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A Friendly Introduction to Number Theory PDF

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A FriendIlnyt roducttoNi uollnl beTrh eory FourtEhd ition JosepHh.S ilver man BrownU niversity 401-863-1124 [email protected] RevisiBoengsu nJ:u n2e0 09 CopyE diCto rrectiDoencse:m be2r0 10 CamerRae adyS ubmiDte:c embe2r0 11 ii EditoirnC hiefD:e irdLryen ch SenioArc quisitEidointso Wri:l liHaomff man SponsoriEndgi toCra:r oliCneel ano EditorAisasli staBnrta:n doRna wnsley SenioMra naginEgd itoKrar:e nW ernholm ProductPiroonj eMcatn agerB:e thH ouston ExecutiMvaer ketiMnagn agerJ:e ffW eidenaar MarketiAnsgs istaCnati:t lCirna in SenioAru thor Support/TecShpneoclioaglyJi oseVt e:t ere Rightasn dP ermissiAodnvsi soMri:c haeJlo yce DesigMna nagerA:n dreNai x © Coveprh otoC:o pyright2 011D aveC ohen Crediatnsda cknowledgmbeonrtrso wfreodm othesro urcaensd r eproducweidt,ph e rmis­ sioni,nt hitse xtboaopkp eaornt hea pproprpiaagtewe i thtienx t. LibrarofyC ongreCsast aloging-in-PuDbaltiac ation SilvermJaons,e pHh. ,1 955- A frienidnltyr oducttoni uomnb etrh eoIrJ yo sepHh. S ilverm-a4nt he d. p.cm. Includiensd ex ISBN-1937:8 -0-321-81619-1 ISBN-100:- 321-81619-6 1.Numbert heory-TextboIo.Tk ist.l e QA241.S429071 3 512.7-dc22 2011027942 Copyrig@h2t0 12,2 0062,0 011,9 97P earsEodnu catiIonnc,A. l lr ighrtess ervMeadn.­ ufacturiendt heU niteSdt atoefsA mericaT.hi sp ublicaitsip orno tecbtyeC do pyright, andp ermisssihoonu lbde o btainfreodm thep ublisphreiro troa nyp rohibirteepdr oduc­ tiosnt,o raignae r etriesvyaslt eomr, transmiisnas niyfoo rnm orb ya nym eanse,l ectronic, mechanicpahlo,t ocopyriencgo,r dionrlg i,k ewiTsoeo .b tapienr missiotnou( ssem) a terial from thiwso rkp,l easseu bmiat w rittreenq uetsotP earsoEnd ucatiIonnc,.P ,e rmissions DepartmeOnnte,L akeS treeUtp,p erS addlRei verN,e w Jerse0y7 458o,r y oum ayfa x yourre quetso2t 0 1-236-3290. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 PEARSON ISBN1 00 -321-81619-6 ISBN1 39 78-0-321-81619-1 Preface The1 990ssa wa w aveo fc alcurleufso rwmh osaei mw ast ot eacsht udetnott sh ink fort hemselavnedst os olvseu bstanptrioabll emrsa,t htehra mne relmye morizing formulaansd p erformriontgae l gebrmaainci pulatiTohnissb. o okh asa similar, albesiotm ewhamto rea mbitioguosa,l t:o l eaydo ut ot hink mathemaatnidc ally toe xperietnhcete h riolfil n dependienntte lledcitsucaolv .eO ruyrc hosesnu bject, NumberT heor,iy sp articuwlealrsllu yi tfeodrt hipsu rposTeh.e n aturnaulm bers 1,2 ,3 ,. ..s atisaf myu ltituodfbe e autipfautlt erannsdr elationsmhainpyos f, whiccha nb ed iscerantea dg lancoet;h earrses os ubttlhea otn em arvetlhse wye re noticaetda llE.x perimentraetqiuoinnr oetsh imnogr et hapna pearn dp enciblu,t manyf alaslel ebyesc kotnot hosweh om akec onjectounrt eosos canetvyi denIcte . iso nlbyy r igoroduesm onstratthiaootnn ei sfi nallcyo nvinctehdat th en umerical evidenrceefl ecat usn ivertsrault hT.h isb ookw illle aydo ut hroutghhe g roves whereliunr sko meo ft heb rightfleoswte rosfN umbeTrh eor,ay si ts imultaneously encouraygoeust oi nvestiagnaatley,zc eo,n jectaunrdeu ,l timatperloyvy eo uorw n beautinfuumlb etrh eorerteiscu lts. Thibso okw aso riginwarliltyt teosn e rvaesa t exfto Mra th4 2,a c ourscer eated byJ effH offsteaitnB rownU niversiintt hyee arl1y9 90sM.a th4 2w asd esignteod attract nonscietnhcoes wemi atljhio tritsnl,te e rienps utr suitnhges tandacradl culus sequenacned,t oc onvintchee mt os tudsyo mec ollemgaet hematTihcesi .n tewnats toc reaat ceo urssei miltaoor n eo n,s ay",T heM usiocf M ozarto"r" Elizabethan Drama,w"h ereainna udienicsie n trodutcote hdeo veratlhle measn dm ethodology ofa ne ntidries ciptlhirnoeu tghhed etaislteudd oyfa p articfualcaeortf t hes ubject. 42 Math hasb eene xtremesluyc cessaftutlr,a cbtoitnihgt isn tendaeudd ienacned alssoc ientifiocrailelnyut nedde rgradiunatteerse isnta ec dh angoefp acfreo m their large-leccotoukrbeo,o k-sctoyulres es. Thep rerequifsoirrte easd itnhgib so oka ref e.wS omef acilwiittyhh i gshc hool algebirsra e quiraenddt, h osweh ok nowh owt op rograamc omputweirl hla vfuen generatrienagm osf d ataan di mplementaisnsgo rtaeldg oritbhumtsi ,nt rutthh e readneer ednso thimnogr et haan simplcea lcul.a Ctoonrcepfrtosm calculaurse mentionienpd a ssibnugt,a ren otu seidn a ne ssentwiaay.lH owevearn,d t her eader v vi Preface ish erebfyo rewarneidti, sn otp ossibtlote r ulayp preciNautmeb erT heorwyi thout ane agearn dq uestionmiinngda nda s pirtihtai tsn ota fraitdo e xperimetnomt a,k e mistakaensdp rofifrto m themt,o a ccepftr ustraatnidpo enr sevteort eh eu ltimate triumpRhe.a derwsh o area blteo c ultivtahteesq eu alitwiielsfil n dt hemselves richrleyw ardbeodt,ih n t hesitru doyfN umberT heorayn dt heaiprp reciaotfai loln thalti fhea st oo ffe.r Acknowledgmefnotrts h eF irsEtd ition Theraer em anyp eoplIew oulldi kteo t hanfko rt heiars sistanceH-oJffesfft ein, KareBne ndearn,d R achePlr iefso rt hepiiro neerwionrgki nM ath4 2;B ilAlm end fork indlpye rmittmien tgo u ses omeo fh isw onderfFuolx Trocta rtootnhsec; r e­ atorosfP ARIf orp rovidithnegu ltimaitnne u mbetrh eorcyo mputatipoonwaelr ; NickF iorDia,n ieGlo ldstRoonb,G rosMsa, ttH olforAdl,a Lna ndmanP,a uLlo ck­ hartM,a ttM arcyP,a triPcaicae lRlaic,h ePlr ie(sa gainM)i,c haeSlc hlessinger, Thomas ShemanJsekfefr,eS yt opplCeh,r iTso wseR,o geWra reL,a rryW ashing­ tonY,a ngbYoe ,a ndK arZli mmermafno rl ookiantgt hei nitdiraalfa tn do ffering invaluasbulgeg estiMoincsh;a eAlr tiRni,c harGdu y,M arcH indrMyi,k eR osen, KarRlu binE,d ScheinermJaonh,nS elfriadngdeS ,a mW agstafffo rm uchh elpful advicaen;dG eorgLeo belaln dG alEep psa tP rentHiaclefl o trh eeixrc ellaednvti ce andg uidance dtuhrepi unbgl icaptrioocne ss. Finalalnydm, o sti mportaInw ta,n tt ot hanmky wifSeu saann dc hildDreebnb y, Daniealn,d J onathfaonrt heipra tienacnedu nderstanwdhiinlgte h ibso okw as beinwgr itten. Acknowledgmefnotrts h eS econEdd ition Iw oulldi kteot hanakl tlh osweh ot ootkh et imteo s enmde correctainodns su gges­ tiontsh awte rei nvaluaibnpl ree partihnegs econedd itiionnc,l udAirntgh uBra ra­ garA,a roBne rtraNmi,g eBlo stoDna,v iBdo ydS,e tBhr aveMri,c haeCla talano­ Jo hnsonL,.C hangR,o binC hapmanM,i gueClo rderJoo,h nC remonaJ,i mD e­ lanyL,i sFaa stenbNeircgh,o lFaiso rFiu,m iyaFsuun amiJ,i mF underbuArnkd,r ew GranviRlolebG, r ossS,h amiDtuat tGau ptaT,o mH agedornR,o nJ acobowiJtezrr,y S.K ellHye,r shKyi silevHsekyn,d riLke nstrGao,r doSn. L esselKlesn,L evasseur, StepheLinc htenbaNuimd,iL ao peJze rryM etzgeJru,k kPai hkoC,a rPlo merance, RachePlr ieKse,n R ibeJto,h nR obesoDna,v iRdo hrliDcahn,i eSli lvermAalnfr,e d Tanga,n dW enchaZoh ou. Prefacev ii Acknowledgmefnotrts h eT hirEdd ition I wouldl ikteo t hanJki rSou zukfoir hisb eautitfrualn slaotfim oyn b ooki nto JapanesIew .o uladl sloi kteo t hanakl tlh osweh ot ootkh et imteo s endm e cor­ rectioannsds uggestitohnawste rei nvaluaibnlp er eparitnhget hiredd itiionn­, cludiBnigl Ald amsA,u tumnA ldenR,o berAtl tshuAlvenre,r AJsohe,A uslander, DaveB enoiJtu,r geBni erbraAunedrr,e Cwl ifforKde,i tCho nraSda,r aDhe Gooyer, AmartyKau marD uttLaa,u riFea nninBge,n jFii sheJro,eF isheJro,nG raffE,r ic GutmanE,d warHdi nsoBnr,u cHeu go,O leJ ensePne,t eKra hn, AviKnaalsrha , JerrKye llYyu,k iKoi kuchAim,a rtya Kumar, LAenndarreSdwu, fa trLiiou T,r oy MadsenR,u ssM ann,G ordoMna sonF,a rleMya wyerM,i keM cConnelJle,r ry MetzgeSrt,e vPea ikN,i colPee reDzi,n akRara makrishCneacni,Rl o usseaMua,r c RothE,h udS chreiTbaemri, nSat ephensJoinrS,ou zukJia,m eTsa notn,Ja meTso ng, ChriTso wseR,o geTru rtoFne,r nanVdiol legaansdC, h ungY i. Iw ouladl sloi kteo t hantkh osweh os enmte commentasn dc orrecttihoants haveb eenu sedf ort hec orrecptreidn tionfgt sh et hiredd itiionnc,l udAirntgh ur BaragaRra,c heCly winskAin,nB ledsoJei,mB rennaPne,t Cel arGko,v eE ffinger, F. IzadLia,r sHe llviAgl,e xK rausD,a viMda rshaCloll,m M ulcahRyu,s sM erris, SaraMhe iklejoChonl,mM ulcahJye,f frey NunemaSctheevPrea, i kE,r iRko sen­ thaYlu,a nY-uanS henM,i chaeSlo mosP,a uSlt anfoarnddP, a uvla nW amelen. Acknowledgmefnotrts h eF ourtEhd ition Iw oulldi kteot hantkh efo llowipnego plweh os enmte commentasn ds uggestions and/orr eviewtehdei nitdiraalf otft hef ourtedhi tioJno:s epBha k,H osseiBne ­ hforooHze,n ninBgr ogeL,i ndsaCyh ildKse,i tCho nraDda,v iCdo x,T homaCsu ­ sickG,o veE ffingeLre,n nyF ukshansDkayr,r eGnl asAsl,e xM artsinkovAslkayn, SalesYkain,g bYoe ,a nda dditioannaoln ymoruesv iewers. Changeisnt heF ourtEhd ition Theraer ea n umbeorf m ajocrh angienst hef ouretdhi tion. • Theriesa n ewc haptoenrm athematiicnadlu ct(iCohna pt2e6r) . • Somem aterioanpl r oobfy c ontradihcatsib oene nm ovedfo rwartdo C hap­ ter8 .I ti su sedi nt hep rootfh aat p olynomioafdl e grede h asa tm ostd rootmso dulpo. T hifasc ti st heuns eidn p lacoefp rimitriovoeta ssa t ootlo provEeu lerq'usa drarteisci dfuoer muilnaC hapt2er1 .( Ine arlieedri tions, primitriovoetw se reu sefdo rt hipsr oof.) • Thec hapteornps r imitriovoet( sC hapt2e8rs- 2h9a)v bee enm ovedt ofo llow thec hapteornqs u adrarteicci proacnidst uym so fs quar(eCsh apt2er0s- 25). viii Preface Ther ationfaoltreh icsh angiest hea uthoerx'pse rietnhcasett udenfitnsdt he PrimitRiovoetT heoretmob ea mongt hem ostd ifficiunlt th eb ookT.h en ew ordearl lowtsh ei nstrutcotc oorv eqru adratic recfiirpsrtao,nc dti oto ym it primitriovoete sn tiriefdl eys ired. • Chapt2e2rn owi ncludae psr oooff p arotf q uadrarteicci profocri Jtayc obi symbolwsi,t thh er emainipnagr tisn cludaesed x ercises. (� 1)( �) • Quadratriecc iproicsin toyw p roveidn f ullT.h ep rooffosr and remaiansb efoirneC hapt2e1r, a ndt heriesa n ewc hapt(eCrh apt2e3r)t hat (�()� ). giveEsi senstepirno'ofsfo r Chapt2e3ri ss ignificamnotrledy i fficult thatnh ec haptetrhsap tr eceidtea, n di tm ayb eo mittweidt hoauffte ctitnhge subsequcehnatp ters. • As ana pplicaotfip orni mitriovoet s, Ch2a8pd tiesrc ussecso ntshter uction ofC ostaasr rays. • Chapt3e9ri ncludepsr ooatf h atth ep erioodft heF ibonascecqiu enmcoed - ulop dividpe s1 w henp isc ongruetno1t o r4 m odul5o. - • Theraer em anyn ewe xercissceast tetrherdo ughtohuett e xt. • A flowchagritv icnhga ptdeerp endenicsii ensc ludoendp agei x. • Number thiesoa r vya satn ds prawling saunbdjo veectrth ,ey eartsh ibso ok hasa cquirmeadn yn ewc hapteIrnso .r detrok eept hel engotfht hiesd ition toa reasonasbilzeeC ,h apte4r7s- 5h0a veb eenr emovefrdo m thep rinted versioofnt heb ookT.h esoem ittcehda ptearrsefr eelayv ailaobnllei ante http://www.math.brown.edu/-jhs/frint.html http://www.pesaornhighered.com/matthastsresources Theo nlicnhea ptearrsei ncludientd h ei ndex. Emaialn dE lectroRneisco urces Allt hep eopllei staebdo vhea veh elpemde toc orrencutm eroumsi stakaensdt o greatly trheefie nxep ositbiuotnn o,b ooki se vefrre efr om erroorri ncapaobfl e beinigm proveId w.o uldb ed elighttoer de ceive commgeonotdos r,b ad,a nd correctfrioomn msy readeYrosu.c ans enmda itlo m e at [email protected] Additiomnaatle riianlc,l udeixntgr cah aptearnse ,r rasthae elti,n ktsoi nteresting numbetrh eorestiitcea sn,dd ownloadavbelres ioonfvs a riocuosm puteexre rcises, area vailaobnlt eh eF rienIdnltyro ducttoiN ounm beTrh eoHryo meP age: www.math.brown.edu/-jhs/frint.html JosepHh.S ilverman ChaptDeerp endencieisx I I 1-3 I 4 Flowchaorft ChapteDre pendencies I I 5-12 13 14-51 16-18 19 I �- 2_0-_2_3�-)� >-- --· _ � 2_4_-25�_ - 27-28 I 3o _:- 41-46 �� _ � � �- _ � _ _ _ � - 31-32 33-34 47-4e8)( 35-36 37 38 (aL)a spta ruts eCsh .1 3a nd2 1. (bC)h .2 3m ayb eo mitted. 40(d) (cL)a spta ruts eCsh .2 2. (dL)a spta ruts eCsh .1 6, anda b rieufs eo fC h.3 9. (e) Onlinceh apters. 50Ce) Thipsa gei ntentiolneaftbl llayn k Introduction Eucliadl one Hasl ookeodn B eautbya reF.o rtuntahteey Who,t hougohn ceo nlayn dt hebnu tf aarw ay, Haveh eardh erm assivsea ndasle otn s tone. EdnaS tV.i nceMnitl la(y91 23) Theo rigionfst hen aturnaulm ber1s, 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,. ..a rel ositn t hem istosf timeW.e havneo k nowledogfew hofi rsrte alitzheadtt h eriesa c ertacionn ceopft "threentehsasat"p plieeqsu alwleyl tlo t hrereo cktsh,r eset arasn,dt hrepee ople. Fromt hev erbye ginnionfgr se cordheids t,on ruymberhsa vei nspiranee dn dless fascination-myasetsitchaealtn,id cp ,r actiacswa ell lI.ti sn otj ustth en umbers themselvoefcs o,u rsteh,a cto mmanda ttentiFoanrm. o rei ntriguairnet gh er ela­ tionshtihpasnt u mberesx hibointe,w itahn otheIrti. sw ithitnh esper ofouanndd 1 oftesnu btrleel ationtshhaoitnp esfi ndst heB eautsyos trikidnegslcyr iibneE dd na StV.i nceMnitl layp'ose m.H erei sa nothdeers cripbtyia o cne lebrattweedn tieth­ centuprhyi loso.p her Mathematircisg,h tvliye wepdo,s sesnsoetso nlyt rutbhu,ts upreme beauty-bae autcyo ladn da ustelriek,te h aotf s culptwuirteh,o aupt­ peatlo a nyp arotf o urw eakenra turwei,t hotuhteg orgeotursa ppings ofp aintionrgm su sicy,e ts ublimpeulrye a,n dc apabolfea sterpne r­ fectisounc ahs o nltyh ger eatarte scta ns how. (BerRtursasned1l 9l0,2 ) TheT heoroyf N umberisst haatr eoaf m athematwihcoss eai mi st ou ncover them anyd eepa nds ubtrleel ationasmhoinpgds i fferseonrtto sfn umberTso. t ake as impleex amplmea,n yp eoplteh routghhea gehsa vbee einn trigbuyet dh es quare number1s,4 ,9 ,1 62, 5,. ..I.fw ep erfotrhmee xperimoefna td dintgo getphaeirr s 1E ucliidn,d eehda,sl ookeodn B eautbya rea,n dn otm ereltyh eb eautoyfg eomettrhya mto st peoplaes sociwaittehh i nsa meN.u mbetrh eoirsyp rominenfetaltyu riendB ookVsI IV,I IIa,n dI X ofE uclifadm'osu sE lements.

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