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Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 RESEARCH ARTICLE Open Access A cross-sectional study of the prevalence and risk factors for hypertension in rural Nepali women Rumana J Khan1, Christine P Stewart1, Parul Christian2, Kerry J Schulze2, Lee Wu2, Steven C LeClerq2,3, Subarna K Khatry3 and Keith P West Jr2* Abstract Background: The prevalence ofhypertension is increasing in much of theSouth Asian region, including Nepal. This paper reports theprevalenceand risk factors of hypertension and pre-hypertension among adult women in a rural community ofNepal. Methods: Cross-sectional data on socioeconomic status (SES), lifestyle factors and blood pressure (BP)were collected from a cohort of15,934 women in rural Nepal in 2006–08.Among a subsample (n=1679), anthropometry and biomarkers of cardiovascular risk were measured. Results: Themeanageofwomenwas34.2years(range16.4-71.2years).Morethanthreepercent(3.3%)had hypertensionand14.4%hadpre-hypertension.Inanadjustedanalysis,lowerSES,especiallylowerhouseholdfarm assetsandstorageoffoodforlongtermconsumption,wasassociatedwithincreasedoddsofhypertension(OR=1.14 formid-levelSESandOR=1.40forlowSES;pfortrend<0.01).Smoking,alcoholuseandnotworkingoutsidethe homewerealsoassociatedwithhigherrisk.Inasubsample,bothsystolicBP(SBP)anddiastolicBP(DBP)were positivelyassociatedwithhightriglycerides(SBPβ=4.1mmHg;DBPβ=3.6mmHg),highHbA1c(SBPβ=14.0;DBP β=9.2),raisedfastingglucose(SBPβ=10.0;DBPβ=6.9),highBMI(SBPβ=6.7;DBPβ=5.1)andhighwaist circumference(SBPβ=6.2;DBPβ=5.3)afteradjustingforpotentialconfounders(pforall<0.01). Conclusions:Althoughtheprevalenceofhypertensionwaslowinthiscohort,itwasmoreprevalentamongthe poorerwomenandwasstronglyassociatedwithothercardiovascularrisks.Theseassociationsatarelativelyyoungage mayconfergreaterriskforcardiovasculardiseaseamongwomeninlaterlife,indicatingtheneedforinterventionsto reducetheprogressionfrompre-hypertensiontohypertension. Keywords:Bloodpressure,Hypertension,Cardiovascularrisk,Nepal,Rural Background considered a disease of the aged, where only 23% of Low and middle-income countries bear a large burden deaths occur below the age of 70 years; however, in of cardiovascular disease (CVD), accounting for 80% of South Asia, 52% of CVD deaths occur among people the global CVD-related deaths and 87% of disability under 70 years [3,6]. Additionally, it has been estimated adjusted-life years lost [1]. CVD rapidly has become a that the age of onset of acute myocardial infarction was major cause of mortality and morbidity in low income an average of 6 years of age earlier in South Asia com- South Asian countries as well [2-4]. In developed coun- pared tootherregions [7].This trend hasled tosubstan- tries, age adjusted death rates from CVD are declining tial loss of potential human productive years. Early due to preventive interventions and improved treat- identification and rigorous control of intermediate risk ments [5]. Thus, CVD in developed countries is factors are needed to prevent and control CVD in this partoftheworld. Hypertension is one of the leading risk factors for *Correspondence:[email protected] CVD and the prevalence of hypertension has been in- 2PrograminHumanNutrition,DepartmentofInternationalHealth creasing in the South Asian region including Nepal [8]. Bloomberg,SchoolofPublicHealthJohnsHopkinsUniversity,615North WolfeStreet,Baltimore21205,Maryland Despite rapid urbanization, about 83% of Nepal’s Fulllistofauthorinformationisavailableattheendofthearticle ©2013Khanetal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 Page2of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 inhabitants live in rural areas [9]. Few studies have repeated. Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) was attempted to describe the burden and determinants for measured on the upper left arm at the mid-point of the hypertension in rural Nepal and such data are limited in acromion process and the tip of the olecranon using a the South Asian context. Exploration of such data in standardinsertiontape. rural Nepal will help to understand the etiology of CVD During a second visit among a subsample of 1679 in a population at the cusp of the epidemiologic and nu- women, anthropometric measurements were recorded, trition transition, with findings thatmay begeneralizable including height (Harpenden stadiometer, Crosswell, tootherpartsofruralSouth Asia. UK), weight (Seca 881, Hamburg, Germany), and waist Theprimaryaimofthispaperistoexploretheprevalence circumference (WC) (Seca 200, Hamburg, Germany). and risk factors for hypertension and pre-hypertension Women were then asked to fast overnight and were among adult women, previous participants of a nutrition visited the following morning by a team of phleboto- interventiontrial[10] ina rural community of Nepal. We mists to collect venous blood. Total cholesterol (TC), alsoreporttheprevalenceofotherCVDriskfactors,such HDL cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), and fasting glucose asobesity,cholesterol,triglycerides,andHbA1c,andtheir were measured in plasma specimens (LDX Analyzer, associationwithbloodpressure. Cholestech, Hayward, CA). Of the women who con- sented totheblood draw(n=1447),251(17.3%) hadnot Methods fasted, defined as no food or drink other than water This study utilizes cross-sectional data from a follow-up within 8 hours of the blood draw. Glucose data was only of women who had been enrolled in a double blind, pla- analyzedamongwomen who were fasting(n=1196). cebo controlled, cluster randomized trial of vitamin A or Continuous variables such as age, SBP, DBP, MUAC, β carotene supplementation provided to women for height, weight, BMI and WC were checked for normal- three years (1994–1997). Details of the trial were pub- ity, outliers and missing values. Blood pressure and lipid lished previously [10]. Briefly, the study was conducted parameters were categorized using standard cutoffs in the rural, low-lying Sarlahi District of Nepal. The [12,13]. Hypertension was present if SBP and/or DBP study area comprises 30 Village Development Commu- were ≥140/90 mm Hg [12]. Pre-hypertension was nities (VDCs), each divided into 9 administrative wards. defined by SBP ≥120 mmHg but <140 mmHg and/or Over a study period from July 1994 to June 1997, 17,531 DBP≥80 mmHg but <90 mmHg [12]. The cutoff for infants were born to women enrolled in the trial. high TC was ≥5.17 mmol/L (200 mg/dL); high TG was Women were supplemented before, during and after ≥1.7 mmol/L (150 mg/dL); low HDL cholesterol was pregnancy throughout the study period. A subsample <1.03 mmol/L (40 mg/dL), raised fasting glucose area was selected for more intensive monitoring during was ≥5.6 mmol/L (100 mg/dL) and high HbA c was 1 the trial. The area contained roughly 10% of the study ≥6.5% [14]. Overweight was defined as BMI ≥23 kg/m2 population and selection was based on ease of access to and abdominal obesity defined as WC ≥80 cm [15-17]. clinics and a paved road in order to facilitate biochem- Women were also classified according to the Inter- ical sample collection and to visit women at birth. The national Diabetes Federation’s worldwide definition of cohort of women who became pregnant during the trial the metabolic syndrome which includes a WC ≥80 cm period have been followed over time along with their plus≥2 of the followings: 1) raised triglycerides: children to monitor long-term health outcomes [11]. ≥1.7 mmol/L; 2) reduced HDL cholesterol: <1.03 mmol/ From 2006–2008, women were followed-up (n=16,469) L; 3) raised blood pressure: systolic BP ≥130 or diastolic during a series of up to three household visits. The BP ≥85 mm Hg; and 4) raised fasting plasma glucose: current analysis uses the data from this follow-up period ≥5.6mmol/L[16]. (n=15,934), excluding women who were currently SES was analyzed using Principal Component Analysis pregnant (n=470) or who did not know their pregnancy (PCA) by examining 17 questions on SES, extracting status (n=65). three components with eigen values >1 which explained Duringthefirstvisit,fieldworkersconductedinterviews 41%ofthe variance.One componentrepresentedasum- tocollectinformationonhouseholdsocioeconomicstatus, mary measure of household quality and status, with the literacy, ethnicity and occupation. Information on their most heavily weighted variables including type of roof smoking status and alcohol consumption were also col- and walls, type of latrines, number of servants in the lected. Blood pressure was measured four times on the house, number of rooms in the house, having electricity, right arm using an automated measurement device (BPM and owning a motorcycle. The secondcomponent repre- 300, BPTrue, Canada). The first measure was dropped sented household farming assets and food storage, with andthemeanofthelastthreewasusedforanalysis.Ifthe the most heavily weighted variables being kilograms of mean systolic or diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP, rice stored per household member, duration of time rice respectively) were≥140/90, the measurements were stores would last, ownership of cultivable land, and Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 Page3of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 Table1SelectedcharacteristicsofadultNepaliwomeninthecohortin2006–2008bybloodpressurecategories Missingvalues Hypertension(n=530) Pre-hypertension Normalblood P-valuea (n=2296) pressure(n=13,108) n n(%) Age(years) 11 <0.0001 16-30 109(1.9) 657(11.7) 4853(86.4) 31-45 366(3.8) 1503(15.6) 7742(80.6) 46andabove 55(7.9) 134(19.3) 504(72.7) Smoking 11 <0.0001 No 353(2.9) 1745(14.1) 10246(83.0) Yes 177(4.9) 550(15.4) 2852(79.7) Alcohol 12 <0.0001 No 426(3.0) 1922(13.6) 11789(83.4) Yes 104(5.8) 372(20.8) 1309(73.3) MUAC(cm)b 0 23.7(3.0) 23.7(2.9) 23.0(2.8) <0.0001c Pahadi/Madheshi 38 <0.0001 Pahadi 200(3.9) 877(17.0) 4068(79.1) Madheshi 330(3.1) 1410(13.1) 9011(83.8) Occupation 16 <0.0001 Doesnotwork 126(4.3) 468(16.1) 2310(79.5) Worksoutsidethehome 404(3.1) 1826(14.0) 10784(82.9) Literacy 8 0.991 No 451(3.4) 1949(14.4) 11120(82.2) Yes 79(3.3) 347(14.4) 1980(82.3) Landownership 63 <0.0001 No 254(3.8) 1027(15.3) 5414(80.9) Yes 275(3.0) 1253(13.7) 7648(83.3) Livestock 23 <0.0001 No 116(5.1) 368(16.1) 1799(78.8) Yes 414(3.0) 1921(14.1) 11293(82.9) TV 31 0.104 No 364(3.3) 1549(14.0) 9143(82.7) Yes 166(3.4) 739(15.2) 3942(81.3) Electricity 23 0.357 No 270(3.4) 1107(14.0) 6529(82.6) Yes 260(3.2) 1181(14.8) 6564(82.0) CompositeindicatorsofSES 577 Householdquality High 167(3.2) 778(15.1) 4218(81.7) 0.332 Medium 178(3.5) 695(13.7) 4218(82.9) Low 168(3.3) 731(14.3) 4204(82.4) HouseholdAssets 0.326 High 177(3.4) 768(14.8) 4227(81.7) Middle 177(3.5) 746(14.6) 4198(82.0) Low 159(3.1) 690(13.6) 4215(83.2) Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 Page4of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 Table1SelectedcharacteristicsofadultNepaliwomeninthecohortin2006–2008bybloodpressurecategories (Continued) Householdfarmingandfoodstoraged High 142(2.8) 713(13.8) 4305(83.4) <0.0001 Medium 166(3.3) 685(13.4) 4253(83.3) Low 205(4.0) 806(15.6) 4082(80.1) Abbreviations:SES=SocioeconomicStatus;MUAC=MidUpperArmCircumference. aPearsonChisquareexceptwherenoted. bMean(SD). cOnewayANOVA. dpforchisquarelineartrend<0.001forhypertensionandpre-hypertension. ownership of cattle, goats and bullock carts. The third adjusted for other predictors found to be significantly component represented other household assets, with the associated with hypertension in the full cohort. In most heavily weighted variables including bicycle, TV, addition, models examining the lipid profile, glucose and radio and wristwatch ownership. Each of these three HbA cwerefurtheradjustedfor BMI. 1 components of SES were categorized into tertiles based The follow-up study was approved by the Institutional ontheircomponent scores. Review Boards at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School The primary outcome measure for this analysis was of Public Health and the Institute of Medicine in blood pressure, evaluated both as a dichotomous and a Kathmandu, Nepal. continuous variable. The mean differences of BP among supplementation groups (vitamin A, β carotene or pla- Results cebo), were within 0.5 mm Hg and the prevalence of The study sample included 15,934 women with a mean hypertension and pre-hypertension did not differ be- age of 34.2 years (Standard deviation or SD=5.9), 60% of tween groups. Thus, all intervention groups were com- whomwerebetweentheageof31–45years.Roughly,one bined for this analysis. For the full sample, simple and third of them were Pahadi and the rest were Madheshi. multiple logistic regression analyses were done to study Most women could not read or write in any language the relationship between each independent variable with (84.9%) and most worked outside the home (81.7%). the outcomes of hypertension or pre-hypertension. The Approximately42.2%didnotownanyland;49.7%hadno independent variables included the three SES factors, age, electricity; and 14.5% owned no livestock. Around 22.5% smoking status (yes/no), alcohol consumption (yes/no), ofwomenweresmokersand11.2%werealcoholdrinkers. MUAC (in cm),ethnicity (womenofPahadi ethnicityhis- TheirmeanMUACwas23.1cm(SD=2.7). torically originated from the hill areas of Nepal while The mean SBP was 104.3 mm Hg (SD=12.3) and ran- those of Madheshi ethnicity originated from the plains) ged from 68 to 216 mm Hg and the mean DBP was and occupation, which was grouped into two categories: 70.9 mm Hg (SD=9.3) and ranged from 48 to 122 mm 1) no reported work or study or 2) work or study outside Hg. A total of 530 (3.3%) women had hypertension home,includingfarmers,unskilledorcontractedlaborers, while 2296 (14.4%) had pre-hypertension. Participant business,privateorgovernmentservice,andstudents.For characteristics and selected SES variables by BP both the regression models, effect modification by ethni- category are presented in Table 1. Notably,therewasa city and age were evaluated with likelihood ratio tests by trend of increasing prevalence of hypertension and pre- comparingtwonestedmultivariatemodelswithandwith- hypertension with increasing age and higher MUAC. out the interaction term. Theresultswerestratified ifany Women with hypertension or pre-hypertension were significantinteractionwasfound. more likely to be smokers and twice as likely to consume For the subsample, blood pressure was analyzed con- alcohol.Pahadiwomenhadagreaterprobabilityofhyper- tinuously, as the sample size was smaller and the num- tension (4% versus 3%) or pre-hypertension (17% versus ber of women with hypertension was relatively low. In 13%) than Madheshi women. Women with hypertension order to examine the associations of SBP and DBP with or pre-hypertension were also more likely to come from other cardiovascular risk factors (highTC, highTG, low households that did not own any land or livestock. HDL cholesterol, raised fasting glucose, high HbA c, Womenworkingoutsidethehomehadalowerprevalence 1 high BMI, high WC), simple linear regression was per- of both hypertension and pre-hypertension than women formed with SBP or DBP as the outcome variable and whostayedathome. each of these risk factors as predictors. Those with nor- Table 2 and Table 3 show the unadjusted and adjusted mal values of the predictor variables were considered as relationships of BP categories with socioeconomic and a reference group. Multivariable regression models were other predictors. In the adjusted analysis (Table 2) two Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 Page5of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 Table2Associationbetweenselectedriskfactorsand stratified the findings for pre-hypertension by ethnicity prevalenceofhypertensionamongadultNepaliwomen (Table 3). In the case of pre-hypertension, Madheshi (n=13,638) women with low farming assets and food storage had a Hypertensiona significant31%increasedriskcomparedtowomenofhigh OddsRatio(95%CI) status (p for trend<0.001). This association was not sig- Unadjusted Adjustedb nificant for Pahadi women. However, for Pahadi women those with low household quality and low household SES:Householdquality assetshadincreasedoddsofhavingpre-hypertensionthan High Reference - those with high household quality (OR, 1.23 and 95% CI, Middle 1.06(0.86to1.32) 1.09(0.87to1.37) 1.03-1.52) and high household assets (OR, 1.27 and 95% Low 1.01(0.81to1.26) 1.00(0.78to1.26) CI, 1.04-1.55). In addition to different indicators of SES:Farmingandfood SES, age, alcohol drinking, MUAC and occupation High Reference - remained significantly associated both with hyperten- sion and pre-hypertension in multivariable models. Middle 1.18(0.94to1.49) 1.14(0.90to1.45) Smoking remained significant only for hypertension and Low 1.52(1.22to1.89) 1.40(1.12to1.76) notforpre-hypertension. SES:HouseholdAssets High Reference - Cardiovascularriskfactorsinthesubsample Middle 1.01(0.81to1.24) 1.05(0.84to1.31) Among the subsample of 1679 women, there was a low Low 0.90(0.72to1.12) 0.92(0.73to1.15) prevalence of high TC and raised fasting glucose, yet a Age high prevalenceof low HDL cholesterol (Table 4). About 16to30 Reference - 10.2% women had high TG, about 12.0% were over- 31to45 2.10(1.69to2.61) 2.00(1.60to2.52) weight and 14.0% of women had abdominal obesity. Only 5% of women had metabolic syndrome. The mean 46andabove 4.86(3.47to6.80) 4.30(3.09to6.26) SBP and DBP were higher among women with highTC, Smoking high TG, high HbA c, high BMI and high WC and 1 No Reference - raised fasting glucose compared to women with normal Yes 1.80(1.50to2.17) 1.31(1.10to1.58) values (Table4). Alcohol These differences in SBP and DBP were statistically No Reference - significant (p≤0.01) for TG, HbA1c, fasting glucose, BMI and WC. The greatest differences were between Yes 2.20(1.76to2.75) 1.53(1.23to1.90) women with either high HbA c (SBP β=14.5 mm Hg; MUAC(cm) 1.09(1.06to1.13) 1.08(1.05to1.12) 1 DBP β=9.5 mm Hg) or raised fasting glucose (SBP Ethnicity β=11.8 mm Hg; DBP β=8.0 mm Hg) compared to Pahadi Reference - women with normal values. Though the beta coefficients Madheshi 0.75(0.62to0.89) 1.03(0.83to1.27) were slightly attenuated in multivariate models control- Occupation ling for factors found to be associated with hypertension in the full cohort, the association withTG, HbA c, fast- Doesnotwork Reference - 1 ing glucose, BMI and WC remained highly significant. Worksoutsidehome 0.69(0.56to0.84) 0.65(0.52to0.81) TG, fasting glucose and HbA c remained significantly 1 Abbreviations:SES=SocioeconomicStatus;MUAC=MidUpperArm associated with both SBP and DBP even after further ad- Circumference. aHypertensiondefinedassystolicbloodpressure≥140mmHgand/ordiastolic justmentforBMI(datanot shown). bloodpressure≥90mmHg. bAdjustedforallothervariablesinthetable. Discussion measuresofSES(householdqualityandhouseholdassets) In this sample of relatively young, rural Nepalese women, were not associated with hypertension, but household the prevalence of hypertension and pre-hypertension was farming assets and food storage was. Women with low 3.3% and 14.4%, respectively. Household SES was status in this latter SES indicator had a significant 40% associated with hypertension, notably indicators of increased odds of hypertension compared to women of household farming assets and food storage. Hyperten- highstatus. sion was more prevalent among older women, smo- We found a significant interaction between ethnicity kers and alcohol drinkers, but significantly less and socioeconomic status while assessing the association prevalent among women who worked outside the ofpre-hypertensionanditspredictors.Wethereforehave home. Although a low percentage of women had high Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 Page6of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 Table3Associationbetweenselectedriskfactorsandprevalenceofpre-hypertensionamongadultNepaliwomen (n=15,404) Pre-Hypertensiona OddsRatio(95%CI) Pahadi Madheshi (n=4945) (n=10,421) Unadjusted Adjustedb Unadjusted Adjustedb SES:Household quality High Reference - - - Middle 1.08(0.90to1.29) 1.04(0.86to1.27) 0.84(0.73 to0.98) 0.92(0.80 to1.07) Low 1.23(1.03to1.46) 1.23(1.03to1.52) 0.89(0.75 to1.01) 0.93(0.79 to1.08) SES:Farmingandfood High Reference - - - Middle 0.87(0.71to1.03) 0.78(0.69to1.12) 1.04(0.90to1.20) 1.09(0.95to1.27) Low 1.03(0.86to1.24) 0.95(0.78to1.15) 1.28(1.12to1.47) 1.31(1.14to1.55) SES:HouseholdAssets High Reference - - - Middle 1.11(0.93to1.32) 1.11(0.9to1.33) 0.94(0.81to1.08) 0.99(0.85to1.14) Low 1.25(1.04to1.51) 1.27(1.04to1.55) 0.81(0.67to0.96) 0.86(0.74to1.00) Age 16to30 Reference - - - 31to45 1.74(1.48to2.05) 1.67(1.40to1.98) 1.30(1.14to1.47) 1.34(1.17to1.52) 46andabove 1.58(1.11to2.25) 1.63(1.12to2.34) 2.23(1.72to2.88) 2.47(1.88to3.24) Smoking No Reference - - - Yes 1.15(0.99to1.34) 0.96(0.80to1.16) 1.05(0.87to1.16) 0.93(0.79to1.10) Alcohol No Reference - - - Yes 1.55(1.33to1.81) 1.57(1.30to1.88) 1.51(1.07to2.12) 1.46(1.02to2.10) MUAC(cm) 1.07(1.04to1.10) 1.11(1.08to1.14) 1.08(1.06to1.11) 1.08(1.05to1.10) Occupation Doesnotwork Reference - - - Worksoutsidehome 0.89(0.72to1.10) 0.82(0.65to1.03) 0.77(0.67to0.88) 0.80(0.70to0.92) Abbreviations:SES=SocioeconomicStatus;MUAC=MidUpperArmCircumference. aPre-hypertensiondefinedbysystolicbloodpressure≥120mmHgbut≤140mmHgand/ordiastolicbloodpressurewas≥80mmHgbut≤90mmHg. bAdjustedforallothervariablesinthetable. total cholesterol, 73% of women had low HDL choles- reported prevalence of hypertension in rural areas of terol and about 10% had high triglycerides. BP was India, Bangladesh and Pakistan is in the range of 4.5 - not associated with cholesterol levels, but was strongly 22% [21-25]. These studies varied in the included age associated with triglycerides, BMI, WC, fasting glucose groups, study settings, and criteria for classifying hyper- andHbA c. tension. Nevertheless, the prevalence of hypertension 1 A number of reports suggest that cardiovascular dis- among our cohort based on a cut-off of 140/90 mm Hg ease and hypertension are rapidly increasing both in was 3.3%, one of the lowest reported estimates among urban and rural areas of South Asia [3,4,18,19], yet there rural communities in South Asia. One likely explanation have been few population based studies and prevalence is the young age of our participants, in contrast to many estimates vary widely. The only evidence from rural of the aforementioned studies which were among older Nepal comes from a 1981 study in which the prevalence participants. None of the previous studies reported the of hypertension among people aged 20 or more was prevalence of pre-hypertension. Individuals with pre- about 6% in the hill areas and 8% in the plains [20]. The hypertension have a high likelihood of progression to Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 Page7of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 Table4AssociationbetweencardiovascularriskfactorsandmeanbloodpressureamongadultNepaliwomen(N=1679) Riskfactorsa Prevalence SystolicBP DiastolicBP N(%) Betac(95%CI) Pvalue Betac(95%CI) Pvalue Hightotalcholesterol 23(1.6) Unadjusted 3.9(-0.5to8.4) 0.085 1.8(-1.8to5.5) 0.320 Multivariateb 4.4(-0.5to9.3) 0.080 1.8(-2.2to5.8) 0.880 Hightriglycerides 147(10.2) Unadjusted 4.3(2.4to6.1) <0.001 3.7(2.2to5.2) <0.0001 Multivariateb 4.1(2.1to6.0) <0.001 3.6(2.1to5.2) <0.0001 LowHDL-cholesterol 1046(72.3) Unadjusted -0.6(-1.8to0.7) 0.374 -0.7(-1.6to0.3) 0.190 Multivariateb -0.5(-1.8to0.8) 0.464 -0.5(-1.6to0.6) 0.351 Raisedfastingglucose 15(1.3) Unadjusted 11.8(6.2to17.4) <0.001 8.0(3.5to12.6) <0.0001 Multivariateb 10.0(4.6to15.4) <0.001 6.9(2.5to11.3) <0.0001 HighHbA c 9(0.6) 1 Unadjusted 14.5(7.4to21.6) <0.001 9.5(3.7to15.3) 0.003 Multivariateb 14.0(6.9to21.0) <0.001 9.3(3.5to14.9) 0.004 Highbodymassindex 214(12.7) Unadjusted 6.9(5.3to8.4) <0.001 5.1(3.9to6.3) <0.0001 Multivariateb 6.7(5.0to8.4) <0.001 4.8(3.5to6.2) <0.0001 Highwaistcircumference 234(14.0) Unadjusted 6.6(5.0to8.1) <0.001 5.3(4.1to6.5) <0.0001 Multivariateb 6.2(4.6to7.8) <0.001 5.2(3.9to6.4) <0.0001 Missingfortotalcholesterol=232,triglycerides=232,HDLcholesterol=232,fastingbloodglucose=483,HbA1c=234,BMI=10,waistcircumference=2. aCut-offsforhightotalcholesterol=5.17mmol/L,hightriglycerides=1.7mmol/L,lowHDLcholesterol=1.04mmol/L,highBMI=23,abdominalobesity=waist circumference≥80cm,Raisedfastingglucose=5.6mmol/LandhighHbA1c=7.Thosewithnormalvalueswereconsideredasthereferencegroup. bAnalysisdoneusingsimpleandmultivariatelinearregression.Themultivariatemodelsadjustedforage,cigarettesmoking,alcoholconsumption,household farmingandfoodassets,ethnicity,andoccupation. cBetacoefficientsrepresentthemeandifferenceinsystolicordiastolicbloodpressurecomparingthosewithabnormalvaluesofeachpredictorvariabletothose withnormalvalues. hypertension over the subsequent 5 years [26]. We have variability we created SES indices on three different also seen a significant positive association between age aspects. The SES component representing household and prevalent hypertension and it is likely that many of farming assets and food storage (such as land, goats, cat- the women who currently have pre-hypertension will tle, bullock carts, and per capita amount of rice stored progress to hypertension as they age. Moreover, pre- in the household) was negatively associated with hyper- hypertension itself is also a risk factor for cardiovascular tension. This SES component was also negatively asso- diseaseandcardiovascular mortality [27]. ciated with pre-hypertension for Madheshi women. This To explore the determinants of hypertension, several finding might suggest that in this rural setting in Nepal, researchers have investigated the association with SES. those who are more food insecure are more vulnerable In rural India and Bangladesh, most studies reported a to non-communicable diseases, a finding that has been positive relationship between SES and hypertension reported in developed countries [32,33]. The other two [22,25,28,29], while only one found the opposite [30]. aspects of SES, household quality and household Defining SES is complex in the developing world. Many assets, were not associated with hypertension but studies combined data on education, occupation, hous- showed a negative and significant relationship with pre- ing quality, land ownership, durable goods, income and hypertension for Pahadi women. While it is unclear why livestocktocreateacompositeindex ofSES.Creatingan two of the factors were more strongly associated within overall index in this manner might not reflect the true one group and the third factor more strongly associated relationship between SES and hypertension consistently within the other ethnic group, the general pattern as different components in the index could have varying appears to be that low SES is associated with high blood influences on hypertension [31]. To capture this pressure for women of both the groups. Our findings do Khanetal.BMCPublicHealth2013,13:55 Page8of10 http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2458/13/55 not support the finding from other studies in rural Our evidence suggests that modifiable risk factors like South Asia where higher SES were associated with obesity, lipid abnormalities and glucose intolerance tend increased prevalence of hypertension. Rather, these find- to coexist with raised BP and may begin in early life. ings indicate that in the context of rural women in a low This finding implies that screening for and managing income country, having a higher SES is a protective fac- multiple risk factors should be considered instead of tor for health. We examined literacy and occupation as only a single one. In contexts such as these, early life separate variables from the SES scores in our multiva- malnutritionmayalsobeassociatedwithanelevatedrisk riate models. We observed that those working outside of CVD, particularly if followed by later life overweight home had a lower risk of hypertension than those who or obesity [51]. It is important, therefore, to consider did not work or worked in the home. While it is un- health andnutrition riskfactors across thelife course. known whythis relationshipmay exist,wespeculate that this variable might be a proxy for regular physical acti- Conclusion vity or it may suggest that women going outside of the Although the prevalence of hypertension was low in this home regularly have more chance to interact with differ- relatively young cohort, nearly 18% were classified as ei- ent people and are more aware of health irrespective of ther pre-hypertensive or hypertensive. We found a nega- theirliteracyorSES. tive association between SES and hypertension, which We have found that a total of 72.3% of women had could be an indication of the maturation of CVD epi- low HDL cholesterol, a pattern of dyslipidemia that was demic in that region. This epidemic has to be prevented also observed in studies mainly from India, where the because across the South Asian region, it has been pre- prevalenceoflowHDLcholesterolhasrangedfrom41- dicted that if rigorous and early preventive measures are 68% [34-37]. These studies also reported that the not taken, treatment costs of CVD will become a sub- prevalenceofhighTGwasbetween10-48%.Inaddition, stantial burden on national economies [19]. It is also arecent studyofurbanNepalesewomenreporteda simi- predicted that a reduction in the population distribution lar pattern-- 40%ofthemhad lowerHDLcholesteroland of systolic blood pressure of 2 mm Hg results in 6%, 4% 36% had high TG [38]. Such lipid patterns observed in and 3% reductions in 1-year stroke related mortality, South Asia are different from patterns in Western coun- coronaryheartdiseaserelatedmortalityandoverallmor- tries. By comparison, a nationally representative sample tality, respectively [52]. It also has been projected that from the United States reported that 30% of females had reducing chronic disease mortality even by only 2% per low HDL cholesterol and 21% had highTG [39]. Some of year by 2015 could save 10% of the expected loss of in- the apparent difference between regions could be come and around $8 billion collectively in South Asian explainedbythewideusageandavailabilityoflipidlower- andothermiddle orlowincome countries[19].Wehave ing drugs in developed world or could be reflective of a shownthatdifferentcardiovascular riskfactorsincluding distinct South Asian diet pattern largely dependent on blood pressure tend to be strongly associated with each carbohydrates,whichmaycontributetohypertriglyceride- other. Identification ofthese risk factors at an early stage miaandlowerHDLcholesterol[40]. of life is an important opportunity for primary preven- The prevalence of raised fasting glucose was somewhat tion of hypertension through lifestyle modification to lower in our study (1.3%) than other reports from rural prevent disease progression. We hope that these data Nepal and India (~3.5%) [41-43]. We found that 14.0% will contribute to the evidence of CVD risk in a poor, women had abdominal obesity, lower than the 32% preva- rural population, helping to devise policies to prevent lencereportedbyanotherstudyofruralIndianwomen[44] disease in this rural population of Nepal as well as in and50%prevalenceofurbanNepalimen[45].Yet,mostof othersimilarsettingsinSouth Asia. the measured metabolic factors (TG, BMI, WC, fasting plasma glucose and HbA c) were positively and strongly Competinginterests 1 Theauthors’declarethattheyhavenocompetinginterest. associated with blood pressure. The strongest relationship wasforglucoseabnormalities(fastingglucoseandHbA c)– Authors’contributions 1 women with high glucose or high HbA c had a mean SBP RJK,CPS,PCandKPWconceptualizedtheanalysisplanforthispaper.RJK that was 11–14 mm Hg higher than t1hose with normal andCPSwrotethepaperandperformedthestatisticalanalysistogether withLSFW.CPS,SCLandSKKwereinvolvedinthedatacollectionand values.Thesefindingsagreewithpreviousinvestigations projectmanagement.KJSoversawthelaboratoryanalysisandreviewedthe on the tendency of hypertension to occur concurrently manuscript.KPWservedasthePIfortheoriginalstudyandsubsequent follow-up.Allauthorshavereviewedandapprovedthefinalmanuscript. with other metabolic disorders [46-48]. 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