Thisisapreprint ThefinalversionofthisarticlehasappearedinInternationalJournalforNumericalMethodsinEngineering Thefinalfulltextisavailableonlineat: Pleasecitethisarticleasdoi:10.1002/nme.5511 A Flux Conserving Meshfree Method for Conservation Laws PratikSuchde1,2∗,Jo¨rgKuhnert1,SimonSchro¨der1andAxelKlar2 1FraunhoferITWM,67663Kaiserslautern,Germany 2DepartmentofMathematics,UniversityofKaiserslautern,67663Kaiserslautern,Germany 7 1 0 2 SUMMARY n a Lackofconservationhasbeenthebiggestdrawbackinmeshfreegeneralizedfinitedifferencemethods(GFDMs). J In this paper, we present a novel modification of classical meshfree GFDMs to include local balances which 1 produce an approximate conservation of numerical fluxes. This numerical flux conservation is done within the 3 usualmovingleastsquaresframework.UnlikeFiniteVolumeMethods,itisbasedonlocallydefinedcontrolcells, ratherthanagloballydefinedmesh.Wepresenttheapplicationofthismethodtoanadvectiondiffusionequation ] A andtheincompressibleNavier–Stokesequations.Oursimulationsshowthattheintroductionoffluxconservation significantlyreducestheerrorsinconservationinmeshfreeGFDMs. N . KEYWORDS: Meshfree methods; Conservation; Finite difference methods; Advection-diffusion equation; h Navier–Stokes;FinitePointsetMethod;FPM t a m [ 1 Introduction 1 v Generationandmanagementofmeshesisoftenthemostdifficultandtimeconsumingpartofnumerical 3 simulation procedures. This is further compounded for complex, time-dependent geometries. The 7 efficiencyofmeshgenerationdeterminestheoverallaccuracyandrobustnessofthesimulationprocess. 9 8 Toavoidthetaskofmeshing,severalclassesofmeshlessormeshfreemethodshavebeendeveloped. 0 Meshfreemethodsusethenumericalbasisofasetofnodes,whichneednotberegularlydistributed, . tocoverthecomputationaldomain.Thesenodescouldeitherbemass-carryingparticlesornumerical 1 0 points.Foreachnode,theonlyconnectivityinformationrequiredisalocalsetofneighbouringnodes 7 overwhichapproximationsarecarriedout. 1 Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) [21] is one of the first and most widely used meshless : v methods.InSPH,thecomputationaldomainisdiscretizedbyparticleswhichcarrymass.Thus,mass i conservationisdirectlyguaranteed.OneofthebiggestdrawbacksofSPHisthedifficultyinenforcing X boundary conditions [18, 24, 29]. While a lot of work has been done to address this issue, the SPH r a formulation does not naturally include treatment of most boundary conditions and extra effort is needed to enforce them. One such method is the addition of ghost or dummy particles outside the computational domain [18]. Another major drawback of SPH in its classical formulation is the so- called particle inconsistency issue which results in the absence of a valid approximation order. The original SPH does not even have C0 particle consistency for irregularly distributed particles and boundaryparticles.Attemptstosolvethisproblemincludethekernelrenormalization[3]whichcomes at the price of the loss of certain conservation properties for momentum and energy. In addressing these issues, the Finite Pointset Method (FPM) evolved out of SPH [16]. FPM [13, 17, 34, 35] is a meshfreemethodbasedonmovingleastsquares(MLS)approximationssuchthatboundaryconditions can be directly enforced, without any extra effort. While SPH uses a set of mass-carrying particles as a numerical basis, FPM and other meshfree GFDMs (for example, [14, 19, 28, 33]) use a set of ∗Correspondenceto:P.Suchde.E-mail:[email protected] 2 P.SUCHDEETAL. numerical points, referred to as a point cloud. These numerical points do not carry mass, and thus, pointscaneasilybeaddedorremovedduringasimulation[13],whichisnotpossibleintheparticle- based SPH. Since point clouds can easily be modified locally, FPM is more adaptive than SPH, in terms of the discretization of the domain. However, these advantages come with the drawback of a lack of formal conservation. Despite the lack of conservation, the FPM has been shown to be a robustmethodwithmanypracticalapplications[7,13,34,37].TheFPMisalsousedasthenumerical basis of two commercially used meshfree simulation tools: NOGRID [25] and the meshfree module ofVPS-PAMCRASH[36].Itmustbenotedthatinthemeshfreecontext,theacronymFPMisoftena confusingone.ItisusedtorepresentnotonlytheaforementionedFinitePointsetMethod,butalsothe Finite Particle Method [23] and the well-known Finite Point Method [26]. Thus, we henceforth drop theacronymFPMandrefertotheFinitePointsetMethodundertheumbrellatermofGFDM. Despite the name, most meshfree methods are not completely devoid of meshes. While meshfree methods lack the use of a predefined mesh for domain discretization, many meshfree methods use an easily generable mesh such that the solution is not too heavily dependent on the quality of that mesh (see [20] for details). Several methods, which solve partial differential equations in their weak formulation, use a so-called background mesh for numerical integration of the weak-forms. The element-free Galerkin method (EFG) [2] uses a global background mesh, while the meshless local Petrov-Galerkinmethod(MLPG)[1]requiresonlylocalbackgroundcells.Meshfreeparticlemethods, suchasSPH,useapredefinitionofmassparticles,whichoftenrequiressomekindofamesh.Oneof themethodstosolvetheproblemofparticledistortioninSPHisbyregularization,whichrequiresare- meshing[39].Severalmethodsinthefamilyofpointinterpolationmethods(PIM)[22]usetessellations orbackgroundcellsinso-calledT-schemesfortheselectionofsupportdomains.Point-basedmeshfree GFDMsareoftenreferredtoas“trulymeshfree”.However,theytoousesomenotionofamesh.They oftenuselocaltriangulationsforaccuratepost-processingoperationsorfortheidentificationofpoints onthefreesurfaceoffluidflowsimulations.Ineachofthesecases,themeshesusedarealoteasierto generateanddonotimposetherestrictionsthatmeshesinclassicalmeshedmethodsdo. A few attempts have been made to overcome the lack of conservation in meshfree GFDMs [4, 5], but they lose the completely local nature of the differential operators. They introduce a symmetry of differentialoperatorcoefficientswhichleadstoadiscretedivergencetheorem.However,thatresultsin aneedtosolvefordifferentialoperatorsinaglobalsystem.Thatincreasessimulationtimesignificantly and makes those methods extremely inefficient on finely discretized point clouds and moving point cloudswhichrequireare-computationofnumericaldifferentialoperatorsateverytimestep. FiniteVolumeMethods(FVMs)havethefeatureoflocalconservationofnumericalfluxesfromone controlvolumetoitsneighbouringone[8].Inthispaper,weaimtouselocalcontrolcells,inamanner similar to FVMs, in a meshfree framework to introduce an approximate conservation of numerical fluxes. A local control cell at a point is formed by the Delaunay tessellation of points in its support domain. The differential operators are computed using an MLS approach which guarantees usual monomialconsistencycoupledwithaconservationofnumericalfluxesforspecificfields.Formodeling fluidflow,weuseafullyLagrangianframework.Sincepointcloudscanbemodifiedlocally,andthe controlcellsarealsodefinedlocally,thismethoddoesnotfacetheproblemofcelldistortionpresent in Lagrangian moving mesh methods. It must be noted that the idea of generalizing control volumes used by FVMs in the context of meshfree methods is not a novel one. The Finite-Volume Particle Method(FVPM)[10,11]generalizescontrolvolumestoincludethosewhichneednotbedisjoint.In FVPM, grid generation is replaced by an expensive integration of partition of unity functions. The Meshless-Finite Volume Method (MFVM) [12] generalizes Voronoi-based moving mesh methods. MFVMusesavolumepartitioningthatamountstoaVoronoitessellationwithedgessmoothed.Unlike boththeFVPMandMFVM,themethodpresentedhereisastrong-formmethod. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows.InSection2,wegiveabriefoverviewofGFDMs.InSection3,we introduceourproposedmethodbypresentingthedetailsofcontrolcellsinameshfreecontextandthe construction of flux conserving differential operators. In Section 4 and 5, we present the application of this method to an advection-diffusion equation and the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations respectively.Finally,weconcludethepaperinSection6withadiscussionoftheproposedmethod. 2 FLUXCONSERVINGMESHFREEMETHOD 3 2 Meshfree Generalized Finite Difference Methods FortheFinitePointsetMethodandothersimilarmeshfreeGFDMs,thecomputationaldomainΩ,with boundary∂Ω,isdiscretizedusingacloudofN numericalpointswithpositions(cid:126)x ,i=1,...,N,which i includespointsbothintheinteriorandontheboundaryofthedomain.Thepointsareusuallyirregularly spaced.Eachnumericalpointcarriesthenecessarynumericaldataoftheproblem.Eachpointihasaset ofneighbouringpointsS whichcontainsn points,includingitself.TheneighbourhoodorsupportS i i i isdeterminedasS ={(cid:126)x :(cid:107)(cid:126)x −(cid:126)x (cid:107)≤βh},whereh=h((cid:126)x,t)istheradiusofthesupport,referred i j j i toassmoothinglengthorinteractionradius;andβ ≤1isapositiveconstant.Anumericalpointisnot amasscarryingparticleandthus,pointscaneasilybeaddedordeletedtoadaptthepointcloudlocally. The spatial distribution of points is described by three parameters: h, r and r . It is ensured min max thatnotwopointsarecloserthanr handthereexistsatleastonepointineverypossiblesphereof min radiusr hinthecomputationaldomain.Thus,thesmoothinglengthhalsodeterminesthespatial max discretization size. r and r usually have values of approximately 0.2 and 0.45 respectively. min max Furtherdetailsaboutpointcloudorganizationandmanagement,includingthesetupoftheinitialpoint cloud,canbefoundin[7,13]. As the name suggests, numerical derivatives are approximated with a generalized finite difference approach. For a function f defined at each numerical point i=1,2,...,N, its derivatives are approximatedas ∂∗f((cid:126)x)≈∂˜∗f = (cid:88) c∗f , (1) i i ij j j∈Si where∗ =x,y,xx,∆,etc.representsthedifferentialoperatorbeingapproximated,∂∗ representsthe i continuous ∗-derivative at point i, and ∂˜∗ represents the discrete derivative. For a point i, the stencil i coefficients c are found using a weighted least squares approach. The weighted sum of the stencil ij coefficientsisminimizedsuchthatthederivativesofmonomialsm∈Muptoacertainorder,usually 2,areexactlyreproduced. (cid:88) c∗m =∂∗m ∀m∈M, (2) ij j i j∈Si (cid:88) minJ = W (c∗)2, (3) ij ij j∈Si whereW isaweightingfunction.Throughoutthispaper,weuseaGaussianweightingfunction (cid:107)(cid:126)x −(cid:126)x (cid:107)2 W =exp(−4 j i ). (4) ij h2+h2 i j Foreachpointi,Eq.(2)andEq.(3)aresolvedtoobtainthenumericaldifferentialoperator,whichcan thenbesubstitutedinthepartialdifferentialequationsbeingsolvedtoobtainthespatialdiscretization. Henceforth, the differential operators found by Eq.(2) and Eq.(3) will be referred to as classical GFDM. 3 Conservation Consideraconservationlaw ∂φ +∇·J=0, (5) ∂t with J=J(φ). For sufficiently smooth φ and J, integrating Eq.(5) over the entire domain, and an applicationofthedivergencetheoremleadstotheintegralformoftheconservationlaw, d (cid:90) (cid:90) φdV =− (cid:126)n·JdA. (6) dt Ω ∂Ω Physically,Eq.(6)canbestatedastherateofchangeofenergywithinthedomainshouldbethesame astheenergyfluxacrossitsboundary,whennoenergysourceorsinkispresent.Finitevolumemethods 3 4 P.SUCHDEETAL. Figure1.Controlcellwithinalocalsupport.Centerpointismarkedwithacross.Nearestneighboursl∈I are i markedwithcircles.Interiorpoint(left)andboundarypoint(right). [8] use a local balance on each discretization cell or control volume. FVMs solve Eq.(5) by directly enforcingalocal,discreteversionofEq.(6). Meshfree GFDMs, on the other hand, usually directly solve the strong form Eq.(5). The lack of a discretedivergencetheoremcausestheabsenceofadiscreteformofEq.(6).Thiscombinedwiththe localnatureofthedifferentialoperators,Eq.(1),resultsinconservationnotbeingensuredatadiscrete level.WenowpresentanovelmodificationofGFDMdifferentialoperatorstoenforcealocaldiscrete divergencetheorem.Thisresultsinanapproximatediscreteformofglobalconservation,Eq.(6). 3.1 AMeshfreeControlCell For each point i, we consider the Delaunay tessellation of the n points in its support domain S . i i The Voronoi diagram forms the dual graph to the Delaunay tessellation. Among the tessellations, the Voronoi cell containing point i is the only one of interest, and is used as the control cell over whichthefluxbalanceiscarriedout.Figure1showssuchacellwithinthesupportdomain.Thepoint i is associated with a volume V , taken to be the volume of this cell. V is also used for accurate i i post-processing.Thelocaltessellationscanalsobeusedinthecomputationofgeometricparameters of the point cloud, such as the identification of free surface points in flows with open boundaries. Alternatively,insteadoftheVoronoidual,acentroidaldualcouldalsobeusedtothesameeffect. Using the local tessellation for the support S , we obtain a set of nearest neighbours I , in the i i Delaunay sense. For l∈Ii, we let i(cid:101)l denote the dual edge (in 2D) or face (in 3D) of the Delaunay edge il. Further, we let Ail denote the area of i(cid:101)l and(cid:126)nil denote the unit normal of i(cid:101)l, pointing away from i. For boundary points, the geometric area A and outward pointing unit normal(cid:126)n are used to i i truncateandclosethesemi-infiniteVoronoicell,asshowninFigure1.Tosimplifynotation,wedefine theclosureI¯ ofI toincludethepointiitself,ifiisaboundarypoint.Further,welet(cid:126)n =(cid:126)n and i i ii i A =A . ii i We note that since the Voronoi cells are defined locally on the support domain of each point, and not globally, they need not stitch together to form a global tiling of the computational domain. The uniqueness property of Delaunay tessellations suggests that the Voronoi cells should stitch together perfectly.However,thatonlyholdsforsufficientlylargesupportdomains.Forsmallsupportdomains, itispossiblethataninsufficientnumberofpointsineachneighbourhoodleadstounsymmetricVoronoi cells.Undersuchsituations,symmetryoftheinterfacesvalues,A andA ;(cid:126)n and(cid:126)n ,isviolated. ij ji ij ji Figure2showssuchanexampleofadjacentnon-symmetriccells.Wemeasuretheextentofstitching togethertoformaconsistentglobalmeshbytheerror (cid:80)N (cid:80) (cid:107)(cid:126)n A +(cid:126)n A (cid:107) (cid:15) = i=1 l∈Ii il il li li . (7) mesh 2(cid:80)N V i=1 i If i∈/ I , we set (cid:126)n =(cid:126)0 and A =0. If the cells are based on a global tessellation, (cid:126)n A = l li li il il −(cid:126)n A ∀i,l, which leads to (cid:15) =0. Table 1 shows the extent of stitching together of locally li li mesh 4 FLUXCONSERVINGMESHFREEMETHOD 5 defined Voronoi cells for different support sizes β, and the corresponding average number of points inthesupportdomain.Table1illustratesthatforlargeenoughsupportdomains,whichcorrespondto high values of β, the intersection of local Voronoi cells is minimum. Throughout this paper, we use supportsizesintherangeofβ ∈[0.75,1].Thisresultsinapproximately45−55pointsinthesupport domainofeachpointinthreedimensions,andabout20pointsintwodimensions. Figure2.A2Dexampleofnon-symmetriclocallydefinedVoronoicells(left),andthesamepointconfiguration withsymmetriclocallydefinedVoronoicells(right).Thenon-symmetriccasesoccurwhenthesupportdomains are not sufficiently large. The size of the support domains considered are β =0.6, mean(n )=11 (left) and i β =0.7,mean(n )=18(right). i Table1.ErrorsinformationofaglobaltilingbystitchingtogetherlocallyobtainedVoronoicells(in3D).The domainconsideredisaunitspherewithh=0.5,N =1400. β (cid:15) mean(n ) mesh i 0.5 3.31 16 0.55 1.08 21 0.6 0.33 27 0.65 9×10−3 35 0.7 6×10−15 41 Several meshfree methods, such as EFG [2] and PFEM [27], use a globally defined background meshforavarietyofpurposes.Suchaglobalbackgroundmeshcouldbeusedforthecontrolcells,but definingcellsbasedonlocaltessellationsonasmallnumberofpointsissignificantlyfaster,especially when done in parallel. The concept of shapeless meshfree volumes for each point have also been proposed by several authors [4, 5, 14, 15], but their use presents several problems in the present context. Most importantly, the proposed meshless volumes are not closed, which, as we shall show later,isnecessaryfortheconstructionofourfluxconservingdifferentialoperators. 3.2 FluxConservingDifferentialOperators Forthedefinitionofournewnumericalfirstderivativeoperators,considerthedivergencetheorem (cid:90) (cid:90) ∇·(cid:126)gdV = (cid:126)n·(cid:126)gdA, (8) Ω ∂Ω forsufficientlysmooth(cid:126)gand∂Ω.Settinggtobe(f,0,0),(0,f,0)and(0,0,f)alternatingly,ascalar versionofEq.(8)canbeobtainedas (cid:90) (cid:90) ∂kfdV = fnkdA. (9) Ω ∂Ω 5 6 P.SUCHDEETAL. Throughout this paper, the superscript k =x,y,z denotes the spatial dimension. A discrete local versionofEq.(9)onthecontrolcellscanbewrittenasfollows V ∂˜kf =(cid:88)F (f), (10) i i il l∈I¯i where F (f) is a numerical flux function which depends on (cid:126)n , A , f and f , and possibly their il il il i l derivatives.OnepossibilityforF,toachievealocaldiscretedivergencetheorem,canbe (cid:40) f nkA ifi∈∂Ωandl=i, F (f)= i i i (11) il f nk A elsewhere, il il il with f = fi+fl. (cid:126)n and A are determined locally based on the control cell as mentioned in il 2 il il Section3.1. Throughout this paper, we consider only simple symmetric flux functions similar to Eq.(11). However, more sophisticated flux functions can also be used and can also be coupled with fluxfunctionsinEq.(1).Theuseoffluxfunctionsinthedefinitionofthedifferentialoperators,Eq.(1), havebeenconsideredin[4,5];andthosespecifictotheFinitePointsetMethodhavebeenstudiedin [31]. Fortime-dependentproblems,stencilcoefficientsfornumericaldifferentialoperatorsarefoundsuch that they satisfy Eq.(10) for conservation of fluxes at the previous time level, in addition to Eq.(2). Thus, if a field φ needs to be conserved, when proceeding from time-step tn to tn+1, the discrete first-derivativesarefoundbythefollowingminimization (cid:88) ckm =∂km ∀m∈M, (12) ij j i j∈Si (cid:88) ckφ(n) = 1 (cid:88)F (φ(n)), (13) ij j V il j∈Si i l∈I¯i (cid:88) minJ = W (ck)2, (14) ij ij j∈Si where the bracketed superscript denotes the time-level and k =x,y,z. We emphasize that the superscript k in Eq.(12) - Eq.(14) is used to denote only the first order derivatives in different directions, x,y,z, whereas the superscript ∗ in Eq.(1) denotes any arbitrary differential operator. Eq.(12)-Eq.(14)constituteanenhancementoftheGFDMdifferentialoperatorsbytheconservation condition Eq.(13). If the monomials m∈M are taken up to second order, Eq.(12) represents 10 conditions in 3D and 6 conditions in 2D. Whereas the number of unknown c values is the same ij as the number of points in each support domain, which is typically around 50 and 20, in 3D and 2D respectively, for the support sizes being used. Thus, there is plenty of numerical freedom to imposetheadditionalfluxconservationcondition,Eq.(13),withoutaffectingtheaccuracyofgradient reconstructions, Eq.(12). Clearly, the stencil coefficients c can be found locally at each point i, ij withouttheneedfortheglobalsystemsusedbypreviousconservativemeshfreeGFDMs[4,5]. For each point i=1,2,...,N, Eq.(12) represents the usual monomial consistency conditions as described by Eq.(2), which is dependent on all points in the support domain S . On the other hand, i Eq.(13) represents the conservation of numerical fluxes at the previous time-level, where the fluxes aredefinedsolelyonthelocallydefinedcontrolcell,whichdependsonlyonthenearestneighboursI¯. i ThisdifferenceisillustratedinFigure1.Inexplicittime-integrationschemeswherespatialderivatives are computed only at the previous time level, the differential operators defined by Eq.(12) - Eq.(14) degeneratetoonesbasedsolelyonthelocallydefinedcontrolcell,makingitresembleVoronoi-based FVMs. This is because the spatial derivatives used in such cases would be completely described by Eq.(13).Thus,theinclusionofEq.(13)isonlydonewithimplicittime-integrationschemes,whichare usedthroughoutthispaper. The additional time taken due to the addition of Eq.(13) is not significant. As mentioned earlier, tessellations are usually performed in classical GFDMs for prescribing volumes to points, areas to 6 FLUXCONSERVINGMESHFREEMETHOD 7 boundarypointsandthedetectionoffreesurfaces.Thus,noextratessellationsneedtobeperformedto determinethelocalcontrolcells.Secondly,thesizeofthesystemsbeingsolvedischangedbyavery smallamount.Forexample,in3D,forsecondorder-accuratedifferentialoperators,classicalGFDMs solveasystemof10equationsandabout50unknownsateachpoint.TheadditionofEq.(13)changes thattoasystemof11equationsand50unknowns.Further,whenthedifferentialoperatorsaredefined locally as done in this paper, the largest portion of time of meshfree GFDM simulations is taken by theiterativesolversforthelargesparselinearsystemsobtainedbythediscretizationofthePDEs.The computationofthedifferentialoperatorstakesupamuchsmallerportionofthesimulationtime.Thus, theadditionofthefluxconservationconstraint,Eq.(13),hasaminimaleffectontheoveralltimetaken bytheentiresimulation.ThisisshowninthenumericalexamplesinSection5.3. Henceforth, for the sake of brevity, we denote this variant of GFDMs, in which the differential operators conserves fluxes of specific numerical fields, as FC-GFDM, where the FC stands for flux conserving. We note that Eq.(13) does not ensure the conservation of numerical fluxes of the field determined at level n+1 with respect to the given differential operator stencils. Thus, even with respect to the field φ, the use of differential operators defined by Eq.(12)-Eq.(14) would only form anapproximatelyconservativemethod. ItshouldbeensuredthatthechoiceofthefluxfunctionF isdonesuchthatEq.(12)andEq.(13)are consistentwitheachotherwhenφintheneighbourhoodofiislinearlydependentonthemonomials m∈M.ForF definedasinEq.(11),thisisensuredbythefactthattheVoronoicellisclosedandnot self-intersecting by definition. That guarantees that geometric fluxes are conserved. For 0 order, the cellisclosed, (cid:88) (cid:126)n A =0. (15) il il l∈I¯i Similarly,firstordergeometricconservationensures (cid:40) (cid:88)nkxk(cid:48)A = 0 ifk (cid:54)=k(cid:48), (16) il il il V ifk =k(cid:48), l∈I¯i i where k,k(cid:48) =x,y,z denote the spatial dimension, (cid:126)xil is the geometric center of the edge or face i(cid:101)l forl(cid:54)=i,and(cid:126)xii =(cid:126)xi.BythedefinitionoftheVoronoidiagram,(cid:126)xil = (cid:126)xi+2(cid:126)xl.Eq.(16)isalsousedto determinethevolumeofthecell. 3.3 HigherOrderDerivatives Thesameprocedureusedabovecanbeextendedtocomputenumericaldifferentialoperatorsforhigher orderderivatives.Thisisillustratedwithadiffusionoperator.ConsiderthediffusionoperatorD such thatDφ=∇·(α∇φ).Thedivergencetheoremappliedtothevectorfieldα∇φleadsto (cid:90) (cid:90) ∇·(α∇φ)dV = (cid:126)n·(α∇φ)dA. (17) Ω ∂Ω AdiscretelocalversionofEq.(17)onthecontrolcellscanbewrittenas V ∂˜Dφ=(cid:88)G (φ,α), (18) i i il l∈I¯i where G is a numerical flux function. Throughout this paper, G is taken to be symmetric, similar to Eq.(11). (cid:40) α (cid:126)n ·∂˜∇φA ifi∈∂Ωandl=i, G (φ)= i i i i (19) il α (cid:126)n ·∂˜∇φA elsewhere, il il il il where αil = αi+2αl, ∂˜i∇ =(∂˜ix;∂˜iy;∂˜iz) in 3D, and (cid:126)nil·∂˜i∇l is an approximation of the first order derivativeinthedirectionof(cid:126)n andisgivenby il φ −φ (cid:126)n ·∂˜∇φ= l i . (20) il il (cid:107)(cid:126)x −(cid:126)x (cid:107) l i 7 8 P.SUCHDEETAL. Once again, this method can easily be extended to use more sophisticated flux functions and less diffusive approximations than Eq.(20). Using Eq.(18), when proceeding from time-step tn to tn+1, thediscretediffusionoperatorisfoundbythefollowingminimization (cid:88) cDm =∂Dm ∀m∈M, (21) ij j i j∈Si (cid:88) cDφ(n) = 1 (cid:88)G (φ(n),α), (22) ij j V il j∈Si i l∈I¯i (cid:88) minJ = W (cD)2. (23) ij ij j∈Si The FC-GFDM differential operators can be used on both fixed and moving point clouds. However, theiruseonfixedpointcloudshasthesignificantdisadvantageofneedingdifferentialoperatorstobe recomputed at every time-step. On the other hand, since the traditional GFDM differential operators dependonlyonpointlocations,theycanbecomputedinasinglepre-processingstep.Thisdisadvantage isnotpresentformovingpointclouds,sincechangingpointlocationsmeansthatdifferentialoperators alwaysneedtoberecomputed.Wethusrestrictthenumericalstudyinthefollowingsectionstomoving pointcloudsandLagrangianframeofreferences. 4 Advection Diffusion Equation Considertheadvection-diffusionequationinLagrangianformulationonafixeddomainΩ⊂R2 D(cid:126)x =(cid:126)v, (24) Dt Dφ =∇·(α∇φ), (25) Dt whereφistheconcentrationortemperature,αisthediffusivity,and(cid:126)vistheadvectionvelocitywhich isassumedtobedivergence-free.Energyconservation,Eq.(6),leadsto d (cid:90) (cid:90) φdV = (cid:126)n·(α∇φ−(cid:126)vφ) dA, (26) dt Ω ∂Ω For the FC-GFDM, the numerical diffusion operator are computed as done in Eq.(21) - Eq.(23). ThespatialdiscretizationofEq.(25)isobtainedas Dφi =∂˜Dφ= (cid:88) cDφ . (27) Dt i ij j j∈Si Inthefirststep,movementofthepointcloudisperformedinaccordancewithEq.(24), (cid:126)v(n)−(cid:126)v(n−1) (cid:126)x(n+1) =(cid:126)x(n)+(cid:126)v(n)∆t+ i i (∆t)2, (28) i i i ∆t for each point i=1,2,...,N. The explicit time-integration for the movement of points results in a CFL-likeconditiononthetime-stepsize (cid:18) (cid:19) h ∆t=C . (29) ∆t (cid:107)(cid:126)v(cid:107) min For the advection diffusion test case being considered, we use a coefficient of C =0.01. The ∆t movementisfollowedbyanimplicitEulertime-integrationofEq.(25) φ(in+1)−φ(in) = (cid:88) cDφ(n+1), (30) ∆t ij j j∈Si 8 FLUXCONSERVINGMESHFREEMETHOD 9 10-2 10-3 E 0 10-4 GFDM FC-GFDM 10-5 10-2 10-1 100 h Figure3.ConvergenceoferrorfortheAdvectionDiffusionequation. Table2.Errorsandexperimentalconvergenceratesfortheadvectiondiffusiontestcase.histhesmoothinglength, N isthenumberofpointsintheentiredomainattheinitialstate,(cid:15) istheerrorinenergyconservation,andris E theorderofconvergenceof(cid:15) . E GFDM FC-GFDM h N (cid:15) r (cid:15) r E E 0.4 752 2.28×10−3 − 1.24×10−3 − 0.2 2778 9.66×10−4 1.24 4.05×10−4 1.61 0.1 10565 4.76×10−4 1.02 1.61×10−4 1.33 0.05 36224 2.89×10−4 0.72 6.73×10−5 1.26 TheimplicitsystemresultingfromEq.(30)canbesolvedusinganiterativesolver.Intheresultsbelow, we use the BiCGSTAB solver [38]. Homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions are applied for φ. Giventheseboundaryconditions,errorinenergyconservationcanbemeasuredby (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:82) φ(end)dV −(cid:82) φ(0)dV +(cid:82)tend(cid:2)(cid:82) (cid:126)n·(cid:126)vφdA(cid:3) dt(cid:12) (cid:12) Ω Ω 0 ∂Ω (cid:12) (cid:15)E = (cid:82) φ(0)dV , (31) Ω where the bracketed superscript end denotes the values at the end of simulation, t=t , and the end bracketed superscript 0 denotes the initial condition. The computational domain Ω is taken to be [−2,2]×[−2,2]. A uniform diffusion coefficient α=0.4 and advection field(cid:126)v =(−y,x) are used. Initialconditionsaretakentobe (cid:40) 500 if(cid:107)(cid:126)x−(1,0)(cid:107)2 <0.1, φ((cid:126)x,0)= (32) 0 elsewhere. The convergence of the error in energy conservation with a varying smoothing length is shown in Figure 3. The figure illustrates that the new flux conserving method produces much smaller errors. Bothmethodstakesimilarsimulationtimes.Foranerror(cid:15)andconsecutivesmoothinglengthsh and 1 h ,therateofconvergenceofthesolutionwithchangingsmoothinglengthismeasuredas 2 (cid:16) (cid:17) log (cid:15)(h2) r = (cid:15)(h1) . (33) (cid:16) (cid:17) log h2 h1 Theerrorsinenergyconservationandthenumericalordersofconvergenceoftheerrorsaretabulated inTable2. 9 10 P.SUCHDEETAL. 5 Incompressible Navier–Stokes Equations ConsiderfluidflowmodeledbytheincompressibleNavier–StokesequationsinLagrangianform D(cid:126)x =(cid:126)v, (34) Dt ∇·(cid:126)v =0, (35) D(cid:126)v η 1 = ∆(cid:126)v− ∇p+(cid:126)g, (36) Dt ρ ρ where(cid:126)visthefluidvelocity,ρisthedensity,ηisthedynamicviscosityand(cid:126)gincludesbothgravitational accelerationandbodyforces.Weconsiderconservationwithrespecttothevelocityfield,whichleads to (cid:90) (cid:90) ∇·(cid:126)vdV = (cid:126)n·(cid:126)vdA, (37) Ω ∂Ω (cid:90) (cid:90) ∇·((cid:126)v⊗(cid:126)v)dV = (cid:126)n·((cid:126)v⊗(cid:126)v)dA, (38) Ω ∂Ω (cid:90) (cid:90) ∆(cid:126)vdV = (cid:126)n·∇(cid:126)vdA. (39) Ω ∂Ω For the FC-GFDM, the numerical Laplace operator is computed in a way similar to the numerical diffusionoperatorinSection3.3. (cid:88) c∆m =∂∆m ∀m∈M, (40) ij j i j∈Si (cid:88) c∆vk,(n) = 1 (cid:88)G (vk,(n),1) k =x,y,z, (41) ij j V il j j∈Si i l∈I¯i (cid:88) minJ = W (c∆)2, (42) ij ij j∈Si wherethefluxfunctionGisasdefinedearlierandvk,(n) denotesthek-componentofthevelocityat j pointj andtime-leveln.Thenumericalfirstderivativeapproximationsarecomputedas (cid:88) ckm =∂km ∀m∈M, (43) ij j i j∈Si (cid:88) ckvk,(n) = 1 (cid:88)F (vk,(n)), (44) ij j V il j∈Si i l∈I¯i (cid:88) ckvk,(n)vk(cid:48),(n) = 1 (cid:88)F (vk,(n)vk(cid:48),(n)) k(cid:48) =x,y,z, (45) ij j j V il j∈Si i l∈I¯i (cid:88) minJ = W (ck)2, (46) ij ij j∈Si wherethefluxfunctionF isasdefinedearlier.WhileEq.(44)addsoneextraconstrainttothediscrete differentialoperatordefinitions,Eq.(45)addstwoorthree,dependingonthespatialdimension. Using the above defined numerical differential operators, Eq.(34) - Eq.(36) are solved with a meshfree projection method, similar to that of Chorin [6]. In the first step, the point cloud is moved by solving Eq.(34) according to Eq.(28). The projection method begins with the computation of an intermediatevelocity(cid:126)v∗bysolvingtheconservationofmomentumequation,Eq.(36), (cid:126)v∗−(cid:126)v(n) η 1 = ∆(cid:126)v∗− ∇p∗+(cid:126)g, (47) ∆t ρ ρ 10