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A Companion to Lyndon B. Johnson BLACKWELL COMPANIONSTO AMERICAN HISTORY Thisseriesprovidesessentialandauthoritativeoverviewsofthescholarshipthathasshapedourpresentunderstandingofthe Americanpast.Editedbyeminenthistorians,eachvolumetacklesoneofthemajorperiodsorthemesofAmericanhistory, with individual topics authored by key scholars who have spent considerable time in research on the questions and controversiesthathavesparkeddebateintheirfieldofinterest.Thevolumesareaccessibleforthenon-specialist,whilealso engagingscholarsseekingareferencetothehistoriographyorfutureconcerns. Published ACompaniontotheAmericanRevolution ACompaniontotheCivilWarandReconstruction EditedbyJackP.GreeneandJ.R.Pole EditedbyLacyK.Ford ACompanionto19th-CenturyAmerica ACompaniontoAmericanTechnology EditedbyWilliamL.Barney EditedbyCarrollPursell ACompaniontotheAmericanSouth ACompaniontoAfrican-AmericanHistory EditedbyJohnB.Boles EditedbyAltonHornsby ACompaniontoAmericanIndianHistory ACompaniontoAmericanImmigration EditedbyPhilipJ.DeloriaandNealSalisbury EditedbyReedUeda ACompaniontoAmericanWomen’sHistory ACompaniontoAmericanCulturalHistory EditedbyNancyHewitt EditedbyKarenHalttunen ACompaniontoPost-1945America ACompaniontoCaliforniaHistory EditedbyJean-ChristopheAgnewandRoyRosenzweig EditedbyWilliamDeverellandDavidIgler ACompaniontotheVietnamWar ACompaniontoAmericanMilitaryHistory EditedbyMarilynYoungandRobertBuzzanco EditedbyJamesBradford ACompaniontoColonialAmerica ACompaniontoLosAngeles EditedbyDanielVickers EditedbyWilliamDeverellandGregHise ACompanionto20th-CenturyAmerica ACompaniontoAmericanEnvironmentalHistory EditedbyStephenJ.Whitfield EditedbyDouglasCazauxSackman ACompaniontotheAmericanWest ACompaniontoBenjaminFranklin EditedbyWilliamDeverell EditedbyDavidWaldstreicher ACompaniontoAmericanForeignRelations EditedbyRobertSchulzinger Inpreparation ACompaniontoAmericanUrbanHistory ACompaniontotheHistoryofAmericanScience EditedbyDavidQuigley EditedbyMarkLargent ACompaniontoAmericanLegalHistory ACompaniontoSupremeCourtHistory(2volumes) EditedbySallyHaddenandAlfredL.Brophy EditedbyJohnVile ACompaniontoWorldWarTwo(2volumes) ACompaniontoAmericanSportsHistory EditedbyThomasZeiler EditedbyStevenRiess PRESIDENTIALCOMPANIONS Published ACompaniontoThomasJefferson ACompaniontoFranklinD.Roosevelt EditedbyFrancisD.Cogliano EditedbyWilliamPederson ACompaniontoLyndonB.Johnson ACompaniontoRichardM.Nixon EditedbyMitchellLerner EditedbyMelvinSmall ACompaniontoTheodoreRoosevelt EditedbySergeRicard Inpreparation ACompaniontoAbrahamLincoln ACompaniontoJamesMadisonandJamesMonroe EditedbyMichaelGreen EditedbyStuartLeibiger ACompaniontoGeorgeWashington ACompaniontoJohnAdamsandJohnQuincyAdams EditedbyEdwardG.Lengel EditedbyDavidWaldstreicher ACompaniontoHarryS.Truman ACompaniontotheAntebellumPresidents,1837–61 EditedbyDanielS.Margolies EditedbyJoelSilbey ACompaniontoAndrewJackson ACompaniontotheReconstructionPresidents,1865–81 EditedbySeanPatrickAdams EditedbyEdwardFrantz ACompaniontoWoodrowWilson ACompaniontoGeraldR.FordandJimmyCarter EditedbyRossA.Kennedy EditedbyV.ScottKaufman ACompaniontoDwightD.Eisenhower ACompaniontoWarrenG.Harding,CalvinCoolidge,and EditedbyChesterJ.Pach HerbertHoover ACompaniontoRonaldReagan EditedbyKatherineA.S.Sibley EditedbyAndrewL.Johns A COMPANION TO LYNDON B. JOHNSON Edited by Mitchell B. Lerner Thiseditionfirstpublished2012 (cid:2)2012BlackwellPublishingLtd. BlackwellPublishingwasacquiredbyJohnWiley&SonsinFebruary2007.Blackwell’spublishing programhasbeenmergedwithWiley’sglobalScientific,Technical,andMedicalbusinesstoform Wiley-Blackwell. RegisteredOffice JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO198SQ,UK EditorialOffices 350MainStreet,Malden,MA02148-5020,USA 9600GarsingtonRoad,Oxford,OX42DQ,UK TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO198SQ,UK Fordetailsofourglobaleditorialoffices,forcustomerservices,andforinformationabouthowtoapply forpermissiontoreusethecopyrightmaterialinthisbookpleaseseeourwebsiteatwww.wiley.com/ wiley-blackwell. TherightofMitchellB.Lernertobeidentifiedastheauthoroftheeditorialmaterialinthisworkhasbeen assertedinaccordancewiththeUKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted, inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,exceptas permittedbytheUKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,withoutthepriorpermissionofthepublisher. Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsinprintmaynotbe availableinelectronicbooks. Designationsusedbycompaniestodistinguishtheirproductsareoftenclaimedastrademarks.Allbrand namesandproductnamesusedinthisbookaretradenames,servicemarks,trademarksorregistered trademarksoftheirrespectiveowners.Thepublisherisnotassociatedwithanyproductorvendor mentionedinthisbook.Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritativeinformation inregardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldontheunderstandingthatthepublisherisnot engagedinrenderingprofessionalservices.Ifprofessionaladviceorotherexpertassistanceisrequired, theservicesofacompetentprofessionalshouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData ISBN9781444333893(hbk) AcompaniontoLyndonB.Johnson/editedbyMitchellB.Lerner. p.cm.– (Blackwellcompanionstoamericanhistory) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-1-4443-3389-3(hardcover:alk.paper) 1. Johnson,LyndonB.(LyndonBaines),1908-1973. 2.Johnson,LyndonB.(LyndonBaines),1908-1973–Socialandpoliticalviews.3.UnitedStates–Politicsand government–1963-1969.4. UnitedStates–Socialconditions–1960-1980.5. UnitedStates–Foreign relations–1963-1969.6. VietnamWar,1961-1975.7. Presidents–UnitedStates–Biography. I.Lerner, MitchellB.,1968- E846.C592012 973.923092–dc23 2011023901 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Thisbookispublishedinthefollowingelectronicformats:ePDFs[ISBN9781444347463];WileyOnline Library[ISBN9781444347494];ePub[ISBN9781444347470];Mobi[ISBN9781444347487] Setin10/12ptGalliardbyThomsonDigital,Noida,India 1 2012 Contents Notes onContributors viii Introduction 1 MitchellB. Lerner Part I Pre-PresidentialYears 5 1 TheChanging South 7 Jeff Woods 2 LBJin the House and Senate 23 DonaldA. Ritchie 3 TheVice Presidency 38 MarcJ. Selverstone Part II LyndonB.Johnson’s White House 57 4 Lady Bird Johnson 59 Lisa M. Burns 5 Management and Vision 76 Sean J.Savage Part III Domestic Policy 91 6 TheWar on Poverty 93 Edward R. Schmitt 7 African-American Civil Rights 111 Kent B.Germany 8 Mexican Americans 132 Lorena Oropeza vi CONTENTS 9 Women’s Issues 149 Susan M. Hartmann 10 Health Care 163 Larry DeWittand Edward D.Berkowitz 11 Environmental Policy 187 MartinV. Melosi 12 American Immigration Policy 210 Donna R. Gabaccia and Maddalena Marinari 13 LBJ and the Constitution 228 Robert David Johnson 14 The Urban Crisis 245 David Steigerwald 15 Education Reform 263 Lawrence J.McAndrews 16 DomesticInsurgencies 278 Doug Rossinow 17 LBJ and the Conservative Movement 295 Jeff Roche Part IV: Vietnam 319 18 Decisionsfor War 321 Andrew Preston 19 Fighting the Vietnam War 336 Robert D. Schulzinger 20 The War at Home 350 Mary Ann Wynkoop 21 The War from the Other Side 367 Pierre Asselin Part VBeyondVietnam 385 22 Latin America 387 Alan McPherson 23 Europe 406 ThomasAlan Schwartz 24 LBJ and the Cold War 420 John Dumbrell 25 The Middle East 439 Peter L. Hahn CONTENTS vii 26 LBJand the New Global Challenges 450 MarkAtwood Lawrence Part VI Final Reckonings 467 27 How Great was the Great Society? 469 Sidney M. Milkis 28 Lyndon B.Johnson and the World 487 NicholasEvan Sarantakes 29 The Legacy of Lyndon B.Johnson 504 Andrew L. Johns Bibliography 521 Index 583 Notes on Contributors Pierre Asselin is Associate Professor of lady media coverage in various journals History at Hawaii Pacific University in and has been widely quoted in the local Honolulu. He is the author of A Bitter andnationalmediaregardingcoverageof Peace: Washington, Hanoi, and the Mak- women in politics. ing of the Paris Agreement (2002); LarryDeWittisapublichistorianatthe “ChoosingPeace:HanoiandtheGeneva U.S. Social Security Administration. A Agreement on Vietnam, 1954–1955” in recognizedauthorityonthehistoryofthe Journal ofColdWarStudies(2007);and SocialSecurityprogram,heistheauthor “The Democratic Republic of Vietnam of numerous articles and essays on the andthe1954GenevaConference:ARe- subjectandistheprincipaleditorofSocial visionist Critique” in Cold War History Security: ADocumentaryHistory. (2011). His current book project exam- inesHanoi’srevolutionarystrategyinthe John Dumbrell is Professor of Govern- period 1954 to 1965. ment at Durham University, United Kingdom.HeisagraduateofCambridge Edward D. Berkowitz is Professor of andKeeleUniversities.Amonghisbooks HistoryandPublicPolicyandPublicAd- are President Lyndon Johnson and Soviet ministration at the George Washington Communism (2004: winner of the 2005 University.Hisbooksincludebiographies Richard E. Neustadt book prize for the ofJohnson-erapolicy-makersRobertBall bestbookonanAmericanpoliticalsubject and Wilbur Cohen and books on the by a UK-based author), A Special Rela- welfarestate,disabilitypolicy,healthcare, tionship: Anglo-American Relations from and the 1970s. His recent book is Mass the Cold War to Iraq (2006), and Clin- Appeal:TheFormativeEraofMovies,Ra- ton’s Foreign Policy: Between the Bushes dio, and Television (2011). (2009).Heiscurrentlyworkingonabook for Palgrave/Macmillan to be entitled Lisa M. Burns is Associate Professor of Rethinking theVietnam War. MediaStudiesatQuinnipiacUniversityin Hamden, CT. She is the author of First Donna R. Gabaccia is the Rudolph J. LadiesandtheFourthEstate:PressFram- Vecoli Chair in Immigration History ingofPresidentialWives(2008).Shehas andDirectoroftheImmigrationHistory also published scholarly articles on first Research Center at the University of NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS ix Minnesota. She is author of many books Promise: A History of the United States andarticlesonimmigrantlifeintheUnit- (4th edn., 2008). ed States, on gender, class, and labor AndrewL.JohnsisAssistantProfessorof (recently, co-edited with Vicki Ruiz, HistoryatBrighamYoungUniversityand American Dreaming, Global Realities: the David M. Kennedy Center for Inter- Rethinking U.S. Immigration History, national Studies. He is the author of 2006), and on Italian migration around Vietnam’sSecondFront:DomesticPolitics, the world (recently, co-edited with Lor- the Republican Party, and the War etta Baldassar, Intimacies across Borders: (2010), co-editor, with Kathryn C. Sta- The Italian Nation in a Mobile World, tler, of The Eisenhower Administration, 2010). the Third World, and the Globalization Kent B. Germany isAssociate Professor of the Cold War (2006), and editor of of History at the University of South A Companion to Ronald Reagan Carolina.HeistheauthorofNewOrleans (forthcoming). After the Promises: Poverty, Citizenship, Robert David Johnson is Professor of and the Search for the Great Society History at Brooklyn College and the (2007), editor of Lyndon B. Johnson and CUNY Graduate Center. Two recent CivilRights(2010),andco-editorofThe books of his are All the Way with LBJ KennedyAssassinationandtheTransferof (2009) and Until Proven Innocent Power (2005), Toward the Great Society (2007, co-authored with Stuart Taylor). (2007), and Mississippi Burning and the Passageof the Civil Rights Act (2011). Mark Atwood Lawrence is Associate Professor of History at the University of PeterL.HahnisProfessorofHistoryand TexasatAustin.HeisauthorofAssuming DepartmentChairatOhioStateUniver- the Burden: Europe and the American sity.HeistheauthoroffivebooksonU.S. Commitment to War in Vietnam (2005) diplomacy in the Middle East, recently and The Vietnam War: A Concise Inter- MissionsAccomplished?:TheUnitedStates nationalHistory(2008).Heisnowwork- and Iraq since World War I (2011) and ing on a study of U.S. policy-making CrisisandCrossfire:TheUnitedStatesand toward the developing world in the the Middle East since 1945 (2005). Pro- 1960s. fessorHahnisalsotheExecutiveDirector oftheSocietyforHistoriansofAmerican MitchellLernerisAssociateProfessorof ForeignRelations.HeearnedhisPh.D.at HistoryattheOhioStateUniversity.He VanderbiltUniversityandhisB.A.summa is author of The Pueblo Incident: A Spy cumlaude,atOhioWesleyanUniversity. ShipandtheFailureofAmericanForeign Policy(2002),andeditorofLookingBack SusanM.HartmannisArtsandHuman- atLBJ(2005).HehasheldtheMaryBall itiesDistinguishedProfessorofHistoryat Washington Distinguished Fulbright the Ohio State University. Her books Chair at UC-Dublin, and been a fellow include The Home Front and Beyond: attheUniversityofVirginia’sMillerCen- American Women in the 1940s (1982), ter for Public Affairs. From Margin to Mainstream: American Women and Politics since 1960 (1989), Maddalena Marinari is an Assistant and The Other Feminists: Activists in the ProfessorofU.S.historyatSt.Bonaven- LiberalEstablishment(1998);andsheisa ture University and specializes in migra- co-authorofthetextbook,TheAmerican tion and ethnic history. She is currently x NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS revisingamanuscriptthatexplorestheim- tial Greatness (2000), co-authored with pactofrestrictiveimmigrationpolicieson Marc Landy; The American Presidency: Italian and Jewish communities in the Origins and Development, 1776–2011 United States from 1882 to 1965. She (6th edn., 2011), co-authored with Mi- has presented her work at numerous na- chael Nelson; and TheodoreRoosevelt,the tional conferences and received funding ProgressiveParty,andtheTransformation from several national organizations for ofAmericanDemocracy(2009).Heisthe herresearch. co-editor, with Jerome Mileur, of thee volumes on twentieth-century political Lawrence J. McAndrews is Professor reform:ProgressivismandtheNewDemoc- of History at St. Norbert College in racy (1999); The New Deal and the Tri- De Pere, WI. He is the author of Broken umphofLiberalism(2002);andTheGreat Ground: John F. Kennedy and the Society and the High Tide of Liberalism Politics of Education (1991) and The (2005). Era of Education: The Presidents and the Schools, 1965–2001 (2006). LorenaOropezaisanAssociateProfessor ofHistoryattheUniversityofCalifornia, Alan McPherson is Associate Professor Davis. She is the author of !Raza Sı´! ! of International and Area Studies and GuerraNo!:ChicanoProtestandPatriot- ConocoPhillips Chair in Latin American ism duringthe Viet Nam War Era. Studies at the University of Oklahoma. He is the author of the prize-winning Andrew Preston is Senior Lecturer in Yankee No! Anti-Americanism in U.S.- History and a Fellow of Clare College at LatinAmericanRelations(2003)andof CambridgeUniversity.Inadditiontosev- IntimateTies,BitterStruggles:TheUnited eraljournalarticlesandbookchapters,he States and Latin America since 1945 is the author of The War Council: (2006). McGeorgeBundy,theNSC,andVietnam Martin V. Melosi received his Ph.D. (2006)andco-editor,withFredrikLoge- from the University of Texas (1975). vall, of Nixon in the World: American He is Hugh Roy and Lillie Cranz Cul- Foreign Relations, 1969–1977 (2008). len University Professor and Director of Donald A. Ritchie is Historian of the the Center for Public History at the United States Senate. He has published University of Houston. He has numerous articles on American political authored or edited 16 books and more history and oral history, including “Oral than 80 articles. He specializes in envi- History in the Federal Government,” ronmental, urban, and energy history. which appeared in the Journal of Ameri- Sidney M. Milkis is the White Burkett canHistory.HisrecentbooksareTheU.S. Miller Professor of the Department of Congress: A Very Short Introduction PoliticsandAssistantDirectorforStudies (2010), Electing FDR: The New Deal in Democracy and Governance at the Campaign of 1932 (2007), and Doing MillerCenterofPublicAffairsattheUni- Oral History: A Practical Guide (2nd versityofVirginia.Hisbooksinclude:The edn., 2003). Other publications include President and the Parties: The Transfor- TheSenate(1988)andPressGallery:Con- mationoftheAmericanPartySystemsince gress and the Washington Correspondents theNewDeal(1993);PoliticalPartiesand (1991). He also edits the Executive Constitutional Government: Remaking Sessions of the Senate Foreign Relations American Democracy (1999); Presiden- Committee (Historical Series). A former

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