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A Developing Discourse in Music Education In the World Library of Educationalists series, inter na tional experts compile career-long collec tions of what they judge to be their finest pieces – extracts from books, key articles, salient research findi ngs, major theore t ical and prac- tical contri bu tions – so the world can read them in a single managea ble volume. Readers will be able to follow the themes and strands and see how their work contrib utes to the devel op ment of the field. Since the public a tion of A Basis for Music Education in 1979, Keith Swanwick has contin ued to be a major influ ence on the theory and prac tice of music educa- tion. The inter na tional appeal of his insights into the funda ment als of music and music educa tion is recogn ised in invita tions from more than twenty count ries to give keynote present a tions, conduct work shops and advise as a consult ant. These include such diverse places as Kazakhstan, Colombia, Iceland and Papua New Guinea. During 1998 he was Visiting Professor at the University of Washington, USA. In this collec tion, Swanwick brings together twelve of his key writ ings to present an overv iew of the develo p ment of his own work and of the field of music educa tion. The text allows the reader to consider Swanwick’s approach to music educa tion and how it is chara c ter ised by a concern for musical, and to some extent wider artistic, processes, shaped by his experi ence as a teacher and perform ing musi cian in a variety of settings, and also by the influ ences of philo- soph ers, psycho lo gists and soci olo gists. Keith Swanwick is Emeritus Professor at the Institute of Education, University College London, UK, previ ously Professor of Music Education and Dean of Research. He is editor of Music Education (Routledge 2012), a four-volume collec tion of signi fic ant work in the field. World Library of Educationalists series Lessons from History of Education The selec ted works of Richard Aldrich Richard Aldrich Knowledge, Power, and Education The selec ted works of Michael W. Apple Michael W. Apple Education Policy and Social Class The selec ted works of Stephen J. Ball Stephen J. Ball Race, Culture, and Education The selec ted works of James A. Banks James A. Banks In Search of Pedagogy Volume I The selec ted works of Jerome Bruner, 1957–1978 Jerome S. Bruner In Search of Pedagogy Volume II The selec ted works of Jerome Bruner, 1979–2006 Jerome S. Bruner Reimagining Schools The selec ted works of Elliot W. Eisner Elliot W. Eisner Reflecting Where the Action Is The selec ted works of John Elliot John Elliot The Development and Education of the Mind The selected works of Howard Gardner Howard Gardner Constructing Worlds through Science Education The selec ted works of John K. Gilbert John K. Gilbert Making Sense of Learners Making Sense of Written Language The selected words of Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman Kenneth S. Goodman and Yetta M. Goodman Learning, Curriculum and Life Politics The selec ted works of Ivor F. Goodson Ivor F. Goodson Education and the Nation State The selec ted works of S. Gopinathan S. Gopinathan Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Research The selec ted works of Mary E. James Mary E. James Teaching, Learning and Education in Late Modernity The selec ted works of Peter Jarvis Peter Jarvis Education, Markets, and the Public Good The selec ted works of David F. Labaree David F. Labaree Politics, Policies and Pedagogies in Education The selec ted works of Bob Lingard Bob Lingard A Life in Education The selec ted works of John Macbeath John Macbeath Overcoming Exclusion Social Justice through Education Peter Mittler Learner-Centered English Language Education The selec ted works of David Nunan David Nunan Educational Philosophy and Politics The selec ted works of Michael A. Peters Michael A. Peters Encountering Education in the Global The selec ted works of Fazal Rizvi Fazal Rizvi The Politics of Race, Class and Special Education The selec ted works of Sally Tomlinson Sally Tomlinson Corporatism, Social Control, and Cultural Domination in Education: From the Radical Right to Globalization The selec ted works of Joel Spring Joel Spring The Curriculum and the Child The selec ted works of John White John White The Art and Science of Teaching and Learning The selec ted works of Ted Wragg E.C. Wragg Landmarks in Literacy The selected works of Frank Smith Frank Smith Multiculturalism in Education and Teaching The selec ted works of Carl A. Grant Carl A. Grant Thinking and Rethinking the University The selec ted works of Ronald Barnett Ronald Barnett China through the Lens of Comparative Education The selected works of Ruth Hayhoe Ruth Hayhoe Educational Experience as Lived: Knowledge, History, Alterity The selected works of William F. Pinar William F. Pinar Faith, Mission and Challenge in Catholic Education The selec ted works of Gerald Grace Gerald Grace Dysconscious Racism, Afrocentric Praxis, and Education for Human Freedom: Through the Years I Keep on Toiling The selected work of Joyce E. King Joyce E. King A Developing Discourse in Music Education The selec ted works of Keith Swanwick Keith Swanwick Struggles for Equity in Education The selec ted works of Mel Ainscow Mel Ainscow A Developing Discourse in Music Education The selected works of Keith Swanwick Keith Swanwick First published 2016 by Routledge 2 Park Square, Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon OX14 4RN and by Routledge 711 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10017 Routledge is an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an informa busi ness © 2016 K. Swanwick The right of K. Swanwick to be iden ti fied as author of this work has been asser ted by him/her in accord ance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprin ted or repro duced or util ised in any form or by any elec tronic, mech an ical, or other means, now known or here after inven ted, includ ing photo copy ing and record ing, or in any inform a tion storage or retrieval system, without permis sion in writing from the publish ers. Trademark notice: Product or corpor ate names may be trade marks or registered trade marks, and are used only for iden ti fic a tion and explan a tion without intent to infringe. British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A cata logue record for this book is avail able from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Swanwick, Keith. A devel op ing discourse in music educa tion : the selec ted works of Keith Swanwick / Keith Swanwick. pages cm 1. Music—Instruc tion and study. I. Title. MT1.S692 2016 780.71—dc23 2015004363 ISBN: 978-1-138-90643-3 (hbk) ISBN: 978-1-315-69549-5 (ebk) Typeset in Sabon by RefineCatch Limited, Bungay, Suffolk CONTENTS Acknowledgements viii Introduction 1 1 The arts in educa tion: dream ing or wide awake? 10 2 The para met ers of music education 26 3 The model in action 39 4 What makes music musical? 55 5 The sequence of musical devel op ment: a study of chil dren’s compos i tion 68 With June Tillman 6 Musical devel op ment: revis it ing a generic theory 99 7 Music education in a plur al ist society 128 8 Intuition, analysis and symbolic forms 141 9 Musical know ledge in action 157 10 Musical value 172 11 Principles of music education 189 12 Music education: closed or open? 210 Index 223 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The follow ing articles have been reprod uced with the kind permiss ion of the respect ive journ als Swanwick, K., & Tillman, J. (1986) ‘The sequence of musical devel op ment: a study of chil dren’s compos i tion’, British Journal of Music Education, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 305–339. © Cambridge University Press 1986. DOI: 10.1017/ S0265051700000814. Published online: 18 December 2008. Swanwick, K. (1999) ‘Music education: closed or open?’ Journal of Aesthetic Education, Vol. 33, No. 4, Special Issue: Musings: Essays in Honor of Bennett Reimer, pp. 127–141. © Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois 1999. The follow ing chapters have been repro duced with the kind permis sion of the respect ive publish ers Swanwick, K. (1983) ‘The arts in educat ion: dream ing or wide awake?’ Special Professorial Lecture at the Institute of Education, University of London, November 4, 1982. Published 1983 and in 2012 by Routledge in Music Education, Major Themes (Vol. 1, pp. 16–35). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (1979) ‘The para met ers of music education’, in A Basis for Music Education (pp. 40–58). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (1979) ‘The model in action’, in A Basis for Music Education (pp. 59–80). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (1988) ‘What makes music musical?’, in Music, Mind and Education (pp. 45–59). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (2011) ‘Musical develo p ment: revis it ing a generic theory’, in R. Colwell & P. R. Webster (Eds), MENC Handbook of Research on Music Learning, Volume 1: Strategies (Chapter 4, pp. 140–172). New York: Oxford University Press. By permis sion of Oxford University Press, USA. Swanwick, K. (1988) ‘Music education in a plur al ist society’, in Music, Mind and Education (pp. 102–109). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (1994) ‘Intuition, analysis and symbolic forms’, in Musical Knowledge (pp. 26–44). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (1994) ‘Musical know ledge in action’, in Musical Knowledge (pp. 45–61). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (1999) ‘Musical value’, in Teaching Music Musically (pp. 1–18). Abingdon: Routledge. Swanwick, K. (1999) ‘Principles of music education’, in Teaching Music Musically (pp. 38–60). Abingdon: Routledge. INTRODUCTION I am greatly priv ileged in being approached to make a selec tion of my work and in doing so to review my efforts over the years in a single book. The chosen public a tions are organ ised accord ing to the devel op ment of my think ing and are mainly, though not entirely, chro no lo gical. The selec tion has been mainly from books, but begins and ends with a public presenta tion. These were initially oral present a tions and there fore differ in char ac ter from the more intense and ‘academic’ written chapters. I suspect that this makes them easier to read, and placing them at the start and finish seems to round off the writ ings in an approach able way. My approach to music educa tion has been char ac ter ised by concern for musical and to some extent wider artistic processes. It is shaped by my experi - ence as a teacher and perform ing musi cian in a variety of settings and also by the influ ences of philo soph ers, psycho lo gists and soci olo gists, includ ing my colleagues at the Institute of Education. In partic u lar and at various times histor ic ally these influ ences have included Piaget’s Play, Dreams and Imitation in Childhood (Piaget 1951), Susanne Langer’s Philosophy in a New Key (Langer 1942), Arthur Koestler’s The Act of Creation (Koestler 1964), Ernst Cassirer’s An Essay on Man (Cassirer 1944) and Karl Popper’s Objective Knowledge (Popper 1972). A little more recently Small’s Musicking (Small 1998), and Vygotsky’s Mind in Society (Vygotsky 1978) entered the frame and since then there have been countl ess other influ ences, often from general litera t ure rather than academia, for example, Pirsig, Proust and Steinbeck (Pirsig 1974; Proust 1913/1983; Steinbeck 1939). Along the way there have been minor skirm ishes, some times with soci olo gists (Swanwick 1984). Throughout I have been inter- ested in the nature of the transa c tion between student and teacher in the medium of music. It seems importa nt at the outset to provide a little context. Music education is a field in which there is a consid er able amount of published mater ial, ranging from the justi fic at ory to the criti cal, from advice on pedagog ical prac tice to provoc at ive altern at ive paradigms and a host of specific teach ing meth od o lo- gies. In academic and research terms, music educa tion is a lively and growing field with both well-established and relat ively new journ als, along with numer ous profes sional and special interest magazines. In the UK there are two inter na tion ally recog nised music education journ als, The British Journal of Music Education and Music Education Research. In the USA music educat ion

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