic structure symmetry, the split- ting is not complete and the degeneracies still exist. Similar calculations are also performed for silver and gold and the Krein IDOS for relativistic full-potential calculation are shown in figure 4, where the splittings due to spin-orbit coupling are more significant. The width of the spitting provides an estimate of the strength of the spin-orbit coupling or full potential effect. For example, for copper, silver and gold the splittings caused by spin-orbit coupling are 0.020 Ry, 0.042 Ry and 0.13 Ry, respectively. This agrees with our expectation that the magnitude of spin-orbit coupling tend to increase for heavier elements. All the noble elements have face centered cubic structure, therefore the 10

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