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A family of sure-success quantum algorithms for solving a generalized Grover search problem PDF

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Preview A family of sure-success quantum algorithms for solving a generalized Grover search problem

A family of sure-success quantum algorithms for solving a generalized Grover search problem Chia-Ren Hu Department of Physics, Texas A& M University, College Station, Texas 77843-4242 (Jan. 12, 2002) This work considers a generalization of Grover’s search problem, viz., tofind any oneelement in a setofacceptablechoiceswhichconstituteafraction f ofthetotalnumberofchoicesinanunsorted data base. An infinite family of sure-success quantum algorithms are introduced here to solve this problem, each memberfor a differentrange of f. Thenth memberof thisfamily involves n queries ofthedatabase,andsothelowestfewmembersofthisfamilyshouldbeveryconvenientalgorithms withintheirrangesofvalidity. TheevenmemberA2n ofthefamilycoverseverlargerrangeoff for larger n, which is expected tobecome thefull range 0≤f ≤1 in thelimit n→∞. 2 0 PACS numbers: 0 2 n Quantum computing as a new powerful approach to at least for the members , , , but most-likely 2 4 6 a A A A solve difficult computational problems is still in its in- also for all higher even members of the family, φ = 2θ J fancy. Only a handful useful algorithms have been pro- is an acceptable choice for φ, (ii) for each of the even 2 posedsofar. Mostofthemfallintotwocategories: Those members , , , and most-likelyalso for eachofall 1 A2 A4 A6 for factorizing large integers, and those for “searching a higherevenmembersofthefamily,therequiredvaluefor 1 needle in a haystack”, or finding the only acceptable el- θ for it to work is a unique function of f just inside the v ement in a large unsorted data base. The main idea in boundary of its validity range of f, but the number of 9 the former category is due to Shor, [1] and in the lat- acceptable values of θ graduately increases to n deep in- 4 ter category is due to Grover. [2] Here we wish to con- sidethevalidityf-rangefor . Thealgorithmmember 0 A2n 1 sider a generalization of Grover’s search problem, viz., 1,ontheotherhand,requiresφ= 2θ,thenθ depends A − 0 to find any one element in a set of acceptable choices uniquely on f within the validity range. No other odd 2 which form a fraction f of the total number of choices members have yet been analyzed. In all cases studied, I 0 in an unsorted data base of size N. [3] An infinite fam- find the required θ and φ to be independent of N, and / h ily n n = 1,2,3, of qunatum algorithms is intro- toonlydependonf. Thereisstrongindicationthatthis {A | ···} p duced here, each similar to one stage of Grover’s algo- statement is true for all members of the family. - rithm, except that, unlike Grover’s original algorithm, All members of this family n = 1,2,3, are t n n {A | ···} which requires iteration to some optimal stage, which in achievedwithtwounitaryoperatorswhichgeneralizethe a generalis still nota sure-successalgorithm,[4]here each two corresponding operators introduced by Grover: u q member is anindependent sure-successalgorithmwithin In a Hilbert space spanned by a set of N orthonormal : its range of validity. Each member of the family intro- basisstates i> n=1,2,3, ,N ,eachofwhichrep- v {| | ··· } duced here is characterized by an iteration number, n, resents one element of the data base, Grover introduced i X in the sense introduced in the originalGroveralgorithm. an unitary operator, which I shall denote as Fˆ , which ν r Thisnumber isalsothe number oftimes the databaseis changes the sign of the ν’s amplitude C in any quan- a N ν queried. Here weonlyanalyzefourmembersofthis fam- tum state Ψ >= C i >. This operator is gener- | i=1 i| ily, correspondingto the iterationnumbers 1,2, 4,and 6. alized to the operaPtor Fˆ(a), which introduces the extra φ We find that A1 is valid for 0.25 ≤ f ≤ 1.0; A2 is valid phasefactor eiφ toeachofthe amplitudes Cν ν a , for 0.095491502 f 0.65450849 ; is valid for − { | ∈ } ···≤ ≤ ··· A4 where a denotes the set of acceptable elements in the 0.030153689 f 0.88302222 ; and is valid ··· ≤ ≤ ··· A6 data base. [5] Mathematically, for 0.014529091 f 0.94272801 . These results strongly indicate··t·h≤at by≤using of··e·ver larger n, an Fˆ(a) Iˆ (eiφ+1) ν ><ν . (1) A2n φ ≡ − | | ever larger range of f can be covered which in the limit Xν∈a of n → ∞ approaches the full range 0 ≤ f ≤ 1, but a where Iˆ N i >< i is the identity operator. For generalproof has not yet been obtained. The validity or ≡ i=1 | | φ=0,andaPcontainingonlyoneelementν,thisoperator non-validity of this statement, and the properties of the reduces to the operator F introduced by Grover. ν odd members of this family, will be discussed in a future AsecondunitaryoperatorintroducedbyGroveristhe work. All members ofthis family ofalgorithmsare char- “inversionaboutthemean”operator,whichcanbe writ- acterized by two phase parameters, θ and φ. These two ten in the form: parameters are individually adjusted in order to make each member a sure-success algorithm. I find that (i) Oˆ [(2/N) δi,j] i><j . (2) ≡ − | | Xi,j 1 I generalize it to the set a, since probability is conservedby unitary oper- ations. Belowweshowhowthis isdone explicitly forthe Oˆθ ≡Xi,j [(2cosθ/N)−eiθδi,j]|i><j|, (3) fuoluatremaebmobuteraslAl e1v,eAn2m,Aem4,baenrsdA6. AoffttehretfhaamtiIlyw,illelasvpiencg- 2n A the oddmembers higher thanthe firstto be discussedin which reduces to Grover’s “inversion about the mean” operator if θ = 0. That Oˆ is unitary can be easily a later work. θ Consider first the algorithm member . One has the verified. Itisalsoeasytoshowthatitisthemostgeneral A1 identity: unitary operator of the form [(A+Bδ ] i >< j , i,j i,j | | if one disregards an unimportaPnt overall phase factor. I Oˆ Fˆ(a) Φ >=[2cosθ(1 f feiφ) eiθFˆ(a)]Φ > . am not aware of any earlier published work introducing θ φ | 0 − − − φ | 0 this umitary operator. (4) Since Fˆ(a) and Oˆ are both complex operators, I also φ θ Since the operator Fˆ(a) is equivalent to an identity op- need their hermitian conjugate operators,F(a)† and Oˆ†, φ φ θ eratorin the subspace correspondingto all unacceptable which are also the inverse operators of Fˆφ(a) and Oˆθ, re- elements of the data base, sure success of this algorithm spectively. Actually they are simply Fˆ(a) and Oˆ . is achieved by demanding −φ −θ Before any algorithm is applied, every element in the 2cosθ(1 f feiφ) eiθ =0. (5) databaseshouldberegardedastohaveequalprobability − − − ofbeingthe rightchoice. Groverrepresentedthisfactby which has the solution φ= 2θ, and starting with the quantum state: − θ =(1/2)cos−1[(1/2f) 1]. (6) N − Ψ >=(1/√N) i>, | 0 | Note that if (φ, θ) is a solution, then ( φ, θ) is also Xi a solution. This is true for all higher m−emb−ers of the i.e., the state with every C = 1/√N, so that the family also, and one can easily see why. Equation (6) i has solution only for 1/4 f 1, which is the va- probability of finding any element of the data base is ≤ ≤ C 2 = 1/N. The quantum algorithm he introduced is lidity range of this algorithm. Within this range, I i |tor|epreatedlyapplytheunitaryoperatorproductOˆFˆ n have plotted θ as a function of f in Fig. 1 assuming ν θ > 0. The following special cases are of interest: (i) times on the state Ψ >, followed by a measurement to 0 | cause the state to collapse to one of the basis states. He showedthatwhennisofanoptimalvalueoftheorderof 1.2 √N, All C 2 will be very close to zero except the par- i ticular on|e C| 2, correspondingto the desirable element 1 ν | | ν in Grover’ssearchproblem,which will be very close to 0.8 unity. However,exceptfor some specialvalues of N, one walilllonthoetrobCtia2in. eTxhaucst Gunriotvyerfoarlg|Corνi|t2h,manids ienxagcetnezrearlonfoort θ (rad) 0.6 | | a sure-success alorithm, even in theory, when potenial 0.4 implementation errors are not taken into account. We generalize Grover’s algorithm to a family of sure-success 0.2 algorithms,eachmember ofwhichischaracterizedby an integer n. Denoting these member algorithms as , 0 {An} 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 then the even [(2n)th] member 2n are defined as ap- f {A } plyingtheunitaryoperatorproductΛˆ ≡Oˆθ†Fˆφ(a)†OˆθFˆφ(a) FIG.1. Plotted is θ versusf for thealgorithm A1. ntimestothestate Ψ >,followedbythesamemeasure- 0 | mentusedintheGroveralgorithm. The odd[(2n+1)th] For f = 1/4, I find φ = θ = 0, and the operators re- member ,is to applythe unitary operatorprod- duce to those introduced by Grover, and this algorithm 2n+1 {A } uct Oˆ Fˆ(a)Λˆn to the state Ψ >, before the same mea- becomes a special case of Grover’s algorithm. (ii) For θ φ | 0 surement is made. Thus makes n queries of the f = 1/3, I find φ = π/3 and θ = π/6. (iii) For data base. “Sure success”{oAfnea}ch of these algorithms is f = 1/2, I find φ = ±π/2, and θ = ∓π/4. (iv) For ± ∓ achievedbyadjustingthetwoparametersθandφsothat f = 2/3, I find φ = 104.477 ◦ = 0.580430...π and ± ··· ± all C 2,with inotbelongingto the seta ofthe general- θ = 52.2387 ◦ = 0.290215 π. Finally, (v) for ized| Gi|rover search problem introduced here, are exactly f =1∓, I find φ=··· 2π/∓3, and θ =···π/3, but in this case ± ∓ zero. All C 2 with i a will then be exactly equal to the operator product Oˆ Fˆ(a) acting on Φ > simply re- | i| ∈ θ φ | 0 1/(fN), where fN N is the number of elements in produces Φ >. a 0 ≡ | 2 Next, let us consider the second member . One has That is, 2 A the identity: A A B∗e−2iθ A Λˆ|Φ0 > ={[(2cosθ)2|(1−f −feiφ)|2−e2iθ] (cid:18)Bnn++11(cid:19)=(cid:18)B11 −−e1−2iθ (cid:19)(cid:18)Bnn(cid:19) . (12) (2cosθ)e−iθ(1 f feiφ)Fˆ(a)† Φ > − − − φ }| 0 Thus A2 = B1 4 [2cos(2θ) + e2iθ]B1 2 + e4iθ and ≡(A1−B1Fˆφ(a)†)|Φ0 > . (7) B2 = [|B1|2 −| 2c|os−(2θ)]B1. To ensure| su|re-success for this algorithm, one needs to require A B = 0. It is 2 2 − (Note that A = B 2 e2iθ.) Thus to ensure that this easy to show that 1 1 | | − is asure-successalgorithm,one needsonly demandA 1 − Im(A B )=[B 2 2cos(2θ)]Im(A B ). (13) B = 0. The imaginary part of this condition can be 2 2 1 1 1 1 − | | − − written as Ishallconsiderinafutureworkthepossibilityofsatisfy- ingthis equationbysetting the firstfactorequaltozero. Im(A B )=(2fcosθ)[sin(φ θ) sinθ)]=0. (8) 1 1 − − − HereI concentrateonthe factthatdue to its secondfac- so it can be satisfied with φ=2θ. (It is easy to see that torthisequationcanbesatisfiedbylettingφ=2θ. Then cosθ = 0.) Then the real part of this condition reduces θ is given by 6 to Re(A B )=1+8fµ2 48f(1 f)µ4 2 2 − − − Re(A1 B1)=1+4fµ2 16f(1 f)µ4 =0 (9) 64f2(1 f)µ6+256f2(1 f)2µ8 =0. (14) − − − − − − where µ cosθ. It has the solution I have plotted θ as a function of f for this algorithm in ≡ Fig.3assumingθ >0. Itisseenthatsolutionexistsonly 1 1 4 θ = cos−1 [ 3+(4f 3)] , (10) 2 {4(1 f) rf − − } − 1.2 This equation has solution only if 0.095491502 ··· ≤ 1 f 0.65450849 . Within this range, I have plotted θ ≤ ··· as a function of f for this algorithm in Fig. 2, assuming 0.8 θ >0. d) 1.2 θ (ra 0.6 0.4 1 0.2 0.8 0 d) 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 a 0.6 θ (r f 0.4 FIG.3. Plotted is θ versusf for thealgorithm A4. 0.2 for 0.030153689 f 0.88302222 , and that in ··· ≤ ≤ ··· the narrower range 0.25 f 0.58682408 A second ≤ ≤ ··· 0 solution for θ appears for each f. It should be obvious 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 that this algorithmis validfor those values off only, for f which at leastone solution for θ exists, thus the larger f FIG.2. Plotted is θ versus f for thealgorithm A2. range is also the validity range of this algorithm. Finally, let us consider the algorithm member . toNsloigtehttlhyabtewloiwth0t.h1e. lagorithmA2 we cancoverf down Eq. (12) allows me to obtain A3 = |B1|6 −[4cos(2θA)+6 e2iθ]B 4 +2[cos(4θ)+1+e4iθ]B 2 e6iθ, and B = ingNex3t,alnetduhsigchoenrsidoedrdthmeemalbgoerrsithfomr mfuetmurbeerdiAsc4u,slseiaovn-, {|B1||41−|4cos(2θ)|B1|2+[2cos(4θ|)1+| 1−]}B1. Thus I fi3nd A since they are deemed less important. I have first es- Im(A B )= [B 2 2cos(2θ)]2 1 Im(A B ). tablished the following theorem: If Λˆn Ψ >= [A 3− 3 {| 1| − − } 1− 1 0 n | − B F(a)†]Ψ >, then (15) n φ | 0 Again, I shall not consider here letting the first factor Λˆn+1 Ψ > = [A A e−2iθB∗B ] | 0 { 1 n− 1 n equaltozero. Thenagainφ=2θ fromIm(A3 B3)=0, [B A e−2iθB ]F(a)† Ψ >. (11) and θ is given by − − 1 n− n φ }| 0 3 Re(A B )=1+12fµ2 96f(1 f)µ4 is then the most convenient, since it requires the least 3 3 − − − 256f2(1 f)µ6+1280f2(1 f)2µ8 number of queries of the data base. − − − +1024f3(1 f)2µ10 4096f3(1 f)3µ12 =0. (16) − − − I have plotted θ as a function of f for this algorithm in Fig.4assumingθ >0. Itisseenthatsolutionexistsonly 1.2 [1] P. W. Shor,SIAMJ. Computing 26, 1484 (1997). [2] L. V.Grover, Phys.Rev.Lett. 79, 325 (1997). 1 [3] This generalized Grover search problem has been con- sidered before. [See, for example, R. M. Gingrich, C. P. 0.8 Williams,andN.J.Cerf,Phys.Rev.A61,052313(2000); P. H6oyer, Phys. Rev. A 62, 052304 (2000); C. Zalka, d) θ (ra 0.6 Lanl-eprint/quant-ph/9902049; G. Brassard, P. H6oyer, M. Mosca, and A. Tapp, Lanl-eprint/quant-ph/0005055.] 0.4 However, none of them appear to solve this problem sim- ply by theidea presented in this work. 0.2 [4] Grover’s original algorithm is not a sure-success one, but there are at least three revisions of it to make it a sure- 0 success algorithm. [See G. L. Long, Phys. Rev. A 64, 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 022307 (2001),andtwoearlierreferencescitedtherein.C. f Zalka in Lanl-eprint/quant-ph/9902049 has also outlined FIG.4. Plotted is θ versus f for thealgorithm A6. anotherrevisionwithoutgivingexplicitdetails.]However, since they are all aiming at solving the original Grover’s for 0.014529091 f 0.94272801 , which is the ··· ≤ ≤ ··· search problem, they are not identical to the idea pre- validity range of this algorithm. In the narrower range sented in this work. 0.12574462 f 0.78403237 a second solution [5] This unitary operator has been introduced in many ear- ··· ≤ ≤ ··· for θ appears for each f, and in the even narrowerrange lier works to solve either theoriginal Grover search prob- 0.32269755 f 0.56026834 a third solution for lemoritsgeneralization discussedhere.[See,forexample, θ appears fo·r··e≤ach f≤. ··· P. H6oyer, Phys. Rev. A 62, 052304 (2000); G.-L. Long, A trend is clearly established by the above study of W. L. Zhang, Y. S. Li, and L. Niu, Lanl-eprint/quant- the first three even members. It strongly suggests that ph/9904077; G.-L. Long, Y. S. Li, W. L. Zhang, and L. Niu, Lanl-eprint/quant-ph/9906020; G.-L. Long, Y. forallevenmembers,(i)φ=2θisalwaysavalidsolution, S. Li, W. L. Zhang, and C. C. Tu, Lanl-eprint/quant- with θ depending on f, but not on N; (ii) the f-range ph/9910076; G.-L. Long, L. Xiao, and Y. Sun, Lanl- in which at least one θ value exists becomes ever larger eprint/quant-ph/0107013.]However,noneofthemappear if of ever larger n is considered, with the n A2n → ∞ to have combined it with the unitary operator given in limit being very likely the full range 0 f 1; (iii) in Eq. 3 to solve either search problem. ≤ ≤ general the number of valid choices for θ increases to n deep inside the validity f-range for . General proofs 2n A of these statements have not yet been obtained. Insummary,aninfinitefamilyofsure-successquantum algorithms is introduced here for solving the generalized Groversearchproblemoffindinganyoneelementofaset of acceptable choices which constitute a fraction f of all elements in an unsorted data base. This is achieved by two unitary operators each containing a phase parame- ter. Theseoperatorsaregeneralizationsofthetwoopera- torsintroducedbyGroverforhisoriginalsearchproblem. The twophaseparametersareadjustedforeachmember of the family to ensure its sure-success, which is found possible only within a different f-range for each mem- ber of the algorithm family. An infinite sub-family (the “even” members) appears to have the property that the validity f-range of a lower member is totally embedded insidethatofahighermember,withthelimitbeingvery likely the full range 0 f 1. As long as f is within ≤ ≤ the validity range, the lowest member of the sub-family 4

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