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Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:21:58 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d A COMPANION TO JULIUS CAESAR Edited by Miriam Griffin A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:21:58 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d Thiseditionfirstpublished2009 #2009BlackwellPublishingLtd BlackwellPublishingwasacquiredbyJohnWiley&SonsinFebruary2007.Blackwell’spublishingprogram hasbeenmergedwithWiley’sglobalScientific,Technical,andMedicalbusinesstoformWiley-Blackwell. RegisteredOffice JohnWiley&SonsLtd,TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO198SQ,UnitedKingdom EditorialOffices 350MainStreet,Malden,MA02148-5020,USA 9600GarsingtonRoad,Oxford,OX42DQ,UK TheAtrium,SouthernGate,Chichester,WestSussex,PO198SQ,UK Fordetailsofourglobaleditorialoffices,forcustomerservices,andforinformationabouthowtoapplyfor permissiontoreusethecopyrightmaterialinthisbookpleaseseeourwebsiteatwww.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell. TherightofMiriamGriffintobeidentifiedastheauthoroftheeditorialmaterialinthisworkhasbeen assertedinaccordancewiththeUKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988. Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted, inanyformorbyanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recordingorotherwise,exceptaspermitted bytheUKCopyright,DesignsandPatentsAct1988,withoutthepriorpermissionofthepublisher. Wileyalsopublishesitsbooksinavarietyofelectronicformats.Somecontentthatappearsinprintmaynot beavailableinelectronicbooks. Designationsusedbycompaniestodistinguishtheirproductsareoftenclaimedastrademarks.Allbrand namesandproductnamesusedinthisbookaretradenames,servicemarks,trademarksorregistered trademarksoftheirrespectiveowners.Thepublisherisnotassociatedwithanyproductorvendor mentionedinthisbook.Thispublicationisdesignedtoprovideaccurateandauthoritativeinformationin regardtothesubjectmattercovered.Itissoldontheunderstandingthatthepublisherisnotengagedin renderingprofessionalservices.Ifprofessionaladviceorotherexpertassistanceisrequired,theservicesofa competentprofessionalshouldbesought. LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData AcompaniontoJuliusCaesar/editedbyMiriamGriffin. p.cm.–(Blackwellcompanionstotheancientworld) Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. ISBN978-1-4051-4923-5(hardcover:alk.paper)1.Caesar,Julius.2.Generals–Rome–Biography. 3.Headsofstate–Rome–Biography.4.Rome–History–Republic,265–30B.C.I.Griffin,Miriam T.(MiriamTamara) DG261.C762009 937’.02092–dc22 [B] 2008046983 AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary. Setin10/12.5ptGalliardbySPiPublisherServices,Pondicherry,India PrintedintheUnitedKingdom 012009 Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:22:00 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d Contents List of Figures viii Notes on Contributors x Preface xvi Reference Works: Abbreviated Titles xviii 1 Introduction 1 Part I Biography: Narrative 9 2 From the Iulii to Caesar 11 ErnstBadian 3 Caesar as a Politician 23 Erich S. Gruen 4 The Proconsular Years:Politics at a Distance 37 JohnT.Ramsey 5 The Dictator 57 Jane F.Gardner 6 The Assassination 72 AndrewLintott Part II Biography: Themes 83 7 General andImperialist 85 Nathan Rosenstein 8 Caesar and Religion 100 David Wardle Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:22:00 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d vi Contents 9 Friends, Associates, and Wives 112 Catherine Steel 10 Caesar the Man 126 JeremyPaterson 11 Caesar as an Intellectual 141 Elaine Fantham Part III Caesar’s Extant Writings 157 12 Bellum Gallicum 159 Christina S. Kraus 13 Bellum Civile 175 KurtRaaflaub 14 TheContinuators: Soldiering On 192 Ronald Cluett Part IV Caesar’s Reputation at Rome 207 15 Caesar’s Political and MilitaryLegacy to the Roman Emperors 209 Barbara Levick 16 Augustan and TiberianLiterature 224 Mark Toher 17 NeronianLiterature: Seneca and Lucan 239 Matthew Leigh 18 TheFirst Biographers:Plutarch and Suetonius 252 Christopher Pelling 19 TheRoman Historiansafter Livy 267 Luke Pitcher 20 TheFirst Emperor: TheView of LateAntiquity 277 TimothyBarnes 21 TheIrritating Statues andContradictoryPortraits of Julius Caesar 288 Paul Zanker Part V Caesar’s Place in History 315 22 TheMiddleAges 317 Almut Suerbaum 23 Empire,Eloquence,andMilitaryGenius:RenaissanceItaly 335 Martin McLaughlin 24 Some Renaissance Caesars 356 Carol Clark Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:22:00 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d Contents vii 25 Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar and the Dramatic Tradition 371 Julia Griffin 26 The Enlightenment 399 ThomasBiskup 27 Caesar and the Two Napoleons 410 Claude Nicolet 28 Republicanism, Caesarism,and Political Change 418 NicholasCole 29 Caesar for Communists andFascists 431 Luciano Canfora 30 ATwenty-First-Century Caesar 441 Maria Wyke Bibliography 456 Index 492 Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:22:00 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d List of Figures 2.1 Denarius of Sex. IuliusCaesar, 129BC, alluding to the descent ofthe Iuliifrom Venus 12 6.1 Denarius of Brutus IMP.,43–42BC 73 6.2 Aureus of Octavian, 36BC ¼21.3 81 10.1 Denarius, 44BC 127 12.1 DeBello Gallico 1.1.1 163 15.1 Sestertius, c.36 BC¼ 21.4 211 21.1 Denarius with statue ofOctavian, 31BC or earlier 290 21.2 Denarius of M. Mettius, 44 BC 295 21.3 Aureus of Octavian, 36BC ¼6.2 298 21.4 Sestertius, c.36 BC¼ 15.1 299 21.5 Denarius of M. Sanguinius, Rome17 BC 300 21.6 Denarius of L. Lentulus, 12BC 300 21.7–8 Portrait of Caesar,Turin, Museo Archeologico 302 21.9 Portrait of Caesar,Woburn Abbey 302 21.10 Portrait of Caesar,Pantelleria 303 21.11 Portrait of Pompeius, Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek 304 21.12 Portrait of M. Crassus, Paris Louvre 305 21.13 Portrait of Calpurnius Piso Pontifex,Naples, Museo Archeologico Nazionale 306 21.14 Portrait bust,Berlin, Staatliche MuseenAntikensammlung 307 21.15 Portrait of Caesar,Pisa,Museo del Primaziale 309 21.16 Portrait of Caesar,Musei Vaticani 310 21.17 Statue of Caesar,Rome Palazzo Senatorio 312 21.18 Portrait of Caesar,Naples, Museo ArcheologicoNazionale 313 23.1 Julius Caesar founding Florence (detail) 337 23.2 Caesar the military leader at the opening of De Bello Gallico 346 Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:22:01 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d List of Figures ix 23.3 TheSiegeof Thapsus 353 24.1 Franc¸oisI, Julius Caesar,Aurora,and Diana in the forest of Fontainebleau. Bibliothe`que nationale de France MS Fr.13429 357 24.2 Title-pageof Antoinede Bandole, Les Parallelesde Cesaretde Henry IIII, Paris, 1609.Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. Mason II 35 359 27.1 Jean Auguste DominiqueIngres, Napoleonon His Imperial Throne 413 28.1 Harper’s Weekly,November 7,1874 428 30.1 ‘‘Hail, Bush’’ 449 Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:22:01 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d Notes on Contributors Ernst Badian, FBA, John Moors Cabot (2nd edition, with postscript, 1985). ProfessorofHistory,Emeritus,Harvard, His major publications since then have wasborninViennaandeducatedinNew been The Sources of the Historia Augusta Zealand and at University College, (1978), Constantine and Eusebius Oxford. He was a Professor at Leeds (1981), The New Empire of Diocletian and at Buffalo, before his appointment and Constantine (1982), Athanasius to Harvard (1971–98). His publications and Constantius: Theology and Politics include Foreign Clientelae (264–70BC), in the Constantinian Empire (1993) 1958; Studies in Greek and Roman andAmmianusMarcellinusandtheRep- History, 1964; Roman Imperialism in resentation of Historical Reality (1998). the Late Republic, 1967 (revised and He now lives in Edinburgh and is at- enlarged as Ro¨mischer Imperialismus in tached to the University of Edinburgh. der Spa¨ten Republik, 1980); Publicans andSinners,1972(translatedintoGerman ThomasBiskupisResearchCouncilsUK and augmented as Zo¨llner und Su¨nder, Fellow and Lecturer in Enlightenment 1997); From Plataea to Potidaea, 1993; History at the University of Hull. He and numerous contributions to the Ox- gained his PhD at the University fordClassicalDictionaryandtojournals. of Cambridge in 2001, and was Mary Somerville Research Fellow at the Timothy Barnes was educated at Balliol UniversityofOxfordfrom2001to2004. College, Oxford and held a Junior Hismainresearchinterestsarethecultural ResearchFellowshipattheQueen’sCol- historyofEuropeanmonarchyandcourts lege. He taught in the Department of intheearlymodernandmodernerasand Classics at the University of Toronto natural history in eighteenth-century from 1970 to 2007, and was elected a England and Germany. Recent publica- FellowoftheRoyalSocietyofCanadain tions include: ‘German court and French 1985. He won the Conington Prize at Revolution:E´migre´sinBrunswickaround Oxford for his first book, Tertullian: A 1800’, in Francia, 33 (2007); ‘A Uni- Historical and Literary Study (1971) versity for Empire? The University of Comp.by:DKandavel Stage:Revises1 ChapterID:9781405149235_4_FM Date:3/3/ 09 Time:12:22:01 Filepath:H:/00_Blackwell/00_3B2/Griffin_9781405149235/appln/3B2/ 9781405149235_4_FM.3d Notes on Contributors xi Go¨ttingenandthePersonalUnion,1737– and at Glasgow University before being 1837’, in Brendan Simms and Torsten elected to Balliol College, Oxford, where Riotte (eds.), The Hanoverian Dimension sheremainedformanyyearsasFellowand inBritishHistory,1714–1837(Cambridge, Tutor in Modern Languages. She has 2007); ‘Napoleon’s second Sacre? Ie´na published books and articles on Rabelais and the ceremonial translation of and Montaigne and translations from Frederick the Great’s insignia in 1807’, Baudelaire,RostandandProust. in Alan Forrest and Peter H. Wilson Ronald Cluettholds a Ph.D. in Classics (eds.), The Bee and the Eagle: Napoleonic from Princeton University. From 1992 France and the End of the Holy Roman until 2004 he held a joint position in Empire (Basingstoke, 2008); and (co- Classics and History at Pomona College edited with Marc Schalenberg), Selling in Claremont, California. He has pub- Berlin: Imagebildung und Stadtmarket- lished on ancient numismatics and ing von der preußischen Residenz bis zur Roman women as well as on the Con- Bundeshauptstadt (Stuttgart, 2008). tinuators. He is currently completing his Luciano Canfora studiedattheUniver- J.D. at the Georgetown University Law sityofBariandattheScuolaNormaleof Center, where he has been surprised to Pisa.HeiscurrentlyProfessorofClassical discovernumerousstructuralandstylistic PhilologyattheUniversityofBari.Heis similarities between the Iliad and the chief editor of the journal Quaderni di United States Internal RevenueCode. Storia(1975–)andoftheseries‘‘Lacitta` antica’’(publishedbySellerio,Palermo). Nicholas Cole is currently a Junior In2000hewasawardedtheGoldMedal Research Fellow in History at St. Peter’s ofthePresidentoftheItalianRepublicfor College, Oxford. He read Ancient and cultural merits, and in 2005 he received Modern History at University College, theGoldenHonourCrossoftheHellenic Oxford, where he also completed his Republic. Among his publications are: MPhil in Greek and Roman History and Conservazione e perdita dei classici hisdoctorate.His particularinterests are (Padua:Antenore1974);Culturaclassica theinfluenceofclassicalpoliticalthought e crisi tedesca. Gli scritti politici di Wila- on America’s first politicians, and the mowitz1914–31(Bari:DeDonato1977); search for a new ‘science of politics’ in Ideologie del classicismo (Turin: Einaudi, post-Independence America. He has 1980); Studi di storia della storiografia been a Visiting Fellow at the Inter- romana(Bari:Edipuglia,1993;Ilcopista national Center for Jefferson Studies at comeautore(Palermo:Sellerio, 2002); Il Monticello. His book, The Ancient papiro di Dongo (Milan: Adelphi,2005); WorldinJefferson’sAmerica,willbepub- Democracy in Europe: A History of an lished byOxfordUniversityPress. Ideology(Oxford:Blackwell2006);Julius Elaine Fantham took her degrees at Caesar:ThePeople’sDictator(Edinburgh: Oxford and Liverpool and taught at EdinburghUniversityPress,2007);Filo- St. Andrews University before emigrat- logiaelibert`a(Milan,Mondadori,2008); ing in 1966. She has taught at the and Exporter la libert´e. E´chec d’un mythe University of Toronto (1968–86) and (Paris:Desjonque`res,2008). Princeton University (1986–2000) and CarolClarkstudiedatSomervilleCollege, is now Giger Professor of Latin Emeri- Oxford and Westfield College, London. tus. She has published commentaries on ShethentaughtinLondon,inWestAfrica Seneca’s Troades, Lucan BC II and Ovid

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