Description:Part V. Films: 21. Directing children: the double meaning of self-consciousness / Angela Dalle Vacche; 22. Jules et Jim ... et Walter Benjamin / Dudley Andrew; 23. Digging up the past: Jules et Jim / Elizabeth Ezra; 24. The elevator and the telephone: on urgency in La Peau douce / Michel Chion; 25. La Peau douce: a psychogeography of Silky Cinephilia / Tom Conley; 26. La Peau douce: François Truffaut's passionate object / Hilary Radner; 27. An unsettling passage: from Les Deux Anglaises et le continent to La Chambre verte / Carlos Losilla; 28. The structural role of intervals in L'Argent de poche / Alain Bergala; 29. To die or to love: modern Don Juans in Truffaut and Oliveira / Luiza Jatobá; 30. Film as literature: or the Truffaldian malaise (L'Homme qui aimait les femmes) / Lúcia Nagib; 31. The elegist: François Truffaut inside La Chambre verte / Philip Watts; 32. La Chambre verte and the beating heart of Truffaut's oeuvre / Françoise Zamour; 33. Le Dernier Métro: an underground golden coach / Jean-Michel Frodon; 34. Disillusionment and magic in La Nuit américaine and Le Dernier Métro / Marc Vernet.;Acknowledgments -- Notes on contributors -- Preface -- Filmography -- Part I. La Planète Truffaut: 1. Interview with Arnaud Desplechin, Part I: Truffaut and his position / Anne Gillain, Dudley Andrew; 2. Truffaut and his "doubles" / Martin Lefebvre; 3. Aesthetic affinities: François Truffaut, Patrick Modiano, Douglas Sirk / Anne Gillain; 4. Interview with Arnaud Desplechin, Part II: Truffaut and his methods / Anne Gillain, Dudley Andrew -- Part II. Style and sensibility: 5. Flashes of happiness / Alain Bergala; 6. Truffaut and the photographic: cinema, fetishism, death / Junji Hori; 7. The impasse of intimacy: romance and tragedy in Truffaut's cinema / John Orr; 8. A fine madness: digressions on pathologies in Truffaut's films / Francis Vanoye; 9. The ecstatic Pan / Phil Powrie; 10. The untimely moment and the correct distance / Adrian Martin -- Part III. The making of a filmmaker: 11. Every teacher needs a truant: Bazin and l'enfant sauvage / Dudley Andrew; 12. Certain tendencies of Truffaut's film criticism / Richard Neupert; 13. Truffaut-Hitchcock / Jonathan Everett Haynes; 14. The paradox of "Familiarity": Truffaut, heir of Renoir / Ludovic Cortade; 15. Cain and Abel: Godard and Truffaut / Michel Marie; 16. Friction, failure, and fire: Truffaut as adaptive auteur / Timothy Corrigan -- Part IV. Truffaut and his time: 17. Growing up with the French New Wave / James Tweedie; 18. Bad objects: Truffaut's radicalism / Sam Di Iorio; 19. Between Renoir and Hitchcock: the paradox of Truffaut's women / Ginette Vincendeau; 20. Truffaut in the mirror of Japan / Kan Nozaki.;The 34 essays of this collection by leading international scholars reassess Truffaut's impact on cinema as they locate the unique quality of his thematic obsessions and his remarkable narrative techniques.