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Preview A Comprehensive Archival Chandra Search for X-ray Emission from Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies

Submitted to ApJ: November 30, 2015 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.01/23/15 A COMPREHENSIVE ARCHIVAL CHANDRA SEARCH FOR X-RAY EMISSION FROM ULTRACOMPACT DWARF GALAXIES Viraj Pandya1,2, John Mulchaey2, and Jenny E. Greene1 1DepartmentofAstrophysicalSciences,PeytonHall,PrincetonUniversity,Princeton,NJand 2TheObservatoriesoftheCarnegieInstitutionforScience,813SantaBarbaraStreet,Pasadena,CA91101,USA (Dated: January 11, 2016) Submitted to ApJ: November 30, 2015 ABSTRACT WepresentthefirstcomprehensivearchivalstudyoftheX-raypropertiesofultracompactdwarf(UCD) 6 1 galaxies, with the goal of identifying weakly-accreting central black holes in UCDs. Our study spans 0 578 UCDs distributed across thirteen different host systems, including clusters, groups, fossil groups, 2 and isolated galaxies. Of the 336 spectroscopically-confirmed UCDs with usable archival Chandra n sim−1a,gitnhge ogblosbearvlaXti-ornays,d2e1teacrteioXn-frraayc-tdioentecfoterdt.heImUpCoDsinpgopauclaotmiopnleitsen∼es3s%li.mOitfothfeL2X1>X-2ra×y-d1e0t3e8cteerdg a UCDs, seven show evidence of long-term X-ray time variability on the order of months to years. X- J ray-detected UCDs tend to be more compact than non-X-ray-detected UCDs, and we find tentative 7 evidence that the X-ray detection fraction increases with surface luminosity density and global stellar velocity dispersion. The X-ray emission of UCDs is fully consistent with arising from a population ] A of low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs). In fact, there are fewer X-ray sources than expected using a naive extrapolation from globular clusters. Invoking the fundamental plane of black hole activity for G SUCD1 near the Sombrero galaxy, for which archival Jansky Very Large Array imaging at 5 GHz is . publiclyavailable, wesetanupperlimitonthemassofahypotheticalcentralblackholeinthatUCD h p to be ∼< 105M(cid:12). While the majority of our sources are likely LMXBs, we cannot rule out central - black holes in some UCDs based on X-rays alone, and so we address the utility of follow-up radio o observations to find weakly-accreting central black holes. r Keywords: accretion, galaxies: active, galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: supermassive black holes, X-rays: t s binaries, X-rays: galaxies a [ 1 1. INTRODUCTION nations for this dark mass include a bottom-heavy IMF v The formation mechanisms and central black hole oc- (Mieske & Kroupa 2008), a top-heavy IMF leading to 0 cupation fraction of ultracompact dwarf (UCD) galax- excessstellarremnants(Dabringhausenetal.2012),and 9 ies are unknown. First discovered more than fifteen supermassive black holes (SMBHs; Mieske et al. 2013). 6 years ago in the nearby Fornax cluster (Hilker et al. Recently, Seth et al. (2014) presented evidence for a 1 SMBH in M60-UCD1 that accounts for ∼ 10% of the 1999;Drinkwateretal.2000;Phillippsetal.2001),Hub- 0 total mass of that UCD, based on dynamical modeling ble Space Telescope imaging and high-resolution spec- . of spatially-resolved spectroscopy. The exciting detec- 1 troscopy have shown that UCDs are extremely dense tion of a SMBH via dynamical modeling motivates us to 0 stellarsystemsratherthanmerelyunresolvedforeground search for alternative evidence of central black holes in 6 stars in our own Galaxy. Although numerous stud- UCDs, in this case using accretion. X-rays provide one 1 ies have established the distinctiveness of UCDs com- : pared to considerably smaller and fainter globular clus- of the cleanest ways to identify accretion onto SMBHs v because they are insensitive to dust and can probe the ters(GCs)andconsiderablylargerandbrighterdwarfel- Xi liptical(dE)galaxies(e.g.,Drinkwateretal.2003;Mieske low bolometric Eddington ratio regime (e.g., Gallo et al. 2010; Miller et al. 2015). r et al. 2008b; Norris & Kannappan 2011; Brodie et al. a 2011), the origin of UCDs is still not clear. There are AlthoughtheopticalandUV(e.g.,Mieskeetal.2008a) properties of UCDs have been systematically explored, thoughttobetwoprimaryformationchannelsforUCDs: X-rays from UCDs as a whole remain largely unex- (1) the merging of several smaller star clusters that pro- plored. A handful of UCD discovery papers report ducesasupermassivestarcluster,and(2)thetidalstrip- merely whether or not the newly-classified UCDs host ping of a larger galaxy that gives rise to a naked nucleus an X-ray point source (e.g., the first bona fide X-ray- (e.g., Brodie et al. 2011; Norris et al. 2014). detected UCD was SUCD1 near the Sombrero galaxy; One hint about the origin of UCDs comes from study- Hau et al. 2009). Phillipps et al. (2013) present an ingtheirdynamicalmasses. Interestingly,themoremas- archival study of the X-ray properties of UCDs limited sive UCDs show evidence for higher dynamical mass-to- to Fornax alone, finding an X-ray detection fraction of light ratios than those expected from stellar population ∼8%(downtoL ≈6×1037 ergs−1). Inthispaper,we modelingalone,suggestingthatatleastsomeUCDshost X presentthefirstcomprehensivearchivalsearchforX-rays a large amount of “dark mass” (Ha¸segan et al. 2005; from UCDs in a variety of host systems, with the goal Mieske et al. 2008b, 2013). The most prominent expla- of identifying accreting central black holes. As we will Electronicaddress: [email protected] show,manyarchivalobservationsaredeepenoughtoalso 2 Pandya, Mulchaey & Greene probe low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs), high-mass X- shows how many UCDs in each host system have usable raybinaries(HMXBs),andultra-luminousX-raysources archival Chandra observations (see also subsection 3.1). (ULXs). In addition to Table 1, we also refer the reader to the Thispaperisorganizedasfollows. Insection2,wede- following compilations of physical properties of compact scribeoursampleofUCDsandtheirphysicalproperties. stellar systems, including UCDs: Norris et al. (2014); In section 3, we derive the X-ray properties of UCDs. In Norris & Kannappan (2011); Forbes et al. (2013); Mis- section 4, we present correlations between X-ray emis- geld & Hilker (2011); Hilker (2011). sion and physical properties, and address the origin of the X-ray emission. We discuss our results in section 5 2.2. The Physical Properties of UCDs and summarize in section 6. Appendix A gives the IDs We adopt the optically-derived physical properties of ofarchivalChandra datasetsused,AppendixBdiscusses our UCDs from the literature (i.e., from one of the ref- borderline detections, Appendix C comments on UCDs erences given in Table 1). A substantial number of our in Perseus and NGC 3115, and Appendix D gives the UCDsdonothavefundamentalphysicalpropertiesavail- optical properties and X-ray upper limits for non-X-ray- able. Here we briefly address the homogeneity of our detected UCDs. literature-based physical properties. Whenever possible, we adopt the global stellar veloc- 2. SAMPLE itydispersion(σ)andr fromMieskeetal.(2008b)and hl In this section, we introduce our sample of UCDs and Mieske et al. (2013), since they accounted for aperture- describe their optically-derived properties. and seeing-related effects in a homogeneous way. Oth- erwise, we adopt the values from the original papers 2.1. Optically-Defined UCDs in the Literature if available. Note that different studies used different We began our study by searching the literature for all structural models to derive sizes (Sersic, Nuker, or King samples of optically-defined UCDs. We find a total of profiles). In addition, we adopt the dynamical masses 578 known UCDs distributed among thirteen different (Mdyn), and dynamical mass-to-light ratios in the V host systems and four different environment types (clus- band (Mdyn/LV), derived by Mieske et al. (2013) and ters, groups, fossil groups, and isolated galaxies).1 Of the original papers for ∼50 UCDs. We verified that the those 578 UCDs, 195 are classified on the basis of their Mdyn definitionsusedindifferentstudiesareindeedcon- photometry alone, and so are considered UCD “candi- sistent with each other by recomputing the virial mass, dates.” It is likely that some of these 195 UCD can- which we estimate following Spitzer (1987) and Hilker didates are actually background galaxies or foreground et al. (2007): Mvir ≈9.75× rhGlσ2. stars. The remaining 383 UCDs are spectroscopically- confirmedmembersoftheirrespectivehostsystems, and 3. X-RAYANALYSIS socanbeconsideredbonafideUCDs.2 Tomaximizethe Inthissection,wedescribeallworkrelatedtoderiving sample size considered in this work, we consider both the X-ray properties of UCDs. candidate and spectroscopically-confirmed UCDs. Although we do not attempt to homogenize the def- 3.1. Chandra X-ray Data Retrieval inition of UCDs across different studies, we have tried For each UCD, we used the CIAO3 tasks to limit our sample to objects that were unambiguously find chandra obsid and download chandra obsid classifiedasUCDsintheoriginalstudies. Thedefinition to search for archival ACIS4 imaging (excluding grating, ofanunambiguousUCDvariesbetweendifferentstudies, continuous clocking, and interleaved mode observations) andcandependonM ,opticalhalf-lightradius(r ),or V hl with off-axis angle5 θ < 10 arcmin. Although there was acombinationofthetwo. Typically,MV ∼< −11magand no constraint on the depth of the Chandra data, the rhl ∼> 10 pc for an unambiguous UCD, but there are ex- shortest exposure time for an individual observation is ceptions(e.g.,Greggetal.2009;Brodieetal.2011). The generally 5 ksec. The restriction on θ is crucial because M distributionofourUCDshasmean−11.26magand V the Chandra point spread function (PSF) is highly standarddeviation0.97mag. Ther distributionofour hl variable as a function of θ (and effective energy): the UCDs has mean 18.2 pc and standard deviation 14.9 pc, PSFstartstobecomeellipticalatθ >1.0arcmin,andas with the largest value being ∼ 100 pc. Given that the θ increases, the radius of a circular aperture needed to boundary between GCs and faint UCDs is imprecisely enclose 90% of the PSF also increases. If a point source defined, our sample size would greatly increase if we ex- has θ > 10 arcmin, it will look like locally-enhanced tended our study to encompass borderline objects (e.g., background, have an artificially-extended structure, and the ω Centauri-like objects described in Hilker 2011). is unlikely to be found by most detection algorithms6. InTable1,weorganizethelistofpreviousstudiesfrom After all observations were downloaded, we dis- which we initially drew our UCD samples and proper- carded any observations whose Validation and Verifi- ties, as a function of UCD host system. Table 1 also cation (V&V) reports indicated severe problems. We then reprocessed every observation with the CIAO task 1 Recently, Liu et al. (2015) presented a sample of several new UCDs around M87, M49, and M60 in Virgo (a small fraction of which are spectroscopically-confirmed). Although we do not in- 3 The Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations software clude these new UCDs in our study, we do not expect our results providedbytheChandraX-rayCenter(Fruscioneetal.2006). tochangeifwedidincorporatethem. 4 TheAdvancedCCDImagingSpectrometerinstrument. 2ThereareafewmorehostsystemswhichcontainmostlyUCD 5 The off-axis angle is defined as the separation between the candidates(noradialvelocities)butwhichhavenousablearchival positionofasourceandtheaimpointofanobservation. Chandra imaging (e.g., the Antlia cluster; Caso et al. 2013). We 6 See section 4.2.3 of The Chandra Proposers’ Observatory donotconsiderthosesystemshere. Guide: http://cxc.harvard.edu/proposer/POG/html/chap4.html X-ray Emission from Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies 3 Table 1 UCDSample System Ntot Nspec Nchandra References (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Centaurus 30 30 27 Mieskeetal.(2007a,2009) Coma 87 41 35 Chiboucasetal.(2011);Madridetal.(2010) Fornax 78 78 62 Bergondetal.(2007);Firthetal.(2008);Greggetal.(2009);Hilkeretal.(2007);Mieskeetal.(2008b,2013) HCG22+90 21 21 21 DaRochaetal.(2011) Hydra 83 54 67 Misgeldetal.(2008,2011);Wehner&Harris(2007) NGC1023 15 0 1 Mieskeetal.(2007b) NGC1132 6 6 6 Madrid&Donzelli(2013);Madrid(2011) NGC3115 31 6 31 Jenningsetal.(2014) NGC5128 27 27 23 Rejkubaetal.(2007);Mieskeetal.(2008b,2013);Pengetal.(2004);Martini&Ho(2004) NGC7252 1 1 1 Schweizer&Seitzer(1998);Fellhauer&Kroupa(2005);Marastonetal.(2004) Perseus 84 14 28 Pennyetal.(2012,2014) Sombrero 1 1 1 Hauetal.(2009) Virgo 114 104 70 Brodieetal.(2011);Francisetal.(2012);Ha¸seganetal.(2005);Sethetal.(2014);Norrisetal.(2014);Sandoval etal.(2015);Straderetal.(2013);Zhangetal.(2015);Evstigneevaetal.(2008,2007);Paudeletal.(2010);Janz etal.(2015) Total 578 383 373 − Note. —Referencesforthe13UCDhostsystemsprobedinthispaperaswellasthenumberofUCDsineachhostsystemsatisfyingourselectioncriteria. Col(1): UCDhostsystem. Col(2): TotalnumberofUCDs. Col(3): Totalnumberofspectroscopically-confirmedUCDs. Col(4): TotalnumberofUCDswithatleastoneusable Chandraobservation. Col(5): ReferencesfromwhichwedrewoursampleofUCDs. chandra reprotousethelatestsoftwareandcalibration of the distances from each observation’s aim point to its updates (CALDB version 4.6.7). Forgoing astrometric assignedcentroidposition(therearek centroidpositions corrections,weadoptedthestandardChandra astromet- initialized by the user) via an iterative procedure. This ricreferenceframebecauseithasanoverall90%absolute hastheadvantagethateachUCDisthenassignedtoonly positionaluncertaintyof0.6arcsec,whichisgoodenough one of the k merged images – the image whose k-means for our purposes. centroidpositionisclosesttotheUCD’sownopticalpo- Table 1 gives the number of UCDs with at least one sition. usableChandra observationasafunctionofhostsystem, We used the CIAO task merge obs to combine the and Appendix A gives the list of identifiers for all obser- individual observations associated with each of the k vations used in this work. We find that 373/578 ≈ 65% groups, resulting in k merged images. No binning of of UCDs have at least one usable Chandra observation. the data was done so as to maintain the native resolu- tion of Chandra (0.492 arcsec px−1). For each of the 3.2. Detecting X-ray Counterparts merged images, we constructed a merged PSF map by doing an exposure map-weighted average of the individ- We take a two-tiered approach to searching for X-ray ual contributing observations’ PSF maps. The exposure point sources at the known optical positions of UCDs. map-weightedaverageaccountsforsignificantlydifferent The first tier involves the use of merged exposures (in- exposuretimesandeffectiveareasbetweentheindividual dividually spanning several years) to gain the maximum contributing observations. possible sensitivity to faint sources. The second tier in- On each of the k merged images, we ran the CIAO volves the use of the individual exposures to account for possible variable sources that may have been missed us- detectiontoolwavdetectinthreedifferentenergybands: fullband(0.5-7.0keV),softband(0.5-2.0keV),andhard ing the merged-observation approach. band(2.0-7.0keV).Weusedeightdifferentwaveletscales 3.2.1. Tier I: Merged Observations (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, and 48 pixels), and required a significance threshold of 10−6 which corresponds to one The process of merging Chandra observations requires false positive detection per ACIS CCD. great care because of the significant degradation of the To cross-match the UCDs to the X-ray sources found PSF at θ >1 arcmin and the non-uniformity of the PSF by wavdetect, we adopted a circular matching radius of between different observations. Within most of the thir- 1.5 arcsec. If a wavdetect X-ray source is found within teenUCDhostsystems,therearetypicallyseveraldiffer- 1.5 arcsec of a known UCD optical position, then that ent observations, some of whose aim points can be sepa- X-ray source is said to be coincident with the UCD. Al- ratedbyafewdegrees. Combiningsuchhighly-separated though the optical radii of UCDs are typically less than observations into a single merged observation can con- one arcsec, our choice of 1.5 arcsec for the X-ray cross- taminate point sources (from low-θ observations) with matching radius helps to account for the instability and background counts (from high-θ observations), resulting broadening of the Chandra PSF at θ > 1 arcmin. We in a noisy and artificially-extended source which is un- repeated this cross-matching for all three energy bands likely to be significantly detected. Therefore, we typi- butwebaseourdetectionclassificationsonresultsinthe cally created multiple merged observations for each host full band. There were no instances of a source being systembyseparatingindividualobservationsintogroups detected in the hard and/or soft bands but not in the with similar aim points. full band. We also did not have multiple unique X-ray Wechosetomergeobservationswhoseaimpointswere sources cross-matched to a single UCD. within10arcminofeachotherfortworeasons: (1)thatis We found nineteen X-ray point sources coincident typically the maximum θ that a bright point source can with the optical positions of UCDs using this merged- have before it looks merely like locally-enhanced back- observation approach. The full-band postage stamps of ground, and (2) that was the search radius used to as- thesenineteenX-raypointsourcesareshowninFigure1 sociate archival Chandra observations with each UCD. and their optical properties are given in Table 3. In Ap- We accomplished this task using the machine learning pendix B, we discuss five borderline detections, while in k-means clustering algorithm which minimizes the sum 4 Pandya, Mulchaey & Greene Appendix C we discuss non-detections in Perseus and side the chosen source aperture by creating a circularly- NGC 3115. symmetric PSF model at the UCD location using the task arfcorr. 3.2.2. Tier II: Individual Observations We then did an exposure-weighted sum of the indi- While the first tier search is sensitive to very faint vidualcontributingobservations’sourceandbackground sources thanks to the significantly increased exposure region spectra, using the CIAO task combine spectra. times of merged observations, there are several instru- After computing the background-subtracted spectrum8, mental and astrophysical effects that could conspire to we assumed an absorbed power-law spectral model with give a non-detection in a merged image. During the first the absorption fixed to the Galactic value at the optical tier search, we assumed the following: (1) no intrinsic position of the UCD (Stark et al. 1992). In order to de- variabilityinasource,(2)nosignificantbackgroundvari- terminethebest-fitphotonindex(γ)andnormalization, ationsamongobservationsspanningmorethantenyears, we followed a two-step process. and (3) no significant background contamination effects First, since 11 of the 21 X-ray-detected UCDs have induced by merging observations whose aim points can sufficiently high net counts (> 100 net counts) to do be separated by up to 10 arcmin. spectral fitting, we kept both γ and the normalization For the above reasons, we also carried out a search on as free parameters for these 11 UCDs. We binned the the individual (non-merged) observations. For each host spectra to ensure at least 15 counts in each energy bin. system, we first ran wavdetect on all individual obser- UsingtheMonteCarlofittingalgorithm(moncar)imple- vations in the same three energy bands (full, soft, and mented in Sherpa (Freeman et al. 2001) along with the hard) and with the same parameters mentioned previ- Gehrels(1986)χ2 statistic,wefoundreasonablespectral ously. We then cross-matched the UCDs to the X-ray fits; these are shown in Figure 2. We investigated the point sources found in each individual observation and reason why χ2 < 1 for all fits as follows. For the five red looked for new matches missed during the first tier. Of UCDswith>300netcounts,weincreasedtheminimum course, a UCD detected in a merged image may not be bin size from 15 to 40, 80, or 100 counts and re-fit the detected in every individual observation contributing to spectra. When the error per energy bin decreased due that merged image because the individual observations’ to the larger number of counts per bin, χ2 indeed in- red exposure times (and the UCD’s θ) may vary. In general, creased to ∼1, but our fits did not significantly change. however, this unlocks time variability studies, which we We settled on a bin size of 15 counts because some of will discuss in subsection 3.5. our sources do not have enough counts to justify a big- We found two additional UCDs hosting X-ray point ger number and we want to apply a consistent bin size sources using this individual-observation approach: for all 11 sources. Altogether, χ2 and visual inspection red gregg45 in Fornax and HGHH92-C12=R281 in NGC of the fits suggests that additional components beyond 5128. Both gregg45 and HGHH92-C12=R281 were de- the fixed-absorption power law (e.g., soft X-ray thermal tected in only a single exposure. Their Chandra postage component or intrinsic absorption) are not necessarily stampsareshowninFigure1andtheiropticalproperties justified. are given in Table 3. For the remaining ten X-ray-detected UCDs, we fixed γ to1.5(themedianofthebest-fitvaluesderivedduring 3.3. Deriving X-ray Luminosities the first iteration), and then we solved for the best-fit Sincewavdetectisonlyadetectiontoolandnotappro- normalization using the same fitting approach described priate for X-ray photometry, here we describe our algo- above. Thefluxandits90%confidenceintervalineachof rithmforderivingthefluxandluminosityofeachX-ray- thethreeenergybands(full,soft,andhard)werederived detected UCD in the three energy bands (full, soft, and by drawing 1000 random values from a Gaussian distri- hard). Thereisneitherastandardpracticeadvocatedby butionwithmeansettothebest-fitmodelfluxandstan- theChandraX-rayCenternoramethodwidelyadopted dard deviation based on the uncertainty of that best-fit throughouttheliteratureforderivingX-rayluminosities modelflux. ThiswasaccomplishedwiththeSherpa task from a merged Chandra dataset. It is crucial that we sample flux. Finally, we converted the fluxes to lumi- derive X-ray luminosities using the merged datasets be- nosities with the luminosity-distance formula, assuming cause most of our detections are based on the merged the distance to each UCD’s host system (the distances images. are given in Table 3). For each X-ray-detected UCD, we extracted its spec- The X-ray properties of the X-ray-detected UCDs are trumfromeachoftheindividualobservationsusedforits given in Table 4. detection. We used the CIAO task srcflux which auto- matically defines a circular source aperture centered on UCD. In some cases, there was a bright source nearby and so we manually resized or moved the background apertures to prevent the optical position of each UCD with the radius chosen contamination. to enclose 90% of the PSF (the radius depends on θ and 8ThemajorityofourX-ray-detectedUCDs’sourceregionshave the effective energy of the full-band: 2.3 keV). A back- total (i.e., including the underlying background) counts (cid:29)100 so groundannulusisalsoautomaticallydefinedbysrcflux subtractingthebackgroundshouldbevalid. Intheremaininglow- count cases, a standard practice advocated in the literature is to withinnerradiusequaltothesourceapertureradiusand simultaneously fit the source and background spectra. However, outer radius equal to five times the source aperture ra- modeling the Chandra X-ray background is not trivial, especially dius.7 srcflux automatically also applies PSF correc- with few background counts, and we do not want to introduce tions to account for the fraction of counts falling out- additionalsystematicuncertainties. Thecrucialpointisthat,after subtractingthebackgroundforthefewlow-countUCDs,wedonot endupinthe(non-Poissonian)negativecountcase. 7 Wevisuallyinspectedthesourceandbackgroundaperturesin every individual observation associated with each X-ray-detected X-ray Emission from Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies 5 Figure 1. Approximately 30”×30” postage stamps from the full band (0.5-7.0 keV) merged image for each of the 21 X-ray-detected UCDs. The green cross marks the optical position of each UCD. The green circle is the exposure time-weighted average of the circular apertures adopted to enclose 90% of the PSF in the individual observations (see subsection 3.3). The color-coding represents the count rate,whereineachimageblueisfaintest,redisintermediate,andwhiteisbrightest. 3.4. Deriving Upper Limits ManyofourUCDsarecoveredinmultiplearchivalob- servationsspanningnearlyfifteenyears,andherewetake The majority of our UCDs are not directly detected advantageofthatfacttosearchfortimevariabilityusing by wavdetect, and so for those UCDs, we derive upper the data products created during the X-ray luminosity limits on the full-band (0.5-7.0 keV) flux and luminos- derivation process (see subsection 3.3). We restrict the ity.9 In many cases, we have extraordinarily deep imag- followingtimevariabilityanalysisonlytoX-ray-detected ingandcanplaceanimportantconstraintonX-rayemis- UCDs because we know that: (1) they are definitely X- sion from UCDs thought to host central BHs. However, ray emitters, and (2) they are securely detected in at defining and deriving upper limits is a highly non-trivial least one archival observation. Individual archival ob- and controversial topic (e.g., Kashyap et al. 2010). servations in which an otherwise X-ray-detected UCD It is even more difficult in our case because we want is not “re-detected” by wavdetect are still included in to get the deepest possible upper limits by leveraging our analysis to test the possibility that the UCD’s X-ray the summed exposure times of merged observations, but source “turned off.” However, we discard any observa- the individual contributing observations each have dif- tions in which srcflux can only measure a 90% upper ferent effective exposures and aim points, and can span limit instead of a net count rate with 90% confidence across more than 10 years. Tools such as WebPIMMS10 bounds; this is typically a problem only for observations are not appropriate because they make two assump- tions that are generally flawed for large archival stud- with exposure times ∼< 10 ksec. As is standard practice in active galactic nucleus ies such as ours: (1) the source is perfectly on-axis, and (AGN)variabilitystudies(e.g.,Nandraetal.1997;Ptak (2) the sensitivity of ACIS for only one observing cy- et al. 1998; Vaughan et al. 2003; Thornton et al. 2009; cle is used. In practice, the source is not perfectly on- Young et al. 2012), we searched for variability in net axis (θ > 0 arcmin), and merged observations comprise count rate space rather than flux or luminosity space. datasets taken in many different observing cycles. Due Following Luo et al. (2013), we took a two-pronged ap- tothesecomplications, andbecausethereisnostandard proachtotestforlong-termX-raytimevariability. First, algorithm recommended for deriving upper limits based we fit each UCD’s “X-ray light curve” with a zero-slope on merged Chandra datasets, we describe our method in straight-line model and computed χ2 . Second, we Appendix D. In short, we derived upper limits for the red computed the maximal time variability indicator, σ , non-X-ray-detected UCDs by computing the number of max based on the maximum difference between any two net net counts that would correspond to a local background count rates within a given UCD’s light curve, normal- fluctuation with Poisson probability 1%. ized by their uncertainties (again, see Luo et al. 2013, TheopticalpropertiesandX-rayupperlimitsfornon- and references therein): X-ray-detected UCDs are given in Appendix D. |R −R | σ =max i j , (1) 3.5. X-ray Time Variability max i,j(cid:113) σ2 +σ2 Ri Rj 9 We did not derive upper limits for UCD candidates because: where Ri and Rj are the net count rates in the ith and (1) all X-ray-detected UCDs are spectroscopically-confirmed, and jth observations, and σ and σ are the uncertainties (2)UCDcandidatesarenotusedwhencomputingdetectionfrac- Ri Rj in those net count rates, respectively. The uncertainties tionsordeterminingcorrelations. 10Seehttps://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/tools/ σR include the contribution from the background and pimms.html. were derived using the Gehrels (1986) approximation. 6 Pandya, Mulchaey & Greene Figure 2. Spectra and best-fit models for the subset of our X-ray-detected UCDs with > 100 net counts. The best-fit photon index (γ)with68%(1σ)confidencebounds,assumedGalacticabsorptionvalueinthedirectionoftheUCD,andreducedχ2 areshownineach subplot. X-ray Emission from Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies 7 We present the results of the two approaches in Ta- ble 2. Adopting slightly more restrictive criteria than Luo et al. (2013), we consider a UCD to be a variabil- ity candidate if χ2red ∼> 2 and σmax ∼> 3. The following five UCDs clearly satisfy both criteria: F-17, HGHH92- C6, HGHH92-C7, HGHH92-C23, and HCH99-18. M60- UCD1 also exhibits evidence for variability, albeit with somewhat lower values of χ2 and σ . HGHH92-C21 red max is a borderline case due to a single spike in net count rate. Thedatasuggestlong-termvariabilityontheorder of months to years for these seven UCDs, and their me- dian σ ≈ 5.3. Many of the non-variable UCDs have max fewerobservationsavailableforcharacterizingtheirlong- term variability as compared to the variable sources (see the N column in Table 2), but their observations do obs span several years (with the exception of ∼3 months for gregg25). The long-term X-ray light curves of the seven variability candidates and the non-variable SUCD1 are shown in Figure 3. Lastly,wealsolookedforshort-termvariability(within a single observation – on the order of ksec) from each of the X-ray-detected UCDs using only observations in which the source region yielded > 50 net counts. First, we used the CIAO task dither region to account for any time periods where our sources of interest were ditheredoverbadregions(off-chip, badpixel, etc.) since that would induce artificial time variability due to in- strumental effects. Then, we employed the CIAO task glvary which uses the Gregory & Loredo (1992) algo- rithmto: (1)sliceanobservation’seventfileintodifferent timebins,and(2)lookforsignificantdeviationsbetween the time-binned events. We did not find any compelling evidenceforshort-termtimevariabilitywithinanyofthe UCDs’ observations. Ideally, we would like to derive a characteristic long- Figure 3. Thelong-termX-raylightcurvesforthesevenvariabil- term variability timescale and relate that to a hypothet- itycandidatesandthe non-variable SUCD1. The modifiedJulian ical black hole mass. However, we do not have a suffi- dates (MJD) shown are relative to the Chandra-specific reference MJD:MJD =50814days(January1,1998). cient number of data points in the light curves to detect ref a characteristic long-term variability timescale or am- sioninUCDs: LMXBs(seediscussioninsubsection4.4), plitude. We also do not detect compelling evidence for and weakly-accreting central black holes (see discussion short-termvariabilityandthuscannotderiveanestimate in subsection 5.2). Here, we briefly discuss the expected of,e.g.,thecrossingtime,whichdirectlyprobestheblack properties of the X-ray emission if dominated by one or hole mass (e.g., see section 2 of Peterson 2001). Never- the other. theless, the long-term variability of F-17, HGHH92-C6, At luminosities below ∼ 5×1038 erg s−1, the LMXB HGHH92-C7, HGHH92-C21, HGHH92-C23, HCH99-18, X-rayluminosityfunctionofGCssteeplyrises(e.g.,Fab- and M60-UCD1 warrants further investigation. biano 2006; Kim et al. 2009)). Thus, our X-ray detec- 4. ORIGINOFTHEX-RAYEMISSION tions at these low L are likely dominated by accretion X The most immediate conclusion to be drawn from our ontostellar-massobjectsinLMXBs. AthigherLX,how- archival study is that across thirteen different host sys- ever, we can hope to be sensitive to accretion both onto temsthatcollectivelyhost578UCDs,wefindonly21X- central black holes and in LMXBs. For a given stellar ray-emitting UCDs (all coincidentally spectroscopically- mass,theLMXBfractionshouldrisewithstellardensity confirmed). Considering only the 336 spectroscopically- duetotheincreasedprobabilityofproducinginteracting confirmedUCDswithusablearchivalX-raydataandim- stellar binaries (Jord´an et al. 2004). In fact, as we will posingacompletenesslimitofL >2×1038 ergs−1 (to quantify in subsection 4.4, given the optical properties X account for the variable depths in the different host sys- of the UCDs, we would expect many more LMXBs than tems), we measure a global X-ray detection fraction of our number of X-ray detections. 4/149 ≈ 3%. In this section, we explore links between To estimate the likely emission from a central accret- theX-rayandphysicalpropertiesofUCDswiththegoal ingblackhole, considerthattheEddingtonluminosity11 of determining the origin of the X-ray emission. of a 106M(cid:12) black hole is ∼1.3×1044 erg s−1.12 Adopt- 4.1. LMXBs versus Central Black Holes 11 Ledd=1.3×1038(MBH/M(cid:12))ergs−1. Our main concern is to quantify the expected contri- 12 A106M(cid:12) blackholewouldaccountfor∼10%ofthetypical UCD’s dynamical mass, similar to the black hole mass fraction butionfromthetwomostrelevantsourcesofX-rayemis- foundinM60-UCD1(Sethetal.2014). 8 Pandya, Mulchaey & Greene Table 2 Long-termX-rayTimeVariability UCD System N σ χ2 Variable? obs max red (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) F-17 Fornax 7 3.99 3.86 Yes F-22 Fornax 4 1.20 0.56 No F-34 Fornax 9 1.47 0.34 No F-3 Fornax 3 0.88 0.40 No F-18 Fornax 9 1.05 0.21 No gregg25 Fornax 2 0.58 0.33 No gregg26 Fornax 4 0.84 0.32 No HGHH92-C6 NGC 5128 19 4.16 2.22 Yes HGHH92-C7 NGC 5128 12 6.22 3.69 Yes HHH86-C18 NGC 5128 21 1.77 0.51 No HGHH92-C21 NGC 5128 19 3.04 1.16 Maybe HGHH92-C23 NGC 5128 24 9.82 11.79 Yes HGHH92-C36=R113 NGC 5128 4 0.24 0.03 No HGHH92-C37=R116 NGC 5128 5 0.94 0.31 No HCH99-16 NGC 5128 23 1.16 0.27 No HCH99-18 NGC 5128 24 7.17 5.68 Yes SUCD1 Sombrero 3 0.99 0.50 No M60-UCD1 Virgo 6 2.54 1.52 Yes HGHH92-C12=R281 NGC 5128 6 0.68 0.16 No gregg45 Fornax 8 0.98 0.38 No Note. —Thelong-termX-raytimevariabilitypropertiesofX-ray-detectedUCDswithmultipleobservations. Col(1): UCD name. Col(2): UCDhostsystem. Col(3): Numberofindividualobservationsinwhichsrcfluxcouldmeasureanetcountrate with 90% confidence bounds (regardless of detection). Col (4): The maximal time variability indicator. Col (5): The reduced chi-squared from assuming a zero-slope straight-line fit model. Col (6): Whether we consider the UCD to exhibit long-term X-ray time variability. ing the relation from Ho (2008) that L ≈16×L for We now ask whether the X-ray detection fraction de- bol X thetypicallow-luminosityAGN,ourtypicalX-rayupper pends on the physical properties of the UCDs. If the limitsof1037and1039ergs−1allowustoprobebolomet- most massive and compact UCDs with the highest stel- ric Eddington ratios (≡ L /L ) down to ∼ 7×10−8 lar velocity dispersions hosted either central accreting bol edd and ∼ 7×10−6, respectively, assuming a 106M cen- black holes (e.g., Mieske et al. 2013) or a large popula- (cid:12) tral black hole. Given that the X-ray-detected M60- tion of dark stellar remnants (e.g., Dabringhausen et al. UCD1’s dynamically-confirmed SMBH is radiating at 2012), thenwewouldexpectpositivephysicaltrendsbe- L /L ≈ 4×10−7, we certainly have the ability to tween the X-ray detection fraction and various physical bol edd detect some accreting central black holes if they exist. properties. It is a bit complicated to address this vital The X-ray spectral and variability properties of UCDs questionbecausewehavesuchvariableX-rayupperlim- canprovidesomeadditionalcluesaboutthenatureofthe its. Therefore, when computing the detection fraction X-rayemission. However,themedianderivedphotonin- at a given LX completeness limit, we include all X-ray- dex (assuming an absorbed power law spectral model; detectedUCDs(abovethatcompletenesslimit)aswellas γ ≈ 1.5) is consistent with both a low-luminosity AGN non-X-ray-detectedUCDswhoseupperlimitsaregreater (Ho2008)andanLMXBinthehard/lowstate(Fabbiano than the completeness limit. We bin the detections as a 2006;Remillard&McClintock2006). Itisnotclearwhat function of four different physical properties: absolute conditions would be required to produce the hard X-ray V-band magnitude, dynamical mass-to-light ratio in the spectra(γ ≈1)ofsomeUCDs(F-34,HGHH92-C21,and V band,globalstellarvelocitydispersion,andsurfacelu- SUCD1). In terms of variability, the greatest argument minositydensity(Σ= LV ). Asaconcretelowerbound 2πr2 infavorofLMXBswouldcomefromshort-termvariabil- hl on the detection fraction upper limits, we also show the ity which would imply short crossing times. Alas, we actual detection fraction in each bin (without including find no evidence for short-term variability (on the order thenon-X-ray-detectedUCDs),assumingacompleteness of ksec), and instead detect only long-term variability limit of L >1038 erg s−1. (spanning years). Since the data do not suggest any pe- X AscanbeseeninFigure4,theupperlimitsonthede- riodicity, the variability could arise from either a central tection fractions show an increasing trend between some black hole or a population of LMXBs. bins for each measured property. However, the trends The X-ray properties alone are therefore inconclusive are not consistent for the different completeness limits in addressing the possible domination of LMXBs over that we explore, and they are also not consistent with central black holes. In contrast, considering both the the trends seen for the actual detection fractions assum- X-ray and optical properties together may help reveal ing a completeness limit of L > 1038 erg s−1. More concretedifferencesbetweentheLMXBandcentralblack X observations are needed, particularly at the high end of hole scenarios. each physical property’s distribution where the number of UCDs is lower. Tentatively, there does appear to be 4.2. X-ray Detection Fraction an increasing trend in the actual detection fractions (as- X-ray Emission from Ultracompact Dwarf Galaxies 9 alal of Ref(13)Mieske+13Mieske+13Mieske+13Mieske+08aMieske+08aGregg+09Gregg+09Gregg+09Mieske+13Mieske+08aMieske+08aMieske+08aMieske+08aMieske+08aMieske+08aMieske+08aMieske+08aRejkuba+07Hau+09Strader+13Sandoval+15m.Col(3):Optic.Col(8):Optic(cid:12)Expectednumber σM/LnVLMXBdyn(10)(11)(12)28.0±1.42.1±0.40.90129.1±1.53.2±0.90.29015.3±1.51.2±0.40.31831.3±1.5−−19.1±1.4−−−−−−−−−−−20.7±1.51.5±0.40.36919.12.70.11814.70.9±0.30.26417.23.9±1.40.06229.51.7±0.61.39314.72.2±0.80.15612.01.5±0.50.1738.42.2±0.80.01318.73.7±1.40.04313.13.10.02725.0±±54.9±0.70.302−−13.875mergedobservations.Col(2):UCDhostsyste[mag].Col(7):logof(dynamicalmass)/M10ghtratiointheV-band[M/L].Col(12):(cid:12)(cid:12) Table3OpticalPropertiesofX-ray-detectedUCDs SystemRADecDMlog(M/M)rv(cid:12)Vhlrad(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Fornax54.64083−35.4325520.9−11.376.8±5.83.461390.0Fornax54.82375−35.4250320.9−11.226.9±5.95.341054.0Fornax54.55291−35.4825020.9−10.836.3±5.64.191639.0Fornax54.54333−35.4017220.9−11.70−−1626.0Fornax54.67500−35.5536120.9−11.70−−2024.0Fornax54.55008−35.6658920.9−−−1307.0Fornax54.55937−35.4455020.9−−−1377.0Fornax54.67975−35.4670820.9−−−1574.0NGC5128201.34245−43.046003.42−11.016.5±5.74.3854.5NGC5128201.52254−42.942333.42−11.096.8±6.37.5594.9NGC5128201.41616−43.083863.42−10.146.2±5.73.2479.8NGC5128201.46975−43.096223.42−10.396.7±6.27.0461.3NGC5128201.47741−42.990393.42−11.666.8±6.33.3673.7NGC5128201.53220−42.866753.42−9.916.3±5.83.6702.7NGC5128201.54408−42.895193.42−9.836.0±5.63.3611.7NGC5128201.37620−42.993003.42−10.086.3±5.812.1458.2NGC5128201.38167−43.000783.42−11.387.0±6.613.7455.0NGC5128201.27383−43.175193.42−10.526.6310.8±1.4440.4Sombrero190.01304−11.667869.95−12.317.314.7±1.41293.1Virgo190.8999011.5347016.7−14.208.3±7.524.2±0.51290.0Virgo186.3451618.1815816.7−12.55−1.85±0.9658.0optedfromtheliterature.∗meansthattheUCDwasdiscoveredduringthesecondtiersearchusingindividualratherthanCol(4):OpticaldeclinationofUCD[deg].Col(5):DistanceadoptedtoUCD[Mpc].Col(6):AbsoluteV-bandmagnitude−1−1Heliocentricradialvelocity[kms].Col(10):Globalstellarvelocitydispersion[kms].Col(11):Dynamicalmass-to-li17)ofSivakoffetal.(2007).Col(13):PrimaryreferencefortheUCD’sopticalproperties. UCD(1)F-17F-22F-34F-3F-18gregg25gregg26∗gregg45HGHH92-C6HGHH92-C7HHH86-C18HGHH92-C21HGHH92-C23HGHH92-C36=R113HGHH92-C37=R116HCH99-16HCH99-18∗HGHH92-C12=R281SUCD1M60-UCD1M85-HCC1Notes:Col(1):UCDnameadrightascensionofUCD[deg]. half-lightradius[pc].Col(9):LMXBsaccordingtoequation( 10 Pandya, Mulchaey & Greene Table4X-rayPropertiesofX-ray-detectedUCDs UCDSystemEXPθsRNCNCNCFFFLLLHRγxFHSFHSFHS(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)+0.17+0.35+0.17+0.17+0.35+0.17F-17Fornax2403.60.374.9169.61±44.4926.16±35.66144.36±26.71−14.30−14.44−14.7538.4238.2737.97−0.691.49−0.27−0.76−0.30−0.27−0.76−0.30+0.20+0.36+0.18+0.20+0.36+0.18F-22Fornax935.30.598.0126.79±42.6029.12±35.5699.67±23.60−14.05−14.11−14.5038.6738.6138.22−0.551.49−0.35−0.94−0.35−0.35−0.94−0.35+0.12+0.21+0.13+0.12+0.21+0.13+0.14F-34Fornax2795.30.138.8272.86±47.4786.16±37.62186.37±29.02−13.98−14.11−14.5538.7438.6138.17−0.371.19−0.17−0.48−0.19−0.17−0.48−0.19−0.14+0.11+0.21+0.13+0.11+0.21+0.13+0.14F-3Fornax4144.50.897.0288.53±47.8592.87±37.84195.32±29.36−14.15−14.29−14.6838.5638.4238.04−0.361.30−0.16−0.49−0.18−0.16−0.49−0.18−0.14+0.36+0.43+0.39+0.36+0.43+0.39†F-18Fornax2045.50.519.732.87±43.220.96±36.9831.92±22.46−14.68−14.37−15.1138.0438.3537.61−0.941.49−0.87−1.00−0.98−0.87−1.00−0.98+0.41+0.42+0.39+0.41+0.42+0.39†gregg25Fornax744.70.828.718.12±40.128.00±35.0010.12±19.69−14.49−14.05−14.9238.2238.6737.80−0.121.49−1.04−0.95−0.91−1.04−0.95−0.91+0.44+0.44+0.44+0.44+0.44+0.44†gregg26Fornax1942.±40.201.00±34.784.91±20.25−15.31−14.58−15.7437.4138.1436.97−0.661.49−1.05−1.01−1.02−1.05−1.01−1.02+0.34+0.42+0.39+0.34+0.42+0.39∗†gregg45Fornax2654.81.497.645.20±41.894.00±35.1741.04±22.83−14.87−14.70−15.3137.8538.0237.41−0.821.49−0.93−1.04−0.89−0.93−1.04−0.89+0.18+0.31+0.19+0.18+0.31+0.19+0.23HGHH92-C6NGC51286124.40.357.2175.11±46.0267.95±38.24108.00±25.70−14.61−14.72−15.0936.5336.4236.06−0.231.55−0.29−0.86−0.35−0.29−0.86−0.35−0.22+0.24+0.37+0.25+0.24+0.37+0.25+0.27HGHH92-C7NGC51284455.40.459.2106.16±43.3230.37±36.2176.71±23.89−14.70−14.72−15.1336.4536.4236.02−0.431.70−0.59−1.05−0.62−0.59−1.05−0.62−0.26+0.06+0.12+0.06+0.06+0.12+0.06+0.09HHH86-C18NGC51285935.00.577.9597.54±51.70210.46±40.53388.96±32.19−13.91−14.08−14.4037.2337.0636.75−0.31.52−0.07−0.16−0.08−0.07−0.16−0.08−0.09+0.06+0.10+0.08+0.06+0.10+0.08+0.10HGHH92-C21NGC51286396.10.2610.0602.25±52.19311.54±42.82293.46±29.98−13.86−13.95−14.5837.2937.2036.570.030.95−0.07−0.12−0.09−0.07−0.12−0.09−0.10+0.02+0.03+0.02+0.02+0.03+0.02+0.04HGHH92-C23NGC51286525.10.208.23586.70±82.611312.04±57.912286.62±59.09−13.15−13.31−13.6538.0037.8337.50−0.271.49−0.02−0.03−0.02−0.02−0.03−0.02−0.04+0.25+0.39+0.27+0.25+0.39+0.27HGHH92-C36=R113NGC51281067.1−12.969.42±41.415.67±35.0964.75±22.12−14.05−14.10−14.5637.0937.0536.59−0.841.49−0.61−0.94−0.68−0.61−0.94−0.68+0.18+0.32+0.20+0.18+0.32+0.20HGHH92-C37=R116NGC51282916.5−11.1124.92±42.9635.33±36.0789.46±23.40−14.28−14.39−14.7936.8636.7536.36−0.431.49−0.37−0.76−0.40−0.37−0.76−0.40+0.09+0.24+0.10+0.09+0.24+0.10+0.15HCH99-16NGC51288373.40.324.3324.79±47.66100.02±38.21226.65±28.61−14.46−14.68−14.8836.6836.4736.27−0.391.73−0.12−0.51−0.14−0.12−0.51−0.14−0.14+0.02+0.03+0.02+0.02+0.03+0.02+0.04HCH99-18NGC51288433.10.133.93386.95±81.371279.31±57.692119.43±57.56−13.26−13.42−13.7937.8837.7337.35−0.251.41−0.02−0.03−0.02−0.02−0.03−0.02−0.04+0.31+0.44+0.34+0.31+0.44+0.34∗HGHH92-C12=R281NGC51282168.21.4316.269.48±42.2425.31±36.0644.04±22.08−14.50−14.38−15.0136.6436.7636.13−0.271.49−0.79−0.95−0.86−0.79−0.95−0.86+0.25+0.33+0.23+0.25+0.33+0.23+0.23SUCD1Sombrero1923.10.294.2106.37±41.9948.12±36.0159.21±21.72−14.17−14.23−14.7937.9037.8537.28−0.11.05−0.51−0.88−0.57−0.51−0.88−0.57−0.22+0.21+0.42+0.20+0.21+0.42+0.20+0.20M60-UCD1Virgo3071.40.151.9107.77±42.0126.87±35.4081.90±22.74−14.69−14.62−15.1037.8437.9037.42−0.511.61−0.46−1.19−0.41−0.46−1.19−0.41−0.20+0.39+0.43+0.38+0.39+0.43+0.38†M85-HCC1Virgo390.±40.460.54±35.0522.14±20.30−14.25−14.02−14.6838.2838.5137.85−0.951.49−0.95−1.00−0.94−0.95−1.00−0.94†Notes:Col(1):UCDnameadoptedfromtheliterature.∗meansthatX-rayemissionfromtheUCDwasdetectedduringthesecondtiersearchusingindividualratherthanmergedobservations.indicatesaborderlinedetection(netcountsareconsistentwithzero);seeAppendixBformoreinformation.Col(2):UCDhostsystem.Col(3):Totalexposuretime[ksec].Col(4):Exposuretime-weightedaverageoff-axisangleofallobservationsusedforfluxderivation[arcmin].Col(5):SeparationbetweentheopticalpositionoftheUCDandthecenterofthecross-matchedX-raysource’sapertureasdefinedby[arcsec].Col(6):Exposuretime-weightedwavdetectaverageradiusofthecircularaperturesusedtoenclose90%ofthePSFintheindividualobservations[arcsec].Col(7):Netcountsinfullband(0.5-7.0keV)with1σGehrels(1986)error[counts].Col(8):Netcountsinhard−1−2band(2.0-7.0keV)with1σGehrels(1986)error[counts].Col(9):Netcountsinsoftband(0.5-2.0keV)with1σGehrels(1986)error[counts].Col(10):Fluxinfullbandwith90%confidenceinterval[ergscm].Col−1−2−1−2−1(11):Fluxinhardbandwith90%confidenceinterval[ergscm].Col(12):Fluxinsoftbandwith90%confidenceinterval[ergscm].Col(13):Luminosityinfullbandwith90%confidenceinterval[ergs].Col−1−1(14):Luminosityinhardbandwith90%confidenceinterval[ergs].Col(15):Luminosityinsoftbandwith90%confidenceinterval[ergs].Col(16):Classicalhardnessratio:(C−C)/(C+C).Col(17):Best-fitHSHSpowerlawphotonindex(setto1.49–themedianofthe11derivedindices–ifγwasfixedduetoNC<100).F

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