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A COURSE IN Galois theory D.J .H.G ARLING Reader in Mathematical Analysis, University of Cambridge and Fellow ofSt John's College, Cambridge The right of the University of Cambridge to print and sell all manner of books was granted by Henry V/1/ in 1534. The University has printed and published continuously since 1584. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge London New York New Rochelle Melbourne Sydney Published by the Press Syndicate of the University of Cambridge The Pitt Building, Trumpington Street, Cambridge CB2 1RP 32 East 57th Street, New York, NY 10022, USA 10 Stamford Road, Oakleigh, Melbourne 3166, Australia ©Cambridge University Press 1986 First published 1986 Printed in Great Britain at the University Press, Cambridge British Library cataloguing in publication data Garling, D.J.H. Galois theory. 1. Galois theory I. Title 512'.32 QA211 Library of Congress cataloguing in publication data Garling, D. J. H. Galois theory. 1. Galois theory. I. Title. QA17l.G277 1986 512'.32 86-6081 ISBN 0 521 32077 1 hard covers ISBN 0 521 31249 3 paperback MP CONTENTS 1--------- MATH GARLING, QA A COURSE 1 71 IN GALOIS G277 ********* 1986 MATH. LIBRARY Preface vii Part 1: Algebraic preliminaries 1 1 Groups, fields and vector spaces 3 1.1. Groups 3 1.2. Fields 8 1.3. Vector spaces 9 2 The axiom of choice, and Zorn's lemma 14 2.1. The axiom of choice 14 2.2. Zorn's lemma 14 2.3. The existence of a basis 15 3 Rings 18 3.1. Rings 18 3.2. Integral domains 20 3.3. Ideals 21 3.4. Irreducibles, primes and unique factorization domains 24 3.5. Principal ideal domains 27 3.6. Highest common factors 29 3.7. Polynomials over unique factorization domains 31 3.8. The existence ofmaximal proper ideals 34 3.9. More about fields 35 Part 2: The theory of fields, and Galois theory 37 4 Field extensions 39 4.1. Introduction 39 4.2. Field extensions 40 4.3. Algebraic and transcendental elements 42 4.4. Algebraic extensions 46 4.5. M onomorphisms of algebraic extensions 48 5 Tests for irreducibility 49 5.1. Introduction 49 iv Contents 5.2. Eisenstein's criterion 51 5.3. Other methods for establishing irreducibility 52 6 Ruler-and-compass constructions 54 6.1. Constructible points 54 6.2. The angle n/3 cannot be trisected 57 6.3. Concluding remarks 58 7 Splitting fields 59 7.1. Splitting fields 60 7.2. The extension of monomorphisms 62 7.3. Some examples 67 8 The algebraic closure of a field 71 8.1. Introduction 71 8.2. The existence of an algebraic closure 72 8.3. The uniqueness of an algebraic closure 75 8.4. Conclusions 77 9 Normal extensions 78 9.1. Basic properties 78 9.2. Monomorphisms and automorphisms 80 10 Separability 82 10.1. Basic ideas 82 10.2. Monomorphisms and automorphisms 83 10.3. Galois extensions 84 10.4. Differentiation 85 10.5. The Frobenius monomorphism 87 10.6. Inseparable polynomials 88 11 Automorphisms and fixed fields 91 11.1. Fixed fields and Galois groups 91 11.2. The Galois group of a polynomial 94 11.3. An example 96 11.4. The fundamental theorem of Galois theory 97 11.5. The theorem on natural irrationalities 99 12 Finite fields 101 12 .1. A description of the finite fields 101 12.2. An example 102 12.3. Some abelian group theory 103 12.4. The multiplicative group of a finite field 105 12.5. The automorphism group of a finite field 105 13 The theorem of the primitive element 107 13.1. A criterion in terms of intermediate fields 107 13.2. The theorem of the primitive element 108 13.3. An example 109 14 Cubics and quartics 110 14.1. Extension by radicals 110 14.2. The discriminant 111 14.3. Cubic polynomials 113 Contents v 14.4. Quartic polynomials 115 15 Roots of unity 118 15 .1. Cyclotomic polynomials 118 15.2. Irreducibility 120 15.3. The Galois group of a cyclotomic polynomial 121 16 Cyclic extensions 123 16.1. A necessary condition 123 16.2. Abel's theorem 124 16.3. A sufficient condition 125 16.4. Kummer extensions 128 17 Solution by radicals 131 17.1. Soluble groups: examples 131 17.2. Soluble groups: basic theory 132 17.3. Polynomials with soluble Galois groups 134 17.4. Polynomials which are solvable by radicals 135 18 Transcendental elements and algebraic independence 139 18.1. Transcendental elements and algebraic independence 139 18.2. Transcendence bases 141 18.3. Transcendence degree 143 18.4. The tower law for transcendence degree 144 18.5. Luroth's theorem 145 19 Some further topics 147 19.1. Generic polynomials 147 19.2. The normal basis theorem 150 19.3. Constructing regular polygons 152 20 The calculation of Galois groups 155 20.1. A procedure for determining the Galois group of a polynomial 155 20.2. The soluble transitive subgroups of EP · 158 20.3. The Galois group of a quintic 161 20.4. Concluding remarks 162 Index 163 PREFACE Galois theory is one of the most fascinating and enjoyable branches of algebra. The problems with which it is concerned have a long and distinguished history: the problems of duplicating a cube or trisecting an angle go back to the Greeks, and the problem of solving a cubic, quartic or quintic equation to the Renaissance. Many of the problems that are raised are of a concrete kind (and this, surely, is why it is so enjoyable) and yet the needs of the subject have led to substantial development in many branches of abstract algebra: in particular, in the theory of fields, the theory of groups, the theory of vector spaces and the theory of commutative rings. In this book, Galois theory is treated as it should be, as a subject in its own right. Nevertheless, in the process, I have tried to show its relationship to various topics in abstract algebra: an understanding of the structures of abstract algebra helps give a shape to Galois theory and conversely Galois theory provides plenty of concrete examples which show the point of abstract theory. This book comprises two unequal parts. In the first part, details are given of the algebraic background knowledge that it is desirable to have before beginning to study Galois theory. The first chapter is quite condensed: it is intended to jog the memory, to introduce the terminology and notation that is used, and to give one or two examples which will be useful later. In the second chapter, the axiom of choice and Zorn's lemma are described. Algebra is principally concerned with finite discrete operations, and it would have been possible, at the cost of not establishing the existence of algebraic closures, to have avoided all use of the axiom of choice. Mathematicians do, however, need to know about the axiom of choice, and this is an appropriate place to introduce it. A reader who has not met the concepts of this chapter before may omit it (and Chapter 8); preferably, he or she should read through it quite quickly to get some idea of the issues viii Preface involved, and not worry too much about the details. The third chapter, on rings, is much more important, and should be read rather carefully. It is an important fact that polynomials with integer coefficients and polynomials in several variables enjoy unique factorization, and it is necessary to go beyond principal ideal domains to establish this fact. There are some other special results from abstract algebra that are needed (such as basic properties of soluble groups): most of these are established when the need arises. The second, more substantial, part is concerned with the theory of fields and with Galois theory,and contains the main material of the book. Of its nature, the theory develops an inexorable momentum. Nevertheless, there are many digressions (for example, concerning irreducibility, geometric constructions, finite fields and the solution of cubic and quartic equations): one of the pleasures of Galois theory is that there are many examples which illustrate and depend upon the general theory, but which also have an interest of their own. The high point of the book is of course the resolution of the problem of when a polynomial is soluble by radicals. I have, however, tried to emphasize (in the final chapter in particular) that this is not the end of the story: the resolution of the problem raises many new problems, and Galois theory is still a lively subject. Two hundred exercises are scattered through the text. It has been suggested to me that this is rather few: I think that anyone who honestly tries them all will disagree! In my opinion, text-book exercises are often too straightforward, but some of these exercises are quite hard. The successful solution of a challenging problem gives a much better understanding of the powers and limitations of the theory than any number of trivial ones. Remember that mathematics is not a spectator sport! This book grew out of a course of lectures which I gave for several years at Cambridge University. I have, however, not resisted the temptation to add extra material. A shorter course than the whole book provides can be obtained by omitting Chapter 2, Chapter 8, Section 10.6, Section 18.5 and Chapter 20. I am grateful to all who attended the course, and helped me to improve it. I am particularly grateful to Robert J. H. A. Turnbull, who read and commented helpfully on an early draft and also detected many errors in the final version of this book. PARTJ Algebraic preliminaries

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