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"A fascinatDiinagl ogu•em theh ighlsye nsitive atttiudeso fA mericalit.n by thestew o most eloqueonftp eople." -ChesteHri mes "A revelatdoirayl oguoen beinbgl acikn A mer· ica-asm an,w oman,a nda rti.s.t. .N ikkis,u per coola nd funny( the' tougheksitd on the block'r)ev,e alsh ervu lnerabilasi tya w oman. And Baldwins,of uUo fp aina ndy earninagn d complicatigoinvse,us s s omethinogf hisa ges­ oldw isdoma ndt oughness." -Gail Lumet Thankst ot het elevispiroong raSmo ula! r,e ­ markableen countbeert weetnw o of Amer­ ica'fso remosbtl acwkr itewrass a ireodn pub­ licT V. Heret,h et ranscroifp tth atm eeting betweeJna mesB aldwiann dN ikkiG iovanni formas thoroughelnyg rossdioncgu ment. Probinsge,a rchimnagd,e d ramatbiyc the recognitoifo snu ddens,u btllee veolfs c on­ frontatitohneB, a ldwin/Gioveaxncnhia ngies a freewheelicnogn versatriaonng inogv er many topiAc sD.i aloguexep lorperso blems facinAgm ericanbsl,a cakn dw hitea,s w ella s troublbeess etttihnegw orld. Representitnwgo differegnetn erations, thet wo writedriss cussaerdg,u eda,n dc om­ municatesdo me painfutlr uthsA.dd ressing themselvpeasr ticultaor tlhye c hangirnogl es ofm en andw omen inm oderns ociettyh,e y paids peciaatlt entitoont hec onsequenocfe s these new moofdb eesh avioonr t hea lready complerxe lationbsehtiwpe etnh eb lacmka n andt heb lacwko man.T het aliks s timulating, provocatidveee,p lfye ltm,a kintgh idsi alogue ar ares,h areedx periefncoert her eader. (Contoinbna ucflilke pd) (Contfrionmfu reofladnp t) IdaL ewisi,n h erm ovinga ndt houghtful Prefacwer,i te"sJ,i mmy andN ikkair ea corn­ erstonTeh.e n extb riciksy oursY.o u canh url ito ry ou canp uti ti np laceO.r"d eC oombs hasc ontribuatnee dl oqueAnftt erwotrhda its indeeodn eb ricpku ti np lace. A Dialogue alsob y] ameBsa ldwin NO NAME IN THE STREET TELL ME HOW LONG THE TRAIN'BSE EN GONE THE FIREN EXT TIME ANOTHER COUNTRY NOBODY KNOWS MY NAME GIOVANNI'RSO OM NOTES OF A NATIVE SON GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN witMha rgaMreeadt A RAP ON RACE withR ichAavredd on NOTHING PERSONAL shostrtories GOING TO MEET THMEAN plays BLUESF OR MISTER CHARLIE THE AMEN CORNER alsob yN ikGkiio vanni BLACK FEELING,B LACK TALK/BLACKJ UDGEMENT RE:C REATION GEMINI MY HOUSE forc hildren SPIN A SOFT BLACK SONG JAMES BALDWIN NIKKI GIOVANNI A Dialogue Forewboyr d IDAL EWIS Afterwobryd ORDECOOMBS JB.. L ippinCcoomtpta ny PhiladeNlepwh iYao rk • Texct opyrigh1t9©7 b3y J ameBsa ldwiann dN iktoLmt d. Forewo©r d1 97b3y I daL ewis Mterwor©d 197b3y O rdeC oombs Allr ighrtess erved Firsetd ition Printine dt heU niteSdt atoefsA merica U.SL.i braozyf C ongresCsa taloginignP ublicaDtiaotna BaldwinJ,am es,b irtdhat e A dialogue. Developferdo mt het ranscroifpa tc onversattiaopne,fd o r the televisiporong ram" Soul,an"d firssth owni nt heU niteSdt ates onW NET-TVD,e c.1 971. 1. Negroes-Psych2o.lU onigyt.e dS tates-Raqcuee stion. 3.B aldwinJ,a mesb,i rthd ate4.. G iovanNnikik,i .I .G iovanni, Nikki,j oianutt hoIrI.T. i tle. E185.625.B34 301.45'19'60737 3-4388 ISBN� 97-{)0916-X ISBN� 97-{)0948--8 (pbk.) Foreword by IDA LEWIS MortoPne,n nsylvmayn ihao,m etowinsa, litthlaem let tuckebde neaPthhi ladelIpr heimae.m btehre s nowosn e yearw henI wass eveonr e ighIt a.w okteo t hes ilent whitweo rlldo,o kifnrgo mmy windoawt d awnw itthh e fulanld wondedkunlo wledtgheaI t w asi nl oveL.a ter thadta ya ts choIo clo ulcdo ntaiitnn o l ongeIr w.r ote him ana nonymonuost e":D annIyl ,o vyeo u." Dannyi,ts eemetdo m e thenw,a st hem ostb eautiful boyin thew orlhde;c ouladc complainsyht hiHnegw .a s HopaloCnagss idyG,e neA utrayn dT arzaanl wlr apped upi no neH.e wast heS hadoww,h okn ew everything despihtiesm eree ighytea rsH.e musth avken ownt hat Il ovehidm .P erhahpesl ovemde t oo. 5 Howl ontgh ilso vlea stIec da nr'eta lrleym embebru,t onchea vinbge guni,ts eemetdo p ersfiosrte vIe urs.e d tod oh ish omeworfko rh imP.l afyo otbaanldlb aseball witthh eb oy.s ..j ustto b ei nhis companyI.' ds iint my favortirteeine my backyaarnddd reaomf t hel ong excittirnigap rso untdh ew orlwde woultda kteo gether. Them ountatihnasDt a nncyl imbine mdy d reampsi erced theh ighesskti eTsh.e w arsh ef oughsti ngle-handedlyl Thea wardhsew on!D annwya st hew orldd'asr lianngd mosotf a lhle w asa na rdent deoffem nyhd oenro r. Yearpsa ssbeyd;c hildhofoadd eadw ayC.i rcumstances separatmeedf rommy childhlooovdIe tr .a veleDda;n ny remainIe wde.n to nt oh ighleer arning;D annys lipped by thew aysidNee.w sa bouDta nnyr eachmeyd ears frotmi mteo t ime." Danngyo tm arriaenddb eathsi wsi fe unmercifutlhleyys, a"i d",a ndh e can'kte epa job." "Danniys n ott heh andsoymoeu nmga ny ouu sedt o know."" You'bells hockwehde ny ous eeh im.""I dad,i d youh eaDra nnyi sa na lcohoHlei turnce?d outt ob ea no-gomoadn ..". .T heys aid. "IdLae wisi,st hayto u?A" familivaori chea rdened bya thousayneda rcsa lloeudt t om e.' 'Ikn'odw you anywhearney,t i.m.e. Y.o uh avenc'hta ngae bdi tD.o n't your ecognmiez?e" H e waso ldt,h ina ndb onyH.i s once-smobortohws nk iwna sw eathebryee dx cessliivve­ ingHis. watereyy ebsl inked teHaer tdrriotepodss .t and ereacntd j erkheidhs e aadn dp uto uthis handI.r eached outh;i sm oishtan dsc lutchmeinde .H e movedhis lips toa ccommodattheec igarbeuttttteh ahtu ggehisd mouth. Is toosdtil la,f ratiodc hangmey smillee sIt r evetahle weakf eelitnhgah ta do verwhelmmeed. I wishedt hat 6 I coultdhi nm yseltfoa shado"wO.f c oursDea,n nyI, recognyizoeuH .o wc oulIdf orget?" "Aftalelrth esey earist,'g so odt os eey ou,h"e s aid. "Youl oogko odI.' vhee aradb outhte greatth inygosu 've beend oingA.l wayknse w as ac hild thaty ouw ere somebosdpye cial." "Ia lwatyhso ugthhatty ouw erseo mebody special too," Is ai"dI.h ada c rusohny ouf oarl ontigm e." "Yeahh,e"s aid. "Thinghsa vwturneoe udl do utd ifefr­ entlfyo rm e if I hadh ookeudp w ithy ouY.o uc ould havhee lpmeedk eempy setlofg ether." 'Wew oulhda veh adt ok eeepa cohth ert ogetheIr ," said. "Keeypo ut ogetherp-oismsibhlees ,a"i "dL.a dileisk e youd on'nte edn obodtyo k eethpe m togethAenrd.th e blacwko man. ..s hed oesnn'ete adn ybody." "Everybnoedeyd sso mebodeyv,e tnh eb lacwko man," Is aildi kae m ediocre philosopher. I sometimewso ndehro wth e gapb etweethne black man and the blacwko mang rews ov astW.e wereb oth ont hes hipisnt, h efi eldast,th e whippinpgo stsstr,u g­ glinignth e citIfy .i tn'ost d ignifled top usha garment caritt,'c esr tainnoltdy i gnifietdos cruflbo oarf tfleoro r ins omebodeyl seh'osu seAm.e rica appeatrosh ave workead c hemiccahla ngoen b otho fu s.O nep iecoef litmaubss orbtihnega cidt,h eo thepri ecteh rowiintg off.Y etb oth hbaeveetn r ibeydfi re. How can theb lacmka nv iewth e blacwko manas anythiontgh ethra nh irsi bH?o w lonwgi liltt akues t o realizeth atp aihnu rtlso,n eliisn elsosn elfye,arb egets fearH?o w muchf urthedro wn the roamdu stw eg ob e- 7

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