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Marian Mure(cid:24)san A Concrete Approach to Classical Analysis Solutions to Exercises February 29, 2012 Springer Contents 1 Sets and Numbers ......................................... 5 2 Vector Spaces and Metric Spaces .......................... 25 3 Sequences and Series ...................................... 27 4 Limits and Continuity ..................................... 39 5 Differential Calculus on R ................................. 49 6 Integral Calculus on R .................................... 57 7 Differential Calculus on Rn ................................ 69 8 Double Integrals, Triple Integrals, and Line Integrals ...... 75 1 Sets and Numbers 1.1.(i)Supposethatthesetintheleft-sidecontainsanelement,say x. Then x belongs to A, not to B, and to B. We get a contradiction, hence the set in the left-side contains no element. (ii) Obviously, A∩B ⊂A\(A\B). If there exists an x∈A\(A\B), then x∈A and x∈/ A\B. It follows that x∈B, so that x∈A∩B. (iii) Both sides of this identity contain elements belonging either to A or to B. (iv) Both sides of the identity contain elements in A and neither in B nor in C. (v) The three members of this double identity contain elements belonging to A and C, but not to B. 1.2. Suppose that A \ B ⊂ C and pick up an x ∈ A. If x ∈/ B, then x ∈ A\B and thus x ∈ C. If x ∈ B, then x ∈ B∪C. Conversely, suppose that A ⊂ B∪C and pick up an x ∈ A\B. Then x ∈ A and x ∈/ B. Thus x∈(B∪C)\B ⊂C. 1.3. (i) We have x∈(A∪B)\C ⇐⇒(x∈A or x∈B) and x∈/ C ⇐⇒(x∈A and x∈/ C) or (x∈B and x∈/ C) ⇐⇒x∈(A\C)∪(B\C). (ii) We have x∈(A∩B)\C ⇐⇒(x∈A and x∈B) and x∈/ C ⇐⇒(x∈A and x∈/ C) and (x∈B and x∈/ C) ⇐⇒x∈(A\C)∩(B\C). 6 1 Sets and Numbers (iii) By (i) we have (A∪C)\B =(A\B)∪(C\B)⊂(A\B)∪C. 1.4. (i) One can easily show that Y =(B\C)\A and Y ⊂X. If C =∅ and A=B ̸=∅, then ∅=Y ̸=A=X. We conclude that Y ⊂X. 1.5. (i) x∈∪∞ B ⇐⇒∃n∈N, x∈B ⇐⇒∃n∈N, i∈{0,...,n}, x∈A n=0 n n i ⇐⇒x∈∪∞ A . n=0 n (ii) x∈∩∞ B ⇐⇒∀n∈N, x∈B ⇐⇒∀n∈N, i∈{0,...,n}, x∈A n=0 n n i ⇐⇒x∈∩∞ A . n=0 n 1.6. (i) x∈∪∞ (∩∞ A ) =⇒ ∃m ∈N, x∈∩∞ A m=0 n=0 m;n 0 n=0 m0;n =⇒ ∃m ∈N,∀n∈N, x∈A 0 m0;n =⇒ x∈∩∞ (∪∞ A )⊂∩∞ (∪∞ A ). n=0 m=m0 m;n n=0 m=0 m;n (ii) Not true. 1.7. (i) { ∅=X\∅=X and { X =X\X =∅. X X (ii) {(A\B)={(A∩{B))=({A)∩({({B))=({A)∪B. (iii) (A∪B)\(A∩B)=(A∪B)∩({(A∩B))=(A∪B)∩({A∪{B) =(A∩({A∪{B))∪(B∩({A∪{B)) =((A∩{A)∪(A∩{B)∪((B∩{A)∪(B∩{B)=(A∩{B)∪((B∩{A). (iv) x∈{B =⇒ x∈/ B =⇒ x∈/ A =⇒ x∈{A. 1.8. Successively we have {(X∪A)∪(X∪{A)=B ⇐⇒(({X∩{A)∪{A)∪X =B ⇐⇒(({X∪{A)∩({A∪{A))∪X =B ⇐⇒(({X∪{A)∩{A)∪X =B ⇐⇒{A∪X =B ⇐⇒A∩({A∪X)=A∩B ⇐⇒A∩X =A∩B. Thus X is any subset of U satisfying A∩X =A∩B. 1.1 Solutions 7 1.9. (i) X ∈P(A)∪P(B) =⇒ X ∈P(A) or X ∈P(B) =⇒ X ⊂A or X ⊂B =⇒ X ⊂A∪B =⇒ X ∈P(A∪B). (ii) Pick a nonempty set X ∈ P(A∪B). Then X ⊂ A∩B. If X ⊂ A or X ⊂ B, the equality is true. Suppose that X = X ∪X , with X ̸= ∅, 1 2 1 X ⊂A, X ̸=∅, X ⊂B, and X ̸=X . Then X ∈/ P(A)∪P(B). 1 2 2 1 2 (iii) and (iv) are straightforward. 1.10. (i) One-to-one. (ii) Onto. (iii) One-to-one and onto. 1.11. (a) (i) =⇒ (ii) Consider f∗(M1) = f∗(M2). This is equivalent to f(M ) = f(M ). We show that M = M . Pick an arbitrary x ∈ M . Then 1 2 1 2 1 f(x)∈f(M )=f(M ). Itmeansthatthereexists y ∈M with f(x)=f(y). 1 2 2 Since the function f is one-to-one, it follows that x = y and x ∈ M . Thus 2 M ⊂M . Inasimilarwayweshowthat M ⊂M , andtherefore M =M . 1 2 2 1 1 2 Thus the function f∗ is one-to-one. (ii) =⇒ (iii) Let M ∈ P(A) be arbitrary. We show that there exists N ∈ P(B) with f∗(N) = M, that is, for M ⊂ A there exists N ⊂ B with f−1(N) = M. Define N = f(M). From the injectivity of f we indeed have that M =f−1(N)=f∗(N). (iii) =⇒ (iv) The inclusion f(M ∩N) ⊂ f(M)∩f(N) is obvious. We now show its reverse. Let N ,N ∈P(B) be with f−1(N )=M and f−1(N )= 1 2 1 1 2 M be arbitrary. We have f−1(N ∩ N ) = f−1(N ) ∩ f−1(N ). For y ∈ 2 1 2 1 2 f(M )∩f(M ) there exists x ∈ M ,x ∈ M with f(x ) = f(x ) = y. 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 Since f(x ) ∈ N , f(x ) ∈ N , it follows that y ∈ N ∩N . Thus f−1(y) ∈ 1 1 2 2 1 2 f−1(N ∩N )=f−1(N )∩f−1(N )=M ∩M , andthereexists x∈M ∩M 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 with f(x)=y. So f(M)∩f(N)⊂f(M ∩N). (iv) =⇒ (v) Taking M =M and M ={M, we have that f(M)∩f({M)= 1 2 f(M ∩{M)=f(∅)=∅ and thus f({M)⊂{f(M). (v) =⇒ (i) Consider x,y ∈ A with f(x) = f(y) and define M = A\{x}. Then {M = {x} and f(x) = f(y) ∈ f({M) ⊂ {f(M). Thus f(y) ∈/ f(M) and y ∈/ M. Therefore y =x and the function f is one-to-one. (b) The proof is similar to (a). (c) Follows from (a) and (b). 1.12. (a) (i) =⇒ (ii) For every ξ ∈ C we have that (f ◦g)(ξ) = (f ◦h)(ξ), i.e., f(g(ξ))=f(h(ξ)). Becauseof f isone-to-one,itfollowsthat g(ξ)=h(ξ) and since ξ was taken arbitrarily in C, we have that g =h. (ii) =⇒ (i)Supposethat f isnotone-to-one.Thenthereexist x,y ∈A, with x̸=y and f(x)=f(y). Consider C ={u,v} and the functions g,h:C →A 8 1 Sets and Numbers satisfying g(u)=x, g(v)=y, and h(u)=h(v)=y. Thenwehave f◦g =f◦g and g ̸=h. (b)(i) =⇒ (ii)Let y ∈B bearbitrary.Since f isonto,thereexists x∈A so that f(x)=y. We have the sequence of implications g(f(x))=h(f(x)) =⇒ g(y)=h(y) =⇒ g =h. (ii) =⇒ (i) Suppose f is not onto. Then there exists y ∈B so that for every x∈A, f(x)̸=y. Consider C ={0,1} and g(z)=0, for all z ∈B, h(z)=0, for all z ∈B\{y} and h(y)=1. Then g◦f =h◦f and g ̸=h. 1.13. (i) There exists an injection N∗ ∋n→2n ∈N∗. (ii) The set is at least countable since the coordinates a given vertice runs on the countable set Q×Q. The same set is a subset of the countable set (Q×Q)×(Q×Q)×(Q×Q), Theorem 2.17. (iii) The set coincides with Q×Q which is countable. (iv) It follows from Theorem 2.17. 1.14. (i) Denote N ={a ,a ,...,a } and M ={b ,b ,...,b } Then to a 1 2 n 1 2 m 1 onecanassignanarbitraryelementfrom M, i.e.,thereare m possibilities,to a onecanassignanarbitraryelementfrom M, i.e.,thereare m possibilities, 2 and so on. (ii) Follows from (iii). (iii) To a one can assign an arbitrary element from M, let it be {b }, i.e., 1 i there are m possibilities, to a one can assign an arbitrary element from 2 M \{b }, let it be {b }, i.e., there are m−1 possibilities, to a one can i j 3 assign an arbitrary element from M \{b ,b }, let it be {b }, i.e., there are i j k m−2 possibilities, and so on till to each element from M is assigned one from N. (iv) Denote the set of onto functions from M into N by Sn, m ≥ n. For m each i = 1,...,n, let A be the set of functions from M into N such that i b does not belongs to the image of any such function. Then the set Sn i m of onto functions from M into N coincides with the set of all functions from M into N except the functions belonging to some of the sets A . Then i |Sn| = nm−|A ∪A ∪···∪A |. By the first equality in Exercise 1.18, we m 1 2 n expand |A ∪A ∪···∪A |, and remark that 1 2 n |A |=(n−1)m, |A ∩A |=(n−2)m,...,∩n A =∅. i i j i=1 i ( ) ( ) Wealsonotethatthereare n sets A , n sets A ∩A , ....Nowtheresult 1 i 2 i j follows. 1.15. First approach. One proves them by induction. Second approach. One proves them by combinatorial argues. For the first identity a combinatorial argue is the next one. Choose a set A of n ∈ N elementsandaset B withtwoelements 0 and 1. Weidentifyasubset M ⊂A with a mapping f : M → B defined as f(x) = 1 if x ∈ M and f(x) = 0 1.1 Solutions 9 otherwise. Thus we obtain a bijection between the family of subsets of A and the set of functions from M into B. The cardinal of the later set is 2n, according to (i) in Exercise 1.14. For the next two identities consider C and D a partition of family of subsets of A so that C contains subsets of odd cardinal whereas D contains subsets of even cardinals. We already saw that |C∪D|=2n. Pick up an element in A, denote it x. We define a bijection f from C onto D such that f(X) = X ∪{x} if x ∈/ X and f(X) = X \{x} otherwise.Itfollowsthatthesets C and D areofthesamecardinalandthus the last two identities are proved. One can try using the next Mathematicar commands. TraditionalForm[Sum[Binomial[n, k], {k, 0, n},Assumptions \[RightArrow] n\[Element]Integers &&n\[GreaterSlantEqual] 0]] TraditionalForm[Sum[Binomial[n,2*k],{k,0,n/2},Assumptions \[RightArrow] n\[Element]Integers &&n\[GreaterSlantEqual] 0]] TraditionalForm[Sum[Binomial[n,2*k+1],{k,0,n/2},Assumptions \[RightArrow] n\[Element]Integers &&n\[GreaterSlantEqual] 0]] 1.16. Let A be the family of partitions of S. Then S ={1} =⇒ A={S}, S ={1,2} =⇒ A={S, {{1},{2}}}, S ={1,2,3} =⇒ A={S, {{1},{2},{3}}, {{1,2},{3}}, {{1,3},{2}}, {{2,3},{1}} }, S ={1,2,3,4} =⇒ A={S, {{1},{2},{3},{4}}, {{1,2,3},{4}}, {{1,2,4},{3}}, {{1,3,4},{2}}, {{2,3,4},{1}}, {{1,2},{3,4}}, {{1,2},{3},{4}},{{1,3},{2,4}}, {{1,3},{2},{4}}, {{1,4},{2,3}}, {{1,4},{2},{3}}, {{2,3},{1},{4}}, {{2,4},{1,3}}, {{3,4},{1},{2}}}. Thus the equalities in (1.11) of the statement hold. Some results can be ob- tained by Mathematicar, Figure 1.1. One can also try using the next Mathematicar command. Table[BellB[n], {n, 0, 4}] Now suppose S = {a1,a2,...,an,an+1}. Pick up(a)n arbitrary element in S, say a . Select k elements in S \{a } (in n ways) and denote by A n+1 n+1 k thesetofremaining n−k elements.By A onehas Bn−k partitions.Thuswe get (1.12). 1.17. Every x∈A belongs to at least a set A . The set of indices of the sets i A containing x is a nonempty subset to {1,2,...,n}. So, there are 2k −1 i possibilities for x belonging to at least a set A . Since each x∈A belongs to i at least a set A , the conclusion follows. i 10 1 Sets and Numbers H* Set partitions*L SetPartitions@4D 8881,2,3,4<<,881<,82,3,4<<,881,2<,83,4<<,881,3,4<,82<<, 881,2,3<,84<<,881,4<,82,3<<,881,2,4<,83<<,881,3<,82,4<<, 881<,82<,83,4<<,881<,82,3<,84<<,881<,82,4<,83<<,881,2<,83<,84<<, 881,3<,82<,84<<,881,4<,82<,83<<,881<,82<,83<,84<<< H* Bell numbers*L BellB@4D 15 Fig. 1.1. Set partitions and Bell numbers for n=4 1.18. By induction. 1.19. Both sides increase with ⌈y⌉, if x is substituted by x+1. Therefore we can consider that 0 ≤ x < 1. Both sides vanish for x = 0 and both sides increase by 1 if x increases over 1−k/y, for 0≤k <y. ⌊ ⌋ n+2k 1.20. There exists k ∈ N∗ such that n < 2k0. Then = 0 for all 0 2k+1 k ≥ k . Thus the left-hand side of (1.13) in the statement contains precisely 0 a finite sum. For any real x we have ⌊ ⌋ 1 x+ =⌊2x⌋−⌊x⌋. 2 Applying the above relation to each nonzero term in the left-side of (1.13), we get the result. 1.21.Suppose (a−r)n+an =(a+t)n. Denote t=a/r. Then (t−1)n+tn = (t+1)n, that is (( ) ( ) ) n n tn−2 tn−1+ tn−3+···+1 =0. 1 3 Since the coefficient of the leading term is 1 and all the other coefficients are integers, the rational roots are integers. If t is odd, we get a contradiction. If t is even, the leading term is divisible by 4, while the product is divisible only by 2. We get a contradiction again. Thus the polynomial equation has no integer root. So it has no rational root. ⊓⊔ 1.22. Suppose that |A|=n. Then P(A) is equivalent with the set of n-term sequences of 0 and 1.

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