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A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Problem Gambling: Therapist Manual PDF

268 Pages·2010·1.128 MB·English
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A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Problem This book is a treatment manual providing Gambling guidance for therapists treating clients with gamblingaddictions. In this book the authors use a cognitive behavioural approach and provide a session by session guide for overcoming problem gam- Namrata Raylu has been bling.Essentialtopicscoveredinclude: involved in a number of research activities in the area of assessmentandpsychoeducation addictive behaviours over the cognitive behavioural strategies to stabilize last 12 years and has published gambling in the problem gambling area. identifyingandchallengingthinkingerrors Currently, she works as a relaxationandimaginalexposure research collaborator at the problemsolvingandgoalsetting Psychology Department, Uni- managingnegativeemotions versity of Queensland and as a relapse prevention: maintaining a balanced clinical psychologist in private lifestyleandcopingwithhigh-risksituations practice. A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Tian Po Oei has published ProblemGamblingsuppliesdetailed information widelyintheareasofsubstance, to help the therapist and client understand anxietyandmooddisordersand gamblingbehaviours, aswellaspracticaladvice processes of change in psycho- ontechniquesthatcanbeusedwiththeclientto therapy,especiallyCBTinAsian changethesebehaviours. cultures. Currently, he holds a personal Chair in Clinical Psy- This practical guide includes handouts and chology at the University of exercisesthatcanbedownloadedbypurchasers Queensland and is the Director of the print edition. It will provide helpful of the CBT Unit at Toowong guidance for addiction counsellors and thera- PrivateHospital. pistsworldwide. A Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Programme for Problem Gambling NAMRATA RAYLU AND TIAN PO OEI Therapist Manual Firstpublished2010byRoutledge 27ChurchRoad,Hove,EastSussexBN32FA SimultaneouslypublishedintheUSAandCanada byRoutledge 270MadisonAvenue,NewYork,NY10016 Routledgeisanimprinto ftheTaylor&FrancisGroup,anIn formabusiness This edition published in the Taylor & Francis e-Library, 2010. To purchase your own copy of this or any of Taylor & Francis or Routledge’s collection of thousands of eBooks please go to www.eBookstore.tandf.co.uk. Copyright(cid:216)2010NamrataRayluandTianPoOei Allrightsreserved.Nopartofthisbookmaybereprintedorreproduced orutilisedinanyformorbyanyelectronic,mechanical,orothermeans, nowknownorhereafterinvented,includingphotocopyingand recording, orinanyinformationstorageorretrievalsystem,without permissioninwritingfromthepublishers. Thispublicationhasbeenproducedwithpapermanufacturedtostrict environmentalstandardsandwithpulpderivedfromsustainableforests. BritishLibraryCataloguinginPublicationData AcataloguerecordforthisbookisavailablefromtheBritishLibrary LibraryofCongressCataloging-in-PublicationData Raylu,Namrata. Acognitivebehavioural therapyprogrammeforproblemgambling: therapistmanual /NamrataRaylu&TianPoOei. p.cm. Includesbibliographicalreferences. ISBN978-0-415-54816-8(pbk.) 1.Compulsivegambling–Treatment. 2.Compulsivegamblers– Rehabilitation.3.Cognitivetherapy.I.Oei,TianPo.II. Title. RC569.5.G35R392010 616.85'227–dc22 2009049336 ISBN 0-203-85042-4 Master e-book ISBN ISBN:978-0-415-54816-8(pbkonly) Contents List of figures and tables xi Preface xii 1. Overview 1 1.1 Programme content and goals 1 1.2 Structure of the programme and sessions 3 1.3 Guidelines on using the treatment programme 4 2. Review of the problem gambling treatment literature 9 2.1 Introduction 9 2.2 Factors implicated in playing a role in the development and maintenance of problem gambling 10 2.3 Overview of the problem gambling treatment literature 18 2.4 Summary of the problem gambling treatment literature and rationale for the CBT programme contained in this book 34 3. Session one: Assessment 36 3.1 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 36 3.2 Conduct an assessment 37 3.3 Devise a case formulation and treatment plan 46 3.4 Provide treatment rationale and plan 51 3.5 Introduce home exercises 53 vi Contents 4. Session two: Psychoeducation and self- management strategies to stabilize gambling 56 4.1 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 56 4.2 Provide psychoeducation 58 4.3 Discuss self-management strategies to stabilize gambling 61 4.4 Introduce home exercises 68 5. Session three: Cognitive-restructuring I – identifying gambling specific thinking errors 71 5.1 Review home exercises 71 5.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the cognitive restructuring sessions 71 5.3 Discuss identifying gambling specific thinking errors 73 5.4 Practise identifying gambling specific thinking errors 76 5.5 Introduce home exercises 76 6. Session four: Cognitive-restructuring II – challenging gambling specific thinking errors 80 6.1 Review home exercises 80 6.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 80 6.3 Discuss challenging gambling specific thinking errors 81 6.4 Practise challenging gambling specific thinking errors 83 6.5 Generate rational self-statements 83 6.6 Introduce home exercises 84 7. Session five: Cognitive-restructuring III – identifying and challenging other/general thinking errors 89 7.1 Review home exercises 89 7.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 89 Contents vii 7.3 Discuss identifying other/general thinking errors 90 7.4 Practise identifying other/general thinking errors 93 7.5 Discuss challenging other/general thinking errors 93 7.6 Practise challenging other/general thinking errors 95 7.7 Introduce home exercises 103 8. Session six: Relaxation and imaginal exposure 108 8.1 Review home exercises 108 8.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 108 8.3 Discuss relaxation techniques 110 8.4 Discuss imaginal exposure 111 8.5 Practise relaxation/imaginal exposure 112 8.6 Introduce home exercises 113 9. Session seven: Problem-solving and goal-setting skills training 117 9.1 Review home exercises 117 9.2 Discuss the aim and rationale of the session 117 9.3 Discuss problem solving 118 9.4 Discuss setting goals 120 9.5 Practise problem-solving and goal-setting skills 123 9.6 Introduce home exercises 123 10. Session eight: Management of negative emotions 127 10.1 Review home exercises 127 10.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 127 10.3 Discuss negative emotions that are common among problem gamblers 128 viii Contents 10.4 Explore the client’s negative emotions 131 10.5 Discuss strategies for dealing with negative emotions 131 10.6 Introduce home exercises 135 11. Session nine: Relapse prevention and maintenance of therapeutic gains I – balanced lifestyle 138 11.1 Review home exercises 138 11.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 138 11.3 Discuss what constitutes a balanced lifestyle while assisting the client to assess areas of his/her life that need changing 139 11.4 Assist the client to change unbalanced areas of his/her life 143 11.5 Introduce home exercises 143 12. Session ten: Relapse prevention and maintenance of therapeutic gains II – coping with high-risk situations 146 12.1 Review home exercises 146 12.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 146 12.3 Discuss any anxieties the client may have about leaving the programme 147 12.4 Discuss possible high-risk situations that could lead to a lapse/relapse 148 12.5 Discuss strategies to avoid a lapse/relapse 149 12.6 Discuss strategies to deal with lapses 150 13. Elective session: Assertiveness skills training 155 13.1 Review home exercises 155 13.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 155 Contents ix 13.3 Discuss assertiveness 156 13.4 Discuss ways to be more assertive 157 14. Elective session: Getting out of debt 164 14.1 Review home exercises 164 14.2 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 164 14.3 Discuss steps to getting out of debt 165 15. Elective session: Teaching significant others strategies to cope/deal with the gambler’s behaviours 168 15.1 Discuss aim and rationale of the session 168 15.2 Assessment of the impact of the client’s and his/her significant other’s behaviours on each other 171 15.3 Provide psychoeducation 172 15.4 Discuss stages in stopping problem behaviours 173 15.5 Discuss strategies to improve the client’s readiness to change and assist him/her through recovery 174 15.6 Discuss effective strategies to cope with the negative consequences of the client’s behaviours 177 15.7 Discuss self-care strategies with the significant other 179 APPENDICES Appendix A: Guidelines for home exercises 184 Appendix B: Guidelines for role-plays/behavioural rehearsals 187 Appendix C: Assessing and managing suicidal clients 188 Appendix D: Notes on stages of change 191 Appendix E: Notes on motivational interviewing 194

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