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A dual assortativemeasure ofcommunity structure Todd D. Kaplan1 and Stephanie Forrest1,2 1Department of ComputerScience, University ofNewMexico, Albuquerque, NM87131, U.S.A. 2Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501, U.S.A. Currentcommunitydetectionalgorithmsoperatebyoptimizingastatisticcalledmodularity,whichanalyzes thedistributionofpositivelyweightededgesinanetwork.Modularitydoesnotaccountfornegativelyweighted edges. Thispaperintroducesadualassortativemodularitymeasure(DAMM)thatincorporatesbothpositively andnegativelyweightededges. WedescribethetheDAMMstatisticandillustrateitsutilityinacommunity detection algorithm. We evaluate the efficacy of the algorithm on both computer generated and real-world 8 networks,showingthatDAMMbroadensthedomainofnetworksthatcanbeanalyzedbycommunitydetection 0 algorithms. 0 2 PACSnumbers:89.75.Fb,89.75.Hc n a J Theproblemofdetectingcommunitystructurewithincom- network. 1 plex networks has received considerable attention in recent Inthispaper,wecombinethetwoconcepts–bothpositive 2 literature [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]. Given a network of nodes andnegativeassortativity–toformasingledefinitionofcom- andedges, the challengeis togroupnodesintocommunities munity.Becausethisdefinitionincorporatesthecontributions ] accordingtothedistributionofedges. Thereexistmanypos- n of both negative and positive relationships, we refer to it as sible waysto define communitymathematically. Onewidely a dualassortative. The networkson the bottom of figure 1 il- - accepteddefinition,knownasmodularity[1],definesacom- lustratethisduality. Theycontainbothpositiverelationships a munitytobeagroupofnodesthataremoredenselyconnected t (solidedges)andnegativerelationships(dashededges). Such a thanwouldbeexpectediftheedgeshadbeenassignedatran- networks may be fully connected, as is the case of the net- d dom. This definition assumes that each edge has a positive . workinpanelCoffigure1. However,morecommonly,only s weight. afractionofthepossiblerelationshipsbetweennodesmaybe c Acommonexampleofsuchanetworkisafriendshipnet- i known(panelD of figure 1). An example of a dual assorta- s work. Nodesofthefriendshipnetworkrepresentpeople,and tive network is one in which the edge weights are based on y the edges, which are positively weighted, represent friend- h a similarity measure, such as correlation, which can assume ships. Intuitively, communitiesare comprised of sub-graphs p eitherapositiveornegativevalue. Consideranetworkwhere [ in thenetworkthatare denselyconnectedto oneanotherbut thenodesrepresentfinancialtradersandtheedgeweightsin- sparselyconnectedtotheoutside. Thetermassortativity [7] dicate the correlation of trading behavior between a pair of 1 [8]referstothetendencyfornodestobeconnectedtoothers v traders. The dual assortative modularity measure (DAMM) thatarelike,orunlike,them.Inthecaseofthefriendshipnet- 0 definitionincorporatesallavailableinformation,positiveand work,communitiesarebasedonpositiveassortativitybecause 9 negative,toassessthestrengthofcommunitystructure. 2 nodesareconnectedtootherswithwhomtheyshareapositive Intuitively, there exists an asymmetry in the information 3 connection(friendship). PanelAoffigure1depictsafriend- . ship network, where the solid edges are positively weighted provided by positive and negative edges. A friendship be- 1 tweentwopeopleconveysastrongerbondthansharingacom- 0 andrepresentfriendships. monadversary.However,thisisonlytruewhentherearethree 8 In this paper, we incorporate the concept of negative as- ormorecommunities.Whenonlytworealcommunitiesexist, 0 sortativity, or disassortativity, into the definition of commu- : nity. Nodes are negatively assortative if their connection is anegativeedgeprovidesthesameamountofinformationasa v positiveedge. Considerthecaseofhavingtwocommunities, i based on dissimilarity, rather than likeness. With regards to X communityC andcommunityC ,iftwonodesshareaneg- the friendship network, negatively weighted edges represent a b ativeedgeitindicatesthatonenodeshouldbelongtoC and r the strength of adversarial relationships. We refer to a net- a a the othertoC . However,in the case ofthree or more com- workthat containsonlynegativelyweightededgesas an ad- b munities, the negative edge simply indicates that the nodes versarialnetwork.Aspreviouslydescribed,alloftheedgesin should reside in separate communities but does not indicate thenetworkshowninpanelAoffigure1arebasedonfriend- which particularcommunitiesthe nodesshould belong. The ships. However, let us assume that this friendship informa- informationprovidedbyapositiveedgeismorespecificthan tion is unavailable and that instead a list of adversarialrela- thatforanegativeedge. tionshipsbetweennodesisprovided. Further,assumethatall pairingsintheoriginalnetworkthatdidnotsharefriendships Theremainderofthepaperisorganizedasfollows. Insec- arenowconsideredadversaries.Theresultingadversarialnet- tion I, the mathematical framework for the dual assortative work is presented in panel B of figure 1. The dashed edges measure is introducedand explained. Further, a community indicate negativeweights. The two networks, the friendship detection algorithm used for optimizing the DAMM is de- network(topleft)andtheadversarialnetwork(topright),pro- scribed. In section II, we assess the efficacy of optimizing videsimilarbutdifferentinformation.Itisnotthecasethatthe the DAMM on both computer generated and real networks, adversarialnetworkisalwaysthereciprocalofthefriendship andsectionIIIsummarizesandconcludesthepaper. 2 realnumber,e ∈ℜ. Givenasetofcommunities,denotedC, (A) positive assortativity (B) negative assortativity rs weuse{w = e |r ∈C,s∈C }todenotethecumulative ij rs rs i j edgeweightbetweencommunityiandcommunity j. P Equation 1 gives the originalmodularity measure [1], de- notedasQ+. Theimpliededgeweightdomainise ∈ {0,1}, rs which is analogousto an unweighted network. The w term ii representstwicethenumberofedgesinwhichbothendster- minate at nodes belonging to community i. Further a = i w givesthesumofalledgeweightswithatleastoneend j ij attachedtoanoderesidingincommunityi,andT = w P i j ij istwicethetotalnumberofedgesinthenetwork. Weusethe P P termspoketorefertotheterminalendofanedge.Withrefer- encetoa,wecountthenumberofspokesconnectedtocom- i (C) dual assortativity (D) dual assortativity munityC. Similarly,T referstothetotalnumberofspokesin (full representation) (partial representation) i thenetwork. FIG.1:Comparisonofnetworkswithdifferenttypesofassortativity. Solidedgesdenotepositiveedgeweights;dashededgesdenotenega- tiveedgeweights. ThenetworkinpanelAportrayspositiveassorta- Q+ =|C|−1wii − ai 2 (1) Btiv,itthye(PnAet)waonrdkpsrtorivcitdlyescaonnteaxianmspnleegoatfivaefreiedngdesshainpdnedtewpoicrtks.nInegpaatniveel Xi=0 T (cid:18)T(cid:19) assortativity(NA).Werefertothistypeofnetworkasanadversar- The DAMM is given in equation 5. It uses a modified ialnetwork. Thenetworkinpanel Cexemplifiesafullyconnected formof equation1 to computethe contributionof positively dual assortativity (DA) network. Here, both positive and negative weightededges. Specifically,weredefinea = H(w )w , edges are present. In panel D, a partially connected dual assorta- i j ij ij where H(x) is the unit step function. This modification en- tivenetworkisillustrated. Thedualassortativemodularitymeasure P (DAMM) can be used to assess community structure in all of the suresthatai incorporatesonlythecontributionsofpositively abovecases.ThepartiallyconnectedDAnetworkofthebottomright weighted edges. We also redefine T as T = i j|wij|, so isthemostgeneral,anditisthesetypesofnetworksthatwestudyin thatbothpositivelyandnegativelyweightededgescontribute P P sectionII. tothetotalweightT. The summation in equation 1 iterates through the set of communities. For each community, the difference (w /T)− ii I. METHODS (a/T)2reflectsthestrengthofthatparticularcommunity.The i first term, (w /T), represents the ratio of intra-communal ii Thissectionintroducesthe mathematicsofthe dualassor- edgestothetotalnumberofedgesinthenetwork.Anedgeis tative modularity measure (DAMM), describes the extremal consideredtobeintra-communalifbothendsareconnectedto optimizationalgorithmforoptimizingtheDAMMonagiven nodesresidinginthesamecommunity.Onecouldmistakenly network,anddescribesameasure,calledcommunaloverlap, assume that the higher this ratio, the greater the strength of whichweusetoquantifythefidelityofacommunitydetection thecommunity. However,ifitwere,theratiowouldbeopti- resultgiventhattherealcommunitiesareknownandavailable mizedbyasinglecommunitycontainingallnodeswithinthe forcomparison. network.Thus,wecomparetheratiofoundinthefirsttermto theexpectationofitsvalue,(a/T)2. Theratioa/T represents i i theratioofedgespokesconnectedtothegivencommunityto A. Thedualassortativemodularitymeasure thetotalnumberofedgespokes,andthusitssquaregivesthe expectation. Ifthedifferenceispositive,theobservedratiois Beforedescribingthedualassortativemodularitymeasure greaterthanwhatwouldbeexpectediftheedgeswereplaced (DAMM),wereviewtheoriginalmodularitymeasure,which randomly. The greater the (positive) difference, the greater providesthefoundationfortheDAMM.Wethenshowhowto thecommunalstrength.Ifthedifferenceisnegative,thecom- quantify the negative assortative contributions of a network. munal strength is found to be weaker than the expectation, The positive and negative componentsare then combined to suggesting no communal structure for the community being establishtheDAMM.Finally,weintroducethealgorithmused investigated. tooptimizetheDAMMonanetwork. 2. Negativeassortativity 1. Positiveassortativity Thismeasureismotivatedbytheideathatasharedadver- Wedenoteanedgeweightbetweennoderandnodesase . sary represents a commonality. In other words, if both Jack rs Forsimplicityofexplanation,weconsideronlynetworkswith and Jill are both adversaries with Alice, they share a com- edgesofweighte ∈{−1,0,1},withe =0implyingthatthe monality regardless of whether the pair are friends. In the rs rs edge is not present. However, in practice e will often be a case of positive weights, we quantified how much the ratio rs 3 of edgesencapsulatedby a communitydifferedfromthe ex- have been assigned, the DAMM is computed. Thereafter, a pectedvalueunderrandomedgeassignments. Here,thesce- single node is migrated from one partition to the other, and narioisreversed. Adversarialrelationshipswithinacommu- theDAMMisrecomputedbyadding∆QDassociatedwiththe nity are not desirable. In a scenario of perfect community migratednode(sectionIB1). structure,allnegativeedgeswouldoccurbetweencommuni- A counter, denoted K, tracks the number of moves since ties. thelastDAMMimprovement.IftheDAMMfailstoimprove, Equation 2 defines the negative assortative component of thecounterisincremented. Otherwise,thecounterisresetto the DAMM. The equation resembles that of equation 1, ex- zero, and the partitioning is recorded along with its associ- cepttheorderoftermsisreversedandweconsidernegatively ated DAMM value. This partitioningrepresentsthe best de- weighted edges. Here, a¯ representsthe cumulativenegative tectedconfiguration. Theprocesscontinuesuntilthecounter i edge weight connected to nodes of community i. In other reachesapredeterminedthreshold.Foreachdivision,thesize words, a¯ = [1− H(w )]w , where H(x) is the unit step of the community, denoted |C|, determines the stopping cri- i j ij ij i function. w¯iiPrepresentsthe cumulativenegativeedgeweight terion such that the maximum allowable number of steps is encapsulated by community i. The first term of equation 2 S = α|C| (α = 3 in the experiments of section II). Once i providesanulltest. thecounterreachesthethresholdS,suchthatK =S,thepro- cessterminatesandthebestdetectedconfigurationisretained. If the splithasimprovedthe DAMM value, the globalset of |C|−1 a¯ 2 w¯ communitiesis updatedto reflectthe division. Otherwise, it Q− = i − ii (2) Xi=0 (cid:18)T(cid:19) T remainsunchangedandismarkedindivisible. 3. Dualassortativemodularitymeasure(DAMM) 1. Calculating∆QD ToestablishtheDAMM,wecombinethenegativeassorta- An important component of the EO algorithm involves tivitycontributionofequation2withthepositiveassortativity choosingwhichnodestomigrate.Ratherthanchoosingnodes contributionofequation1. WedefinetheDAMMasfollows: at random, we associate a value ∆QD,u with each particular nodeu. Thisapproachdiffersslightlyfromthatof [5],which uses a heuristic to ∆Q rather than the exact difference. The QD = Q++Q− (3) value∆QD,u representsthe changein DAMM that occursby |C|−1 w a 2 |C|−1 a¯ 2 w¯ migrating the specified node. This method resembles hill- = ii − i − i − ii (4) climbing used in other settings and biases the search for an Xi=0 " T (cid:18)T(cid:19) # Xi=0 "(cid:18)T(cid:19) T # optimaldivisiontowardsimmediateimprovements. = |C|−1 wii−w¯ii + a¯i2−a2i (5) witIhneparacchtincoed,ewue.mToainsetaleinctaalinsotdtheaftoarsmsoicgiraatteisona,∆wQeDr,aunvkaltuhee Xi=0 (cid:18) T (cid:19)  T2  luissitnogfa∆mQeDt,huovdalkuneoswanndasthτe-nEOpro[5b]ab[9il]i.stUicsailnlygcthhiosopsreoacensos,dae Intheabsenceofnegativeedges,w¯ii = 0anda¯i = 0forall nodeofrankqischosenwithprobabilityofP(q)≈q−τwhere i,andtheDAMMreducestoequation1. τ = 1+ 1 . Followingthemigrationofanodeu,∆QD,u is log|Ci| updatedasdescribedinsectionIB2. The calculation of ∆QD,u is given by equation 7. The B. OptimizingDAMMwiththeextremaloptimization derivationisprovidedinappendixA. algorithm Weuseextremaloptimization(EO)[9][10]tooptimizethe ∆QD,u = ∆Q+,u+∆Q−,u (6) DAMM statistic and detect communities in a network. EO t t t is known to be effective for community detection using the = 2 wgu−wlu + du a −a −d ) original modularity measure that is based solely on positive "(cid:18) T (cid:19) T2 (cid:16) l g u (cid:17)# assortativity[5]. EOisadivisiveapproach,inwhichallnodes w¯ −w¯ d¯ are initially placed in a single community. Thereafter, each +2" lu T gu!+ Tu2 a¯g−a¯l+d¯u) # (7) communityisdividedrecursivelyintotwoindependentcom- (cid:16) (cid:17) munities, notnecessarily of the same size. At each step, the divisionfoundtoprovidethelargestincreaseinmodularityis applied, given that the increase is positive. If the best divi- 2. Calculating∆2QD siondoesnotincreasemodularity,thecommunityisdeclared indivisible. When all existing communities are found to be After each migration, all ∆QD,u values are subject to indivisible,thealgorithmhalts. change.Ratherthanrecomputethevalueforeachnode,aless Each divisionproceedsas follows. Initially, the nodesare computationally expensive approach makes use of ∆2QD,um. randomly assigned to one of two partitions. After all nodes Each value can be updated as ∆QD,u = ∆QD,u + ∆2QD,um, t+1 t t 4 where∆2QD,um representsrepresentsthechangein∆QD,u for community structure. The third experiment involves a real t nodeufollowingthemigrationofnodemattimet. world network, the 2005 National Football League (NFL) Asnoted,computationof∆2QD,um involvestwonodes: the schedule.Ineachcase,wemeasuretheabilityoftheDAMM- t node m that was migrated and the node u for which ∆QD,u enabledEOalgorithmtorecoverknowncommunitystructure. must be updated. Both nodesmightmove to the same com- munity,ortheymightmoveinoppositedirections(eachcom- munitygainsonenodeandlosestheothernode).Weuseadi- A. ExperimentI:independentcontributionsofpositiveand rectionindicatorD ∈{−1,1}toindicatehowthenodesmove. negativeedges Iftheybothmovetothesamecommunity,D = 1;otherwise, D=−1. 1. Generatingnetworksstochastically The calculation of ∆2QD,um is given by equation 8. The t derivationisprovidedinappendixB. Inourtests,wegeneratednetworkswithN =64nodesand |C|=4communitiesofequalsize(16).Oncethecommunities ∆2QD,um = 4D(d¯ud¯m−dudm) + (wfs+w¯fs) (8) areestablished,bothpositiveandnegativeedgesareaddedto t T2 T the network. By default, positive edges are added between nodes of the same community and negativeedges are added Thecomputationalcostofcomputing∆2QD,um islessthan betweennodesofdifferentcommunities.Anexceptiontothis that for ∆QD,u. The latter requires computing w , w , w¯ , gu lu gu ruleinvolvesfalse positivesandfalsenegatives,discussed in and w¯ , which is O(|C|), where |C| represents the number lu i i sectionIIB1. of nodesin communityi. Thecost ofcomputing∆2QD,um is The stochastic generation algorithm uses two parameters: reducedtoO(1). themeannumberofintra-communityedgespernodez (both in nodesinthesamecommunity),andthemeannumberofinter- communityedgespernodez (nodesindifferentcommuni- C. Measuringcommunaloverlap out ties). Intra-communityedgesareassignedanedgeweightof e = 1, and inter-communityedges are negativelyweighted ij InsectionII, wewilloptimizetheDAMMonagivennet- (e =−1). work, recover the detected communities, Cd, and assess the ij For any node n ∈ N there are |N| − 1 possible edges, similarityofCd totheknowncommunitiesCk. Forthisfinal discounting self-loops. To generate the positively weighted step,whichcomparestwocommunities,weintroduceamea- edges, a pseudo-randomnumberr ∈ [0,1)is generatedfor sure that we call communal overlap. The statistic quantifies in each potential intra-community edge. If r < p the edge thesimilaritybetweentwosetsofcommunitiesandisusedto in in is added, where p is the probabilityof an intra-community assessthesuccessofeachexperiment. edgeexisting: p i=n z /(|C|−1). Wefollowasimilarproce- The foundation for communal overlap is the Jaccard in- in in i durefornegativeedges.Eachpotentialinter-communityedge dex, J(A,B) = |A B|/|A B|, which measures similarity isgeneratedwithprobabilityp =z /(|N|−|C|). between sets, say A and B. Each community, C ∈ C, is a out out i T S i set of nodes. Thus, the Jaccard index provides a means for comparingtwodifferentcommunityconfigurations.LetCk(n) andCd(n)representtheknownanddetectedcommunitiescor- 2. Experimentalsetup responding to node n. Then, if A = Ck(n) and B = Cd(n) the Jaccard index measures their similarity. In this context, We refer to the mean cumulative degree of a node, which greater similarity implies better detection. Communal over- combinesboththeintra-communityandinter-communityde- lap, shown in equation 9, computesthe weighted average of grees, as z = z +z . For the first experiment,we gen- cum in out the Jaccard indices for all nodesin the network. The higher erated a series of networkswith z = 16. While the value cum the value of communal overlap, Ω ∈ (0,1], the greater the of z was held static, z ∈ [0,16] and z ∈ [0,16] were cum in out similarity between the communal configurationsCk and Cd, dynamically adjusted and relate inversely such that z = out where Ω = 1 representsa perfectmatch. Ω = 0 is unattain- 16−z . For each (z ,z ) parameter setting, 100 indepen- in in out ablebecauseattheveryleast,foralln,Ck(n)andCd(n)share dentnetworksweregenerated. Werefertothesenetworksas thenodenandthus|Ck(n) Cd(n)|>0. being dual assortative (DA). Our goal is to compare the in- T dependentcontributionsofthepositiveandnegativeedgesof theDAnetworks. Towardsthisend,fromeachDAnetwork, 1 |Ck(n) Cd(n)| Ω= (9) weextractedtheembeddedpositiveassortative(PA)andneg- N Xn∈N |Ck(n)TCd(n)| ative assortative (NA) networks. To extract the PA network, S all negative edges were removed from the original DA net- work. In contrast, to establish the NA network, all positive II. EXPERIMENTALRESULTS edgeswereremovedfromtheDAnetwork. Foreachnetwork –whetheritbe aDA,PA, orNA network– theDAMMwas In this section, we report on three experiments. The first optimizedusingtheEOalgorithmandthecommunityoverlap twostudystochasticallygeneratednetworkswithaprescribed Ωwasassessed. 5 Anyvalueofz ≥|C|yieldsfullintra-componentconnec- negative degree in i tivity. Thus, for z = 15 and z = 16, the intra-component 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 in in sub-networksarefullyconnected.Ontheotherhand,themax- imumvalueofz =16coversmerelyone-thirdofthepoten- 1 DN D D D DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP DP tialinter-compoonuetntedgespace. 0.9 N N P 0.8 N 3. Results mean(communal overlap) P N N N N lowFeigruxr-eax2iss,htohwespothseitirveesudletgsroefe,thze,fiirssdtiesxpplaeyriemd.enOtn. tOhnettohpe 0.20.3 P N N N N N N N N x-axis, the negative degree, zout, iisnshown. The y-axis rep- 0.1 DNP dpnuoeasgilatitvivee resentsthemeancommunaloverlap,hΩi = 1/|G| |G| Ω(G), 0 i=0 i 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 forthesetofgeneratednetworksGcorrespondingtothespec- P positive degree ified (z ,z ) setting. The solid curve shows results for the in out DA networks. For all (z ,z ) settings, hΩ i > 0.95. Op- FIG.2: Communityoverlapcomparisonfordualassortative(solid), in out DA timization of the DAMM on the DA networks detects the positive assortative (dashed), and negative assortative (dotted) net- works. Eachdatapointrepresents themeancommunal overlapfor known communities with high fidelity. The dashed curve optimizationoftheDAMMon100independent,computergenerated shows DAMM-optimizedPA networks. For z ≥ 4, the PA in networks. networks yield a hΩ i > 0.95, which is comparable to the PA DA networks. However, for z < 4, the communityoverlap in values for the PA networks are significantly less than those B. ExperimentII:theimpactoffalsepositivesandfalse observedfortheDAnetworks. Thisdeficiencyhighlightsthe negatives importance of the negative edges that are removed to create thePAnetworks. Byremovingtheseedges,informationused Thesecondexperimentintroduces“false”edgestothenet- bytheDAMMislost. Asaresult, thedetectionprocesssuf- works: false positives and false negatives. A false positive fers. The dotted curve presents the results for the NA net- works. Note that for only z = 16 does hΩ i > 0.95. isapositivelyweightededgethatconnectsnodesindifferent For z ≤ 10, hΩ i < 0.5,owuthich means that,NoAn average, communities. In the language of friends and adversaries, a out NA falsepositiveindicatesafriendshipbetweenpeopleofdiffer- thereexistslessthana50%overlapbetweenthedetectedand entcommunities. Afalsenegativeoccurswhentwonodesof knowncommunities. thesamecommunityareconnectedbyanegativelyweighted The distance between the NA (dotted) and DA (solid) edge. This occurs when there is an adversarial relationship curves of figure 2 highlights the importance of the positive betweentwo peopleof the same community. False positives edgesthatwereremovedfromtheoriginalDAnetworks.The andfalsenegativesareroutinelyfoundinreal-worldnetworks. meandistancebetweentheDA(solid)andPA(dashed)curves Theirpresencecontributestothechallengeofdetectingcom- is 0.084 units of community overlap. By comparison, the munities. mean distance between the DA and NA curves is 0.50 units To assess the impact of the false positives and false neg- of community overlap. Removal of the positive edges from atives, we generatedDA networkswith a fixed (z ,z ) set- the DA networks for the investigated parameter range has a in out ting,andthenexclusivelyaddedeitherfalsepositivesorfalse significantlygreaterdeleteriousimpactoncommunitydetec- negatives. For this experiment, we did not disassemble the tion. DAnetworksintotheirPAandNAconstituents.Thecommu- Theseresultsprovidea proof-of-principlefortheDAMM. nity detection algorithm, which optimizes the DAMM, was Regardlessofthe(z ,z )setting,optimizationoftheDAMM in out appliedtoeachDAnetworkandthecommunaloverlapΩwas yields a high communal overlap (hΩ i > 0.95) on the DA DA computed. networks. Wheneither thepositiveor negativeedgesarere- moved, the detection process suffers. Note that if we sim- plyoptimizetheoriginalmodularitymeasureontheDAnet- works, the contributions of the negative edges are ignored. 1. Generatingfalsepositivesandfalsenegatives By optimizing the DAMM on the PA networks, we achieve theequivalent–sincethenegativeedgeshavebeenremoved, Toincludefalsepositivesandfalsenegatives,weintroduce thenegativeinformationisunavailabletotheDAMM.With- twoadditionalparameters: f+,themeannumberoffalseposi- out the negative edges, the communal overlap yield drops. tivespernode,and f−,themeannumberoffalsenegativesper By incorporatingthe contributionsof both positive and neg- node. To generatefalse positives, we assess theunusedneg- ative edges, the DAMM outperforms the original modular- ative edge space following the initial edge generation phase ity measure. Furthermore, we have demonstrated high fi- (sectionIIA1). AssumethatE−representstheentirenegative delity community detection using only the negative edges. spaceconsideredforagivennodeintheinitialphase. Were- At (z = 0,z = 16), optimization of the DAMM yields fertotheunusedsubsetofthisspaceasU− ∈ E−andestablish in out hΩ i>0.95. theprobabilityφ+ = f+/U−.Foreachpotentialedgee ∈U−, NA ij 6 wegeneratearandomnumberr+ ∈ [0,1). Ifr+ < φ+,apos- f− < 4, the mean communaloverlaphΩi > 0.95. Thus, the itive edge between is addedsuch thate = 1, where i and j rangeofhighfidelitydetectionhasbeenextended. Compari- ij areknowntoresideindifferentcommunities. Thegeneration sontothetopgraphhighlightsanothereffectoftheadditional of false negatives follows a similar procedure; however, f− information: the mean distance between the false positives dictates the likelihood of adding negatively weighted edges curve and the false negatives curve, denoted as hδi, has in- betweennodesresidinginthesamecommunity. ccoremaspeadr.edWtoithhδzrine=f7e,zroeutn=c16eit=o t.a1b1l3e.IF,uhrδthzine=r5,,ztohute=1i6nicr=eas.e05in8zains improves the mean communal overlap for the range of both 2. Experimentalsetup curvesfromMzin=5,zout=16 =.67to Mzin=7,zout=16 =.82. The bottom graph presents results for (z = 5,z = in out We generated base networks with three different settings: 22, f+, f−), for which, in comparison to the top graph, zout (zin = 5,zout = 16), (zin = 7,zout = 16), and (zin = is increased and zin is unchanged. Similar to the effect ob- 5,z = 22). The first parameter pair was chosen be- servedinthemiddlegraph, Mincreasesincomparisontothe out cthaeusienttrhae-cdoemgrmeeurneiptyreasnedntsinotenre--ctohmirdmcuonnintyecstuivbistpyawceitsh.inFboortha iMniztini=a5l,zpouat=r1a6m=ete.r67s)e.ttiHngow(eMvzeinr=,5u,znoulti=k2e2 t=he.c7a9seasfocrominpcraeraesdintog given node, since |Ci| = 16, the maximum number of intra- zin (top graph), the mean distance between the curves, hδi, cinotmerp-coonmenptoendegnetsedisgezisn i=s z1ou5t a=nd4t8h.e mFaigxuimreum2 snhuomwbserthoaft hdδozeins=5n,zooutt=d1i6ffe=r.s0ig5n8iifi).cantly(hδzin=5,zout=22 =.069icomparedto z =5representstherelativethresholdforwhichΩ >0.95 Thesecondexperimentestablishesthattheindependentim- in PA and z = 16 for Ω > 0.95. The other two parameter pactoffalsepositivesandfalsenegativesisinfluencedbythe out NA settings were chosen to analyze the effect of independently compositionof the network. An increase in either zin or zout increasingintra-communityorinter-communityconnectivity. lessensthedetrimentaleffectofeitherfalsepositivesorfalse Thesecondpairofparameters,(z = 7,z = 16),wascho- negatives, as demonstrated by the M values of table I. Fur- in out sentohighlighttheeffectofincreasingzin whenzout ismain- ther, the additionaledges (relating to zin and zout), appear to tained. The increase from z = 5 to z = 7 represents a haveanasymmetriceffectontheimpactoffalsepositivesand in in 13% increment in intra-community coverage. Analogously, false negatives. The increase in zin significantly widens the thethirdparameterpair,(z =5,z =22),representsa13% gapbetweenthefalse positivescurveandthe false negatives in out ainlycrzeeatsheeinefftheectinotfeirn-ccoremamsinugniztycowvheirlaegheoalnddinagllzowssteuasdtyo.aTno- cleusrsvper(ohnδozinu=n7c,zeoudt=e16ffie=cto.1n1t3h)e. dTihsteainnccerebaestewienenzotuhtehfaaslsaempouscih- out in thesebasenetworks,weindependentlyaddedeitherfalsepos- tivesandfalsenegativescurves(hδzin=7,zout=16i=.069). itivesorfalsenegatives.Accordingly,theedgegenerationpa- rameterspaceisextendedto(z ,z , f+, f−)with f+ ∈[0,8] in out and f− ∈[0,8]. Noneofthenetworkscontainbothfalsepos- TABLEI:Resultsforfalsepositivesandnegatives. itives and false negatives: the addition of the false edges is z z hΩ+i hΩ−i hδi M=hΩ++Ω−i mutually exclusive to a single type. Thus, if f+ > 0, then in out 2 5 16 .70 .64 .058 .67 f− = 0;conversely,if f− >0,then f+ =0. Foreachparame- 7 16 .88 .77 .113 .82 tersetting,fortynetworkswerecreated,eachwithadifferent 5 22 .83 .76 .069 .79 randomnumbergeneratorseed. 3. Results C. ExperimentIII:2005NationalFootballLeagueschedule Figure 3 shows the results on networks with false posi- tives and false negatives. In the top graph, correspondingto The third experiment uses a real dataset: the 2005 Na- (z = 5,z = 16, f+, f−), we see that both curvesare sim- tional Football League (NFL) schedule. From the dataset, in out ilar, although the detrimental effect of the false negatives is we construct networks representing the correlation of team slightlygreater. As expected,asthe rateofeitherfalse posi- schedules. Each team is represented by a node. Edges be- tivesor false negativesincreases, hΩi decreases. When only tweennodesareweightedtoindicatethecorrelationofthetwo a couple of false edges are added, the known communities team’s schedules. Teams that play similar opponents show are detected without a significant drop-off. For f+ < 3 and positivecorrelations.Teamsthatplaydissimilarschedulesare f− < 3, the mean communal overlap exceeds hΩi = 0.95. negatively correlated. The network contains both positively However,beyondthis range, the detectionrate suffers. With and negatively weighted edges and is thus dual assortative. referenceto tableI, we see thatthe meancommunaloverlap Becauseitispossibletocomputethecorrelationbetweenany forbothcurves,M =h(Ω++Ω−)/2i,is0.67. twoteamschedules,thenetworkisfullyconnected.However, In the middle graph, corresponding to (z = 7,z = the objective of the experimentis to examine the efficacy of in out 16, f+, f−), and with the mean degree of intra-community optimizingthe DAMM on partialrepresentationsof the dual edgesincreasedfromz = 5toz = 7,theeffectoftheaddi- assortativenetwork. Accordingly,onlyasubsetofthepossi- in in tionalpositiveedgesisobservable. Notethatfor f+ < 6and bleedgesarerepresentedinanygivengeneratednetwork. 7 NFL schedule correlation network contains both false pos- mean communal overlap NPNP ffaallssee pnoesgNPiatitviveess NP NP NP NP NP NP NP teietniavtmecssomsahnmadruifnnagiltsipeeos.snietTigvhaeetlisyveewes.ediggeIhsntecdeoanecdshtgiteausltietghntahmtebefenaltol,snetghpetooresditieiffvxeeisrs-t. 0 2 false edg4e degree 6 8 Further,ineachalignment,thereexistteamswithinthesame communitythatsharenegativelyweightededges.Theseedges mean communal overlap NPNP ffaallssee pnoesgNPiatitviveess NP NP NP NP NP NP NP constitutefalsenegatives. 0 2 4 6 8 false edge degree 1. Generationofnetworks mean communal overlap NPNP ffaallssee pnoesgNPiatitviveess NP NP NP NP NP NP NP To study the performanceof the DAMM on the NFL net- 0 2 4 6 8 work,wefirstoptimizeditonvariouspartialrepresentations false edge degree oftheNFLschedulecorrelationnetwork. Wethencompared FIG. 3: The effect of false positives (solid) and false negatives the detected communal alignment to the set of known opti- (dashed)oncommunal overlap. Thetopgraphrepresentsbasenet- malconfigurationsandidentifiedtheclosestmatch. Thebest works with (z = 5,z = 16); the middle graph for networks in out communaloverlapscorefromthisseriesofcomparisonswas with (z = 7,z = 16); and the bottom graph for networks with in out recordedasthecommunaloverlapvalue. (z = 5,z = 22). Foreachgraph, they-axisrepresentsthemean in out communal overlap value for forty networks. The x-axisrepresents ThefullyconnectedNFLschedulecorrelationnetworkcon- themeannumberofeitherfalsepositivesorfalsenegativesaddedto tains992edges(discountingself-loops). Oftheseedges,352 thenetworks. (35 percent) are positively weighted and 640 are negatively weighted. We generated the partial representation using a procedure similar to the edge generation algorithm used to The NFL consists of thirty-two teams split into two con- generatethepartialrepresentationsdescribedinsectionIIA1. ferences. Within each conference, teams are grouped into Insteadof computingprobabilitythresholds(suchas p and in fourdivisionsoffourteamsapiece. Eachteamplayssixteen p )fromameandegree(suchasz andz ),wesimplyused out in out games. Six of these games are the result of a team playing the probabilitythresholdsas parameters. Each possible pos- its three division rivals twice each. In addition, each divi- itively weighted edge of the full representation was selected sion is paired with one division of the same conference and withprobability p+ andeachnegativeedgewasselectedwith a second division that resides in the other conference. For probabilityp− =1−p+. each team, these division-versus-divisiongames account for Thestochasticity ofthisprocessguaranteesthatwith high eightadditionalgames(bringingtherunningtallytofourteen probability individual nodes of a partial representation will games). The final two opponents for each team result from have varying degree. Because of this asymmetry, certain games against teams from the same conference, but not in- nodesaremoredifficulttoclassifythanothers. Theseasym- volvedinthedivision-versus-divisionmatchup. Intotal,each metriescouldyieldsituationswheretheoptimalexperimental teamfacesthirteenuniqueopponents. DAMM configuration will not concur with the known opti- Through extensive analysis using the EO algorithm, we malconfigurations. In sucha case, a sub-optimalcommunal identifiedfouroptimalandtwonear-optimalcommunalalign- overlapwillresult. ments for the fully connectedNFL schedule correlationnet- Our goal is to examine whether, on average, the DA in- work. We refer to these communalalignmentsas the known formationutilized by the DAMM leads to better community optimal configurations. The four optimal alignments each detection relative to either the PA or NA informationin iso- consist of three communities (one community consisting of lation. RecallthatwecreatethePAnetworkbyremovingall 8 teamsand the other two communitiescontaining12 teams negativeedgesfromthecorrespondingDAnetwork;whereas, apiece). In each case, the 8 team community is comprised for the NA network, we remove all positive edges from the of two divisions from the same conference that are pit- DAnetwork. ted in a division-versus-division matchup. Each of the 12 team communities contain three divisions, with one divi- sion being involved in an intra-conference division-versus- divisionmatchupwithoneoftheotherdivisionsandaninter- 2. Experimentalsetup conferencedivision-versus-divisionmatchupwiththeremain- ingdivision. Bothofthenear-optimalcommunalalignments consist of four communities. In one case, each community We explored the parameter range p+ ∈ [0,1] and p− ∈ containstwo divisionspittedin an inter-conferencedivision- [0,1].Allofthestudiednetworkswerepartialrepresentations versus-divisionmatchup. Inthe other, each communitycon- ofthefullyconnectednetwork. Foreach(p+,p−)setting,we sists of two divisions pitted in an intra-conference division- generated40 networks. Similar to the experimentof section versus-divisionmatchup. IIA,ineachcase,weseparatelyoptimizedtheDAMMonthe Withregardstothefouroptimalcommunalalignments,the DAnetwork,thePAnetwork,andtheNAnetwork. 8 3. Results p_neg 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 Figure 4 gives the results of the third experiment. The bottomx-axisrepresentsthe p+ values; the top x-axisrepre- 0.91 D D D D D DP DP DP DP DP sentsthe p− values. They-axisrepresentsthemeancommu- 0.8 N N P Esrnauaanllctdihonovgmdeafrltyrlaaogpmpe,onhoieΩnprtatii,tmreefdipozprraeattsirhoetiennatlcsonofterhtrthweeesompDrokenAsadnMwinicMtgohm(tohpmne+,u4spna0m−ail)neotdphverrepeeresslcnahrpdoiebldrneestd-., mean(communal overlap) DN P NP NP N N N N N thresholds. 0.3 P D dual Foreach(p+,p−)setting,optimizationontheDAnetworks 0.2 P positive yieldsan equalor higherhΩivalue thanforeither the PA or 0.1 N negative NAnetworks. Onlyat(p+ = 1,p− = 0)and(p+ = 0,p− = 1) 0 dohΩ i=hΩ iandhΩ i=hΩ i,respectively.Atthese 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 PA DA NA DA p_pos settings there are either exclusively positive or exclusively negative edges, and thus, these DA networks are equivalent FIG. 4: Community overlap measures for the 2005 NFL sched- totherespectivePAorNAcases. Forallparametersettingsat ule network. The bottom x-axis represents p+ and the top x-axis whichtherearebothpositiveandnegativeedges,theDAMM represents p−. The y-axis represents the mean communal overlap, usesbothtypesofinformationandachieveshighermeancom- hΩi. The different curves present information regarding the differ- munaloverlapvalues.Despitethepresenceof1.8timesmore ent types of networks upon which the DAMM is optimized: DA networks(solid),PAnetworks(dashed),andNAnetworks(dotted). negativeedgesthanpositiveedges,thepositiveedgesprovide OptimizationoftheDAMMontheDAnetworksyieldsasgoodor moreinformationforcommunitydetection. Using onlyneg- bettermeancommunal overlapvaluesthanforeitherthePAorNA ativeedges,at(p+ = 0,p = 1),optimizationoftheDAMM − networks. Byutilizingboththepositivelyandnegativelyweighted detects a sub-optimal communal alignment. On the other edges, optimization of the DAMM provides better community de- hand, using only positive edges (at (p+ = 1,p− = 0)) op- tection than the original modularity measure that operates only on timization yields an optimal mean communal overlap value. positivelyweightededges. Figure 4 highlights the asymmetry regarding the amount of information provided by the positive edges as compared to the negative edges. The mean distance between the DA and ule correlation network of section IIC providesa real-world PAcurvesis0.20communaloverlapunits;whereas,themean example. The DAMM expands the domain of problems for distance between the DA and NA curves is 0.34 communal whichcommunitydetectionalgorithmscanbeapplied. overlapunits. Thepositiveedgescontributemoretothecom- munitydetectionprocess.Asexpected,as p+increaseshΩ i PA increases. Similarly,as p−increases,hΩNAiincreases. APPENDIXA:DERIVATIONOF∆QD,u Asexpressedinequation5,theDAMM,QD,involvessum- III. SUMMARYANDCONCLUSIONS mingtheindependentcontributionsofallcommunitiesi. We canrepresentthecontributionagivencommunityiwithalo- The DAMM provides a way to assess community struc- calDAMMvalue, denotedasq, suchthat QD = q. Fur- i i i ture in networks containing both positively and negatively ther,ifwewishtoindependentlyassessthepositiveandneg- P weightededges. Thisextendstheparadigmofthefriendship ativeedgeweightcontributionsofeachgivencommunity,we network to that of a friends and adversaries network. Neg- canwriteQD = q++q−. i i i ative information, previously ignored, now provides useful, Computing ∆PQD,u entails comparing the DAMM value additionalinformationtocommunitydetectionalgorithms. fromtimestepttotheDAMMvalueattimet+1thatresults The efficacy of the DAMM was demonstrated, both for frommigratingnodeu. WedenotetheDAMMvalueattimet stochastically generated synthetic networksand a real-world asQD andtheDAMMvaluefollowingthemigrationofnode t examplebased onthe 2005NFL schedule. Furthermore,the uasQD Accordingly,∆QD,ucanbeexpressedas: experimentsrevealed the asymmetry in the information pro- t+1(u) t videdbypositiveandnegativeedges. Thisasymmetryisdue tothegreaterspecificityprovidedbyapositiveedgegiventhat ∆QD,u = QD −QD (A1) morethantwocommunitiesexist. t t+1(u) t The contributions of the DAMM are two-fold. First, we . cannowanalyzenetworkscontainingsolelynegativeinforma- Utilizing the local DAMM notation, we can rewrite equa- tion. Second, the DAMM improvescommunitydetection in tionA1as: networks containing both positive and negative information. Anexampleofsucha networkisonein whichedgeweights arebasedonasimilaritymetric,suchascorrelation,thatcan ∆QD,u = ( q+ +q− )−( q+ +q−) (A2) t i,t+1(u) i,t+1(u) i,t i,t assume either positive or negative values. The NFL sched- Xi Xi 9 ,whereq+ representsthepositiveedgecontributionofthe u. Following the migration, the gain community contains i,t localDAMMvalueforcommunityiattimet(beforemigrat- an additional node. Accordingly, both the cumulative intra- ing the nodeu) and q+ representsthe positive edgecon- communitypositive edge weight, w , and the total cumula- i,t+1(u) gg tribution of the same community following the migration of tivepositiveedgeweightofthegaincommunity,a ,aresub- g nodeu. Thesubscriptt+1(u)isusedtoindicatethatanodeu ject to change. More specifically, the intra-communityposi- hasbeenmigrated. tiveedgeweightisupdatedaswgg,t+1(u) = wgg,t+wgu,t,where BygroupingthepositivelocalDAMMvaluesandtheneg- w representsthecumulativepositiveedgeweightconnect- gu,t ativelocalDAMMvaluesseparately,wecanwrite: ingthenodeu tothe gaincommunitypriortothemigration. Furthermore,thecumulativepositiveedgeweightofthegain ∆QtD,u = Xi (q+i,t+1(u)−q+i,t)+Xi (q−i,t+1(u)−q−i,t) (A3) cuopmdamteusn,iwtyeidsefiunpedaqt+ge,dt+1a(us)aasg,:t+1(u) = ag,t + du. Using these = ∆Q+,u+∆Q−,u (A4) t t 2(w +w ) a +d 2 q+ = gg gu − g u (A9) . g,t+1(u) T T ! Bymovingasinglevertexfromonecommunitytoanother, . as is done during the division process, only two communi- BysubtractingequationA8fromequationA9,weestablish ties are affected. All other communities remain unchanged. ∆q+,uasprovidedinequationA11: One communitygainsa new node. We referto this commu- g,t nityasthegaincommunity,anddenoteitasC . Conversely, g the other affected community loses a node. We denote this ∆q+,u = q+ −q+ (A10) g,t g,t+1(u) g,t losscommunityasC. SinceonlytheC andC communities are affected by a vertlex move, the onlyglocal DlAMM values = 2wgu − 2du a + du (A11) thatchangeare thoserelatingto these communities– q and T T2 g 2 ! g q. ThelocalDAMMcontributionsofallothercommunities, l Similarly,thepositiveedgecontributionofthelossgroup, {qi|i, g,i, l},remainunchanged.Thus,weneedonlytoas- denotedas∆q+,u,isdefinedbyequationA14. sessthechangeinDAMMforthegainandlosscommunities. l,t Usingthisinformation,werewrite∆Q+,uas: t ∆q+,u = q+ −q+ (A12) l,t l,t+1(u) l,t ∆Q+t,u = q+i,t+1(u)−q+i,t (A5) = 2(wll−wlu) − al−du 2 Xi  T T !  == ∆(qq+g+,t+,u1(+u)∆−qq++g,u,t)+(q+l,t+1(u)−q+l,t) ((AA67)) − 2wll − al 2  (A13) g,t l,t " T (cid:18)T(cid:19) # ,whereq+g,t denotesthelocalDAMMvalueforthepositive = −2wlu + 2du a − du (A14) edges associated with the gain community at time t, q+ de- T T2 l 2 ! l,t notesthelocalDAMMvalueforthepositiveedgesoftheloss communityattimet,andq+g,t+1(u)representsthelocalDAMM asBpryoavsidseemdbblyinegqueqatuioatnioAn1s6A.11andA14,weestablish∆Q+t,u valueforthe positiveedgecontributionsofthegaincommu- nityfollowingthemigrationofnodeu. We can now separately analyze the contributionsof ∆q+g,,tu ∆Q+,u = ∆q+,u+∆q+,u (A15) and ∆q+,u and reassemble the terms to establish ∆Q+,u. We t g,t l,t l,t t w −w d denote the node to be moved as u and introduce the follow- = 2 gu lu + u a −a −d ) (A16) ing notation: {wgg = rsers|r ∈ Cg,s ∈ Cg} to represent "(cid:18) T (cid:19) T2 (cid:16) l g u (cid:17)# the cumulativeintra-communitypositiveedgeweightforthe gain community, {w =P e |r ∈ C ,s = u} to represent Followingasimilarlogic,weestablish∆Q−t,u. Forbrevity, gu rs rs g we providethe resultin equationA18, where w¯ represents thecumulativeedgeweightofthegaincommunityconnected gu P the cumulative negative edge weight of the gain community to node u, and d to representthe positive degreeof node u. Note that q+ , whuich represents the contributionof the posi- connectedtonodeuandd¯u representsthenegativedegreeof g,t thenodeu. tiveedgesinthegaincommunitypriortomovingthenode,is definedas: ∆Q−,u = ∆q−,u+∆q−,u (A17) t g,t l,t q+g,t = 2wTgg −(cid:18)aTg(cid:19)2 (A8) = 2" w¯lu−Tw¯gu!+ Td¯u2 a¯l−a¯g−d¯u) # (A18) (cid:16) (cid:17) . We use the notation q+g,t+1(u) to denote the contribution Finally, we establish ∆QtD,u by assembling equations A16 of the gain community positive edges after migrating node andA18: 10 al,t+1(m) =al,t−Ddmandag,t+1(m) =ag,t+Ddm,wheredmrep- resents the positive degree of the m node. Accordingly, we ∆QD,u = ∆Q+,u+∆Q−,u (A19) t t t canwriteBu as: w −w d t+1(m) = 2 gu lu + u a −a −d ) "(cid:18) T (cid:19) T2 (cid:16) l g u (cid:17)# +2 w¯lu−w¯gu + d¯u a¯ −a¯ +d¯ ) (A20) But+1(m) = (al−Ddm)−(ag+Ddm)−du (B5) " T ! T2 g l u # (cid:16) (cid:17) . BysubtractingBufromBu ,weestablish∆Buasseenin t t+1(m) t APPENDIXB:DERIVATIONOF∆2QD,um equationB8. As a first step of our derivation, we concentrate solely on thecontributionsofthe positiveedges. First, weanalyzethe ∆Bu = Bu −Bu (B6) difference∆2Q+,um =∆Q+,u −∆Q+,u,where∆Q+,u repre- t t+1(m) t t t+1(m) t t+1(m) = (a −Dd )−(a +Dd )−d sentsthechangeinDAMMthatwouldresultfromthemigra- l m g m u tionofnodeuifnodemwerealreadytohavebeenmigrated −h(al−ag−du) i (B7) giventhecurrentconfiguration. ∆Q+,u,whichpertainsexclu- = −2Dd (B8) t m sively to positive edges, was provided in equation A16. To simplifythederivation,weindependentlyassessthefirstand Wenowutilize∆Au and∆Bu toestablishthepositiveedge second terms of equation A16, such that Aut = wguT−wlu and contributionto∆2QD,tum: t Bu =(a −a −d ). t l g u After migrating node m, the value of A may be altered – and, thischangeshouldbe reflectedin Au . Note the two terms involved in Au: w and w . Eacht+t1e(mrm) measures the ∆2Q+,um = 2 ∆Au+ du∆Bu (B9) t gu lu t " t T2 t# cumulative positive edge weight connecting a community – eitherthegainorlosscommunity–tothenodeupriortothe = 2 2Demu + du(−2Dd ) (B10) migration of node m. The migrationof node m may or may " T T2 m # not alter the cumulative positive edge weight between each e d d communityandnodeu. Ifnodem wasmigratedto thecom- = 4D mu − u m (B11) " T T2 # munitycurrentlynotoccupiedbyu,thegaincommunity,w gu willincreasesuchthatwgu,t+1 = wgu,t+emu,whereemu repre- . sents the positive edge weight between the m and u nodes. Followingasimilarapproach,itispossibletoestablishthe Otherwise, if the m node moved in the opposite direction, negativeedgecontributionto∆2QD,um: wgu,t+1(m) = wgu,t −emu. Using the directionindicator D, we can write wgu,t+1(m) = wgu,t + Demu. Similarly, we can write wlu,t+1(m) = wlu,t − Demu. By assembling the two terms, we ∆2Q−,um = 4D d¯ud¯m + e¯mu (B12) expressAut+1(m) as: t " T2 T # . Au = (wgu+Demu)−(wlu−Demu) (B1) By assembling ∆2Q+,um of equation B11 and ∆2Q−,um of t+1(m) T t t equationB12,weestablishthegeneralizedequation: . BysubtractingAufromAu ,weestablish∆Au asshown t t+1(m) t inequationB4. ∆2QD,um = ∆2Q+,um+∆2Q−,um (B13) t t t (d¯ d¯ −d d ) (e +e¯ ) ∆Au = Au −Au (B2) = 4D u m u m + mu mu (B14) t t+1(m) t " T2 T # (w +De )−(w −De ) = gu mu lu mu . T (w −w ) gu lu − (B3) T 2De ACKNOWLEDGMENTS = mu (B4) T . TheauthorswouldliketothankCristopherMooreandPet- The first two terms of B, a and a , are similarly affected ter Holmefordiscussionsregardingmaterialin thispaperas l g by the migration of node m. These terms represent the cu- wellastheUniversityofNewMexicoCenterforHighPerfor- mulative positive edge weight of the loss and gain commu- manceComputingfordonatingcomputationalcyclestocon- nities, respectively. The updated terms can be expressed as ducttheexperiments.

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