All those popular, powerful organizations such as radio and TV networks, newspapers, books, magazines, movies, rock music, government schools, main line Judeo-Christian churches, etc, are the “mass-media.” The mass-media are ostensibly keeping the public well-informed concerning all the information available, and, unfortunately, most people blindly trust in the mass-media’s perceived honesty, integrity and accuracy.
However, the few independent-thinking, discerning individuals who do not blindly trust the mass-media can see that the mass-media are deceiving the public on many subjects by disseminating myths.
Of course, myths are harmless when they are recognized for what they really are: stories which are not true. But the danger arises when people are not aware that they ARE myths: when they actually think the myths are true. At this point the withholding of important information becomes a tool of deception that creates myths used by the reporters of information for mind control. This creates the age-old problem described in the Bible:
“My people are destroyed for the lack of knowledge...” – Hosea 4:6a
Unfortunately, this is occurring in the world today. The elaborate system of mass-media mythology existing in our society covers a wide range of subjects calculated to mold a slave mentality so people will be easier for the masters to control.
This book presents an illustrated guide to the other side of some of those established myths, and presents a Christian patriotic viewpoint which is routinely suppressed in the mass-media.