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A COMMENTARY ON HORACE Odes, BOOK II BY R. G. M. NISBET AND MARGARET HUBBARD CLARENDON PRESS: OXFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford ox2 6pP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford New York Athens Auckland Bangkok Bogotá Buenos Aires Cape Town Chennai Dar es Salaam Delhi Florence Hong Kong Istanbul Karachi Kolkata Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Mumbai Nairobi Paris Sáo Paulo Shanghai Singapore Taipei Tokyo Toronto Warsaw and associated companies in Berlin Ibadan Oxford is a registered trade mark of Oxford University Press in the UK and in certain other countries Published in the United States by Oxford University Press Inc., New York O R.G. M. Nisbet and Margaret Hubbard 1978 'The moral rights of the author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press (maker) Reprinted 2001 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You miustinót'circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you rniustiiihpose this same condition on any acquirer ISBN 0—19-814452-0 (hb) .ISBN 0-19-814771-6 (pb) Printed in Great Britain *on acid-free paper by Bookcraft (Bath) Short Run Books Midsomer Norton PREFACE Tuis volume follows the same lines as our commentary on the first book of Horace’s Odes (Oxford, 1970). Once again we have tried to explain the literary tradition within which the poet wrote, and once again we have quoted a fair number of illustrative parallels. A few critics of the earlier book thought that we were denying Horace’s originality, or even the merit of Latin literature in general; such misinterpretations of our position are not now worth refuting. We should add that though we are much interested in the conventions that apply to different types of poem, we deplore attempts at too schematic a classification. The student of Augustan poetry must try to divine underlying forms, but he should not go about his business in the mechanical spirit of a post-office sorter. The second book of the Odes contains poems of the middle range, with an emphasis on personal relationships and practical ethics: the philosophers play a larger part than in the first book and the lyrici considerably less. We have tried to make the poet's friends come alive as real people, and to show how the subject-matter and tone of voice are adapted to suit the temperament of the individual. We have done more than in the first volume to suggest instances of word- play and the tension of balancing and contrasting elements. Pre- viously we were inclined to assume that such things were either too obvious or too uncertain to be worth mentioning, but here we have been more forthcoming and perhaps less prudent. Once again we owe much to our friends. As before, Sir Roger Mynors gave unfailing encouragement. We have been helped on various points by Mr. E. L. Bowie, Dr. J. Briscoe, Mr. M. Davies, Dr. J. G. W. Henderson, Dr. H. M. Hine, Mrs. M. C. Howatson, Pro- fessor H. D. Jocelyn, Professor I. G. Kidd, Miss J. H. Martindale, Professor D. Pingree, Mr. D. A. Russell, Professor G. J. Toomer, and Professor M. L. West. We have also benefited from discussions with pupils, both graduates and undergraduates; one eminent re- viewer was surprised when we said this before, so we say it again. Our greatest debt is to our University and our two Colleges, which have provided a suitable environment for the study of Horace. M. H. R. G. M. N. Oxford November 1977 CONTENTS BIBLIOGRAPHY ix COMMENTARY I INDEXES 349 BIBLIOGRAPHY (4) EDITIONS OF THE ODES We have included only the editions which we have found most use- ful. For fuller lists cf. Schanz—Hosius 2. 152, Lenchantin-Bo (cited below), vol. 1, pp. xlv ff., C. O. Brink, Horace on Poetry: The Ars Poetica, pp. 43 ff. Lambinus, D.: Lyons, 1561. Dacier, A.: Paris, 1681. Bentley, R.: Cambridge 1711; ed. 3, Amsterdam, 1728 (reprinted 1869). Mitscherlich, C. G.: vol. 1, Leipzig, 1800. Peerlkamp, P. Hofman: ed. 2, Amsterdam, 1862. Orelli, J. C., revised by J. G. Baiter and W. Hirschfelder: vol. 1, ed. 4, Berlin, 1866. Kiessling, A.: vol. 1, ed. 2, Berlin, 1890. Wickham, E. C.: vol. 1, ed. 3, Oxford, 1896. Keller, O., and Holder, A. (text and parallel passages): vol. t, ed. 2, Leipzig, 1899. Müller, Lucian: 2 vols., St. Petersburg and Leipzig, 1900. Shorey, P., and Laing, G. J.: ed. 2, Chicago, t9ro (reprinted Pittsburgh, 1960). Wickham, E. C., revised by Garrod, H. W.: ed. 2, Oxford, 1912. Oxford Classical Texts. Heinze, R.: vol. 1, Berlin, 1930 (ed. 7 of Kiessling) ; ed. 10, 1960, with bibliographical appendix by E. Burck. Campbell, A. Y.: ed. 1, London, 1945: ed. 2, Liverpool, 1953. Tescari, O.: ed. 5, Turin, 1948. Lenchantin De Gubernatis, M., revised by Bo, D.: 3 vol. (bibliography, text, indexes), Turin, 1957-60. Klingner, F. (text only): ed. 3, Leipzig, 1959. Turolla, E. (text and bibliography): Turin, 1963. (B) OTHER BOOKS CITED This is not a full bibliography, but simply a list of the abbreviated titles used in the commentary ; such references as 'André 123' may be elucidated here. We have not included periodicals, for which we follow the abbreviations of L' Année philologique. References to Latin texts follow the system of the index to the Thesaurus linguae Latinae ; BIBLIOGRAPHY x Greek references can be interpreted, where necessary, from L.~S.—J. A select bibliography is prefixed to the commentary on every ode; the expressions ‘op. cit.’ and ‘loc. cit.’ normally point to those bibliographies, not to this list. For further bibliographical informa- tion see Schanz-Hosius 2. 127 ff. ; the editions cited above by IHeinze- Burck, Lenchantin-Bo, Turolla; K. Büchner, JAW 267, 1939; Der kleine Pauly 2. 1224 ; and above all L' Année philologique and Gnomon. Alexiou M. Alexiou, The Ritual Lament in Greek Tradition, Cambridge, 1974. ALL Archiv für lateinische Lexikographie und Gram- matik, ed. E. Wolfflin, Leipzig, 1884-1909. Allen. W. S. Allen, Vox Latina, A Guide to the Pro- nunciation of Classical Latin, Cambridge, 1965. André J. André, Etudes sur les termes de couleur dans la langue latine, Paris, 1949. Axelson B. Axelson, Unpoetische Worter, ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der lateinischen Dichtersprache, Lund, 1945. Beazley, ABV J. D. Beazley, Attic Black- figure Vase-Painters, Oxford, 1956. Beazley, ARV? 7. D. Beazley, Attic Red-figure Vase-Painters, ed. 2, Oxford, 1963. Bell A. J. Bell, The Latin Dual and Poetic Diction, London, 1923. Bliimner H. Blümner, Rémische Privataltertiimer, Munich, 1911. Bliimner, Technologie H. Blümner, Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bet Griechen und Rémern, Leipzig, 1875-87 (vol. 1, ed. 2, 1912). Boucher J.-P. Boucher, Etudes sur Properce: problémes d'inspiration et d'art, Paris, 1965. Bowersock G. W. Bowersock, Augustus and the Greek World, Oxford, 1965. Bramble J. €. Bramble, Persius and the Programmatic Satire, Cambridge, 1974. . Bruchmann C. F. H. Bruchmann, Epitheta Deorum quae apud postas Graecos leguntur, Leipzig, 1893 (sup- plement in Roscher, vol. 7). Brunt P. A. Brunt, Italian Manpower, 225 B.C.-A.D. 14, Oxford, 1971. Bücheler, Kl. Schr. F. Bücheler, Kleine Schriften, Leipzig, 1915- 1930. Buffiére F. Buffitre, Les Myihes d’Homére et la pensée grecque, Paris, 1956. BIBLIOGRAPHY xi CAH The Cambridge Ancient History, Cambridge, 1923- . Cairns F. Cairns, Generic Composition in Greek and Roman Poetry, Edinburgh, 1972. Carter 1. B. Carter, Epitheta Deorum quae apud poetas Latinos leguntur, Leipzig, 1902 (supplement in Roscher, vol. 7). CGL Corpus Glossariorum Latinorum, ed. G. Goetz, Leipzig, 1888—1923. Cichorius C. Cichorius, Rómische Studien, Berlin, 1922. CIE Corpus Inscriptionum Etruscarum, Leipzig, 1893- . CIL Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum, Berlin, 1863- . Commager S. Commager, The Odes of Horace: A Critical Study, New Haven and London, 1962. Cook A. B. Cook, Zeus, A Study in Ancient Religion, Cambridge, 1914-40. Corp. paroem. gr. Corpus paroemiographorum Graecorum, ed, E. L. Leutsch and F, C. Schneidewin, Góttingen, 1839-51 (reprinted Hildesheim 1958). Costa C. D. N. Costa (ed, Horace, London and Boston, 1973. Curtius E. R. Curtius, Ewropean Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, translated by Willard R. Trask, London, 1953. D’Arcy Thompson, D'Arcy W, Thompson, A Glossary of Greek Birds, Birds London and Oxford, 1936 (reprinted Hildes- heim, 1966). D’Arcy Thompson, D’Arcy W. Thompson, A Glossary of Greek Fishes Fishes, London and Oxford, 1947. Darnley Naylor H. Darnley Naylor, Horace, Odes and Epodes, Cambridge, 1922. Dieterich - A. Dieterich, Nekyia, Beitrüge zur Erkldrung der neuentdechten Pelrusapohalypse, ed. 2, Leipzig and Berlin, 1913 (reprinted 1969). Dilke O. A. W, Dilke, The Roman Land Surveyors, Newton Abbot, 1971. Doblhofer E. Doblhofer, Die Augustuspanegyrik des Horaz in formalhistorischer Sicht, Heidelberg, 1966. Dodds E. R. Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, Berkeley, 1951. : Dover K. J. Dover, Greek Popular Morality in the time of Plato and Aristotle, Oxford, 1974. xii BIBLIOGRAPHY D.-S. C. Daremberg and E. Saglio, Dictionnaive des antiquités grecques et romaines d'apréàs les textes et les monuments, Paris, 1877-1919. Earl D. C. Earl, The Political Thought of Sallust, Cam- bridge, 1961. Esteve-Forriol J. Esteve-Forriol, Die Trauer- und Trostgedichte in dev vómischen Literatur, Diss. Munich, 1962. FGrH Die Fragmente der griechischen Historiker, ed. V. Jacoby, Berlin-Leiden, 1925- . Fraenkel E. Fraenkel, Horace, Oxford, 1957. Fraenkel, Kl. Beitr. E. Fraenkel, Kleine Beitrüge zuv klassischen Philologie, Rome, 1964. Fraenkel, E. Fraenkel, Plautinisches im Plautus, Berlin, Plautinisches 1922 (cf. Elementi plautini in Plauto, trans- lated by F. Munari, Florence, 1960). Friedrich σ. Friedrich, Q. Horatius Flaccus: Philologische Untersuchungen, Leipzig, 1894. Gatz B. Gatz, Weltalter, goldene Zeit und sinnver- wandte Vorstellungen, Hildesheim, 1967. Gerhard G. A. Gerhard, Phoinix von Kolophon, Leipzig and Berlin, 1909. Gigante M. Gigante, Ricerche filodemee, Naples, 1969. Gow-Page, GP The Greek Anthology: The Garland of Philip and some contemporary epigrams, ed. A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page, Cambridge, 1968. Gow-Page, HE The Greek Anthology: Hellenistic Epigrams, ed. A. S. F. Gow and D. L. Page, Cambridge, 1965. Grassmann V. Grassmann, Die evotischen Epoden des Hovaz, Munich, 1966. Grimal P. Grimal, Les Jardins romains, ed. 2, Paris, 1969. Hadot I, Hadot, Seneca und die griechisch-vémische Tradition der Seelenleitung, Berlin, 1969. Hand F. Hand, Tursellinus seu de particulis Latinis commentarii, Leipzig, 1829-45 (reprinted Am- sterdam, 1969). Head B. V. Head, Historia Numorum: A Manual of Greek Numismatics, ed. 2, Oxford, 1911. V. Hehn, Kulturpflanzen und Haustiere, ed. 8, Hehn Berlin, 1911. Henry J. Henry, Aeneidea, London, 1873-1892 (re- printed Hildesheim, 1969). Heurgon J: Heurgon, La Vie quotidienne chez les Etrusques Paris, 196r.

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