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Preview A Complete IF Software GPS Receiver: A Tutorial about the Details

A Complete IF Soft- (cid:127) calculationofthenavigationsolution;and, (cid:127) SummaryofourMATLABandCtoolkits ware GPS Receiver: Thispaperwillpresentexamplesandresultswehavegen- erated using sampled GPS signals collected with a high speeddatarecorder A Tutorial about the Details INTRODUCTION TheIFSoftwareGPSReceiverhasbeendevelopedaspart ofa USAFContract entitled “Novel Wide-Band Receiver Solutionfor‘Near-Far’CommunicationProblem”. TheIF Kent Krumvieda, DFC; Premal Madhani, CCAR; Chad Software GPS Receiver, hereafter referred to as Baseline Cloman,DFC; EricOlson,DFC;Dr.JohnThomas,DFC; Receiver,servedboth asaBaselinetocomparetheresults Dr.PeninaAxelrad,CCAR;Dr.WolfgangKober,DFC. of the Novel Near-Far Resistant (NFR) receiver, and to provide an architecture in which to host the NFR compo- nents. BIOGRAPHY Mr. Krumvieda has an M.S. in Civil and Environmental DigitalData Engineering, a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Colorado in Boulder, and over 15 years ChannelA ChannelB Channeln industrial experience. He has extensive experience Acquisition Acquisition Acquisition involving programming for all of Data Fusion Corpora- tion’s sensor management and tracking efforts. Recently Tracking Tracking Tracking ... hewasthechiefsoftwarearchitectforthedevelopmentof Data Fusion Corporation’s GPS Near Far Resistant BitSync BitSync BitSync ReceiverandOrbitalTrackingToolbox. FrameSync FrameSync FrameSync ABSTRACT Research and development continues to extend the capa- CalculateNavigationSolution bilities and to increase the robustness of Global Naviga- tion Satellite Systems (GNSSs) receivers. Software PVT receivers are quite valuable in evaluating potential FIGURE1.BaselineReceiverArchitecture improvements because of their flexibility. In addition, The Baseline Receiver Architecture is designed to handle software receivers afford batch data processing options ‘n’channelsinparallel. Onceaminimumoffourchannels that are not available in hardware implementations. In havefinishedFrameSynchronizationandhaveread some developing such a receiver, we have found that many data,thenavigationsolutionmaybecomputed. TheBase- existing texts and papers on software receivers omit line receiver requires that the input data be at a user important implementation details. Here we discuss our definedIntermediateFrequency(IF)andconvertedtodig- complete Intermediate Frequency (IF) software GPS italrepresentationatsomeuserdefinedsamplingrate. receiverandrevealdetailsofthelessonslearnedduringits construction. Specific topics addressed in this paper In the absence ofany data supplied by theUSAFinitially include: we implemented a World Simulator and Signal Generator • linearandnon-linearadaptiveanalog-to-digitalcon- to supply our receiver with data. The World Simulator version; was of sufficient fidelity to create realistic signal, i.e., (cid:127) acquisitionusingcoherentandnon-coherentintegra- spherical earth, circular satellite orbits, multiple coordi- tion; natesystems,Doppler,thermalnoise,etc. Afterthesignal (cid:127) searchtechniques(e.g.,Vernier,MofN,andTong) hadbeenrealisticallysimulatedthereceiverhadtoconvert performedinboththetimedomainandthefrequency the signal from RFto IFand discretely sample the signal. domain; (cid:127) limitationsoftheDFTapproachincludingleakage; To realistically model this we implemented a “Real- (cid:127) zeropaddingandadditionalDFTenhancements; World”LinearAnalogtoDigitalConverter. (cid:127) trackingutilizingFLLs,PLLsandDLLs; (cid:127) bitsynchronizationandnavigationdatarecovery; (cid:127) framesynchronizationandparitydecoding; 1 ANALOG TODIGITAL CONVERSION Clock jitterreferstothetimebetweenaninputclockedge (ADC) that defines the sampling period and the actual switching instantinternaltotheADC. Data Fusion Corporation implemented and we shall dis- cuss the Idealized Linear ADC, Linear Real-World ADC, Thelockedhistogramtestcanbeusedtoestimateaperture aswellasthe Non-LinearADC whichhasniceproperties error in flash ADC. To perform this test the same fre- inhighCWinterference. quency isused forboththe sampling clock and input sine wave. Afull-scaleorgreateranaloginputissynchronized tothesamplingclocksothatthesamepointontheinputis IDEALIZED LINEAR ADC repetitively sampled. The effects of aperture error will becomemoreevidentasthesignalslewrateincreases. In The theoretical idealized transfer function for a ADC is a order to estimate the ADC aperture error, the standard straight line with an infinite numberofsteps. Apractical deviationofthehistogramistypicallyused. Thisisequiv- idealized transfer function is a uniform staircase with a alenttotheRMSapertureerror. finitenumberofsteps. ConversionCode Digital σ⋅V Rangeof Digital Out IdealStraightLine Apertureerror = Ta = S----l--e---w----r-L--a-S--t-B-e-- Analog Input Output 0101 Values Code where Slewrate = V ⋅2π⋅f AMP in 4.5-5.5 0101 0100 3.5-4.5 0100 step Staticerrorsarethoseerrorsthataffecttheaccuracyofthe 2.5-3.5 0011 0011 1.5-2.5 0010 converter when it is converting static (D.C.) signals, and 0.5-1.5 0001 0010 can be completely described by just four terms. These 0-0.5 0000 stepwidth(1LSB) terms are offset error, gain error, integral nonlinearity 0001 Analog (INL) and differential nonlinearity (DNL). Each of these 0000 In termsareexpressedinLSBunits. 0 1 2 3 4 5 FIGURE2.IdealTransferFunction(ADC) Offset Error is the difference between the nominal and Where 1 LSB is (one least significant bit), the inherent actualoffsetpoints. Theoffsetpointisthemid-stepvalue quantization error is ±1/2 LSB. To ensure that our whenthedigitaloutputiszero. Thiserroraffectsallcodes receiverwasrobusttonon-idealsituationsa“Real-World” by the same amount and can usually be compensated for LinearADCwasimplemented. byatrimmingprocess. Gain Error is the difference between the nominal and LinearReal-WorldADC actual gain points on the transfer function after the offset error has been corrected to zero. The gain point is the The simulation model for the real world ADC imple- mid-step value when the digital output is full scale. This mented expands on the ideal quantizer by incorporating: error represents a difference in the slop of the actual and Number of Bits, Max Value, Minimum Value, Offset ideal transfer functions and as such corresponds to the Error, Gain Error, Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) Error, same percentage error in each step. This error can also Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Error, Aperture Errors, and usuallybeadjustedtozerobytrimming. DynamicErrors. Differential Nonlinearity (DNL) Error is the difference ADCs provide an intrinsic sampling function of the betweenanactualstepwidthandtheidealvalueof1LSB. dynamic analog input signal. Dynamic errors which are If the DNL exceeds 1 LSB, there is a possibility that the determined from the sample and hold (S/H) specification convertercanbecomenonmonotonic. Thismeansthatthe are usually defined in terms of two parameters: aperture magnitude of the output gets small for an increase in the errorandclockjitter. magnitudeoftheinput. InanADCthereisalsoapossibil- Aperture error refers to the variation in the length (aper- itythattherecanbemissingcodes,i.e.,oneormoreofthe ture) of the sampling period. Direct measurement of this possible2nbinarycodesareneveroutput. Tomeasuredif- errorsource isvery difficult and aspecification isusually ferential linearity, a delayed sweep and timebase multi- arrivedatthroughaprocessofestimation. Asaguideline plier of the oscilloscope can be used to scan individual tohowmuchapertureerroristolerable, segments of the sawtooth error waveform. By initially 1 calibratingthex-axistotheidealwidthof1LSB,thevari- dt = --------------------------- MAX π⋅f⋅2N+1 ation in width of the sawtooth segments can ten be mea- suredtofindtheDNL. Otherteststhatcanbeusedarethe Thisequationisderivedfromafull-scalesinewavewhich Servo-LoopCodeTransitionMeasurement,DigitalAnaly- representsaworst-casecondition. sis,[8]. 2 Integral Nonlinearity (INL) Error is the deviation of the Considering asinewaveinput F(f)ofamplitude Aso that values on the actual transferfunction from a straight line. F(t) = Asinωt which has a mean square value of F2(t), Thisstraightlinecanbeeitherabeststraightlinewhichis 2(cid:1)π drawnsoastominimizethesedeviationsoritcanbealine where F2(t) = --1---- A2sin2(ωt)dt drawnbetweentheendpointsofthetransferfunctiononce 2π thegain andoffseterrorshavebeen nullified. TheServo- 0 LoopCodeTransition MeasurementandDigital Analysis, whichisthesignalpower. ThereforetheSNRisgivenby canbeusedtodetermineDNLandINL,[8]. 2 2 A q SNR(dB) = 10Log ------⁄------ TheEffectiveNumberofBits(ENOB),expressedindeci- 2 12 bels,takesintoaccountseveraldynamicspecificationsand Spur Free Dynamic Range (SFDR) is the dynamic range isdeterminedbytheresolutionoftheADC. (fromfullscaleoftheADC)downtothelevelofthehigh- SINAD–1.76 est tonesproduced bytheADC whetherthey are harmon- ENOB = ---------------------------------- 6.02 ics, intermods or unrelated spurious tones. Essentially, this is an indication of how far it is possible to go below whereSINADistheratioofsignaltonoiseplusdistortion. the full-scale input signal without hitting noise or distor- This includes SNR along with the total harmonic distor- tion. It can be defined as the ratio of the full-scale input tion(THD)oftheADC. THDistheratioofthesumofthe signal to the highest harmonic or spurious noise compo- harmonicdistortionamplitudestotheoriginalinputampli- nent amplitude. This is usually a different number than tude. THDiscausedbytheADCnonlinearities. SNR, see above. SFDR is always specified with signals A curve fitting algorithm is often used to measure the present. In some cases the SFDR is much betterthan the ENOB or resolution of an ADC when digitizing a sine- SNR. Toseethetonesyoumusteitherzoomonthemwith waveinput. Thebest-fitsine-wavecalculationmustdeter- a decimating filter and look over the whole input fre- mineall fourparameterthat describea sine wave: ampli- quency range oftheADC or usea biggerand biggerFFT tude,phase,frequency,andoffset. Thefittedsinewaveis to push the noise down so that the harmonics, intermods usedasareferencefromwhichtocalculatetheerrorinthe an spurious tones can be seen. Just put in a filtered (to actualdata. cleanup thegeneratorharmonics)single tonefromagen- The error introduced by representing a continuous signal erator. TakeabigFFTandobservethehighestharmonic. asa discretefunction ofa finite numberofstatesiscalled Non-LinearADC 2 quantization noise, and can be represented by N . The The design ofan ADC can have significant impact on the 2 total mean square error[11], N , over the whole conver- performance of a GPS receiver in the presence of CW sion area oftheADCisthesum ofeach quantization lev- interference. Amoroso [10]proposeda scheme ofthresh- els mean square multiplied by its associated probability. old adaptation and post quantization weighting that per- Theerroratthejth stepis Ej = (Vj–VI). WhereVjisthe forms remarkably well making decisions on a relatively Voltageat the midpoint ofthe jth step andV istheactual smallpercentageofthedemodulatedchips. Formostsys- I temsit isdesirabletoquantizeascoarselyasperformance Voltage. Themeansquareerrorovertheentirestepis willpermit. ForaonebitperchipADCinthepresenceof Ej2 = -q-1---⋅ q(cid:1)⁄2Ej2dE = 1-q--2-2-- (1) GdeagursasdiaatnionnoidsueethtoeCSWNRinitserdfeegrreandceedis1m.96ucdhBgr[e1a0t]era.nd the 1 –q⁄2 Amoroso’s 2 bit ADC technique reduces the degradation Assuming equal steps, the total error, or Mean square in Gaussian interference to less than 0.6 dB, and the per- 2 formanceinCWinterferenceisexcellent. Thisisdoneby 2 q quantizationnoseis N = ------. exploitingthenon-GaussiannatureoftheCWinterference 12 in setting the thresholds for the non-linear transfer func- Signal toNoise Ratio(SNR) refers to the noise level pro- tion. Statistical control with feedback is used to set the duced by the ADC down from full scale. SNR can be thresholds to ensure thresholds are exceeded with the expressed with a signal present(one toneusually)orwith required statistical frequency. For example, the sign no signal present. If the SNR changes as a function of threshold requires 50% above and 50% below the thresh- input frequency then there is usually a jitter problem old,andabout15%ofthechipsfallabovetheuppermag- reflected in the aperture uncertainty specification, see nitude threshold and 15% fall belowthe lowermagnitude above. If the SNR remains flat as the input is exercised threshold. Actually, the magnitude thresholds are depen- overtheentireNyquistrange then there usuallyisn’tajit- dant on the SNR, i.e., the higher the CW interference the terproblem. higherthemagnitudethreshold mustbeto achieveperfect 3 chip decisions. Care must be taken to ensure that a sub- allowsforafullsearchofthecodesequence. OncetheC/ stantialnumberofchipssurvivethethresholdingoperation A signal is tracked, interpretation of the HOW within the to allow for correlation. The transfer function appears in navigationmessagepermitsastraightforwardtransitionto below: P(Y)CodetrackingforPPSreceivers. Thekeyaspectsof acquisitionarethedefinitionofthesearchspace,thecrite- R ria set for signal detection, and the performance of the algorithmsundervarioussignallevels. 1 T0–∆ TheSearchSpace -1 T0+∆ The search space must cover the full range ofuncertainty in the code and Doppler offset. Because the C/A code is -R fairly short, typically the rangespace will includeall pos- FIGURE3.TransferFunctiononNon-LinearADC siblecodeoffsetvalues. Theresolutionofthecodesearch isusually½chipincrementsbutoftenthesamplingfreqis WhereRistheweighteddigitaloutput,and T0 isthesign used to specify the resolution. The range of the Doppler threshold. Samples falling below the magnitude thresh- dimension is governed by the vehicle and GPS satellite oldsaregivenunityweightinthecorrelatorwhilesamples dynamicsandthestabilityofthereceiveroscillator. Fora exceedingthemagnitudethresholdsaregivenweightR. It terrestrialusersystem thisistypically in therange of5to isthesettingofRmuchgreaterthanunitythatenablesthe 10 kHz. The frequency resolution is determined by the rejection of CW interference. Assigning the samples coherent integration time (or dwell time). The relation is whichfallbelowthemagnitudethreshold+/-unityensure 2 D = ------ [6]whereDisafrequencybinwidthinHzandT good performance in Gaussian noise, where discarding 3T them (assigning them to zero) leads to poor performance isthepredetectionintegrationtimein seconds. Thedwell inGaussiannoise. time isbasedon theC/N0ratiooftheGPStransmittersto beacquired. No one magnitudethreshold setting is optimal forall sys- temerrorrates. Theadaptive2bitADCmustbeevaluated Theselectionofapaththroughthesearchspaceisafunc- for each system under consideration, taking into account tionofthevehicledynamicsandrequirementsforacquisi- processing gain, threshold bit error rate, and relative tion speed and reliability. Typically the Doppler is set to importance of the performance in Gaussian noise versus theexpectedvalueandthecodeissearchedoverallpossi- CWinterference. TheSoftwareIFGPSBaselinereceiver bledelays. Ifthisfails,thesearchiscontinuedinthenext allowstheusertospecifyRand ∆. Thedefaultsettingsof Doppler bin, with the sequence of bins alternating above 3 and 1σ respectively, were found to give good resultsin and below the starting Doppler. Additional consider- themostcases. ations,suchasselectingaforwardsearchthroughthecode to avoid false acquisition of a multipath signal are also included in designing the search process. FIGURE 4., ACQUISITION depictstheacquisitionuncertaintyregion. This section describes the GPS signal acquisition process for both conventional and software receiver architecture. Acquisition is a coarse synchronization process giving 1cell 1/2chip Signallocationversus searchthreshold estimates ofthe PRN code offset and the carrier Doppler. This information is then used to initialize the tracking Obinnedoppler Vt2 Signalmigrationdirection loops. Vt1 GPS signal acquisition is a two dimensional search pro- cess in which a replica code and carrier are aligned with Startofsearch the received signal. The correct alignmentisidentified by (Expectedvalue Searchdirection ofDoppler) measurement of the output power of the correlators. In other words, when both the code and carrier Doppler matchtheincidentsignal,thesignalisdespreadandacar- riersignalisrecovered. Theresultofthetwodimensional search isan estimateofthecodeoffset to withinonehalf- chipandtheDopplertowithinhalftheDopplersearchbin 1023chips FIGURE4.Acquisitionuncertaintyregion[6] size (several hundred Hz). In a conventional receiver, acquisition is performed using a carrier signal and C/A code replica. The short length of the C/A code (1 ms) 4 DetectionCriteria threshold is set very high to avoid false detections, then there is a high probability that weak signals will not be Theacquisition isbased ona measurement ofthecorrela- detected. InGPSthisisthetypicalsituation sothatasin- toroutput. ThecorrelatorsprovideameasureofthetotalI gletrialdetectionisnoteffective. and Q signal voltages over the coherent integration time. The total amplitude is then given by the envelope FIGURE 6. shows the acquisition system block diagram consisting ofnoncoherent correlator, PRN code generator I2+Q2. When the replica and reference signals are andsynchronizationcontrolscheme. aligned,theamplitudeoftherecoveredsignalisatamaxi- mum. Duringthedwelltimeineachcell,theIn-phaseand Quadrature components I and Q respectively are formed Average I2 breycestirviepdpisniggnoaflf.tThheereefnevreenlocpeecwodheicahndistthheecmareraiesrufrreoomftthhee Isnigpnuatl 90oXphase &Dump (.)2 + H1 X shifter Σ Env>Vt amplitude of the incoming signal is computed and com- + pared with a threshold.Inthepresence ofnoise, one must X &AvDeruamgpe (.)2 H2 setathresholdbaseduponanacceptableprobabilitythata Q2 Threshold noisy measurement that does not contain the signal will appear to match the replica. Specifically the amplitude PRNCode CarrierNCO threshold issetby [6]: V = σ –2lnP where P isthe generator t n fa fa single trial probability of false alarm, σ is the 1-sigma Sync.Control n scheme noise amplitude. σn is frequently obtained by calculat- FIGURE6.Acquisitionscheme ing usingareferencePRNwhichisknowntobeabsent. Data Fusion Corporation’s GPS software receiver per- Forthechosenthreshold V ,anycellenvelopethatisator forms a two-dimensional C/A-code search to achieve the t above the threshold isdetected as the presence ofthe sig- initial acquisition ofthe GPSsignal. The search involves nal. Any cell envelope that is below the threshold is replicating all 1,023 C/A-code phase states in the range detectedasnoise.Thedetectionofthesignalisastatistical dimensionand numerousDopplerstates. Iftherange and process because each cell either contains noise with the Doppler uncertainty are known, then the search pattern signalpresentornoisewiththesignalabsent. should cover the 3-sigma values of the uncertainty. Data Fusion Corporation’s GPS software receiver assumes EachcasehasitsownprobabilitydensityfunctionasFIG- Dopplerand rangeuncertainty isunknown. Currently the URE5. codephaseissearchedinfractionalchipincrementscorre- spondingtothesamplingfrequencyandtheDopplerstates correspondtothereceiver’sdynamics. Forexampleasta- tionary receiver with, f =1.25 MHz, f =5MHz, and IF s T=1msthere wouldbe5000 rangebinscorresponding ~1/ No Signal 5-chip increments 21 Doppler bins corresponding to 666.67 Hz increments, where f is the intermediate fre- IF quency, f isthe samplingfrequency and Tisthecoherent s dwellorintegrationtime. TheDopplerbinsizeisdefined as2/(3T). FIGURE5.Probabilitydensityfunctionforvariouscases. In the absence of the signal the envelope has a Rayleigh distribution and in thepresence ofthesignal theenvelope hasaRiceandistribution;IandQsignalsarenormallydis- tributedifthenoiseisgaussian. InFIGURE5.onecanseethatiftheSNRishigh,itiseasy to set a threshold that provides both low probability of false alarm, and also has low risk of a missed detection. Asthe SNR is reduced itis no longerpossible because of the significant overlap of the signal distributions. If the 5 ableKandtheconfirmationthresholdAmustbeinitialized based on the operational environment. The operational environment will determine the relative importance of acquisitionspeed versusprobability ofdetectionandfalse alarm. Maximum acquisition speed will be achieved by ut setting K=1. To achieve a higher probability of detection p ut and a lower probability of false alarm, at the expense of O speed,Kmaybesetto2orhigher. WhenKreachesAthe r o at signal isdeclared present. Atypical rangeforA is [8-12] rrel whichcorrespondstohightolowC/N0respectively. o C Assuming the search space has been defined as described intheprevioussectionexecutionoftheTongAlgorithmis Doppler(Hz) C o d e S a m ple s rfeolramtievdelfyorsaimgipvleen. seAarccho-rgrreilda-tcioelnleevnevryeloTpseeconI2ds+.QIf2thies correlation envelope exceeds the threshold V, then the t FIGURE7.CorrelationSurface counterKisincrementedbyone,elseKisdecrementedby one. IfK equalsA thenthe signal isdeclared present and Thuswhen theuncertainty islargeorunknown thesearch thesearchisover. IfKequalszerothenthesignalisdeter- pattern is correspondingly large and the search time mined not to be present and the entire process starts over increases. Various detectors have been developed to per- in thenextsearch-grid-cell. Finally,toavoidthepossibil- formthissearch. itythattheTongwillgetcaughtinasituationwhereitsat- isfies neither condition, Data Fusion Corporation SearchmethodsusedforGPSsignalacquisition modified the algorithm such that only a finite number of The false alarmrate and the probability of detection from correlation envelopes will be calculated for a particular singledwelltimedetectors(singletrialdecisions)areusu- search-grid-cell. When this maximum dwell threshold is ally unsatisfactory for GPS applications. So single dwell exceededthealgorithmgiveuponthatcell,determinesthe timeschemesareseldomused. signal is not present and the entire process starts over in Various search detectors exist. Kaplan [6] identifies the thenextsearch-grid-cell. Variable Dwell Time and the Fixed Dwell Time detectors as two types which are commonly used in GPS receiver designs. AvariabledwelldetectormakesaBoolean deci- K=K+1 K=A? Yes DSiegcnlaalre Present sionthatasignalispresentbaseduponapre-definedcrite- ria in an unspecified orvariable amount of time. Afixed Yes No dwelltimedetectormakesaBooleandecisionthatasignal is present in abased upona pre-defined criteriain afixed I amount of time. An example of a sequential variable Q Edentveecltoopre Env>Vt Csaomnetinceulelin dwelltimesearchdetectoriscalledtheTongdetector. ResetK andmove tonextCell No No TongSearchDetector Data Fusion Corporation implemented a modified ver- K=K-1 dwellsK>=d0w?eollrMax? Yes DSiegcnlaalreNot sionoftheTongdetectordescribedinKaplan. "TheTong Present detector has a reasonable computational burden and is FIGURE8.TongSearchdetectoralgorithm excellent for detecting signals with an expected C/N of 0 25 dB-Hz or higher."[6] To increase effectiveness under OneimportantperformancecriteriaofGPSreceiversisthe heavy jamming and/or interference conditions a hybrid mean time of acquisition. A variable dwell procedure is versionhadtobedeveloped. Thehybridversionperforms adopted for its most significant improvement in reducing an exhaustive search over all code offsets and Doppler the expected acquisition time over a single dwell proce- bins with the maximum normalized result indicating the dure. detected signal. Figure8 presents the Tong search detec- FortheTong-searchdetectorthemean numberofcorrela- toralgorithm. tionenvelopesthatmustbecalculated(K =1)todismiss init To utilizetheTong algorithma fewvariables must be ini- acellcontainingnoiseis[6]: tialized. These variables are K and A. The counter vari- 6 1 In this technique a DFT (discrete fourier transform) is N = -------------------- (2) 1–2P applied to the incoming GPS signal and multiplied by the fa conjugate DFT ofthe reference signal.Taking the inverse Utilizing the fact that most of the time is spent searching DFToftheproductgivesthecorrelation resultinthetime cells that contain noise only, the overall speed of acquisi- domainforallthe1023codephaseoffsets.Thismethodis tioncanbeestimated[6]: computationallymoreefficientandfasterthantheconven- R = ---d---- = d----(--1-----–----2----P----f-a---)- chips/sec. (3) tional time domain technique. Hence this method is used NT T inthesoftwareGPSreceiver. whered=chips/celland T=predetectionintegrationtime TheDFTofasampledsignalx(n)isgivenas: inseconds. N(cid:2)–1 (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:1) k(cid:2) Forexample foraPfa of0.1%, T=1 msec, and 1/5th chip/ X(k) = x(n)exp –j2πn---- (4) N cell, the code search rate is 160chips/sec. Note that the n=0 search speed increases as probability of false alarm MultiplyingtheDFTsoftwosignalsx(n)andy(n)andtak- decreases. For this example the minimum time to acquire ing theinverse DFT ofthe product corresponds to convo- the signal would be when the search starts in the cell lutioninthetimedomain.Howeversincewecorrelatethe where the signal is present. In this the time to acquire incoming GPSsignalwith thereferencesignalinthetime would be 1/160 = 6.3 ms. The maximum time to acquire domain, this corresponds to multiplying the conjugate the signal would be when the signal is present in the last DFT of x(n) with DFT of y(n), and then taking inverse cellinthesearchpattern.Ifthefrequencyuncertaintyis+- DFToftheproduct[13]. 5KHz and the frequency bin-width is 500Hz, then the maximum time to acquire the signal is 2---1----x---1---0---2---3-- = 134.27 FortheNpointDFTofanN-pointsequence, N2 additions 160 and multiplications are required which is the same as the secs. timedomain.Howeverifthesequencelengthislimitedto Themean timetoacquireinsecondsforvariousSNR and a power of 2, then using FFT (Fast Fourier transform) integration times is shown in the table below. P =0.1, N fa NlogN additions and ----logN multiplications would be 2 TABLE1. TongMeanTimetoAcquire required.Thisresultsinareductionincomputationaltime, atthecostofaccuracy. SNRdB T=1ms T=3ms T=5ms -20 6.32 18.28 28 DFTAcquisitionversusTimeDomainAcquisition -25 6.59 19.12 31 FIGURE 9. is the difference between the time (evolving) -30 * 19.72 32.6 acquisitionenvelopeandtheDFTenvelopeovertheentire -35 * 19.93 34 correlation length. FIGURE10.isthedifferencebetween K=2, A=10, fs=5 MHz, IF=1.25 MHz, the correct offset the time (circularly convolved) acquisition envelope and was at the 2500th sample, * indicates No detection. The the Data Fusion Corporation envelope over the entire threshold was kept constant over each column and the correlationlength. searchwasdoneinthebininwhichthesignalwaspresent. AsmentionedearliertoincreaseeffectivenessinlowC/N 0 environments a hybrid version was implemented. This hybrid version included the concept of maxDwell men- tioned earlier as well as an exhaustive search over the entire search grid. To perform thissearch in a reasonable amount oftime a Discrete FourierTransform version was developed. DFTAcquisition The advantage of the DFT version is that it calculates the correlationforaentirerangedimension(selectedDoppler) inasinglestep. ThedisadvantageisthatwhenDoppleris FIGURE9.DifferenceofTime&FrequencyAcqEnvelope non-zero the reference signal when convolved produces someerrors. 7 integration lengths are presented in Table2 on page8 and Table3onpage8. TABLE2.NormalizedMeansandStandardDeviations CI mean std mean std T-DFT T-DFT T-DFTcs T-DFTcs 1 -1.1896e-4 2.8492e-3 -1.1896e-4 2.8492e-3 2 9.1226e-6 2.6206e-3 9.1226e-6 2.6206e-3 3 -1.2191e-2 2.5486e-2 -4.3753e-5 1.6592e-3 4 -5.2558e-3 1.7034e-2 -1.8417e-5 1.3777e-3 5 1.1784e-3 1.5624e-2 -2.5415e-5 1.5112e-3 6 6.7638e-3 1.9594e-2 -1.4562e-4 1.9978e-3 7 -1.6811e-3 1.0512e-2 2.5115e-5 1.0752e-3 8 -1.8648e-3 9.8580e-3 -1.1505e-5 1.0840e-3 FIGURE10.DifferenceofTime&FrequencyAcqEnvelope 9 -2.3152e-3 1.1959e-2 -6.6621e-5 1.3151e-3 FIGURE10.indicatesthatthemajorityoftheerrorisdue 10 5.4746e-5 8.4567e-4 5.4746e-5 8.4567e-4 tonon-zeroDoppleronthereferencesignal. Thisisdueto thewaythereferencesignaliscreated. Thereferencesig- TABLE3.AmplitudeIncreaseduetoCoherentIntegration nalhasconstantDoppler CI Theory Time DFT TimeC DFTcs x(i) = sin(ωt+πC) (5) 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1.4142 1.1767 1.1845 1.1845 1.1845 where ω = 2π(f +f ),CistheC/Achipasafunctionof IF d 3 1.7321 2.1147 1.4798 1.4798 2.1155 time incorporating chip dilation and contraction, and i is 4 2 2.4013 2.0638 2.0638 2.4013 from 1 to the length of y. For the DFT acquisition circu- 5 2.2361 2.1279 2.2785 2.2785 2.1238 larly convolved where in the Time domain acquisition x evolves in time and therefore has no discontinuities in 6 2.4495 1.5051 1.9285 1.9285 1.4993 phase. Arelativelysimplefixwhichmitigatesmostofthe 7 2.6458 2.8843 2.7043 2.7043 2.892 errorsinvolvesstrippingoffthe (f +f ) beforeperform- 8 2.8284 2.7554 2.6433 2.6433 2.7649 IF d ingtheDFT. 9 3 2.3827 2.2155 2.2155 2.3796 10 3.1623 3.0214 3.0329 3.0329 3.0329 where the subscript cs refers to performing carrier strip- pingbeforeperformingtheDFT. MofN M ofNisa fixed dwell time search detector.TheM ofN search detector takes N envelopes and compares them to the threshold, ifM ormore of them exceed the threshold, then the signal is declared present. The P =0.1, M=7, fa TABLE4. MofNMeanTimetoAcquire SNRdB T=1ms T=3ms T=5ms -20 24.98 75 125 FIGURE11.DifferenceofTime&FrequencyAcqEnvelope -25 * 74.87 124.95 -30 * 75.06 125.1 Examining FIGURE 11. the errors, as defined as the dif- ference from the Time domain acquisition, have been -35 * * 125.05 reducedby100,000times. Resultsfromdifferentcoherent N=10, f =5 MHz, IF=1.25 MHz, the correct offset was at s the 2500th sample, * indicates No detection. The thresh- old was kept constant over each column and the search wasdoneinthebininwhichthesignalwaspresent. 8 Comparing Table1 on page7 with Table4 on page8 you Letusassumeaninputsignalx(t)withnonoise: canseethatTonggenerallyacquiresfasterthanMofN. x(t) = D(t)⋅sin(ω t) (6) c Vernier whereD(t)isthemodulateddatasignal,tistime, ω isfre- Vernier search detector as it has been implemented by quency and thesubscripts c, r, ereferto carrier, reference Data Fusion Corporation is simply a time domain Tong anderrorrespectively. detectorwithalimited2Dsearchspace. Thesearchspace We also assume that ω =ω -ω is fairly small. x(t) is e r c is typically +/- 2 chips and +/- 2 DFT Doppler bins at a divided into 2 channels, in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q). finerresolution. Vernierisusedforpolishingtheresultof The I-channel is multiplied by the reference signal, the DFT Tong to achieve better estimates of Doppler and sin(ω t+θ),andlow-passfiltered,whichgives code offset. Vernier can resolve Doppler down to 83.3/T r Hzandcodeoffsetdowntoaboutatenthofachip. These 1 I(t) = ---cos(ω t+θ)⋅D(t) (7) polishedresultsarethenpassedtotheTrackingloops. 2 e where θ is the phase difference between the carrier and TRACKING the reference. The Q-channel is multiplied by the refer- encesignalplusa90°phaseoffset, cos(ω t+θ),andlow- Theacquisition loop givesa coarse estimate ofthecarrier r DopplerandPRNcodeoffsetoftheincomingsignal.Con- passfiltered,whichgives trolisthenhandedovertothetrackingloops,thefunction ofwhich are to track the variations in the carrierDoppler Q(t) = –12---sin(ωet+θ)⋅D(t). (8) and code offset due to line ofsight dynamics between the These two output values are combined to form the com- satelliteandthereceiver. plex number x (t) = I(t)+jQ(t). The phase angle of The unknown parametersofinterest in the incoming GPS IQ signal are the carrier Doppler and carrier phase and the xIQ(t) isanindicatorofthephase errorbetween theinput PRN code Doppler and code phase. These parameters are and reference carriers. Thus we can use x (t) in the IQ functions of time because of the relative motion between phase detector portion of a tracking loop to provide the the satelliteandtheuserreceiver.Henceit isimportantto phaseerrorθ (t). Atypicaldiscriminatorlookslike e tracktheseparametersandgetaverygoodestimateofthe (cid:3) (cid:4) same. Another important function ofthe tracking loops is (cid:1)Q(t)(cid:2) θ (t) = k ⋅atan ----------- (9) todemodulatetheNavigationdatafromtheincomingGPS e p I(t) signal. The PRNcode phase can be used to determine the where k is the discriminator gain. (This is explored fur- pseudorange whereas the carrier phase is used to accu- p therinthetrackingloopsectionsbelow.) ratelydeterminethesmallchangesinthepseudorange. Once we’ve achieved lock, (ω and θ have been mini- e I/QDemodulation mized), the I-channel containsthe navigation data. With WeuseI/QdemodulationinallofthestandardGPStrack- goodlock,weget ingloops. Thissimpleprocesshastwofunctions: 1 (cid:127) Demodulatesthenavigationdatafromthecarrier I(t)≅---D(t)+noise (10) 2 (cid:127) Providesanindicatorofthefrequencyandphaseerrors betweenthereferenceandinputsignals and ThissectiondiscussesI/Qdemodulationoutsidethescope Q(t)≅noise (11) of GPS to simplify the later tracking loop sections. When the input and reference signals are in phase the I- Figure12 shows a typical time-domain I/Q demodulation channel contains the data signal at half amplitude and the circuit. Ourdiscussioninthissectionusesthecontinuous Q-channelcontainnothingbutnoise. timedomain,butitappliesequallywelltodigitalprocess- ing. Integration&Dump xi(t) LPF I(t) I/Q results assume a continuous time domain with x (t) x(t) scions((ωωrtrt++ θ θ)) xIQ(t) = I(t)+j⋅Q(t) updating instantly in response to changes in the referIeQnce orinput signals. The digital GPSreceiver,however, inte- LPF xq(t) Q(t) gratestheinputdataoveratimeintervalandthendumpsa FIGURE12.StandardI/QDemodulationDiagram single x value -- which changes the characteristics of IQ 9 the x output. In this section we examine the effects of GenericTrackingLoop IQ integration & dump on the phase angle of x . For sim- The goal of a tracking loop is to produce a replica (refer- IQ ence) signal that matches some input x(n). Figure13 plicity’ssake,weassumethereisnonoiseandthenaviga- showstheblockdiagramforagenerictime-domaindigital tion data equals a constant value of 1 for the duration of trackingloop. theintegration. Let us assume an initial phase offset θand a constant fre- quencyerrorω ,asdefinedabove. Without integration& dump,wehavee x(n) Σ k ε(n) LPF εf(n) y(n) p + (F(z)) - x (t) (12) IQNoIntegration x (n) ref 1 = ---⋅[cos(ω t+θ)–j⋅sin(ω t+θ)] 2 e e 1 –j(ω t+θ) = ---⋅e e NCO 2 (k ) v withthephaseangle FIGURE13.StandardTrackingLoopDiagram phase(x ) = (–1)(ω t+θ) (13) IQNoIntegration e The digitalinput signal, x(n), isrun through a discrimina- Given an integration interval, T >0, a start time t , a tor (dotted box) to produce the error value ε(n). The dis- CI 1 criminator is represented as a simple subtraction with an 1 stoptime t = t +T ,andascalefactor --------,theintegra- associated gain of k but actual GPS discriminators are 2 1 CI T p CI more complex. The output is low-pass filtered to reduce tionis noise. Theresultingvalueisusedbythenumerically-con- (cid:1) (cid:3) (cid:4) x (t) = ---1----- t2(cid:1)1---e–j(ωet+θ)(cid:2)dt (14) trolled oscillator (NCO), with a gain of kv, to produce a IQ T 2 new replica signal for the next iteration of the loop. We CI t1 wanttotheloopoutput,y(n),tobeasclosetozeroaspos- whichresolvesto sible – at which point the replica signal will equal the (cid:3) (cid:4) (cid:3) (cid:4) inputcarrier. (cid:1)π (cid:2) (cid:1)π (cid:2) j ---–ωt –θ j ---–ωt –θ x (t) = --------1---------- e 2 e2 –e 2 e1 (15) Note: The following discussion is for the PLL tracking IQ 2ω T e CI loopbutisapplicabletootherloopsaswell.[3] This final answer is difficult to simplify. Data Fusion Theperformanceanalysisofatrackingloop isquitecom- Corporation is willing to state without formal proof, that plex,particularlyduringthepull-inprocessorinthepres- thephaseanglemagnitudeofEquation(15)is ence of noise. In order to simplify the analysis, a linear (cid:3) (cid:4) model of the feedback tracking loop shown below in phase(x ) = ω ⋅(cid:1)t +-T---C----I(cid:2) +θ (16) Figure14isoftenused[5]. IQ e 1 2 Discriminator which is the average phase angle over the integration LoopFilter range. Note the difference between this and Equation X1(s) + Σ k F(s) p (13). - To show the significance of this difference, let us take a simple example. Assume θ = 0 and t1 = 0, but ωe≠0. X2(s) After a time interval T , we perform the integration and k CI v dumpandgetthefollowing NCO phase(xIQNoIntegration) = ωeTCI+θ (17) FIGURE14.LinearmodelofaPLLinLaplace(‘s’)domain. ω T Thelooptransferfunctionisgivenby: phase(x ) = -----e------C----I+θ (18) IQ 2 k k F(s) The phase angles are quite different, and we should keep H(s) = -s---+----v-k----p-k------F----(--s---)- (19) thisinmindwhenanalyzingcarriertrackingloops. v p wherek isthediscriminatorgain, k istheNCOgain,and p v F(s)istheloopfiltertransferfunction. 10

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