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A COURSE IN DOMESTIC RELATIONS FOR ADULT EDUCATION A Project Presented to the Faculty of the School of Education The University of Southern California In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Science in Education by William E. Fogg June 1950 UMi Number: EP45828 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI EP45828 Published by ProQuest LLC (2014). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106- 1346 £«* 'if <3 /-6 5~ S' This project report, written under the direction of the candidate’s adviser and approved by him, has been presented to and accepted by the Faculty of the School of Education in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Education. Adviser Dean ii TABLE OP CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE PART I. INITIATION HOW TO BEGIN YOUR MARRIAGE 1. MARITAL ADJUSTMENT: HOW TO MAKE MATRIMONY A MARRIAGE .......................... . . . . . 2 1. ADJUSTMENT: How to smooth out personality differences ............................ 2 2. CONDUCT: How to behave toward your mate . 3 3. INTERFERENCES: How to deal with problems from outside the h o m e ............. 4 2. HOMESTEADING: HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOUSE A HOME . 10 1. PLEASING EFFECTS: How to give your home an attractive appearance ................ 10 2. ENJOYABLE LIVING CONDITIONS: How to organize your home for pleasant living . . 11 3. MANAGEMENT: How to administrate your home........... 12 3. FAMILY DIPLOMACY: HOW TO DEAL WITH YOUR IN-LAWS AND RELATIVES ...................... 18 1. CONDUCT: How to act toward your in-laws and relatives...................... 18 2. FRIENDSHIP: How to cultivate your in­ laws and relatives 19 3. ASSOCIATION: How to control the amount iii CHAPTER PAGE of personal contact youhhave with your in­ laws and relatives .............. . . . . . 20 4. ECONOMIC ENTANGLEMENTS: How to avoid financial complications with your in-laws and relatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 PART II. CONSOLIDATION HOW TO STABILIZE YOUR MARRIAGE 4. PHYSICAL FITNESS: HOW TO HANDLE HYGIENE IN YOUR HOME.................................... 27 1. HOUSE: How to create healthy living conditions in your h o m e .................. 27 2. PERSON: How to keep yourselves physically sound.................. 28 3. SAFETY: How to make your home accident free 29 4. MEDICINE: How to obtain satisfactory medical services . ...................... 30 5. COMPATIBILITY: HOW TO SECURE SEXUAL HARMONY . . 35 1. EMOTIONAL FACTORS: How to achieve desirable attitudes toward sexual love .............. 35 2. PHYSICAL FACTORS: How to adjust to the ‘ physiologic aspects of sexual love........ 36 3. SPECIAL PROBLEMS: How to cope with pro­ longed problems of sexual adjustment . . . . 37 iv„ CHAPTER PAGE 6. THE HEW GENERATION: HOW TO PLAN FOR PARENTHOOD................................... 43 1. EXPENSES: How to finance a baby ........ 43 2. CONCEPTION: How to prepare for a child . . 44 3. MATERNITY: How to enjoy a healthy pregnancy 45 4. HUSBANDS: How to assist your wife toward a happy, successful pregnancy and child­ birth . . . . ..................... 45 5. PARENTHOOD: How to adjust to the presence of a baby in the home .............. 46 PART III. APPRECIATION HOW TO ENJOY YOUR MARRIAGE 7. FINANCES: HOW TO DIVE WITHIN YOUR INCOME . . . 54 1. INCOME LEVEL: How to select a satisfactory living standard .......................... 54 2. ECONOMIC PLAN: How to set up your budget . 55 3. SPENDING: How to stretch your consumer dollars ........................ . . . . . 56 4. RESERVES: How to prepare for emergencies . 57 5. SECURITY: How to provide for your future . 58 8. LEISURE: HOW TO SPEND YOUR SPARE TIME . . . . 64 1. INTERESTS?,- How to select leisure time pursuits................................ 64 CHAPTER PAGE 2. HOME RECREATION: How to enjoy your spare time In your own home........... 65 3. OUTSIDE INTERESTS: How to provide for recreation outside your h o m e ......... . . 65 9. SOCIAL LIFE: HOW TO ENTERTAIN EFFECTIVELY AT HOME............................... 72 1. LITTLE GATHERINGS: How to give a "small party"................................. 72 2. HEAVY ENTERTAINMENT: How to give a large party.......................... 73 3. COOPERATION: How to develop a host and hostess t e a m ............. 74 4. POPULARITY: How to be a desirable guest . 75 BIBLIOGRAPHY . . .......................... . . 80 APPENDIX............. ........................... 85 Vi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE PAGE 1. How to Make Matrimony a Marriage.............. 2 2. How to Make Your House a H o m e ................ 9 3. How to Deal with Your In-laws and Relatives . . 17 4. How to Handle Hygiene in Your Horae............ 26 5. How to Secure Sexual Harmony ............ 34 6. How to Plan for Parenthood.................... 42 7. How to Live Within Your Income................ 53 8. How to Spend Your Spare Time.................. 63 9. How to Entertain Effectively at Home.......... 71 vii PREFACE TO THE TEACHER This project is an attempt to assist the young married group in solving the various marital, domestic, social and economic problems that present themselves during the early years of marriage. It is hoped that such assistance will contribute to the stability of these recent marriages, to a reduction of the alarming number of marital failures in recent years, and to an early and effective preventive program for marriage difficulties. Many agencies are active at present in the area of Family or Domestic Relations. In many Instances these agencies assist people on am individual or "case” basis. Further, much work in this field consists of an attempt to "cure" the trouble after it ha3 developed. The aim of this project is to prevent or to avoid the development of marital problems or difficulties in the first place; i.e., the aim is preventive rather than therapeutic, In a literal sense. The method presented involves a group or class approach for two reasons. First, it is felt that by this means a large number of Individuals can be reached ef­ fectively by a small number of instructors or leaders and at relatively small expense when compared to the cost of case work or an individual approach. Second, the author feels that discussions and exchanges of ideas and information within the group constitute a valuable source of assistance and experience for the individual members of such a group.

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