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A Chandra/ACIS Study of 30 Doradus II. X-ray Point Sources in the Massive Star Cluster R136 and Beyond PDF

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Preview A Chandra/ACIS Study of 30 Doradus II. X-ray Point Sources in the Massive Star Cluster R136 and Beyond

Chandra A /ACIS Study of 30 Doradus II. X-ray Point Sources in the Massive Star Cluster R136 and Beyond Leisa K. Townsley, Patrick S. Broos, Eric D. Feigelson, Gordon P. Garmire, Konstantin V. Getman Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, 525 Davey Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University, 6 University Park, PA 16802 0 0 2 n a ABSTRACT J 5 We have studied the X-ray point source population of the 30 Doradus star-forming complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud using high-spatial-resolution X-ray images and spatially-resolved 1 spectra obtained with the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) aboard the Chandra v X-ray Observatory. Here we describe the X-ray sourcesin a 17′×17′ field centered onR136,the 6 0 massivestar cluster at the center of the main 30 Dor nebula. We detect 20 of the 32 Wolf-Rayet 1 starsinthe ACISfield. R136is resolvedatthe subarcsecondlevelintoalmost100X-raysources, 1 including many typical O3–O5 stars as well as a few bright X-ray sources previously reported. 0 OvertwoordersofmagnitudeofscatterinL isseenamongR136Ostars,suggestingthatX-ray X 6 emissioninthemostmassivestarsdependscriticallyonthedetailsofwindpropertiesandbinarity 0 / of each system, rather than reflecting the widely-reported characteristic value LX/Lbol ≃ 10−7. h Such a canonical ratio may exist for single massive stars in R136, but our data are too shallow p to confirm this relationship. Through this and future X-ray studies of 30 Doradus, the complete - o life cycle of a massive stellar cluster can be revealed. r st Subject headings: HIIregions−Magellanic Clouds−openclustersandassociations: individual(R136) a − X-rays: individual(30 Doradus) −stars: Wolf-Rayet − X-rays: stars : v i 1. INTRODUCTION Chandra observations of the Galactic high-mass X star-forming regions M17 and the Rosette Nebula r Starsofvirtually allmassesandstagesemit X- (Townsley et al. 2003). a rays in their youth, although the mechanisms for 30Doradus(30Dor)isthelargestHIIregionin X-ray emission vary with stellar mass. T-Tauri the Local Group, hosting several young, massive and protostars have magnetic flares with L up X stellarclusters,severalwell-knownsupernovarem- to 1031−32 ergs s−1 (Feigelson et al. 2005). In- nants(SNRs),andavastnetworkofsuperbubbles dividual OB stars emit X-rays at levels L ∼ X created by current and past generations of mas- 10−7 L ∼ 1032−34 ergs s−1, probably arising bol sive stars and their supernovae. At the center of from shocks within their unstable > 1000 km s−1 30DoristhemassivecompactstellarclusterR136 winds(e.g.Bergho¨feretal.1997). Collidingwinds (Feastetal.1960,called“RMC136”inSIMBAD), of binary O and Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars can pro- therichestresolvedOBassociationwithdozensof duce shocks with L up to 1035 ergs s−1 variable X 1–2 Myr-old > 50 M O and WR stars (Massey on timescales of days (e.g. Pollock et al. 1995). ⊙ &Hunter1998),including severalexamplesofthe For OB stars excavating an HII region within recently-defined earliest spectral type, O2 (Wal- their nascent molecular cloud, diffuse X-rays may bornetal.2002). Includingstarsdownto0.1M , be generated as fast winds shock the surround- ⊙ R136 has a mass of ∼6×104 M (Brandl 2005); ⊙ ing media (Weaver et al. 1977); we have recently there are >3500 stars within its 10-pc diameter discovered such parsec-scale diffuse emission with (Massey & Hunter 1998). 1 30 Dor contains other stellar clusters 1–10 mil- R140b, R144, and R145. Most X-ray sources lion years old, the ∼ 20 Myr old stellar cluster without visual or infrared (IR) counterparts are Hodge 301 (Grebel & Chu 2000), and a new gen- likely background active galactic nuclei (AGN), eration of deeply embedded high-mass stars just but some appear to have unusually hard spectra now forming (Walborn et al. 2002, and references and may be low-luminosity X-ray binaries associ- therein), making it a prime example of sequential ated with the 30 Dor complex. These distributed and perhaps triggered star formation. Recent ra- sources are described in §5. dio observationshaverevealedwater(vanLoon& Zijlstra2001)andOH(Broganetal.2004)masers 2. SOURCE DETECTION AND CHAR- in 30 Dor, also signifying ongoing star forma- ACTERIZATION METHODS tion. The presence of these young objects as well Starting with the three Level 1 event lists that as a large population of widely-distributed WR make up this unusual dataset (see Table 1 in Pa- stars (Moffat et al. 1987)and evolvedsupergiants ∼ 25 Myr old (Walborn & Blades 1997) shows per I), we performedseveralcustomdata process- ingstepstofilterandimprovetheindividualevent that 30 Dor is the product of multiple epochs of lists,asdescribedinPaperI.Sourcedetectionwas star formation. The new generation of embedded then performed on the merged data using wavde- stars currently forming may be the result of trig- tect (Freeman et al. 2002) with a threshold of gered collapse from the effects of R136 (Brandner 1×10−5 due to the presence of diffuse emission et al. 2001). (Townsley et al. 2003). Source searching was per- We observed 30 Dor with Chandra’s Advanced formed in three bands (0.5–2 keV, 2–8 keV, and CCD Imaging Spectrometer (ACIS) camera for 0.5–8keV)usingimagesbinnedat1,2,and4“sky ∼ 21 ks in 1999 September; see Figure 1. R136 pixels” (0′′.5, 1′′, and 2′′ respectively) and the was positioned at the aimpoint of the 17′ × 17′ resulting 9 sourcelists merged. Considering only ACIS Imaging Array (ACIS-I). The reader is re- sources on the ACIS-I array, this series of wavde- ferred to the accompanying paper (Townsley et tect runs resulted in a list of 167 potential point al.2005,henceforthPaperI)forareviewofprevi- sources. Inspecting the data showed that several ous X-ray studies of the 30 Dor complex, a de- of these potential sources were actually clumps in scription of our Chandra observations and data thediffuseemissionandthatwavdetecthadmissed analysis, and a detailed treatment of the super- several likely sources in the core of R136. bubbles,SNRs, andotherdiffuse structuresinthe Due to the high density of point sources in the field. Here we consider the point sources located R136 core, the ACIS data suffer from source con- in the stellar clusters and distributed across the fusioninthis region. Since this cluster wasplaced field. Our methods for detecting and extracting sources are described in §2. The X-ray properties atthe aimpointofthe ACIS-Iarray,R136sources have sharply-peaked, sub-arcsecond Point Spread of these sources and counterparts identified from other studies are tabulated in §3. All luminosities Functions (PSFs), so our knowledge of the X-ray emissionofthosesourcesmightbenefitfromsuper- are calculated assuming a distance of 50 kpc. resolution techniques. Pursuant to this idea, we Many of the 180 ACIS-I point sources iden- applied ACIS sub-pixel resolution software to the tified in this observation are early-type stars or photon events (Mori et al. 2001), formed several stellar systems associated with the very dense, high-resolution images of the R136 region from massive stellar cluster R136 (seen as a large con- those events, reconstructed those images using a centration of sources at the center of Figure 1). simple maximum likelihood algorithm (described OureffortstoresolveandidentifysourcesinR136 below), and used the reconstructions to identify are detailed in §4. Several point sources are spa- additional X-ray point sources in R136. Similar tially associated with the N157B SNR; some may reconstructionshavebeenperformedonACISob- be clumps in the diffuse emission, but the cospa- servations of SN1987A (e.g. Park et al. 2005) and tial OB association LH 99 may account for true gravitational lenses (e.g. Chartas et al. 2004) and point sources in this region. Several dozen faint revealed subarcsecond spatial features that were sources are scattered across the field, notably the confirmed in other wavebands and proved essen- well-known WR stars R130, R134, R139, R140a, 2 tial for understanding the X-ray emission of these more X-ray point sources were present in this re- targets. gion than the ∼ 10 that wavdetect revealed (see Only the ACIS-I array was considered in our §3). We quantified peaks in the reconstructedim- point source searching and characterization; the age using the IDL Astronomy User’s Library rou- S3 and S4 chips in the ACIS Spectroscopy Ar- tine find.pro, an IDL version of the find routine ray also show emission consistent with point-like in Peter Stetson’s DAOPHOT package (Stetson sources (see Figure 2 in Paper I), but the large 1987). This routine gives the centroid position of PSF at these locations (> 20′ off-axis) and con- each peak and a measure of its shape and bright- fusion with the extensive diffuse emission there ness. Peaks that were clearly associated with sin- makes quantitative analysis of these sources dif- gleeventsinthedatawerefilteredoutusingthese ficult. As described in Paper I, other Chandra shapeandbrightnesscriteria. ThenusingSAOIm- and XMM-Newton observations are better-suited age DS93, we overlaid apertures representing the to the analysis of these sources. 90% on-axis PSF contour onto an image of the ACIS data, placed at the locations of reconstruc- 2.1. Image Reconstruction and Source tion peaks. Only those peaks that contained at Identification least two ACIS events within the 90% aperture were kept for further consideration. This list of To elucidate the source population in R136 potentialsourcesfrommaximumlikelihoodrecon- and in the subgroup R140 (Moffat et al. 1987), struction was merged with that from wavdetect, we performed maximum likelihood image recon- yielding 288 candidate sources on the ACIS-I ar- structions on these fields using the IDL routine ray. max liklihood.pro intheIDLAstronomyUser’sLi- We then performeda preliminaryeventextrac- brary maintained by Wayne Landsman1. These tion for these candidate sources using ACIS Ex- reconstructionsarebuiltinto PSB’sACIS Extract tract,whichincludesacalculationoftheprobabil- software2 thatperformssourceextractionandau- itythatthe eventscontainedinagivenextraction tomated spectral fitting (Broos et al. 2002). The region are due solely to Poisson variations in the user can perform maximum likelihood image re- localbackground(aquantitythatwewilllatercall construction for every extracted source if desired; P in Tables 1 and 2). Note that we did not al- the code builds an image of the source “neighbor- B lowreconstructionpeaksthatweregeneratedfrom hood” (a region ∼ 50′′ ×50′′ in size for on-axis singleisolatedX-rayeventstobeconsideredX-ray sources) and uses that source’s PSF at an energy point sources, regardless of their statistical likeli- specified by the user (1.5 keV in this case) ob- hood, due to the presence of diffuse emission in tained from the CALDB’s PSF library in the re- the region. This probability provides an objective construction. Since the true Chandra PSF varies estimate of source validity; at this stage of the substantially with off-axis angle, we chose to re- analysis, we required that each candidate source construct the neighborhoods around two sources havenomorethana1%likelihoodofbeingaback- in R136 separated by ∼ 30′′ in order to cover the groundfluctuationinordertobeconsideredvalid. entireregionsufferingfromsourceconfusionusing This resulted in a final list of 180 acceptable po- appropriate PSFs. Our goal was to supplement tential sources4, ranging in brightness from 1.3 to thecandidatelistofpointsourcesinverycrowded parts of the field, where both wavdetect and vi- 3http://hea-www.harvard.edu/RD/ds9/ sual examination fail to provide a good census of 4Note that the validity of an individual point source S of- sources. tencannotbejudgedwithoutconsiderationofthefullcat- While the R140 reconstruction did not reveal alog of sources. The validity of S depends on the local background estimate for S which must obviously exclude any new point sources in that cluster, the R136 regionsthoughttocontainotherpointsources. Thusmem- reconstruction separated the unresolved emission bersofthecatalogmustbechosenbeforetheirfinalsource in this regioninto many peaks,hinting that many validity iscalculated, and source validity estimates are an obviouswaytojudgemembershipinthecatalog. Wehave 1http://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/homepage.html not attempted to define a source identification and local backgroundestimationprocessthatresultsinacompletely 2The ACIS Extract code is available at unique solution. The initial set of 288 potential sources http://www.astro.psu.edu/xray/docs/TARA/ae users guide.html. 3 6187 net counts. Since this source validity test ing high-quality point sourcesusing ACIS Extract relies on local background estimates, extremely is stable to changesinthe tentative sourcelistand faintsourcescanbe reliablydetected inregionsof local background. Thus we retained the original very low background; such conditions exist in the 180potentialX-raypointsourcesforfurtheranal- R136 core. Given the extraordinarily high source ysis,dividedintoprimaryandtentativesourcelists density in R136, though, even the reconstructed based on P from the first extraction. Obviously, B sources may actually be source blends. users of these data should view tentative sources Local background estimates, hence PB used in withappropriatecautionbasedonthevalueofPB an absolute sense, are subject to substantial un- for each source. certainty in our sparse datasets. In 30 Dor this 2.2. Source Extraction is complicated by the extensive,highly-structured diffuse emission in the field; to get a reasonable With the caveats of the last section in mind, number (∼ 100) of background counts one must we extracted a final set of source characteristics travelfar(∼15′′ forouron-axissources)fromthe for our trimmed list of 180 sources. Positions for source, making the background estimate not as the sources derived from reconstructions were un- “local”asonemightwish. We usePB asawayto altered; positions for wavdetect sources were re- makereasonabledistinctionsbetweenourprimary computedduringthepreliminaryextractions. Iso- sourcelist (Table 1, in which we have substantial latedsourceswereassignedextractionregionscor- confidence),ourtentativesourcelist(Table2,con- responding to the 90% contours of their PSFs. taining sources still quite likely to be real), and Crowded sources were assigned extraction regions failed candidate sources. correspondingtosmaller(downto40%)PSFfrac- To test the stability of the primary sourcelist tions to ensure that virtually no photons were in- definitioncriterion(PB <0.003)tochangesinthe cluded in more than one source. Note however localbackground,wedeletedthe33sourcesinTa- thatpropertiesofcrowdedsourcesmaystillbeaf- ble2withPB >0.01(leaving30tentativesources) fectedbythePSFwingsoftheirneighbors. Source and re-extracted the remaining 147 sources, re- spectra, ARFs, and RMFs were constructed by calculatingP foreachsource. Mostofthedeleted ACIS Extract, which uses standard CIAO tools. B sources were in R136; when they were removed Spatial masking was applied to the event data from the input sourcelist, ACIS Extract treated andexposuremapinordertoeliminatemostpoint their photons as background. We wanted to test sourcelightpriortoextractionoflocalbackground whether this added background substantially al- spectra for each extracted source. Such masking tered the detection significance of the remaining and background computations necessarily involve R136 sources, as a way to test the fidelity of us- a tradeoff between the competing goals of elim- ing image reconstruction to nominate sources for inating all the light from the point sources and the ACIS Extract process. After this second ex- making the backgroundspectra as “local” as pos- traction, 32 of the 147 sources had PB > 0.003 sible. We chose a relatively sophisticated iter- and would be considered tentative; of those 32, ative approach which seeks to mask all regions 15 had PB > 0.01. A few sources with PB near where the expected surface brightness from the the cut-offvalueof0.003changedtables: fourpri- point sources is larger than one half the observed marysources(ACIS#33,94,106,and116)moved background level. An expected surface bright- to the tentative table and two tentative sources ness image is computed using the exposure map (ACIS #97 and 123) moved to the primary table. andsourcefluxestimatesfrompreliminaryextrac- AllotherprimarysourcescontinuedtohavePB < tions. A smooth background image is iteratively 0.003;thisdemonstratesthatourmethodofselect- computed by smoothing the masked event data and exposure map. The resulting mask always was extracted and then cut at the threshold of 1% likeli- covers all the source extraction regions, and ex- hoodofbeingabackgroundfluctuation. Thistrimmedlist tends beyond them for bright sources. of180potentialsourceswasthenre-extracted,resultingin different local background estimates and different source Local background spectra for each source were validity metrics PB. Thus some PB values in Table 2 are extracted from the masked event data and expo- >1%(logPB >−2). sure mapby searchingfor a circularaperturecen- 4 tered on the source that contained at least 100 ing Koji Mukai’s PIMMS5 tool. To avoid the counts and included an unmasked area at least X-rayEddingtonbiasdefinedbyWang(2004),we 4 times that of the source region. The back- consider a full-band countrate limit of 5 counts in groundspectrawerescaledappropriatelyusingthe 21870sec(thetotalforallobservationsonCCD3). masked exposure map pixels found in the back- Assuming N = 5×1021 cm−2 (a rough average H ground and source regions. Typically the scaled ofthe spectralfitsinTable3),the observedX-ray full-band background level in on-axis spectra is flux for a range of thermal plasmas with kT = <1 count. 1–3keVis F =1–2×10−15 ergss−1 cm−2. This X gives an intrinsic (absorption-corrected) source 2.3. Source Reliability and Limiting Sen- flux of F ∼ 3.4×10−15 ergs s−1 cm−2, or a X,corr sitivity limitingfull-bandluminosityof∼1×1033ergss−1 in the LMC. The observation is thus not suf- It is difficult to evaluate rigorouslythe reliabil- ficiently sensitive to detect individual low-mass ity of this sourcelist. Since this region may con- pre-main sequence stars, as their X-ray luminosi- tain diffuse emission from the surrounding super- ties rarely exceed 1×1032 ergs s−1 (Feigelson et bubbles or from R136 itself, some of the recon- al. 2005). From a ROSAT survey of early-type structedsourcesmaybespuriousormaybesource stars (Bergh¨ofer et al. 1997), this roughly limits blends. This is undoubtedly true for the X-ray our detection of individual stars on-axis to ∼O5 sourcecoincidentwiththeclustercoreR136a. We and earlier. have assessed the validity of these sources by us- ingACIS Extracttocalculatetheprobabilitythat 3. RESULTINGX-RAYPOINTSOURCES any of them is a background fluctuation, as de- scribed above. The 117 sources with less than As described above, we detect 180 pointlike a 0.3% likelihood of being a background fluctu- sources in this ACIS observation; their extrac- ation constitute our primary sourcelist (Table 1), tion regions are outlined in red (primary sources) while the 63 sources that have more than a 0.3% andpurple (tentativesources)inFigure1andthe chance of being spurious background fluctuations ACIS sequence number from Tables 1 and 2 is but otherwise appear legitimate are listed as ten- shownforsourcesoutside ofthe crowdedR136re- tative sources in Table 2. These tables are de- gion. This binned image of the ACIS-I array also scribed in detail in §3. We note that 33 of the 63 shows some of the counterparts to our Chandra tentative sources have P > 1%; those sources in B sources: greencirclesindicate2MASSsourcesand particularshouldbe treatedwithcaution. Allim- cyancirclesshowsomeoftheX-raysourcesknown ages of the ACIS data shown in this paper show from previous studies. Counterparts in the dense primary source extractionregions outlined in red, centralclusterhavebeenomittedforclarity;afull while tentative sources are outlined in purple. list of counterparts is given in Table 5, which is Given the highly structured diffuse emission described in detail below. The blue labeled coun- present in this field, a few of the sources remain- terparts are a mix of interesting sources: R103f is inginourlistmaybeknotsinthisdiffuseemission aforegroundMstar,Mk12isaBsupergiant,and rather than truly point-like sources. This is much the others are WR stars. more likely to happen far from the center of the PortegiesZwartetal.(2002)alsoanalyzedpart field, where PSFs are large. In a longer observa- ofthisChandraobservationof30Dor. Weconfirm tion,sourcescouldbefurthertestedforvalidityby their detections of X-ray sources except for their considering their spectra. ACIS Extract performs sources CX13 and CX16, which did not pass our a 2-sided Kolmogorov-Smirnovtest that could be criteria to be legitimate sources. They note that usedtomakesurethatthespectraextractedfrom theirCX1isablendoftheR136acoreandthatthe a source and its local background are not identi- source they find associated with R140 (CX10) is cal. For this dataset, however, most sources are extended. Weconfirmthesestatementsandinfact too faint to use this test. find that all nine of the sources that they identify We estimate the limiting sensitivity of the in R136 have faint neighbors that fall within the source list in the on-axis region around R136 us- 5http://xte.gsfc.nasa.gov/Tools/w3pimms.html 5 90% PSF contour of those sources. Our spectral ply to 30 Dor sources as well and give a sense of fitting is in roughagreementwith their results for thesystematicerrorsthatapplyinadditiontothe the sources that we have in common. formal position errors given in Tables 1 and 2. Since the Chandra PSF is a strong function 3.1. Source Properties of radial distance from the aimpoint, the off- Basicpropertiesofthe180pointlikesourcesare axis angle of each source is given in Column 6. giveninTable1(forthe117primarysources)and Columns 7–11 give the source photometry, listing Table2(forthe 63tentativesources). The format each source’s net counts in the full (0.5–8 keV) of these tables closely follows that of Getman et and hard (2–8 keV) spectral bands, 1σ errors on al. (2005) Tables 2 and 4; details on how certain thosenetcountsbasedonGehrels(1986,Equation columns were derived are given there. Column 1 7),the estimatednumberofbackgroundcountsin isarunningsequencenumber;Column2givesthe the source extraction region, and the fraction of formalsourcenamebasedonitsJ2000sexagesimal the PSF used to extract each source. Sources are coordinates. TheJ2000coordinatesindecimalde- extractedwithanominal90%PSFfractionunless grees are given in Columns 3 and 4. they are crowded; thus a value substantially less than 90% in Column 11 indicates that the source The formal 1σ radial positional uncertainty was crowdedand that its properties may be influ- based on source counts is given in Column 5. It enced by nearby sources. is calculated by ACIS Extract using the following steps: (1)assumetheparentdistributionoftheex- Column 12 gives the source’s photometric sig- tracted counts is the observatory PSF within the nificance,definedasthenetcountsvalue(Column source’s extraction region; (2) compute the stan- 7) divided by the erroron that value (Column 8). dard deviations of that truncated PSF along the Column13givesthe probabilitythatthesourceis skycoordinateaxes;(3)divide thosestandardde- a backgroundfluctuation ratherthan a true point viationsbythesquarerootofthenumberofcounts source. This representsourprimary testofsource extracted; (4) sum the resulting single-axis posi- validity. As describedin §2.1,this quantity differ- tional uncertainties in quadrature. The resulting entiates the main source catalog in Table 1 (117 radial positional uncertainties, converted to units sources with final PB ≤ 0.003) from the list of of arcseconds,is reported in Column 5. tentative sources in Table 2 (63 sources with final P >0.003). Positional uncertainties can also be estimated B fromtheChandraOrionUltradeepProject(COUP), Observational anomalies are noted by a set of which provides a large collection of 1400 sources flagsinColumn14. Forthisfield,theonlyanoma- associatedwith youngstarsacrossthe full ACIS-I lies noted were sources falling in the gap between field of view (e.g. Getman et al. 2005). Source theCCDchipsorontheedgesofthefield;bothef- positions for COUP are based on the same ACIS fects cause sourcesto have reduced exposure time Extract algorithms used here and the COUP ob- andedgesourceshavepoorpositionestimatesdue servations were first registered to the 2MASS as- to truncated PSFs. Column 15 is a characteriza- trometric reference frame. We examined ∼ 350 tion of each source’s likelihood of displaying vari- COUP sources with astrometric near-IR counter- abilityinthisobservation. Itisbasedonacalcula- partsandfewerthan100netcountsforACIS−star tion of the Kolmogorov-Smirnovstatistic and was positional offsets. For sources lying within 5′ of first defined in Feigelson & Lawson (2004). This the aimpointwhere the Chandra PSFis excellent, quantityisomittedforsourcesfallinginchipgaps we find average offsets of 0′′.2–0′′.3 for sources or on field edges because satellite dithering can with3<NetCts<100. Someofthisislikelydue cause such sources to have erroneously variable touncertaintiesintheIRpositionswhichareesti- lightcurves;thetestisnotperformedforveryfaint matedtobe 0′′.1–0′′.2. Forsourceslying5′–7′ off- sources. Column 16 gives the source’s “effective” axis, averageoffsets are 1′′.0 for 3<NetCts<10 exposuretime, namelythe lengthoftime thatthe and 0′′.6 for 11 < NetCts < 100. For sources source would have to be observed at the Chandra 7′–10′ off-axis, average offsets are 2′′ for 3 < aimpoint in order to collect the same number of NetCts < 20 and 0′′.8 for 21 < NetCts < 100. counts as were actually obtained in the observa- These COUP positional uncertainties should ap- tion performed. 6 Finally,anestimateofthesource’sbackground- abundance of the absorbing material to 0.4Z ⊙ corrected median energy in the full spectral band doubles the resultant N . We caution the reader H completes the table. To compute this statis- that this systematic underestimate of N due to H tic we first construct a cumulative energy dis- our assumption of solar abundances for the inter- tribution normalized to unity by integrating the vening material pertains to all of our fitting re- background-corrected spectrum and dividing by sults. net counts. We then search for the lowest and Tables 3 and 4 summarize our XSPEC fit re- highestenergiesatwhichthe cumulativedistribu- sults for those sources with photometry signifi- tion crosses 50% – these energies may be differ- cance > 2. Fits with high absorption (logN > H ent because the background-corrected cumulative 22.5) omit the soft-band luminosity L and the S energy distribution may not be monotonic (faint absorption-correctedfull-band luminosity L be- t,c sources may have channels with negative values cause these quantities cannot be determined reli- because that channel contained no source counts ably. but it did contain background counts). The aver- Fits to the fainter sources in this group should ageofthesetwoenergiesisreportedasthemedian betreatedwithappropriateskepticism. Forexam- of the background-correctedspectrum. ple,source#164inTable3(CXOUJ053909.46−690429.8) has anacceptable fit, but the soft thermalplasma 3.2. X-ray Spectroscopy combined with the large absorbing column yields Spectra,backgrounds,ARFs, andRMFs forall averylargeintrinsicluminosityestimate,suggest- point sources were constructed by ACIS Extract ingthatthis10-countsourceisthe thirdbrightest andusedforbothautomatedandinteractivespec- pointlike object in the field, bested only by the tral fitting using Keith Arnaud’s XSPEC fitting pulsar and cometary nebula source in N157B.At- package (Arnaud 1996) and our XSPEC scripts. tempts to fit the spectrum with a lowerabsorbing Only about a quarter of these sources are bright column and different spectral model (including enough to yield sufficient counts for spectral fit- a power law) were unsuccessful. The nature of ting in this short observation. Sources with pho- CXOU J053909.46−690429.8 is unknown so per- tometry significance > 2 (49 sources in total, all haps it is uniquely luminous, but additional data from the primary sourcelist in Table 1) were fit are needed to establish its X-ray properties with using CSTAT (ungrouped spectra) in XSPEC12 confidence. withasingleapecthermalplasmamodel(Smithet Monte Carlosimulations (Feigelsonet al. 2002; al.2001)withasinglesolar-abundanceabsorption Gagn´e et al. 2004) have shown that the formal component(wabs model, Morrison& McCammon errors on spectral fit parameters generated by 1983). If the thermal plasma fit was unacceptable XSPEC for low-significance (faint) sources do not because it gave non-physical parameters or failed adequatelyconveytheuncertaintyintheseparam- to convergeandthe sourcewas notspatially asso- eters. Nevertheless, such fits are useful for char- ciatedwithR136,a powerlawmodelwasusedin- acterizing the X-ray luminosities of faint sources stead,onthe assumptionthatthe sourcecouldbe eventhoughthefitparametersarenotwell-known; anX-raybinaryorabackgroundAGN.Sourcesin these fits simply spline the data and give an ac- R136wereonlyfitwiththethermalplasmamodel ceptable estimate of model normalization. We becauseweassumethatthesearenormalstars,so thuscautionthereaderthatfitparametersforlow- the thermal plasma model is more appropriate. significance sources should only be used to repro- We chose to use the simple wabs absorption duce our X-ray luminosities. model to facilitate future comparison with Galac- Table 3 gives thermal plasma model fits to the tic star-forming regions. The assumption of solar stellar sources and others for which that model abundance for the absorbing materialmay be sig- gave a satisfactory fit; it is based on Tables 6–8 nificantly in error, as most of the absorption is ofGetmanetal.(2005),whichprovidesdetailson thought to be local to the 30 Dor nebula (Norci how certain columns were derived. Columns 1–4 & O¨gelman 1995). Mignani et al. (2005) note, give the running ACIS sequence number, source as part of their spectral fitting to ACIS data of name, net full-band counts, and photometric sig- PSR J0537−6910 in N157B, that reducing the nificance from Tables 1 and 2. Columns 5–7 give 7 the spectral fit parameters and their 90% confi- temifknown,takenfromBreysacheretal.(1999), dence intervals for the absorbed thermal plasma Crowther & Dessart (1998) (hereafter CD98), or model. Missing confidence intervals mean that SIMBAD. Column 5 gives the Breysacher et al. XSPEC detected some abnormality in the error (1999) catalog number (a catalog of LMC WR calculation from at least one of the fit parame- stars). Column 6 gives the Parker (1993) cat- ters; fits without uncertainties should be treated alog number (a ground-based UBV photometric with caution. Columns 8–12 give apparent and study of30Dor). Column7 givesthe MH94cata- absorption-correctedluminositiesinvariouswave- log number (a UBV photometric study of 30 Dor bands. Column 13 completes the table with notes performedwith theHubble Space Telescope). Col- about the nature of the source or the fit. umn 8 gives the X-ray source identification from Table 4 gives power law fits to those sources Portegies Zwart et al. (2002). Columns 9 and outsideofR136forwhichathermalplasmamodel 10 give the 2MASS match coordinates in decimal gave no acceptable fit or gave a plasma tempera- degrees (J2000). Column 11 completes the table ture that was implausibly high. It has the same withmatchesfromothercatalogs,commonnames overallstructureasTable3butofcoursethespec- for well-known sources, and other notes. tral fit parameters are those relevant to the ab- AboutonethirdoftheACISsourceshavecoun- sorbed power law model and we report apparent terparts. Several of these are known very early- and absorption-corrected fluxes rather than lu- type (WR-WR orWR-O) binaries,where the pri- minosities, since the distances of many of these mary source of X-rays is probably collisions be- sources (at least the ones that are background tween the powerful stellar winds (PortegiesZwart AGN) are unknown. et al. 2002). In R136, there are at least as many individual (not known to be binary) early O stars 3.3. Counterparts withdetectableX-rayemissioninthisobservation, though, contrary to the conclusions of Portegies We searched for counterparts to our ACIS Zwart et al. (2002). This will be discussed below. sources, using SIMBAD and VizieR for sources outside R136 (off-axis angle θ > 30′′). We used a 4. THE MASSIVE CLUSTER R136 progressively larger search radius R, with R=2′′ for sources with 0′.5 < θ < 2′, R = 5′′ for The X-ray point source population of 30 Dor 2′ < θ < 5′, and R = 10′′ for θ > 5′. When is dominated by the central star cluster R136. matching ACIS sources near the field center with Figure 2 shows the environs of R136, with ACIS other catalogsof this region,counterpartsearches source extraction regions shown in red (primary started by registering the ACIS astrometric refer- sources)or purple (tentative sources)andsome of ence frame andthat ofthe catalogunder study to the 2MASS counterparts shown with large gold removesystematicoffsets. Fortheconfusedregion circles (these have been omitted in very confused close to R136, we required potential counterparts regions). Sources fromthe MH94 catalogthat are to fall within 0′′.5 of the ACIS source position in close spatialmatches to the ACIS sources (<0′′.5 order to be considered a match. separation) are indicated with small blue circles Table5listscounterpartstoACISsourcesfrom (brighter MH94 sources listed in CD98) or small several catalogs. Columns 1 and 2 give the usual cyan circles (fainter MH94 sources). MH94 cat- ACIS sequence number and source name. Col- alog numbers are given in unconfused regions; umn 3 gives the separation between the ACIS all MH94 numbers for matched sources are given source and its counterpart using a hierarchy of in Table 5. Since we expect to detect only the matched catalogs: if a match from Malumuth & early-typemembersofR136(see§2.3),onlyMH94 Heap (1994) (hereafter MH94) was available then sourcesbrighterthan16thmagnitudewereconsid- that separation is noted; if there was no MH94 eredto be possible matches to ACISsources. The matchthenthe2MASSseparationisnoted;ifnei- 2MASS catalog is confused in this region; often ther of these matches exists, the separation be- two or more ACIS and MH94 sources fall within tween the ACIS source and its match from SIM- the 2′′ 2MASS PSF. BAD or VizieR is given. Column 4 gives the One notable feature of the X-ray point source spectral type of the star or multiple stellar sys- 8 distribution seen in Figure 2 is the apparent clus- membersofR136intheMH94catalog(takenfrom tering of faint sources around the brightest X-ray CD98) that lack individual X-ray counterparts. source in the field (CXOU J053844.25−690605.9, Asevidencedbytheswarmofgreencirclesnear ACIS #132), the WR star Melnick 34 (Mk 34), R136a, in the densest part of the cluster even im- located about 10′′ east and slightly south of the age reconstructionis not sufficientto pinpoint ex- R136coreandcoincidentwithMH94source#880. actly which high-mass cluster members are X-ray NoneofthesefaintChandrasourceshasacounter- emitters above our flux limit. There is an intrigu- partin another wavebandusing our matching cri- ing ring of X-ray emission roughly 3′′ in diameter teria (although there are faint MH94 sources that to the northeast of R136a that largely condenses arespatiallycoincidentwiththesesources)sothey into pointlike emission in the reconstruction, al- could be artifacts from the reconstruction (shown though a small ridge of emission 1′′ east of R136a in Figure 3). Since this shallow ACIS observation remains and all the condensations in this ring ap- isunlikelytodetectlower-masspre-mainsequence pear more extended than other point sources in stars in R136, the X-ray companions that we see the reconstruction. It is unclear whether this is a around Mk 34 are most likely individual O stars. physical structure or a statistical aberration due IfthesesourcesareconfirmedinalongerX-rayob- tosmallnumbercountsinthese data. Ourreferee servation,their presence may indicate that Mk 34 suggests that it may be due to a dense molecular hosts a young subcluster of massive stars distinct cloud in this region. from the main R136 cluster. Spectral properties of the brighter sources in Figure 3 gives the reconstructed image of the R136 are given in Table 3. They show a wide field shownin Figure 2. From this reconstruction, range of values, with N = 1–10 × 1021 cm−2 H we identify 109 X-ray sources within a 30′′ radius and kT = 0.5–4 keV, although the small number ofthe coreofR136,comparedto37sourcesfound of counts in most of these spectra leaves their fit by a combination of wavdetect and visual inspec- parameters not well-constrained. These absorb- tion of the binned image. Figure 3 shows the red ing columns are typical of massive star-forming (primarysource)andpurple(tentativesource)ex- complexes on the edges of molecular clouds. The tractionregionsfortheseX-raysourcesalongwith plasma temperatures for some sources are consis- their ACIS sequence numbers. tent with those seen in single Galactic O stars Peaks in the reconstructionthat lack ACIS ex- (<1keV,Chlebowskietal.1989),althoughahot- traction regions did not pass our source validity ter componentis sometimespresent(Stelzer etal. criteria. Insomecases(e.g.ACIS#125,thesource 2005). OtherR136sourcesaredominatedbymuch corresponding to MH94 #815) the reconstruction hotter values more typical of colliding-wind bina- generated two peaks within the 90% PSF extrac- ries(PortegiesZwartetal.2002). Thisisexpected tionregionbutoneofthosepeaksdidnotpassour given the number of known high-mass binaries in source validity checks, so it was included in the the field (Breysacher et al. 1999). extraction region of the primary peak. A longer We also examined the average spectrum of X- observation may show two X-ray sources present ray sources in or near R136 that are individually in this region. too faint for analysis by integrating or “stacking” Figure 4 shows the inner ∼ 10′′ × 10′′ region their counts. Figure 5a shows the average spec- around R136, displayed with 0′′.25 pixels, be- trum of 101 sources (using 358 combined ACIS fore and after image reconstruction. X-ray point events)within1′off-axishavingaphotometricsig- sources are marked in both images with their red nificance<2. Thisspectrumisadequatelyfitbya or purple PSF extraction regions from ACIS Ex- singleabsorbedthermalplasmawith0.3Z abun- ⊙ tract. The brightpatch near field center coincides dances, N ∼0.2×1022 cm−2, and kT ∼2 keV. H with the dense cluster core R136a and undoubt- Thisgivesacoarseestimateoftheaveragespec- edly represents emission from many cluster stars. tral characteristics of the highest end of the X- The brightest X-ray source 4′′ to the southeast is ray luminosity function in R136. As with the theWRstarR136c. CounterpartstoACISsources brighter sources that we detect in this observa- from MH94 are shown with blue and cyan circles tion, the fainter sources should be composed of as in Figure 2; green circles show the brightest early O stars, WR stars, and colliding-wind bi- 9 naries. The spectral parameters from the stacked authors, that Mk 34 is probably binary and the spectrum are consistent with the fits to individ- source of its hard X-rays is most likely the colli- ual sources in R136 given in Table 3, as we would sion of the high-velocity winds of the binary com- expect from a similar population. ponents. The second-brightest ACIS source in R136 is 4.1. Melnick 34 and Other WN5h Stars CXOUJ053842.89−690604.9,with∼247netfull- Massey&Hunter(1998)interpretedtheWN5h band counts. It is coincident with another WN5h sourcesin R136as “O3stars in Wolf-Rayetcloth- star, R136c. It exhibits a hard spectrum similar ing,” still burning hydrogen in their cores but to Mk 34 (Figure 5c); the best-fit model is an ab- so luminous and with such prodigious mass loss sorbedapecplasmawithNH =0.400..26×1022 cm−2 that their spectra let them masquerade as WR and kT = 3.125..06 keV. The absorption-corrected stars. The brightest ACIS source in R136 is 0.5–8keVluminosityisLX,corr =9×1034ergss−1, CXOU J053844.25−690605.9 (ACIS #132), spa- almost a factor of 3 fainter than Mk 34. As with tiallycoincidentwithMk34,a130M WN5hstar Mk 34, we detect no X-ray variability. ⊙ located2.62pcfromtheR136coreandnotknown Other WN5h stars in the field are R136a1, to be binary (Massey & Hunter 1998; Crowther R136a2, and R136a3 (Crowther & Dessart 1998). & Dessart 1998). It was observed ∼ 22′′ off-axis We detect a blend of the R136a core sources in these ACIS data. No variability was detected (CXOU J053842.35−690602.8) which includes in the X-ray lightcurve. There are ∼ 950 ACIS componentsa1anda2. Thecompositespectrumis counts in the 0.5–8 keV band, or a countrate of comparativelysoft(kT =1.3keV)andfaint,with ∼ 0.14 counts per CCD frame. From the sim- just 53 net counts (LX,corr = 2×1034 ergs s−1). ulation in Townsley et al. (2002), this countrate R136a3is blended with the O3V star R136a6and should not cause substantial spectral distortion other sources yielding the composite ACIS source due to photonpile-up. The extractionregioncon- CXOU J053842.29−690603.4; this composite is tainedonly75%ofthePSFduetothepresenceof faint(22netcounts,LX,corr =0.9×1034ergss−1) several fainter sources nearby. but with a hard spectrum (kT =4 keV). The spectrum and plasma modeling of Mk 34 4.2. Other R136 Stars Seen and Not Seen derived using an XSPEC fit to grouped data are shown in Figure 5b. This fit is somewhat differ- ent than that from the automated spectral fit- The O3If/WN6-A “transition” object Mk 39 ting using ungrouped data presented in Table 3 (Breysacher et al. 1999) is detected with 66 net (source #132) but the results are consistent to counts (L = 2×1034 ergs s−1) and kT = X,corr within the errors. The model shown in Figure 5b 2 keV. The WN6h star R134 is very faint with is an absorbed apec plasma with NH =0.3400..4236× just2netcounts;duetotheX-rayEddingtonbias 1022 cm−2 and kT = 4.343..96 keV, with permitted (Wang 2004) its X-ray luminosity is poorly con- elemental abundances ranging from LMC to solar strained. According to Massey & Hunter (1998), levels. The absorption-corrected 0.5–8 keV lumi- Mk 39 and R134 could be similar to the WN5h nosity of Mk 34 is LX,corr = 2.2×1035 ergs s−1; sources. While all of these sources are visually thisagreeswellwiththeresultsofPortegiesZwart bright and have consistently large mass loss rates etal.(2002),althoughourspectralfits giveahot- (Crowther&Dessart1998),theyrangeoverafac- ter, less-absorbed thermal plasma than theirs. tor of ∼500 in intrinsic X-ray luminosity! HST observations of Mk 34 show photometric The O stars in R136 show similar behavior. variability of a few tenths of a magnitude over a We detect O3 stars across a range of luminosity period of 20 days (Massey et al. 2002). Mk 34 classes (O3I, O3III, and O3V). Cooler stars are was known to be X-ray-bright from ROSAT data also seen: several O5 stars, an O7V star, and the (Wang 1995). Portegies Zwart et al. (2002) find B supergiant Mk 12. They exhibit a wide range that its X-ray luminosity has not changed in the of X-ray luminosities; while most of these sources nine years between the original Einstein observa- are quite faint, the O3III(f) star Mk 33Sa is de- tion(Wang&Helfand1991)andthisChandraob- tected with 51 netcounts and fit with a softspec- servation. We agree with the conclusion of these 10

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