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A finitely generated group that does not satisfy the Burghelea Conjecture 7 1 A. Dranishnikov and M. Hull 0 2 n a Abstract J 1 We construct a finitely generated group that does not satisfy the Burghelea conjecture. 1 ] T 1 Burghelea Conjecture K . h For an element x in a group G we denote by G the centralizer of x. x t a Computation of the periodic cyclic homology of a group algebra QG was performed in [2]. m [ PHC∗(QG) = M H2n+∗(Nx,Q)⊕ M T∗(x,Q) v1 [x]∈hGifin,n≥0 hGi∞ 5 6 where the group T∗(x,Q) fits into the following short exact sequence 1 3 0 → lim1{H (N ,Q)} → T (x,Q) → lim{H (N ,Q)} → 0. ∗−1+2n x ∗ ∗+2n x 0 ← ← . 1 fin 0 Here Nx = Gx/hxi is the reduced centralizer, hGi denotes the set of conjugacy classes on G, hGi 7 is the set of conjugacy classes of elements of finite order, and hGi∞ the set of conjugacy classes of 1 elementsofinfiniteorder. ThebondingmapsintheinversesequencesaretheGysinhomomorphisms : v S : H (N ;Q) → H (N ;Q) corresponding to the fibration S1 → BG → BN . m+2 x m x x x i X Conjecture 1.1 (Generalized Burghelea Conjecture). Let G be a discrete group, then T (x,Q) = 0 r ∗ a for all x ∈hGi∞. Burghelea stated the above conjecture for geometrically finite groups [2]. In the same paper he constructed a countable group that does not satisfy the Generalized Burghelea Conjecture. Theorem 1.2. There is a finitely generated group G that does not satisfy the Generalized Burghelea Conjecture. Ourstrategyistoshowthatatorsion-freeversionofthecountablegroupconstructedbyBurghe- lea can be embedded in a finitely generated group in a way that preserves centralizers. This em- bedding is based on the theory of small cancellation over relatively hyperbolic groups developed by Osin [5]. 1 2 Malnormal Embeddings ForagroupGhyperbolicrelative toasubgroupH,asubgroupS ofGiscalled suitable ifS contains two infinite order elements f and g which are not conjugate to any elements of H such that no non-trivial power of f is conjugate to a non-trivial power of g. The following is a simplification of [5, Theorem 2.4]. Theorem 2.1. Let G be a torsion-free group hyperbolic relative to a subgroup H, let t ∈ G, and let S be a suitable subgroup of G. Then there exists a group G and an epimorphism γ: G → G such that 1. γ| is injective. H 2. G is hyperbolic relative to H. 3. γ(t) ∈ γ(S). 4. γ(S) is a suitable subgroup of G. 5. G is torsion-free. We inductively apply the previous theorem to construct the desired embedding. This can be extracted from the proof of [5, Theorem 2.6], but since it is not explicitly stated there we include the proof below. RecallthatasubgroupH ofagroupGiscalledmalnormal ifforallx ∈ G\H,x−1Hx∩H = {1}. Theorem 2.2. Let C be a torsion-free countable group. Then there exists a finitely generated group Γ which contains C as a malnormal subgroup. Proof. Let C = {1 = c ,c ,c ,...}. We inductively define a sequence of quotients as follows: Let 0 1 2 G = C∗F, where F = F(x,y) is the free group on {x,y}. Then G is hyperbolic relative to C and 0 0 F is a suitable subgroup of G . Suppose now we have constructed a torsion-free group G together 0 i with an epimorphism α : G ։ G such that i 0 i 1. α | is injective (so we identify C with its image in G ) i C i 2. G is hyperbolic relative to C. i 3. α (c ) ∈α (F) for 1 ≤ j ≤i. i j i 4. α (F) is a suitable subgroup of G . i i 5. G is torsion-free. i+1 GivensuchG ,wecanapplyTheorem2.1withS = α (F)andt = c . LetG bethequotient i i i+1 i+1 provided by Theorem 2.1, that is G = G . Define α = γ ◦α , where γ is the epimorphism i+1 i i+1 i given by Theorem 2.1. The conditions of Theorem 2.1 imply that G satisfies conditions (1)-(5). i+1 2 Let Γ be the direct limit of the sequence G ։ G ։ G ..., that is Γ = G / ker(α ). Let 0 1 2 0 S i β: G → Γ be the natural quotient map. Note that β| is surjective by construction. Indeed, G 0 F 0 is generated by C ∪ {x,y} and for each c ∈ C, α (c ) ∈ α (F), hence β(c) ∈ β(F). Thus Γ is i i i i generated by {β(x),β(y)}. Now β| is injective, so C embeds in Γ; we identify C with its image in Γ. Suppose x ∈ Γ such C that x−1Cx∩C 6= {1}. Then there exist g,h ∈ C \{1} such that x−1gxh−1 = 1. Let x˜ ∈ G such 0 thatβ(x˜)= x. Thenforsomei ≥ 1,x˜−1gx˜h−1 ∈ kerα . Thismeansthatα (x˜)−1Cα (x˜)∩C 6= {1}. i i i Since G is hyperbolic relative to C, C is malnormal in G by [5, Lemma 8.3b]. Hence α (x˜) ∈ C, i i i which means that x = β(x˜) ∈ C. Therefore C is malnormal in Γ. 3 Modifications of Kan-Thurston Theorem Baumslag, Dyer, and Heller [1] made the following addendum to the Kan-Thurston [3] theorem. Theorem 3.1. For every connected finite simplicial complex L there is a geometrically finite group G and a map t :K(G,1) → L that induces an isomorphism of cohomology. Theproofin[4]oftheKan-Thurson-Baumslag-Dyer-Heller theoremcanbeextendedtoproduce the following: Theorem 3.2. For every connected locally finite simplicial complex L presented as a union of finite subcomplexes L = ∪L there is a locally finite complex K = K(G,1) and a proper map i t : K(G,1) → L that induces an isomorphism of cohomology and such that K = t−1(L )= K(G ,1) i i i for geometrically finite G and the inclusion K → K induces a monomorphism G → G. i i i+1 i Proof of Theorem 1.2. Let L be a locally finite complex representing K(Z,2). Let t :K(G,1) → L be as in Theorem 3.2. We note that lim {H (L;Q),S} =6 0 where S : H (L;Q) → H (L;Q) ← 2n 2n+2 2n is the Gysin homomorphism for the canonical S1-bundle S∞ → CP∞. Since G = ∪G is the union i of geometrically finite groups G , it is torsion free. Let i 1 → Z = hxi → C → G → 1 be the central extension extension that corresponds to a generator a ∈ H∗(L) = Z[a], deg(a) = 2. We apply Theorem 2.2 to obtain a malnormal embedding C → Γ into a finitely generated group. Then Γ = C and N = Γ /hxi = G. Then T(x;Q)6= 0 in the group Γ. x x x References [1] G. Baumslag, E. Dyer and A. Heller, The topology of discrete groups, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 16 (1980), 1-47. [2] D. Burghelea, The cyclic homology of the group rings, Comment. Math. Helvetici 60 (1985), 354-365. 3 [3] D. M. Kan and W. P. Thurston, Every connected space has the homology of a K(π,1), Topology 15, (1976), 253-258. [4] C.R.F. Mauder, A Short Proof of a Theorem of Kan and Thurston, Bull. London Math. Soc. (1981) 13 (4): 325-327. [5] D. Osin,Smallcancellations over relatively hyperbolicgroupsandembeddingtheorems, Ann. of Math. 172 (2010), no. 1, 1-39. 4

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