Original EBM research A comparison of the accuracy of clinical decisions based on full-text articles and on journal abstracts alone: a study among residents in a tertiary care hospital Alvin Marcelo,1,2 Alex Gavino,3 Iris Thiele Isip-Tan,4 Leilanie Apostol-Nicodemus,5 Faith Joan Mesa-Gaerlan,6 Paul Nimrod Firaza,1 John Francis Faustorilla Jr,1 Fiona M Callaghan,3 Paul Fontelo3 10.1136/eb-2012-100537 Abstract questions.3–8 Journal abstracts may have become the de Background Many clinicians depend solely on journal facto resource for health professionals wanting to prac- abstractstoguideclinicaldecisions. tice EBM because they are easy to read and are easily 1NationalTelehealthCenter, Objectives Thisstudyaimstodetermineiftherearedif- accessibleanywhere.2579 UniversityofthePhilippines, ferences in the accuracyof responsesto simulated cases Althoughabstractsarecommonlyutilisedforclinical Manila,Philippines 2DepartmentofSurgery, between resident physicians provided with an abstract decisions, caution should be made in using them onlyandthosewithfull-textarticles.Italsoattemptsto because they may not completely reflect the entire PhilippineGeneralHospital, Manila,Philippines describetheirinformation-seekingbehaviour. article.7 Studies by Pitkin et al10 11 and Peacock et al12 3NationalLibraryofMedicine, Methods Seventy-seven resident physicians from four identified abstracts that contained data which were dif- NationalInstitutesofHealth, specialty departments of a tertiary care hospital com- ferent or missing in the full-text. High-impact factor Bethesda,Maryland,USA pletedapaper-basedquestionnairewithclinicalsimula- journals had abstracts that failed to include harm 4DepartmentofMedicine, tion cases, then randomly assigned to two intervention despite being mentioned in the main article.13 A study PhilippineGeneralHospital, groups—access to abstracts-only and access to both by Berwanger et al8 found that the abstracts of rando- Manila,Philippines abstracts and full-text. While having access to medical mised controlled trials from major journals were 5DepartmentofFamilyand literature, theycompleted anonline versionofthe same reported with suboptimal quality. Moreover, abstracts CommunityMedicine,Philippine questionnaire. are also subject to authors’ biases which may mislead GeneralHospital,Manila, Findings The average improvement across departments thereaders.14 Philippines 6DepartmentofEmergency was not significantly different between the abstracts- Efforts have been made to improve the quality and Medicine,PhilippineGeneral only group and the full-text group (p=0.44), but when accuracy of journal abstracts since they are often the Hospital,Manila,Philippines accounting for an interaction between intervention and most commonly read part of an article—if not the only department, the effect was significant (p=0.049) with part read.10 11 15 In 1987, the Ad Hoc Working Group improvement greater with full-text in the surgery for Critical Appraisal of the Medical Literature intro- Correspondenceto: department. Overall, the accuracy of responses was duced a seven-heading format (Objectives, Design, DrAlexGavino, greater after the provision of either abstracts-only or Setting, Patients, Interventions, Measurements and OfficeofHighPerformance full-text (p<0.0001). Although some residents indicated Conclusion) for structured abstracts.16 Variations in Computingand that ‘accumulated knowledge’ was sufficient to respond structured abstracts include the eight-heading format Communications,ListerHill NationalCenterforBiomedical to the patient management questions, in most instances proposed by Haynes et al,17 IMRAD18–20 (Introduction, Communications,National (83%ofcases)theystillsoughtmedicalliterature. Methods, Results and Discussion), and more recently, LibraryofMedicine,8600 Conclusions Our findings support studies that doctors BMJ’s pico format21 (Patient, Intervention, Comparison RockvillePike,Bethesda, willuseevidencewhenconvenientandcurrentevidence and Outcome). Structured abstracts tend to be longer MD20894,USA; improved clinical decisions. The accuracy of decisions than traditional ones but they also tend to have better [email protected] improved after the provision of evidence. Clinical deci- content, readability, recall and retrieval.14 18 22–25 Aside sions guided by full-text articles were more accurate from structuring, ‘quality criteria’ and guidelines have than those guided by abstracts alone, but the results been developed to assist authors in preparing seem to be driven by a significant difference in one abstracts.2627 department. Most of the research on journal abstracts focus on their quality compared to the full-text,10 11 13 22 23 or based on their structure.14 20 24 Given the tendency of Introduction physicians to use abstracts for evidence, there is a need Background to evaluate their reliability in clinical decision making. Broad estimates show that a specialist would need A study by Barry et al5 looked at the effect of abstract almosttwomillionpiecesofdatatopracticegoodmedi- format on physicians’ management decisions. However, cine.1 To keep updated and applyevidence-based medi- weareunabletofindstudiesthatcompareclinicaldeci- cine (EBM) in practice, a physician must critically sions between those with access to abstract-only or appraise full-text articlesto guide theirclinical decision full-text. making.2 However, owing to limited access to full-text Theprimaryobjectiveofthisstudywastodetermine articles, inadequate critical appraisal skills or lack of whether there is a significant difference in the accuracy OpenAccess time to read the entire article, many clinicians depend of the clinical decisions made on simulated cases by Scantoaccessmore freecontent solely on journal abstracts to answer clinical residents with accessto full-text articles and thosewith 48 Evidence-BasedMedicineApril2013|volume18|number2| Original EBM research access to abstract-only. The specific objectives were: preintervention phase, the residents were randomly (1) to compare the effect of access to abstracts-only or assigned to one of two groups—access to ‘full-text’ or full-textarticlesontheclinicaldecision-makingofresi- ‘abstracts-only,’stratifiedbydepartment.Thesameclin- dents; (2) to determine whether providing either the ical cases and questions in the preintervention phase abstractorfull-textarticleincreasedtheaccuracyofclin- were presented to the residents using the online version ical decisions and (3) to characterise the information- of the questionnaire to simulate real-time access to seeking behaviour and use of information resources by medical literature. A 20-min time limit was allotted for residentsoffourdepartmentsinatertiarycarehospital. eachquestionbothforthepaper-basedandonlineques- tionnaire. The journal material provided, whether Methods abstracts-only or full-text, was dependent on their Ethicsreview assigned group. If the resident assigned to the Theresearchprotocolwassubmittedfortechnicalreview abstracts-onlygroupclickedonthelinktothefull-text,a to the Research Grants Administration Office of the promptsaying,‘Sorry,full-textisunavailable’appeared. University of the Philippines Manila and for ethical Although access to either journal abstracts or full-text evaluation to the Institutional Review Board, both of articles on the online version was available to all resi- whichapprovedthestudy. dents, they had the option of not using any resource at all.Theresidents’actionsregardingtheuseornon-useof Prestudyclinicalcasedevelopment medical literaturewere recorded. Mouseclicks related to A physician consultant from each of four clinical theresidents’requestforthearticles’abstractsorfull-text departments (Surgery, Internal Medicine, Emergency wereloggedintheserver.Theaccuracyofresponsewasa Medicine and Family and Community Medicine) pre- measure of correctness of residents’ answer when com- paredfivesimulatedclinicalcasesofvaryingcomplexity paredwiththeanswers(‘goldstandard’)providedbythe and the corresponding clinical questions to assess the consultants.Thesameconsultantswhopreparedtheclin- residents’ management decisions. They searched ical cases and questions evaluated the accuracy of the PubMed for at least three recent (from 2007 onwards) residents’ answers. A correct response was scored as ‘1’ journalarticlesthatweredeemedrelevantforeachcase. and an incorrect response scored ‘0’. Incomplete ‘Gold standard’ answers to the clinical questions were responses were rated as inaccurate and scored ‘0’. based on the journal articles and other relevant infor- Resident responses were anonymised in both the paper mation(applicabilityandappropriatenesstolocalcondi- andonlineversions. tions, available resources and practice environments). A paper-basedquestionnairewasusedforthepreinterven- Dataanalysis tion assessment while an online version was used Inordertoaccountfortherepeatedmeasuresnatureof duringthe intervention phase toallowaccesstojournal the data (physicians answered multiple questions), we abstractsorfull-textarticles. fitmixedeffectslogisticregressionmodelswithdepart- ment type, intervention, and the interaction between Studyparticipantsandsetting department and intervention as independent variables, Seventy-sevenresidentphysiciansfrom the fourclinical andaccuracyoftheresponseasthedependentvariable. departments (above) at the Philippine General Hospital Unless otherwise stated, all results were based on this participated in the study. The Philippine General model. Resident year level was also considered as a Hospital is a 1500-bed tertiary care, state-owned, refer- predictorinthemodelbutwasnotfoundtobesignifi- ral centerand teaching hospital of the Universityof the cant and was dropped. We also fit a model with an Philippines College of Medicine, College of Nursing, interaction between intervention and department. For College of Dentistry and allied colleges. It is the largest univariate analysis, we used the nonparametric government hospital with a yearly patient load of Wilcoxon two-sample tests and Fisher exact tests, as 600000, mostly indigent patients. Fourteen clinical appropriate.29 All analyses were performed using R departmentsofferresidencyandfellowshiptraining. StatisticalSoftware.30 Studydesign Results Duringtheprestudybriefing,theresidentswereinformed Participantprofile that they were to answer questions related to the case Seventy-seven residents from the departments of simulationsandthattheycouldaccessreferencearticles Surgery (n=20), Internal Medicine (n=20), Emergency if needed during the online phase of the study. Written Medicine (n=20) and Family and Community Medicine consent was obtained and paper-based case simulations (n=17) participated in this study. Table 1 shows the weregiventoeachresidenttoreplicatethehospitalscen- descriptionofthestudyparticipantsbydepartment. arioofpaperpatientrecords.Afterreadingthecasesimu- lations, they were asked to respond to five clinical Comparingtheeffectofabstract-onlyandfull-text questionsand indicatewhether theyconsidered alitera- accessontheaccuracyofclinicaldecisionmaking ture search was needed to answer the questions or Thefirstobjectivewastoanswerthequestion:Istherea accumulated knowledge28 was adequate. Accumulated significant difference in the accuracy of responses of knowledgewasdefinedinthisstudyastheresidents’per- residentsintheabstract-onlygroupandfull-textgroup? sonal knowledge base accumulated through years of Overall, there was no significant difference between the formaleducation,training,researchofthemedicallitera- interventions (p=0.44). Post-hoc power of the experi- ture and clinical experience. Immediately after the ment to detect an overall difference between the 49 Evidence-BasedMedicineApril2013|volume18|number2| Original EBM research Table1 Characteristicsofparticipatingresidenttraineesbydepartment Surgery, Internalmedicine, Emergencymedicine, Familyandcommunitymedicine, Characteristics n=20 n=20 n=20 n=17 Meanage,years(SD*) 29.2(2.7) 28.1(1.6) 30.8(3.3) 30.5(2.4) Gender,n(%) Female 5(25) 3(15) 6(30) 13(76) Male 15(75) 17(85) 14(70) 4(24) Yearsinresidencytraining,n(%) 1 6(30) 7(35) 7(35) 11(65) 2 2(10) 6(30) 7(35) 1(6) >3 12(60) 7(35) 6(30) 5(29) *Standarddeviation. interventions was low and varied from approximately interventionsweresignificant (p<0.0001).Table3shows 44–58%,31 depending on the level of correlation the comparison ofthesepercentagesby departmentand between the answers within each department. In a thetestsofsignificance. modelfittoincludeaninteractionbetweenintervention When given full-text articles, the departments of anddepartment,theinteractionwassignificantsuggest- Surgery,InternalMedicineandFamilyMedicineshowed ing that intervention effects differed by department significant improvements (p=0.003, 0.03 and <0.0001, (p=0.03). In that model, accessto full-text was signifi- respectively), while therewas no change for the depart- cantlybetterthanaccesstoabstracts-only(p=0.049). ment of Emergency Medicine (p=1.0). The differences We then compared the effect of the interventions amongthedepartmentsweresignificant (p<0.0001)for withindepartmentsinordertoinvestigatewhichdepart- full-text intervention group. This suggests that full-text ments seemed to respond differently to the others with was more effective for Surgery, Internal Medicine and respect to the effect of the interventions. We found no Family Medicine, but not in the Emergency Medicine significant difference between the interventions for the department. However, the sample size was small (n=10 Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine and Family or less) at this level. The effect of the abstract-only Medicine departments (p=0.73, 0.13 and 0.37, respect- intervention seems to have been in a similar direction ively), but there was a difference between the interven- forall the departments, and no significant difference in tions for the Surgery department (p=0.02). The OR for effectsacrossdepartmentswasdetected. each department is given in table 2. The full-text group had3.6timestheprobabilityofgettingacorrectanswer Information-seekingtrendsoftheresidents on a case simulation compared to the abstract-only Themajorityoftheresidents(86%)indicatedthatthearti- group.NotethattheCIforSurgerydoesnotinclude1.0, cles provided in the online version were adequate to which indicates a significant difference. There were no answer their questions and 77% indicated that they had differences found between the interventions for any actuallyreadthearticles.Whenaskedwhethertheyused other department. Power to detect a difference between abstracts-onlyorfull-textarticlestoanswerclinicalques- the interventions in a specific department was low tionsinactualpractice,53ofthe77residents(69%)indi- (approx. 17%) because of the reduced sample size in catedthattheyreliedonabstractsmostofthetime,while each group (n=10). We also investigated whether resi- only24(31%)saidtheywouldreadthefull-textarticle. dentyearwasasignificantpredictorofclinicaldecision Residents were asked whether or not they felt they accuracy,butitwasnotsignificantinanymodel. needed extra information in order to answer the ques- tion correctly. We recorded whether they clicked on the Accuracyofclinicaldecisionsbeforeandafteraccess links for the abstract or the full-text. We wanted to toliteraturesearch answer the question: does a perceived need for more We calculated the mean percentage of accurate information correlate with how often the physicians responses to the simulated clinical questions before and actuallyaccessedthelinksforabstract-onlyorfull-text? after each intervention. Overall, mean accuracy For the 157caseswherethe resident indicated that they increased from 42% to 68% for the abstract-only inter- did not require additional information, there were 131 vention, and 48–75% for the full-text intervention. The (83%) instances where literature was actually accessed differences between the scores before and after the two (95% CI 77% to 88%). In contrast, out of the 228 cases where residents indicated that they needed additional information, there were only 12 (5%) cases where they Table2 Estimatesoftheoddsofgettinganaccurate did not actually access literature (95% CI 3% to 9%). responseafterfull-textinterventioncomparedto Table 4 shows a summary of whether the resident abstract-onlyintervention requestedadditionalinformationandwhethertheyactu- Department OR(95%CI) allyaccessedliterature. Surgery 3.6(1.3to10.3) Internalmedicine 0.8(0.3to2.2) Discussion Emergencymedicine 0.5(0.2to1.3) The main question we wanted to address in this study Familymedicine 1.6(0.6to4.7) was whether there is a significant difference in the 50 Evidence-BasedMedicineApril2013|volume18|number2| Original EBM research Table3 Comparisonoftheaveragepercentageofaccurateofresponsesbeforeandafterinterventionsandtestsof significance Average% Average% Testof Doesthe ofaccurate ofaccurate significance amountof responses responses Differencein foreach improvement before after %before department differby intervention intervention andafter andoverall department? N (SD) (SD) (95%CI)* (pvalue)† (pvalue)† Abstract-only(intervention1) Department Surgery 10 48(27) 62(15) 14(0to40) 0.16 Internalmedicine 10 36(18) 66(16) 30(20to60) 0.003 0.06 Emergencymedicine 10 54(21) 72(14) 18(0to40) 0.06 Familymedicine 8 25(14) 75(14) 50(40to60) <0.0001 Overall 38 42(23) 68(15) 27(20to40) <0.0001 Full-text(intervention2) Department Surgery 10 60(13) 86(0.16) 26(20to40) 0.003 Internalmedicine 10 46(16) 68(0.1) 22(0to40) 0.03 0.0001 Emergencymedicine 10 64(25) 64(0.23) 0(−20to20) 1.0 Familymedicine 9 20(14) 82(0.21) 62(40to80) <0.0001 Overall 39 48(24) 75(0.2) 27(20to40) <0.0001 *95%CIbasedonWilcoxontest. †Basedonvaluesfromthelogisticregressionmixedmodel. clinical decisions between residents who have access to feasible.2However,clinicianswhowanttopracticeEBM abstracts-onlyandthosewithaccesstofull-textarticles. will also find online manysummaries, reviews and pre- Overall,ourresultsseemtodemonstratenodifferencein appraised free resources (TRIP Database, ACP Journal the accuracy of responses between residents provided Club, Cochrane Library, etc) or by subscription with full-text articles and those with abstracts-only (UpToDate, 5-Minute Clinical Consult, etc). EBM web- (p=0.4415). When we consider the clustering of physi- sites will have links to these. Many of these resources ciansbydepartment,wefoundadifferencebetweenthe willhaveapplicationsformobiledevicesliketheiPhone two interventions (p=0.0494) but further analysis or Android devices. Our observations set the stage for showed that this difference was observed only in the further research on the role of using abstracts in department of Surgery (p=0.016). The effects of evidence-basedpractice.Futurestudiesmayincluderan- abstracts-only and full-text were not significantly dif- domised controlled trials with real-time clinical ferent for the Internal Medicine, Emergency Medicine decision-makingencounteredatthebedside. and Family Medicine departments. However, the study EBM encourages the use of timely and relevant had low power to detect differences between the inter- informationtocomplementtheclinicalacumenofclini- ventionswithinadepartment. cians.32 We found that the average improvement in the Our study provides preliminary but useful informa- accuracy of responses across all the departments when tion related to the use of journal abstracts in evidence- either abstracts or full-text articles were provided was based practice. We believe this to be the first report significant (p<0.0001 for both interventions). This involving physicians, that attempted to evaluate how finding supports previous research regarding the role of abstractsmeasureuptofull-textarticlesinguidingclin- medical literature in improving clinical decisions.33–36 icaldecisions.Thisfindingofferssupportforusing‘con- However,whenindividual departments wereconsidered, sensusabstracts’(concurringandcorroboratingabstracts there seems to be a significant difference between the from independently conducted randomised clinical departments in the full-text intervention group studies and systematic research from meta-analysis and (p=0.0001). This difference in the effect of full-text systematic reviews that form the basis of clinical evi- between the departments appears to be due to the fact dence) as a possible alternativewhen access to full-text thattherewasnochangeintheaccuracyofresponsesof is limited or in other circumstances when it is not Emergency Medicine residents compared to the increase inscoresfortheotherresidentswhenfull-textwaspro- vided.Thismaymeanthatfull-textarticleswerebenefi- Table4 Residents’perceivedneedforadditional cial to Surgery, Family Medicine and Internal Medicine informationandactualaccessofliterature residents but did not benefit Emergency Medicine resi- Wasliteratureactually dents. A possible explanation for this is that the accessed? Emergency Medicine department is fast paced and resi- No Yes dentsmaynothavethetimetoreadthefull-textarticle. Perceivedneedformore No 26(17%) 131(83%) This hypothesis was further supported by data for the information? Yes 12(5%) 216(95%) abstract-only group where we found no significant dif- Rowpercentagesaredisplayed. ference between the departments on how the 51 Evidence-BasedMedicineApril2013|volume18|number2| Original EBM research intervention improved the accuracy of the responses by accumulatedknowledgewasadequatetoanswerclinical residents. questions,accessedevidenceanyway.Thisconfirmspre- Our study also demonstrated some trends in vious findings that easy availability of evidence information-seeking and utilisation of evidence by resi- encourages the practice of evidence-based medicine. dents when presented with clinical questions. We Whenclusteredbydepartment,clinicaldecisionsguided observedthatalthoughresidentsindicatedthataccumu- by full-text articles were more accurate than those lated knowledge was sufficient to answer the questions, guided by abstracts alone, but this difference can be in most instances (83.4%), they still accessed the largely attributed to a significant difference in Surgery. medical literature provided. This observation supports It may be less or not at all in the other three depart- earlierstudiesthathealthprofessionalswilluseevidence ments but the analysis is not conclusive because of the fromtheliteraturewhentheyareeasilyaccessibleatthe limited power of this study. Without departmental clus- timethequestionarises.37 tering, the findings seem to show that they may not be Morethanathirdoftheresidents(68.8%)whoparti- significantlydifferent. cipated in this study claimed that they commonly used abstracts in seeking answers to their clinical dilemma. Funding ThisresearchwassupportedbytheIntramural Other studies have reported similar observations. A ResearchProgramoftheNationalInstitutesofHealth study by Haynes et al3 found that two-thirds of clinical (NIH),NationalLibraryofMedicine(NLM)andLister decisions were influenced by literature even if the full- HillNationalCenterforBiomedicalCommunications text was not read. Moreover, internists reported that in (LHNCBC). 63% of the articlesthey come across, only the abstracts were read.4 These findings may even be higher among Disclaimer Theviewsandopinionsoftheauthors physicians in low- and middle-income countries expressedhereindonotnecessarilystateorreflectthose because of even more limited availability of full-text oftheNationalLibraryofMedicine,NationalInstitutes articles. ofHealthortheUSDepartmentofHealthandHuman Services. Limitations The small sample of residents from a tertiary govern- OpenAccess ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributed menthospitalinthePhilippineslimitsthegeneralisabil- inaccordancewiththeCreativeCommonsAttribution ity of the study to the larger medical community. NonCommercial(CCBY-NC3.0)license,whichpermits Simulatedclinicalcaseswereusedassurrogatetoactual otherstodistribute,remix,adapt,builduponthiswork clinical encounters that a resident may be presented non-commercially,andlicensetheirderivativeworkson with. The clinical questions were specific within the differentterms,providedtheoriginalworkisproperly realmofthedisciplinesandarenotnecessarilycompar- citedandtheuseisnon-commercial.See:http:// able to each other. The residents only answered five creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0/ questions which reduced the variation in the study. 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