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A Companion to the Reformation World BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO EUROPEAN HISTORY This series provides sophisticated and authoritative overviews of the scholarship that has shaped our current understanding of the past. Defined by theme, period, and/or region, each volume comprises up to forty concise essays written by individual scholars within their area of specialization. The aim of each contribution is to synthesize the current state of scholarship from a variety of historical perspectives and to provide a statement on where the field is heading. The essays are written in a clear, provocative, and lively manner, designed for an international audience of scholars, students, and general readers. The Blackwell Companions to European Historyis a cornerstone of Blackwell’s overarching Companions to History series, covering European, American, and World History. Published A Companion to the Worlds of the Renaissance A Companion to the Reformation World Edited by Guido Ruggiero Edited by R. Po-chia Hsia In preparation A Companion to Europe since 1945 A Companion to Europe 1900–1945 Edited by Klaus Larres Edited by Gordon Martel BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO HISTORY Published A Companion to Western Historical Thought A Companion to Gender History Edited by Lloyd Kramer and Sarah Maza Edited by Teresa A. Meade and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO BRITISH HISTORY Published A Companion to Roman Britain A Companion to Eighteenth-Century Britain Edited by Malcolm Todd Edited by H. T. Dickinson A Companion to Britain in the Later Middle Ages A Companion to Early Twentieth-Century Britain Edited by S. H. Rigby Edited by Chris Wrigley A Companion to Stuart Britain Edited by Barry Coward In preparation A Companion to Britain in the Early Middle Ages A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Britain Edited by Pauline Stafford Edited by Chris Williams A Companion to Tudor Britain A Companion to Contemporary Britain Edited by Robert Tittler and Norman Jones Edited by Paul Addison and Harriet Jones BLACKWELL COMPANION S TO AMERICAN HISTORY Published A Companion to the American Revolution A Companion to the Vietnam War Edited by Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole Edited by Marilyn B. Young and Robert Buzzanco A Companion to 19th-Century America A Companion to Colonial America Edited by William L. Barney Edited by Daniel Vickers A Companion to the American South A Companion to American Foreign Relations Edited by John B. Boles Edited by Robert D. Schulzinger A Companion to American Indian History A Companion to 20th-Century America Edited by Philip J. Deloria and Neal Salisbury Edited by Stephen J. Whitfield A Companion to American Women’s History A Companion to the American West Edited by Nancy A. Hewitt Edited by William Deverell A Companion to Post-1945 America Edited by Jean-Christophe Agnew and Roy Rosenzweig BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO WORLD HISTORY In preparation A Companion to the History of the Middle East Edited by Youssef M. Choueiri A COMPANION TO THE REFORMATION WORLD Edited by R. Po-chia Hsia © 2004 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148-5020, USA 108 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1JF, UK 550 Swanston Street, Carlton, Melbourne, Victoria 3053, Australia The right of R. Po-chia Hsia to be identified as the Author of the Editorial Material in this Work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, except as permitted by the UK Copyright, Designs, and Patents Act 1988, without the prior permission of the publisher. First published 2004 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A companion to the reformation world / edited by R. Po-chia Hsia. p. cm. – (Blackwell companions to European history) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-631-22017-8 (alk. paper) 1. Reformation. I. Hsia, R. Po-chia, 1953– II. Series. BR309.C62 2003 270.6–dc21 2002156493 A catalogue record for this title is available from the British Library. Set in 10 on 12 pt Galliard by SNP Best-set Typesetter Ltd., Hong Kong Printed and bound in the United Kingdom by TJ International, Padstow, Cornwall For further information on Blackwell Publishing, visit our website: http://www.blackwellpublishing.com Contents List of Contributors viii Introduction: The Reformation and its Worlds xii R. Po-chia Hsia Paarrtt I Onn tthhee Evvee ooff tthhee Reeffoorrmmaattiioonn 1 Dissent and Heresy 3 Euan Cameron 2 Society and Piety 22 Larissa Taylor Paarrtt II Thhee Reeffoorrmmaattiioonn iinn tthhee Hoollyy Roommaann Emmppiirree 3 Martin Luther and the Germ an Nation 39 Robert Kolb 4 The Peasants’ War 56 Tom Scott 5 Radical Religiosity in the German Reformation 70 Hans-Jürgen Goertz 6 The Reformation in German-Speaking Switzerland 86 Kaspar von Greyerz Paarrtt III Thhee Euurrooppeeaann Reeffoorrmmaattiioonn 7 Calvin and Geneva 105 Robert M. Kingdon 8 Reform in the Low Countries 118 Joke Spaans vi contents 9 The Reformation in England to 1603 135 Christopher Haigh 10 The Religious Wars in France 150 Barbara B. Diefendorf 11 The Italian Reformation 169 Massimo Firpo 12 The Reformation in Bohemia and Poland 185 James R. Palmitessa 13 Old and New Faith in Hungary, Turkish Hungary, and Transylvania 205 István György Tóth Paarrtt IV Caatthhoolliicc Reenneewwaall aanndd Coonnffeessssiioonnaall Sttrruugggglleess 14 The Society of Jesus 223 John O’Malley 15 Female Religious Orders 237 Amy E. Leonard 16 The Inquisition 255 William Monter 17 The Thirty Years’ War 272 Johannes Burkhardt 18 Spain and Portugal 291 José Pedro Paiva 19 Parish Communities, Civil War, and Religious Conflict in England 311 Dan Beaver Paarrtt V Chhrriissttiiaann Euurrooppee aanndd tthhee Woorrlldd 20 Religion and the Church in Early Latin America 335 Kevin Terraciano 21 Compromise: India 353 Ines G. Zˇupanov 22 Promise: China 375 R. Po-chia Hsia 23 A Mission Interrupted: Japan 393 Michael Cooper Paarrtt VI Sttrruuccttuurreess ooff tthhee Reeffoorrmmaattiioonn Woorrlldd 24 The New Parish 411 Bruce Gordon contents vii 25 Making Peace 426 Olivier Christin 26 Magic and Witchcraft 440 James A. Sharpe 27 Martyrs and Saints 455 Brad S. Gregory 28 Jews in a Divided Christendom 471 Miriam Bodian 29 Coexistence, Conflict, and the Practice of Toleration 486 Benjamin J. Kaplan Bibliography 506 Index 553 List of Contributors Dan Beaveris Associate Professor of History He is the author of The European Re- at the Pennsylvania State University. He formation (1991). He has also written is the author of Parish Communities and Waldenses: Rejections of Holy Church in Religious Conflict in the Vale of Gloucester, Medieval Europe (2000) and both edited 1590–1690, and is currently working on and contributed to Early Modern Europe: hunting and the cultural history of violence An Oxford History (1999; paperback in early modern England. edition 2001). Miriam Bodian is Associate Professor of Olivier Christin is Professor of Modern History and Jewish Studies at Pennsylvania History at the University of Lyon-2 and State University. Her work has dealt with member of the Institut Universitaire de early modern Sephardic Jewry and, more France. He has published several studies on generally, the history of Jewish–Christian art and the Reformation (Une révolution relations. Her publications include Hebrews symbolique: L’iconoclasme huguenot et la of the Portuguese Nation: Conversos and reconstruction catholique, 1991; Les Yeux Community in Early Modern Amsterdam pour le croire: Les Dix commandements en (1997) and “In the Cross -Currents of the images (XVe–XVIIe siècles), 2003; and, Reformation: Crypto-Jewish Martyrs of the with François Boespflug, Johannes Molanus Inquisition, 1570–1670,” Past and Present, traité des saintes images, 1996) and on the 176 (November, 2002). search for compromise and secular peace Johannes Burkhardt is Professor of History between denominations in sixteenth- at the University of Augsburg, Germany, century France and Germany (La Paix de and Director of the Fugger-Archiv. He religion: L’autonomisation de la raison poli- has published on diplomatic, economic, tique au XVIe siècle, 1997). and political history. Recent books include After entering the Society of Jesus in London, Der Dreißigjährige Krieg (1992) and Michael Cooper worked at Sophia Uni- Das Reformationsjahrhundert: Deutsche versity, Tokyo, where he edited the acade- Geschichte zwischen Medienrevolution und mic quarterly Monumenta Nipponica for Institutionenbildung 1517–1617 (2002). 26 years. In 1999 he retired to Honolulu, Euan Cameron is the Henry Luce III Pro- where he continues research on Jesuit activ- fessor of Reformation Church History at ity in sixteenth-century Japan. He obtained Union Theological Seminary in New York his doctorate at Oxford University with a City, and is also a Professor in the Depart- thesis on João Rodrigues (d. 1633), a ment of Religion at Columbia University. Portuguese Jesuit who worked in both listof contributors ix Japan and China. Among Cooper’s pub- Brad S. Gregory is Associate Professor of lished works are They Came to Japan(1965, History at Stanford University. His first 1995), Rodrigues the Interpreter (1974), book, Salvation at Stake: Christian Mar- and João Rodrigues’s Account of Sixteenth- tyrdom in Early Modern Europe, was pub- Century Japan (2001). He is at present lished in 1999 and received six book writing a book on the Japanese mission to awards. He is also the editor of The For- Europe in the 1580s. gotten Writings of the Mennonite Martyrs, Barbara B. Diefendorf is Professor of published in 2002. History at Boston University. She is the Kaspar von Greyerz is Professor of History author of Paris City Councillors in the Six- at the University of Basel. His books in- teenth Century: The Politics of Patrimony clude Late City Reformation in Germany: (1983) and Beneath the Cross: Catholics The Case of Colmar, 1522–1628 (1980), and Huguenots in Sixteenth-Century Paris England im Jahrhundert der Revolutionen (1991). Her recently completed study of 1603–1714 (1994), and Religion und pious women and the Catholic Reforma- Kultur: Europa 1500–1800 (2000). tion in France will be published by Oxford. Christopher Haigh teaches history at the Massimo Firpo is Professor of Modern University of Oxford. His major publica- History at the University of Turin. His tions include The Reign of Elizabeth I most recent books concerning the religious (1984), The English Reformation Revised crisis in sixteenth-century Italy are Riforma (1987), Elizabeth I (1988, 2nd ed. 1998), protestante ed eresie nell’Italia del Cinque- and English Reformations: Religion, Politics cento: Un profilo storico (1993), Gli affres- and Society under the Tudors(1993). He is chi di Pontormo a San Lorenzo: Eresia, now writing on the official church and its politica e cultura nella Firenze di Cosimo I parishioners in post-Reformation England. (1997), Dal sacco di Roma all’Inquisizione: R. Po-chia Hsia is Edwin Erle Sparks Pro- Studi su Juan de Valdés e la Riforma ital- fessor of History at Pennsylvania State Uni- iana (1998), Artisti, gioiellieri, eretici: Il versity. He has published several books mondo di Lorenzo Lotto tra Riforma e on Reformation Germany and the history Controriforma(2001), and Studi sulla vita of anti-Semitism. Recent books include religiosa nel Cinquecento italiano (2003). The World of Catholic Renewal 1540– Hans-Jürgen Goertz is Professor of Social 1770 (1998), translated into German and and Economic History at the University Italian. He is now working on the relations of Hamburg. He is the author of many between Catholic Europe and China studies on the radical Reform ation in between the sixteenth and eighteenth cen- Germany. Recent books include Thomas turies. He is an elected member of the Müntzer: Apocalyptic Mystic and Visionary Academia Sinica, Taiwan. (1993), Antiklerikalismus und Refor- Benjamin J. Kaplan is Professor of Dutch mation: Sozialgeschichtliche Untersuchun- History at University College London, and gen (1995), and Anabaptists (1996). he holds an appointment in early modern Bruce Gordonis Reader in Modern History religious history at the University of and Deputy Director of the Reformation Amsterdam. His publications include Studies Institute at the University of St. Calvinists and Libertines: Confession and Andrews. He has recently published (with Community in Utrecht, 1578–1620, which Peter Marshall) The Place of the Dead: received the Philip Schaff Prize and the Death and Remembrance in Late Medieval Roland Bainton Prize in History and and Early Modern Europe (2000) and a Theology. Kaplan’s current book project, translation of Hans Guggisberg, Sebastian titled Divided by Faith, is a social history of Castellio, Humanist and Defender of religious toleration in early modern Europe. Religious Toleration in a Confessional Age Robert M. Kingdon is Professor Emeritus (2003). His most recent book is The Swiss of History at the University of Wisconsin- Reformation (2002). Madison. He has been involved in a x listof contributors number of editions of documents of the John W. O’Malley is Professor of Church Reformation period, most recently of the History, Weston Jesuit School of Theology, Registres du Consistoire de Genève au temps Cambridge, MA. He is a Fellow of the de Calvin, vols. 1 and 2 (1996, 2001), with American Academy of Arts and Sciences T. A. Lambert, I. M. Watt, and M. W. and member of the American Philosophical McDonald. He has also written a number Society; past president of the American of books and articles on aspects of the Catholic Historical Association and of the history of the Calvinist Reformation, in- Renaissance Society of America; author of cluding Myths about the St. Bartholomew’s Praise and Blame in Renaissance Rome, The Day Massacres, 1572–1576 (1988) and First Jesuits, Trent and All That; and co- Adultery and Divorce in Calvin’s Geneva editor of The Jesuits: Cultures, Sciences, and (1995). the Arts, 1540–1773. Robert Kolb is Missions Professor of Sys- José Pedro Paiva studied for his PhD at the tematic Theology, Concordia Seminary, European University Institute (Florence) Saint Louis, Missouri, and was associate and is Professor Auxiliar at the Faculty of editor and editor of The Sixteenth Century Arts of the University of Coimbra. His Journal (1973–94, 1994–7). He is the main research fields are popular culture and author of Martin Luther as Prophet, religious and ecclesiastical history during Teacher, and Hero: Images of the Reformer, the modern age. His publications include 1520–1620 (1999), Luther’s Heirs Define Bruxaria e superstição num país sem caça às His Legacy: Studies on Lutheran Confes- bruxas: 1600–1774(1997) and five chapters sionalization (1996), and co-editor, with in the more recent religious history of Timothy J. Wengert, of The Book of Portugal, História Religiosa de Portuga, Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical ed. Carlos Moreira Azevedo (2000), vol. 2. Lutheran Church (2000). He also edited Religious Ceremonials Amy E. Leonardreceived her PhD in history and Images: Power and Social Meaning from the University of California at (1400–1750) (2002). Berkeley in 1999. She is Assistant Professor James R. Palmitessa is Associate Professor of History at Georgetown University, at Western Michigan State University. He Washington, DC, and President of the is the author of Material Culture and Daily Society for Early Modern Catholic Studies. Life in the New City of Prague in the Age of She has just completed a manuscript on Rudolf II (1997) and “The Prague Upris- Dominican nuns in Strasbourg, titled ing of 1611: Property, Politics and Catholic “Nails in the Wall: Ca tholic Nuns in Renewal in the Early Years of Habsburg Reformation Strasbourg.” Rule,” Central European History, 31/4 William Monter is Professor Emeritus of (1998). He is working on a book on History at Northwestern. Among recent Prague on the eve of the Thirty Years’ War. publications are “The Fate of the French Tom Scott is Reader in History at the Uni- and English Reformations, 1555–1563,” versity of Liverpool and received his LittD Bibliothèque d’Humanisme et Renaissance, from the University of Cambridge (2002). 64 (2002), 7–19; “The Roman Inquisition Relevant publications include Freiburg and and Protestant Heresy Executions in the Breisgau: Town–Country Relations in 16th-Century Europe,” in Atti del Simpo- the Age of Reformation and Peasants’ War sio internazionale sull’Inquisizione (29–31 (1986); Thomas Muentzer: Theology and ottobre 1998), ed. Agostino Borromeo Revolution in the German Reformation (2003), pp. 535–44; and “Witch-Trials in (1989); (ed. with Bob Scribner), The Continental Europe, 1560–1660,” in S. German Peasants’ War: A History in Clark and B. Ankarloo, eds., The Athlone Documents (1991); Regional Identity and History of Witchcraft, vol. 5 (2002), pp. Economic Change: The Upper Rhine, 1–79. 1450–1600 (1997); (ed.), The Peasantries

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