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A COURSE OF HIGHER MATHEMATICS V. I. Smirnov Volume II ADVANCED CALCULUS A COURSE OF Higher Mathematics VOLUME II V. I. SMIRNOV Translated by D. E. BROWN Translation edited by I. N. SNEDDON Simson Professor in Mathematics University of Glasgow PERGAMON PRESS OXFORD • LONDON • EDINBURGH • NEW YORK PARIS • FRANKFURT ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. READING, MASSACHUSETTS PALO ALTO LONDON 1964 Copyright © 1964 PERGAMON PRESS LTD. U. S. A. Edition distributed by ADDISON-WESLEY PUBLISHING COMPANY, INC. Beading, Massachusetts • Palo Alto • London PERGAMON PRESS International Series of Monographs in PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS Volume 58 Library of Congress Catalog Card No. 63-10134 This translation has been made from the Sixteenth (revised) Russian Edition of V. I. Smirnov's book Kypc ebiciueii MameMamuKU (Kurs vysshei matematiki), published in 1958 by Fizmatgiz, Moscow MADE IN GREAT BRITAIN INTRODUCTION SOME account of the history of this five-volume course of higher mathematics has been given in the Introduction to Vol. I of the present English edition. The first Russian edition of the present volume appeared (in 1926) under the joint authorship of Professor Smirnov and the late Professor J. D. Tamarkin but later editions, prepared after Professor Tamarkin had settled in the U.S.A. and consisting of a drastic revision of (and many additions to) the original material, contained only Professor Smirnov's name. This volume is made up of a course of advanced calculus which is of great use to students of mathematics and which provides the physicists and engineers with a complete set of those tools, based upon the theory of functions of real variables, which are indispensable for the study of the classical branches of mathe­ matical physics. It consists essentially of five distinct parts, although there are strong links connecting all of them. There is a full discussion of the solution of ordinary differential equations with many applications to the treatment of physical problems. This is followed by an account of the properties of multiple integrals and of line integrals, with a valuable section on the theory of measurable sets and of multiple integrals. The mathematics necessary to the discussion of problems in classical field theories is discussed in a section on vector algebra and vector analysis; the methods developed are illustrated not only by applica­ tions to physics but also by an account of the elements of differential geometry in three-dimensional space. After this there comes an elementary but full account of Fourier series. The principles and techniques developed in these sections are then applied to the discussion of the solution of the partial differential equations of classical mathematical physics. The clarity of Prof. Smirnov's exposition and the width of his knowledge of the mathematical techniques effective in the study of the physical sciences makes the whole course a most valuable one for xi xii INTRODUCTION the student anxious not only to learn the methods of advanced cal­ culus but also to understand the influences which have motivated their development. I. N. SNEDDON PREFACE TO THE SIXTH EDITION THIS edition of the second volume differs considerably from the pre­ vious one. The first chapter of the previous edition, containing the theory of complex numbers, the principles of higher algebra, and integration of functions, was transferred to the first volume. At the same time, all material referring to the principles of vector algebra was taken from Volume I to Volume II. This material was incorporated in Chapter IV, together with vector analysis The presentation of the remaining chapters underwent substantial changes. This refers particularly to Chapters HI, VT and VII. A special paragraph containing the theory of dimensions and the rigorous theory of multiple integrals was added to Chapter HI. A certain re-distribution of material was carried out in Chapter VI, and a proof was added of the closure equation on the basis of Weierstrass' theorem on polyno­ mial approximation to continuous functions. Chapter VII now contains additional material on the propagation of spherical and cylindrical waves and Kirchhoff's formula for the solution of the wave equation. The explanation of linear differential equations with constant coef­ ficients is introduced at first without using the symbolic method. First paragraphs of each chapter have retained their explanatory character. The book is arranged in such a way that the basic material in larger type can be studied without reference to the examples or complementary theoretical material printed in small type. I should like to express my deep gratitude to Prof. Fikhtengol'ts, who has read the manuscript of this edition, for his valuable sugges­ tions concerning the style and arrangement of the book. V. SMIRNOV xiii PREFACE TO THE FOURTEENTH EDITION THE GENERAL arrangement of the present edition is the same as that of the previous edition. However, small alterations were introduced in many places with the aim of clarifying the style and achieving greater readability. Most substantial changes were carried out in Paragraph 9 (Chapter HI), "Supplementary remarks on the theory of multiple integrals". In Chapter VII, devoted to simple problems of mathematical physics, the formulation of conditions for the solution of a series of basic problems was clarified. References to matters explained in detail in Volume IV have been added in several places in Chapter VH. V. SMIRNOV xiv CHAPTER I ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS § 1. Equations of the first order 1. General principles. A differential equation is defined as an equation which contains, in addition to independent variables and unknown functions, derivatives or differentials of the unknown functions [1, 51]. If the functions appearing in a differential equation depend on a single independent variable, the equation is called an ordinary differential equation. On the other hand, if partial derivatives of the functions with respect to certain of the independent variables appear in the equation, it is called a partial differential equation. We confine ourselves to ordinary differential equations in the present chapter, the greater part of which is devoted to the case of a single equation containing one unknown function. Let x be the independent variable, and y the required function of this variable. The general form of the differential equation becomes: &(x,v,y'y",...,yin)) =o. The order of the differential equation is defined as the order n of the highest order derivative of the function that appears in the equation. We shall consider ordinary differential equations of the first order in the present article. The general form of this equation is: <%,</, */') = <> (i) or, on solving with respect to y'\ y'= /(*,»). (2) If a function V = <P{x) (3) satisfies the differential equation, i.e. if the equation reduces to an identity on replacing y and y' by <p(x) and g/(a?), the function tp(x) is said to be a solution of the differential equation. 1 2 OKDINAKY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS [2 The problem of finding a solution of a differential equation is alternatively referred to as the task of integrating the equation. If x and y are considered as the coordinates of points on a plane, differential equation (1) [or (2)] expresses a relationship between coordinates of points on a certain curve and the slopes of the tangents to the curve at these points. A curve corresponds to the solution (3) of the equation, the points and tangential slopes of which satisfy the equation. This curve is referred to as an integral curve of the given differential equation. In the simplest case, when the right-hand side of equation (2) does not contain y, a differential equation is obtained of the form: y = t(x). Finding the solutions of this equation is the primary task of the integral calculus [I, 86], and the total set of solutions is given by the formula: y = $f{x)dz+C, where C is an arbitrary constant. We thus obtain in this elementary case a solution of the differential equation containing an arbitrary constant. We shall see that a solution containing an arbitrary constant is also obtained in the general case of a first order differential equa­ tion; such a solution is referred to as the general solution of the equa­ tion. On assigning different numerical values to the arbitrary constant, we obtain the various so-called particular solutions of the equation. We give in the following sections some particular types of first order equation, integration of which leads to evaluation of indefinite integrals — or, as it may sometimes be expressed, their integration reduces to quadrature.^ 2. Equations with separable variables. On replacing y' in equation (2) by the quotient dy/dx, multiplying both sides by dx, and carrying all terms to the left-hand side, we can write (2) in the form: M(x y) dx + N (x, y) dy = 0, (4) 9 which will be more convenient in some cases. Both variables x and y play an identical role here in the equation, so that (4) does not bind us to the choice of unknown function: we can take either x or y for this, as we wish. t Evaluation of an integral has a direct connection with evaluation of an area, whence the term "quadrature". 2] EQUATIONS WITH SEPARABLE VARIABLES 3 We assume that each of the functions M(x, y) and N(x, y) consists of the product of two factors, one of which depends only on x, and the other only on y: M^x) M2(y) dx + N^x) N2(y) dy = 0. (*) On dividing both sides of the equation by M (y) N^x), we reduce it 2 to the form: M(x) t dx + dy = 0, (6) N(x) M (y) t 2 so that the coefficient of dx now depends only on x, and the coefficient of dy only on y. Equation (5) is called an equation with separable variables [1, 93], whilst the method itself of reduction to the form (6) is called separation of the variables. The left-hand side of equation (6) is the differential of the follow­ ing expression: f Ml{x) dx 1 f N*{v) dv J N x) aX + ) M (y) ay> l{ 2 and the equating to zero of the differential of this expression means that the expression itself is equal to an arbitrary constant: (7) J N(x) J M (y) " t 2 where C is the arbitrary constant. This formula gives an infinite se of solutions and, from the geometrical point of view, is the implici equation of a family of integral curves. If the quadratures are carried out in (7) and we solve the equation with respect to y, we obtain the explicit equation of the family of integral curves (the solution of the differential equation): = cp{x, C). y Example. The area OAMN, bounded by the FIG. 1 coordinate axes, the segment AM of a curve and its ordinate MN (Fig. 1), is equal in mag­ nitude to a rectangular area OBCN with the same base ON = x and with height rj: x x \ydx = xrj; rj = \y dx. (8)

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