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A Dissertation entitled A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Social Studies ... PDF

231 Pages·2016·1.68 MB·English
by  ThapaOm K
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A Dissertation entitled A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Social Studies Teachers: Constructing Ideas about Democratic Citizenship and Teaching by Om Kumar Thapa Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requi rements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Curriculum and Instruction Judith Herb College of Education _________________________________________ Dr. Lynne Hamer , Committee C o-chair ________________________________________ Dr. Victoria Stewart , Co-chair ______________________________________ __ Dr. Leigh Chiarelott, Committee Memb er ______________________________________ __ Dr. Dale Snauwaert, Committee Memb er ______________________________________ __ Dr. Sharon Subreenduth, Committee Member ______________________________________ __ Dr. Amanda Bryan-tFriedrich, Dean College of Graduate Studie s The University of Toled o December 2016 + Copyright 2016, Om Kumar Thapa This document is co pyrighted material. Under copyright law, no parts of this document may be reproduced without the expressed permission of the author. An Abstract of A Phenomenological Study of the Lived Experiences of Social Studies Teachers: Constructing Ideas about Democratic Citizenship and Teaching by Om Kumar Thapa Submitted to the Graduate Faculty as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Curriculum and Instruction The University of Toledo December 2016 The purpose of the study was to explore how social studies teachers conceptualized democracy, developed ideas about democratic citizenship, and implemented their perspectives and experiences into teaching. The study used phenomenological approach of qualitativ e research design. Six participants were selected using a convenient sampling method with data analyzed by Moustakas’s transcendental approach. The participants conceptualized democracy as a political system, civic participation, and influence of governmen t decision making. They developed ideas about democratic citizenship from multiple sources, such as family members, networking, citizenship projects, professional development training, political engagement, travel, and involvement in community services. Te achers implemented their perspectives utilizing experiential learning, incorporating student’s ideas into teaching methods, and employing technology. This emphasized the need to learn continuously, to reflect on their teaching practices, to use multiple re sources, and to participate in professional networking. Other findings that emerged included the educator’s inadequate preparation of instructional strategies and student’s apathetic responses to learn about the democratic process. This iii study reveals the need for educators, teachers, and policy makers to collaborate to develop instructional practices, incorporate experiential learning experiences, and improve social studies curricula to promote student engagement. iv Acknowledgements The writing of this dissertation has been one of the most significant academic challenges. Without the full academic support, perseverance, and guidance of all members of my dissertation committee, this study would have been incomplete. It is to them that I greatly express my deepest gratitude. Professors Hamer, Stewart, Chiarelott, Snauwaert, and Subreeduth played incredible roles for completing my dissertation. First, I am grateful to Professor Hamer for serving on my dissertation committee as chair. Her mentorship, expertise, knowledge, and commitment inspired and motivated me to accomplish the daunting task of my journey through the dissertation phases! Professor Stewart played incredible roles in guiding me in formulating ideas and integrating contents throughout the dissertation. Both professors, Dr. Hamer and Dr. Victoria provided me constructive suggestions and tirelessly supported me until the completion of my dissertation. I must express my deep gratitude to all professors on my dissertation committee for their seamless encouragement as well. Next, I must recognize the importance of my parents, brother, sister in law, and niece, my wife, and daughters for their continued moral and support toward my academic journey. I also duly acknowledge my house owner and longtime friend, Mr. Chuck Childers who helped me at times of needs! I also thank all teacher participants who kindly accepted my invitation to take part in this study and offered their valuable experiences. I acknowledge their contribution. If I missed mentioning others who have served a significant role in supporting me throughout my journey, I equally appreciate you all! v Table of Contents Abstract iii Acknowledgements vi Table of Contents ix I. Introduction 1 A. Statement of the Problem 7 B. Significance of the Problem 13 C. Theoretical Framework 15 D. Research Questions 18 E. Limitation of the Study 18 G. Data Limitation 20 H. Impact Limitation 20 I. Definition of Operational Term s 21 II. The Review of Literature 23 A. Historical Bac kground of Social Studies Education 25 B. Summary 34 C. Defining Social Studies 35 D. Definition of Democracy 41 E. Democratic Citizenship 45 F. Citizenship Educ ation and Democratic Education 47 G. Teaching Democracy: An Institutional Practice of Social Studies Teaching 51 H. Research Questions 54 I. Chapter Summary 54 vi III. Methodology 58 A. Rationale to Qualitati ve Research Inquiry in General 58 B. Phenomenological Research Approach 60 C. Recruitment Procedures, Participants’ Selection Criteria, Gaining Access, and Ethics 62 a. Recruitment Procedures 62 b. Participants’ Selection Criteria 63 c. Gaining Access 64 D. Data Collection 65 E. Data Analysis 66 F. Researcher’s Lens 69 a. High School Level Experience 73 b. College Level Experiences 75 G. Chapter Summary 78 IV. Results 80 A. Overview of the Study 80 B. Participants’ Demographic Information 81 C. Textual Description of the Participants' Demography 82 a. Licensure Area 82 b. Professional Development 82 c. School Location 83 d. Travel 83 e. Year of Experience and Courses Taught 83 vii D. List of Themes 83 E. Research Question 1 , Themes: Understandni g the Conception of Democracy 84 a. Democracy as Action, Engaging in Environment 85 b. Individual or Group Power to Decide Fate of the Individuals or Group 87 c. Taking Part in th e Government and Sharing Ideas 88 d. Civic Participation/Responsibilities 89 i. Citizens Directed Initiatives (CDI) 89 ii. Government Directed Initiatives (GDI) 91 e. Creating Rules/Cr eating Systems for Protection 91 i. Protecting Self 92 ii. Protecting from the Government 92 f. Locus of Power: People Having Authority 93 g. Trusting in Own Fate in Life/Decision Making for Life 94 h. Form of Democracy 94 i. Summary on the Conception of Democracy 95 F. Research Question 2: Developing Idea s about Democratic Citizenship 98 a. Active Participation (Students vs. Teachers Perspectives ) 98 b. Locus of Power as a Political and Institutional Affiliation 100 c. Curriculum Emphasi s and Content Driven Teaching 102 d. Experiential Learning 105 e. Technological Influence 107 viii f. Professional Development 109 g. Summary of the Developing Ideas about Democratic Citizenship 111 G. Implementation of Ideas and Experiences into Improving Teaching 113 a. Active Participation: Activities and Engagement 113 b. Understanding Multiple Perspectives/Cult ural and Regional Differences 116 c. Covering Over Arching Themes of the Content 117 d. Understanding Critical Information (Ci vic Literacy) 118 e. Sharing Personal Understanding about How Big Ideas of Democracy Citizensh ip Inner play in Teaching 120 f. Academic Preparation of Te aching Democratic Citizenship 121 g. Reflecting on Own Work: Critical Thi nking 125 h. Considering Democratic Pr inciples: Academic Preparation for Teaching 127 H. Specific Democratic Values Expressed by the Participants 128 I. Chapter Summary 131 V. Discussion 134 A. Conceptual Framework 134 B. Summary of the Problem 136 C. Limitations of the Chapter 137 D. Discussion of Themes 139 E. Themes on the Conception of Democracy 139 a. Democracy as Actions: Engaging in Environment 139 ix b. Local Initiatives (Citizens Directed Initiatives) and Go vernment Directed Initiatives 141 i. Citizens Directed Initiati ves (CDI) 141 ii. Government Directed Initiatives (GDI) 141 c. People Having Power Ov er Life and Deciding Own Fate 141 d. Creating Rules/System for Life 142 e. Protecting Each Other and P rotecting from the Government 142 F. Specific Theori es of Democracy as Identified 143 a. Liberal Democracy 143 b. Deliberativ e Democracy 145 c. Participatory Democracy 145 d. Summary on the Conception of Democracy 148 G. Developing Ideas about Democratic Citizenship 150 a. Locus of Power: Political and Institutional Affiliation for the Growth of Ideas of Democratic Citizenship 151 b. Multiple Sources of Acquiring Idea s about Democratic Citizenship 153 i. Active Participation (Students) 156 c. Curriculum Emph asis: Content Driven Teaching 155 d. Experiential Teaching 159 e. Technological Influence 161 f. Professional Dev elopment and Other Activities 162 g. Summary on the Development of Id eas of Democratic Citizenship 163 H. Implementation of Ideas and Experiences into Improving Teaching 165 x

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