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A forgotten fortress [microform] : the old Crow Wing Trail : some very old inhabitants : the King's Highway PDF

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Preview A forgotten fortress [microform] : the old Crow Wing Trail : some very old inhabitants : the King's Highway

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Original copies in printed paper coversare filmed Les exemplaires originaux dont la couverture en beginning with the front coverand ending on papierest imprimAe sont fiimAs en comnienqant the last page with a printed or illustrated impres- par le premier platet en terminant soit par la sion, orthe back coverwhen appropriate. All dernidre page qui comporte une empreinte other original copies arefilmed beginning on the d'impression ou d'iiiustration, soit par ie second first pagewith a printed or illustrated impres- plat, salon le cas. Tous les autresexemplaires sion, and ending on the lastpage with a printed originaux sontfilmAs an commandant par la or illustrated impression. premiere page qui comporte une empreinte d'impression ou d'iiiustration et en terminant par la derniAre page qui comporte unetelle empreinte. 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Les diagrammes suivants iilustrent la m^thode. 1 ii-^,,><:*,. h:f'% m l/»;.lfcll-i ' ,' * y fr^ (.. ..Bt^* m m. a^ii' iKN?j£»<«Ll, >tfri1 f^•M/.:-''J!-t, m p'^^ i^'-if^' m-i k^ v'i'^'' •'*;i T,1 Fy \ /^F rstKlMO 1 J iiig His tilt' bee S< )C' iiiei piis liov pro( woi futu SOI 1 to ( .socii colIt papt to tl beco vatii hist( the.si migl W to re had bein^ of 111! scare othe] supp For i upon "fl Forgotten jloFtheFn poFtPess." His Honor Lioutenant Governor Sclmltz, previous to read- ing iiis paper on " A Forgotten Nortliorn Fortress" before the Historical Society, said that lie felt an apoloj^y to he due to the President, officers and members of the Society for having been unable to take upon himsi^lf a greater share of the Society's work and that, in tlie presence of so many »rentle- ; men who ha»l contril>uted so largely to its successful acconi- plishment, he felt that he was very far behind indeed. If. however, a reasonable excuse could be found for him in the precarious health and many engagements of the past, he would promise, now that he was better, amendment for the future, and, should the Council Vjeable to give him an evening some time soon, he would prepare for it some matter relating to our early history, which might be of interest to the society. It had been his practice, he said, since 1S()() to collect everything in the way of pamphlets, reports, news- paper references and other ephemeral literature which related to the ct)untry west of Lake Superior; and when these had become numerous, to have them bound in volumes for preser- vation. Among such reconls were many which were purely historical, and he would endeavor, if pos.sible, to select from these, many of them dating back as far as lSo7, such as might be an addition to the Society's records. With reference, His Honor said, to the paper he was about to read, a few words of explanation might be advi.sable. He had chosen for its title " A Forgotten Northern Fortress " as being applicable, inasmuch as being far away from any route of modern tourist or business travel, Fort Prince of Wales is scarcely ever mentioned and its ruins are .seldom seen by ; other eyes than tho.se on board the Hud.son's Bay Com[)any's supply ship, which once a year visits those lonely shores. For the photographic view of its ruins which he had placed upon the table he was indebted to Professor Robert Bell, of

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