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APR 191909 r¥trr~) B, :~::¥T G::r.torq 1 11 II ASTRONOift ~~ ~I . ; ..; -; ·.;. A COU R E IN MATHEMATICS FOR STUDENTS OF HNGINEERING AXD APPLIED SCIBNCE BY FUEDERICK S. WOODS A~D FREDERICK H. BAILEY I'twn:~sons OF :IIATIIEliATtcs t:< Tnt! )IASSAcnusBTTs l:<STITUT& OF 'l'&CIINOLOOY VoLmiE II INTEGRAL CALCULUS FUNCTIONS OF SEVERAL VARIABT.ES, SPACE GEOMETRY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS GINN & COMPANY BOSTON · NEW YORK · CHICAGO • LONDON COPVlll(lBT, 1009, BY Fnrm&lliCK S. WOODS AND FRF:DERJCK H. BAJLEY ALL RIOBTS RESERVED Gl:b• !:ltbon,.um llu•lt GINN & COMPANY • PR.O· PR.IETORS • DOSTON • U.S.A. {(fl37 h/60 v ·.1_ R'ltrtr>-,. PREFACE ¥- Tlll.s ,·olume completes the plan of a course in mathematics out lined in the preface to the first ,·olume. The subject of integration of functions of a single variable is treated in the first eight chapters. Emphasis is here laid upon the fundamental processes, and the conception of the definite integral and its numerous applications are early introduced. Only after the student is well grounded in these matters are the more special methods of evaluating integrals discussed. In this way the student's interest is early aroused in the use of the subject, and he is drilled in tbo$8 processes which occur in subsequent practice. A new feature of this part of the book is a chapter on simple differential equations in close connection with integration and long before the formal study of differential ec1uati~~·; With the ninth chapter the study of functions of two or more variables is begun. This is introduced and accompanied by the use of the elements of solid analytic geometry, and the treatment of partial differentiation and of multiple integrals is careful and rea sonably complete. A special feature here is the chapter on line integrals. This subject, though generally omitted from elementary texts, is needed by most engineering students in their later work. The latter part of the work consists of chapters on series, the complex number, and differential equations. In the treatment of differential equations many things properly belonging to an ex tended treatise on the subject are omitted in order to giYe the student a concise working knowledge of the types of equations which occur most. often in practice. iii M298'790 lV PREFACE In conclusion the authors wish to renew their thanks to the members of the mathematical uepartmeot of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and especially to Professor H. W. Tyler, for continued helpful suggestion and criticism, and to extend thanks to their former colleague, Professor W. H. Roever of 'Vashington University, for the construction of the more difficult drawings particularly in space geometry. ?lf.USACIIUSt:TTS IXSTITUTE OF 'l't:Clll'OLOOY February, 1909 CONTENTS CIIAl'TER I- I~FINlTESDIALS A~D DIFFERE:\TIALS ARTICLE 1-2. Order of infinitesimals . . . . 3. Fundamental theorems on infinitesimal~ 4 4. Differentials . . . . . 6 6-6. Graphical representation . . 8 7. Formulas for differentials 9 8. Differentials of higher orders 10 CHAPTER 11- ELE~lE~TARY FORl\fULAS OF L.~TEGRATIO~ 9. Definition of integration 12 10. Constant of integration 12 11. Fundamental formulas 13 12. Integral of u• . . . . 14 13. Integrals of trigonometric functions 17 14-15. Integrals leading to the inverse trigonometric functions 19 16. Integrals of exponential functions 2.> 17. Collected formulas . . . 26 18. Integration by substitution 27 10. Integration by pa~. . 30 20. PossibiHty of integration 32 Problems . . . . . 33 CHAPTER III-DEFI:\'ITE Ii\'TEGRALS 21. Definition . . . . . 39 22. Graphical representation 41 23. Generalization 4:1 24. Properties of definite integrals 4.3 Evaluation of the definite integral by inu•gration 47 Change of limits . . 49 27. Integration by parts 51 v Vl CO~ TEXTS .AnTtOLfr. J'Aor; 28. Infinite limits . 52 29. Infinite integrand 5!1 !10. The mean ''alue of a function :H 31. Taylor's and Maclaurin's series. 5G 32-33. Operations with power series GO l'roblems . . . 61 CIIAPTF.H JY- APPLICATIO~S TO GEO:IIETRY 3·!. Element of a definite integral . 01 ;15. Area of a plane curve in Cartesian coordinates Ol 36. Area of a plane curve in polar coordinates 67 37. Volume of a solid of revolution . . 60 38. Yolume of a solid with parallel bal>es. . 72 39. Tho prismoidal formula 74 40. Length of a plane curve in rectangular coordinates n 41. Ll.'ngth of a plane curve h1 polar coordinates 77 42. 'l'hc differential o( arc . 78 43. Area. of a surface of revolution . 70 Problems . . . so CUAPTJ~R V -APPLICATIOXS TO :IIECIIANICS 44. Work 86 4.3. Attraction . . 86 40. Pressure. 88 47. Center of gravity 00 48. Center of gravity of a plane curvG . 92 49. Center of gravity of a plane arl.'a . 91 50. Center of gravity of a solid or a sw1ace of revolution of con- stant density 06 51. Center of pressure 98 Problems 09 CHAPTER YT - INTEGRATIOX OF RATIONAL FRACTIO~S .32. Introduction . 103 53-0 !. Separation into partial fractionil 10 L 55-57. Proof of the possibility of sepn.ration into partial fractions 100 58. Integration of rational fractions 11:\ Problems 117

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