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A corpus of Rembrandt paintings : Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project / 2 1631-1634 PDF

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Preview A corpus of Rembrandt paintings : Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project / 2 1631-1634

A CORPUS OF REMBRANDT PAINTINGS Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project A CORPUS OF REMBRANDT PAINTINGS IV THE SELF-PORTRAITS ~ Springer Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project A CORPUS OF REMBRANDT PAINTINGS ERNST VAN DE WETERING with contributions by KARIN GROEN, PETER KLEIN, JAAP VAN DER VEEN, MARIEKE DE WINKEL with the collaboration of PAUL BROEKHOFF, MICHIEL FRANKEN, LIDEKE PEESE BINKHORST translated by JENNIFER KILIAN, KATY KIST, MURRAY PEARSON fJ Springer Frontispiece: IV 19Self-portrait attheeasel, 1660 Paris, Musee duLouvre p.126,294;figs.5921IV(p.526) p.270;figs.269,28IV11(p.440) p.247;figs.82,2*IV(p.353)1 ,62 1 46,2 4 9 p.126,294;figs.60,6822IV(p.534) p.263,270;figs.56,26812IV(p.447) p.247;figs.244,248*IV2(p.361) p.I29,29423IV(p.538) p.58,271;figs.27*IV(p.454)13 p.248;figs.243,251IV3(p.371) I ,2 8 3 * * pI p.288;figs.300,3124IV(p.541) figs.272,286p.74,111-116,275IV14(p.460) t, It'~~&-.....6 .255;figs.253,257V4(p.378) 2 ; r" .y * * * p.73,2IV25 p.281IV15 p.255IV5 88;figs.3(p.551) ;figs.53,2(p.469) ;figs.254(p.385) 0 8 ,2 I,3 8 59 1 5 ,3 1 7 * l: * (* p.73,303;figs.326IV(p.562) ~."~..6..,.~-1i'1I~~:'~- p.281;figs.290IV(p.476)16 !'J p.261;figs.25)IV6(p.394) 2 > ,2 5 3,3 .~~ 92 ,26 2 " 2 4 : ,3 ' 2 9 p.76,303;fig*27IV(p.570 p.117,281;figs17(p.486)IV p.263;figs.256IV7(p.402) s.320) .57,5 ,265 ,33 8,2 0 9 1 * * * p.73,92,303;figIV28(p.578) p.73,281;figs.5IV(p.498)18 p.51,263;figs.5IV8(p.41O) s.32I 4,289 5,266 ,3 3 1 * * * ©2005Stichting p.303;figs.322,332IV29(p.588) p.73,288;figs.6I,298,31IV(p.508)19 p.266;figs.267,273,274IV9(p.418) F 0 o u n d ationRemhrandtR p.58,288;figs.6*20IV(p.517) figs.29-44,270,28p.1O1-108,273;IV10(p.429) esearchPro 7,299,311 4,285 SideB jec t figs.76,202,203p.139,207,216;IIC5611VCorr.(p.603)(*) ,..,'.II"~;',,.,1' .,.i"t-~., ~.-, ....''.' p.[66,179;flg.129*IB5/1VCorr.(p.602) p.158;fig.I19*IA14 (*)indicatesuncertaintyo*Paintingsmarkedwith Thisoverviewmay ACorpAnnexto p.207;flgs.204,206IIA97/1VCorr.(p.6 p.91,179;figs.143,144IA33/1VCorr.(p.60 p.48,164;flg.120*IA19 vertheattribution.areinouropinionby alsoserveasan usofRembra 02) 1) Re a nd m b t p.217;flg.207*IIIA111 •.~..'-,f';1....~*,?j~•.Ii p.182;fig.145*IA40 p.164;figs.123,3*IA221IVCarr. brandt; ridgedindex. Paintings,V r 28(p o .5 l 9 u " 8 ) m e p.232;flgs.214,218(*)IIIC921IVCorr. p.46,199,21l;flgs.18*IIA58 ~~ p.166;flg.127rc34 If,tr.~..-..." .LI,~tJ!.,','•• 1)-4f'f'l~'1.' Theself-IV: (p.604 3,[84 ., por ) t r * * * a p.238;flgs.23I,232IIIC96/IVCorr.(p.604) ,.'. p.202;figs.185,p.610fig.I1IVAdd.(p.609) ~~ - p.48,90,173;flg.135IA2111VCorr.(p.597) FordrawingsseForetchingsseeSideB:paintingitsSideA:painting e ss p.242;flgs.23*IIIC97/1V p.206,21I;flg*IIA71 p.173;flg.137rc36 pp.145-157pp.158-171,cataloguedininVolumesI 5,236Corr.(p s.193,20 184-199Volum-III(inc .605) 1 eIVludin g p.248;flgs.27,24IIIC93 ~"~.....-*.~ p.206,figs.194*IIA72 p.68,173;fig.1*IA20 IVAddendum 1 ~ ,2 38 0 I 5 a n d ~ . , 2 ) * * * p.7p.6III p.[IV p.5IA 2fig.28,242,2470,69,92,247;A139 39,207;flgs.73,1Add.2(p.615) 3;54fig.II18 9 7 ,1 9 9 * * p.139;figs.79,245,2IIIB10/lVCorr. p.207;figs.198,200IIA96 t:~ ...."\~'V~-~~ Sid 52(p e .60 A 3 ) Ofthis edition a limited number ofcopies have been specially bound and numbered. Subscribers to the complete special bound set will receive subsequent volumes with an identical number. DisclaiIner This isa publication ofthe StichtingFoundation Rembrandt Research Project. The opinions expressed in this volume (IV),and the previouslypublishedvolumes I-IIIin the SeriesA Corpus ifRembrandtPaintings, should be understood as "opinions" that are meantfor academic useonly. The opinions represent the Foundation'sbestjudgmentbased on available information at the time ofpublication. The opinions are not statements or representations offact nor a warranty ofauthenticity of a work ofart and are subject to change as scholarship and academic information about an individual work of art changes. Opinions have been changed in the past according to new insights and scholarship. It should be understood that forming an opinion as to the authenticity of a work of art purportingto be by Rembrandtisoften very difficultandwillin most casesdepend upon subjective criteriawhich are not capable of proofor absolute certainty. Therefore, the conclusions expressed in the volumes are only opinions and not a warranty of any kind. Third parties cannot derive any rights from these opinions. Neither the Foundation, nor the members ofits board, nor the authors, nor the cooperators, nor any other parties engagedin the Rembrandt Research Project accept any liability for any damages (schade), including any indirect or consequential damages or lossesand costs.Anyone isfree to disagree with the opinions expressed in these volumes. We are grateful for the help of ReneJ.Q Klomp (Stibbe Lawyers, Amsterdam) and Ralph E. Lerner (Sidley Austin Brown & Wood Lawyers, New York) Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project Published by Springer, ACORPUS OF REMBRA1\JDTPAINTINGS IV P.O. Box 17,3300AADordrecht, the Netherlands www.springeronline.com © 2005, StichtingFoundation Rembrandt Research Project Allrights reserved. No part ofthis publication may be ISBN-10 1-4020-3280-3 (thisvolume) reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in ISBN-l3 978-1-4020-3280-6 (thisvolume) any form or by any means, mechanical, photocopying, ISBN-IO 1-4020-3276-5 (limited numbered edition) recording, or otherwise, without the priorwritten permission ISBN-13 978-1-4020-3276-5 (limited numbered edition) ofthe publishers. Library ofCongress Catalogue Card Number82-18790 Typesetting- Pre Press bv, Zeist, the Netherlands Printing - Ter Roye printing company This work has been made possible by the financial support of Oostkamp, Belgium the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) Binding - Binderij Callenbach, and the University ofAmsterdam (UvA). Nijkerk, the Netherlands Contents PREFACE IX IV 9 Self-portrait, 1654. Kassel, Staatliche Museen Kassel, SUMMARY.THE GENESIS OF THIS VOLUMEAND A SURVEY Gemaldegalerie AlteMeister 418 OF ITS CONTENTS XXIII PHOTO ACKNOWLEDGMENTS XXXI IV 10 Self-portrait with sketchbook, [c. 1655J. Original lost 429 BIBLIOGRAPHICALAND OTHERABBREVIATIONS XXXIII V 11 'Self-portrait', 1655. Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum 440 Essays IV 12 'Self-portrait', [c. 1655]. Chapter I Florence, Galleria degliUffizi 447 BYHIS OWNHAND. THEVALUATIONOF AUTOGRAPHPAINTINGSIN IV 13 Small self-portrait, [c. 1655J. THE 17THCENTURY Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum 454 Jaap van der Veen 3-44 IV 14 Self-portrait, 1658. Chapter II New York, N.Y., The Frick Collection 460 REMBRANDT'SCLOTHES- DRESS AND MEANINGIN HIS SELF-PORTRAITS IV 15 Self-portrait, 165[7/9J. Marieke de Winkel 45-87 Edinburgh, National Galleries ofScotland, on loan from the Duke ofSutherland 469 Chapter III IV 16 Unfinished self-portrait, [c. 1659]. REMBRANDT'SSELF-PORTRAITS:PROBLEMSOF AUTHENTICITYAND Aix-en-Provence, Musee Granet 476 FUNCTION Ernst van de Wetering 89-317 (Contents 88) IV 17 'Self-portrait', [c. 1659J. Stuttgart, Staatsgalerie 486 Chapter IV GROUNDSINREMBRANDT'SWORKSHOPAND INPAINTINGSBYHIS IV 18 Self-portrait, 1659. CONTEMPORARIES Washington, D.C., The National Gallery ofArt 498 Karin Groen 318-334 IV 19 Self-portrait at the easel, 1660. BIOGRAPHICALINFORMATION 1642-1669 Paris, Musee du Louvre 508 Jaap van der Veen 335-349 IV 20 Self-portrait, 1660. NewYork,N.Y., The Metropolitan Museum ofArt 517 Catalogue IV 21 'Self-portrait', 1660. Melbourne, National Gallery ofVictoria 526 IV 1 Self-portrait in a flatcap, 1642. Windsor Castle, H.M. Queen Elizabeth II 353 IV 22 'Self-portrait', [c. 1660]. Cambridge, Mass., FoggArt Museum, IV 2 Self-portrait, [c. 1640]. Harvard University Art Museums 534 Madrid, Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza 361 IV 23 'Self-portrait', [c. 1660]. IV 3 'Self-portrait', [c. 1640J. Whereabouts unknown 538 Private collection, Germany 371 IV 24 Self-portrait asSt Paul, 1661. IV 4 'Self-portrait', [c. 1645J. Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum 541 Leipzig,Museum der bildenden Kunste 378 IV 25 Self-portrait asZeuxis laughing, [c. 1662]. IV 5 Self-portrait, [c. 1645/48]. Cologne, Wallraf-Richartz-Museum 551 Karlsruhe, Kunsthalle 385 IV 26 Self-portrait, [1665-69]. IV 6 'Self-portrait', 1650. London, English Heritage, Washington, National Gallery ofArt, Kenwood House, The Iveagh Bequest 562 Widener collection 394 IV 27 Self-portrait, 1669. IV 7 Rembrandt leaning on a windowsill, [later imitation?J. London, The National Gallery 570 Cincinnati, Ohio, The Taft Museum 402 IV 28 Self-portrait, [1669J. IV 8 Large self-portrait, 1652. Florence, Galleria degliUffizi 578 Vienna, Kunsthistorisches Museum 410 IV 29 Self-portrait, 1669. The J:!ague,Koninklijk Kabinetvan Schilderijen, Mauntshuis 588 VII

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