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Preview A contribution to the scelionid wasps (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) from some regions of Eastern Iran

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA, 20(2): 299–304 25 DECEMBER 2011 A contribution to the scelionid wasps (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) from some regions of Eastern Iran К фауне сцелионид (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) некоторых районов восточного Ирана N. SAMIN*, H. GHAHARI, E. KOÇAK & GH.R. RADJABI Н. САМИН*, Х. ГАХАРИ, Э. КОЧАК, Г.Р. РАДЖАБИ N. Samin, Department of Entomology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]. *Corresponding author. H. Ghahari, Department of Agriculture, Shahre Rey Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected]. E. Kocak, Suleyman Demirel University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Biotechnology, Isparta, Turkey Gh.R. Radjabi, Department of Agricultural Entomology Research, Plant Protection Research Institute, Evin, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: [email protected] The Scelionidae were studied in some regions of Eastern Iran. In total 23 species from 7 genera were collected, among which two species, Eumicrosoma phaeax (Nixon, 1938) and Sparasion punctatissimum Kieffer, 1906, are new records for Iran. Наездники семейства Scelionidae были изучены в некоторых районах восточного Ирана. Всего было собрано 23 вида 7 родов, из которых два вида – Eumicrosoma phaeax (Nixon, 1938) и Sparasion punctatissimum Kieffer, 1906 – являются новыми находками для Ирана. Key words: fauna, Eastern Iran, Hymenoptera, Scelionidae Ключевые слова: фауна, восточный Иран, Hymenoptera, Scelionidae INTRODUCTION enomines, the Orthoptera, the Heteroptera, the Coleoptera, the Odonata, the Mantodea The Scelionidae are exclusively egg para- and the araenomorph spiders form the major sitoids, with a wide host array, with host-de- host assemblage of the Scelioninae (Austin pendent morphological specialization. They et al., 2005). The fauna of Iranian Scelioni- show high specificity in host partitioning dae especially Eastern Iran was poorly stud- at tribal level (Galloway & Austin, 1983). ied and only with 27 species so far (Safavi, Attributes like high searching ability, high 1974; Modarres Awal, 1997; Radjabi, 2001; reproductive rates and lack of hyperpara- Sakenin Chelav et al., 2008; Ghahari et al., sitiods place them as highly potential and 2009; Samin et al., 2010a, 2010b). The aim promising biological control agents (Orr, of this research which is based on the col- 1988). Of the three scelionid subfamilies, the lected specimens from three provinces of Telenominae, the Scelioninae and the Tel- Eastern Iran (including Khorasan, Kerman easinae, the first two are highly abundant, and Sistan, and Baluchestan), is determin- diverse and quite significant to agroecosys- ing a part of these beneficial insects in this tems. While the Lepidoptera and the Het- region and making a small step in complet- eroptera are principal host groups for tel- ing of Iranian Scelionidae. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes 300 N. SAMIN ET AL. SCELIONID WASPS OF EASTERN IRAN MATERIALS AND METHODS Distribution outside Iran: Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Russia (Johnson et al., 2008). The materials of this research were col- lected from three provinces including, Kho- Sparasion punctatissimum Kieffer, 1906 rasan, Kerman, Sistan and Baluchestan locat- ed in Eastern Iran. Sampling methods were Material: Khorasan province: Bojnord, 1 fe- sweeping net, malaise trap and rearing of male, 1 male, September 2005. New record for some eggs of Pentatomidae (Hemiptera) for Iran. emergence of parasitoids inside the host. Egg Distribution outside Iran: Austria, Italy, masses of pentatomids were placed in plastic Ukraine, Russia (Johnson et al., 2008). bags and in optimum condition (26±2 °C, 65±5 %RH, 14: 10 L: D) in incubator. Clas- Sparasion subleve Kieffer, 1906 sification, nomenclature and distributional data of Scelionidae suggested by Kozlov Material: Khorasan province: Ghoochan, 1 (1978), Kozlov & Kononova (1983), Konon- female, September 2005. ova (1992), Johnson (1992, 2010), Kononova Distribution outside Iran: Italy, Tajiki- and Kozlov (2008) have been followed. stan (Johnson et al., 2008). RESULTS Subfamily TELENOMINAE Thomson, 1860 Totally 23 scelionid species from 7 gen- Genus Eumicrosoma Gahan 1913 era were collected from Eastern Iran (Kho- rasan, Kerman and Sistan & Baluchestan Eumicrosoma phaeax (Nixon, 1938) provinces). The list of species is given below. Material: Khorasan province: Ghaenat, 1 fe- male, April 2006. New record for Iran. Family SCELIONIDAE Haliday, 1840 Distribution outside Iran: India, Japan, Subfamily SCELIONINAE Förster, 1856 Korea, Romania (Kozlov & Kononova, Genus Anteris Förster, 1856 1983). Anteris simulans Kieffer, 1908 Genus Psix Kozlov et Le, 1976 Material: Kerman province: Kahnooj, 1 fe- male, 1 male, August 2006. Psix abnormis Kozlov et Le, 1976 Distribution outside Iran: Palearc- Material: Khorasan province: Bojnord, 2 fe- tic: Republic of Moldavia, Ukraine, Rus- males, September 2005. sia, Azerbaijan, Danish, Germany (Kozlov Distribution outside Iran: Afghanistan, 1978, Kononova, 1992; Johnson, 2010). Africa (Kozlov & Kononova, 1983). Genus Scelio Latreille, 1805 Psix lacunatus Johnson et Masner, 1985 Scelio poecilopterus Priesner, 1951 Material: Kerman province: Kerman, 1 fe- Material: Sistan and Baluchestan province: male, 1 male, September 2008. Chabahar, 1 female, May 2007; Zahedan, 2 fe- Distribution outside Iran: Pakistan, males, 1 male, May 2008. Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, Distribution outside Iran: Turkmenistan India, Laos (Kozlov & Kononova, 1983). (Kozlov & Kononova, 1983). Genus Sparasion Latreille, 1802 Genus Telenomus Haliday, 1833 Sparasion emarginatum Kieffer, 1906 Telenomus angustatus (Thomson, 1860) Material: Khorasan province: Serakhs, 1 fe- Material: Sistan & Baluchestan province: male, March 2008. Saravan, 1 female, March 2006 ex eggs of Chrys- © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 299–304 N. SAMIN ET AL. SCELIONID WASPS OF EASTERN IRAN 301 ops (Petersenychrysops) hamatus (Diptera: Ta- Distribution outside Iran: Afrotropical, banidae). Australasian, Nearctic, Neotropical, Orien- Distribution outside Iran: Austria, Swe- tal, Palearctic (Johnson, 1992). den, Hungary, Romania, Russia (Kozlov & Kononova, 1983; Johnson, 1984; Samin et Trissolcus crypticus Clarke, 1993 al., 2010b). Material: Sistan & Baluchestan province: Telenomus benefactor Crawford, 1911 Iranshahr, 2 females, October 2004. Distribution outside Iran: Pakistan Material: Khorasan province: Nehbandan, 2 (Johnson, 2010). females, March 2005. Distribution outside Iran: Afrotropical Trissolcus djadetshko (Rjachovsky, 1959) and Palearctic and Oriental regions (Ko- zlov & Kononova, 1983; Johnson, 1984; Sa- Material: Kerman province: Kahnooj, 3 fe- min et al., 2010b). males, 2 males, August 2006; Kerman, 1 female, April 2007. Telenomus beneficiens (Zehntner, 1896) Distribution outside Iran: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldavia, Russia, Material: Kerman province: Jiroft, 1 female, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Turkey (Kozlov & August 2007, parasitoid of Scirpophaga novella Lee, 1988; Koçak and Kılınçer, 2000, 2003). (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae). Distribution outside Iran: Java, Korea, Trissolcus festivae (Viktorov, 1964) Taiwan (Johnson, 2010; Samin et al., 2010b). Material: Kerman province: Bam, 2 females, Telenomus chloropus (Thomson 1860) June 2007. Distribution outside Iran: Moldovia, Material: Khorasan province: Mashhad, 4 fe- Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Russia, Romania, males, 2 males, October 2006. Distribution outside Iran: Holoarctic Turkey (Kozlov & Kononova, 1983; Tarla, (Kozlov & Kononova, 1983; Johnson, 1984; 1997). Samin et al., 2010b). Trissolcus grandis (Thomson, 1861) Telenomus dignus (Gahan, 1925) Material: Khorasan province: Torbat-Hey- Material: Kerman province: Jiroft, 1 female, darieh, 5 females, 2 males, May 2004. Khorasan 1 male, August 2007. province: Mashhad, 2 females, 3 males, October Distribution outside Iran: Taiwan, Chi- 2006. Kerman province: Kerman, 6 females, 3 males, April 2007. Sistan and Baluchestan prov- na, Japan, Java, Korea, Philipinnes, Pakistan, ince: Zabol, 3 females, 4 males, May 2008. Para- India (Johnson, 2010; Samin et al., 2010b). sitoid of Eurygaster integriceps and Perillus biocu- latus (F.) (Pentatomidae). Telenomus remus Nixon, 1937 Distribution outside Iran: Denmark, Material: Sistan & Baluchestan province: Moldovia, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Saravan, 2 females, March 2006. Belgium, Syria, Morocco, England, Roma- Distribution outside Iran: Malaysia, nia, Italy, Turkey (Javahery, 1968; Viggia- Taiwan, India (Johnson, 2010; Samin et al., ni and Mineo, 1974; Kozlov & Kononova, 2010b). 1983; Koçak, 2007). Genus Trissolcus Ashmead, 1893 Trissolcus rufiventris (Mayr, 1908) Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston, 1858) Material: Kerman province: Kerman, 2 fe- Material: Khorasan province: Ghaenat, 2 fe- males, 2 males, March 2007. males, 2 males, July 2007. Parasitoid of Eurygas- Distribution outside Iran: Russia, Mo- ter integriceps (Pentatomidae). rocco, Romania, Moldavia, Ukraine, Mon- © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 299–304 302 N. SAMIN ET AL. SCELIONID WASPS OF EASTERN IRAN golia, Europe, Africa, Turkey (Voegele, 1964; in these regions especially in areas which Kozlov & Kononova, 1983; Koçak, 2007). sampling is very difficult there. Also as we expected the dominant species in Eastern Trissolcus semistriatus (Nees, 1834) Iran are two species Trissolcus grandis and T. semistriatus as the powerful egg parasi- Material: Khorasan province: Torbat-Hey- toids of sunn pest, Eurygaster integriceps darieh, 2 females, 2 males, May 2004. Khorasan Puton (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae). Many province: Mashhad, 2 females, 1 male, October of the characteristics considered most desir- 2006. Kerman province: Kerman, 8 females, 5 able in a natural enemy can be found within males, April 2007. Sistan & Baluchestan prov- members of Scelionidae. Species have been ince: Zabol, 3 females, 4 males, May 2008. Para- sitoid of Eurygaster integriceps (Pentatomidae). studied which demonstrate high searching Distribution outside Iran: Palearctic. abilities and reproductive rates, lack of hy- Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Cau- perparasitoids, have synchrony with host casus, Russia, Morocco, England, Turkey, populations, have positive host-density re- Romania, Portugal (Javahery, 1968; John- sponsiveness, have simple adult diets, and son, 1992). can be reared easily. The advancements made in rearing techniques for these natu- ral enemies should prove valuable in the fu- Trissolcus simoni (Mayr, 1879) ture both in classical biological control and Material: Kerman province: Kerman, 1 fe- in augmentative efforts. Research which has male, March 2007. been done in Eastern Iran indicates that a Distribution outside Iran: Georgia, variety of approaches are possible for aug- Ukraine, Austria, Azerbaijan, Russia, Mo- menting scelionid populations. These range rocco, Syria, Romania, Turkey (Remaudière from simple innundative releases to manip- & Skaf, 1963; Kozlov & Kononova, 1983; ulation of preferred nectar-bearing plants. Koçak & Kılınçer, 2003). Although fewer than 30 species have been used in classical biological control attempts, Trissolcus vassilievi (Mayr, 1903) several of these have produced excellent re- sults. Also, scelionids interact well with in- Material: Khorasan province: Nehbandan, 1 secticide applications due to the protective female, March 2005. Kerman province: Kerman, nature of host egg choria. We propose to the 1 female, 2 males, March 2007. conservation of these efficient egg parasit- Distribution outside Iran: Turkmenistan, oids with management in pesticides appli- Turkey, Syria, Morocco, Armenia, Moldavia, cation. With attention to the high diversity Russia, Ukraine, Central Asia (Remaudière and density of these beneficial insects in & Skaf, 1963; Voegele, 1964; Kozlov & Ko- natural ecosystems and also in agroecosys- nonova, 1983). tems with low pesticides application, these parasitoids can have effective role in biolog- DISCUSSION ical control of pests if conservation. The results of the present research which is a part of huge project “Iranian ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Scelionidae” indicate that the fauna of sce- The authors are indebted to P.N. Buhl (Swe- lionid wasps in Eastern Iran is very diverse den), N.F. Johnson (USA) and L. Masner (Can- and on the other hand unknown. The larg- ada) for valuable help in progress of the project. est provinces of Iran including, Khorasan, We are thankful to F. Hosseinpour (Mashhad Kerman and Sistan & Baluchestan with Ferdowsi University) for sending some speci- numerous areas are present in Eastern Iran; mens. The research was supported by Tehran therefore several other samplings are neces- Science and Research Branch (Islamic Azad sary for identification of scelionids fauna University) and Suleyman Demirel University. © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 299–304 N. SAMIN ET AL. SCELIONID WASPS OF EASTERN IRAN 303 REFERENCES tera: Scutelleridae: Eurygaster sp.), in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Zoology, 27(4): 301–317. Austin A.D, Johnson N.F. & Downton M. Kononova S.V. 1992. Fauna of Ukraine. Volume 2005. Systematics, evolution and biology of 11. Parasitic Hymenoptera. Part 10. Proc- scelionid and platygastrid wasps. Annual Re- totrupoid scelionid parasitoids of the sub- view of Entomology, 50: 553–582. families Scelioninae and Telenominae. Kiev: Galloway I.D. & Austin A.D. 1983. Revision of Naukova Dumka. 255 p. (In Russian). the Scelioninae (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) Kozlov M.A. 1978. Nadsemeystvo Proctotrupo- in Australia. 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SAMIN ET AL. SCELIONID WASPS OF EASTERN IRAN Samin N., Koçak E., Shojai M. & Havaskary, Tarla Ş. 1997. Determination of sunn pest, Eu- M. 2010a. An annotated list of the Platygas- rygaster integriceps Put.’s egg parasitoid in troidea (Hymenoptera) from the Arasbaran Antakya region and investigation on mass biosphere reserve and vicinity, northwestern culture property of them. M:K:Ü: Fen Bilim- Iran. Far Eastern Entomologist, 210: 1–8. leri Enstitüsü, M. Sc. Thesis, Antakya, 57 p. Samin N., Koçak E., Ghahari H. & Shojai M. Voegele J. 1964. Asolcus bennisi n. sp. (Hyme- 2010b. A checklist of Iranian Telenomus noptera, Proctotrupoidea) parasite oophage de Graphosoma lineata L. (Het. Pentatomi- Haliday (Hymenoptera: Platygastroidae: dae). Entomophaga, 9: 119–122. Scelionidae: Telenominae). Linzer biologische Beiträge 42(2): 1437–1444. Received December 9, 2010 / Accepted November 20, 2011 © 2011 Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Scienсes, Zoosystematica Rossica 20(2): 299–304

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