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A First Course in Quantitative Finance (instructor Solution Manual, Solutions) PDF

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A First Course in Quantitative Finance Solution Manual This document provides solutions to selected quick calculations in the textbook. It is strongly recommended that the reader tries to solve these short exercises without help. Thesolutionspresentedhereshouldserveasareference,consultedafterworkingthrough therespectivechapter. Chapter 2 Quick calculation 2.1 If A ,A ∈ F,then AC and AC arealsoinF,becausetheσ-algebraisclosedundercom- 1 2 1 2 plementandunderunion.Becauseofthelatter,AC∪AC ∈F holds,too,andthesamegoes for the complement (cid:0)AC ∪AC(cid:1)C ∈ F. But by D1e Mo2rgan’s law, this is equivalent to the 1 2 statementA ∩A ∈F. 1 2 Quick calculation 2.2 Obviously F is nonempty. Furthermore, all complements are represented, because ∅C = Ω and {2,4,6}C = {1,3,5}. Finally, all unions are contained in F, too, because for all nonemptysetsA ,A ∈F,A ∪A =Ωholds,andtheunionofanarbitrarysetinF with 1 2 1 2 theemptysetalwaysreproducestheoriginalset. Quick calculation 2.3 Startwiththe“observation”sequenceΩ,A ,A ∈ F .Addingthecomplementsaccounts 1 2 2 forsixelements.Furthermore,AC ∪A anditscomplementarealsocontainedinF .The 1 2 2 naturalfiltrationisthus F =(cid:8)∅,{(H,H)},{(H,T)},{(H,H),(H,T)},{(T,H),(T,T)}, 2 {(H,H),(T,H),(T,T)},{(H,T),(T,H),(T,T)},Ω(cid:9). Itiseasytosee,thatnonewsetscanbeconstructedbycomplement,unionorintersection oftheseeightsets.Hence,F =σ(A ,A )isthenaturalfiltration. 2 1 2 1 2 AFirstCourseinQuantitativeFinance–SolutionManual Quick calculation 2.4 Firstrealizethatduetothedefinitionofconditionalprobabilities,thestatementtobeveri- fiedis P(A)= P(A|B)P(B)+P(cid:0)A|BC(cid:1)P(cid:0)BC(cid:1) = P(A∩B)+P(cid:0)A∩BC(cid:1). B∩BC =∅impliesthatalso(A∩B)∩(cid:0)A∩BC(cid:1)=∅andhence,bytheadditivityproperty ofmeasureswithrespecttodisjointsetsoneobtains P(A∩B)+P(cid:0)A∩BC(cid:1)= P(cid:16)(A∩b)∪(cid:0)A∩BC(cid:1)(cid:17) = P(cid:16)A∩(cid:0)B∪BC(cid:1)(cid:17) = P(A∩Ω) = P(A). Quick calculation 2.5 TheprobabilityofanarbitraryeventA ∈ F isP(A) = #A.Thus,theevent B = {1,2,3}of 6 throwinganumbersmallerthanfourhasprobabilityP(B)= 1.Therefore,oneobtains 2 P({2}) 1/6 1 = = . P(B) 1/2 3 Quick calculation 2.6 Again, the probability for an arbitrary event A ∈ F is P(A) = #A. For the events A = 6 {2,4,6}ofthrowinganevennumberand B = {1,2,3,4}ofthrowinganumbersmalleror equaltofour,theprobabilitiesareP(A)= 1 andP(B)= 2.Itiseasytoseethat 2 3 1 1 2 P(A∩B)= P({2,4})= = · = P(A)P(B), 3 2 3 andthusP(A|B)= P(A). Quick calculation 2.7 UsethatE[X]issimplyanumberandthus,E(cid:2)E[X](cid:3)= E[X]holdsandexpandthesquare, E(cid:2)(X−E[X])2(cid:3)= E(cid:2)X2−2XE[X]+E[X]2(cid:3) = E(cid:2)X2(cid:3)−2E[X]E[X]+E[X]2 = E(cid:2)X2(cid:3)−E[X]2. 3 Chapter3 Quick calculation 2.8 AgainusingthatE[X]isonlyanumber,oneobtains E(cid:2)(X−E[X])(Y−E[Y])(cid:3)= E(cid:2)XY−XE[Y]−E[X]Y+E[X]E[Y](cid:3) = E[XY]−2E[X]E[Y]+E[X]E[Y] = E[XY]−E[X]E[Y]. Quick calculation 2.9 FortheaffinetransformationX =σZ+µ,withZ ∼ N(0,1),oneobtains E[X]=σE[Z]+µ=µ and Var[X]=σ2Var[Z]=σ2. Chapter 3 Quick calculation 3.1 Forα,β∈R,α·βandα+βarealsocontainedinR.Hence,therealnumbersRformareal vectorspace. Quick calculation 3.2 Fromtheuniversalidentitysin2θ+cos2θ=1,onecandeducethat a2+a2 =r2(sin2θ+cos2θ)=r2, 1 2 (cid:113) andthusr = a2+a2 holds.ThesamefollowsimmediatelyfromPythagoras’theorem. 1 2 Furthermore, a sinθ 2 = =tanθ, a cosθ 1 (cid:16) (cid:17) whichyieldsθ=tan−1 a2 .Fora =a =1oneobtainsthepolarcoordinates a1 1 2 √ π r= 2 and θ= . 4 Quick calculation 3.3 Underscaling|a(cid:105)→α|a(cid:105),thepolarcoordinatestransformto (cid:112) (cid:113) r→ (αa )2+(αa )2 =α a2+a2 =αr, 1 2 1 2 and (cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:32) (cid:33) αa a θ→tan−1 2 =tan−1 2 =θ. αa a 1 1 4 AFirstCourseinQuantitativeFinance–SolutionManual Quick calculation 3.5 Forα∈Randanarbitraryform(cid:104)c|,oneobtains (cid:88)N (cid:88)N (cid:104)αa|b(cid:105)= αa b =α a b =α(cid:104)a|b(cid:105), n n n n n=1 n=1 and (cid:88)N (cid:88)N (cid:88)N (cid:104)a+c|b(cid:105)= (a +c )b = a b + c b =(cid:104)a|b(cid:105)+(cid:104)c|b(cid:105). n n n n n n n n=1 n=1 n=1 The same chain of arguments holds for the vector slot of the inner product and hence, bilinearityissatisfied.Regardingthesymmetry,observethat (cid:88)N (cid:88)N (cid:104)a|b(cid:105)= a b = b a =(cid:104)b|a(cid:105) n n n n n=1 n=1 holds.Finally,ifthereexistsatleastonea >0,then n (cid:88)N (cid:104)a|a(cid:105)= a2 >0. n n=1 Thus,positivedefinitenessisalsosatisfied. Quick calculation 3.6 ForanarbitraryvectorinR3theorthonormalexpansionis         |a(cid:105)=aa12=a110+a201+a300. a 0 0 1 3 Quick calculation 3.7 Forthevariance.oneobtains Var[αX]=α2Var[X] and Var[X+Y]=Var[X]+2Cov[X,Y]+Var[Y]. Thus,thevarianceisanon-additive,second-degreehomogeneousfunctional. Quick calculation 3.8 Forα∈RandL,M ∈RK×N,scalarmultiplicationandadditionhastobedefinedby   α·M =αα··...mm2111 αα··...mm2122 ......... αα··mm... 21NN, α·m α·m ... α·m K1 K2 KN 5 Chapter3 and L+M =lll2111+++...mmm2111 lll2122+++...mmm2122 ............ lll21NN +++...mmm21NN. K1 K1 K2 K2 KN KN Quick calculation 3.9 Forthevectors|m (cid:105)and|m (cid:105)inM ,oneobtains 1 2 φ (cid:104)m |m (cid:105)=sin2φ+cos2φ=1, n n forn=1,2.Thataccountsforthenormalization.Theinnerproductbetweenthemis (cid:104)m |m (cid:105)=−cosφsinφ+sinφcosφ=0. 1 2 Hence,bothvectorsareorthonormal,(cid:104)m |m (cid:105)=δ . n k nk Quick calculation 3.10 Reflectiononthea -axisisinducedbytheoperator 2 (cid:32) (cid:33) −1 0 R= . 0 1 Quick calculation 3.11 Forthevectors|p (cid:105)and|p (cid:105)containedinP,obviouslytherelation|p (cid:105) = −|p (cid:105)holdsand 1 2 1 2 thus,theyarelinearlydependent.Furthermore,straightforwardalgebrayields (cid:32) (cid:33)2 (cid:32) (cid:33) 1 1 −1 1 2 −2 P2 = = = P. 4 −1 1 4 −2 2 Quick calculation 3.12 Underthescalingoperation|v(cid:105)→α|v(cid:105),theeigenvalueproblembecomes αM|v(cid:105)=αλ|v(cid:105). Itisimmediatelyclearthatαcancelsoutoftheequation. Quick calculation 3.13 Fortheeigenvectors|λ (cid:105)and|λ (cid:105)ofL,oneobtains 1 2 1+4 (cid:104)λ |λ (cid:105)= =1, n n 5 6 AFirstCourseinQuantitativeFinance–SolutionManual forn=1,2.Thataccountsforthenormalization.Theinnerproductbetweenthemis −2+2 (cid:104)λ |λ (cid:105)= =0. 1 2 5 Hence,botheigenvectorsareorthonormal,(cid:104)λ |λ (cid:105)=δ . n k nk Quick calculation 3.14 Simplyexpandthebracketsandrearrangetoobtain 1 1 (M+M)+ (M(cid:48)−M(cid:48))= M. 2 2 Quick calculation 3.16 Let(ab)(cid:48) betheentryinthem-throwandk-thcolumnof(AB)(cid:48) andrecallthattranspo- mk sitionmeansinterchangingtherow-andcolumnindex.Thenthecomponentwisealgebra yields  (cid:48) (ab)(cid:48)mk =(cid:88)N amnbnk =(cid:88)N aknbnm =(cid:88)N b(cid:48)mna(cid:48)nk =(b(cid:48)a(cid:48))mk. n=1 n=1 n=1 But(b(cid:48)a(cid:48)) istherespectiveentryofB(cid:48)A(cid:48). mk Quick calculation 3.17 Becausetheidentitymatrixissymmetric,oneobtains I = I(cid:48) =(cid:0)M−1M(cid:1)(cid:48) = M(cid:48)(cid:0)M−1(cid:1)(cid:48). MultiplyingwithM(cid:48)−1fromtheleftprovestheclaim. Quick calculation 3.18 Because I|v(cid:105) = |v(cid:105), expanding the bracket and adding λ|v(cid:105) yields the original eigenvalue problem. Quick calculation 3.19 Injectingtheeigenvalueλ= 2 intotheeigenvalueproblemyields 3 (cid:32) (cid:33)(cid:32) (cid:33) (cid:32) (cid:33) 1 2 v 0 3 3 1 = , 2 4 v 0 3 3 2 whichareagaintworedundantequationswiththesolutionv = −2v .Hencethedesired 1 2 eigenvectoris (cid:32) (cid:33) −2 |v(cid:105)=α , 1 withthenormalizingfactorα= √1 . 5 7 Chapter4 Quick calculation 3.20 Inordertocomputethederivativewithrespecttothevector|a(cid:105),theexpressionhastobe transposedfirst, (cid:104)a|M|b(cid:105)=(cid:104)b|M(cid:48)|a(cid:105). Thus,thedesiredderivativeis(cid:104)b|M(cid:48). Quick calculation 3.21 Usingthedefinitionofthesymmetricandantisymmetricpartofamatrix,oneobtains (cid:0)M+(cid:1)(cid:48) = 1(M(cid:48)+M)= 1(M+M(cid:48))= M+ 2 2 (cid:0)M−(cid:1)(cid:48) = 1(M(cid:48)−M)=−1(M−M(cid:48))=−M−. 2 2 Quick calculation 3.22 Thisstatementfollowsimmediatelyfromthedefinitionofcovariances, Cov[X ,X ]= E(cid:2)(X −E[X ])(X −E[X ])(cid:3) m n m m n n = E(cid:2)(X −E[X ])(X −E[X ])(cid:3) n n m m =Cov[X ,X ]. n m Quick calculation 3.23 AssumethecovariancematrixΣhasblockstructure (cid:34) (cid:35) Σ Σ Σ= 11 12 , Σ Σ 21 22 whereΣ isaK×K matrix,andΣ hasdimensionN×N.RealizethatpossiblyK (cid:44) N. 11 22 BecauseΣisasquarematrix,Σ hastohavedimension K ×N,whereasΣ hastobea 12 21 N×K matrix.Furthermore,Σisstillsymmetricandthus,Σ =Σ(cid:48) hastohold. 12 21 Chapter 4 Quick calculation 4.1 ThepossibleredemptionsarestillW ={0,4,16}andthecompoundlotteryis (cid:32) (cid:33) 1 1 1 9 3 L= L + L = , , . 1 2 2 2 4 20 10 8 AFirstCourseinQuantitativeFinance–SolutionManual Quick calculation 4.3 Foru(w)=w,oneobtains u(cid:0)E[W](cid:1)= E[W]= E(cid:2)u(w)(cid:3). ButtheleftandrighthandsidematchesJensen’sinequality.Hence,equalityhastohold. Quick calculation 4.4 Assume the lottery L generates the wealth w∗ with probability one and all other possible wealth levels have zero probability. Then U[L] = u(w∗) holds. The continuity axiom en- suresthatforL (cid:23) L(cid:23) L thereisanother(compound)lotteryL =πL +(1−π)L ,such 1 2 c 1 2 that E(cid:2)u(W)(cid:3)=U[L ]=U[L]=u(w∗). c Quick calculation 4.5 Sincethefourthmomentoftherandomvariable(cid:15) ∼ N(0,σ2)is E[(cid:15)4] = 3σ4,thefourth orderexpansiontermis 1 1 u(4)(µ)E[(cid:15)4]= u(4)(µ)σ4. 4! 8 Quick calculation 4.6 Computingthederivatives,oneobtains γ 1 1 ARA(w)= = = . w+β 1w+ β aw+b γ γ Onecanthenreadoffthecoefficientsaandb. Quick calculation 4.7 Economicintuitionsuggeststhatabsoluteriskaversionshoulddeclinewithincreasinglev- elsofwealth.Since lim ARA(w)=0, w→∞ theHARA-classofutilityfunctionsisconsistentwiththisrequirement. Quick calculation 4.8 Themarginalutilityis u(cid:48)(w)=2(η−w). Thus, for w > η, utility decreases with increasing levels of wealth. This is exactly the oppositeoftheprinciplemoreisbetterthanless. 9 Chapter5 Quick calculation 4.9 Forβ=0andγ= 1,HARA-utilitybecomes 2 √ u(w)=2 w−2. Anaffinetransformationremovesthescalingandtranslationcoefficients. Quick calculation 4.10 Thegradientis (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:18) (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:19) ∇u= ∂u ∂u = 1 c2 1 c1 . ∂c1 ∂c2 2 c1 2 c2 Chapter 5 Quick calculation 5.1 Computingthederivatives ∂U ∂U =u(cid:48)(c ) and =e−ρTp u(cid:48)(c ) ∂c 0 ∂c ω ω 0 ω immediatelyyieldsthedesiredresult. Quick calculation 5.2 Multiplying(cid:104)s|=(cid:104)ψ|DwithD(cid:48)fromtherightandafterwardswith(DD(cid:48))−1,againfromthe right,oneobtainsthedesiredequation (cid:104)ψ|=(cid:104)s|D(cid:48)(DD(cid:48))−1. Quick calculation 5.4 Fromthesecondrow,oneobtainsthestatedependentconsumptionvector |c(cid:105)= D|θ(cid:105) intermsoftheportfoliovector|θ(cid:105).Thefirstrowreproducesthewealthconstraint c +(cid:104)s|θ(cid:105)=w. 0 10 AFirstCourseinQuantitativeFinance–SolutionManual Quick calculation 5.6 To see that K and M are closed sets of points, realize that at every point x ∈ R2 outside K or M,onecansetupaspherewithradiusε > 0thatistangenttoK or M.Thatmeans, thecircumferenceofthex-sphereintersectsK orMpreciselyatonepoint.Butthismeans that everypointin the interiorof that sphere isoutside of K and M and hence, K and M areclosedsetsofpoints. Fork ,k ∈ K,onehas|k (cid:105)≥|0(cid:105)forn=1,2,andthus 1 2 n λ|k (cid:105)+(1−λ)|k (cid:105)≥|0(cid:105) 1 2 holds for 0 < λ < 1, because both scaling factors are positive. Hence, the linear combi- nation of k and k is also in K. The case of M is even simpler. Because M is a linear 1 2 subspace,morepreciselyaline,everylinearcombinationofvectors|m (cid:105)generatesanew n vector|m(cid:105),describingapointmonthatline.Hence,K andMareconvexsetsofpoints. Becausethelinearsubspace{0}iscontainedinK,aswellasinM,thesameargumentasfor convexityholdsforallpointsin K and M,iftheyarescaledwithanonnegativeconstant. Therefore,K andMareclosedconvexcones. Quick calculation 5.7 ThepointsminMaregeneratedbyapplyingthelinearoperator (cid:34) (cid:35) P(cid:2)|η(cid:105)(cid:3)= −(cid:104)s| |η(cid:105), D with the components of |η(cid:105) describing a point η ∈ RN. The properties of linearity are homogeneityofdegreeoneandadditivity.Itiseasytoseethat P(cid:2)α|η(cid:105)(cid:3)=αP(cid:2)|η(cid:105)(cid:3) and P(cid:2)|η (cid:105)+|η (cid:105)(cid:3)= P(cid:2)|η (cid:105)(cid:3)+P(cid:2)|η (cid:105)(cid:3) 1 2 1 2 holds,forα∈R.Hence,thesetofpointsMisalinearspace. Quick calculation 5.8 Fromagentm’sfirstorderconditionsonehas ∂U m =λ∗. ∂c m 0 ThetimeseparablevonNeumann-Morgenstern-utilityfunctionalis Ω (cid:88) U[C]=u(c )+e−ρT u(c )p(ω), 0 ω ω=1 andthus, ∂Um =u(cid:48)(c )holds. ∂c0 0

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