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A FIRST AID GUIDE FOR SECONDARY STUDENTS A P ro ject P resented to the F aculty of the School of E ducation The U n iv ersity of Southern C a lifo rn ia In P a rtia l F u lfillm en t of the Requirem ents fo r the Degree M aster of Science in Education by F red erick H. Kroman June 1950 UMI Number: EP45919 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP45919 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106-1346 B A 'ifo U°f 3 P ^ '- TA/j project report, written under the direction of the candidate’s adviser and approved by him, has been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of the School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education. .................. Adviser Dean FIGURE 1. A FIRST AID STUDENT i l l TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PACE LIST OF FIG U R E S......................... x iii PREFACE TO THE TEACHER.............................................................xiv PREFACE TO THE STUDENT.......................................................... . . xvi PART I . MAJOR PROBLEMS IN FIRST AID HOW TO TREAT THE MORE SERIOUS CONDITIONS - 1. UNCONSCIOUSNESS: HOW TO TREAT INSENSIBLE PERSONS. 2 1. SHOCK; How to prevent the com plication of s h o c k ...................................................................................... 2 2. FAINTING: How to prevent and tre a t fa in tin g . 3 3 . SUNSTROKE: How to tre a t a person who has been over-exposed to the heat of the s u n ......... 4 4. HEAT EXHAUSTION: How to care fo r a person who Is overcome by heat in an enclosed place . 5 5. CONCUSSION: How to care fo r a person who has a b rain in ju ry .............................................................. 5 6. EPILEPTIC SEIZURES: How to care fo r a victim of an e p ile p tic a tta c k * * * • 6 7. HEART ATTACK: How to care fo r a v ictim of a h eart a tta c k . . . . . . ................................. . . . 6 8. DIABETIC COMA: How to care fo r a person in a d ia b e tic coma .................................................. 7 iv CHAPTER PAGE 9 . DRUNKENNESS: How to care fo r a person under the in flu en ce of alcohol .................................................... ? 2. HAEMORRHAGE: HOW TO CONTROL BLEEDING. . . . . . 11 1 . PRESSURE POINTS: How to stop bleeding by the ap p lica tio n of p r e s s u r e ........................ 11 2. TOURNIQUET: How to co n tro l a r te r ia l b l e e d i n g ..11 3. BLEEDING FROM THE SCALP: How to check bleed­ ing of the s c a l p ...................................................... 15 4. BLEEDING FROM THE LIPS: How to stop bleeding o f-th e l i p s ................................................................. 15 5- BLEEDING FROM THE FACE: How to stop bleeding of th e f a c e ......................................... 15 6. BLEEDING FROM THE NOSE: How to stop a nose b l e e d ............................................................................................ . 16 ?. BLEEDING FROM THE NECK: How to co n tro l bleeding of the neck .................................... 16 8 . BLEEDING FROM THE ARM: How to co n tro l bleeding of the a r m .............................................................. 17 9. BLEEDING FROM THE FOREARM: How to c o n tro l bleeding o f0the forearm ............................................... 17 10. BLEEDING FROM THE HAND: How to co n tro l bleeding of the hand .......................................... 17 11. BLEEDING FROM THE GROIN: How to co n tro l bleeding of the g r o i n ......................................................... 17 V chapter pace 12. BLEEDING PROM THE THIGH: How to c o n tro l bleeding of the th ig h .................................................... 19 13. BLEEDING FROM THE LEG AND FOOT: How to con­ tr o l bleeding o f the leg and f o o t .................. 19 14. BLEEDING FROM THE STOMACH AND THE LUNGS: How to tre a t a person who ex p ecto rates blood . . 19 3. FRACTURES: HOW TO TREAT BROKEN BONES. . . . . . 23 1. SPLINTS: How to im m obilize the in ju re d p a rt w ithout fix ed tra c tio n .................................................... 23 2. FRACTURE OF THE SKULL: How to tre a t a head in ju ry . .................................................. 24 3. FRACTURE OF THE NOSE: How to tre a t a broken n o s e .................................................................................. 24 4. FRACTURE OF THE CLAVICLE: How to tr e a t a broken collarbone ............................... 25 5. FRACTURE OF THE FOREARM: How to tre a t a broken forearm ............................................................................. 25 6 . FRACTURE OF THE ARM OR HAND: How to tre a t a broken bone of the arm or hand . . . . . . . 25 7. FRACTURE OF THE RIBS: How to tre a t broken rib s . .............................................. 25 8 . FRACTURE OF THE NECK OR BACK: How to tre a t a broken neck or b a c k ................................................. 27 vi CHAPTER PAGE 9. FRACTURE OF THE FEMUR: How to tre a t a broken th ig h bone ........................... .............................. 27 10. FRACTURE OF THE LEG-: How to tre a t a broken leg .............................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 11. COMPOUND FRACTURE: How to tr e a t a broken bone which p e n e tra te s the skin ............................. 28 12. SPRAINS AND STRAINS: How to tre a t an over-^ stre tc h e d m uscle or tendon .............................................. 28 13* WHAT NOT TO DO: How to avoid serious m is­ tak es in tre a tin g fra c tu re s ......................................... 28 14. WHAT TO DO IN GENERAL: How to handle most cases o f f r a c tu r e s ............................................................ 30 4. WOUNDS: HOW TO TREAT INJURIES . . ..................... 32 1. CONTUSED WOUNDS: How to tre a t a crushing i n ju r y ........................................ 32 2. SMALL ABRASIONS, CUTS, AND SCRATCHES: How to tre a t open wounds ............................... 32 3. MAJOR WOUNDS WITH SEVERE BLEEDING: How to tr e a t wounds of deep tissu e . . . . . . . . . 33 4. PUNCTURE WOUNDS: . How to tre a t p e n etratin g w o u n d s.............................. * • 33 5. FACIAL WOUNDS: How to prevent scarrin g . . . 35 6. TRUNK WOUNDS: How to tre a t abdom inal wounds . 35 v ii CHAPTER PAGE 7 . WOUNDS CAUSED BY FISH HOOKS: Hoi* to remove a f is h hook from the f l e s h ................................................ 37 8 . SPLINTERS: How to remove sm all fragm ents from beneath the s k i n ........................................................................ 37 9. WOUND INFECTIONS: How to combat in fe c tio n s . 37 10. BANDAGING: How to apply d ressin g s to a wound. 39 5. BURNS: HOW TO TREAT BURNED F L E S H ..................................... 42 1. SEVERE BURNS: How to tre a t deep tissu e s th a t are charred . . .................................................... 42 2. MILD BURNS: How to care fo r a burn th a t reddens the s k i n ........................................................................ 43 3 . BURNS OF THE EYE: How to tr e a t a burned eye . 43 4. CHEMICAL BURNS: How to tre a t a chem ical burn. 43 5* ELECTRICAL BURNS: How to tr e a t burns caused by e l e c t r i c i t y ............................................................................. 43 6. SCALDS: How to tr e a t burns caused by hot l i q u i d s ............................................................................ 44 6. POISONS: HOW TO CARE FOR A PERSON WHO HAS TAKEN POISON............................................. 46 1. WHILE WAITING FOR THE DOCTOR: How to give treatm ent u n til the doctor a rriv e s ..................... 46 2. ANTIDOTES: How to counteract poisons . . . . 4? 7. BITES: HOW TO TREAT B IT E S.......................................................... 50 1. DOG BITES: How to tre a t In fe c tio u s b ite s . . 50 v iii CHAPTER PAGE 2. SNAKE BITES: How to tre a t poisonous b ite s . . 51 3 . INSECT STINGS: How to tre a t in se c t stin g s . * 52 k. BLACK-WIDOW SPIDER BITES: How to tre a t poi­ sonous spider b ite s .............................................................. 52 8 . momma: how to g iv e a r tif ic ia l resp iration . . 55 1. RESCUE: How to save a drowning person • • • 55 2 . ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATION: How to apply a r ti­ f ic ia l re s p ira tio n 56 3. AFTER RECOVERY: How to care fo r the v ictim a fte r recovery................................................................... 58 k. OTHER ASPHYXIATION CONDITIONS: How to tr e a t o th er re sp ira to ry co n d itio n s............................................ 58 5. DIFFERENT METHODS: How to stim u late b reath ­ ing by o th er methods . . . ......................... 59 9. FOREIGN BODIES: HOW TO REMOVE FOREIGN OBJECTS FROM THE BODY CAVITIES .............................................................. 63 1. CHEMICALS IN THE EYE: How to proceed in the event th a t a m aterial such as lim e, p la s te r, cem ent, or acid is introduced Into th e eye * • 63 2. LOOSE MATERIAL IN THE EYE: How to remove d ir t and sm all fragm ents from th e eye . . . . 63 3. LODGED MATERIAL IN THE EYE: How to proceed I f o b jects are im planted In the tissu e of the e y e ............................................................................................... . 6k

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