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A critical partnership : the role of an interim pastor in the change, transition and transformation of a congregation PDF

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A CRITICAL PARTNERSHIP: THE ROLE OF AN INTERIM PASTOR TN THE CHANGE, TRANSITION AND TRANSFORMATION OF A CONGREGATION ATUESIS-PROJE SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF GORDON-CONWELL THEOLOGH 1. SEMINARY IN PARTIAL FULFILEMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREF DOCTOR OF MINISTRY BY JOHN H. SEIDERS MAY 2016 (Copyright 2016 by Jol HL. Sciders, All Rights Reserved ‘To my wife Ruthie, and our daughters Roksh and Anna, who have experienced the ups ans downs of many interin periods with mv, CONTENTS UST OF ILLUSTRATIONS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT Chapter HISTORICAL AND CULTURAL SETTING 2. UIRLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS Initial Defiivons and Cemeepls ‘Tie Biblical Paradigms tor Chang, Leansitien, ant Yransformation Tiblies, Paiadigms und 1hooloyicat Reflections on Connge ‘Bifiol Paradigms and Theological Reltctims on Teasitiom Hiblca) Paradigms and Tacoloyieat Reflections wm Transformation Cunchisions 3. LITERATURE REVIEW Pusiness Models Sotee's Meds! lar Chine fridges’ Model fr Change Business Pencils fram Kotter an Fridges A Spevific lnrerion Medel Srages of tater Provess Tasks und Dewolopaentl Tasks Some Fital Thoughts 45 48 49 47H PROJEC] FORMULATION AND RESULTS p The Survey Design ” The Selection oF Crees in the Survey. me Analyzing the Resats 3 Seetion 1: Demegraphie fnGormation 85 tion 2: neti Tasks a Section 3: Pavtacrship Information 100 Survey Critique 106 Section t: Demographic Information 16 Seetion 2: aterm Tasks 108 Section 3: Partnership Fnfirmicion we Consens ML 5. OUTCOMES ANP CONCLUSIONS 3 Majoe Filings Tey Diseoveries fom the Literate na Discoveries town the Suavey M16 Same Thoughts About Fute Reseoreh uy Some Final Thougbrs Apoenalin A. MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE W111 INTERIM PERIODS 121 8. TOR TIGHIESTRP PROCESS OF STCCESSHUI. CHANGE 128 ©. THE ROLL OF THINKING AND FEELING 126 DTK FIGHT-SLAGE PROCESS 17 T. A COMPARISON Ob ITI? FIGHT-STUP PROCESS OF SUCCCLSSFUT. CHANGE AND THE EIGIIT-STAGE PROCESS #. STAGTS OF AN INTERIM PERIOD G. ANALYSIS OF THE FIVE: MODELS LL UIE INTERIM TASKS 1. MOSH? ORICIIONS AND THE LORI'S RESPONSI’S J, DOCTOR OF MINISTRY PROJECT: INIERIM SURVEY K. INTERIM SURVEY RESULTS: CLURCH af 1. INTERIM SURVEY RESULTS: CHURCH #2 M.INTERIM SCRVEY RESULTS; CHURCH #3 N. INTERIM SURVIY RESULTS: CHURCH #4 INTERIM SURVEY RESULTS: CHURCITaS, P. RAW DAFA: INTTRIM TASKS AND #ARTNIRSHIC INFORVATION BIBLIOGRAPHY vita ILLUSTRATIONS Figures Figure 1: The Thrce-Phase Pracens Figur Five Wasie Principles of Systems igure 3: Taclons Which Will Guide aud Focus the Therm Period. Figure a: Power ‘Cumensics? Tubles Table 6: Question 12a Table 2: Question 123 Ibe 5: Question 126 Table 4: Question 124 Uae 5 Question 12e “abic 6: Question 13 table 7 Question 14a Table 8: Question #4 Table % Question 14 “ale 10: Question Ie Table 11: Quosion 14 “ah 12: Question 15 Teble 13: Quesion 36 Table 14: Question 17 8 2 aR 89 loz Table 15: Question 18 ws Tabie 16. Question 19 104 Table 17; Question 20 los ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ‘The vonecprion, development. and ernpletion ofthis thess and project would not Jhave boon postibre witout the encouragement and s apport of a number af pcople in ny life, Mere words cauinot express ke depth of my gratitude fer these poosle, lest ond Foremost | arr: grulefu for the eumt>nued cacourayement from De. David (Currie. My iondshp with David extends hack 0 our dys in seminae i he suly 1980s, te relellssy,unashemedy, and continu invited me un enol na Doctor a Minisiy oer Cknew Fina the beginning of he classe hat it wou be a fonuative ‘and import put of wy pastor ministry, Hh hea that aad much more becawe 0? the cha‘Teages | encountered and the valleagucs J have met avor dhe past several: Secor I would lke ta thmk the session af is Fest Pinbyterian Chomch of Sax Antonio, TX tbat endonad ny desire o enol inthe Pacor of Minis Proyram at Gerdor-Consell Thcologicat Seminary in Neplember of 2012, This meant being away from the church a tot of eight wooks J esses Ex wets cued Hl, as well as 8 week offer training in Maech of 2014 and a week fir ative course do August i 2014 Urge ofthe cigtt weeks F vas away coinsidea with a senivr pastor vacamey. Dung ‘weeks Janet Slayden, tbe Chuteh Busiess Vannger, and Stacie Rodrigues, my ‘uinéstruve assistant helpeel make ic ponsible foc me to be away’ and attend ln my muds, i addition, Stacie assisted with tracking dum vountless res. and gathering esearch inflrmstion for we as | truisitioned fiom serving First Presbyterian Church ia Sun Antonio, TX in serving in the Noroton Preshyteriun Church én Darien, CL. ‘hie, 1am dhankFul foe my advisor Br Dawid Hoon Prior lo working on this dog, David had boon an anquanianee oor te yeur. In te proces emaloting this thesis he bas rea great dea ol my writing aud wont dls vf my Thess, Navid eared enough lo ask the tough gucstions that helped mie focus my thoughts, my writin, ond my research. He ha also graciously pes me to enemy nescatc: se thal will be Belpfl to the Langer church fourth, Tem aratetl for my’ sore caleguas und session ofthe Noroton Preshylerizn Chunch wf Panien, CL, The pastes Sam Sckaviner, Bard: Denke, ant Jinmy MePherson, have shows interest in ay research snd patence as have thought bat Tel wth therm ab i u ministry. The session has pravided me with time und firances to suppor: my study, and the oppomity ta serve ia an interim associate pastor Position as J competed my thesis Work. Fr niin, nny admninisralive assistant, Masene Mott has helped review my wenkazere aes than T can count ith 1am thunk forthe vaious intern expesiences he ad while om staT at several churches over ny minty: the Puesbyterin Churea at New Providenec, NS ‘Westminster Presbyterian Chueh in Madison, Wk; the Hat Prxbsterian Church of ‘Bcthfchem. PA: the Fest Presbyterian Church of San Antonia, i; and ness, he Noroton Preshylerian Chutch of Darico, CT grew we love the poole fn these congregations wl Ais passion For Jesus Coriscand his Chore as we experiensed and cle terme aperiencestogetier Sinth, Tam yoefol for my duughloe, Bekah and Anma, who bave encauraged ms ‘nd stwxd by my side as I have pursued this study und completed this thexinepeojeer ‘hes Food ibrongh soone chullenging interim seaions over the yeuni und as young adults made

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