A crib-shaped triplet pairing gap function for an orthogonal pair of quasi-one dimensional Fermi surfaces in Sr RuO 2 4 Kazuhiko Kuroki,∗ Masao Ogata, Ryotaro Arita, and Hideo Aoki Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo 113-0033, Japan (February 1, 2008) The competition between spin-triplet and singlet pairings is studied theoretically for the tight- 1 binding α-β bandsin Sr2RuO4, which arise from two sets of quasi-one dimensional Fermi surfaces. 0 UsingmultibandFLEXapproximation,whereweincorporateananisotropyinthespinfluctuations 0 as suggested from experiments, we show that (i) the triplet can dominate over the singlet (which 2 turns out to be extended s), and (ii) the triplet gap function optimized in the Eliashberg equation n has an unusual, very non-sinusoidal form, whose time-reversal-broken combination exhibits a crib- a shaped amplitude with dips. J 7 PACS numbers: 74.20-z, 74.20Mn ] l e Spin-triplet superconductivity is of great conceptual tion self-consistently for the spin-anisotropy mecha- - r importance. It is interesting to ask how the spins in a nism mentioned above. We adopt the fluctuation ex- st Cooper pair can align, since usually the singlet pairing change (FLEX) approximation14, in which we incorpo- t. is favoredso that some special mechanism should be en- rate anisotropy in the spin fluctuations. The FLEX re- a visaged to account for a triplet superconductivity. The sults arethen fedinto the linearizedEliashbergequation m p-wave pairing in superfluid 3He is an outstanding ex- to obtain the gap function. The optimized triplet gap - ample, where a clear picture of the hard-coreinteraction function turns out to have unexpected, non-sinusoidal d favoring the triplet exists. forms, which are in sharp contrast with the k or sink n x x o Inthepastseveralyears,Sr RuO 1hasattractedmuch gap functions assumed previously. As a result, the am- 2 4 c attention as a strong candidate for triplet superconduc- plitude of the gap has a shape of a crib along the Fermi [ tivity. In a seminal paper, Rice and Sigrist suggested a surface,whichmayresolvethecontroversialexperiments. 1 mechanismfortripletpairinginthismaterial,whichthey The origin of the peculiar behavior of the gap function v callan‘electronicversionofHe’.2Intheirscenariotheor- is traced back to the singular k-dependence in the spin 7 bital degeneracy causes ferromagnetic spin fluctuations, susceptibility due to a nesting of two sets of quasi-one 7 which is considered to favor the triplet pairing. Sub- dimensional Fermi surfaces. 0 sequent experiments indeed suggested triplet pairing.3,4 The ruthenate is essentially a three-band system, 1 0 However,anewpuzzlearosewhenthespinfluctuationin which arises from dxz orbitals aligned linearly along the 1 Sr2RuO4 was found to be antiferromagnetic rather than xaxis,dyz alongthey,anddxy inthexy plane. Thefor- 0 ferromagneticinaneutronscatteringexperiment.5 Usual mertwogiverisetotheα,β bands,whicharewellnested / wisdomdictates thatantiferromagneticspin fluctuations duetothequasi-onedimensionalityandcausesantiferro- t a lead to singlet d-wave pairing.6 magneticspinfluctuations. Inthispaper,weconcentrate m Recently, Kuwabara and one of the present authors,7 on the α,β bands, namely, we consider a tight-binding - and independently Sato and Kohmoto,8 have proposed model, d n thatanisotropyinthespin-fluctuation,observedinNMR nn o experiments for Sr2RuO4,9 may lead to triplet p-wave H =−tX X X(cid:16)cmiσ†cmi′σ+H.c.(cid:17) c pairing. However, simple functional forms for triplet σ m=xz,yzhii′i : and singlet gap functions were assumed in ref. 7, i.e., v nnn Xi sdixn2−kxy(2+-wiasvine.kyI)n10reffo.r8,p-twhaeveforamndofcothsekxga−pcwohsekny tfhoer −t′Xσ hXi,ji(cid:16)cxiσz†cyjσz +H.c.(cid:17)+UXi m=Xxz,yznmi↑nmi↓. (1) r quasi-1D Fermi surfaces are hybridized was discussed a only qualitatively. The form of the gap function is cru- on a square lattice. Here cm† creates an electron at iσ cial in discussing the triplet-singlet competition, so the d (m = xz or yz) orbital. the nearest-neighbor hop- m functional form should be optimized. The form of the ping integral t is along the x(y) direction for d (d ) xz yz gap function is also important in comparing with exper- orbitals. We take t=1 as a unit of energy. imental results because, e.g., some recent experiments We have also included the next nearest-neighbor hop- have suggested presence of nodes in the superconduct- pingt′whichcorrespondstoaweakhybridization. When ing gap,11,12 while a thermal conductivity measurement t′ 6= 0 the two sets of quasi-one-dimensional bands anti- suggests an isotropic gap.13 cross, and two two-dimensional (rounded-square) bands The purpose of the present paper is to determine result,whicharetheαandβbands. Theon-siterepulsive the functional form of the superconducting gap func- interaction,U,isconsideredwithineachorbitals,andin- 1 terorbitalinteractionsareneglectedfor simplicity.15 The V(2) = 1Vzz+V+−− 1V (7) band filling is n=4/3 electrons per orbital in Sr RuO . s 2 sp sp 2 ch 2 4 In treating the interaction, we employ the FLEX ap- for singlet pairing, proximation. This method is a kind of self-consistent random-phase approximation (RPA) where the dressed 1 1 V(2) =− Vzz− V (8) Green’s function is used in the RPA diagrams. In the t⊥ 2 sp 2 ch multiband version of FLEX,16,17 the Green’ function G, the susceptibilityχ,the self-energyΣ,andthesupercon- for triplet pairing with S =±1 (~d ⊥~z), and z ducting gap function φ all become 2×2 matrices, e.g., Glm(k,iεn), where l,m denote dyz or dxz orbitals. The V(2) = 1Vzz−V+−− 1V (9) orbital-indexedmatricesforGreen’sfunctionandthegap tk 2 sp sp 2 ch functions can be converted into band-indexed ones with a unitary transformation. As for the spin susceptibility, for triplet pairing with Sz = 0 (~d k ~z). Here ~d is the we diagonalize the 2×2 matrix χzz and concentrate on d-vector characterizing the triplet pairing gap function. sp the larger eigenvalue, denoted as χzz. When the electron-electron repulsion, which causes fluctuations, is short-ranged (as for the Hubbard U in- The actual calculation proceeds as follows: teraction) the spin fluctuations are much stronger than (i)Dyson’sequationissolvedtoobtainthe renormalized thechargefluctuations,i.e.,(V ≫V ).15 Whenfluctu- Green’s function G(k), where k is a shorthand for the sp ch ations for a certain (‘nesting’) wave vector Q are pro- wave vector k and the Matsubara frequency, iǫ , n (ii)Thefluctuation-exchangeinteractionV(1)(q)isgiven nounced, the main contribution in the summation in as18 eq.(6) comes from those satisfying k−k′ ≃Q, which shouldbethecasewhentheFermisurfaceisnested. The 1 1 present Fermi surface is indeed well nested due to the V(1)(q)= Vzz(q)+V+−(q)+ V (q). (2) 2 sp sp 2 ch quasi-one-dimensionality. Now we turn to the results summarized in Fig.1 for The effective interactions due to longitudinal (zz) and t′ = 0.3 and U = 5. In Fig.1(a), the ridges in |G|2 de- transverse (+−) spin fluctuations (sp) and that due to lineate α and β Fermi surfaces. These quasi-1D surfaces charge fluctuations (ch) have the forms Vzz = U2χzz, are strongly nested at q≡(2π/3,q ) and q≡(q ,2π/3) sp sp y x V+− = U2χ+−, and V = U2χ , respectively, where (mod 2π), so that the spin susceptibility is ridged in a sp sp ch ch the spin and the charge susceptibilities are crib shape as shown in Fig.1(b), with peaks at the cor- ners, q ≡ (±2π/3,±2π/3). This is consistent with neu- χzz(q)=χirr(q)[1−Uχirr(q)]−1, (3) tron scattering experiments.5 sp χ+−(q)=αχirr(q)[1−Uαχirr(q)]−1, (4) Thetripletandsingletgapfunctionsobtainedbysolv- sp ingtheEliashbergequationareshowninFig.1(c)and(d), χch(q)=χirr(q)[1+Uχirr(q)]−1, (5) respectively. Remarkably,thetripletgapfunctiontakesa strangeshape: althoughthesymmetryisconsistentwith in terms of the irreducible susceptibility χirr(q) = p-wave, its form is far from sink along the rounded- x −1 G(k + q)G(k) (N:number of k-point meshes). square Fermi surface. Rather, it has an almost constant N Pk Herewehavetakenaccountofthe anisotropyinthespin amplitude on a pair of parallel sides, k ≡ ±2π/3 (mod x fluctuation by introducing a phenomelogical parameter 2π), of the square with a vanishing amplitude on the α `a la Kuwabara-Ogata.7 From the NMR experiments,9 other pair (k ≡ ±2π/3) of parallel sides. This applies y we assume α<1. to each of the α and β bands. Of course the symmetry (iii) V(1) then brings about the self-energy, Σ(k) = dictates that the other solution (p ), rotated by 90 de- y 1 G(k−q)V(1)(q),whichisfedbacktoDyson’sequa- greesfromwhatisdescribedhere(p ),entersonanequal N Pq x tion, and the self-consistent iterations are repeated until footing as we shall discuss below. convergenceis attained. We take 64×64 k-pointmeshes Why do we have this peculiar behavior for the andupto16384Matsubarafrequenciesinordertoensure FLEX+Eliashberg optimized gap function ? To begin convergence at low temperatures. with,superconductivityarisesduetopairscatteringfrom We determine Tc as the temperature at which the (k,−k) to (k′,−k′) mediated by the pairing interaction eigenvalue λ of the E´liashberg equation, V(2)(q), where q=k−k′ is the momentum transfer. From the BCS gap equation we can see that supercon- T ductivity arises if the quantity λ φ (k)=− µ µlm N X X k′ l′,m′ V(2)(k−k′)φ (k)φ (k′) ×Vµ(l2m)(k−k′)Gll′(k′)Gmm′(−k′)φµl′m′(k′), (6) Vφ =−Pk,k′∈FS µ [φ(k)]2µ µ (10) Pk∈FS (2) reaches unity. Here the pairing interaction V is given is positive and large, where we denote the gap func- µ by tion as φ (µ = s for singlet and t for triplet pairing). µ As discussed by Kuwabara and Ogata7, and indepen- q ≡ (q ,2π/3). For a given nodal line (vertical for p x x dently by Sato and Kohmoto8, the p-wave pairing, with pairing), the pair scatterings across one pair of parallel φ (k)φ (k+Q)<0,isfavoredwhenspinanisotropyisso sides of the Fermi surface become all favorable as in- t t strongastorealizeVzz(Q)>2V+−(Q),i.e.,V (Q)>0. dicated by (cid:13) in Fig.2(a). This gives rise to the near- sp sp tk However, the present self-consistent calculation shows constant gap function on that pair of sides of the Fermi that the situation is a little more involved. A key fac- surface. Bycontrast,thepairscatteringsacrosstheother tor is the spin fluctuation that is enhanced along a line pair of parallel sides (× in Fig.2(a)) lead to 2π 2π 2π 2π −V(2)(k −k′,− − )φ (k ,− )φ (k′, )<0 (a) |G|2 t x x 3 3 t x 3 t x 3 p in eq.(10) when kx,kx′ have the same sign. Since −Vt(2) is negative, the p -wave gap functions on these sides of x the Fermi surface is unfavored. This explains the gap function shown in Fig.1(c). a b k 0 Now, let us move on to the competing superconduct- y ingstateinthesingletchannel. AlthoughKuwabaraand Ogata discussed a competition between the triplet p - x -p wave and a singlet dx2−y2-(cid:13)wave, we find here that the -p 0 p real competitor (the most stable singlet state) is unex- (cid:13) pectedly an extended s-wave rather than dx2−y2-wave. k x This is understood as follows. Since Vs(Q) > 0 is re- pulsive, φ (k)φ (k+Q)<0 has to be satisfied. For the s s (b) dx2−y2-wave,thek,k′ =k+QontheFermisurfacethat 10 c zz (a) 5 2p 0 p k' 0 p (cid:13) q y q(cid:13) 2p 0 x k' f k (c) t k (b) k' k f (d) s(cid:13) (c) k' FIG. 1. The contour plot of the FLEX result for Green’s k function(|G|2;a),spinsusceptibility(b),optimizedgapfunc- tion for the spin triplet (φt; c) or singlet (φs; d) pairing for FIG. 2. Pair scatterings across the Fermi surface which U = 5, t′ = 0.3, α = 0.8, and T = 0.02. The left(right) favor ((cid:13)) or unfavor (×) px-wave pairing (a), those con- panelfortheα(β)band,andwhite(black)correspondstopos- tributing to dx2−y2 (b) or to extended s pairings (c). The itive(negative) amplitudein (c,d). white(grey) areas represent positive(negative) φ. 1.0 along the Fermi surface is displayed in Fig.4, which has a crib shape with dips at the corners around k ≡ 0.8 (±2π/3,±2π/3).20 The dip arises because φ in each of triplet t 0.6 the p and p channels has already sharp drops at the x y corner of the Fermi surface. Thus, in phase-insensitive l 0.4 experiments, the gap function obtained here may look singlet 0.2 like a two-dimensional f-wave pairing with nodes along k = ±k , since a dip and a node are indistinguishable 0 x y 0 0.02 0.04 when the temperature is greater than the dip. Further T study on this point is under way. FIG. 3. Eigenvalues of the Eliashberg equation for triplet and singlet pairings as a function of temperature for U = 5, DiscussionswithYujiMatsudaaregratefullyacknowl- t′=0.3, α=0.8. edged. This work is in part funded by the Grant-in-Aid forScientific Researchfromthe Ministry ofEducationof Japan. + i = 1.0 0.8 ∗ Present address: Department of Applied Physics and 0.6 Chemistry, University of Electro-Communications, 1-5-1 Chofugaoka, Chofu-shi, Tokyo182-8585, Japan 0.4 q 1Y.Maeno,H.Hashimoto,K.Yoshida,S.NishiZaki,T.Fu- 0.2 jita, J.G. Bednorz, and F. Lichtenberg, Nature 372, 532 a- FS 0.0 (1994). 0 20 40 60 80 q (degrees) 2T.M. Rice and M. Sigrist, J. Phys. Cond. Matt. 7, L643 FIG.4. |φ(k)| (eq.(11)) for U = 5, t′ = 0.3, α = 0.8, and (1995). T = 0.02. The inset shows how the two functions are com- 3G.M. Luke, Y. Fudamoto, K.M. Kojima, M.I. Larkin, J. bined. Merrin, B. Nachumi, Y.J. Uemura, Y. Maeno, Z.Q. Mao, Y. Mori, H. Nakamura, and M. 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However, in Jpn. 66, 1438 (1997). theTomonaga-Luttingercase,thetripletpairingdominates 17H.KontaniandK.Ueda,Phys.Rev.Lett.80,5619(1998). over the SDW only when the electron-electron interaction 18In eqs.(2),(7) −(9) we have omitted the first- and second- isattractive,insharpcontrastwiththepresentcasewhere order terms, U and −U2χ0 (in eq.2), which are negligible the interaction is repulsive. The difference comes from a when spin and/or charge fluctuationsare strong, although different origin of the broken SU(2) here, which is the we have taken those terms into account in the actual cal- anisotropyintheirreduciblesusceptibility(whicharisesat culation. asingleelectronlevel)ratherthantheanisotropicelectron- 19The simultaneous enhancement of the triplet pairing and electron interaction. the spin fluctuations is reminiscent of the Tomonaga- 20Wenotethat,whilethequalitativeresult doesnotdepend Luttinger theory for purely 1D systems, where one can crucially on t′(=0.3 in thispaper),thequantitativeshape show that the susceptibilities for the triplet pairing and of thedip does. the SDW may diverge simultaneously for T →0 when the