A CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION BY THE INDEPENDENCE OF A PAIR OF RANDOM VECTORS 6 WIKTOREJSMONT 1 0 2 Abstract. Kagan and Shalaevski [11] have shown that if the random variables X1,...,Xn are inde- n pendent and identically distributed and the distribution of Pni=1(Xi+ai)2 ai ∈ R depends only on a Pni=1a2i ,theneachXi followsthenormaldistributionN(0,σ). Cook[6]generalizedthisresultreplac- J ingindependence ofallXi bytheindependence of(X1,...,Xm)and(Xm+1,...,Xn)andremovingthe 1 requirement that Xi have the same distribution. In this paper, we will give other characterizations of thenormaldistributionwhichareformulatedinasimilarspirit. ] R P . h 1. Introduction t a m It will be shown that the formulae are much simplified by the use of cumulative moment functions, or semi-invariants, in place of the crude moments. R.A. Fisher [8]. [ The originalmotivation for this paper comes from a desire to understand the results about character- 1 ization of normal distribution which were shown in [6] and [11]. They proved, that the characterizations v 8 of a normal law are given by a certain invariance of the noncentral chi-square distribution. It is a 7 known fact that if X ,...,X are i.i.d. and following the normal distribution N(0,σ) then the dis- 1 n 0 tribution of the statistic n (X +a )2, a ∈ R depends on n a2 only (see [4, 14]). Kagan and 00 Shalaevski [11] have showPn it=h1at iif theirandoim variables X1,X2P,..i.=,X1niare independent and identically distributed and the distribution of n (X +a )2 depends only on n a2, then each X is normally . i=1 i i i=1 i i 01 distributedasN(0,σ). CookgeneraPlizedthisresultreplacingindependPenceofallXi bytheindependence of (X ,...,X ) and (X ,...,X ) and removing the requirement that X have the same distribution. 6 1 m m+1 n i 1 The theorem proved below gives a new look on this subject, i.e. we will show that in the statistic : n (X +a )2 = n X2 +2 n X a + n a2 only the linear part n X a is important. In v i=1 i i i=1 i i=1 i i i=1 i i=1 i i i Pparticular, from thePabove resulPt we get CooPk Theorem from [6], but undPer the assumption that all X momentsexist. NotethatCookdoesnotassumeanymoments,buthegetsthisresultunderintegrability r assumptions imposed on the corresponding randomvariable. This paper is removing or at least relaxing a its integrability assumptions. Thepaperisorganizedasfollows. Insection2wereviewbasicfactsaboutcumulants. Nextinthethird section we state and prove the main results (proposition). In this section we also discuss the problem. 2. Cumulants and moments Cumulants were first defined and studied by the Danish scientist T. N. Thiele. He called them semi- invariants. The importance of cumulants comes from the observation that many properties of random variables can be better represented by cumulants than by moments. We refer to Brillinger [2] and Gnedenko and Kolmogorov [9] for further detailed probabilistic aspects of this topic. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary: 46L54. Secondary: 62E10. Keywords and phrases. Cumulants,characterizationofnormaldistribution. 1 2 WIKTOREJSMONT Given a random variable X with the moment generating function g(t), its ith cumulant r is defined i as di r (X):=r (X,...,X)= log(g(t)). i i dti(cid:12)t=0 i−times (cid:12) (cid:12) That is, | {z } ∞ ∞ m r iti =g(t)=exp iti i! i! Xi=0 (cid:16)Xi=1 (cid:17) where m is the ith moment of X. i Generally, if σ denotes the standard deviation, then r =m , r =m −m2 =σ, r =m −3m m +2m3. 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 2 1 1 The joint cumulant of several random variables X ,...X of order (i ,...,i ), where i are nonnegative 1 n 1 n j integers, is defined by a similar generating function g(t1,...,tn)=E ePni=1tiXi (cid:0) (cid:1) di1+···+in ri1+···+in(Xi11,−.t.im.,eXs1,...,Xinn,−.t.i.m,eXsn)= dti11...dtinn(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)t=0log(g(t1,...,tn)), | {z } | {z } where t=(t ,...,t ). 1 n RandomvariablesX ,...,X areindependentifandonlyif,foreveryn≥1andeverynon-constantchoice 1 n of Y ∈{X ,...,X }, where i∈{1,...,k} (for some positive integer k ≥2) we get r (Y ,...,Y )=0. i 1 n k 1 k Cumulants of some important and familiar random distributions are listed as follows: • The Gaussian distribution N(µ,σ) possesses the simplest list of cumulants: r = µ, r = σ and 1 2 r =0 for n≥3, n • for the Poissondistribution with mean λ we have r =λ. n These classical examples clearly demonstrate the simplicity and efficiency of cumulants for describing randomvariables. Apparently,itisnotaccidentalthatcumulantsencodethemostimportantinformation oftheassociatedrandomvariables. Theunderlyingreasonmaywellresideinthefollowingthreeimportant properties (which are in fact related to each other): • (TranslationInvariance)Foranyconstantc, r (X+c)=c+r (X) andr (X+c)=r (X), n≥2. 1 1 n n • (Additivity) Let X ,...,X be any independent random variables. Then, r (X +···+X ) = 1 m n 1 m r (X )+···+r (X ), n≥1. n 1 n m • (Commutative property) r (X ,...,X )=r (X ,...,X ) for any permutation σ ∈S . n 1 n n σ(1) σ(n) n • (Multilinearity) r are the k-linear maps. k For more details about cumulants and probability theory, the reader can consult [13] or [16] . 3. The Characterization theorem The main result of this paper is the following characterization of normal distribution in terms of independent random vectors. Proposition 3.1. Suppose vectors (S ,Y) and (S ,Z) with all moments are independent and S ,S are 1 2 1 2 nondegenerate. If for every a,b ∈ R the linear combination aS +Y+bS +Z has the law that depends 1 2 on (a,b) through a2 + b2 only, then random variables S ,S have the same normal distribution and 1 2 cov(S ,Y)=cov(S ,Z)=0. 1 2 A CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION BY THE INDEPENDENCE OF A PAIR OF RANDOM VECTORS3 Proof. Leth (a2+b2)=r (aS +Y+bS +Z)−r (Y+Z). Becauseoftheindependenceof(S ,Y) and (S ,Z) k k 1 2 k 1 2 we may write (1) h (a2+b2)=r (aS +Y+bS +Z)−r (Y+Z)=r (aS +Y)−r (Y)+r (bS +Z)−r (Z). k k 1 2 k k 1 k k 2 k Evaluating (1) first when b = 0 and then when a = 0, we get h (a2) = r (aS + Y) − r (Y) and k k 1 k h (b2)=r (bS +Z)−r (Z), respectively. Substituting this into (1), we see k k 2 k h (a2+b2)=h (a2)+h (b2). k k k Notethath (u)iscontinuousinu∈[0,∞),whichimpliesh (u)=h (1)uandsowehaveh (a2+b2)= k k k k (a2+b2)h (1)=(a2+b2)ϕ (α,β), where k k ϕ (α,β)=h (α2+β2)=r (αS +Y+βS +Z)−r (Y+Z), k k k 1 2 k with α2+β2 = 1. In the next part of the proof, we will compare polynomial, which give us the correct cumulants values. Let’s first consider the following equation h (a2)=a2ϕ (1,0), k k which gives us (2) r (aS +Y)−r (Y)=a2(r (S +Y)−r (Y)). k 1 k k 1 k For k = 1 we get E(S ) = 0, because r (aS +Y) = E(aS +Y). By putting k = 2 in (2) and using 1 1 1 1 r (aS +Y)=Var(aS +Y)=a2Var(S )+2acov(S ,Y)+Var(Y) we see 2 1 1 1 1 2acov(S ,Y)+a2Var(S )=a2(2cov(S ,Y)+Var(S )), 1 1 1 1 for all a ∈ R, which implies that cov(S ,Y) = 0. Now by expanding equation (2) (r are k-linear maps, 1 k we also use independence), we may write k k (3) ai r (S ,...,S , Y,...,Y)=a2(r (S +Y)−r (Y)), k 1 1 k 1 k (cid:18)i(cid:19) Xi=1 i−times k−i−times for k ≥ 2. This gives us r (S ) =|0 f{ozr k}>|2 a{nzd }we have actually proved that S have the normal k 1 1 distribution with zero mean. Analogously, we will show that cov(S ,Z)=0 and normality of S . 2 2 The nextexample presents ananalogousconstructionfor h (a2)=a2ϕ0,1(1), whichinvolvesthe element k k ϕ0,1(1)insteadofϕ1,0(1)whichleadsto2acov(S ,Y)+a2Var(S )=a2(2cov(S ,Z)+Var(S )). Butinthe k k 1 1 2 2 previousparagraphwecalculatedthatcov(S ,Y)=cov(S ,Z)=0whichmeansthatVar(S )=Var(S ) 1 2 1 2 (we have common variance), i.e. we have the same distribution. (cid:3) As a corollary we get the following theorem. Theorem 3.2. Let (X ,...,X ,Y) and (X ,...,X ,Z) be independent random vectors with all mo- 1 m m+1 n ments, where X are nondegenerate, and let statistic n a X +Y+Z have a distribution which depends i i=1 i i only on ni=1a2i, where ai ∈ R and 1 ≤ m < n. TPhen Xi are independent and have the same normal distributiPon with zero means and cov(Xi,Y)=cov(Xi,Z)=0 for i∈{1,...,n}. Proof. Without loss of generality, we may assume that m≥2. If we put (4) S = mi=1aiXi and S = ni=m+1aiXi 1 P mi=1a2i 2 P ni=m+1a2i pP qP 4 WIKTOREJSMONT and a= m a2, b= n a2, in Proposition 3.1 then we get that the distribution of i=1 i i=m+1 i pP qP m n S a+Y+S b+Z= a X +Y+ a X +Z, 1 2 i i i i Xi=1 i=Xm+1 depends only on a2+b2 = n a2 ,which by Proposition 3.1 implies that m a X have the normal i=1 i i=1 i i distribution and cov( mi=1aPiXi,Y) = 0 for all ai ∈ R. Now, we once agaiPn use Proposition 3.1 with S1 =X1, S2 =Xm+1,Pthen we see from assumption that the distribution of a X +X +Y+a X +Z 1 1 2 m+1 m+1 (where X +Y play a role of Y from Proposition 3.1), depends only on a2 +a2 (a2 +a2 +1). 2 1 m+1 1 m+1 This gives us cov(X ,X +Y) = 0, but we know that cov(X ,Y) = 0 which implies cov(X ,X ) = 0. 1 2 1 1 2 Similarly, we show that cov(X ,X )=0 for i6=j. Now we use well known facts from the general theory i j of probability that if a random vector has a multivariate normaldistribution (joint normality), then any two or more of its components that are uncorrelated, are independent. This implies that any two or moreofitscomponentsthatarepairwiseindependentareindependent. Normalityoflinearcombinations m a X for all a ∈ R, means joint normality of (X ,...,X ) (see e.g. the definition of multivariate i=1 i i i 1 m Pnormal law in Billingsley [1]) and taking into account that random variables X1,...,Xm are pairwise uncorrelated, we obtain independence of X ,...,X . (cid:3) 1 m The above theorem gives us the main result by Cook [6] but under the additional assumption that all moments exist. Note that Cook does not assume any moments but assumes integrability. Corollary 3.3. Let (X ,...,X ) and (X ,...,X ) be independent random vectors with all moments, 1 m m+1 n where X are nondegenerate, and let statistic n (X +a )2 have a distribution which depends only on i i=1 i i ni=1a2i, ai ∈ R and 1 ≤ m < n. Then Xi arePindependent and have the same normal distribution with zPero means. Proof. If we put Y= m X2 and Z= n X2 in Theorem 3.2 then we get i=1 i i=m+1 i mP nP n n 1 a X +Y+ a X +Z= (X +a /2)2− × a2. i i i i i i 4 i Xi=1 i=Xm+1 Xi=1 Xi=1 This means that the distribution of m a X +Y+ n a X +Z depends only on n a2, which i=1 i i i=m+1 i i i=1 i by Theorem 3.2 implies the statemenPt. P P (cid:3) A simple modification of the above arguments can be applied to get the following proposition. In this proposition we assume a bit more than in Proposition 3.1 and it offers a bit stronger conclusion. Proposition 3.4. Let (X,Y) and (Z,T) be independent and nondegenerate random vectors with all mo- mentsandletaX+Y+bZ+TandX+aY+Z+bThaveadistributionwhichdependsonlyona2+b2,a,b∈R. Then X,Y,Z,T are independent and have normal distribution with zero means and Var(X) = Var(Z), Var(Y)=Var(T). Proof. FromProposition3.1wegetthatX,Y,Z,ThavenormaldistributionwithzeromeansandVar(X)= Var(Z), Var(Y) = Var(T). Now we will show that X and Y are independent random variables. We proceedanalogouslyto the proofofProposition3.1 with h (a2+b2)=r (aX+Y+bZ+T)−r (Y+T), k k k which gives us equality (3), i.e. k k (5) ai r (X,...,X, Y,...,Y)=a2(r (X+Y)−r (Y)). k k k (cid:18)i(cid:19) Xi=1 i−times k−i−times | {z } | {z } A CHARACTERIZATION OF THE NORMAL DISTRIBUTION BY THE INDEPENDENCE OF A PAIR OF RANDOM VECTORS5 for k ≥2. From this we conclude that (6) r (X,...,X,Y,...,Y)=0 k i−times l−times for all i,l∈N, i6=2. By a similar argumen|t a{pzpli}ed|to{az st}atistic X+aY+Z+bT we get r (X,...,X,Y,...,Y)=0 k l−times i−times for all i,l ∈N, i6=2 which together with (|6){gzives}u|s in{zdep}endence of X and Y. Independence of Z and T follows similarly. (cid:3) Open Problem and Remark Problem 1. In Proposition 3.1 (Theorem 3.2) in this paper we assume that random variables have all moments. I thought it would be interesting to show that we can skip this assumption. A version of Proposition 3.1, with integrability replaced by the assumption that S ,S have the same law, can be 1 2 deduced from known results (note that this version does not imply Theorem 3.2). Here we sketch the proof of a version of Proposition 3.1 under reduced moment assumptions but we assumeadditionally thatrandomvariablesS ,S havethe same law. Assume thatS ,S ,Y,Zhavefinite 1 2 1 2 moments of some positive order p ≥ 3. Then, for every ǫ > 0 and any two values of p > 0, where i i ∈ {1,2}, we see that E(aS +ǫY+bS +ǫZ)pi is a function of a2+b2. Passing to the limit as ǫ → 0 1 2 and using homogeneity, we deduce that E(aS +bS )pi =K(a2+b2)pi/2 with K =2−pi/2E|S +S |pi = 1 2 1 2 E|S |pi =E|S |pi. Sincethisholdsforanytwooddvalues0<p <p <p,byTheorem2from[3]wesee 1 2 1 2 that S is normal (the reason why we assume p≥3 is that Braverman[3] assumed that p ,p are odd). 1 1 2 Problem 2. At the end it is worthwhile to mention the most important characterization which is true in noncommutative and classicalprobability. In free probability Boz˙ejko, Bryc and Ejsmont provedthat the first conditional linear moment and conditional quadratic variances characterize free Meixner laws (Boz˙ejko and Bryc [5], Ejsmont [7]). Laha-Lukacs type characterizations of random variables in free probability are also studied by Szpojankowski, Wesol owski [17]. They give a characterization of non- commutativefree-Poissonandfree-Binomialvariablesbypropertiesofthe firsttwoconditionalmoments, which mimics Lukacs-type assumptions known from classical probability. The article [12] studies the as- ymptoticbehavioroftheWignerintegrals. AuthorsprovethatanormalizedsequenceofmultipleWigner integrals(inafixedorderoffreeWignerchaos)convergesinlawtothestandardsemicirculardistribution if and only if the corresponding sequence of fourth moments converges to 2, the fourth moment of the semicircular law. This finding extends the recent results by Nualart and Peccati [15] to free probability theory. Atthispointitisworthmentioning[10],wheretheKagan-Shalaevskicharacterizationforfreerandom variablewasshown. Itwouldbe worthaskingwhetherthe Theorem3.2istrue infree probabilitytheory. Unfortunately the above proof of Theorem 3.2 doesn’t work in free probability theory, because free cumulates are noncommutative. But the Proposition3.1 is true in free probability, with nearly the same proof (thus we can only get that X has free normal distribution under the assumption of Theorem 3.2). i Acknowledgments TheauthorwouldliketothankM.Boz˙ejkoforseveraldiscussionsandhelpfulcommentsduringtheprepa- rationof this paper. The work was partially supported by the OPUS grantDEC-2012/05/B/ST1/00626 of National Centre of Science and by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) Project No P 25510-N26. References [1] BillingsleyP.: Probabilityandmeasure.JohnWileyandSons,NewYork,(1995). [2] BrillingerD.R.: TimeSeries,DataAnalysisandTheory.Holt,RinehartandWinston,NewYork,(1975). 6 WIKTOREJSMONT [3] BravermanM.: Acharacterization ofprobabilitydistributionsbymoments ofsumsofindependent randomvariables. J.Theoret. Probab.7(1),187-198, (1994). [4] Bryc W.: Normal distribution: characterizations with applications. Lecture Notes in Statist. 100. Springer, Berlin, (1995). 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