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A Directory of Paper Recycling Resources PDF

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P aperMatcherTMi s a publication of the identify markets for recovered paper. The American Forest & Paper Association directory lists the names and addresses of (AF&PA), the national trade association paper mills known to utilize recovered of the U.S. paper and forest products paper as a raw material; recovered paper industry. dealers who sort, pack and sell recovered paper to paper mills; and recycling centers This is the third edition of PaperMatcherTM, that accept recovered paper. one of many publications and resources AF&PA has produced to foster and expand AF&PA has attempted to compile as paper recovery and recycling. comprehensive a list as possible of mills, recovered paper dealers and recycling America’s paper companies are fully centers. However, all information in committed to maximizing recycling and PaperMatcherTMi s subject to change, and minimizing the amount of paper that ends it is advisable to consult the most current up in landfills. Central to the recycling telephone directory for additions, deletions, effort is the industry’s goal to recover - new addresses, etc. Please notify the for recycling and reuse - 50 percent of all American Forest & Paper Association, the paper Americans use in the year 2000. 111 1 19th Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20036, with new or PaperMatcherTMis designed to help updated information that should be individuals, groups and communities included in future PaperMatcherTMli stings. I PAPER RECOVERY The cover of this directory contains 80 percent total recycled fibep. The teit of this directory contains 50 percent total recycled fibel! A Directory of Paper Recycling Resources PAPER RECYCLING- MAKING PROGRESS TOWARD THE 50 PERCENT RECOVERY GOAL Pale i DIRECTORY OF U.S. PAPER AND PAPERBOARD MILLS CONSUMING RECOVERED PAPER Pale 1 DIRECTORY OF U.S. RECOVERED PAPER DEALERS page 25 DIRECTORY OF U.S RECYCLING CENTERS page 39 October 1994 1 Making Progress lbward the 50 Percent Recovery Coal W hile recycling has played an impor- Achieving such an ambitious goal will not tant role throughout the 300-plus be easy. Already, however, America's year history of pulp, paper and pulp, paper and paperboard industry is paperboard manufacture in America, investing billions of dollars in plants and 1993 marked two particularly significant equipment designed to expand utilization recycling milestones. of recovered paper as a raw material. Recovered paper utilization continues to Last year, for the first time in history, more rise in each major sector of the industry paper was recovered in the United States -as does consumer demand for than was landfilled - a remarkable recycled-content paper products. accomplishment made possible by the millions of Americans who take the time to But the strong growth in paper recovery separate their used paper and make it does more than just provide papermakers available for recovery. Last year also with a vital raw material. The millions of marked achievement of the industry's 1995 tons of paper Americans recover at home goal to recover 40 percent of all the paper and in the workplace are millions of tons Americans use - a goal reached two that don't end up in the nation's landfills - years ahead of schedule. And at the end of good news for the environment. last year, the industry set its sights even higher, establishing a new goal to recover one-half of all the paper Americans use in Thanks to You, It's BOOmiflB the year 2000. Establishing the paper industry's 40 percent paper recovery goal in 1990 marked the starting point of an unprecedented effort here in the United States to expand recovery of paper for recycling. It's an effort that's in full swing today. Thanks to the efforts of millions of Americans who sort out recyclable paper at home and work, impressive statistics -~ continue to mount. For example: Last year, nearly 36 million tons of paper and paperboard were recovered in the United States - twice as much as in 1980. i A M E R I C A N F O R E S T 6 P A P E R A S S O C I A T I O N More than one of every two news- During the balance of this decade, U.S. papers, 62 percent of all Corrugated papermakers plan unprecedented invest- material and one-third of all paper and ments in new manufacturing capacity to paperboard packaging (compared to 12 increase their reliance on recovered paper percent of all other packaging) are being as a raw material. Already, however, recove red. recovered paper is an important raw Americans now recover 40 percent of all material for U.S. papermakers. Consider - paper used achieving the industry’s these statistics: 1995 recovery goal well ahead of schedule. In all, paper and paperboard account Of the more than 500 U.S. paper and for more than 60 percent of all materials paperboard mills, 75 percent recycle some diverted from the municipal solid waste recovered paper, and 200 depend on it stream. entirely. Every day, U.S. papermakers recycle enough paper to fill a 15-mile-long train of boxcars. At the turn of the century, recovered paper is expected to supply 40 percent of all fiber used to make paper and paperboard - products up from 25 percent in 1988. In the year 2000, an estimated 78 percent of recovered paper will be recycled domestically; 15 percent will be exported to foreign recyclers; and the remaining 7 Paper Ip Paperboard (62.6%) percent will be reused to make such Metal (1 1. l%) products as animal bedding, insulation, n Glass (7.8%) hydromulch and compost. Plastic (1 2%) Other (1 7.8%) Sour@: Fnnklin ASK (1990) Vital lo U.S. Papermakers U.S. papermakers’ demand for recovered paper has grown alongside the dramatic growth in recovered paper supply. The availability of increasing supplies of recovered paper has provided tremendous opportunities for U.S. manufacturers to lk 1906 1& tk 1k 1990 1991 1992 143 increase recycling capacity. Source: AF&PA ii P A P E R M A T C H E R PAPER RECYCLING: 2000. But just as public-private cooperation was the key to achieving the 40 percent Keeping a Valuable target ahead of schedule, so will it be the Resource Out of Landfills key to achieving the new 50 percent goal. One of the principal reasons why the paper Specifically, four things must happen: industry set its original 40 percent paper recovery goal was to reduce the amount of 1. Paper recovery programs must continue paper going into America’s landfills. With io grow. We’ve seen extraordinary growth existing landfill space filling up and new in paper recovery programs at the local level landfills increasingly difficult to site, it - and equally extraordinary participation became imperative that manufacturers and in them by millions of environmentally consumers work together to reduce the conscious Americans. Looking ahead, it is amount of materials destined for disposal. vitally important to realize that different What‘s more, because recovered paper is types of recovered paper are suitable for such a valuable resource, increasing recycling into different types of paper and recovery made perfect sense for America’s paperboard products. The point is that all papermakers. recovered paper is not the same. Continued growth in paper recovery programs - Largely as a result of this commitment to focused on recovery of source-separated increase paper recovery, there have been grades of paper in demand by recyclers - - and will continue to be - significant is essential. changes in the way used paper is managed. Consider these facts: 1E ven though paper consumption has Tissue li%l increased, significantly less paper is going to landfills - 11 million fewer tons in 1993 than in 1987. In 1993, U.S. paper recovery saved more than 90 million cubic yards of landfill space. In 1993, for the first time in history, more paper was recovered in the United States than was landfilled. When the 50 percent goal is achieved, twice as much paper will be recovered as landfilled. THE 50 PERCENT GOAL. 2. US. paper manufacfurers must How Will We Achieve I i make unprecedented investments in America’s papermakers have set an new recycling capacity. U.S. paper ambitious goal - recovering 50 percent of manufacturers need to continue to expand all the paper Americans use in the year their recycling capacity in order to provide iii A M E R I C A N F O R E S T (I P A P E R A S S O C I A T I O N markets for growing supplies of recovered by using recycled and recycled-content paper. This is occurring. In fact, during products. Fortunately, consumer demand the balance of this decade, U.S. paper for these products remains strong and, in companies plan to invest nearly $10 billion fact, is driving recycling expansion. in new man-ufacturing capacity that will allow them to make more recycled and recycled-content paper and paperboard. NewsDrint (3%) Source FranklinA sw. (1993)- The U.S. paper industry reached its 40 (2%) percent recovery goal ahead of schedule SoumA F&PA (1993) because of the dedication and cooperation of millions of Americans. Reaching the 50 3. Government must continue to allow a percent goal - and achieving a paper market-driven, reco very-based approach recovery rate well in excess of the world to recycljng. Government must avoid average -will take even more dedication market-distorting policies such as flow and cooperation. control, which restricts recyclers’ access to All signs, however, point to success. recovered materials, or recycled-content Americans are recovering more and more mandates, which dictate where recovered paper at home and on the job - keeping fiber should go. Both policies inhibit millions of tons of paper out of the nation’s manufacturers’ flexibility and constitute landfills. Paper manufacturers are ear- barriers to efficient recycling expansion marking billions of dollars to increase their that will jeopardize achievement of the 50 recycling capacity. American consumers percent paper recovery goal. continue to demand recycled paper products. -~ 4. Consumers must continue to demand With this kind of teamwork, we’ll usher in recycled and recycled-content paper and the 21st century recovering fully 50 percent paperboard products. Just as consumers of all the paper Americans use - an begin the process by source-separating achievement in which all of us will be able their paper, they dose the recycling loop to take great pride. iv P A P E R M A T C H E R

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