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a {! 'Jeminist ompanion to Genesis edited by Athalya Brenner The Feminist Companion to the Bible 2 Editor Athalya Brenner Sheffield Academic Press First published by Sheffield Academic Press 1993 Reprinted 1997 Copyright © 1993, 1997 Sheffield Academic Press Published by Sheffield Academic Press Ltd Mansion House 19 Kingfield Road Sheffield Sl1 9AS England Typeset by Sheffield Academic Press and Printed on acid-free paper in Great Britain by The Cromwell Press Melksham, Wiltshire British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 1-85075-420-9 CONTENTS Acknowledgments 9 Abbreviations 10 ATHALYA BRENNER Introduction 13 Part I 'AT TIlE START': EMBLEMS OF GENDER RELATIONS AND HUMAN EXISTENCE LUISE SCHOTTROFF The Creation Narrative: Genesis 1.1-2.4a 24 MARy PHIL KORSAK Genesis: A New Look 39 HELEN SCHUNGEL-STRAUMANN On the Creation of Man and Woman in Genesis 1-3: The History and Reception of the Texts Reconsidered 53 LYN M. BECHTEL Rethinking the Interpretation of Genesis 2.4b-3.24 77 CAROL L. MEYERS . Gender Roles and Genesis 3.16 Revisited 118 ADRIEN JANIS BLEDSTEIN Are Women Cursed in Genesis 3.161 142 6 A Feminist Companion to Genesis PAMELA J. MILNE The Patriarchal Stamp of Scripture: The Implications of Structural Analyses 146 for Fe~t Hermeneutics ILANA P ARDES Beyond Genesis 3: The Politics of Maternal Naming 173 PHILIP R. DAVIES Women, Men, Gods, Sex and Power: The Birth of a Biblical Myth 194 Part II EMBLEMS OF MOTIiERHOOD ATIiALYA BRENNER Female Social Behaviour: Two Descriptive Patterns within the 'Birth of the Hero' Paradigm 204 FOKKELIEN VAN DIJK-HEMMES Sarai's Exile: A Gender-Motivated Reading of Genesis 12.10-13.2 222 J. SAVINA TEUBAL Sarah and Hagar: Matriarchs and Visionaries 235 ARIETRoosT Reading for the Author's Signature: Genesis 21.1-21 and Luke 15.11-32 as Intertexts 251 ES1HER FuCHS Structure, Ideology and Politics in the Biblical Betrothal Type-Scene 273 ADRIEN JANIS BLEDSTEIN Binder, Trickster, Heel and Hairy-Man: Re-reading Genesis 27 as a Trickster Tale Told by a Woman 282 Contents 7 EUZABE'IH CADY STANTON Comments on Genesis: Genesis 29 296 CLARA BEWICK COLBY Mrs Stanton's Statements ..• 298 PIETER W. VAN DER HORST Tamar in Pseudo-Philo's Bibliad History 300 partm EMBLEMS OF SEXUAL ILUClTNESS NAOMI GRAETZ Dinah the Daughter 306 AuCEBAOI Breaking Free of the Biblical Frame-Up.: Uncovering the Woman in Genesis 39 318 MIEKEBAL Myth ala lettre: Freud, Mann, Genesis and Rembrandt, and the Story of the Son 343 Bibliography 379 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The publishers ... grateful to the following for permission to reproduce copyright material: Chr. Kaiser Verlag for 'The Creation Narrative: Genesis 1.1-2.49' by Luise Schottroff from W. Schottroff and L. Schottroff, Die Macht der Auferstehung Sozialgeschichtliche Bibtlauslegungen; Vedag Herder for 'On the Creation of Man and Woman in Genesis 1-3: The History and Reception of the Texts Reconsidered' by Helen Schiingel-Straumann from T. Schneider (ed.), Mann und Frau: Grundproblem thtologischu Anthropologie; Scholars Press and the American Schools of Oriental Research for 'Gender Roles and Genesis 3.16 Revisted' by Carol L. Meyers from The Word of the Lord Shall Go Forth; Harvard University Divinity School for 'The Patriarchal Stamp of Scripture: The Implications of Structuralist Analyses for Feminist Hermeneutics' by Pamela J. Milne from Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 5/1; Harvard University Press for 'Beyond Genesis 3: The Politics of Maternal Naming' by nana Pardes from Countutraditions in the Bible; E.J. Brill for 'Female Social Behaviour: Two Descriptive Patterns within the '"Birth of the Hero" Paradigm' by Athalya Brenner from Vetus Testamentum 36/3; Ten Have for 'Sarai's Exile: A Gender-Motivated Reading of Genesis 12.10-13.2' by Fokkelien van Dijk-Hemmes from B. Becking and K.A.D. Smelik (eds.), Een patriarclude leugen: Het f1erhaal in Gmesis 12 f1erschillend btlicht; HarperCollins for 'Sarah and Hagar: Matriarchs and Visionaries' by Savina J. Teubal from Hagar the Egyptilln: The Lost Traditions of the Matriarchs; Polygon for 'Comments on Genesis 29' by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and 'Mrs Stanton's Statements ... ' by Clara Bewick Colby from Dale Spender (ed.), The Woman's Bible: The Original Feminist Attack iNII the Bible; Methuen for 'Myth a III ltltre: Freud, Mann, Genesis and Rembrandt, and the Story of the Son' by Mieke Bal from S. Rimmon Kenan (ed.), Discourse in Psychoanalysis and Literature; Vintage Books for the extract from Totem and Taboo by Sigmund Freud; Martin Secker ok Warburg Ltd for the extract from Joseph and his Brothers by Thomas Mann; the Teylers Museum, Haadem for Joseph and Potiphar's Wife by Rembrandt. ABBREVIATIONS AB Anchor Bible AJSL American Journal 0/ Semit~ Langwzges and Liter"tures BA Biblical Archaeologist BASOR Bulletin of tM American Schools of Oriental Research IDII F. Brown, S.R. Driver and C.A. Briggs, Hebmo and English Laicon of tM Old Testament Bib Biblica BJS Brown Judaic Studies BKAT Biblischer Kommentar: Altes Testament BSO(A)S Bulletin 0/ tM School of Oriental (and African) Studies BZ Biblische Zeitschrift CBQ Catholic Biblical Quarterly ETL EpMmerides theologicae 10f1lJnienses GKC Gesenius' Hebrew Gnmrmar, eel. E. Kautzscb, trans. A.E.Cowley HAR Hebrtw Annual Rft1iew HNT Handbuch l.UIII Neuen Testament 1EJ Israel Exploration Journal 1nt Interpretation JAAR Journal of tM Americtm AClldemy of Religilm JAOS Journal of tM Amtriam Oriental Society JBL Journal of Biblical Utmlure JFSR Journal 0/ Feminist Studies in Religilm JNES Journal 0/ Ntllr Eastern Studies JPSV Jewish Publication Society Version JSHRZ Jiidische Schriften .\&1 hellenistisch-rOmischer Zeit JSOT Journal for 1M Study of tM Old Testament JSOlSup Journal jor tM Study of tM Old Testament, Supplement Series JSS Journal of Semitic Studies NEB New English Bibl, NTOA Novum Testamentum et Orbis Antiquus NTS Ntw Testament Studies Abbref1iations 11 080 Orbis biblicus et orientalis Or Orientali" OTG Old Testament Guides RSV Revised Standard Version 588 Stuttgarter biblische Beitrige 585 Stuttgarter 8ibelstudien SJOT Samdi7Ulvian Journal of fhe Old Testament SIT Scottish Journal of Theology Slr-8 [H. Strack and] P.8illerbeck, Kommentllr zum Nellen Test"ment ..... 1 Talmud und Midrasch TD Theology Digest TQ Theologische Quart,,'schrift TRE Theologische Re,denzyklopildie TTod Theology Today USQR Union Semi7Ulry Quarterly RevinD VT Vetus Testamentum VTSup Vet", Testamentum, Supplements WTJ Westminster Theological Journal ZAW Zeitschrift fUr die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft

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