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by  N.A.
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A Tve Lonaiey (a ben As ir ‘Wemrpurn Toykckihes Pte Mea Govt of Weat Hevsal DICTION AR OF Cc HEMIS TRY. 1 RSORBERT, (2) iu. A ACETOUS, (4) Tt, ACKSCENT. ‘This word may be expployed oo denote a matter, which cither is turning four, shat is to fay, acid, or which i Mighly acid. Ser Acro. ¢c) TV. ACTED. Acids are of all fahine fubfiances the moft fmple, and conte. quently ought to be gonfiderad ax ficondary prenipks. ‘tben tame is derived fom there tale, which acid or four. One of the marks be which chey are cafily known,.ts thetr propery of ebangmg inca red the blue colo oF an infution of flowers of violets, of of che undlure of helotiaprum. (4) I acids were feparated front all modture ar water, amt fom all other fab- frances not necelfuty to their Giline effence, they would appear under a conurcte fa] Assourenr. Thole varthy ant fe} The word au feat can only be propeyly he Seite TLS, oT Aa Ge Sher een a gpm ne apn mre oo ey an Bere eee oe beer Ua sabe eat a maga gaat ec le ocd feos pumas a ek tans Tovey Shag denominated “ytaline cattle. See EARTH, bles, 1s not cqrmmon to cll aceds , for the iam ie Sus acer 9 Pgh te Te ee aaraiaeteime Toestnren a to i beginner tale Sati ite aac Pei oiees aeons ae mar “Fat de a en ees te by rane eP vinegar. Se Virzcan, wd Brae, B o = Acer or (lid form, But ‘xe Liquid y becaale vbeie efBniey 0a watss is fo grear, that when they. ‘no more than what is neceffary to conftitute them fittg they axe ftrongly difpoted to (eize more water, whenever they cam. touch it, ard as the atmofphere is always loaded with watery vapors, the contait of the air is folely fufficient to rendgg acids Avid, by their rapid union with its moiftare. ‘Acids have a general tendency to unice with almoft all fubstances, particularly with thofe which ave eithet fimple, or not much compounded ; as phlopi alkaline fits, xed and volatile, eacths, (efpecially chote called afjordent), metallic Fabltances, water, and oil. ‘Many fabftances are’by chémits called acids, becaute they poftels thofe ge- neral properties which we bave mentioned, But thefe fubftances differ from each other by properties peculiar vo each. As acids from their tendency to unite, and to remain united with aknoft all other bodies, are never iound {ingle and pure, but mult be obtained and fepa~ rated by artificial operations from the bodies, with which they happen to be combined , they have been dittinguifhcd by auchors into claffes, according ta the fubftances whence they are extracted. ‘Theft clailes ure mineral acids, vege- table acids, and animal acids. An Mr, Geolivoy's Table of Aginities, thole of acids are marked in the follawing order : fixed alkali; volatile allzaliy earchs 5 metallic fubitances. (6) ‘Very concentrated acids taken internally in a dofe fomewhat Jarge ; for ine Rance, an ounce, or even much le, when the acid is fiufceptible of great con- centration ; are corrofive and genuine poifons.. Their: bef antidotes are alka. Tine fabftances, either faline or earthy, oils, alkaline foaps, large quantities of mitd drink, as water, milk, oaucilages. The moft be given copioufly. and fpeedily. Small dofes of acids diluted with much water, fo as to Lie agreosbly acidu- fous, and blunted by fome mild fubftance, as fugar, are excellent cooling and ritive medicines, fx to quench exceffive thirih, and Ipflen the acrimony of the bile. They are chedy vleful in allalefcent apattiane, and ia putrid, Anflammatory fevers. Their whole action feenu te be exerted.op the prima: ‘vise; for they are rendered anadtive by. the powers of digeltion, by means of which they ate combined with the earthy and oily parts. of aliments and di. geflive juices. ‘They would be ceriaio poifons if: chey palied into the blood ‘velfels with their acid qualitics, at leaft with cheie acidity undiminithed. They would coagulate the blood, and would greatly irritate the nervous and fenfible pitts, Malpighi killed a dog by injecting into the veios fach # quantity of Riecous acid, as would not have hurt, if i bat been fwallomed: “Acids em- jloyed externally thew fimilar qualities, but more fealibly than when impaired, by. the digeftive powers. They are ufeful again alkslekene paridinye fe) The affinities o powers of union of acids i The emma. Has off tcid 1 2 Ears ny 1. a tt AS g voltleaal an'amgrat, te _ a ‘union of thele twa being nearly equ: hem mith sera nei of we eg sine, copper, and perhape Tome athes metals oF cold. ig, products, and. th ‘g- Earth of, slum:.6, The remaining mxtals, acquired @ fapclBa gravityy Sitrgnt (eam. A 1 ‘VW, ACIDS (ANIMAL). This name is Biven to acids dbtained from certain animal matters ; as buttery fat, bi Thefe acids have been tov little exami be effentially different from thofe obtained from vegetables. load, ants, and moft fies. |» ined to-enable vs to judge whether they jat are ‘are cet tain, that chey differ in the fame circumftances as the vepetable acids do from mineral acids ; and probably, this diference proceeds from the fame ciule inueamadines prvity ofits eampontat pats From this utany therefore, sat compoand fs fonnad. "as Thy maybe Cosine wth (buat af wines Ba Ege: ge Tiny ay Gembinel wich aslobent cada Eke may be combined ith alkaline alts: "They tay be combined with metalic fubliances BR very gt dso diy ove ary waa fables, yt poe iy concenraioh or dilution ef the se, ie eabion of the metals by mechanical are cheu cal methods by aglintion of fulient Test and othe? near every matal may be Meeks by every welds 8 They ay be Compined with pogiton, and wb Sk 7. When they combine with thele fubMlances, Zoey aengige fom ca al x pat ofthe facie ar enh they contain. 8. bey faten and diffolve the folid parts of animals. 2 hey couplstd of of the liquid pateof Suimate V8 Phay change to tt Ue He, Tru eghten tere cart of vegraey ce! Sopot elute, hlphurcous dlls Which dlroje tele colon.” Probab in cay of ae pets Bote lion of pon holy pat of vegetable | tee le Ho vonded 14 by ufkctenly codcentested See csThay cath fermomtanones tac dre hot capable of bsg lnowsn by fe STdopee cold te taler oe 2g They ploduce coll when poured upon ict: 2. Ap acids fo powesfelly attragt water, coat eley are neverfouad are ad dey bat ae ia 8 Raid. fate then wocoabined with earch, alkalies, or metals, we cannot ‘aity aferbn the quanti of id contined “Didiled, vinegar, 14 0%» + "Spit oF fal ox. 2. de” 5. Sphirof nite, ox. dr. gr. eid of lute eg ~Htabite Fappotss, tha inca of the rye ‘eeamites of which are Sposloted Ja, he (econ column, the quan : cits 2 fis avid Hiquars, Hamberg hs attempted to fimae the any of ahd sted in the acid Spite of vinggar, nitre, Teale, and of visriol, by copntining chev liquors win tae of tat, fe 88 i petal als 5 imagining chet the weighe gained by that aati feoun a undon with ace, or che difference beswvit the weight af the fale of taytar a8 che neutral fat prodveed, 833 gueh fo he weighs of re aed contin in the quantity af acid Jiquor ermpfoyed. But nied uae Lt Gn she a expe From Galtgof tartar, darig ts combi: with seid% makes @ very conlidersble pare the aeight of thet alkali, te inferences from hie exprrimenta ace dot ju; and the real quamity of acid contain int an acid Hiquor is fo much more chan the quantity inferred by him, #2 tbe whole weight of dhe fixable air difengegod from the taltcf tartar. ‘The quantity of Rxable air concatned in fale of tertar varice much accordiag to the te- thod of its preperation, and other circum Reaqoes 5 but if we luppadg that the fixable airin the fale ofseattary fd, by, Homber ‘was in ss great a propattion asin the pearls ther of Ie. Cavend, (Poit Tran 2766} That iy 8 af the gehole weight of the a> kali, by ing Ait of the alka ul in tach experiment, we fhall neatly find the {Hae quanti of oid acid each neutral a ‘The Belt column Biews the qunacity of exch of the acide canployal to daturate ac entice Of fale af tatears ed the fecond celina ‘hoses the quantities of the neutral file pru- taced, on. 1. dr. 3 gt. 36, oz. 1. at. 3 gh 34. oe. tor. 3 gr. 10. sors he de. 3 BE. Se ey of contained alkaline at is equal con ‘ounce, aad the quantity of contained acd is aloe cosa weigh 5 wher :

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