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Preview A Fourier Pseudospectral Method for the "Good" Boussinesq Equation with Second Order Temporal Accuracy

A Fourier Pseudospectral Method for the “Good” Boussinesq Equation with Second Order Temporal Accuracy Kelong Cheng1, Wenqiang Feng2, Sigal Gottlieb3, Cheng Wang3 1School of Science, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang, Sichuan 621010, P. R. China 4 1 2Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA 0 3Mathematics Department, University of Massachusetts, North Dartmouth, MA 02747, USA. 2 n a J Abstract 4 2 Inthispaper,wediscussthenonlinearstabilityandconvergenceofafullydiscreteFourier pseudospectralmethodcoupledwithaspeciallydesignedsecondordertime-steppingforthe ] numerical solution of the “good” Boussinesq equation. Our analysis improves the existing A resultspresentedinearlierliteratureintwoways. First,an(cid:96)∞(0,T∗;H2)convergenceforthe N solutionand(cid:96)∞(0,T∗;(cid:96)2)convergenceforthetime-derivativeofthesolutionareobtainedin . this paper, instead of the (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;(cid:96)2) convergence for the solution and the (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;H−2) h convergenceforthetime-derivative, givenin[17]. Inaddition, thestabilityandconvergence t a of this method is shown to be unconditional for the time step in terms of the spatial grid m size, compared with a severe restriction time step restriction ∆t≤Ch2 reported in [17]. [ 1 Keywords: GoodBoussinesqequation,fullydiscreteFourierpseudospectralmethod,aliasing v error, stability and convergence 7 2 AMS subject classification: 65M12, 65M70 3 6 . 1 0 1 Introduction 4 1 : The soliton-producing nonlinear wave equation is a topic of significant scientific interest. One v i commonly used example is the so-called “good” Boussinesq (GB) equation X r u =−u +u +(up) , with an integer p≥2. (1.1) a tt xxxx xx xx It is similar to the well-known Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation; a balance between dispersion and nonlinearity leads to the existence of solitons. The GB equation and its various extensions have been investigated by many authors. For instance, a closed form solution for the two soliton interactionofEq. (1.1)wasobtainedbyManoranjanetal. in[36]andafewnumericalexperiments were performed based on the Petrov-Galerkin method with linear “hat” functions. In [37], it was shown that the GB equation possesses a highly complicated mechanism for the solitary waves interaction. Ortega and Sanz-Serna [39] discussed nonlinear stability and convergence of some 1 simple finite difference schemes for the numerical solution of this equation. More analytical and numerical works related to GB equations can be found in the literature, for example [1, 4, 5, 10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 29, 38, 40, 47]. In this paper, we consider the GB equation (1.1), with a periodic boundary condition over an 1-D domain Ω = (0,L) and initial data u(x,0) = u0(x), u (x,0) = v0(x), both of which are t L-periodic. Itisassumedthataunique,periodic,smoothenoughsolutionexistsfor(1.1)overthe time interval (0,T). This L-periodicity assumption is reasonable if the solution to (1.1) decays exponentially outside [0,L]. Duetotheperiodicboundarycondition,theFouriercollocation(pseudospectral)differentia- tion is a natural choice to obtain the optimal spatial accuracy. There has been a wide and varied literature on the development of spectral and pseudospectral schemes. For instance, the stability analysis for linear time-dependent problems can be found in [18, 35], etc, based on eigenvalue estimates. Some pioneering works for nonlinear equations were initiated by Maday and Quar- teroni [32, 33, 34] for steady-state spectral solutions. Also note the analysis of one-dimensional conservation laws by Tadmor and collaborators [9, 23, 31, 43, 44, 45, 46], semi-discrete viscous Burgers’ equation and Navier-Stokes equations by E [13, 14], the Galerkin spectral method for Navier-Stokes equations led by Guo [20, 21, 22, 23] and Shen [12, 24], and the fully discrete (discrete both in space and time) pseudospectral method applied to viscous Burgers’ equation in [19] by Gottlieb and Wang and [6] by Bressan and Quarteroni, etc. Most of the theoretical developments in nonlinear spectral and pseudospectral schemes are related to a parabolic PDE, in which the diffusion term plays a key role in the stability and convergence analysis. Very few works have analyzed a fully discrete pseudospectral method applied to a nonlinear hyperbolic PDE. Among the existing ones, it is worth mentioning Frutos et al.’s work [17] on the nonlinear analysis of a second order (in time) pseudospectral scheme for the GB equation (with p = 2). However, as the authors point out in their remark on page 119, these theoretical results were not optimal: “ ... our energy norm is an L2-norm of u combined with a negative norm of u . This should be compared with the energy norm in [30]: there, no t integration with respect to x is necessary and convergence is proved in H2 for u and L2 for u ”. t The difficulties in the analysis are due to the absence of a dissipation mechanism in the GB equation (1.1), which makes the nonlinear error terms much more challenging to analyze than that of a parabolic equation. The presence of a second order spatial derivative for the nonlinear term leads to an essential difficulty of numerical error estimate in a higher order Sobolev norm. In addition to the lack of optimal numerical error estimate, [17] also imposes a severe time step restriction: ∆t ≤ Ch2 (with C a fixed constant), in the nonlinear stability analysis. Such a constraint becomes very restrictive for a fine numerical mesh and leads to a high computational cost. In this work we propose a second order (in time) pseudospectral scheme for the the GB equation(1.1)withanalternateapproach,andprovideanovelnonlinearanalysis. Inmoredetail, an (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;H2) convergence for u and (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;(cid:96)2) convergence for u are derived, compared t with the (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;(cid:96)2) convergence for u and (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;H−2) convergence for u , as reported in t [17]. Furthermore, such a convergence is unconditional (for the time step ∆t in terms of space grid size h) so that the severe time step constraint ∆t≤Ch2 is avoided. Themethodologyoftheproposedsecondordertemporaldiscretizationisverydifferentfrom thatin[17]. Toovercomethedifficultyassociatedwiththesecondordertemporalderivativeinthe hyperbolic equation, we introduce a new variable ψ to approximate u , which greatly facilitates t the numerical implementation. On the other hand, the corresponding second order consistency 2 analysisbecomesnon-trivialbecauseofanO(∆t2)numericalerrorbetweenthecentereddifference of u and the mid-point average of ψ. Without a careful treatment, such an O(∆t2) numerical error might seem to introduce a reduction of temporal accuracy, because of the second order time derivative involved in the equation. To overcome this difficulty, we perform a higher order consistencyanalysisbyanasymptoticexpansion;asaresult,theconstructedapproximatesolution satisfies the numerical scheme with a higher order truncation error. Furthermore, a projection of the exact solution onto the Fourier space leads to an optimal regularity requirement. Forthenonlinearstabilityandconvergenceanalysis,wehavetoobtainadirectestimateofthe (discrete)H2 normofthenonlinearnumericalerrorfunction. Thisestimatereliesonthealiasing error control lemma for pseudospectral approximation to nonlinear terms, which was proven in a recent work [19]. That’s the key reason why we are able to overcome the key difficulty in the nonlinear estimate and obtain an (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;H2) convergence for u and (cid:96)∞(0,T∗;(cid:96)2) convergence for u . We prove that the proposed numerical scheme is fully consistent (with a higher order t expansion), stable and convergent in the H2 norm up to some fixed final time T∗. In turn, the maximum norm bound of the numerical solution is automatically obtained, because of the H2 error estimate and the corresponding Sobolev embedding. Therefore, the inverse inequality in the stability analysis is not needed and any scaling law between ∆t and h is avoided, compared with the ∆t≤Ch2 constraint reported in [17]. This paper is outlined as follows. In Section 2 we review the Fourier spectral and pseu- dospectral differentiation, recall an aliasing error control lemma (proven in [19]), and present an alternate second order (in time) pseudospectral scheme for the GB equation (1.1). In Section 3, the consistency analysis of the scheme is studied in detail. The stability and convergence anal- ysis is reported in Section 4. A simple numerical result is presented in Section 5. Finally, some concluding remarks are made in Section 6. 2 The Numerical Scheme 2.1 Review of Fourier spectral and pseudospectral approximations For f(x)∈L2(Ω), Ω=(0,L), with Fourier series ∞ (cid:90) f(x)= (cid:88) fˆe2πilx/L, with fˆ = f(x)e−2πilx/Ldx, (2.2) l l l=−∞ Ω its truncated series is defined as the projection onto the space BN of trigonometric polynomials in x of degree up to N, given by N P f(x)= (cid:88) fˆe2πilx/L. (2.3) N l l=−N Toobtainapseudospectralapproximationatagivensetofpoints, aninterpolationoperator I is introduced. Given a uniform numerical grid with (2N +1) points and a discrete vector N function f where f = f(x ), for each spatial point x . The Fourier interpolation of the function i i i is defined by N (I f)(x)= (cid:88) (fˆN) e2πilx/L, (2.4) N c l l=−N 3 where the (2N +1) pseudospectral coefficients (fˆN) are computed based on the interpolation c l condition f(x ) = (I f)(x ) on the 2N + 1 equidistant points [3, 7, 26]. These collocation i N i coefficients can be efficiently computed using the fast Fourier transform (FFT). Note that the pseudospectral coefficients are not equal to the actual Fourier coefficients; the difference between themisknownasthealiasingerror. Ingeneral,P f(x)(cid:54)=I f(x),andevenP f(x )(cid:54)=I f(x ), N N N i N i except of course in the case that f ∈BN. The Fourier series and the formulas for its projection and interpolation allow one to easily take derivative by simply multiplying the appropriate Fourier coefficients (fˆN) by 2lπi/L. Fur- c l thermore, we can take subsequent derivatives in the same way, so that differentiation in physical space is accomplished via multiplication in Fourier space. As long as f and all is derivatives (up to m-th order) are continuous and periodic on Ω, the convergence of the derivatives of the projection and interpolation is given by (cid:107)∂kf(x)−∂kP f(x)(cid:107) ≤ C(cid:107)f(m)(cid:107)hm−k, for 0≤k ≤m, N d (cid:107)∂kf(x)−∂kI f(x)(cid:107) ≤ C(cid:107)f(cid:107) hm−k, for 0≤k ≤m, m> , (2.5) N Hm 2 in which (cid:107)·(cid:107) denotes the L2 norm. For more details, see the discussion of approximation theory by Canuto and Quarteroni [8] . For any collocation approximation to the function f(x) at the points x i N f(x )=(I f) = (cid:88) (fˆN) e2πilxi, (2.6) i N i c l l=−N one can define discrete differentiation operator D operating on the vector of grid values f = N f(x ). Inpractice,onemaycomputethecollocationcoefficients(fNˆ) viaFFT,andthenmultiply i c l them by the correct values (given by 2lπi) and perform the inverse FFT. Alternatively, we can view the differentiation operator D as a matrix, and the above process can be seen as a matrix- N vector multiplication. The same process is performed for the second and fourth derivatives ∂2, x ∂4, where this time the collocation coefficients are multiplied by (−4π2l2/L2) and (16π4l4/L4), x respectively. In turn, the differentiation matrix can be applied for multiple times, i.e. the vector f is multiplied by D2 and D4 , respectively. N N Sincethepseudospectraldifferentiationistakenatapoint-wiselevel,adiscreteL2 normand inner product need to be introduced to facilitate the analysis. Given any periodic grid functions f and g (over the numerical grid), we note that these are simply vectors and define the discrete L2 inner product and norm 2N (cid:112) 1 (cid:88) (cid:107)f(cid:107) = (cid:104)f,f(cid:105), with (cid:104)f,g(cid:105)= f g . (2.7) 2 2N +1 i i i=0 The following summation by parts (see [19]) will be of use: (cid:104)f,D g(cid:105)=−(cid:104)D f,g(cid:105), (cid:10)f,D2 g(cid:11)=−(cid:104)D f,D g(cid:105), (cid:10)f,D4 g(cid:11)=(cid:10)D2 f,D2 g(cid:11). (2.8) N N N N N N N N 2.2 An aliasing error control estimate in Fourier pseudospectral ap- proximation This lemma, established in [19], allows us to bound the aliasing error for the nonlinear term, and will be critical to our analysis. For any function ϕ(x) in the space BpN, its collocation 4 coefficients qˆN are computed based on the 2N +1 equidistant points. In turn, I ϕ(x) is given l N by the continuous expansion based on these coefficients: N (cid:88) I ϕ(x)= qˆNe2πilx/L. (2.9) N l l=−N Since ϕ(x)∈BpN, we have I ϕ(x)(cid:54)=P ϕ(x) due to the aliasing error. N N ThefollowinglemmaenablesustoobtainanHm boundoftheinterpolationofthenonlinear term; the detailed proof can be found in [19]. Lemma 2.1. For any ϕ∈BpN (with p an integer) in dimension d, we have √ (cid:107)I ϕ(cid:107) ≤( p)d(cid:107)ϕ(cid:107) . (2.10) N Hk Hk 2.3 Formulation of the numerical scheme We propose the following fully discrete second order (in time) scheme for the equation (1.1):  ψn+1−ψn (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)  ∆t = −+DDN42 (cid:0)3u(nu+n12+)pun− 1+(uDn−N21)pu(cid:1)n,+12+un (2.11) N 2 2  un+∆1−t un = ψn+12+ψn, where ψ is a second order approximation to u and D denotes the discrete differentiation oper- t N ator. Remark2.2. Withasubstitutionψn+1 = 2(un+1−un)−ψn,thescheme(2.11)canbereformulated ∆t as a closed equation for un+1: 2un+1 + 1(cid:0)D4 −D2 (cid:1)un+1 = D2 (cid:18)3(un)p− 1(un−1)p(cid:19)− 1(cid:0)D4 −D2 (cid:1)un ∆t2 2 N N N 2 2 2 N N 2un +2ψn + ∆t . (2.12) ∆t Since the treatment of the nonlinear term is fully explicit, this resulting implicit scheme requires only a linear solver. Furthermore, a detailed calculation shows that all the eigenvalues of the linear operator on the left hand side are positive, and so the unique unconditional solvability of the proposed scheme (2.11) is assured. In practice, the FFT can be utilized to efficiently obtain the numerical solutions. Remark2.3. Anintroductionofthevariableψnotonlyfacilitatesthenumericalimplementation, but also improves the numerical stability, due to the fact that only two consecutive time steps tn, tn+1, are involved in the second order approximation to u . In contrast, three time steps tn+1, tt tn and tn−1 are involved in the numerical approximation to the second order temporal derivative as presented in the earlier work [17] (with p=2): un+1−2un+un−1 =−1D4 (cid:0)un+1+2un+un−1(cid:1)+D2 un+D2 (cid:0)(un)2(cid:1). (2.13) ∆t2 4 N N N 5 A careful numerical analysis in [17] shows that the numerical stability for (2.13) is only valid under a severe time step constraint ∆t≤Ch2, since this scheme is evaluated at the time step tn. Ontheotherhand, thespecialstructureofourproposedscheme(2.11)resultsinanunconditional stability and convergence for a fixed final time, as will be presented in later analysis. 3 The Consistency Analysis Inthissectionweestablishatruncationerrorestimateforthefullydiscretescheme(2.11)forthe GB equation (1.1). A finite Fourier projection of the exact solution is taken to the GB equation (1.1) and a local truncation error is derived. Moreover, we perform a higher order consistency analysisintime,throughanadditionofacorrectionterm,sothattheconstructedofapproximate solutionsatisfiesthenumericalschemewithhigherordertemporalaccuracy. Thisapproachavoids akeydifficultyassociatedwiththeaccuracyreductionintimeduetotheappearanceofthesecond in time temporal derivative. 3.1 Truncation error analysis for U N Given the domainΩ=(0,L), the uniformmesh grid (x ), 0≤i≤2N, and theexact solution u , i e we denote U as its projection into BN: N U (x,t):=P u (x,t). (3.1) N N e The following approximation estimates are clear: (cid:107)U −u (cid:107) ≤Chm(cid:107)u (cid:107) , for r ≥0, (3.2) N e L∞(0,T∗;Hr) e L∞(0,T∗;Hm+r) (cid:13)(cid:13)∂tk(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)Hr ≤Chm(cid:13)(cid:13)∂tkue(cid:13)(cid:13)Hm+r, for r ≥0, 0≤k ≤4, (3.3) in which the second inequality comes from the fact that ∂kU is the truncation of ∂ku for any t N t e k ≥0, since projection and differentiation commute: ∂k ∂k ∂ku (x,t) U (x,t)= P u (x,t)=P e . (3.4) ∂tk N ∂tk N e N ∂tk As a direct consequence, the following linear estimates are straightforward: (cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤ Chm(cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2ue(cid:13)(cid:13)Hm, (3.5) (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤ Chm(cid:107)ue(cid:107)Hm+2, (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x4(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤Chm(cid:107)ue(cid:107)Hm+4. (3.6) On the other hand, a discrete (cid:107)·(cid:107) estimate for these terms are needed in the local truncation 2 derivation. To overcome this difficulty, we observe that (cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 =(cid:13)(cid:13)IN(cid:0)∂t2(UN −ue)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤(cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 +(cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2(INue−ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2, (3.7) inwhichthesecondstepcomesfromthefactthatI ∂2U =∂2U , since∂2U ∈BN. Thefirst N t N t N t N term has an estimate given by (3.5), while the second term could be bounded by (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:0)∂t2(INue−ue)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 =(cid:13)(cid:13)IN(cid:0)∂t2ue(cid:1)−∂t2ue(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤Chm(cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2ue(cid:13)(cid:13)Hm, (3.8) as an application of (2.5). In turn, its combination with (3.7) and (3.5) yields (cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 ≤Chm(cid:13)(cid:13)∂t2ue(cid:13)(cid:13)Hm. (3.9) 6 Using similar arguments, we also arrive at (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 ≤Chm(cid:107)ue(cid:107)Hm+2, (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x4(UN −ue)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 ≤Chm(cid:107)ue(cid:107)Hm+4. (3.10) For the nonlinear term, we begin with the following expansion: ∂2(up) = p(cid:0)(p−1)up−2(u )2 +up−1(u ) (cid:1), which in turn gives x e e e x e e xx (cid:16) ∂2(up−(U )p) = p (p−1)Up−2(u +U ) (u −U ) x e N N e N x e N x p−3 (cid:88) +(p−1)(u −U )(u )2 ukUp−3−k e N e x e N k=0 p−2 (cid:88) (cid:17) +Up−1(u −U ) +(u −U )(u ) ukUp−2−k . (3.11) N e N xx e N e xx e N k=0 Subsequently, its combination with (3.2) implies that (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(upe −(UN)p)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 (cid:16) ≤ C (cid:107)U (cid:107)p−2·(cid:107)u +U (cid:107) ·(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) +(cid:107)U (cid:107)p−1·(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) N L∞ e N W1,∞ e N H1 N L∞ e N H2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) +(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) · (cid:107)u (cid:107)p−2+(cid:107)U (cid:107)p−2 · (cid:107)u (cid:107) +(cid:107)u (cid:107)2 e N L∞ e L∞ N L∞ e H2 e W1,4 (cid:16) ≤ C (cid:107)U (cid:107)p−2·(cid:107)u +U (cid:107) ·(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) +(cid:107)U (cid:107)p−1·(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) N H1 e N H2 e N H1 N H1 e N H2 (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:17) +(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) · (cid:107)u (cid:107)p−2+(cid:107)U (cid:107)p−2 · (cid:107)u (cid:107) +(cid:107)u (cid:107)2 e N H1 e H1 N H1 e H2 e H2 ≤ C(cid:0)(cid:107)u (cid:107)p +(cid:107)U (cid:107)p (cid:1)·(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) e H2 N H2 e N H2 ≤ C(cid:107)u (cid:107)p ·(cid:107)u −U (cid:107) ≤Chm(cid:107)u (cid:107)p ·(cid:107)u (cid:107) , (3.12) e H2 e N H2 e H2 e Hm+2 in which an 1-D Sobolev embedding was used in the second step. The following interpolation error estimates can be derived in a similar way, based on (2.5): (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(upe)−IN(cid:0)∂x2(upe)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤ Chm(cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(upe)(cid:13)(cid:13)Hm ≤Chm(cid:107)ue(cid:107)pH2 ·(cid:107)ue(cid:107)Hm+2, (3.13) (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(UNp)−IN(cid:0)∂x2(UNp)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤ Chm(cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(UNp)(cid:13)(cid:13)Hm ≤Chm(cid:107)ue(cid:107)pH2 ·(cid:107)ue(cid:107)Hm+2. (3.14) In turn, a combination of (3.12)-(3.14) implies the following estimate for the nonlinear term (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(upe −(UN)p)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 = (cid:13)(cid:13)IN(cid:0)∂x2(upe −(UN)p)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤ (cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(upe −(UN)p)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 +(cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(upe)−IN(cid:0)∂x2(upe)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 +(cid:13)(cid:13)∂x2(UNp)−IN(cid:0)∂x2(UNp)(cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13)L2 ≤Chm(cid:107)ue(cid:107)pH2 ·(cid:107)ue(cid:107)Hm+2.(3.15) By observing (3.9), (3.10), (3.15), we conclude that U satisfies the original GB equation N (1.1) up to an O(hm) (spectrally accurate) truncation error: ∂2U =−∂4U +∂2U +∂2(Up)+τ , with (cid:107)τ (cid:107) ≤Chm(cid:0)(cid:107)u (cid:107)p +1(cid:1)·(cid:107)u (cid:107) .(3.16) t N x N x N x N 0 0 2 e H2 e Hm+4 Moreover, we define the following profile, a second order (in time) approximation to ∂ u : t e ∆t2 Ψ (x,t):=∂ U (x,t)− ∂3U (x,t). (3.17) N t N 12 t N For any function G=G(x,t), given n>0 , we define Gn(x):=G(x,n∆t). 7 3.2 Truncation error analysis in time For simplicity of presentation, we assume T = K∆t with an integer K. The following two preliminaryestimatesareexcerptedfromarecentwork[2],whichwillbeusefulinlaterconsistency analysis. Proposition 3.1. [2] For f ∈H3(0,T), we have (cid:13)(cid:13)τtf(cid:13)(cid:13) ≤C∆tm(cid:107)f(cid:107) , with τtfn = fn+1−fn −f(cid:48)(tn+1/2), (3.18) (cid:96)2(0,T) Hm+1(0,T) ∆t for 0≤m≤2, where C only depends on T, (cid:107) · (cid:107) is a discrete L2 norm (in time) given by (cid:96)2(0,T) (cid:113) (cid:107)g(cid:107) = ∆t(cid:80)K−1(gn)2. (cid:96)2(0,T) n=0 Proposition 3.2. [2] For f ∈H2(0,T), we have (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:32) K(cid:88)−1(cid:16) (cid:17)2(cid:33)12 (cid:13)D2 f(cid:13) := ∆t D2 fn+1/2 ≤C(cid:107)f(cid:107) , (3.19) (cid:13) t/2 (cid:13) t/2 H2(0,T) (cid:96)2(0,T) n=0 (cid:32) K−1 (cid:33)21 (cid:13)(cid:13)D2f(cid:13)(cid:13) := ∆t (cid:88) (cid:0)D2fn(cid:1)2 ≤C(cid:107)f(cid:107) , (3.20) t (cid:96)2(0,T) t H2(0,T) n=0 4(cid:0)fn+1−2f( · ,tn+1/2)+fn(cid:1) fn+1−2fn+fn−1 with D2 fn+1/2 = , D2fn = , t/2 ∆t2 t ∆t2 where C only depends on T. The following theorem is the desired consistency result. To simplify the presentation below, for the constructed solution (U ,ψ ), we define its vector grid function (Un,Ψn) = I(U ,ψ ) N N N N as its interpolation: Un =Un(x ,tn), Ψn =Ψn(x ,tn). i N i i N i Theorem 3.1. Suppose the unique periodic solution for equation (1.1) satisfies the following regularity assumption u ∈H4(0,T;L2)∩L∞(0,T;Hm+4)∩H2(0,T;H4). (3.21) e Set (U ,Ψ ) as the approximation solution constructed by (3.1), (3.17) and let (U,Ψ) as its N N discrete interpolation. Then we have  Ψn+1−Ψn  ∆t =+D−2D(cid:0)N43((UUnn+)12p+−Un1)(+UnD−N21)(pU(cid:1)n++12τ+nU,n) (3.22) N 2 2 1  Un+∆1−t Un = Ψn+12+Ψn +∆tτ2n, where τk satisfies i (cid:32) K (cid:33)12 (cid:107)τi(cid:107)(cid:96)2(0,T;(cid:96)2) := ∆t(cid:88)(cid:13)(cid:13)τik(cid:13)(cid:13)22 ≤M(cid:0)∆t2+hm(cid:1), i=1,2, (3.23) k=0 in which M only depends on the regularity of the exact solution u . e 8 Proof. We define the following notation: Fn+1/2 = Un+1−Un , 0 ∆t Fn+1/2 = Ψn+1−Ψn , Fn+1/2 = (∂2U )(·,tn+1/2), 1 ∆t 1e t N Fn+1/2 = D4 Un+1/2 , Fn+1/2 = (∂4U )(·,tn+1/2), 2 N 2e x N (3.24) Fn+1/2 = D2 Un+1/2 , Fn+1/2 = (∂2U )(·,tn+1/2), 3 N 2e x N Fn+1/2 = D2 (3(Up)n− 1(Up)n−1) , Fn+1/2 = (∂2U2)(·,tn+1/2), 4 N 2 2 4e x N Fn+1/2 = Ψn+1+Ψn . 5 2 Note that the quantities on the left side are defined on the numerical grid (in space) point-wise, while the ones on the right hand side are continuous functions. To begin with, we look at the second order time derivative terms, F and F . From the 1 1e definition (3.17), we get ∂ un+1−∂ un ∆t2∂3un+1−∂3un ∆t2 Fn+1/2 = t N t N − t N t N :=Fn+1/2− Fn+1/2, (3.25) 1 ∆t 12 ∆t 11 12 12 atapoint-wiselevel,whereF andF arethefinitedifference(intime)approximationto∂2U , 11 12 t N ∂4U , respectively. We define F and F in a similar way as (3.24), i.e. t N 11e 12e Fn+1/2 =∂2U (·,tn+1/2), Fn+1/2 =∂4U (·,tn+1/2). (3.26) 11e t N 12e t N The following estimates can be derived by using Proposition 3.1 (with m=2 and m=0): (cid:107)F −F (cid:107) ≤C∆t2(cid:107)U (cid:107) , (cid:107)F −F (cid:107) ≤C(cid:107)U (cid:107) , (3.27) 11 11e (cid:96)2(0,T) N H4(0,T) 12 12e (cid:96)2(0,T) N H4(0,T) for each fixed grid point. This in turn yields (cid:107)F −F (cid:107) ≤C∆t2(cid:107)U (cid:107) . (3.28) 1 1e (cid:96)2(0,T) N H4(0,T) In turn, an application of discrete summation in Ω leads to (cid:107)F −I(F )(cid:107) ≤C∆t2(cid:107)U (cid:107) ≤C∆t2(cid:107)u (cid:107) , (3.29) 1 1e (cid:96)2(0,T;(cid:96)2) N H4(0,T;L2) e H4(0,T;L2) due to the fact that U ∈BN, and (3.3) was used in the second step. N For the terms F and F , we start from the following observation (recall that Uk+1/2 = 2 2e N Uk+1+Uk N N) 2 (cid:13) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:13) (cid:13)Fn+1/2−I ∂4Un+1/2 (cid:13) ≡0, since Un+1/2 ∈BN . (3.30) (cid:13) 2 x N (cid:13) N 2 Meanwhile, a comparison between Un+1/2 and U (· ,tn+1/2) shows that N N 1 Un+1/2−U ( · ,tn+1/2)= ∆t2D2 Un+1/2. (3.31) N N 8 t/2 N Meanwhile, an application of Prop. 3.2 gives (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Dt2/2∂x4UN(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:96)2(0,T) ≤C(cid:13)(cid:13)∂x4UN(cid:13)(cid:13)H2(0,T), (3.32) at each fixed grid point. As a result, we get (cid:107)F −I(F )(cid:107) ≤C∆t2(cid:107)u (cid:107) . (3.33) 2 2e (cid:96)2(0,T;(cid:96)2) e H2(0,T;H4) 9 The terms F and F can be analyzed in the same way. We have 3 3e (cid:107)F −I(F )(cid:107) ≤C∆t2(cid:107)u (cid:107) . (3.34) 3 3e (cid:96)2(0,T;(cid:96)2) e H2(0,T;H2) For the nonlinear terms F and F , we begin with the following estimate 4 4e (cid:13) (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13)Fn+1/2−I ∂2 3(Up)n− 1(Up)n−1 (cid:13)(cid:13) ≤Chm(cid:13)(cid:13)3(Up)n− 1(Up)n−1(cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13) 4 x 2 N 2 N (cid:13) (cid:13)2 N 2 N (cid:13) 2 Hm+2 (3.35) ≤Chm(cid:16)(cid:107)UNn(cid:107)pHm+2 +(cid:13)(cid:13)UNn−1(cid:13)(cid:13)pHm+2(cid:17)≤Chm(cid:107)UN(cid:107)pL∞(0,T;Hm+2), with the first step based on the fact that 3(Up)n− 1(Up)n−1 ∈BpN. Meanwhile, the following 2 N 2 N observation 3 1 1 1 (Up)n− (Up)n−1−Up(·,tn+1/2)= ∆t2D2 (Up)− ∆t2D2(Up) (3.36) 2 N 2 N N 8 t/2 N 2 t N indicates that (cid:13) (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19) (cid:19)(cid:13) (cid:13)(cid:13)I ∂2 3(Up)n− 1(Up)n−1 −Fn+1/2 (cid:13)(cid:13) (cid:13) x 2 N 2 N 4e (cid:13) 2 (cid:13) (cid:18) (cid:18) (cid:19)(cid:19)(cid:13) =(cid:13)(cid:13)I ∂2 1∆t2D2 (Up)− 1∆t2D2(Up) (cid:13)(cid:13) (3.37) (cid:13) x 8 t/2 N 2 t N (cid:13) 2 ≤ 18∆t2(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Dt2/2(UNp)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)H2+η + 12∆t2(cid:13)(cid:13)Dt2(UNp)(cid:13)(cid:13)H2+η, η > 21, with the last step coming from (2.5). On ther other hand, applications of Prop. 3.1, Prop. 3.2 imply that (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Dt2/2(UNp)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:96)2(0,T;H3) ≤C(cid:107)UNp(cid:107)H2(0,T;H3), (cid:13)(cid:13)Dt2(UNp)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:96)2(0,T;H3) ≤C(cid:107)UNp(cid:107)H2(0,T;H3). (3.38) Note that an H2 estimate (in time) is involved with a nonlinear term Up. A detailed expansion N in its first and second order time derivatives shows that (cid:16) (cid:17) ∂ (Up)=pUp−1∂ U , ∂2(Up)=p Up−1∂2U +(p−1)Up−2(∂ U )2 , (3.39) t N N t N t N N t N N t N which in turn leads to (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:107)Up(cid:107) ≤ C (cid:107)U (cid:107)p−1 ·(cid:107)U (cid:107) +(cid:107)U (cid:107)p−2 ·(cid:107)U (cid:107)2 N H2(0,T) N L∞(0,T) N H2(0,T) N L∞(0,T) N W1,4(0,T) ≤ C(cid:107)U (cid:107)p , (3.40) N H2(0,T) at each fixed grid point, with an 1-D Sobolev embedding applied at the last step. Going back to (3.38) gives (cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)Dt2/2(UNp)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:96)2(0,T;H3) ≤C(cid:107)UN(cid:107)pH2(0,T;H3), (cid:13)(cid:13)Dt2(UNp)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:96)2(0,T;H3) ≤C(cid:107)UN(cid:107)pH2(0,T;H3). (3.41) Acombinationof(3.37),(3.41)and(3.35)leadstotheconsistencyestimateofthenonlinearterm (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:107)F −I(F )(cid:107) ≤C(∆t2+hm) (cid:107)u (cid:107)p +(cid:107)u (cid:107)p . (3.42) 4 4e (cid:96)2(0,T;(cid:96)2) e H2(0,T;H3) e L∞(0,T;Hm+2) Therefore, the local truncation error estimate for τ is obtained by combining (3.29), (3.33), 1 (3.34) and (3.42), combined with the consistency estimate (3.16) for U . Obviously, constant M N only dependent on the exact solution u . e 10

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