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A distribution and establishment program for Chilocorus kuwanae (Silvestri) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in the United States PDF

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Preview A distribution and establishment program for Chilocorus kuwanae (Silvestri) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) in the United States

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(1), 1991, pp. 197-200 A DISTRIBUTION AND ESTABLISHMENT PROGRAM FOR CHILOCORUS KUWANAE (SILVESTRI) (COLEOPTERA: COCCINELLIDAE) IN THE UNITED STATES R. M. Hendrickson, Jr., J. J. Drea, and Mike Rose (RMH) Beneficial Insects Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 501 South Chapel Street, Newark, Delaware 19713; (JJD) Beneficial Insects Laboratory, BBII, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, BARC-East, Beltsville, Maryland 20705; (MR) Entomology/Biological Con- A&M trol, Texas University, College Station, Texas 77843. Abstract.—Chilocorus kuwanae, a coccinellid predator ofeuonymus scale, Unaspis eu- onymi (Comstock) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), was introduced from Korea (1984) and Japan (1985) into the United States. The beetle was released in 25 states in the eastern halfofthe country and became established in nine states (CN, DE, MA, MD, MI, NC, NJ, OH, PA) and the District ofColumbia. Key Words: Insecta, Coccinellidae, Chilocorus kuwanae, euonymus scale, Unaspis eu- onymi, biological control, predator,Aprostocetus neglectus, Euonymusplants Euonymusscale, Unaspiseuonymi(Com- USDA, initiated a Small Farms Research stock) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), is a seri- Project in the early 1980's for control of ouspestofmanyspeciesofornamentaltrees scale pests, one of which was euonymus and shrubs in the United States (Gill et al. scale. Since U. euonymi is believed to be ARS 1982). In the absence ofadequate controls, Oriental in origin, theassistance ofthe this insect can attain populations severe Asian Parasite Laboratory, Seoul, Republic enough to cause complete defoliation and of Korea (ROK) was requested to obtain death ofthe host plant (Johnson and Lyon natural enemies attacking the scale in Ko- 1988). Even moderate infestations impair rea. Several species of parasites and pred- photosynthesis and reduce growth (Cock- ators of U. euonymi were collected by the field and Potter 1987). The pest is a nui- laboratory personnel, including the cocci- sance to homeowners because insect-dam- nellid Chilocorus kuwanae(Silvestri). Spec- aged shrubs are unsightly and require imensofthisbeetlewereshippedtotheARS pesticide treatments or removal. Some at- quarantinefacilitiesatthe Beneficial Insects Research Laboratory, Newark, Delaware. tractive but scale-susceptible species or va- After clearance from quarantine, the beetle rieties ofEuonymus, an ornamental shrub was sent to the ARS Beneficial Insects Lab- or tree, are no longer produced by nursery- oratory, Beltsville, Maryland, foradditional men sincetheplantsrequire frequentchem- studies, culture, andrelease(Dreaand Carl- ical pest control (Drea and Hendrickson 1988). A biological control method for eu- son 1987). onymusscalecouldreopenmarketsforthese Methods and Materials Euonymus. From 1984to 198641 1 adultC. kuwanae TheAgriculturalResearchService(ARS), werereceived from thelaboratoryin Korea. 198 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Initially these specimens were used to es- All cooperators replied to the question- tablish laboratory cultures. F, adults, lar- naire. From their replies and personal field vae, and a small number ofeggs from these observations we determined that C. kuwa- cultures were released at the U.S. National nae was established in CN, DC, DE, MA, Arboretum, Washington, D.C., on Euony- MD, MI, NC, NJ, OH, and PA for one or mus europaeus L. in 1984. Color photo- more years (Fig. 1). In some areas, insuffi- graphsofthepredatorscanbefoundinHen- cient time had elapsed since release to de- drickson and Drea (1988). termine winter survival. The predator became established at the Releases made in Texas failed to estab- Arboretum. By 1985 this primary release hsh. One ofus (MR) obtained 231 1 adult, C site had become a natural insectary and larval and pupal stages of kuwanaefrom servedas the main source ofliving material Maryland and Delaware sites in 21 con- for laboratory cultures and for subsequent signments from August 1987 to September distribution of the predator to secondary 1989. These were released on euonymus release sites in MD, DE, PA, NJ and DC. scale at numerous sites in Austin, Bryan, Populations ofbeetles at these locations CollegeStation,andDallas/Ft.Worth.Only increased rapidly. For example, in Swarth- a few cast larval skins were found and by m more, PA, a single shrub, ca. 2.5 diam., July 1990 only one adult was recovered. C provided 7135 beetles in the year following Release sites in Texas were ant-free and the initial release of84 C. kuwanae adults kuwanaeadultsreadilyfedontheabundant on the shrub. During the period 1985 to scale insects. Chilocorus kuwanae adults 1989atotalof16,157 beetleswerecollected were observed to feed and remain alive for andredistributedfromtheprimaryandsec- 10 days in branch sleeve cages following ondary sites. Ultimately, beetles were re- colonization. Failure to establish may be leased directly or sent to cooperators in 24 related to climatic conditions, especially states (AL, AR, CN, DE, FL, GA, KS, KY, heat. Surveys are now being conducted to MA, MD, MI, MO, NC,NH,NY, OH, OK, determine overwinter survivalship and re- PA, VA, RI, TN, TX, VT, WV) and DC. production ofadult C. kuwanaereleased in C In 1986, ninespecimensof kuwanae, col- October, 1989. The release date was select- lected by one of us (MR) in Japan, were ed to initially circumvent high summer culturedatBeltsvilleand53specimenswere temperaturesandto studythepotentialcol- supplied to the New Jersey Department of onizations of the beetle at lower tempera- Agriculture, Trenton. ture. To determine the success of the project Anexample suggestingtheimportanceof by 1989, questionnaires requesting infor- heat in preventing establishment of this mation relating to the outcome ofreleases predatoroccurred in Delaware. Five releas- madeatvariouslocationsthroughoutmuch es of C. kuwanae totalling 60 individuals oftheeastern United States, were mailedto were made in 1986 and 1987 on 22 small cooperators in June and reported in this specimens (less than 30 cm high) ofa pros- study. trate, variegated variety ofEuonymusfor- tunei, infested with euonymus scale, grow- Results and Discussion ing on the grounds ofthe Beneficial Insects By 1987, the scale populations had been Research Laboratory, Newark, DE. The reduced to a very low level at the Arbore- beetles never remained on the plants more tum, the primary release site (Drea and than 2 or 3 days and failed to establish. Carlson 1987). By 1989 the scale insects These plants were individually isolatedand were almost absent from the trees and the surrounded by bare soil. Heat rising from coccinellid was difficult to find. the exposed soil on sunny days may have VOLUME 93, NUMBER 1 199 Fig. 1. Distribution ofChilocoruskuwanaein eastern UnitedStates. A solid circle indicatesestablishment, an open circle representsone or more releases without confirmedestablishment in that state. repelled the predators. In contrast, beetles noma sessile (Say) (Hymenoptera: Formic- becameestablishedonanextensiveground- idae). cover planting of the same species at Larvae of C. kuwanae, collected from Swarthmore, PA, that had no bare soil to study sites in Delaware and Maryland dur- reflect heat. ing 1988 and 1989, were parasitized by Thepresenceofantsmaybeanothercon- Aprostocetus neglectus (Domenichini) (Hy- sideration when selecting release sites for menoptera: Eulophidae: Tetrastichinae). the coccinellid. At some locations in DE, The identifier, John LaSalle, noted that this MD, and PA, the beetles failed to establish, species is known from Europe, the Middle or ifestablished, failed to develop popula- East and North Africa where it is a parasite tions high enough to control the scale over ofcoccinellid larvae and pupae. The para- a several year period. These shrubs or trees site was previously unknown from North were always ant infested. There were nu- America. merous ants tending honeydew producers Noparasiteshavebeen rearedfrom adults such as aphids and planthoppers. The ants of C. kuwanae originating from field sites repeatedly stunglarvae and pupae ofC. ku- in the U.S. To eliminate the possibility of wanaeand removed stung individualsfrom further distributingA. neglectus, only adult theshrubs. Antspeciesonshrubswereiden- C. kuwanae are utilized for new field colo- tified as Camponotus nearcticus Emery, C. nizations. ferrugineus (F.), Formica pallidefuha La- Our best estimate of the rate of move- C treille, Lasius alienus (Foerster) and Tapi- ment by kuwanae was determined from 200 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OFWASHINGTON adultsreared from pupaecollected by R. D. vided by R. D. Gordon (Coccinellidae), D. MD Gordon in Bowie, in August, 1989. R. Smith (Formicidae),bothSystematicEn- Specimens probably dispersed from our tomology Laboratory, Agricultural Re- closest colonization sites at either Beltsville search Service, USDA, Washington, DC, Agricultural Research Center, Maryland, a and J. LaSalle (Eulophidae), C.A.B. Insti- distance of ca. 1 1 km in 5 years, or from tute ofEntomology, London, United King- the U.S. National Arboretum, Washington, dom. The manuscript was reviewed by R. DC, a distance ofca. 19 km in 6 years. It D. Gordon, and D. E. Meyerdirk, Animal appears that the rate ofmovement is about andPlant Health Inspection Service, USDA, 2-3 km per year. Hyattsville, MD. The use ofcooperators for disseminating Literature Cited thebeetlehasgreatlyenhancedtheslowrate ofnaturaldispersal. Asaresultofthiseffort, Cockfield,S. D.andD.A. Potter. 1987. Distribution C. kuwanaehas become established in nine development, and feeding impact of euonymus states and the District ofColumbia during scales (Homoptera: Diaspididae) on Euonymus the six year period from 1984 to 1989. We fortunei under greenhouse conditions. Environ- mental Entomology 16: 917-921. are hopeful that additional cooperator as- Drea, J. J. and R. W. Carison. 1987. The establish- sistance and future involvement ofthe An- ment ofChilocorus kuwanae (Coleoptera: Cocci- imal and Plant Health Inspection Service, nellidae) in eastern United States. Proceedings of USDA, will resultinthecollectionandwide theEntomologicalSocietyofWashington89:821- 824. dissemination of the predator throughout Drea, J. J. and R. M. Hendrickson, Jr. 1988. Exotic the U.S. predators. American Nurseryman 168(8): 66-71. Acknowledgments Gill, S. A., D. R. Miller, and J. A. Davidson. 1982. Bionomicsand taxonomy oftheeuonymusscale, We thank Ho-Yeon Han and Jang-Hoon Unaspis euonymi (Comstock), and detailed bio- Lee, Asian Parasite Laboratory, USDA, logicalinformationonthescaleinMaryland.Uni- ARS, Seoul, Republic of Korea who sup- versityofMaryland Agricultural ExperimentSta- tion Miscellaneous Publications Number 969. 36 plied the original material; and S. E. Earth, pp. Beneficial Insects Research Laboratory, Ag- Hendrickson, R. M., Jr. and J. J. Drea. 1988. Our ricultural Research Service, USDA, New- insect allies: Beetles battle scale. Explorer 30(4): ark, DEand E. McClunin, Beneficial Insects 4-8. Laboratory, ARS, USDA, Beltsville, MD, Johnson, W. T. and H. H. Lyon. 1988. Euonymus scales, pp. 388-389. In Insectsthat FeedonTrees whoassisted in collecting, culturing, and re- andShrubs. 2nded.CornellUniversityPress,Ith- leasingChilocorus. Identificationswerepro- aca, NY.

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